home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 152580DP.ARC 10/03/92 O GEOS 1525 dpi print driver
- 3DTIKTAK 05/16/93 | 3-D TicTacTo for GEOS.
- 64DTV26.SFX 10/01/92 O GEOS 64 Dual Top v2.6
- ANLOGCLK 1/16/93 | Analog Clock puts a clock face on screen.
- ARCANE 2/15/93 | geoFont
- BALLBAT.PRF 08/16/93 | Preference file with Ball and Bat pointer.
- BUBBLES3 32/23/93 | A simple, screen saver I wrote (my 1st
- CALCMOVE 3/14/93 | Place the GEOS calculator ANYWHERE on the
- CALNDR2 3/15/93 | Calendar 2... a different GEOS calendar.
- CHNGEBSW.ARC 05/14/93 | Allows you to change the default BSW font
- CIRCE 18/16/93 | C I R C E a GEOS game... conquer the
- CIRCUITS 6/14/93 | geoFont Many symbols for making electronic
- CLRPATTS.GEO 03/04/93 N View fill patterns in different
- CONFIG4.ARC 10/02/92 O Configure 2.1 for 64 GEOS and REU ==> 1
- CONVERT.SDA 10/02/92 O Convert downloaded files to GEOS format
- COPYEDIT 1/15/93 | Copy Editor
- CTRLTAB 1/15/93 | Control Tab changes the Cntrl./I tab combo
- DB128DMO.SFX 06/13/93 | DASHBOARD for GEOS 128. Alternate desktop
- DBGTFILE 1/16/93 | DB GetFile lets you scroll through file
- DBLCLICK 896/93 | GEOS mouse driver. Right button is auto
- DIRMST.PRG 10/02/92 O A directory manager for Geos. Supports
- DIRMSTDC.PRG 10/02/92 O docs for dirmst.prg GEOS
- DIRMSTR.GEO 09/02/92 O Directory manager for ALL drive types.
- EP8PSKIP.ARC 10/03/92 O GEOS Hi-res epson driver 2/skip blanks
- EZ-ALARM.GEO 08/27/92 Makes setting the alarm clock a breeze
- FINDFILE.SFX 09/15/92 N Another GEOS utility... find a file
- FLSHALRM.GEO 08/27/92 O Changes Alarm Clock from an audio to a
- FNCYSTRT.GEO 07/27/92 O FancyStart. It's an AutoExec for GEOS.
- FONT.GEO 05/25/93 | GEOS- Font
- FONTED22.SFX 10/03/92 O GEOS Font Editor for v2.2
- FONTSWAP 3/15/93 | DA lets you use ANY font on the disk, not
- FURN-A 05/15/93 | geoFont symbols for making room plans.
- FURN-B 05/15/93 | geoFont Furniture B, symbols for making
- GEO-AD-D.SFX 10/03/92 O GEOPAINT AD&D char sheets, spells,
- GEOBREAK 4/15/93 | geoBreak a GEOS BreakOut clone.
- GEOCANVS.GEO 08/27/92 O geoCanvas demo. A geoPaint replacement.
- GEODIARY.GEO 08/27/92 O A new GEOS auto-exec daily diary. Nice
- GEODUMP.DA 08/03/92 O GEOS DA for HI-RES screen dump. Convert
- GEOFMLY.ARC 04/29/93 | Genealogy program for GEOS
- GEOFONT1.SDA 05/26/93 | GEOS Font collection 1
- GEOFONT2.SDA 05/26/93 | GEOS Font collection 2
- GEOFONT3.SDA 05/26/93 | GEOS font collection 3
- GEOFONTS.SFX 10/03/92 O GEOS Fonts - several new user created
- GEOGAMES.SDA 05/14/93 | Demo versions of several commercially
- GEOGIF.SFX 10/02/92 O GIF => GeoPaint {CONVERT req'd}
- GEOGRAPH 6/15/93 | geoGraph makes point, line and bar graphs.
- GEOGROC.ERY 05/26/93 | GEOS Grocery
- GEOLETRS.SFX 10/03/92 O Humorous or informative GeoWrite files
- GEOLIFE.DA 08/03/92 O GEOS DA of the game LIFE
- GEOLIST 4/16/93 | geoList 2.0 prints out disk directories.
- GEOMIMIC.GEO 08/03/92 O GEOS DA of the game SIMON
- GEOMISER 2/15/93 | geoMiser shrinks geoWrite data files as
- GEONIM 3/16/93 | geoNim a GEOS game.
- GEOPACK 9/15/93 | Great GEOS app that LYNXes and/or converts
- GEOPANT1.SFX 10/03/92 O Assorted GeoPaint Drawings
- GEOPANT2.SFX 10/03/92 O Assorted GEOPAINT Drawings
- GEOPATED.GEO 09/12/92 O D.A. lets you edit GEOS fill patterns,
- GEORLE 5/16/93 | geoRLE displays RLE files in GEOS.
- GEOSCRAP.SDA 10/03/92 O Make Phote Scraps larger than screen
- GEOSHELL.SFX 05/27/93 | Demo of geoShell, a CLI (Command Line
- GEOSLOTS.GEO 08/27/92 O Color slot machine simulation (40 & 80
- GEOSTECH.ARC 04/02/93 X In Depth Technical Article
- GEOVIEWR.SDA 07/16/92 O C=64 GeoPaint Viewer
- GETGFX 4/16/93 | GetGraphics converts PrintShop GFX to
- GETGFX.GEO 03/10/92 O Converts C= Print Shop gfx to GEOS
- GOSIDPLY 7/16/93 | geoSIDPlayer plays SID music files from
- GRAFSTRM.SFX 10/03/92 O Convert everything to GEOPAINT format
- GUTRCHRD 6/14/93 | geoFont Guitar chord diagrams.
- GUTRTUNE 4/15/93 | Guitar Tuner 2.1 Tones to tune by, also
- HARDWARE.GEO 05/12/93 | GeoPaint 1541 '81 1351 lightpen joystick
- HAYWIRE 5/15/93 | geoFont
- HDREDITR 8/15/93 | Header Editor allows changing file header
- HIROGLYF 3/14/93 | geoFont An Egyptian hieroglyphic font!
- HOSTAGE 2/15/93 | geoFont... write a blackmail note!
- HULMEVW 5/14/93 | Reads standard CBM (PETASCII) and ASCII
- ICONEDIT 5/15/93 | Icon Edit v2.1 copy, edit, or create GEOS
- IMPRTRNR 13/15/93 | Import Runner converts geoPaint <-> MANY
- INFOVWR.SFX 09/11/92 O DA to view file Info Boxes.
- INKJET.ARC 04/29/93 | More INKJET printer drivers for GEOS
- INKJET2.ARC 04/29/93 | Inkjet printer drivers for GEOS
- MAC-GEO.ARC 04/02/93 X MAC to GEOS
- MAC-GEOS.SFX 04/02/93 X Convert MAC's to GEOS
- MAYFLY24 5/15/93 | geoFont
- MOUSER2 1/15/93 | GEOS utility to change any photo scrap to
- MUSICBOX 5/16/93 | MusicBox a GEOS SID chip programmer.
- NEWTOOLS 4/15/93 | NewTools is a new and different set of
- NLQ 11/15/93 | geoFont
- NOATARI.PRF 08/16/93 | Preference file with No Atari pointer.
- NOTE2ALB.SFX 10/04/92 O GEOS - archive notepad data to photo
- PHANTOM 4/14/93 | geoFont
- PICSHOW 9/15/93 | PicShow displays DOODLE and Koala GFX, &
- POKRMACH 11/14/93 | Poker Machine... play poker against the
- PRICELST 5/15/93 | geoFont
- PSTOGEOS.ARC 10/03/92 O Import Print Shop Gfx into GEOS
- PUMPKIN.PRF 08/16/93 | Preference file with a Pumpkin pointer.
- QWIKTOP.SFX 10/04/92 O GEOS - Faster samller easier DESK TOP
- RAW-GEOS 05/16/93 | RAW to GEOS converts RAW files for use
- ROACH.PRF 08/16/93 | Preference file with cockroach pointer.
- SCORPION.PRF 08/16/93 | Preference file with a Scorpion pointer.
- SCRAWL 1/15/93 | geoFont
- SCRIPT16 2/15/93 | geoFont looks like handwriting.
- SERIALNO 640/93 | Displays the serial number of your GEOS
- SHATUCK2 4/14/93 | geoFont A graphics font, 24 pt.
- SMEDSPAN.SDA 05/15/93 | geoFont A Spanish version of Smedley.
- SNKSNAKE 4/16/93 | Sneaky Snake GEOS game.
- STRYBOOK.ARC 05/14/93 | geoFont
- SWORD.PRF 08/16/93 | Preference file with sword pointer.
- TAJMAHAL 4/15/93 | geoFont with Indian flair!
- TAPECOVR.GEO 09/11/92 N GEOS program to make audio tape labels,
- TOOLKIT 10/15/93 | ToolKit for geoWrite. Change fonts,
- TRACKER1.LNX 08/27/92 O GEOS hurricane tracker/animator.
- TYPEWRTR 1/14/93 | geoFont similar to older, manual
- UNICORN.PRF 08/16/93 | Preference file with a Unicorn pointer.
- VOIVOD 4/14/93 | geoFont
- WIZARD.PRF 08/16/93 | Preference file with a Wizard pointer.
- WRNGRITE 10/15/93 | Wrong Is Write converts ASCII or PETASCII