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C01 -CATALOG.001 3k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 1
C01 VOLUME1.DOC 3k Comments on certain Volume 1 programs
C01.01 ASSIGN.ASM 8k I/O byte asign. Use with VBIOS31
C01.02 CASDSK.ASM 2k Cassette to disk transfer
C01.03 COPY.ASM 9k Copy system, data or whole diskette
C01.04 COPY.COM 8k As ASM, used to copy this disk
C01.05 COPYX.ASM 9k As copy, uses internal scratch
C01.06 DIABLO.ASM 4k Romable Hytype/Qume driver
C01.07 DISASSM1.ASM 8k Christensen disassembler DDJ Feb 77
C01.08 DISASSM2.ASM 4k Intel library disassembler
C01.09 DISKTEST.ASM 9k Search for soft and hard disk errors
C01.10 DSKCAS.ASM 2k Diskette to casette transfer
C01.11 ED3.ASM 1k Patches for 'R' bug in CP/M ED.COM
C01.12 EXAM.ASM 7k Sector viewer for VDM. See DISK1.DOC
C01.13 FILES.COM 1k Display disk directory records of files
C01.14 GETVEC.LIB 1k Routine to create BIOS primitive jump
C01.15 HYS13.ASM 4k Diablo driver for 3P+S in Z80
C01.16 HYS15.ASM 5k Diablo driver for 3P+S in 8080
C01.17 ICOPY.ASM 7k Copy a file from ISIS diskette
C01.18 IDIR.ASM 6k Lists ISIS directory to console
C01.19 LIOS.ASM 7k CP/M I/O subroutines. See PRINT
C01.20 LTG.ASM 10k Create MITS self loading cassette tape
C01.21 MAZE.ASM 6k Intel maze program
C01.22 MEMTEST.ASM 4k Intel RAM test
C01.23 PRINT.ASM 7k Mod of PRNT to permit conditional
C01.24 PRNT.ASM 5k Print files with pagination & page #
C01.25 RELOC.ASM 10k CP/M relocation program
C01.26 RTE.ASM 7k Intel Real-Time Executive
C01.27 SEDIT.ASM 4k Symbol table editor of DISASSM1
C01.28 SPACE.ASM 16k Game
C01.29 SPAT.ASM 8k Re-write of EXAM to allow writing.
C01.30 TRAIN.ASM 3k VDM graphic
C01.31 TREAD.ASM 4k Tape reader to disk transfer
C01.32 VBIOS31.ASM 17k bios for 32k of memory with VDM
C01.33 VBOOT31.ASM 3k Cold boot for VBIOS31
C01.34 XSTAT.COM 1k Similar to STAT. Reports # of files and
C02 -CATALOG.002 1k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 2
C02.01 LLLBASIC.ASM 84k LLL Basic interpreter source
C02.02 LLLBASIC.COM 38k Simple patched COM for CP/M
C02.03 LLLBASIC.DOC 2k Notes on LLL Basic
C02.04 LLLFP.ASM 61k Floating-point package for LLL Basic
C02.05 LLLMON.ASM 2K Monitor to test LLL in LLL BASIC.COM
C02.07 STARTREK.TBI 6k Tiny Basic loadable Startrek
C02.08 TINYBAS.COM 3k Wang Palo Alto TB w/disk save & load
C02.09 TINYBAS.DOC 13k Full instructions for TINYBAS
C03 -CATALOG.003 3k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 3
C03 VOLUME3A.DOC 8k Comments on some programs
C03 VOLUME3B.DOC 3k Comments on other programs
C03.01 ACE.BAS 2k Basic-E game program
C03.02 AMAZE.BAS 4k Basic-E game program
C03.03 ANIMAL.BAS 2k Basic-E game program
C03.04 BAGELS.BAS 2k Basic-E game program
C03.05 BAGELS2.BAS 6k Basic-E game program
C03.06 BIOPRINT.BAS 7k Basic-E game program
C03.07 BLKFRI.BAS 11k Basic-E game program
C03.08 BLKFRI2.BAS 10k Basic-E game program
C03.09 CANNONS.BAS 6k Basic-E game program
C03.10 CHASE.BAS 3k Basic-E game program
C03.11 CHOMP.BAS 2k Basic-E game program
C03.12 COMBINE.BAS 1k Basic-E game program
C03.13 CORE.BAS 1k Basic-E game program
C03.14 CORETEST.BAS 1k Basic-E game program
C03.15 CRAPS.BAS 4k Basic-E game program
C03.16 EUCLID.BAS 1k Basic-E game program
C03.17 FIB.BAS 1k Basic-E game program
C03.18 FIT.BAS 1k Basic-E game program
C03.19 FORMAT.BAS 4k Basic-E game program
C03.20 FORMAT.FMI 1k Instructions for FORMAT.BAS in
C03.21 HANG.BAS 5k Basic-E game program
C03.22 HELLO.BAS 5k Basic-E game program
C03.23 KENO.BAS 7k Basic-E game program
C03.24 LANDER.BAS 5k Basic-E game program
C03.25 LANES.BAS 8k Basic-E game program
C03.26 LEM.BAS 7k Basic-E game program
C03.27 LOAN.BAS 3k Basic-E game program
C03.28 LOVE.BAS 2k Basic-E graphic
C03.29 PLOT2.BAS 2k Basic-E game program
C03.30 POET.BAS 4k Basic-E game program
C03.31 README.FMI 6k Another format source with notes
C03.32 S/TREK.BAS 5k Basic-E game program
C03.33 STARS.BAS 4k Basic-E game program
C03.34 STARTREK.BAS 27k Basic-E game program
C03.35 STORY.BAS 7k Basic-E game program
C03.36 STRIKE9.BAS 4k Basic-E game program
C03.37 TREKINST 7k Instructions for STARTREK.BAS
C03.38 TTT.BAS 7k Basic-E game program
C03.39 WUMPUS.BAS 9k Basic-E game program
C04 -CATALOG.004 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 4
C04 VOLUME4.DOC 2k Comments on programs
C04.01 ACT.DOC 16k Actor manual
C04.02 ACT31.COM 11k Latest Actor interpreter
C04.03 ACT31UC.COM 11k Latest upper-case Actor interpreter
C04.04 AMAZE 2k Actor program
C04.05 AMUSE 1k Actor program
C04.07 CALENDAR.FOR 4k Fortran main and sub-programs
C04.08 FDL 6k Actor program - careful with this!
C04.09 HAIKU 2k Actor program
C04.10 IOEXAMP 3k Actor program
C04.11 L81.COM 11k ML80 module - see .DOC
C04.12 L82.COM 11k ML80 module - see .DOC
C04.13 L83.COM 5k ML80 module - see .DOC
C04.14 M81.COM 10k ML80 module - see .DOC
C04.15 MAZE.COM 20k Object of MAZE.FOR and RND.FOR
C04.16 MAZE.FOR 5k Source of MAZE.COM main
C04.17 ML.SUB 1k SUBMIT file to run ML80 source
C04.18 MLCOPY.SUB 1k SUBMIT file to xfer ML80 group via PIP
C04.19 NUMBER.MAC 2k Calendar title generator
C04.20 RND.FOR 1k Sub-program of MAZE
C04.21 WDIR.COM 1k Object of WDIR.M80 (try it!!)
C04.22 WDIR.M80 3k ML80 source for WDIR.COM
C04.23 XDIR.COM 1k Object of XDIR.M80 (try it!!)
C04.24 XDIR.M80 4k ML80 source for XDIR.COM
C04.25 Z-LCTOUC.ACT 2k Converts std Actor to ACTUC char set
C05 -CATALOG.005 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 5
C05 VOLUME5.DOC 1k Comments on programs
C05.01 21.ASC 8k Microsoft Basic program
C05.02 BAS2-0.COM 12k Basic-E compiler
C05.03 BAS2-1.COM 12k Basic-E compiler
C05.04 <deleted>
C05.05 BIO-FF.ASC 5k Microsoft Basic program
C05.06 BIORYTH.ASC 4k Microsoft Basic program
C05.07 BLKFRI2.ASC 10k Microsoft Basic program
C05.08 <deleted>
C05.09 DECISION.ASC 2k Microsoft Basic program
C05.10 <deleted>
C05.11 EDTEXT.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic program
C05.12 FORMAT.ASC 2k Microsoft Basic program
C05.13 <deleted>
C05.14 OTHELLO.BAS 16k Basic-E game program
C05.15 OTHELLO.DOC 5k instructions for OTHELLO.BAS
C05.16 RADIX.ASC 2k Microsoft Basic program
C05.17 RECOVERY.ASC 1k Microsoft Basic program
C05.18 RUN2-2.COM 12k Basic-E interpreter
C05.19 RUN2-3.COM 12k Basic-E interpreter
C05.20 RUNK2-0.COM 12k Basic-E interpreter
C05.21 SLOT.ASC 4k Microsoft Basic program
C05.22 SORT.ASC 2k Microsoft Basic program
C05.23 STARTREK.ASC 7k Microsoft Basic program
C05.24 SUPTRK3.ASC 14k Microsoft Basic program
C05.25 <deleted>
C06 -CATALOG.006 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 6
C06 EDVDM.DOC 1k ED.COM patch - change #lines in P cmd
C06 EXPLAIN.DOC 4k Comments on certain programs
C06 MAILLIST.DOC 19k Documentaion on CACHE maillist pgrms
C06.01 BLOAD.ASM 6k Tarbell tape MITS Basic CSAVE to ASCII
C06.02 CCOS1.ASM 34k CACHE casette operating system
C06.03 CKSUM.ASM 2k Checksums CP/M files
C06.04 COMPARE.ASM 5k Compares two CP/M files
C06.05 CUTTER.ASM 15k Seems to be VDM to casette program
C06.06 IDUMP.ASM 3k Interpreted file dump
C06.07 MAINT.BAS 9k Maillist module
C06.08 MODEM.ASM 13k Program to send and receive files
C06.09 <deleted>
C06.10 PREFMT.BAS 1k Maillist module
C06.11 PURGE.ASM 3k Diskette directory purge
C06.12 QUICKIE.BAS 1k Maillist module
C06.13 REPORT.BAS 8k Maillist module
C06.14 SIZE.ASM 6k Gives size of CP/M file
C06.15 SLOAD.ASM 5k Loader module of CCOS1
C06.16 SORT.ASM 7k Maillist module
C06.17 TISQ.ASM 4k Times Square (newscaster) chrs to VDM
C06.18 TLOAD.ASM 5k Tarbell loader for TSAVE'd files
C06.19 TMAP.ASM 2k Map of tape with TSAVE'd files
C06.20 TSAVE.ASM 5k CP/M file to Tarbell tape with checksum
C06.21 <deleted>
C07 -CATALOG.007 1k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 7
C07 VOLUME7.DOC 1k Comments
C07.01 PILOT 6k Loaded MDS object
C07.02 PILOT.ASM 66k PILOT source
C07.03 PILOT.LST 135k MDS assembler listing w/ xref tables
C07.04 PILOT.OBJ 6k Relocatable MDS object
C08 -CATALOG.008 4k Contents of CP/M Users Croup Volume 8
C08.01 ALLOC.COM 1k Graphic display of disk usage
C08.02 BANNER.ASM 6k Puts large letters to LST: or PUN:
C08.03 BINLOAD1.ASM 7k Read disk data from absolute sectors
C08.04 BIOSGO.LIB 2k Places dummy BIOS where needed (#1.14)
C08.05 BPNF.ASM 2k Pgrm to punch standard BPNF PROM tape
C08.06 BSPAT16B.ASM 2k Patch to permit <BS> (ctl-H) to echo
C08.07 BYTEMOV.ASM 4k Bytesaver PROM burning program
C08.08 DDTPATCH.ASM 2k Patch corrects assembler errors in DDT
C08.09 DISKDUP.ASM 9k This is another disk copying program.
C08.10 DISKIN.LIB 2k Reads single characters from disk files
C08.11 DISKTES1.ASM 7k General disktest (see C01.9)
C08.12 DIVIDE1.LIB 1k Routine to divide 2 byte by 1 byte
C08.13 DSKDIR.ASM 17k Gives # of records, extents, etc.
C08.14 FMAP.ASM 8k Reads records, clusters, makes file
C08.15 FORMAT1.ASM 4k Formatter for Tarbell controller
C08.16 GO.ASM 2k say "GO FF00" and as if by magic....
C08.17 INNUM1.LIB 2k Variable radix number input routine.
C08.18 MAC4.ASM 9k Patches: TDL Macros assembler
C08.19 MAKEFCB.LIB 3k Routine to create FCB's
C08.20 MPY8.LIB 1k Two byte by one byte multiply
C08.21 OUTNUM1.LIB 2k Output a two byte number in any radix
C08.22 PBURN.ASM 2k Bytesaver prom burner (see C08.7)
C08.23 PRINT2.ASM 10k Revision of C01.24 for Diablo
C08.24 RECSEC.LIB 1k Translate CP/M record (group-cluster)
C08.25 SYMPRT.ASM 4k Print symbol table fm Basic-E compiler
C08.26 WYLECON2.LIB 2k Routine to translate Wyle keyboard
C08.27 XREF.ASM 20k Create X-ref table from Intel assembler
C08.28 XSTAT2.ASM 6k Source of C01.34 plus guessed routines
C09 -CATALOG.009 1k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 9
C09.01 COPCON.ASC 2k G/L program
C09.02 COPRAN.ASC 2k G/L program
C09.03 GETPUT.ASC 3k G/L program
C09.04 GL1.ASC 7k G/L program
C09.05 GL2.ASC 16k G/L program
C09.06 GL3.ASC 4k G/L program
C09.07 GL4.ASC 4k G/L program
C09.08 GL5.ASC 6k G/L program
C09.09 GL6.ASC 7k G/L program
C09.10 GL7.ASC 13k G/L program
C09.11 GLMENU.ASC 3k G/L program
C09.12 SORTGL.ASC 7k G/L program
C10 -CATALOG.010 1k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 10
C10 LLLBASIC.DOC 4k Comments on programs in Volume 10
C10.02 LLLBASIC.COM 7k Total assembled package
C10.05 TEST.FIL 1k LLLBASIC test program.
C11 -CATALOG.011 1k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 11
C11 VOLUME11.DOC 2k Comments on contents
C11.01 BASIC/5.ASM 76k Processor Tech 5k Diskified Basic
C11.02 BASIC/5.COM 8k 5k Basic in 8k (sign of the times)
C11.03 BASIC/5.DOC 7k CP/M implementation explained
C11.04 STARTREK.TBI 6k Was also C02.7 see VOLUME11.DOC
C11.05 TINICOPY.SUB 1k Someone uses the SUBMIT program??
C11.06 TINIDISK.ASM 62k Source of Tinidisk
C11.07 TINIDISK.COM 3k Was also C02.8
C11.08 TINIDISK.DOC 13k Was also C02.9
C12 -CATALOG.012 1k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 12
C12.01 GOLDI.PLT 1k Source program for ZPILOT
C12.02 HIPILOT.PLT 2k Source program for ZPILOT
C12.03 PILOT.ASM 67k Patched version of C07.2
C12.05 PILOT.DOC 2k Description of CP/M implementation
C12.06 PILOT.TST 1k Source program for PILOT.
C12.07 PMON.ASM 5k CP/M interface used in PILOT.COM
C12.08 WIERD 1k WIERD.PLT re-coded for PILOT.COM
C12.09 WIERD.PLT 1k Source program for ZPILOT
C12.10 ZPILOT.COM 1k Object of ZPILOT.Z80
C12.11 ZPILOT.Z80 7k Zilog mnemonic src of PILOT interpreter
C13 -CATALOG.013 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 13
C13.01 15/PUZ.ASC 7k Microsoft Basic game
C13.02 1500.ASC 7k Microsoft Basic game
C13.03 23MATCH.BAS 2k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.04 BAGELS.BAS 3k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.05 BIORYME.ASC 4k Microsoft Basic game
C13.06 BLACKJAC.BAS 6k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.07 BULLSEYE.BAS 1k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.08 CHECKERS.BAS 6k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.09 CHIEF.BAS 2k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.10 CONVERT.BAS 2k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.11 DICE.BAS 7k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.12 KINGDOM.BAS 7k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.13 <deleted>
C13.14 NFL.BAS 15k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.15 ROCKET.BAS 4k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.16 RUSSIAN.BAS 1k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.17 SWARMS.BAS 16k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.18 SWARMS2.ASC 16k Microsoft Basic game
C13.19 TRAP.BAS 2k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.20 WUMPAS.BAS 6k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C13.21 ZOSO.2 23k Long winded review of diskette
C14 -CATALOG.014 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 14
C14.01 ARTICLE 5k Text for SECTEST below
C14.02 BCD-DRVR 6k Convert ASCII to IBM 2470
C14.03 DLDHI.ASM 5k High portion of DLOAD - See DOC
C14.04 DLOAD.ASM 5k MITS 3.2 8k Basic to CP/M w CSAVE/CLOAD
C14.05 DLOAD.DOC 4k Implementation notes for DLOAD
C14.06 DUMP.COM 3k Running version of DUMP below
C14.07 DUMP.MAC 23k Fantastic disk viewer program.
C14.08 LIST32.ASM 5k Recover ascii from internal MITS form
C14.09 MOVE.ASM 2k A PIP to xfer files without ^Z problem
C14.10 PUT.ASM 3k Load a file at any memory address
C14.11 REL1.ASM 10k Instructive version of RELOC/CPM pgrm
C14.12 REL256.COM 9k Reloc for integer k-100h system
C14.13 REL512.COM 9k Reloc for integer k-200h system
C14.14 REL768.COM 9k Reloc for integer k-300h system
C14.15 RELHOW.DOC 3k Notes for relocating CP/M Version 1.3
C14.16 SECTEST.BAS 10k Pgrm to test context comprehension
C14.17 SECTEST.DOC 1k Bob tells how to use it
C14.18 SEDY.ASM 7k Disk peeking program.
C14.19 SEDY.COM 2k Compilation, as C14.18 written for TDL
C15 -CATALOG.015 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 15
C15.01 ALLOC.ASM 2k Source of C08.01 with improvements
C15.02 BEASTIE.ASM 2k Sol VDM game from Dr. Dobbs
C15.03 CHASE.ASM 8k Sol VDM game from Dr. Dobbs
C15.04 DUMP.ASM 6k Kernl utility. See C15.07
C15.05 INIT.ASM 3k Kernl initiation routine. See C15.07
C15.06 INIT2.ASM 3k Kernl initiation routine. See C15.07
C15.07 KERNEL.ASM 57K kernel of Real-Time Interactive
C15.08 MDGCBIOS.ASM 8k BIOS written in TDL for Tarbell
C15.09 MDGSBOOT.ASM 2k Boot for C15.05
C15.10 OTHELLO.COM 25k Running object from C15.11
C15.11 OTHELLO.FOR 12k Fortran source of board game
C15.12 PRINT3.ASM 16k Revised C08.23 for command line control
C15.13 PROC1.ASM 1k Part of KERNEL (C15.07)
C15.14 PROC2.ASM 1k Part of KERNEL (C15.07)
C15.15 PROC3.ASM 2k Part of KERNEL (C15.07)
C15.16 PROC4.ASM 1k Part of KERNEL (C15.07)
C15.17 PROC5.ASM 2k Part of KERNEL (C15.07)
C15.18 PROC6.ASM 1k Part of KERNEL (C15.07)
C15.19 PROC7.ASM 2k Part of KERNEL (C15.07)
C15.20 PROC8.ASM 1k Part of KERNEL (C15.07)
C15.21 ROMP.ASM 4k Tarbell tape loader and saver
C15.22 SOLOS.ASM 46k Sol Operating System from ACCESS
C15.23 TARGET.ASM 2k Sol VDM Game by george W. Rompot
C15.24 TLOAD.ASM 6k Re-write of C06.18 - documented
C15.25 TSAVE.ASM 5k Re-write of C06.20 - documented
C16 -CATALOG.016 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 16
C16 VOLUME16.DOC 7k Comments on certain programs
C16.01 ASMX.COM 9k Assembler which recognizes Z-80 ops
C16.02 COPYDSK.ASM 12k Disk copy program. See VOLUME16.DOC
C16.03 COPYDSK.MAC 13k As C16.02 for TDL assembler
C16.04 CPMUTIL.ASM 7k CP/M subroutines useful generally
C16.05 EDIT.COM 3k Intel-like editor. Faster than ED.COM
C16.06 EDUCATOR.ASM 8k 8080 instruction set tutor from Byte
C16.07 FOCAL.ASM 57k Focal language interpreter.
C16.08 MACASM.COM 8k Macro assembler. See VOLUME16.DOC
C16.09 MOVDOWN.ASM 2k Load file operating below 100H
C16.10 SEEK.ASM 2k Set disk track from front panel
C16.11 SPAT1.ASM 9k Re-write of C01.29 to generalize console
C16.12 TASMIO.DOC 2k Patch: TDL tape assembler to CP/M
C16.15 TEST1A.ASM 3k Successful test for Z80ASM C16.17
C16.16 TEST2.ASM 1k Unsuccessful test for Z80ASM C16.17
C16.17 Z80ASM.COM 9k Zilog mnemonic assembler. Runs on 8080
C16.18 Z80DOC.DOC 4k DOC for C16.17
C16.19 Z80MAIN.ASM 28k Source for C16.17
C16.20 Z80OPCDS.ASM 4k Op codes for C16.17
C16.21 Z80SUBS.ASM 11k Subroutines for C16.17
C17 -CATALOG.017 1k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 17
C17 VOLUME17.DOC 3k Comments on certain programs
C17.01 3DTICTAC.ASM 13k Game not yet patched to CP/M
C17.02 CROROS.ASM 50k Cromemco Resident Operating System
C17.03 DENVBAS.ASM 16k Denver Tiny Basic from Dr. Dobbs
C17.04 DISASM.COM 6k Revision of Intel disassembler
C17.05 DISPLAY.ASM 6k Part of space game. See VOLUME17.DOC
C17.06 FUNCTION.ASM 6k Part of space game. See VOLUME17.DOC
C17.07 MINOL.ASM 14k Corrected version of a Tiny Basic
C17.08 NUMS.ASM 2k Part of space game. See VOLUME17.DOC
C17.09 PROCCALC.ASM 25k Pro Tech desk calculator package.
C17.10 SPACE.ASM 19k Part of space game. See VOLUME17.DOC
C17.11 Z80-OPS.ASM 7k Z-80 mnemonics recognized by ASMX C16.01
C18 -CATALOG.018 1k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 18
C18 VOLUME18.DOC 1k Comments on certain programs
C18.01 CASUAL.ASM 40k Casual language from Dr. Dobbs Dec 76
C18.02 FLTARITH.ASM 39k Section 1 of Intel 8008 math routines
C18.03 FPCONV.ASM 18k Section 2 of Intel 8008 math routines
C18.04 MATH.ASM 39k Yale math routines
C18.05 MATH.DOC 2k Comments on MATH.ASM C18.04
C18.06 MILMON80.ASM 24k Stand-alone monitor editor assembler
C18.07 PROCSELF.ASM 46k Software Package #1. No CP/M I/O yet
C19 -CATALOG.019 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 19
C19 VOLUME19.DOC 6k Comments on volume contents
C19.01 ADE.ASM 17k Absolute disk editor. See VOLUME19.DOC
C19.02 COPY.ASM 6k Disk copy program. See VOLUME19.DOC
C19.03 CPM.DOC 9k Imsai's description of CP/M
C19.04 LINK.ASM 21k Remote computer control via D C Hayes
C19.05 LINK73.ASM 17k Earlier version of C19.04 for std modem
C19.06 RM80.ASM 60k Resident PROM monitor. See VOLUME19.DOC
C19.07 RM80.DOC 8k Comments on RM80 C19.06
C19.08 SAP.ASM 4k Sorts and packs directory.
C19.09 SCOPY.ASM 8k Single drive diskette copy pgrm
C19.10 TREAD.ASM 16k RM80 tape backup utility with C19.11
C19.11 TSAVE.ASM 10k RM80 tape save utility with C19.10
C19.12 XFER.ASM 9k File copy pgrm for single disk system
C20 -CATALOG.020 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 20
C20 ZOSO.020 12k Our talented and modest reviewer ...
C20.01 BLACKJAC.BAS 8k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C20.02 CIVILW.BAS 8k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C20.03 FOOTBALL.BAS 9k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C20.04 GOLF.BAS 7k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C20.05 GUNNER.BAS 3k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C20.06 LUNAR1.BAS 7k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C20.07 PINUP.PIC 9k Picture
C20.08 PINUP1.PIC 18k Picture
C20.09 POKER.BAS 9k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C20.10 SNOOPY.PIC 4k Picture
C20.11 STARTREK.BAS 27k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C20.12 STMASTER.BAS 57k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C20.13 STMASTER.DOC 1k See ZOSO.20
C20.14 STRTRK/1.BAS 33k Basic-E/CBASIC game
C20.15 TREKINST 7k See ZOSO.20
C20.16 TWEETY.PIC 7k Picture
C21 -CATALOG.021 3k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 21
C21 ZOSO21.DOC 19k Unadulterated reviewer comments
C21 ZOSO21.TOP 20k Above for TDL text output processor
C21 TDL.HYP --- Unsolicited Testimonial
C21.01 ACYDUCY.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C21.02 APOLLO.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C21.03 BANNER.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C21.04 BIO.ASC 4k Microsoft Basic game
C21.05 BLKFRI3.ASC 10k Microsoft Basic game
C21.06 BLKJK.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic game
C21.07 CHASE.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C21.08 CHESS.ASC 12k Microsoft Basic game
C21.09 DIAMONDS.ASC 1k Microsoft Basic game
C21.10 ENTE.ASC 4k Microsoft Basic game
C21.11 ENTEP.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic game
C21.12 FURS.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic game
C21.13 HORSE.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic game
C21.14 KING.ASC 8k Microsoft Basic game
C21.15 LANDER.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C21.16 MANDALA.ASC 2k Microsoft Basic game
C21.17 MAZE.ASC 4k Microsoft Basic game
C21.18 ROCKET.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C21.19 RUSSIAN.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C21.20 SNOOPY.ASC 4k Microsoft Basic game
C21.21 STRTRK/2.ASC 21k Microsoft Basic game
C21.22 STRTRK/3.ASC 20k Microsoft Basic game
C21.23 TACOS.ASC 1k Microsoft Basic game
C21.24 TAXMAN.ASC 5k Microsoft Basic game
C21.25 TRADE.ASC 16k Microsoft Basic game
C21.26 TRAP.ASC 2k Microsoft Basic game
C21.27 W/SEARCH.ASC 4k Microsoft Basic game
C21.28 WARI.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C21.29 WUMP.ASC 7k Microsoft Basic game
C22 -CATALOG.022 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Vol 22
C22 ZOSO.022 5k Description and Application Notes
C22.01 BIGTREK.ASC 48k C22.03 trimmed for TDL disk basic
C22.02 BIGTREK.BAS 39k Compact version of C22.01 for faster load
C22.03 STARTREK.TXT 54k Starting point of BIGTREK
C22.04 STRTRK/2.ASC 21k A second appearence of program C21.21
C22.05 TREKINFO.DOC 5k Rules & features of STARTREK & BIGTREK
C22.06 TREKMOD.ASC 42k BIGTREK trimmed for Microsoft Basic
C23 -CATALOG.023 3k Contents of CP/M Users Group Vol 23
C23 VOLUME23.DOC 2k Comments on this volume
C23 STOICCPM.DOC 3k Comments on CP/M STOIC
C23.01 ASSEMBLE.DOC 13k STOIC 8080 assembler
C23.02 DICT.DOC 8k STOIC dictionary definitions
C23.03 EDIT.DOC 8k STOIC display editor doc
C23.04 FILES.DOC 9k STOIC file system doc
C23.05 FLOATPNT.DOC 5k Floating point doc
C23.06 INTRRUPT.DOC 2k Interrupt handler doc
C23.07 KERNEL.ASM 38k STOIC kernel with CP/M words in 8080
C23.08 KERNEL.DOC 24k STOIC kernel doc
C23.09 STOIC.DOC 46k STOIC concepts and structure
C23.10 STOICBAS.STC 23k Basic definitions
C23.11 STOICD/A.STC 4k Graphics for D/A hardware
C23.12 STOICEDT.STC 9k Editor
C23.13 STOICFFT.STC 3k Fast Fourier Transform
C23.14 STOICFLE.STC 8k File system
C23.15 STOICFLT.STC 11k Floating point package
C23.16 STOICINT.STC 5k 4 byte integer addition
C23.17 STOICITP.STC 3k Interrupt package
C23.18 STOICMIS.STC 3k Miscellaneous words
C23.19 STOICSIN.STC 2k Integer sine and cosine
C23.20 STOICSRT.STC 2k Sort routine
C23B.01 BOOT.ASM 7k STOIC Bootstrap in 8080 Asembler
C23B.02 BOOT.DOC 2k BOOT Doc
C23B.03 LOAD.DOC 6k Info on Loading STOIC as a Stand-alone Sys
C23B.04 STOIC.COM 13k CP/M STOIC as described in VOLUME23.DOC
C24 -CATALOG.024 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Vol 24
C24 VOLUME24.DOC 3k Comments on programs in Volume 24
C24.01 DUMP.ASM 19k Revision of C14.07
C24.02 DUMP.COM 3k Assembly of C24.01
C24.03 MAC40.LIB 3k Macro library to X-assemble 4004/4040
C24.04 MACRO.LIB 17k Extensive macro library
C24.05 OPCODE.LIB 3k Extended register operation macro lib
C24.06 RATFOR.COM 32k Translate from ratfor to Fortran
C24.07 TAPELIB.COM 5k Object of C24.09
C24.08 TAPELIB.DOC 12k Description of C24.09
C24.09 TAPELIB.MAC 37k Transfer files from disk to tape
C24.10 XDIR.ASM 11k Directory program giving 3-wide display
C24.11 XDIR.COM 2k Object of C24.10
C25 -CATALOG.025 3k Contents of CP/M Users Group Vol 25
C25 VOLUME25.DOC 1k Comments on Volume 25 contents
C25.01 88-MODEM.DOC 2k Notes on C25.02 below
C25.02 88-MODEM.ASM 32k Intelligent terminal pgrm for the IDS88
C25.03 BKSPACE.DOC 3k Backspace handling in CP/M and Basic
C25.04 FRAGMENT.DOC 4k Memory mapped video board paging info
C25.05 LETTER.ASM 5k Personalized Form letter generator
C25.09 DCHAYES.ASM 9k Program in DCHAYES modem manual
C25.10 DCHDIAG.ASM 7k Diagnostic for DCHAYES modem
C25.11 MODEM.ASM 13k Intelligent terminal program from CACHE
C25.12 MODEM.DOC 3k Documentation for C25.11
C25.13 CBIOS24.ASM 26k Bios for Tarbell disk controller
C25.14 SBOOT24.ASM 2k Boot for Tarbell disk controller
C25.15 FBIOS24.ASM 26k Bios for dual Persci disk controller
C25.16 FBOOT24.ASM 2k Boot for dual Persci disk controller
C25.17 COPY.ASM 9k Users' Group C01.03 modified for Tarbell
C25.18 FORMAT.ASM 9k Disk initialize program for Tarbell
C25.19 TARBELL.DOC 3k Notes on C25.13 through C25.18
C25.20 NOTES.VAN 3k CP/M operation & undocumented features
C25.21 CAT.ASM 5k Master Disk Catalog System program
C25.22 UCAT.ASM 8k Master Disk Catalog System program
C25.23 QCAT.ASM 5k Master Disk Catalog System program
C25.24 CATALOG.DOC 7k Documentation for Master Catalog System
C25.25 STOIC.COM 13k CP/M STOIC constructed per VOLUME23.DOC
C25.26 BOOT.ASM 7k STOIC bootstrap in 8080 assembler
C25.27 BOOT.DOC 2k Boot documentation.
C25.28 LOAD.DOC 6k Information on loading STOIC
C25.29 STATPCH.ASM 1k Device name patches for STAT
C25.30 TTYDRV.MAC 3k TTY drivers from Microsoft Fortran
C26 -CATALOG.026 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 26
C26 ZOSO26.DOC 32k Our reviewer's comments on vol 26 & 27
C26.01 BACCRRT.ASC 4k Microsoft Basic game. See ZOSO26.DOC
C26.02 BASEBALL.ASC 14k Microsoft Basic game
C26.03 BIOCAL.ASC 7k Biorhythm program. See ZOSO26.DOC.
C26.04 BIRTHDAY.ASC 6k Gives day of week for any date
C26.05 BLACKJCK.ASC 8k Microsoft Basic game. See ZOSO26.DOC
C26.06 BUDGET.ASC 10k Budget program. See ZOSO26.DOC
C26.07 CHASE.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C26.08 CHESS.ASC 12k Microsoft Basic game
C26.09 CIVILWAR.ASC 9k Microsoft Basic game
C26.10 CLIMATES.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic game
C26.11 CLOUD-9.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic game
C26.12 CRAPS.ASC 5k Microsoft Basic game
C26.13 CRAZY-8.ASC 7k Microsoft Basic game
C26.14 GALAXY.ASC 1k Microsoft Basic game
C26.15 GALAXY2.ASC 2k Microsoft Basic game
C26.16 SQUARE.ASC 8k Microsoft Basic game
C26.17 SWARMS.ASC 16k Microsoft Basic game
C26.18 WEATHER.ASC 8k Microsoft Basic game
C26.19 WORD-PLZ.ASC 5k Microsoft Basic game
C26.20 OTHELLO.FOR 12k Fortran version of Othello on vol 15.
C26.21 OTHELLO.COM 22k Executable C26.20
C26.22 CHAIN.ASC 1k Copy from console to XXX.SUB file.
C26.23 EDITM.FOR 2k Fortran IV program. Writes M80 PRN file
C27 CATALOG.027 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 27
C27 ZOSO27.DOC 32k Our reviewer's comments on vol 26 & 27
C27.01 ANTONYMS.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic game
C27.02 DISSAMBR.ASC 4k Disassembler
C27.03 DOTS.ASC 8k Microsoft Basic game
C27.04 DRAGRACE.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C27.05 FOOTBALL.ASC 8k Microsoft Basic game
C27.06 GOLF.ASC 10k Microsoft Basic game
C27.07 GREEKRTS.ASC 2k Microsoft Basic game
C27.08 HANGMN-1.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic game
C27.09 HANGMN-2.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic game
C27.10 HANGMN-3.ASC 6k Microsoft Basic game
C27.11 HIDESEEK.ASC 3k Microsoft Basic game
C27.12 IQUEEN.ASC 5k Microsoft Basic game
C27.13 MASTERMD.ASC 2k Microsoft Basic game
C27.14 MAZE.ASC 5k Microsoft Basic game
C27.15 MEMBRAIN.ASC 7k Microsoft Basic game
C27.16 NIM.ASC 2k Microsoft Basic game
C27.17 ROULETTE.ASC 7k Microsoft Basic game
C27.18 SHOP.ASC 9k Microsoft Basic game
C27.19 SNOOPY.ASC 4k Generates Snoopy picture
C27.20 STARTREK.ASC 7k Microsoft Basic game
C27.21 SYNONYMS.ASC 8k Microsoft Basic game
C27.22 BLUFF.INT 11k Microsoft Basic game
C27.23 RUN.COM 12k Run program to execute BLUFF.INT.
C27.24 MEGATREK.ASC 46k C22.01 trimmed to run in 63k system
C27.25 MEGATREK.DOC 1k Note on Megatrek
C28 -CATALOG.028 3k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 28
C28.01 DATABASE.DOC 6k Documentation for database system
C28.02 DBENTRY.BAS 6k D.B. system file load utility
C28.03 DBQUERY.BAS 7k D.B. system query and update module
C28.04 DBSETUP.BAS 7k D.B. system file initialization module
C28.05 INV. 1k File definition for inventory data base
C28.06 INV.IND 1k Sample part # index for inventory file
C28.07 MAILLIST.DOC 23k Updated Doc for CACHE mailing list
C28.08 MAINT.BAS 11k Updated maillist. Handles more fields
C28.09 REPORT.BAS 11k Improved maillist report program.
C28.10 ALGOLM.COM 14k Algolm compiler by Lt. M. Moranville
C28.11 RUNALG.COM 14k Algolm INT file interpreter
C28.12 ALGINTRO.TXT 9k Algolm introduction
C28.13 ALGSTART.TXT 3k Algolm run instructions
C28.14 COMERR.TXT 2k Algolm compile errors documentation
C28.15 RUNERR.TXT 2k Algolm run time errors documentation
C28.16 USRMAN.TXT 25k Algolm User Manual
C28.17 ARRAY.ALG 3k Algolm program
C28.18 BOOLINT.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.19 CASETEST.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.20 CASETWO.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.21 FLYTEST.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.22 GOTOTEST.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.23 HANOI.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.24 LUNAR.ALG 2k Algolm program
C28.25 PERM.ALG 2k Algolm program
C28.26 READWORD.ALG 2k Algolm program
C28.27 RWINT.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.28 SIISTR.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.29 SORT.ALG 2k Algolm program
C28.30 STRING.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.31 STRTST.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.32 BLKTEST.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.33 ONEND2.ALG 1k Algolm program
C28.34 WFILE.OUT 1k Algolm program output
C28.35 WINPUT.INP 1k Demo input file for READWORD
C28.36 RFILE.INP 1k Demo input file for RWINT
C28.37 BLK.INP 1k Demo input file
C28.38 FILE1.INP 1k Demo input file
C28.39 FILE2.INP 1k Demo input file
C28.40 ADM3.MOD 4k Mods for ADM3
C29 -CATALOG.029 3k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 29
C29 VOLUME29.DOC 3k Comments on programs on Volume 29
C29.01 TTT.ASM 25k 3-d tic tac toe game
C29.02 CHASE.ASM 9k VDM/SOL game - C15.03 with CP/M I/O
C29.03 TARGET.ASM 3k VDM/SOL game
C29.04 DEFLECT.ASM 8k VDM game
C29.05 MUSIC.ASM 8k Music program
C29.06 MUSICP.COM 2k Music program for "Sounds of Silence"
C29.07 PIRANHA.ASM 12k VDM game
C29.08 ROBIN.ASM 19k Uses Poly VTI - See VOLUME29.DOC.
C29.09 ROBOT.ASM 3k VDM game
C29.10 ALLOC.ASM 2k Disk allocation display. See Doc
C29.11 EDIT.ASM 24k Disassembly of C16.05 - See VOLUME29.DOC
C29.12 SAP.ASM 5k Sorts and packs directory. Improved
C29.13 NOTATE.ASM 3k Adds comments to ASM source.
C29.14 SYMSTACK.LIB 1k Assembler time push/pop LIB for MAC.
C29.15 NCOMPARE.LIB 2k Corrected version of D/R distribution
C29.16 SEQIO.LIB 11k Corrected version of D/R distribution
C29.17 WHENS.LIB 1k Modification of D/R version
C29.18 DOWHILES.LIB 1k Modification of D/R version
C29.19 SELECTS.LIB 2k Modification of D/R version
C29.20 IGADD.MAC 1k Subroutine callable from Fortran-80
C29.21 MON1.MAC 1k Subroutine callable from Fortran-80
C29.22 MON2.MAC 1k Subroutine callable from Fortran-80
C29.23 UNLOAD.ASM 2k Converts COM file to HEX. Use MAC.
C29.24 FPCONV.SRC 14k Basic-E Floating Point conversion pkg
C29.25 FPDATA.SRC 2k Equate tables for FPCONV
C29.26 FPINT.SRC 8k Interface Interpreter and F.P. pkg
C29.27 FPPCG.SRC 29k Interpreter
C29.28 TRAN.SRC 13k Transcendental Function package
C29.29 MOVE.ASM 5k 1 disk move program. Assemble with MAC.
C29.30 MOVENMAC.ASM 6k MOVE.ASM w/macros expanded for assembly
C29.31 TIMESQ.ASM 5k Sign generator for VDM.
C29.32 WSYSGEN.ASM 3k SYSGEN a stack of disks easily.
C29.33 VDM.DOC 1k Modified to page 16 lines instead of 24
C30 -CATALOG.030 1k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 30
C30.01 BASCOM.LIT 2k Literal equates
C30.02 BASIC.PLM 39k V1.4 Basic-E compiler modified for CP/M
C30.03 BASPAR.PLM 14k Parser module
C30.04 BASSYN.PLM 54k Symbol table and code generator module
C30.05 BASIC.COM 12k Executable compile module
C30.06 RUN.PLM 66k Run module
C30.07 RUN.COM 12k Executable run module
C30.08 BUILD.PLM 17k Invoked when RUN called
C31 -CATALOG.031 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 31
C31.01 TBASIC.TOC 2k Table of Contents
C31.02 TBASIC.1 3k Chapter 1
C31.03 TBASIC.2 2k Chapter 2
C31.04 TBASIC.3 3k Chapter 3
C31.05 TBASIC.4 3k Chapter 4
C31.06 TBASIC.5 3k Chapter 5
C31.07 TBASIC.6 3k Chapter 6
C31.08 TBASIC.7 4k Chapter 7
C31.09 TBASIC.8 3k Chapter 8
C31.10 TBASIC.9 2k Chapter 9
C31.11 TBASIC.10 3k Chapter 10
C31.12 TBASIC.11 3k Chapter 11
C31.13 TBASIC.12 2k Chapter 12
C31.14 TBASIC.13 2k Chapter 13
C31.15 TBASIC.14 2k Chapter 14
C31.16 TBASIC.15 2k Chapter 15
C31.17 TBASIC.A 3k Appendix A
C31.18 TBASIC.B1 3k Appendix B page 1
C31.19 TBASIC.B2 3k Appendix B page 2
C31.20 TBASIC.C 3k Appendix C
C31.21 TBASIC.D1 2k Appendix D page 1
C31.22 TBASIC.D2 2k Appendix D page 2
C31.23 TBASIC.E 3k Appendix E
C31.24 TBASIC.H 1k Appendix H
C31.25 TBASIC.I 3k Appendix I
C31.26 TBASIC.J 2k Appendix J
C31.27 TBASIC.K 1k Appendix K
C31.28 TBASIC.IND 3k Index
C31.29 TBASIC.AD 3k Product description
C31.30 TBASIC.CPM 3k Special instructions
C31.31 TBASIC.COM 21k Executable module
C31.32 TBASICA4.ASM 43k Source module
C31.33 TBASICA5.ASM 55k Source module
C31.34 TBASICA6.ASM 26k Source module
C32 -CATALOG.032 1k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 32
C32.01 READ.ME 1k Note from Tarbell Electronics
C32.02 RTMASM.COM 10k Multi input file assembler
C32.03 RTMASM.DOC 3k Instructions for assembling
C32.04 TBASICA1.ASM 26k Source module
C32.05 TBASICA2.ASM 47k Source module
C32.06 TBASICA3.ASM 53k Source module
C32.07 TBASICIO.ASM 19k Source module
C33 -CATALOG.033 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 33
C33.01 -SAR.DOC 8k Descriptions of the SAR programs
C33.02 ADDPOD.BAS 1k Calculates probability of detection
C33.03 BITCASP.BAS 18k RJCASP to use Summagraphics Bitpad
C33.04 CAESAR.BAS 22k Flight log keeper
C33.05 CAESAR.BQ 2k Caesar briefing questionaire
C33.06 CAESAR.DQ 2k Caesar debriefing questionaire
C33.07 CAESAR.MQ 4k Caesar mission questionaire
C33.08 CAPSERCH.BAS 4k Game to teach fundamentals of SAR
C33.09 CASPGAME.BAS 20k Demonstrator for BITCASP
C33.10 CASPPLUS.BAS 14k Expanded version of RJCASP
C33.11 DFELT.BAS 7k Re-write of N-ELT1
C33.12 ELTPOD.BAS 3k Calc electronic discovery probabilities
C33.13 N-ELT1.ASC 10k Microsoft Basic version - see C33.15
C33.14 N-ELT1.BAS 10k CBasic version - see C33.15
C33.15 N-ELT1.DOC 6k R.D.F. to localize radio beacon
C33.16 OPT.BAS 2k Tests probability of visual detection
C33.17 RJCASP.BAS 3k Allocation of search resource
C33.18 SERCHGME.BAS 9k C33.08 re-written as structured program
C33.19 VISPOD.BAS 3k Calc visual discovery probabilities
C34.01 ABSTRACT.034 1k Quick look at SAM76
C34.02 ASTRO.FNT 8k Astrological signs for graphics
C34.03# BONUS.DOC 1k Function documentation
C34.04# BOOK.DOC 1k How to order SAM76 manual
C34.05# COPY.COM 1k * Disk copy program
C34.06# CPMSETL.COM 1k Part of SAM76 setup procedure
C34.07 DEMO.SAM 3k Some interesting demo programs
C34.08 DIRFIX.SAM 1k Disk directory routines
C34.09 EXTF.ASM 19k Various routines w/clock driver
C34.10 EXTF.DOC 1k Various routines w/clock driver
C34.11# FRIEND.DOC 1k oops!! Something not on disk!
C34.12# G.SAM 2k Sets up SAM for load-and-go
C34.13 HOOH.SAM 1k Hex to octal to hex
C34.14# IDUMP.COM 1k Interpreted file dump (**)
C34.15# ILRAW.COM 13k Raw copy of SAM76.
C34.16 INFO.SAM 10k Creates following .DOC files
C34.17# INFO1.DOC 1k <<Empty>> ??
C34.18# INFO2.DOC 1k Misc. DOC
C34.19# INFO3.DOC 2k Misc. DOC
C34.20# INFO4.DOC 1k <<Empty>> ??
C34.21 INFO5.DOC 2k Misc. DOC
C34.22# KSAP.COM 1k * Sort and pack directory
C34.23 LABEL.SAM 3k Demo prog
C34.24 LOOP.SAM 1k Demo prog
C34.25 MOVE2.SAM 1k Demo prog
C34.26 MULT.SAM 1k Multiplies long decimal #'s
C34.27 NEWS.SAM 5k Random news story generator.
C34.28 P1UR.FNT 10k Used with graphics
C34.29 PLOT.ASM 15k For graphics on Poly/TRS-80
C34.30 PLOT.DOC 1k For graphics on Poly/TRS-80
C34.31 PRINT.SAM 7k Print SAM files
C34.32# READ-ME.DOC 3k One user's experiences.
C34.33# S.DOC 2k Doc on creating S.COM
C34.34 SIZE.SAM 1k Demo
C34.35 SIZLST.SAM 1k Demo
C34.36 SLED.SAM 4k Demo
C34.37# THREED.SAM 4k Demo
C34.38 UPD051.TXT 7k Doc on SAM (nonstandard text/file format)
C34.39 UPD052.TXT 7k Doc on SAM (nonstandard text/file format)
C34.40 VERIFY.SAM 1k Demo
C34.41# VOLSAM.DOC 6k Volume documentation
C34.42# X$UTIL.SAM 3k Demo
C34.43# XD.COM 4k * directory lister
C34.44# XDIR.COM 1k * directory lister
C34.45# XM.COM 1k * directory lister
C35 -CATALOG.035 4k Contents of CP/M VOL. 35
C35 ABSTRACT.035 2k Abstract of disk contents
C35.01 BEE.FAS 2k Source code; A bee & a bird cartoon
C35.02 BEE#.FEX 10k Executable bee story
C35.03 CHECKOU&.FEX 5k Executable checkout.
C35.04 CHECKOUT.FAS 4k Felix pseudo-machine diagnostic program
C35.05 CLEAR.ASM 8k Start of FELIX source code
C35.06 CREATE.ASM 1k FELIX source code
C35.07 DISPONOF.ASM 1k FELIX source code
C35.08 DISTEST.FAS 1k Demo of distance operator
C35.09 DISTest&.FEX 5k Executable Distance Test
C35.10 DISTPLUS.ASM 11k FELIX source code
C35.11 DOODLE.ASM 14k FELIX source code
C35.12 DOODLE.COM 1k Object Drawing Utility
C35.13 DSKRD.ASM 3k FELIX source code
C35.14 EXEC.COM 1k Pseudo-Machine Interpreter
C35.15 EXEC.OBJ 2k The 'actual' pseudo-machine
C35.16 EXECPLUS.ASM 9k FELIX source code
C35.17 EXECSAFE.ASM 2k FELIX source code
C35.18 FANCY#.FEX 10k C35.42 with a pretty init. background
C35.19 FASM.COM 9k Pseudo-Code Assembler
C35.20 FCBMOV.ASM 1k FELIX source code
C35.21 FCBNEW.ASM 1k FELIX source code
C35.22 FELIX.ASM 5k FELIX source code
C35.23 FELIX.COM 1k Initial Setup Routine
C35.24 FELIX.DOC 7k Some details about the system
C35.25 FELIX.OBJ 3k The 'actual' base routines
C35.26 FELIXV1.CAT 3k Author's original volume cat.
C35.27 GETF.ASM 2k FELIX source code
C35.28 GETW.ASM 2k FELIX source code
C35.29 HEXOUT.ASM 2k FELIX source code
C35.30 LOADBACK.COM 2k Utility to load backgrounds
C35.31 LOADOB.COM 2k Utility for getting objects from disk
C35.32 LOADPROG.ASM 5k Utility for getting pgrms from disk
C35.33 LOADPROG.COM 1k Object of above
C35.34 MUSTANG.FAS 2k Cowboy jumps on a horse as it rides by
C35.35 MUSTANG&.FEX 6k Executable cowboy story
C35.36 NUMBER.ASM 15k FELIX source code
C35.37 OBJECT.ASM 3k FELIX source code
C35.38 OBJNULL.ASM 1k FELIX source code
C35.39 PAINT.FAS 1k Source code for a simple painter
C35.40 PAINT.FEX 1k PAINTER for use with your own objects
C35.41 PAINT.PRN 2k PAINT.FAS listing
C35.42 PAINT&.FEX 6k Painter for use with its own objects
C35.43 PAINTER.FEX 4k Painter using 'Theta' (added A/D in)
C35.44 PAINTER&.FEX 6k Painter with Theta and its own objects
C35.45 PARM.ASM 11k FELIX source code
C35.46 PATH.ASM 3k FELIX source code
C35.47 POSIT.ASM 3k FELIX source code
C35.48 PUTF.ASM 3k FELIX source code
C35.49 PUTW.ASM 3k FELIX source code
C35.50 RESCALE.ASM 1k FELIX source code
C35.51 ROTATE.ASM 5k FELIX source code
C35.52 SAPD.COM 1k Sort and Pack Directory (not functional)
C35.53 SAVEBACK.COM 2k Utility for saving backgrounds to disk
C35.54 SAVEOB.COM 2k Utility for saving objects to disk
C35.55 SHOWSWAP.ASM 5k FELIX source code
C35.56 SINCOS.OBJ 4k A SIN-COS table + some routines
C35.57 SPIN.ASM 1k FELIX source code
C35.58 TABLE.ASM 1k FELIX source code
C35.59 TRACE.ASM 2k FELIX source code
C35.60 TRACE.COM 1k Pseudo-machine interpreter with trace
C35.61 XTRA.ASM 2k FELIX source code
C36 -CATALOG.036 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 36
C36 ABSTRACT.036 6k Abstract on some files
C36.01 COMBINE.ASM 7k Combine .ASM files & delete comments
C36.02 COMBINE.COM 1k Combine .ASM files & delete comments
C36.03 CPM-PEN.ASM 4k Convert CP/M to electric pencil files
C36.04 CPM-PEN.COM 1k Convert CP/M to electric pencil files
C36.05 FIND.ASM 8k Find ASCII string in 1 or more files
C36.06 FIND.COM 1k Find ASCII string in 1 or more files
C36.07 FIND.DOC 1k Find ASCII string in 1 or more files
C36.08 L82.COM 11k ML80 Component
C36.09 LINES.COM 1k Count lines in an ASCII file
C36.10 LINES.DOC 1k Count lines in an ASCII file
C36.11 LINKASM.COM 6k ASM.COM with feature to link files
C36.12 LINKASM.DOC 5k ASM.COM with feature to link files
C36.13 LIST.COM 1k List files with starting line number
C36.14 LIST.DOC 1k List files with starting line number
C36.15 M81.COM 10k ML80 Component
C36.16 MAC6.AZM 11k I/O drivers for TDL macro assembler
C36.17 MAC6.COM 2k I/O drivers for TDL macro assembler
C36.18 MAC6.DOC 4k I/O drivers for TDL macro assembler
C36.19 MBMBOT.ASC 8k Memory bank boot & mgmt
C36.20 MFACCESS.LIB 3k Subroutine to setup multiple files
C36.21 ML80.DOC 2k DOC on ML80 components
C36.22 ML80.REF 9k Reference material on ML80
C36.23 PEN-CPM.ASM 3k Convert Electric Pencil to CP/M file
C36.24 PEN-CPM.COM 1k Convert Electric Pencil to CP/M file
C36.25 PEN-CPM.DOC 2k Convert Electric Pencil to CP/M file
C36.26 POW.ASM 24k Source for text processor
C36.27 POWCMDS.POW 5k POW documentation
C36.28 POWTEXT.POW 2k More POW doc.
C36.29 SCRAMBLE.ASM 6k File encode/decode
C36.30 SCRAMBLE.DOC 2k Doc on above
C36.31 TED.COM 17k CP/M text editor with help features
C36.32 TED.DOC 23k CP/M text editor with help features
C36.33 TOP.AZM 10k TDL Text output processor patches
C36.34 TOP.PRN 5k TDL Text output processor patches
C36.35 TOP.TOP 3k TDL Text output processor patches
C36.36 XREF.ASM 22k Cross references .ASM files
C37 ABSTRACT.037 6k Abstract of disk contents
C37.01 AREA.BAS 3k Metric conversion in CBASIC
C37.02 AREA.INT 2k Metric conversion in CBASIC
C37.03 CHAIN.BAS 3k Menu program for arithmetic drills
C37.04 CHAIN.INT 2k Menu program for arithmetic drills
C37.05 COMMON1.TXT 1k Part of arith. drill progs.
C37.06 COMPILE.SUB 1k Compiles arith. drill progs
C37.07 CPUPARTS.BAS 3k Data table for MANPARTS
C37.08 CRAPS.BAS 41k Very complete program
C37.09 CRAPS.DOC 1k Very complete program
C37.10 CRAPS.INT 19k Very complete program
C37.11 DEC1.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.12 DEC1.INT 2k Arithmetic drill
C37.13 DEC2.BAS 2k Arithmetic drill
C37.14 DEC2.INT 2k Arithmetic drill
C37.15 DEC3.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.16 DEC3.INT 2k Arithmetic drill
C37.17 DEC4.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.18 DEC4.INT 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.19 DEC5.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.20 DEC5.INT 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.21 DEC6.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.22 DEC6.INT 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.23 DECIMAL.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.24 DECIMAL.INT 2k Arithmetic drill
C37.25 DISK.PRN 2k More doc on CRAPS
C37.26 DISTANCE.BAS 3k Metric conversions drill
C37.27 DISTANCE.INT 3k Metric conversions drill
C37.28 FORMULA.BAS 5k Drill formulas, volume, etc
C37.29 FORMULA.INT 4k Drill formulas, volume, etc.
C37.30 FRAC1.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.31 FRAC1.INT 2k Arithmetic drill
C37.32 FRAC2.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.33 FRAC2.INT 2k Arithmetic drill
C37.34 FRAC3.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.35 FRAC3.INT 2k Arithmetic drill
C37.37 FRAC4.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.37 FRAC4.INT 2k Arithmetic drill
C37.38 FRACTION.BAS 4k Arithmetic drill
C37.39 FRACTION.INT 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.40 GRADE.BAS 1k Arith drill grading program
C37.41 HEADER.BAS 1k %Include for drill progs.
C37.42 INTEGER.BAS 4k Arithmetic drill
C37.43 INTEGER.INT 3k Arithmetic drill
C37.44 JRNL.BAS 13k Accounting program
C37.45 JRNL.INT 9k Accounting program
C37.46 MANPARTS.BAS 1k Manufactured parts program
C37.47 NEWFRAC2.BAS 3k Arithmetic Drill program
C37.48 PARTS.BAS 1k Parts list generator
C37.49 PASSWORD.BAS 2k Change BASIC keywords
C37.50 PERCENT.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill program
C37.51 PERCENT.INT 2k Arithmetic drill program
C37.52 VOLUME.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill program
C37.53 VOLUME.INT 2k Arithmetic drill program
C37.54 WEIGHT.BAS 3k Arithmetic drill program
C37.55 WEIGHT.INT 2k Arithmetic drill program
C37.56 WHOLE.BAS 3k A
C38 ABSTRACT.038 5k Abstracts on some of the files.
C38.01 VBOOT.ASM 5k Tarbell Boot for full sized system
C38.02 BVIOS.ASM 28k Compact BIOS for Tarbell system
C38.03 DFOCO.ASM 56k Tarbell DD format and copy
C38.06 DMSPATCH.ASM 1k FAST for Digital Micro Sytems drives
C38.07 DSCUSPAT.ASM 1k FAST patch for Discus
C38.11 FMAN.PRN 18k FAST operations manual
C38.12 MACRO.LIB 18k Used by DF
C38.18 RELCPM.SUB 1k SUBMIT file for relocations
C38.19 RELED.SUB 1k SUBMIT file for relocations
C38.20 RELHDR.ASM 2k Handler for REL.UTL
C38.21 RSPEED.ASM 3k Determine how fast your disk reads
C38.27 UTL.LIB 3k Macro library for reloc.
C39 -CATALOG.039 4k Contents OF CP/M Users Group Volume 39
C39 ABSTRACT.039 3k Abstracts on some of the files
C39.01 2PRTFJSB.MUS 2k Source music score, BACH
C39.02 2PRTFJSB.NOT 4k "Compiled" score
C39.03 AIR.MUS 4k Source music score
C39.10 BOUREE.MUS 2k Source music score
C39.11 BREEZ.MUS 1k Source music score
C39.12 CALIOPE.MUS 2k Source music (Super!)
C39.13 CHOPS.MUS 1k Source music score
C39.14 CHORALE.MUS 3k So
C39.20 LAWRENCE.MUS 2k Source music score (Arabia)
C39.21 LVBMIN.MUS 3k Source music score
C39.22 LVBMIN.NOT 7k Compiled score
C39.23 MAPLE.MUS 2k Source music score
C39.24 MARINE.MUS 1k Source music score
C39.25 MINWALZ.MUS 3k Source music (L-uuuv it)
C39.26 MRIVER.MUS 1k Source music score
C39.27 MUSI
C39.30 MUSIC4.COM 2k COM of above
C39.31 MUSIC4.DOC 2k Doc on MUSIC4
C39.33 MUSPAT.HEX 7k HEX patch file
C39.34 MYLIFE.MUS 2k Source music score
C39.35 NOTES.BAS 3k Tune constructing program
C39.36 NOTES.INT 2k Tune constructing program
C39.37 PIC.MUS
C39.41 REMOV".ASM 3k Remove (") from a file
C39.42 REMOV".COM 1k Remove (") from a file
C39.43 ROLLING.MUS 1k Source music score
C39.44 SARABAND.MUS 2k Source music score
C39.45 SMALL.MUS 2k Source music score
C39.46 SPREAD.MUS 3k Source music (Interesting)
C39.47 STARWARS.MUS 2k Source music score
C39.48 TINSOLD.MUS 2k Source music (a start...)
C39.49 WALK.MUS 2k Source music (Terriffikk)
C39.50 WAVES.MUS 1k Source music score
C39.51 WHATI.MUS 3k Source music score
C39.52 WIERD.MUS 3k Source music score
C39.53 YANKEE.MUS 2k Source music score (good!)
C40 -CATALOG.040 2k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 40
C40 ABSTRACT.040 8k Abstract on some of the files
C40.01 /.COM 1k Quickie submit; Example:
C40.03 ALLOC.COM 1k Prints bit map of disk usage
C40.04 ALLOC.DOC 1k Prints bit map of disk usage
C40.05 BOOTER.ASM 37k Pascal boot for Tarbell & Delta
C40.06 CAT.COM 1k Part of master cataloging sys.
C40.07 CAT2.COM 1k Part of master cataloging sys.
C40.08 CATALOG.DOC 5k Doc on master cataloging system
C40.09 CK-FIX.COM 1k File checksum program
C40.10 CK-FIX.DOC 1k File checksum program
C40.11 COMPARE.ASM 4k See if two files match exactly
C40.12 COMPARE.COM 2k See if two files match exactly
C40.13 CV.ASM 8k Split screen VDM 2 file compare <MAC>
C40.14 CV.COM 1k Split screen VDM 2 file compare
C40.15 CV.DOC 1k Split screen VDM 2 file compare
C40.16 D.COM 1k Shows file differences between sessions
C40.17 D.DOC 1k Shows file differences between sessions
C40.18 DI.ASM 14k Directory listing program
C40.19 DI.COM 2k Directory listing program
C40.20 DU.ASM 26k Disk utility: scan, patch, etc
C40.21 DU.COM 4k Disk utility: scan, patch, etc
C40.22 DU.DOC 1k Disk utility: scan, patch, etc
C40.23 EJECT.ASM 1k "EJECT n" pages on CPM list dev
C40.24 FMAP.COM 1k File map - standalone & part of catalog sys
C40.25 FMAP.DOC 1k File map - standalone & part of catalog sys
C40.26 HEXDUMP.ASM 9k Binary to Hex (Requires TDL Asm)
C40.27 MAST.CAT 1k Sample master catalog
C40.28 MODEM4.ASM 40k File xfer, PMMI/Hayes,serial
C40.29 MODEM4.DOC 7k File xfer, PMMI/Hayes/serial
C40.30 NSBOOT.ASM 3k Boot for National Semi 8221
C40.31 NSCBIOS.ASM 12k CBIOS for National Semi 8221
C40.32 PBOOT.ASM 3k Pascal boot loader for Tarbell
C40.33 PGEN.ASM 5k Boot mods for 512 long sectors
C40.34 PMMIBYE3.ASM 17k Dial in remote console prog
C40.35 SPASCAL.DOC 7k Sam Singer's PASCAL mods
C40.36 UCAT.COM 2k Update catalog program
C40.37 VDMSAVE.ASM 3k Write VDM lines to a file
C41 -CATALOG.041 2k Contents of CP/M Volume 41
C41 ABSTRACT.041 7k Abstracts on some files
C41.01 BMAINT.BAS 12k Ham maillist maint. BASIC/E
C41.02 BREPORT.BAS 12k Ham Maillist report
C41.03 CHESS.COM 26k Cromemco Z-80 Fortran Chess
C41.04 CHESS.DOC 2k Doc on Chess program
C41.05 CHESS.FOR 24k Source in FORTRAN
C41.06 CODE.BAS 2k Simple Morse code receiver
C41.08 LABELS.BAS 2k Print return labels
C41.09 MOONLOC.DOC 6k Doc for Ham Radio Moon location pgrms
C41.10 MOONLOC1.BAS 3k Moon Bounce program - Ham radio
C41.11 MOONLOC2.BAS 3k Moon Bounce program - Ham radio
C41.12 MOONLOC3.BAS 7k Moon Bounce program - Ham radio
C41.13 MOONLOC5.BAS 5k Moon Bounce program - Ham radio
C41.14 MORSE.ASM 8k Morse send/receive program - Ham radio
C41.15 PONG.ASM 7k (3) PONG for the VDM (re-release C06.09)
C41.16 PRACTICE.ASM 8k Morse code teacher - Ham radio
C41.17 RANDTEX.BAS 2k Generate text for C41.16 - Ham radio
C41.18 RESIZE.DOC 2k Part of ham radio maillist system
C41.19 RESIZE2.BAS 5k Part of ham radio maillist system
C41.20 RESIZE3.BAS 5k Part of ham radio maillist system
C41.21 RTTY.ASM 26k RTTY send/receive program - Ham radio
C41.22 SSPLIB.FOR 12k Curve fit/simultaneous equation solver
C41.23 TEACH.ASM 10k Morse Code teaching program - Ham radio
C41.24 TTY.ASM 9k Baudot-coded ASCII to ASCII - Ham radio
C41.25 TTYR.ASM 5k Variation of C41.24 - Ham radio
C41.26 TTYR1.ASM 5k Variation of C41.24 - Ham radio
C41.27 TTYX.ASM 5k Xmit ASCII via conversion - Ham radio
C42 -CATALOG.042 2k Contents of CP/M Volume 42
C42 ABSTRACT.042 6k Abstracts on some of the files
C42.01 BIDI.ASM 9k Bidirectional Diablo driver
C42.02 CLKROM.ASM 3k Compu-time (R) routines
C42.03 CT82.COM 1k SWTPC CT82 initializer
C42.04 CT82.Z80 6k TDL Z-80 source for SWTPC CT82 init
C42.05 DIS.ASM 44k TDL Z-80 Disassembler
C42.06 DIS.DOC 5k Doc for TDL Z-80 disassembler
C42.07 HOW2BS.DOC 3k Put backspace into your BIOS
C42.08 INIT.TEL 2k ZTEL-CT82 routines
C42.09 LIFE8.ASM 17k LIFE for VDM
C42.10 LIFE8.COM 3k LIFE for VDM
C42.11 LIFE8.DOC 2k LIFE for VDM
C42.12 MNEMONIC.ASM 27k Memory test(see MNEMONIC in dictionary)
C42.14 PTSRCNVT.ASM 4k Proc Tech ALS-8 to CP/M file convert
C42.15 PTSRCNVT.COM 2k Proc Tech ALS-8 to CP/M file convert
C42.16 PTSRCNVT.DOC 2k Proc Tech ALS-8 to CP/M file convert
C42.17 QUOTES.PRN 13k Words of wit and wisdom
C42.18 RESOURCE.COM 6k Conversational disassembler
C42.19 RESOURCE.DOC 26k Doc on conversational disassembler
C42.20 START.ASM 5k Compucolor 8001 initializer
C42.21 START.COM 1k Compucolor 8001 initializer
C42.22 T.ASM 2k Print time on your console
C42.23 T.COM 1k Print time on your console
C42.24 TIME.ASM 3k Compu-time (R) routine
C42.25 TIME.BAS 2k Time display in MBASIC
C42.26 TIMESET.BAS 5k Time set/read in MBASIC
C42.27 XT.ASM 25k List to printer with time/date stamp
C42.28 XT.COM 2k List to printer with time/date stamp
C42.29 XYZZY.COM 1k [Type it and see]
C43.01 A/P-INFO.BAS 1k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.02 A/P000.BAS 1k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.03 A/P010.BAS 13k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.04 A/P02A.BAS 4k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.05 A/P02B.BAS 6k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.06 A/P030.BAS 12k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.07 A/P040.BAS 11k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.08 A/P050.BAS 6k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.09 A/P060.BAS 7k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.10 A/P070.BAS 11k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.11 A/P080.BAS 2k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.12 A/P090.BAS 11k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.13 A/P110.BAS 5k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.14 A/P120.BAS 10k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.15 A/R-INFO.BAS 2k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.16 A/R-INV.BAS 1k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.17 A/R010.BAS 12k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.18 A/R020.BAS 5k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.19 A/R03A.BAS 4k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.20 A/R03B.BAS 12k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.21 A/R040.BAS 9k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.22 A/R050.BAS 11k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.23 A/R060.BAS 2k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.24 A/R070.BAS 9k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.25 A/R080.BAS 5k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.26 A/RTAX.BAS 2k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.27 ABSTRACT.043 1k Abstracts of A/P-A/R Programs.
C43.28 BINSEARC.BAS 1k Part of A/P-A/R Package.
C43.29 CRTFM.BAS 10k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.30 CURSOR.BAS 2k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.31 FILEINIT.BAS 2k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.32 G/L-INFO.BAS 1k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.33 GENINFO.BAS 2k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.34 READCUST.BAS 1k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.35 READINV.BAS 1k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.36 READVEND.BAS 1k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.37 SUBS1.BAS 5k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.38 WRITCUST.BAS 1k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.39 WRITEINV.BAS 2k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C43.40 WRITEVND.BAS 1k Osborne A/P-A/R Accounting
C44.01 ABSTRACT.044 3k Comments on contents of volume
C44.02 ACCTFILE.BAS 2k Part of Osborne General Ledger
C44.03 ANNTOT1.BAS 5k Part of Cunningham Ledger
C44.04 ANNTOT1.INT 3k Part of Cunningham Ledger
C44.05 BINSERCH.BAS 1k Part of Osborne General Ledger
C44.06 BUDGET1.BAS 12k Part of Cunningham Budget
C44.07 BUDGET1.DOC 2k Part of Cunningham Budget
C44.08 BUDGET1.INT 6k Part of Cunningham Budget
C44.09 BUDGETCH.BAS 5k Part of Cunningham Budget
C44.10 BUDGETCH.INT 2k Part of Cunningham Budget
C44.11 CBAS.SUB 1k SUBMIT for compiling Osborne programs
C44.12 CRTFM.BAS 10k CRT File Maintenance Utility for G/L
C44.13 CRTFM.INT 4k CRT File maint Utility for G/L
C44.14 CURSOR.BAS 2k Part of Osborne General Ledger
C44.15 EXP1980.TOT 2k Data file from Cunningham Budget
C44.16 EXPENS80.JAN 1k Data file from Cunningham Budget
C44.17 FILEINIT.BAS 1k Utility for Osborne General Ledger
C44.18 FILEINIT.INT 1k Utility for Osborne G/L
C44.19 G/L.DOC 2k Comments on Osborne General Ledger
C44.20 G/L-INFO.BAS 2k Part of Osborne General Ledger
C44.21 G/L000.BAS 1k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.22 G/L000.INT 2k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.23 G/L010.BAS 6k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.24 G/L010.INT 4k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.25 G/L020.BAS 6k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.26 G/L020.INT 2k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.27 G/L030.BAS 6k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.28 G/L030.INT 5k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.29 G/L040.BAS 9k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.30 G/L040.INT 6k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.31 G/L050.BAS 12k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.32 G/L050.INT 6k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.33 G/L070.BAS 5k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.34 G/L070.INT 4k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.35 G/L080.BAS 8k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.36 G/L080.INT 5k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.37 GENINFO.BAS 1k Osborne G/L Accounting
C44.38 LEDGER1.BAS 7k Cunningham Ledger
C44.39 LEDGER1.DOC 2k Cunningham Ledger
C44.40 LEDGER1.INT 3k Cunningham Ledger
C44.41 POSTFILE.BAS 2k Part of Osborne General Ledger
C44.42 ROBO.BAS 3k Cunningham Math Game
C44.43 ROBO.DOC 1k Cunningham Math game
C44.44 ROBO.INT 2k Cunningham Math game
C44.45 SUBS1.BAS 5k Part of Osborne General Ledger
C44.46 TCGWOZ.TXT 0k Collected Great Works of Zoso
C45.02 ABSTRACT.045 2k Abstract of CP/M Vol. 45
C45.03 P/R.SUB 1k SUBMIT file for CBAS2 Payroll package
C45.04 P/R000.BAS 2k Menu Program for P/R
C45.05 P/R010.BAS 5k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.06 P/R020.BAS 13k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.07 P/R030.BAS 3k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.08 P/R040.BAS 2k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.09 P/R050.BAS 10k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.10 P/R06A.BAS 4k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.11 P/R06B.BAS 8k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.12 P/R070.BAS 4k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.13 P/R080.BAS 2k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.14 P/R090.BAS 8k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.15 P/R100.BAS 9k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.16 P/R110.BAS 8k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.17 P/R120.BAS 3k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.18 P/R130.BAS 4k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.19 P/R140.BAS 6k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.20 P/R150.BAS 3k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.21 P/R160.BAS 2k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.22 P/R170.BAS 3k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.23 P/R180.BAS 8k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.24 P/R190.BAS 4k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.25 P/R200.BAS 7k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.26 P/R210.BAS 9k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.27 P/R220.BAS 6k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.28 P/R230.BAS 5k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.29 P/R240.BAS 9k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.30 P/R250.BAS 3k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.31 P/R260.BAS 3k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.32 P/R270.BAS 6k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.33 P/R280.BAS 15k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.34 P/R290.BAS 4k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.35 P/R291.BAS 10k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.36 P/R300.BAS 11k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.37 P/R310.BAS 5k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.38 P/R320.BAS 3k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.39 P/R321.BAS 7k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.40 P/R330.BAS 6k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C45.41 P/R340.BAS 3k Osborne Payroll Accounting
C46.01 ABSTRACT.046 11k Volume abstracts
C46.02 CPM-FDOS.ASM 11k CPM to ICOM FDOS II transfer
C46.03 CPMLABEL.BAS 17k Make CPMUG disk labels
C46.04 <<deleted>> 18k (Was MBASIC compile of CPMLABEL.BAS)
C46.05 CPMLABEL.DOC 5k Make CPMUG disk labels
C46.06 CRCK3.ASM 8k Full 16 bit CRC of a file
C46.07 CRCK3.COM 1k Full 16 bit CRC of a file
C46.08 DU-8/12.ASM 16k Disk dump/patch, for many controllers
C46.09 DU-V61.ASM 29k Later version of C40.20 (1D only)
C46.10 DU/MAP.DOC 2k Doc. on CP/M directory format
C46.11 FDOS-CPM.ASM 6k ICOM FDOS II to CP/M transfer
C46.12 MDIR8/17.ASM 10k Fancy directory list program,
C46.13 MDIR8/17.COM 1k CP/M 1.4 (or 2.X, all users)
C46.14 MLIST3.ASM 6k Type multiple files with disk buffering
C46.15 PLINK823.ASM 20k Send/Rcv to memory via modem
C46.16 PMMIBYE5.ASM 22k Remote console program (C40.34)
C46.17 PMMIBYE5.DOC 3k Remote console program (C40.34)
C46.18 PTSRCNVT.COM 2k Convert Proc Tech to CP/M ASM
C46.19 PTSRCNVT.DOC 2k Convert Proc Tech to CP/M ASM
C46.20 RETDL.COM 7k Disassembler to TDL mnemonics
C46.21 SURVEY3.ASM 13k Maps system memory/port usage
C46.22 SURVEY3.COM 1k Maps system memory/port usage
C46.23 XD-7/4.ASM 20k Fancy directory list program
C46.24 XD-7/4.COM 2k Fancy directory list program
C47.01 ABSTRACT.047 7k Abstracts and reviews.
C47.02 BMAP7/11.ASM 10k Bit Map program.
C47.03 COPYFAST.ASM 22k Revision of Tarbell's COPY.ASM
C47.04 COPYFAST.COM 2k Revision of Tarbell's COPY.ASM
C47.05 CYBER.ASM 18k Bob Van Valzah's Modem program
C47.06 DIAL6/23.ASM 22k Modem program with autodial for PMMI
C47.07 DIAL6/23.DOC 2k Modem program with autodial for PMMI
C47.08 DIRS9/8.ASM 8k Sorted directory program.
C47.09 FLIP3.ASM 3k Flips Answer/Originate mode w/BYE.COM
C47.10 MODEM.LIB 14k Maclib library for MODEM7.
C47.11 MODEM7.ASM 43k Ward's "universal" modem pgrm
C47.12 MODEM7.COM 8k Ward's "universal" modem pgrm
C47.13 MODEM7.DOC 16k Ward's "universal" modem pgrm
C47.14 MODEM7.SET 3k Instructions for patching COM file
C47.15 PROM.ASM 13k Promburner program for the SSM PB1.
C47.16 UCOPY.ASM 7k Bob Van Valzah's version of COPY
C48 -CATALOG.048 2k Catalog of CPMUG Volume 048
C48 ABSTRACT.048 6k Abstracts of the programs
C48.01 BDS-C.DOC 17k BDS-C users manual (*)
C48.02 BDSCIO.H 7k The standard library
C48.03 BUGS.C 8k Makes things crawl on your screen <H>
C48.04 BUGS.COM 11k Makes things crawl on your screen <H>
C48.05 HLIFE.C 9k H19/H89 version of LIFE.C, C48.09
C48.06 HLIFE.COM 8k H19/H89 version of LIFE.C, C48.09
C48.07 HSTONE.C 13k "Awari" game program - <H>
C48.08 HSTONE.COM 12k "Awari" game program - <H>
C48.09 LIFE.C 9k Good implementation of Conway's LIFE
C48.10 LIFE.COM 8k Good implementation of Conway's LIFE
C48.11 MM.C 5k Mastermind interesting guessing game
C48.12 MM.COM 7k Mastermind interesting guessing game
C48.13 OTHELLO.C 11k Game program
C48.14 OTHELLO.COM 12k Game program
C48.15 PPONG.C 7k "Polish Pong" bounce the ball <H>
C48.16 PPONG.COM 7k "Polish Pong" bounce the ball <H>
C48.17 PRESSUP.C 8k Game program
C48.18 PRESSUP.COM 8k Game program
C48.19 R2.MAP 1k Map for rally game <H>
C48.20 RALLY.C 10k Road rally arcade game <H>
C48.21 RALLY.COM 10k Object of C48.20 but hard-coded I/O needed
C48.22 RALLY.MAP 2k Another map for C48.21 <H>
C48.23 STONE.C 10k "Awari" game with computer opponent
C48.24 STONE.COM 9k "Awari" game with computer opponent
C48.25 TABIFY.C 2k Turn multiple spaces into CP/M tabs
C48.26 TABIFY.COM 6k Turn miltiple spaces into CP/M tabs
C48.27 TTT.C 7k Tic-Tac-Toe that tests for best move
C48.28 TTT.COM 6k Tic-Tac-Toe that tests for best move
C48.29 VOLUME48.DOC 3k Leor's own comments
C49.01 4FDCBIOS.DOC 4k Run CP/M 2.0+ on CDOS system
C49.02 4FDCBIOS.HEX 2k Run CP/M 2.0+ on CDOS system
C49.03 4FDCBIOS.Z80 13k Run CP/M 2.0+ on CDOS system
C49.04 4FDCBOOT.HEX 1k Run CP/M 2.0+ on CDOS system
C49.05 4FDCBOOT.Z80 2k Run CP/M 2.0+ on CDOS system
C49.06 ABSTRACT.049 11k Abstracts of the files on this disk
C49.07 ASMDEF.RAT 1k Used by LCAT, part of RATFOR
C49.08 ASTRO.FOR 6k FORTRAN Astronomy program
C49.09 CDOS.DOC 10k Comments on CDOS features
C49.10 CDOSCOPY.COM 2k Disk copy pgrm for CDOS systems
C49.11 CDOSCOPY.DOC 2k Disk copy pgrm for CDOS systems
C49.12 CDOSCOPY.HEX 4k Disk copy pgrm for CDOS systems
C49.13 CDOSCOPY.PRN 26k Disk copy pgrm for CDOS systems
C49.14 CDOSCOPY.Z80 12k Disk copy pgrm for CDOS systems
C49.15 CONSTS.RAT 1k Definitions of RATFOR constants
C49.16 F77.DOC 1k FORTRAN 77 Documentation
C49.17 F77DEF.RAT 1k FORTRAN 77 Functions
C49.18 F77LIB.FOR 2k Definitions of intrinsic FORTRAN 77
C49.19 FILTER.Z80 3k Emulate CDOS under standard CP/M
C49.20 FILTER.HEX 1k Emulate CDOS under standard CP/M
C49.21 FILTER2.Z80 6k Modified version of FILTER C49.19
C49.22 FILTER2.HEX 1k Modified version of FILTER C49.19
C49.23 INDEX.Z80 2k RATFOR Subroutine
C49.24 INDEXT.FOR 1k Test for INDEX.Z80
C49.25 IOER.Z80 1k Used by LCAT (RATFOR)
C49.26 LCAT.DOC 1k Concatenate Microsoft .REL files
C49.27 LCAT.RAT 3k Concatenate Microsoft .REL files
C49.28 MINV.DOC 2k Matrix Inversion Determinant Calculator
C49.29 MINV.FOR 3k Calculator, FORTRAN source code
C49.30 MINV.RAT 3k Calculator, RATFOR source code
C49.32 RATFOR.DOC 3k Documentation of RATFOR
C49.33 RATFOR.FOR 40k FORTRAN source code for RATFOR
C49.34 RATFOR.RAT 25k RATFOR source code for RATFOR
C49.35 RATFOR.REL 17k Microsoft REL file w/o library routines
C49.36 READLB.Z80 1k Subroutine for SCOPY (RATFOR)
C49.37 RFG.CMD 1k CDOS equivelent of a submit file (^=$)
C49.38 SCOPY.DOC 1k Direct Disk I/O (RATFOR)
C49.39 SCOPY.FOR 2k Direct Disk I/O FORTRAN source code
C49.40 SORTI.DOC 1k Quicksort program (RATFOR)
C49.41 SORTI.FOR 2k Quicksort FORTRAN Source code
C49.42 SORTI.RAT 3k Quicksort RATFOR Source code
C49.43 TRNSLT.Z80 1k Used by RATFOR
C50 -CATALOG.050 3k Contents of CPMUG Volume 50
C50 ABSTRACT.050 4k Abstracts of files
C50.01 COMPARE.COM 2k File compare utility C40.12
C50.02 CPMDIR.C 2k V7 UNIX C pgrm to print CP/M directory
C50.03 DISK.DOC 3k Original Vol 50 doc file
C50.04 EQ.PAS 2k Prints "eight queens problem" solutions
C50.05 FROMCPM.C 5k V7 UNIX C program to read a CP/M file
C50.06 FWD.PAS 1k Illustrates fwd procedure declarations
C50.07 HW5.PAS 15k Builds an optimal binary search tree
C50.08 HW5DATA 1k Sample data for HW5.PAS
C50.09 PASYNTAX.DOC 6k Syntax graphs for Pascal compiler
C50.10 PC.SUB 1k Submit file to compile a Pascal program
C50.11 PFET.COM 7k P-code to 8080 translator
C50.12 PFET.PAS 11k P-code to 8080 translator
C50.13 PHONE.C 1k Phone number to word translator
C50.14 PLAYDATA 1k Sample data for PLAYKAL.PAS below
C50.15 PLAYKAL.PAS 13k Pascal game of Kalah
C50.16 POPS.DOC 2k P-codes used by the compiler
C50.17 POWTWO.PAS 1k Print negative powers of two
C50.18 PPC.COM 16k Pascal to p-code compiler
C50.19 PPC.DOC 10k Users manual for Pascal compiler
C50.20 PPC.PAS 26k Source of Pascal compiler
C50.21 PSTACK.DOC 2k Doc on the run time p-machine stack
C50.22 REGEN.DOC 3k How to modify and compile the compiler
C50.23 RTP.ASM 11k Source for the run time package
C50.24 RTP.COM 2k Object of run time package
C50.25 SPEED.COM 5k Disk buffering to gain speed
C50.26 SPEED2.COM 5k Disk buffering for 2.x systems
C50.27 STIRLING.PAS 1k Print powers of two Stirling numbers
C50.28 TESTER.PAS 4k Tests functionality of Pascal compiler
C50.29 VALIDATE.SUB 1k File to test your compiler
C50.30 RTP.ASM 11k Source for run-time package
C50.31 RTP.COM 2k Object for run-time package
C50.32 STIRLING.PAS 1k Prints a table of Stirling Numbers
C50.33 TESTER.PAS 4k Tests functionality of PPC
C50.34 VALIDATE.SUB 1k Submit file to assure a "fertile" computer
C51.01 ABSTRACT.051 2k Overview of volume
C51.02 ALX.S2M 16k Assembly Language Extension macros
C51.03 ALX-.DOC 3k Doc on ALX
C51.04 ALXTEST.ALX 3k Sample macros to test ALX
C51.05 CIO.ALX 4k Console I/O routines in ALX
C51.06 CRCK.COM 2k Keith Petersen pgrm to CRC check files
C51.07 CRCKLIST.CRC 1k Contains the CRCs for all files on disk
C51.08 DEMO.S2M 2k Interactive STAGE2 demo macros
C51.09 DISKIO2.SRC 17k Disk I/O for STAGE2 processor
C51.10 DISKIO2-.DOC 6k DOC on STAGE2 Disk I/O
C51.11 FLD1.DAT 5k Sample data for FLUB test
C51.12 FLD2.DAT 4k Sample data for FLUB test
C51.13 FLT1.FLB 13k Sample program for FLUB test
C51.14 FLT2.FLB 11k Sample program for FLUB test
C51.15 FLUB$.SUB 1k Submit file for FLT1, FLT2, STG2
C51.16 FLUB8080.S2M 4k Macros to turn FLUB into 8080 asm
C51.17 HELP.DOC 3k First-timer's "to do" list
C51.18 IMPL.DOC 2k Notes on implementing STAGE2
C51.19 INTERACT.S2M 2k Another macro demo
C51.20 INTRO.DOC 22k Sufficient info to "read" STAGE2 macros
C51.22 IOOP$.SUB 1k Submit for macro pass + asm of above
C51.21 IOOP.SRC 16k I/O processor 8080 source
C51.23 MEMORY.INP 1k Another macro demo
C51.24 ST2T.DAT 2k STAGE2 file
C51.25 STAGE2.COM 12k The executable macro processor itself
C51.26 STG2.FLB 48k Source for STAGE2 in FLUB code
C51.27 STG2MATH.ASM 5k STAGE2 support routines
C51.28 STG2SUP.ASM 5k STAGE2 file
C51.29 TERM.ALX 8k Sample 8080 terminal pgrm w/ALX macros
C51.30 TERMSUP.ASM 3k Subroutines for TERM.ALX
C51.31 USE.DOC 2k How to execute STAGE2
C51.32 VDB.ALX 6k ALX TDL video driver -a "state machine"
C51.33 VOLUME51.DOC 5k Dick Curtiss' excellent documentation
C52 ABSTRACT.052 3k Abstracts of files on this disk
C52 CRCK.COM 2k CRC program (see abstracts)
C52.01 BATCH.1 12k SIL80 source for BATCH
C52.02 BATCH.3 10k SIL80 source for BATCH
C52.03 BATCH.COM 2k Batch (limited capability file)
C52.04 BATCH.CTL 1k Control table for batch
C52.05 BATCH.HEX 5k Batch hex file
C52.06 BATCH.RM 35k Batch Reference Manual (.DOC)
C52.07 BATCH.SYM 21k Batch Symbol Table
C52.08 CPYFST35.ABS 2k Chuck's comments on Copyfast
C52.09 CPYFST35.ASM 26k Source code for COPYFAST
C52.10 CPYFST35.DOC 28k Documentation for COPYFAST
C52.11 CPYFST3F.COM 2k Fast copy program for fast disks
C52.12 CPYFST3M.COM 2k Fast copy program for medium disks
C52.13 CPYFST3S.COM 2k Fast copy program for slow disks
C52.14 CRCKLIST.CRC 1k CRC list of programs on this disk
C52.15 EXAMPLE.BAT 2k Sample BATCH file
C52.16 VARBATCH.1 23k SIL80 source for VARBATCH
C52.17 VARBATCH.3 10k SIL80 source for VARBATCH
C52.19 VARBATCH.CTL 1k Control table of VARBATCH
C52.20 VARBATCH.HEX 7k Hex file of VARBATCH
C52.21 VARBATCH.SYM 29k Symbol table of VARBATCH
C53.01 ADVCOMP.SUB 1k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.02 ADVENT.C 5k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.03 ADVENT.COM 10k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.04 ADVENT.CRL 5k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.05 ADVENT.H 6k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.06 ADVENT1.DAT 18k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.07 ADVENT2.DAT 7k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.08 ADVENT3.DAT 7k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.09 ADVENT4.DAT 4k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.10 ADVENT5.DAT 6k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.11 ADVENT6.DAT 18k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.12 ADVLINK.SUB 1k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.13 CATALOG.DOC 2k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.14 DATABASE.C 7k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.15 DATABASE.CRL 5k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.16 EADVENT.C 1k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.17 EADVENT.COM 24k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.18 EADVENT.CRL 1k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.19 ENGLISH.C 3k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.20 ENGLISH.CRL 2k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.21 ENVIRON.DOC 3k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.22 ITVERB.C 4k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.23 ITVERB.CRL 3k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.24 MKADVENT.SUB 1k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.25 MKEADVEN.SUB 1k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.26 MKSAVEAD.SUB 1k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.27 READ.ME 1k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.28 SAVEADV.C 1k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.29 SAVEADV.COM 7k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.30 SAVEADV.CRL 2k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.31 TURN.C 14k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.32 TURN.CRL 10k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.33 VERB.C 13k BDS-C Adventure game
C53.34 VERB.CRL 8k BDS-C Adventure game
C54 -CATALOG.054 5k Contents of CP/M Users Group Volume 54
C54 ABSTRACT.054 21k Abstracts of programs
C54 CRCK.COM 2k CRC filecheck program
C54 CRCKLIST.054 3k List of CRC's of files
C54.01 1CHECK.BAS 3k Solitaire checker puzzle
C54.02 ALFABET2.BAS 2k Interactive alphabetizing, expanded
C54.03 ALFABET1.BAS 1k Original bugged version of C52.02
C54.04 ARITH.BAS 2k Add & subtract for elememtary students
C54.05 BIOCAL.BAS 4k Biorythmic calendar (Bugs)
C54.06 BLKJAC.BAS 8k Blackjack (21) game
C54.07 BOMBER.BAS 3k WW2 Bomber game
C54.08 BOUNCE.BAS 2k Plots a bouncing ball
C54.09 BUG.BAS 7k 'Draw Bugs faster than your computer'
C54.10 BULCOW.BAS 2k Buggy program, number guessing game
C54.11 BUNNY.BAS 7k Draws a 'bunny' on your CRT
C54.12 BUZZWD.BAS 3k Selects a list of 'buzzwords'
C54.13 CHASE.BAS 4k High Voltage survival game
C54.14 CHASE2.BAS 6k Construct & maneuver in a maze
C54.15 CHOMP.BAS 3k Eat pieces of a cookie, last loses
C54.16 CRAPS.BAS 3k Standard Nevada table rules
C54.17 CUBE.BAS 5k Get through the cube and win a bet
C54.18 DEFUSE.BAS 3k Find and defuse the bomb before...
C54.19 DIAMND.BAS 1k Fills screen with diamonds
C54.20 DRAW.BAS 3k Buggy program -- see abstract
C54.21 DRINKS.BAS 2k 'How to mix drinks', see abstract
C54.22 FISHING.BAS 3k A mini-adventure game
C54.23 FOOTBL.BAS 9k Standard rules, except no penalties
C54.24 FRACT.BAS 2k Fraction mathematics
C54.25 GRAFIT.BAS 1k Some kind of student plotting program
C54.26 GUNNER.BAS 2k Fire a field artillery weapon, bugs
C54.27 HOCKEY.BAS 6k For hockey fans
C54.28 HORSES.BAS 4k Place your bets on the horse races
C54.29 INTEREST.BAS 1k Simple and compound interest calculator
C54.30 KING.BAS 10k Your chance to be the boss!
C54.31 LITQZ.BAS 2k CAI Childrens Literature Qnterest calculator
C54.30 KING.BAS 10k Your chance to be the boss!
C54.31 LITQZ.BAS 2k CAI Childrens Literature Quiz
C54.32 MATH.BAS 2k Math test or quiz?
C54.33 MUGWMP.BAS 2k Find 4 mugwmps hiding in a 10 x 10 grid
C54.34 PICTUR.BAS 3k Draws your name and picture???
C54.35 POET.BAS 2k Produces verse from random phrases
C54.36 POKER.BAS 8k Play poker with the computer
C54.37 PRIME.BAS 1k Prints prime numbers from 1 to 10,000
C54.38 5k deleted
C54.39 QUBIC.BAS 7k 3D Tic tac toe on a 4X4 cube
C54.40 REVRSE.BAS 3k Reverse a number list??
C54.41 ROCKET.BAS 4k A lunar lander with a bad fuel gauge
C54.42 ROCKT1.BAS 3k Lunar lander, graphs your descent
C54.43 SNOOPY.BAS 4k SNOOPY picture with your name under it
C54.44 SPORTS.BAS 3k CAI w/multiple choice sports questions
C54.45 STARS.BAS 2k Number Guessing Game by Bob Albrecht
C54.46 STOCK.BAS 8k Stock Market simulation program
C54.47 TAKEAWAY.BAS 2k Multi-player game
C54.48 TDRILL.BAS 5k Typing drill using data lists
C54.49 TENNIS.BAS 4k CAI drill on tennis (ala SPORTS.BAS)
C54.50 TEXT.BAS 2k Information pgrm about these programs
C54.51 TICTAC.BAS 5k Expanded TTT game on a 9 X 9 grid
C54.52 TRAP.BAS 2k Guess the mystery number game
C54.53 TTTOE.BAS 3k Standard Tic tac toe game
C54.54 TVPLOT.BAS 3k Produces various funny TV plots
C54.55 TYPING.BAS 1k Typing drill with a random generator
C54.56 WEKDAY.BAS 4k Day of the week that you were born
C54.57 WISHES.BAS 3k Wish poem writing program for children
C55 <see S01>
C56 <see S02>
C57 <see S11>
C58 <see S04>
C59 <see S05>
C60 <see S06>
C61 <see S07>
C62 <see S08>
C63 <see S09>
C64 <see S10>
C65 <see S13>
C66 <see S14>
C67 <see S15>
C68 <see S16>
C69 <see S17>
C70 <see S18>
C71 <see Z01>
C72 <see Z02>
C73 <see Z03>
C74 <see Z04>
C75 <see Z05>
C76 <see Z06>
C77 <see Z07>
C78 ABSTRACT.078 8K Abstracts of programs
C78 U-G-FORM.LIB 5K Users Group submission form
C78 VOLUME78.DOC 8K DOC on programs w/no other documentation
C78.01 /.ASM 4K Quickie SUBMIT from command line
C78.02 /.COM 1K Quickie SUBMIT from command line
C78.03 /DUP.COM 1K Same as /.ASM but w/second copy of $$$.SUB
C78.04 BMAPORIG.ASM 10K Prints 2.2 disk allocation bit map
C78.05 BMAPORIG.COM 1K Prints 2.2 disk allocation bit map
C78.06 CRCK.COM 2K to check files on this disk
C78.07 CRCKLIST.078 2K File of all file CRC's
C78.08 D.COM 3K Type D to see if files have been lost
C78.09 DUH.COM 10K Disk Utility for the H/Z-89
C78.10 DUH.Z80 3K Source for DU relocator
C78.11 DUU.ASM 51K Disk Utility Universal, works
C78.12 DUU.COM 7K with 1.4 and 2.2
C78.13 DUU.DOC 14K DOC on above
C78.14 EPROM.ASM 8K SSM PB1 PROM prog. rtn
C78.15 EPROM.DOC 2K DOC on above
C78.16 FMAP.COM 4K File map w/1024 dir entries & CP/M 1.4 or 2.2
C78.17 IF.COM 1K Continue or abort a SUBMIT
C78.18 LPRINT.ASM 2K Paginated file output to LIST
C78.19 MAKE.ASM 12K Make a file a different user #
C78.20 NOTATE.ASM 3K Add comments to an .ASM file
C78.21 NOTATE.COM 1K .COM of above
C78.22 PATCH.ASM 3K Patch CP/M to show user: "A0>"
C78.23 REPEAT.COM 1K Repeat a SUBMIT "nn" times
C78.24 SDCOPY.ASM 10K Single-disk file copy program
C78.25 SDCOPY.COM 1K Single-disk file copy program
C78.26 SDCOPY.DOC 3K Doc for single disk file copy program
C78.27 SWAPCOPY.ASM 14K Another single disk file copy program
C78.28 SWAPCOPY.COM 2K Single disk file copy program
C78.29 SWAPCOPY.DOC 3K Doc for single disk copy program
C78.30 TestProt.BAS 1K Sample to test UN.COM
C78.31 UN.COM 5K Unprotect MBASIC programs
C78.32 XREFPRN.ASM 23K Prints cross-ref from PRN file to List device
C78.33 XREFPRN.COM 3K Prints cross-ref from PRN file to LIST device
C79 UGFORM.LIB 4K CPMUG program submittal form
C79 CRCKFILE.079 1K CRC file for verification
C79 CRCK.COM 2K CRC check program
C79.01 MODEM7.DOC 16K Doc for MODEM 7 - Originally from CPMUG Vol 47
C79.02 MODEM7.LIB 14K MACLIB file for use with MODEM741.ASM
C79.03 MODEM741.ASM 66K Assembler source for MODEM version 7.41
C79.04 MODEM741.COM 10K Object code of above program
C79.05 MODEM741.SET 4K Patching instructions for MODEM741.COM
C79.06 MODEM7X.BUG 1K Bug report
C79.07 SMODEM37.ASM 85K Assembler source for SMODEM version 3.7
C79.08 SMODEM37.DOC 26K Documentation for the above program
C80 ABSTRACT.080 5k Volume abstract
C80 CRCK.COM 2K CRC program
C80 FILES.CRC 1K CRC of files on this disk
C80 U-G-FORM.LIB 5K CPMUG submission form
C80.01 BACKUP.STB 2K Part of mail list system
C80.02 CEDIT.STB 6K Part of spelling program
C80.03 CHECK.DAT 2K Part of spelling program
C80.04 CONV-ASC.STB 8K Convert MBASIC to Cromemco structured BASIC
C80.05 CONV-BAS.STB 6K Convert MBASIC to Cromemco structured BASIC
C80.06 DATE.STB 2K Part of mail list system
C80.07 DEDIT.STB 10K Part of spelling program
C80.08 DICTION.DAT 2K Part of spelling program
C80.09 GRADER.STB 12K Text evaluation program
C80.10 MMENU.STB 4K Part of mail list system
C80.11 PRN-TEST.STB 2K Printer test program
C80.12 REC-EDIT.STB 10K Part of mail list system
C80.13 REC-PRN.STB 8K Part of mail list system
C80.14 SMENU.STB 2K Part of spelling program
C80.15 SORTS.STB 8K Sort routines
C80.16 SPEAR.STB 2K Statistics program
C80.17 SPELL.STB 6K Part of spelling program
C80.18 STAT.STB 10K Statistics program
C80.19 TRADE.STB 20K Game prog with no GOTOs!
C80.20 TRANSFER.STB 4K Part of spelling program
C80.21 TREK.STB 24K Yes, Startrek
C80.22 TRK-HELP.STB 16K More Startrek stuff
C80.23 UTILITY.STB 6K "Unnum" and renum BASIC progs
C80.24 WORDLIST.TXT 40K Part of spelling program
C80.25 X2.STB 2K Statistics program
C80.26 ZIPSORT.STB 2K Part of mail list system
C81 -CATALOG.081 1k Contents of CP/M Vol. 81
C81 ABSTRACT.081 3k Abstract of files on volume 81.
C81 CRCK.COM 2K Produce CRC of files
C81 FILES.CRC 1K CRC of files on this disk
C81 U-G-FORM.LIB 5K CPMUG submission form
C81.01 AUTOLOAD.COM 10K Write initial CP/M command into CCP on disk
C81.02 AUTOLOAD.DOC 3K Write initial CP/M command into CCP on disk
C81.03 BACKUP.ASM 28K Backup hard disk to multiple floppy disks
C81.04 BACKUP.DOC 7K Backup hard disk to multiple floppy disks
C81.05 BAUDSET.ASM 7K Set baudrate for serial board
C81.06 BAUDSET.DOC 2K Set baudrate for serial board
C81.07 EDITM.ASM 25K Update of C16 editor, with new features
C81.08 EDITM.COM 3K Update of C16 editor, with new features
C81.09 EDITM.DOC 4K Doc on new C16 editor
C81.10 FLOPCOPY.ASM 16K Copy floppy via hard disk w/1 floppy drive
C81.11 FLOPCOPY.DOC 2K Copy floppy via hard disk w/1 floppy drive
C81.12 POW2.ASM 42K "Processor of Words" - text processing program
C81.13 POW2.COM 5K Text processing program
C81.14 POW2.DOC 4K Text processing program
C81.15 POW2.MAN 23K Manual on above
C81.16 POW2.TST 2K Test document
C81.17 SUPERSUB.ASM 22K Super submit program, allowing nested submits
C81.18 SUPERSUB.COM 3K Super submit, allowing nested submits
C81.19 SUPERSUB.DOC 15K Doc on Super submit
C82 -CATALOG.082 1K Contents of CPMUG Vol. 082
C82 ABSTRACT.082 3K Volume 82 abstract
C82 CRCK.COM 2K CRC check program
C82 FILES.CRC 1K CRC of files on disk
C82 U-G-FORM.LIB 5K CPMUG contribution form
C82.01 MBIOS56.ASM 53K Bios with PMMI MODEM drivers
C82.02 NBIOS56.ASM 55K North Star BIOS
C82.03 NSBIOS.DOC 16K DOC on above
C82.04 NSCOPY.ASM 35K Disk format and copy program
C82.05 NSGEN.ASM 12K Sysgen program
C82.06 SDNBIOS.ASM 21K Single density N* BIOS
C82.07 SDNBOOT.ASM 2K Single density N* BOOT
C82.08 SDNSGEN.ASM 11K Single density N* SYSGEN
C82.09 SDNUSER.ASM 8K Single density N* user area
C83 ABSTRACT.083 3K Abstract of volume
C83 CRCK.COM 2K CRC check program
C83 FILES.CRC 2K CRC of files on disk
C83 U-G-FORM.LIB 5K CPMUG contribution form
C83.01 ARITH%.MUS 6K muMATH arithmetic
C83.02 ATRG.TRG 2K muMATH inverse trig functions
C83.03 INT%.DIF 1K muMATH integrals
C83.04 LIM%.DIF 1K muMATH limits
C83.05 LOG%.ALG 1K muMATH logarithms
C83.06 MUMATH%.DOC 12K explanations of the files
C83.07 SERIES%.DIF 10K muMATH infinite series
C83.08 SOLVE4%.EQN 5K muMATH solution of equations
C83.09 TRGNEG%.ALG 3K muMATH trigonometric functions
C83.10 APPENDIX.DOC 11K Appendix to CMATH/DOC. matrix math & circuits
C83.11 CMATH.DOC 13K Doc for complex math files except COMCALC/BAS
C83.12 COMCALC.BAS 12K Source for "calculator" mode complex math
C83.14 COMDISK.DOC 6K DOC for complex subroutines XXXXXX.SRT
C83.15 DIVCOM.SRT 1K Divide two complex quantities
C83.16 LPFILTAN.BAS 8K Source code for multipole filter analysis
C83.18 MPYCOM.SRT 1K Multiply two complex quantities
C83.19 MTXMPY.SRT 1K Matrix multiplication
C83.20 PAR/SER.SRT 1K Parallel to serial impedance convert
C83.21 POL/REC.SRT 1K Complex polar to rectangular convert
C83.22 REC/POL.SRT 1K Complex rectangular to polar convert
C83.23 REFC/Z.SRT 1K Reflection coefficient to Z conv
C83.24 SER/PAR.SRT 1K Serial to parallel impedance convert
C83.25 SMATX.SRT 2K convert S matrix to X matrix
C83.26 XMATS.SRT 2K Convert X matrix to S matrix
C83.27 YZZY.SRT 2K convert Y to Z or Z to Y matrix
C83.28 Z/REFC.SRT 1K Z to reflection coefficient convert
C83.29 ZXXZ.SRT 1K Convert Z to X or X to Z matrix
C83.30 CONTENT.DSK 3K Brief description of disk contents.
C83.31 CPMFN.MAC 12K Microsoft M80 source for part of CPMLIB
C83.32 CPMFN.REL 1K Assembled version of CPMFN.MAC
C83.33 CPMFNA.MAC 3K Microsoft M80 source for part of CPMLIB
C83.34 CPMFNA.REL 1K Assembled version of CPMFNA.MAC
C83.35 CPMINT.FOR 30K Microsoft F80 source for part of CPMLIB
C83.36 CPMINT.REL 5K Compiled version of CPMINT.FOR
C83.37 CPMLIB.DOC 17K Documentation on the use of CPMLIB
C83.38 CPMLIB.MOD 4K Doc on how to modify functions of CPMLIB
C83.39 CPMLIB.REL 6K Library to interface FORTRAN-80 to CP/M BDOS
C83.40 TEST.FOR 5K FORTRAN source for program to test library
C84 -CATALOG.084 2k Contents of CPMUG Volume 84
C84 ABSTRACT.084 3k Abstracts of files on this disk
C84 CRCK.COM 2K Program for checking CRC's of files
C84 CRCKLIST.084 1K CRCK's of files on this disk
C84 U-G-FORM.LIB 5K Program submittal form
C84.01 MODEM7.DOC 16K Documentation for MODEM program
C84.02 MODEM76.LIB 14K Macro library used with MODEM 7.65
C84.03 MODEM76.SET 6K Instructions for "hot-patching" MODEM
C84.04 MODEM765.ASM 63K Macro assembler source code for MODEM 7.65
C84.05 MODEM765.COM 10K Object code of MODEM 7.65
C84.06 SEQIO22.LIB 18K Macro library used with XMODEM 5.0
C84.07 XMODEM47.DOC 3K Documentation for XMODEM program
C84.08 XMODEM50.ASM 49K Assembler source code for XMODEM 5.0
C84.09 XMODEM51.FIX 1K Notes on a bug fix for XMODEM
C85 ABSTRACT.085 Abstracts of files on this disk.
C85 CRCK.COM CRC file checking program.
C85 CRCKLIST.085 List of CRC's for files on this disk.
C85.01 BYE79.ASM 78K 8080 Assembler source code for BYE 7.9
C85.02 BYE79.DOC 15K Documentation for BYE 7.9
C85.03 SD-44.ASM 48K 8080 Assembler source code for SD 4.4
C85.04 SD-44.COM 2K Assembled 085.3 (for those without MAC)
C85.05 SD-44.DOC 14K Documentation for SD 4.4
C85.06 SQ-16.COM 16K 8080 object file for SQUEEZE 1.6
C85.07 SQUEEZ16.DOC 23K Documentation for SQUEEZE and UNSQUEEZE programs
C85.08 USQ-19.COM 12K 8080 object file for UNSQUEEZE 1.9
C86 ABSTRACT.086 3K Release to public domain of BMII
C86 U-G-FORM.LIB 5K Users Group Submission Form
C86 CRCKLIST.086 2K File of all file CRC's
C86 CRCK.COM 2K To check files on this disk
C86.01 APPENDA.DOC 2K Diskette handling tips for novices
C86.02 APPENDB.DOC 3K Disk File Capacities
C86.03 APPENDC.DOC 4K Data File Diskette set-up
C86.04 APPENDD.DOC 2K Programs not Accessed through the Menu
C86.05 APPENDE.DOC 10K Compilation of businessMaster II progs
C86.06 APPENDF.DOC 18K General File Information
C86.07 APPENDG.DOC 14K Forms for establishing acct. #'s etc
C86.08 APPENDH.DOC 2K How to increase size of a data file
C86.09 GLOSSARY.DOC 7K Glossary of terms
C86.10 HIERARCH.DOC 12K What program calls what program, and where
C86.11 NEW.DOC 132K Comprehensive overall system doc
C87 U-G-FORM.LIB 5K Users Group Submission Form
C87 CRCKLIST.087 2K File of all file CRC's
C87 CRCK.COM 2K To check files on this disk
C87 COMPILE.SUB 2K To compile all programs
C87.01 ALL.BAS 1K Include FORMAT and CONTROL
C87.02 BIZMII.BAS 4K Master Menu Businessmaster II (bizmii)
C87.03 CHECK.BAS 2K Check for needed files
C87.04 CONTROL.BAS 1K Set up control characters for terminal
C87.05 FORMAT.BAS 1K Set common and formats
C87.06 READFILE.BAS 1K Read name, date, formats and tabs
C87.07 CGDEPCAL.BAS 6K Depreciation Calculator
C87.08 CGENTRY.BAS 11K Capital Goods (Fixed Asset) Entry Program
C87.09 CGFM4562.BAS 3K IRS Form 4652 - Depreciation Printer
C87.10 CGRPT.BAS 4K Depreciation Report Printer
C87.11 CGSORT.BAS 3K Capital Goods Entry Sort Program
C87.12 CRLABELS.BAS 3K Cust. mailing label printing program
C87.13 DAENTRY.BAS 5K Date Entry Program
C87.14 EFENTRY.BAS 8K Federal Tax Table Entry Program
C87.15 EPCUTS.BAS 5K Payroll Cutoff and % Entry Program
C87.16 EPLABELS.BAS 3K Empl. mailing label printing program
C87.17 EPTABS.BAS 7K Payroll Check Tab Entry Program
C87.18 ESENTRY.BAS 11K Cal. State Tax Table Entry Program
C87.19 FGALERT.BAS 4K Finished Goods Inventory Alert Printer
C87.20 FGENTRY.BAS 11K Finished Goods Inventory Entry Program
C87.21 FGRPT.BAS 4K Finished Goods Inventory Report Printer
C87.22 FGSORT.BAS 3K Finished Goods Entry Sort Program
C87.23 FMTENTRY.BAS 5K $ and % Format Entry Program
C87.24 GLHENTRY.BAS 11K General Ledger Heading Entry Program
C87.25 GLHSORT.BAS 3K G/L Heading Entry Sort Program
C87.26 GLSENTRY.BAS 11K G/L Subheading Entry Program
C87.27 GLSSORT.BAS 3K G/L Subheading Entry Sort Program
C87.28 MAENTRY.BAS 9K Mailing List Name Entry Program
C87.29 MALABELS.BAS 3K Mailing label printing program
C87.30 MASORT.BAS 3K Mailing List Entry Sort Program
C87.31 MASTER4.BAS 3K Inventory Menu
C87.32 MASTER6.BAS 2K Mailing List Menu
C87.33 MASTER7.BAS 3K Initialization Routines Menu
C87.34 MASTER8.BAS 1K Periodic Maintenance Menu
C87.35 MASTER9.BAS 1K General Ledger Heading Menu
C87.36 MASTER15.BAS 1K Check Tabs and Cutoffs Menu
C87.37 MASTER16.BAS 2K Fixed Asset Accounting Menu
C87.38 MMAINT.BAS 5K Monthly File Maintenance Program
C87.39 NAMENTRY.BAS 9K Company Name Entry Program
C87.40 NMSORT.BAS 3K Company Name Entry Sort Program
C87.41 QMAINT.BAS 6K Quarterly File Maintenance Program
C87.42 RGALERT.BAS 4K Raw Goods Inventory Alert Printer
C87.43 RGENTRY.BAS 11K Raw Goods Inventory Entry Program
C87.44 RGRPT.BAS 4K Raw Goods Inventory Report Printer
C87.45 RGSORT.BAS 3K Raw Goods Entry Sort Program
C87.46 TAENTRY.BAS 7K General Ledger Tab Entry Program
C87.47 VPLABELS.BAS 3K Mailing label printing program
C87.48 YMAINT.BAS 6K Yearly File Maintenance Program
C88 U-G-FORM.LIB 5K Users Group Submission Form
C88 CRCKLIST.088 2K File of all file CRC's
C88 CRCK.COM 2K To check files on this disk
C88.01 CG. 6K Cost of goods sold file
C88.02 CGSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of above
C88.03 CHK. 1K ?? next check # to write??
C88.04 CR. 9K Customer receivables file
C88.05 CRSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of CR file
C88.06 DATE. 1K Date information
C88.07 EDEP. 4K Federal deposit record
C88.08 EDEPSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of EDEP file
C88.09 EF. 1K Federal Withholding Tables
C88.10 EP. 11K Consolidated employee payroll
C88.12 EPSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of EP file
C88.11 EPC. 1K Payroll cutoff amounts
C88.13 EPT. 1K Payroll Check Printing Tabs
C88.14 ES. 1K California Withholding Tables
C88.15 FG. 6K Finished goods inventory
C88.16 FGSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of FG file
C88.17 GL. 14K General ledger file
C88.29 GLSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of GL file
C88.18 GLCD. 6K Check disbursements
C88.19 GLCDSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of GLCD file
C88.20 GLCK. 2K Check receipts
C88.21 GLCKSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of GLCK file
C88.22 GLF. 1K General ledger formats
C88.23 GLH. 2K General ledger heading file
C88.24 GLHSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of GLH file
C88.25 GLJO. 13K General journal gljo
C88.26 GLJOSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of GLJO file
C88.27 GLREF. 1K General Ledger Account # Reference File
C88.28 GLS. 4K General ledger subheading file
C88.30 GLSSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of GLS file
C88.31 GLT. 1K General ledger report tabs
C88.32 INV. e order register
C88.41 POSIZE. 1K # in use + max size of PO file
C88.40 POE. 1K Purchase order numbel characters for terminal
C88.44E FORMAT.BAS 1K Set common and formats
C88.44F READFILE.BAS 1K Read name, date, for customer Menu
C89.18 MASTER3.BAS 3K Accounts Payable/Vendor Menu
C89.19 POENT.BAS 1K Purchase Order # Sequencing Entry Program
C89.20 VPENTRY.BAS 12K Vendor Information Entry Program
C89.21 VPFMPO.BAS 7K Formatted Purchase Order Printing Program
C89.22 VPJOLIST.BAS 8K Purchase Order Register Printing Program
C89.23 VPJOPOST.BAS 5K Accounts Payable Posting Program
C89.24 VPJOTRAN.BAS 13K Purchase Order Entry Program
C89.25 VPLABELS.BAS 3K Mailing label printing program
C89.26 VPPPPO.BAS 7K Preprinted Purchase Order Printing Program
C89.27 VPRPT.BAS 4K Aged Accounts Payable Statement Printer
C89.28 VPSORT.BAS 3K Vendor Information Entry Sort Program
C90 U-G-FORM.LIB 5K Users Group Submission Form
C90 CRCKLIST.090 1K File of all file CRC's
C90 CRCK.COM 2K To check files on this disk
C90 COMPILE.SUB 1K To compile all following programs
C90.01 ALL.BAS 1K Include FORMAT and CONTROL
C90.02 BIZMII.BAS 4K Master Menu Businessmaster II (bizmil)
C90.03 CHECK.BAS 2K Check for needed files
C90.04 CONTROL.BAS 1K Set up control characters for terminal
C90.05 FORMAT.BAS 1K Set common and formats
C90.06 READFILE.BAS 1K Read name, date, formats and tabs
C90.07 GCINCOME.BAS 11K Comparative Income Statement Printer
C90.08 GDCHECKS.BAS 4K General Check Printer
C90.09 GLBALSHT.BAS 5K General Ledger Balance Sheet Printer
C90.10 GLBUDGET.BAS 3K General Ledger Budget Analysis Printer
C90.11 GLCDPOST.BAS 9K Check Disbursement Posting Program
C90.12 GLCDSORT.BAS 4K Check Disbursements Entry Sort Program
C90.13 GLCDTRAN.BAS 15K Check Disbursements Journal Entry Program
C90.14 GLCHART.BAS 4K General Ledger Chart of Accounts Printer
C90.15 GLCKPOST.BAS 9K Check Receipt Posting Program
C90.16 GLCKSORT.BAS 4K Check Disbursements Entry Sort Program
C90.17 GLCKTRAN.BAS 14K Check Rcpts Journal Trans. Entry Program
C90.18 GLCLEAR.BAS 1K Clear all DOLLAR values in the GL file
C90.19 GLENTRY.BAS 11K General Ledger Entry Program
C90.20 GLINCOME.BAS 10K Income Statement Printer
C90.21 GLJOPOST.BAS 9K General Journal Posting Program
C90.22 GLJOSORT.BAS 4K General Journal Sorting Program
C90.23 GLJOTRAN.BAS 13K General Journal Trans. Entry Program
C90.24 GLSORT.BAS 3K General Ledger Entry Sort Program
C90.25 GLTBAL.BAS 6K General Ledger Trial Balance Printer
C90.26 MASTER1.BAS 3K General Ledger/General Journal Menu
C90.27 MASTER11.BAS 2K General Journal Menu
C90.28 MASTER12.BAS 1K Check-Cash Reciepts-Disbursements Menu
C91 ABSTRACT.091 Abstract of volume contents.
C91 FILES.CRC CRC of all files on disk
C91 CRCK.COM CRC generator (CRCK *.* F)
C91.01 ARIT.COM 26K Executable arithmetic functions
C91.02 ARIT.FOR 4K Arithmetic functions
C91.03 ARIT#.SUB 1K Submit file
C91.04 DISKIO.BAS 2K Disk file I/O in BASIC
C91.05 FFT.COM 21K Executable FFT program
C91.06 FFT.FOR 27K 1024 point FFT
C91.07 FFT#.SUB 4K Submit file
C91.08 HI.FOR 6K DMP2 driver
C91.09 HIA.MAC 2K DMP2 driver
C91.10 NAME.FOR 1K Filename getter
C91.11 PLOT.FOR 4K Plotter plot routine
C91.14 PRINT80.FOR 4K Compresses M80 PRN files
C91.17 PRINT81.FOR 6K Print FORTRAN & ASM w/page ejects & titles
C91.19 QCHEK.MAC 1K Checks for abort (Q) command
C91.20 SPECTRUM.DOC 17K Documentation
C91.21 TTYPLOT.FOR 5K Printer plot routine
C91.22 TWIDDLE.FOR 2K Generates twiddle factor table
C91.23 UTIL.FOR 8K Utility program
C91.24 UTIL#H.SUB 1K Submit file
C91.25 UTIL#T.SUB 1K Submit file
C91.26 UTIL-HI.COM 25K DMP2 version of UTIL.COM
C91.27 UTIL-TTY.COM 24K TTY version of UTIL.COM
C91.28 WIND.FOR 5K Window functions
C92.1 ADDEND2.TXT 4K * Documentation SECRETARY Word Processor
C92.4 NSSEC.ASM 63K Northstar version of ASM file
C92.7 SECRTARY.ASM 60K CP/M ASM source for processor
C92.8 SECRTARY.COM 11K Runnable version, self-configures
C92.9 SECRTARY.DOC 4K Intro to system
C92.10 USERMAN0.TXT 2K * User manual, print via SECRTARY
C92.11 USERMAN1.TXT 22K * "
C92.12 USERMAN2.TXT 19K * "
C92.13 USERMAN3.TXT 15K * "
C92.14 USERMAN4.TXT 17K * "
C92.15 USERMAN5.TXT 5K * "
NOTE "*" NOT CP/M text files. Use SECRTARY to print them.