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* SIG/M Summary of all Current Distributions by Volume *
* (In reverse order for fast on-line access) *
* Modularized for adaptation to different formats *
¬ Las⌠ update║ 02/21/86 Vo∞ 264 *
8" single-density diskettes available from:
P.O. Box 97
Iselin, NJ 08830-0097
Cost: $6 per disk (domestic) $9 (US) per disk international.
For other sources and formats see file REGIONS.SIG which contains
the names and addresses of other SIG/M volunteer distribution
If you have comments or correspondence please send them to the
address noted above or it can be placed on either of two
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at (201) 753-9758* Both support 300 and
or (215) 398-3937 1200 baud.
*temporary phone number
Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc.
P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA
SIG/M Volume 264 SYSLIB 3.6, Z3LIB 1.3 Library of Routines
(Volume 4 of 4)
index name size crc description
264.01 Z3LIB .LBR 61K 51 B1 HLP Documentation files
264.02 Z3LIB .REL 10K B6 74 Z3LIB
264.03 Z3LIBD .DQC 10K 9B A4 Distribution Documentation
264.04 Z3LIBD .LBR 27K 73 B0 Used to create Z3LIBD.DOC
264.05 ZLIB1 .LBR 45K C7 14 Source Code
264.06 ZLIB2 .LBR 62K 64 51 Source Code
264.07 ZLIB3 .LBR 4K 17 D6 ZEX and SEQ files
SIG/M Volume 263 SYSLIB 3.6, VLIB 1.1 -Library of Routines
Volume 3 of 4)
263.01 SLIB2 .LBR 123K E3 9C Source code E to L
263.02 SYSLIBD .LBR 48K CA 19 Used to create SYSLIBD.DOC
263.03 VLIB .HLP 11K EF B6 HLP Documentation
263.04 VLIB .REL 2K 30 C3 VLIB
263.05 VLIB1 .LBR 17K 40 29 Source code
263.06 VLIB2 .LBR 1K 88 3F ZEX and SEQ files
263.07 VLIBD .DOC 7K 67 82 Distribution Documentation
263.08 VLIBD .LBR 9K 2E 7E Used to create VLIBD.DOC
SIG/M Volume 262 SYSLIB 3.6 - Library of Routines
(Volume 2 of 4)
262.01 SLIB3 .LQR 55K FD 49 Source code M to Z
262.02 SYSLIB .LBR 131K 3D 83 HLP files
SIG/M Volume 261 SYSLIB 3.6 - Library of Routines
(Volume 1 of 4)
261.01 SLIB1 .LBR 102K A7 90 Source code 0 to D
261.02 SLIB4 .LBR 12K 72 D5 LIB, SEQ and ZEX files
261.03 STEST .LBR 48K 3E 41 Test programs
261.04 SYSLIB .REL 24K 5C D9 SYSLIB 3.6
261.05 SYSLIBD .DQC 20K 5B D2 Distribution Information
SIG/M Volume 260 DRI GSX Library for CP-M 86 & CCP-M
(Volume 4 of 4)
260.01 GSXCMD .LBR 231K 2D 47 .CMD files
SIG/M Volume 259 DRI GSX Library for CP-M 86 & CCP-M
(Volume 3 of 4)
259.01 GSX03 .LBR 187K FA 90 A86 file
SIG/M Volume 258 DRI GSX Library for CP-M 86 & CCP-M
(Volume 2 of 4)
258.01 GSX02 .LBR 89K 24 BF A86 files
258.02 GSX04 .LBR 79K AD D6 A86 files
SIG/M Volume 257 DRI GSX Library for CP-M 86 & CCP-M
(Volume 1 of 4)
257.01 GSX01 .LBR 128K FD 9A A86 files
257.02 GSXDOC .LBR 79K B4 11 Documentation files
SIG/M Volume 256 CP-M 68K File Compare & Erase, Logon Script,
MS-DOS Transfer, Osborne Games, etc
256.01 COMP68 .DOC 1K 7C 9A file compare in CP-M 68K
256.02 COMP68 .REL 2K 44 99 /
256.03 COMP68 .S 7K 43 DB /
256.04 ERAQ68 .DOC 1K 6E 97 querry erase in CP-M 68K
256.05 ERAQ68 .REL 1K A7 8D /
256.06 ERAQ68 .S 4K 5E 8C /
256.07 DIALOG11.BAS 27K 2E BD script for BBS logon (compiles
256.08 DIALOG11.COM 27K A7 0B with BASCOM)
256.09 DIALOG11.DOC 8K CB FF /
256.10 OSGAMES1.LBR 35K 4C 3F Osborne games
256.11 PERCOMP .CAL 3K 82 89 SC template for chemical compositions
256.12 PERCOMP .DOC 4K BC 16 /
256.13 TFR-INST.COM 23K 4B 3E file transfer between MS-DOS and CP-M
256.14 TFR-INST.DTA 5K C5 FA (in Turbo Pascal)
256.15 TFR-INST.MSG 3K FF 88 /
256.16 TRANS-01.INC 6K 59 FC /
256.17 TRANS-02.INC 6K C1 0A /
256.18 TRANS-03.INC 2K D4 92 /è256.19 TRANS-04.INC 5K EE DF /
256.20 TRANS-05.INC 5K 9D 2B /
256.21 TRANSFER.COM 19K 4E DE /
256.22 TRANSFER.DOC 4K F0 9A /
256.23 TRANSFER.PAS 6K 23 33 /
256.24 TURBOJRT.PAS 2K C4 32 Turbo routines for JRT pascal
SIG/M Volume 255 Bad Sector Scan, Disk Patch, Printer Utility
Japan User Group-CP-M Volume 4
255.01 DP .CMD 33K D1 60 disk patch utility - CP-M 80
255.02 DP .COM 29K 3D 2A disk pathc utility - CP-M 86
255.03 DP .HLP 1K A7 C8 DP help file
255.04 DP .L86 1K 59 9C linkage parameter for LINKMT+86
255.05 DP .LNK 1K 9C E4 linkage parameter for LINKMT+
255.06 DPEDIT .PAS 11K 99 24 screen edit subroutines
255.07 DPIO .PAS 18K 29 69 I/O for CP-M 80
255.08 DPIO86 .PAS 18K 86 2A I/O for CP-M 86
255.09 DPM .PAS 28K 2A EB main routine of DP for Pascal/mt+
255.10 KPASM .SUB 1K 78 60 Printout utility for printer or
255.11 KPRINT .COM 2K 58 8C console
255.12 KPRINT .DOC 2K 22 44 /
255.13 KPRINT .MAC 10K 1F 21 /
255.14 SCAN .COM 2K 15 EB bad sector scan utility for CP-M 3.0
255.15 SCAN .MAC 6K 6A 23 /
255.16 STDINCL .LIB 1K 36 C2 /
255.17 STDLIB .IRL 1K 92 30 /
255.18 SIZE .CMD 12K 33 19 get program size - CP-M 86
255.19 SIZE .PAS 3K D0 B8 /
SIG/M Volume 254 Printer Utility (CP-M 80 & 86)
Multi Column & Multi File Printing
254.01 PRINT .DOC 9K 83 1D prints multi-columm (up to 4 cols and
254.02 PRINT .LBR 92K 77 46 4 files), one or two sides of a page.
254.03 PRINT86 .LBR 103K 45 5B CP-M 80 and CP-M 86.
SIG/M Volume 253 IEEE 855 (MOSI) Interface for CP-M 80
and Language Interface for Pascal MT+
253.01 MOSI .LBR 204K 9E 7C Exerimental implementation of MOSI standard
SIG/M Volume 252 Kaypro Dynamic Tracing Disassembler
Novation Smartcat Modem Overlay
252.01 DTZKPII .LBR 102K 37 14 Disassembler for non-graphic screen Kaypro
252.02 M74SCAT .LBR 59K 3F 41 Novation Smartcat Overlay for MDM740
SIG/M Volume 251 ROS Turbo Pascal BBS System
251.01 ROS33 .LBR 129K 49 80 Turbo Pascal BBS System
251.02 ROSMAC .LBR 86K 41 C2 /
SIG/M Volume 250 Remote Bulletin Board System Program (Vol 2 of 2)
Programs fros Micro/Systems Journalè
250.01 RBBS38A .AQC 26K D3 85 Source file with comments
250.02 RBBS38A .NQC 19K 53 E8 'No coments' source file
250.03 INSTAL38.AQC 12K F5 CC Source file for install program
250.04 EXIT38 .AQC 2K 90 A8 Source for Comments on Exit file
250.05 UTIL38 .AQC 8K 3D 5F Source for utility program
250.06 TXT71 .LBR 10K 13 3B Turn TEXT file into a .COM file
250.07 WHLCHK .LBR 6K 80 A5 Checks WHEEL before running program
250.08 CHGLIB22.LBR 9K 7E F4 Modify Telephone list in any Modem7
250.09 CPM68K .TXT 11K 40 5C Bringing up CP/M-68K
250.10 TRANSFER.TXT 20K FA D4 Intersystem Processing (Turbo Pas)
250.11 TURBO .TXT 16K BE BC Turbo Pascal library modules
250.12 WHOPRTS .A86 6K A6 1C Printer control in concurrent
250.13 MDCS .TUT 26K 50 1B Tutorial on Master Disk Cat. System
SIG/M Volume 249 Remote Bulletin Board System Program
(Volume 1 of 2)
249.01 RBBS38A .COM 44K B5 A4 Bulletin board ready to run file
249.02 RBBS38A .WQ 37K A7 54 Documentation for RBBS38A program
249.03 INSTAL38.COM 30K F2 3F Installation program for RBBS38A
249.04 INSTALL .HQP 10K D9 CF Help file used by INSTAL38.COM
249.05 UTIL38 .COM 26K 29 3D Utility program for use with RBBS38A
249.06 EXIT38 .COM 16K FF 20 Ask for Comments on Exit from CP/M
249.07 BYE .COM 1K 53 B4 Psuedo BYE program to call EXITRBBS
249.08 RBBS .COM 1K FA B9 Psuedo RBBS program to call real RBBS
249.09 STARTUP .COM 1K 8A C4 Program used to start-up in BYE
249.10 RUNIT .AQM 4K 35 E7 Source for Psuedo program maker
249.11 BULLETIN. 1K CA A2 RBBS38A Support Text files
249.12 ENTERCPM. 1K 64 FC /
249.13 HELP . 1K 86 19 /
249.14 INFO . 1K 44 AC /
249.15 MENURBBS. 1K BB 38 /
249.16 NEWCOM . 1K 6D 3B /
249.17 NEWS . 1K 5A FD /
249.18 SYOPMENU. 1K 33 F2 /
249.19 TWIT . 1K 9C 1C /
249.20 READ .ME2 3K F3 A6 Additional information on RBBS38A
SIG/M Volume 248 Dan's Information Management System V 1.03
248.01 DIMS103A.LBR 91K 2B 52 MBASIC data management system
248.02 DIMS103B.LBR 112K E0 ED /
SIG/M Volume 247 Concurrent CP-M Patches & Utilities
247.01 CONNECT .AQ6 10K 17 8E MCDOS virtual console
247.02 DU-75E .AQ6 41K B7 1C Disk Utility for CCPM or CPM86
247.03 EXAMPLES.LBR 18K B3 4D CCPM queues & process spawning
247.04 FKEY .LBR 28K 31 ED Reassign Compupro function keys
247.05 GREP .LBR 22K 52 8C CPM86 pattern matcher
247.06 MCDOS .EQU 3K 76 CA MCDOS equates
247.07 NTREE .LBR 27K 43 9E Display CCPM or DOS directory
247.08 PASS .AQ6 3K 7F 87 Password utility
247.09 ROUTINES.AQ6 4K 77 4C CCPM assembly lang subroutinesè247.10 TACH .LBR 11K 2B 8A Measure MCDOS idle time
247.11 TCLOCK .AQ6 4K 0D 80 Time of day in large numerals
247.12 UPSMON .LBR 6K 18 E3 Power supply monitor
247.13 Z19-MODS.LBR 5K CC EF Intercept escape sequences
SIG/M Volume 246 Convert Programming - LIFE (Toru)
246.01 ANCI .LBR 30K A3 E6 library of ancillary programs
246.02 CNVLIB .REC 7K 66 97 Cnvrt runtime library
246.03 CNVSM .REC 7K EB E0 compact Cnvrt compiler
246.04 HJELP .COM 13K CF C2 read HELP files (including binary material)
246.05 RUN .COM 4K 2B 1A executes files - even from libraries
246.06 TORU .LBR 156K 1C 3D Convert examples of LIFE
SIG/M Volume 245 Convert Programming - MAZE and TOUR
245.01 FYNDE .COM 5K 6A 1B locate patterns in all kinds of files
245.02 HJELP .COM 13K D4 D3 HELP files with embedded programs
245.03 HJELP .LBR 45K AD 70 everything to use and update HJELP
245.04 MAZE .LBR 41K A9 07 sample CNVRT programs to run mazes
245.05 RUN .COM 4K 2B 1A execute programs where ever they are
245.06 TOUR .LBR 94K 99 44 collection of maze programs
SIG/M Volume 244 Whetstone Benchmarks and Linpack Conversions
by Adam T. Fritz
244.01 LPAK11 .DOC 19K D9 27 converts LINPAK single precision general
244.02 LPAK11 .ADD 10K 13 5A system routines to Pascal and C; provides
244.03 LPAK10-F.LQR 22K F0 53 drivers to apply and demonstrate routines
244.04 LPAK11-C.LQR 23K 45 78 and discusses results. In Fortran, C and
244.05 LPAK11-T.LQR 24K D8 21 Turbo Pascal.
244.06 WSTONE12.LBR 54K BF 9E Whetstone benchmarks
244.07 LIFE .COM 18K 5D D4 new version in Turbo Pascal
244.08 LIFE .PAS 13K 6A 86 /
SIG/M Volume 243 Mark Weiss Shows His Stuff
Random Numbers, etc. in Turbo Pascal
243.01 AUTOCOMP.COM 10K 28 D7 probabilities for complete set acquisition
243.02 AUTOCOMP.PQS 3K 2B E6 in the collectors problem
243.03 CHIPS .CQM 21K 2D DA a game for people who like to play
243.04 CHIPS1 .PQS 6K EC 2F detective - based on probability
243.05 CHIPS2 .PQS 10K 8D 0F
243.06 CHISQR .COM 10K DD C9 chi-square test of random number generation
243.07 CHISQR .PQS 2K 94 C6 /
243.08 COLLECT .COM 10K FF 0B probability of having a complete set given
243.09 COLLECT .PQS 3K 39 8D the number in set and number acquired
243.10 DEMO1 .LQG 3K 5A F6 /
243.11 DEMO2 .LQG 3K D0 AE /
243.12 GAMMAFIT.COM 14K 60 0F fits gamma probability density function to
243.13 GAMMAFIT.PQS 6K 20 B4 a datafile listing number from 0 to 100
243.14 GETNAME .PRO 1K 0C ED (support file)
243.15 HISCORE .LQG 6K AA CB /
243.16 LSTSQR .COM 12K 7F EF linear least square fits
243.17 LSTSQR .PQS 3K EC A7 / è243.18 NEAR .COM 11K 95 13 a new statistical test developed by Mark
243.19 NEAR .PQS 3K 8D 88 /
243.20 NORMAL2 .BAS 2K 74 82 MBASIC best estimate of the true mean
243.21 PIAPPROX.COM 10K 27 20 pi approximation - circle in a square -
243.22 PIAPPROX.PQS 3K DF FB is a random point a boundary?
243.23 RUNSTEST.COM 15K A0 CC degree of independence of successively
243.24 RUNSTEST.PQS 8K A5 3C generated values of random number gen.
243.25 VISCOS1 .DAT 1K 59 AB (support file)
243.26 XRD .COM 14K F5 FD resulting angles and d-spacing of x-ray
243.27 XRD .PQS 5K 2D 1E diffraction powder pattern line positions
243.28 CONTROL .XQD 1K 35 E5 /
SIG/M Volume 242 EPRO (Small Prolog) by Gerald Edgar
File Interchange, Search & Replace
242.01 EPRO .LBR 103K 45 2E Z80 small Prolog with documentation
242.02 FIP .LBR 76K 23 C1 Z80 screen file manager with doc
242.03 SANDR .COM 2K 5B BD search and replace strings - 8085
242.04 SANDR .DOC 8K 60 7A /
SIG/M Volume 241 Updated XMODEM, MEX with Revised XMODEM Protocol
Turbo Pascal Bulletin Board
241.01 MEX114 .LBR 37K 07 5F Update to XMODEM and MEX using new 1024
241.02 XMODM110.LBR 89K C9 46 protocol for faster transfer.
241.03 TURBOBBS.LBR 74K 3C 2C Turbo Pascal BBS system
SIG/M Volume 240 Extracts from UK CPMUG - Volumes 21 & 23
BASIC (Z80) Bulletin Board
240.01 ASM65 .DOC 23K 1A 3F converts ASM.COM to 6502
240.02 ASM65 .HEX 17K B3 A1 cross assembler
240.03 BACKUP .COM 5K 97 40 Winchester backup program (Z80)
240.04 BACKUP .DOC 5K 53 C4 /
240.05 BACKUP .MAC 24K F5 27 /
240.06 ECCE .DOC 27K 8F 43 Edinburgh Compatible Context Editor
240.07 ECCE48K .COM 17K 54 7B line oriented editor with macro
240.08 ECCE56K .COM 17K E6 8D capability and conditional commands
240.09 ECCE60K .COM 17K F4 41 /
240.10 ACK .DOC 1K C2 E7 /
240.11 ZBBS .LBR 57K DB C0 BASIC BBS (Z80) system
SIG/M Volume 239 Z8E Z80 Debug Monitor
by Rick Surwild
239.01 Z8E .CQM 11K 10 B1 Symbolic Z80 debugger. Full screen
239.02 Z8E .DQC 101K 54 16 animated display of program under
239.03 Z8E .MQC 111K AF 5B test, built in assembler, 16 break-
239.04 Z8E .SYM 1K FD 25 points, 20 + commands. Full doc file.
SIG/M Volume 238 CCITT X.25 Packet Standard (all 3 levels)
by Ed Elizondo
238.01 BUFFERS .AQM 17K A3 AD Full implementation of CCITT X.25è238.02 FILES .AQM 10K DA 5C packet standard (all 3 levels) under
238.03 LEVEL1 .AQM 13K 04 80 CP/M-80. Implements a dumb terminal
238.04 LEVEL2 .AQM 29K FC 09 with bi-directional file transfer
238.05 LEVEL3 .AQM 34K F6 1D capability. Configured for Digital
238.06 PLOG .AQM 6K 4A 0D Research Big Board (uses SIO on BB
238.07 X25 .AQM 19K 70 29 to handle HDLC bit stuffing and
238.08 X25 .CQM 15K 5E 3B polynomial check). Extensive diag-
238.09 X25 .MSG 2K E9 32 nostic facilities built in. Full
238.10 X25SYS .DQC 16K 5B 24 User manual.
238.11 X25UM .DQC 43K 72 28 /
238.12 XUTIL .AQM 8K 6A 2E /
SIG/M Volume 237 Pilot in Pascal/Z
Solving Deductive Reasoning Puzzles
from the Pascal/Z Users Group
237.01 PILOT-P .LBR 174K F7 4A Pilot in Pascal/Z
237.02 PUZZLE .LBR 39K 70 1D Helps solve deductive reasoning puzzles
SIG/M Volume 236 CP-M3 Bios for Disk-Jockey Controller
Updated Lisp in Pascal/Z
236.01 CPM3BIOS.DQC 10K B9 08 CP-M3 bios for Morrow Disk Jockey - Doc.
236.02 SCB .ASM 3K E0 84 Bios routines
236.03 MOVE .MAC 6K A8 EE " "
236.04 CHARIO .MQC 8K FA 21 " "
236.05 DISKDEFN.ASM 3K 4A 1A " "
236.06 DISKHNDL.MQC 8K 70 D6 " "
236.07 SEMIHNDL.MAC 6K 20 0A " "
236.08 BOOT .MAC 5K F7 10 " "
236.09 GENCPM .DAT 3K A5 9F Sample data for GENCPM
236.10 DDLDR .ASM 2K 3D 1D Loader bios routines
236.11 LDRBIOS .MAC 7K 0D 48 " "
236.12 LOADSYS .MAC 11K BD F8 Bios routine loader
236.13 REBOOT .MAC 1K F4 B3 To cold start
236.14 SEESCB .RAT 1K F5 43 Print the SCB
236.15 ACCSCB .MAC 1K 5D 68 " "
236.16 SEESCB .COM 7K 2E 54 " "
236.17 BARB2 .MAC 8K 68 74 Memory check
236.18 IF .COM 1K 48 33 Conditional execution
236.19 IF .MAC 3K 18 F8 " "
236.20 OVLMNGR .MAC 7K 5C 5B Overlay manager
236.21 PRINT .COM 2K 01 18 Spooling printer
236.22 PRINT .MQC 6K 3B 84 " "
236.23 CPMPLUS .TQX 25K A3 9B Article on CP-M Plus
236.24 LISP .COM 27K C6 3B Lisp in Pascal/Z
236.25 LISP .DOC 14K 65 23 from Vol 27 Pascal/Z
236.26 LISP .PAS 38K 32 A1 Users Group
236.27 INITLISP. 1K 62 14 /
236.28 INITLISP.STB 1K F9 1E /
SIG/M Volume 235 BASICODE Radio Communications (in Dutch)
Netherlands Enhancements to FIG FORTH
Software Tools of Australiz Volume 72
è235.01 ABSTRACT.235 2K 29 B6 Abstract of disk contents (in Dutch)
235.02 BASICODE.DOC 16K B7 AC Documentation on BASICODE (in Dutch)
235.03 BASICODE.ENG 3K B4 A7 Brief intro to BASICODE (in English)
235.04 BC2 .BQS 2K 27 C8 "Standard" BASICODE-2 for MBASIC
235.05 BC2 .OSB 2K 2B 1D "Osborne" BASICODE-1 for Osborne 1
235.06 BC2 .OSI 2K D8 69 "Ohio Scientific" BASICODE-2
235.07 BCREAD .AQM 8K 75 A2 Read BASICODE-2 in from parallel port
235.08 BCTEST .AQM 4K 77 7C Test program for BASICODE-2 port transfer
235.09 BCWRIT .AQM 8K E7 4E Write out BASICODE-2 program, standard
235.10 BCWRITE .AQM 8K 87 D9 Write out BASICODE program, (BASICODE-1?)
235.11 BOKA&EI .BQS 6K 77 2E BASICODE-2 Tic Tac Toe, in Dutch
235.12 CONVERT .BQS 4K FE 82 CBASIC source for BASICODE-2/MBASIC xlate
235.13 CONVERT .COM 13K 67 B5 Converts from BASICODE-2 to Microsoft BASIC
235.14 DELERS .BQS 10K A9 BE BASICODE-2 game of some sort, in Dutch
235.15 DIGIKLOK.BQS 4K 82 2F BASICODE-2 on screen digital clock
235.16 FEESTEN .BQS 4K 9D 98 BASICODE-2 shows public holidays, any year
235.17 FORTH-NL.LBR 49K A3 D1 FIG FORTH 1.1 with enhancements for CP/M
235.18 FUNCTION.DAT 1K 29 3F Used with CONVERT.COM
235.19 KALFEEST.BQS 6K 9E A3 BASICODE-2 calendar for any month & year
235.20 KEYWORDS.DAT 1K 88 69 Used with CONVERT.COM
235.21 MASSA .BQS 4K 76 3E BASICODE-2 demo program, in Dutch
235.22 SORT .BQS 6K 68 2E BASICODE-2 sort program, in Dutch
235.23 STELSELS.BAS 4K 64 EE BASICODE-2 solves 3 order quadratics ?
235.24 TANKIE .BQS 6K 00 9B BASICODE-2 game, simple ASCII graphics
235.25 TESTBC2 .BQS 4K F4 46 BASICODE-2 test/excerciser program
235.26 TIMER555.BQS 6K B4 CA BASICODE-2 designs 555 timer circuits
235.27 UITLEG1 .BQS 6K 6E 8E Introduction to BASICODE? (in Dutch)
235.28 UITLEG2 .BQS 8K 22 83 See UITLEG1.BAS
SIG/M Volume 234 CP-M Plus and Other Utilities, Curve Fitting
Includes Libraried UK Users Group Volume 16
(Software Tools of Australia Volume 70)
234.01 AUTO .LBR 4K 9E DF Auto execute program on cold boot
234.02 CPM3UTIL.LBR 19K 51 36 Disk and other utilities for CP/M Plus
234.03 CUBE .LBR 10K 40 57 Solves 5 x 5 cube
234.04 CURVFIT .LBR 38K 24 CD Curve fitting in MBASIC
234.05 DISKSTAT.LBR 35K FB EA Display disk info and file allocation
234.06 DUMP .LBR 7K FA 5D Improved file dump utility
234.07 SBCOPY .LBR 11K 19 46 Fast copy utility for SuperBrain
234.08 SPZ .LBR 57K 75 46 Full screen disk utility SuperBrain version
234.09 SYM .LBR 8K 95 17 Make SID symbol table from MACRO-80 listing
SIG/M Volume 233 Miscellaneous CP-M-80 Utilities
Abstracts from Software Tools of Australia Vol. 69
233.01 BOY-MOR .LBR 18K 2D A4 Z80 Boyer-More string search function
233.02 CLEANUPC.LBR 26K 72 06 Cleans up C source, makes cross listing
233.03 DISKNAME.LBR 12K B8 06 Gives 45 character volume name on CP/M disk
233.04 MODEM7B .LBR 43K 58 FD MODEM7A modified for LST device output
233.05 PMATCH .LBR 24K 10 1C Checks print command pairing for WordStar
233.06 SDDIRENT.LBR 61K AF A2 Updated SD77, more information displayed
233.07 UDM1200 .DQC 2K 07 66 Using Modem Tech UDM1200 at 1200/75 bps
233.08 UDMAUTOD.BAS 5K 43 EA BASIC auto dialer for Modem Tech UDM1200
233.09 VDUPRNT .LBR 14K AF 35 Screen dump Microbee to Tandy DMP 200è233.10 XPRINT .CQ 7K B4 70 Extended print utility in C
SIG/M Volume 232 Kermit 3.9 for CP-M-80, Z80 translator
Abstracts from Software Tools of Australia Vol. 68
232.01 BBCBIOS .MQC 10K 20 01 Modified Ferguson Big Board 1 BIOS
232.02 KERMIT .VER 5K F9 E7 KERMIT communications version list
232.03 KRMSRC .LBR 121K FD B9 KERMIT version 3.9 for CP/M-80
232.04 M7BBS+ .AQM 49K 69 60 Modem 7 for Ferguson Big Board 1
232.05 XLATE216.LBR 32K 6A D0 Updated XLATE 8080 to Z80 source translator
SIG/M Volume 231 Excerpts from the New Micro/Systems Journal
231.01 CP-M+ .LBR 100K F4 56 Bringing up CP/M-Plus
231.02 DISK1C .LBR 36K 8A EE C & the Godbout Disk-1 Controller
231.03 EXTEND .LBR 11K 80 8F Assembly Language Extensions for MS BASIC
231.04 NAMES .LBR 66K 19 C5 Logical Name Translator for CP/M 2.2
SIG/M Volume 230 dBaseII Databases for Scholars
Articles, Books and Reference Material Databases
230.01 BOOKS .LBR 71K 89 18 database for refernce books
230.02 RETRIEVE.LBR 64K F3 8B article retrieval database
230.03 REFERENC.LBR 82K EB 12 reference material database
SIG/M Volume 229 CP/M 86 and NEC CP/M 86 Programs
229.01 APC-CALN.LBR 20K 7A E4 prints calendars - APC & MX printer
229.02 APC-DATE.LBR 19K 36 3B screens calendars on APC
229.03 APCSERIO.LBR 16K 75 C3 interrupt driven I/O for APC
229.04 BYTYPE86.LBR 21K 44 5E DIR sort by types to con, lst or disk
229.05 FASTVF86.LBR 83K 23 D1 cleaner, faster VFILER. CRC optional
229.06 FRAG86 .LBR 10K 7D 22 file-ext cleaner, faster,sorts by files
229.07 GRAB86 .LBR 24K 87 CD finds paragraphs
229.08 SAVE0-86.LBR 8K 3D 3A emulates CP/M 2.2 SAVE 0 command
229.09 WC86 .LBR 9K 82 CD word count, text & WS files to 8 digits
SIG/M Volume 228 Disk Editor, Updated Footnote Program, Maze Game
and Miscellaneous Z-80 and 8080 Programs
228.01 APPEND .C 2K AD 5D concatenates two files into one
228.02 APPEND .COM 4K F3 8A without disturbing orginal files
228.03 CFLOLIB .C80 1K 94 FA takes C code and creates a listing
228.04 CFLOW .C 6K 68 79 of the module calls in the source
228.05 CFLOW .COM 6K 34 17 /
228.06 CFLOW .DOC 3K 2B D7 /
228.07 CFLOW .FLO 2K 11 B1 /
228.08 EDFILE .ART 12K AF 79 Z80 screen oriented disk editor
228.09 EDFILE .COM 11K F0 A7 /
228.10 EDFILE .DOC 20K C2 18 /
228.11 FTNOTE14.COM 17K F3 66 update to footnote program for
228.12 FTNOTE14.DOC 26K 08 9D Wordstar
228.13 GRAB .AQM 16K EC 8B improvement to FIND which pulls out
228.14 GRAB .COM 4K 1E 65 paragraphs of information - CP/M 80
228.15 GRAB .DOC 2K FD 9E version.è228.16 LIST .C 2K 1C D4 multiple file list program
228.17 LIST .COM 3K B5 50 /
228.18 MCHASE .COM 22K 5A 0D arcade style maze chase game
228.19 MCHASE .DOC 7K 2F EF /
228.20 MCHASE .HLP 3K 0A 7D /
228.21 MODES .C 3K 32 DD MX-80 setting program
228.22 MODES .COM 4K B6 33 /
228.23 PASSWORD.ASM 6K 46 71 requires password to use disk
228.24 PASSWORD.COM 1K 23 F3 /
228.25 PASSWORD.DOC 6K 2B 84 /
228.26 SPLIT .C 3K FE ED splits larger file into smaller
228.27 SPLIT .COM 5K 7E F9 ones
dBASEII Programs from the Capital Osborne UG
227.01 CHECKS .LBR 60K 45 AA checkbook program in dBASEII
227.02 CHURCH .LBR 60K F6 98 church Management program in dBASEII
227.03 GENEOLGY.LBR 75K B0 A0 genealogy program in dBASEII
SIG/M Volume 226 The Sigi Kluger Utilities
226.01 BACKMW .DOC 10K 74 F2 hard disk backup for Morrow M16
226.02 BACKMW27.COM 7K E5 DC /
226.03 BACKMW27.MAC 15K 87 A1 /
226.04 BAUDRATE.ASM 4K 39 5C sets I/F 4 & TVI 950 baud
226.05 COLONS .DOC 3K 19 C1 add/delete colons to ASM
226.06 COLONS12.COM 4K B2 FA source file where needed
226.07 COLONS12.UPD 1K A3 72 /
226.08 DATE .ASM 3K EA 82 convert DRI date to MM/DD/YY
226.09 UNDATE .ASM 3K 74 25 and MM-DD-YY to DRI format
226.10 DRI-DATE.DOC 5K 20 D3 /
226.11 DELETE .COM 2K BD A3 ERA utility
226.12 DELETE .MAC 6K 3E 4E /
226.13 DUMPDIR .COM 2K E0 7D directory dump with file
226.14 DUMPDIR .DOC 3K DB BE allocation display
226.15 DUMPDIR .MAC 5K 4B 87 /
226.16 E5 .A86 2K E4 E8 fills CP/M 86 disk with E5s
226.17 FINDU10 .DOC 4K 42 56 string find utility for
226.18 FINDU11 .COM 4K 85 66 squeezed and unsqueezed files
226.19 FINDU11 .MAC 4K 42 49 /
226.20 FREESP .MAC 2K A1 3C module to calculate disk space
226.21 HEXDEC .A86 1K 7F 2C hex to decimal module for CP/M
226.22 HEXDEC .ASM 1K F9 C6 80 and 86
226.23 HXDC24 .MAC 3K 5C 8A /
226.24 HXDC24 .REL 1K 92 3B /
226.25 LCHEK .DOC 1K FD 70 library CRC program in CHEK and
226.26 LCHEK11 .COM 2K F6 AA CRC compatible formats
226.27 LCRCK11 .COM 2K 78 BC /
226.28 LCRCK11 .DOC 2K A5 29 /
226.29 LCRCK11 .MAC 7K 07 7B /
226.30 LDIR22 .COM 3K 89 30 library directory with version for
226.31 LDIR22 .DOC 2K 25 3E original filenames of squeezed
226.32 LDIR22 .MAC 10K 57 E3 member files and filematch utility
226.33 LDIRR .ASM 7K FA E3 /è226.34 LDIRR .COM 2K 8E F2 /
226.35 MATCHF .REL 1K 76 B2 /
226.36 MYSORT .REL 1K 9D DB /
226.37 NCRCK1 .COM 2K 40 B1 new CRC program
226.38 NCRCK1 .DOC 2K F2 50 /
226.39 NCRCK1 .MAC 5K 3C 06 /
226.40 PRUN12 .COM 2K 57 DE runs PRL files under CP/M
226.41 PRUN12 .DOC 4K 70 13 /
226.42 PRUN12 .MAC 9K 37 64 /
226.43 SETBAUD2.ASM 5K B6 57 sets baud rate for I/F 4
226.44 SETBAUD2.COM 2K 9B 92 /
226.45 SORT .ASM 3K AB 10 Shell-Metzner in-memory sort
226.46 TESTHXD .MAC 1K FA 6A tests HXDC24
226.47 TIMEDF4 .ASM 3K B0 E7 elapsed time calculator
226.48 TIMEDIF .ASM 5K CA 91 /
226.49 TYPEL36 .COM 4K 0D E9 super type program, squeezed and
226.50 TYPEL36 .DOC 4K 39 6F unsqueezed, in library, to printer,
226.51 TYPEL36 .MAC 15K 66 13 etc.
226.52 UNSQZ13 .COM 4K 05 3C super unsqueezer
226.53 UNSQZ13 .DOC 2K 9D 59 /
226.54 UNSQZ13 .MAC 9K D7 C8 /
226.55 USQB .REL 2K 0D E0 /
226.56 WILDEX .A86 1K 97 AB wildcard expansion routine for
226.57 WILDEX .MAC 2K B4 57 both ASM86/RASM86 and RMAC/M80
226.58 WILDEX .REL 1K 8F 60 /
SIG/M Volume 225 FX-80 Character Set
Biochemical Engineering Games & Simulation
225.01 FX .COM 5K 14 32 allows second character set
225.02 FXDRVR .COM 2K B2 B0 with Wordstar and FX-80 printer.
225.03 FXDRVR .DOC 23K 45 D6 /
225.04 FXDRVR .MAC 24K 8E 81 /
225.05 ALTER .FON 4K 20 FB scientific font for MX-80
225.06 SIMULA .LBR 131K 3C 94 biochemical eng. games & simulation
SIG/M Volume 224 Small C Compiler with Floating Point (Z80)
224.01 CC .CQM 23K 60 46 Z80 Small C compiler with
224.02 CC .DQC 10K 8C 57 floating point math
224.03 C80V .CQ 27K 48 39 /
224.04 C80V-2 .CQ 21K EB BC /
224.05 ARGS .CQ 3K 47 7F I/O direction and command
224.06 ARGS .DQC 2K 24 BC line parsing
224.07 ARGS .H 1K 3E 33 /
224.08 ARGS .OQJ 3K 40 4E /
224.09 CLIBV .OBJ 4K C9 EB alternate math & I/O library
224.10 FLOAT .CQ 15K C9 EE floating point routines
224.11 FLOAT .DQC 3K 04 D9 /
224.12 FLOAT .H 1K 21 05 /
224.13 FLOAT .OBJ 3K 95 62 /
224.14 IOLIB .CQ 11K FA 82 integer math and I/O
224.15 IOLIB .DQC 3K D1 C8 /
224.16 IOLIB .H 1K 0E 62 /
224.17 IOLIB .OQJ 6K 1E 5E /è224.18 PRINTF .DQC 3K 66 D2 formatted I/O
224.19 PRINTF1 .CQ 3K 70 E9 /
224.20 PRINTF1 .H 1K 31 61 /
224.21 PRINTF1 .OQJ 6K 6D D9 /
224.22 PRINTF2 .CQ 6K 63 1F /
224.23 PRINTF2 .H 1K AB C9 /
224.24 PRINTF2 .OQJ 11K B5 AF /
224.25 PROFILE .AQM 3K FB FB execution profile and walkback
224.26 PROFILE .DQC 2K A6 03 /
224.27 PROFILE .H 1K E1 03 /
224.28 PROFILE .OBJ 1K 86 0A /
224.29 TEST .CQ 3K E1 62 sample program
224.30 TRANSCEN.CQ 7K 9A 8C transcendental functions
224.31 TRANSCEN.DQC 2K A9 B2 /
224.32 TRANSCEN.H 1K BF 0F /
224.33 TRANSCEN.OBJ 5K 54 EB /
224.34 ZLINK .CQM 6K E1 17 linkage editor
224.35 ZLINK .DQC 2K 64 8A /
224.36 ZMAC .CQM 10K 08 83 assembler (relocatable output)
224.37 ZMAC .DQC 7K BB 71 /
SIG/M Volume 223 RESOURCE Disassembler for CP/M 86
Misc. Programs
223.01 DBIIDATE.PRG 2K 60 3D Sets date in DBASEII - NEC APC
223.02 DO .LBR 26K B0 54 Extended SUBMIT
223.03 FREEBASE.LBR 19K 88 9E Data base program
223.04 MEM .LBR 4K 26 41 Creates RAM disk
223.05 PDABACUS.CMD 2K 39 E8 Sets colors on NEC APC
223.06 PDRAMDSK.AQ6 10K 1B 9B RAM disk for NEC APC
223.07 PDRAMDSK.CMD 5K 19 1F /
223.08 RES86 .LBR 83K F8 F6 RESOURCE disassembler - CP-M 86
223.09 SPLITTER.LBR 12K 0E 3C Segments files for copying
223.10 TLABEL86.LBR 14K E2 5D Prints labels - CP-M 86
223.11 WYSEFK21.AQM 6K 7E F8
SIG/M Volume 222 Updates to Handy Utilities and
Misc. Programs
222.01 AREACD13.LBR 22K B5 EF New areacodes, including 718
222.02 DASM8080.LBR 90K EA 47 8080 disassembler
222.03 DBL003 .LBR 11K 1B 0E Improved multi column printing
222.04 DIRREP .LBR 12K 56 06 Repairs directory
222.05 LU310 .LBR 44K D4 9D Updated library utility
222.06 NULU10 .LBR 35K 94 78 A new approach to LU
SIG/M Volume 221 dBASEII(tm) Inventory System,
Decoder, Patch and MP/M Information
221.01 DBASEMPM.LBR 4K 4C AF MP/M dBASE setup programs
221.02 DBSOURCE.LBR 60K 30 B1 Decodes some run-time programs
221.03 INVNTORY.LBR 130K 5E D4 Inventory system
221.04 NEWBASE5.LBR 10K 8B 76 dBASE patches
SIG/M Volume 220 MEX - an Improved Modem for CP/M è by Ron Fowler (Volume 3 of 3)
220.01 MXO-OA11.AQM 12K AA A6 Otrona Attache Overlay
220.02 MXO-OC10.AQM 12K 36 78 Osborne 1 with COMM-PAC
220.03 MXO-OS22.AQM 11K 83 DA Obsorne
220.04 MXO-OX11.AQM 10K 95 19 Osborne Executive
220.05 MXO-P1-1.AQM 8K 32 64 PCM Micromate
220.06 MXO-R+10.AQM 9K 84 E3 Radio Shack Mod 4 with CP/M+
220.07 MXO-R211.AQM 8K 93 61 Radio Shack Mod 2
220.08 MXO-RS13.AQM 12K 1B 68 Radio Shack Mod 4 with Montezuma
220.09 MXO-RV13.AQM 10K A1 F2 Racal- Vadic
220.10 MXO-SB12.AQM 15K 8D DE Superbrain
220.11 MXO-SCAT.AQM 7K BD 8C Smartcat
220.12 MXO-SX10.AQM 18K 62 85 Starplex
220.13 MXO-SY21.AQM 19K E2 3F Sanyo MBC-100
220.14 MXO-TD30.AQM 14K 83 59 Turbodos
220.15 MXO-TV11.AQM 8K 2F D7 Televideo TS-802
220.16 MXO-VP10.AQM 5K A2 40 Ventel Plus
220.17 MXO-VTL1.AQM 7K 23 CB Ventel Modem with Otrona Attache
220.18 MXO-XE12.AQM 8K F2 34 Xerox 820
220.19 MXO-XR10.AQM 9K 6E 6B XOR S-100-4
SIG/M Volume 219 MEX - an Improved Modem for CP/M
by Ron Fowler (Volume 2 of 3)
219.01 MXO-APCC.AQM 19K 0A 29 Apple II overlay
219.02 MXO-CT10.AQM 7K FE D4 CT Companion
219.03 MXO-DB10.AQM 10K 74 9C Dynabyte
219.04 MXO-DT10.AQM 8K FF F7 Datec
219.05 MXO-DV10.AQM 11K 43 9E Davidge
219.06 MXO-EP12.AQM 10K 2E DE Epson QX 10
219.07 MXO-GB11.AQM 10K 4E 75 CompuPro
219.08 MXO-H812.AQM 8K 79 C7 Heath H-89
219.09 MXO-II12.AQM 8K 0C 47 Intersystems
219.10 MXO-IM10.AQM 5K 5F B5 Info-Mate
219.11 MXO-KP41.AQM 28K E8 BE Kaypro
219.12 MXO-LO15.AQM 12K 0F F8 Lobo Max 80
219.13 MXO-MD11.AQM 11K DC D0 Morrow MD 3A
219.14 MXO-MG10.AQM 11K CC 6B Mega SC
219.15 MXO-MR10.AQM 8K 37 CD Morrow Micro Decision
219.16 MXO-NE88.AQM 14K C9 C2 NEC PC-8801
219.17 MXO-NS11.AQM 15K 9F 3E North Star Horizon
SIG/M Volume 218 MEX - an Improved Modem for CP/M
by Ron Fowler (Volume 1 of 3)
218.01 MEX112 .OBJ 24K 7B F0 MEX main program (uninstalled)
218.02 COPYRITE. 2K F3 09 MEX Copyright notice
218.03 MEX .HQP 31K 2A 22 On-line users manual
218.04 MEX10 .DQC 38K 32 AA Documentation
218.05 MEXSUM .DQC 7K 24 19 /
218.06 MEXCON .SUB 1K 11 4D Submit file to construct installed mex
218.07 MLOAD .OBJ 3K E5 1E Overlay installation tool
218.08 READ .MQ 2K B8 25 Quick overview
218.09 SET .MQX 1K 43 DE File to change MEX settingsè218.10 TEL .PHN 1K AB 43 Sample phone directory
218.11 MXM-CD10.AQM 11K BE 2F Concord Data System
218.12 MXM-PC10.AQM 8K A8 04 Popcon
218.13 MXM-UD10.AQM 12K A6 7B UDS modem
218.14 MXM-US13.AQM 19K A0 39 US Robotics modem
218.15 MXO-AD11.AQM 18K 89 B8 Advanced Digital
218.16 MXO-AL10.AQM 8K 24 9D Altos
218.17 MXO-PM22.AQM 26K A9 B9 PMMI
218.18 MXO-SM14.AQM 7K 60 08 Smartmodem
SIG-M Volume 217 MODEM (MDM840) for CP-M 86 and MP-M (Vol 2 of 2)
CP/M 80 Emulator; dBASEII Toolkit
217.01 M8GP-1 .AQ6 7K 93 C6 MDM840 general purpose overlay
217.02 M8IN-1 .AQ6 8K 9D A9 CompuPro Interfacer 3/4 overlay
217.03 M8MCDOS .AQ6 11K A2 C4 CompuPro Interfacer 3/4 overlay
217.04 QUEIN .AQ6 2K 48 5E with Gifford MC-DOS
217.05 M8MPMIN .AQ6 13K 5E 76 CompuPro MP/M 86 with MSUP.RSP
217.07 MSUP .AQ6 28K B1 2F /
217.08 MSUP .DQC 2K E0 B1 /
217.06 M8RB-1 .AQ6 8K 25 DE DEC Rainbow overlay
217.09 Z80 .A86 10K 41 4D working CP-M 80 emulator for CP/M 86
217.10 Z80 .CMD 5K D1 50 /
217.11 CBADDR .Z80 6K 9C ED /
217.12 CODE8086.Z80 16K C4 67 /
217.13 CODECB .Z80 1K 36 72 /
217.14 CODEED .Z80 5K AF D4 /
217.15 EDADDR .Z80 2K 54 E3 /
217.16 JUMPADDR.Z80 6K 3F 57 /
217.17 FUNCLIB .CMD 5K BD AE dBASEII toolkit library
217.18 DATELIB .CMD 9K 59 9C /
217.19 MATHLIB .CMD 11K 50 6D /
217.20 TOOLSLIB.DOC 15K 3D 55 /
217.21 LOGOFF .ASM 1K 7A 27 bulletin board security system
217.22 LOGOFF .COM 2K 90 F4 /
217.23 LOGON .ASM 1K 37 B9 /
217.24 LOGON .COM 3K 27 BE /
217.25 LOGON .DOC 3K 38 6D /
217.26 LUU .CQ 12K 24 F8 Australian version of CP/M 86 LU
217.27 LUU .CQD 24K 09 09 /
SIG-M Volume 216 MODEM (MDM840) for CP-M 86 and MP-M
(Volume 1 of 2)
216.01 MDM840 .AQ6 124K 5E 0B MDM Modem series translated for CP-M 86
216.02 MDM840 .DQC 26K D7 77 documentation file
216.03 MDM840 .HQ6 26K 1A 4A hex file
216.04 MDM840 .NQT 2K E2 B9 translator's note
216.05 M8LIB .AQ6 18K 04 25 telephone auto dialer library for MDM840
216.06 M8LIB .CMD 4K 28 FB /
216.07 M8LIB .DOC 1K 4E F5 /
216.08 M8NM-40 .AQ6 4K AE 05 /
SIG-M Volume 215 REC Documentation, Updated CNVRT, RUN -
executes files from SUBMIT files or libraries è
215.01 CNVRT .LBR 54K C4 AE latest version of CNVRT
215.02 HJELP .COM 4K 17 24 examine libraries as HELP files
215.03 RECDOC .LBR 95K 8F 25 manuscript describing REC
215.04 RUN .LBR 56K 42 4A runs 80 & 86 programs from SUB or LBR files
SIG-M Volume 214 Regular Expression Compiler (REC) (Vol 2 of 2)
8086 Floating Point, 8080 w/o Floating Point Math
214.01 REC80 .LBR 112K FB 88 8080 REC w/o floating point
214.02 REC86F .LBR 120K 6A FA 8086 REC with floating point
SIG-M Volume 213 Regular Expression Compiler (REC) (Volume 1 of 2)
8080 Floating Point, 8086 w/o Floating Point Math
213.01 REC80F .LBR 137K E3 FB 8080 REC with floating point math
213.02 REC86 .LBR 94K D1 89 8086 REC w/o floating point math
SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-213, 02 Files cataloged.
SIG-M Volume 212 CP-M Plus Utilities and Misc. Routines
212.01 CHIS16 .CQ 5K C6 AB Chi-square calculation in C
212.02 CPM2-+ .LBR 5K 2A 8D allows 2.2 routines to run under CP-M Plus
212.03 CPM3-CAT.LBR 6K 02 0C CP-M Plus catalog program
212.04 CPM3LIB .LBR 8K 0B D3 CP-M Plus subroutine library
212.05 CURLY .LBR 7K 60 1C checks braces on C programs
212.06 DAYS .CQ 2K A4 9E changes 01/18/85 to 1.18.1985
212.07 FIND+2 .LBR 16K 61 8D updates FIND
212.08 KPROFMT .LBR 59K 5D 19 multidisk formats for Kaypro 2,4 & 10
212.09 QS-CPM3 .LBR 4K CA 7C resets disk attributes in CP-M Plus
212.10 RDMSDOS .LBR 35K 49 96 reads MSDOS disks in CP-M - maybe ?
212.11 SUPERZAP.LBR 13K 96 05 Z80 disk utility similar to DU
212.12 UNERA+ .LBR 16K FA 96 UNERASE in CP-M Plus
212.13 YAM .H 9K AC 6A file missing from SIG-M 183
SIG-M Volume 211 Kermit MODEM for CP-M 86
211.01 86KERMIT.LBR 194K 0B CD Kermit modem for CP-M 86
SIG-M Volume 210 CP-M 86 Utilities
210.01 BLIST .LBR 16K AE 0C multiple file printer
210.02 CLCIB86 .LBR 3K D6 DF CB86 command line interpreter
210.03 CRC .CMD 4K 10 E5 CRC checker in CP-M 86
210.04 CRC-64 .AQ6 19K 60 9A /
210.05 CRC68K .LBR 16K 78 A7 CRC checker in CP-M 68K
210.06 CRCBUILD.LBR 35K F4 D1 builds catalog files - CP-M 80 & 86
210.07 PUT .AQ6 14K A9 E0 copies files between user areas
210.08 PUT .CMD 3K 15 C7 /
210.09 SQ183 .CMD 17K DF 8D CP-M 86 file squeezer
210.10 TAB86 .LBR 27K C4 4B creates tabs in code
210.11 UNTAB86 .LBR 26K BC 9B removes tabs from code
210.12 USQ .CMD 3K EB 7C CP-M 86 file usqueezer
SIG/M Volume 209 Programs from Thousand Oaks Bulletin Boardè
209.01 COBOL .LBR 75K D0 DE cobol - unchecked but worth trying
209.02 ERAQ16 .LBR 12K E6 3C updated query erase
209.03 FXCHAR .LBR 50K 26 9D creates character sets for Epson FX
209.04 HEADER6 .BAS 10K 59 EC prints a LARGE heading - neat!
209.05 MEGAN3 .LBR 31K 31 C7 space game
209.06 NSWP207 .LBR 13K 6C C5 much improved update to SWEEP
209.07 TYPEL34A.LBR 18K 5B BB updated TYPEL
SIG/M Volume 208 Meta4 (8080), 3740 Utility and
Z80 Bidirectional Show
208.01 3740UTIL.LBR 71K 48 41 IBM 3740 disk utility
208.02 META412 .LBR 99K 49 D7 META4 in 8080 code
208.03 SF .LBR 34K 97 3C Z80 bidirectional show
SIG/M Volume 207 CP/M 86 Library Utility, Print, etc.
Vfiler and Dump for NEC APC
207.01 APC-DUMP.LBR 16K 57 EA NEC APC dump program
207.03 VFILEAPC.CMD 9K E2 4C /
207.03 BIDUMP86.LBR 11K A9 F0 CP/M 86 bidirection dump
207.04 BISHOW86.CMD 2K 0E B3 Improved CP/M 86 bidirectional SHOW
207.05 BISHOW86.LBR 12K A0 9B /
207.06 LTYPE86 .LBR 10K C4 87 LTYPE for CP/M 86
207.07 LU86 .CMD 19K 17 23 CP/M 86 library utility
207.08 LU86-2 .LBR 39K 3E 38 /
207.09 PRINT86 .LBR 15K B1 67 CP/M 86 PRINT utility
207.10 TYPESQ86.LBR 7K 4A 87 CP/M 86 Typesqueeze
207.11 USQ .CMD 18K 24 C0 Unsqueeze for CP/M 86
SIG/M Volume 206 Library, Printing and Sorting Routines
in CP/M 80 and CP/M 86
206.01 ENCOL .LBR 79K 4D 59 multiple column listings, two side of paper
206.02 HJELP .LBR 59K 18 62 HELP files, even squeezed, within a library
206.03 QSORT .LBR 20K E1 C7 Quicksort to order the lines of a file
206.04 TY .LBR 63K 82 DD type, whether binary, squeezed or library
SIG/M Volume 205 Forth-83 for 68000 - Version 2.0
205.01 F83 .68K 29K 1B F1 compiled Forth
205.02 README .6Q 13K 0C 33 original F83 instructions
205.03 F83-FIXS.TQT 4K 52 E2 changed from F83 v 1.0
205.04 BASIC .BQK 5K 1B 94 BASIC compiler in F83
205.05 CLOCK .BQK 3K 0B C0 Source for calendar example
205.06 CPU68000.BQK 16K 38 C6 68000 dependent code
205.07 EXPAND68.BQK 3K 9D 92 original source to EXPAND.HUF
205.08 EXTEND68.BQK 9K 89 D4 extensions source
205.09 HUFFMAN .BQK 13K 25 1A compression program
205.10 KERNEL68.BQK 61K B3 86 kernel source
205.11 META68 .BQK 14K 66 D0 metacompiler source
205.12 UTILITY .BQK 36K 6E E6 utility source
èSIG/M Volume 204 Forth-83 for CP/M 80 - Version 2.0
204.01 F83 .COM 24K 09 33 compiled Forth
204.02 README .8Q 13K DD E2 original F83 instructions
204.03 F83-FIXS.TQT 4K 52 E2 changes from F83 v 1.0
204.04 BASIC .BQK 5K 1B 94 BASIC compiler in F83
204.05 CLOCK .BQK 3K 0B C0 Source for a calendar example
204.06 CPU8080 .BQK 10K 08 B1 8080 dependent code
204.07 EXPAND80.BQK 3K AE E5 original source to EXPAND.HUF
204.08 EXTEND80.BQK 9K ED D0 entensions source
204.09 HUFFMAN .BQK 13K 25 1A compression program
204.10 KERNEL80.BQK 63K B8 75 kernel source
204.11 META80 .BQK 13K 6E D8 metacompiler source
204.12 UTILITY .BQK 37K 4E 38 utility source
SIG/M Volume 203 CP/M 80 TO CP/M 86 Translator
Cross Referencing FIND
203.01 80T86 .LBR 114K B6 EC CP/M 80 to 86 translator
203.02 CNVADV .HLP 40K 98 A1 advanced CNVRT HELP file
203.03 FFYNDE .A86 25K E5 A7 FIND - with the capability
203.04 FFYNDE .ASM 23K 22 4C of generating a cross reference
203.05 FFYNDE .CMD 5K 48 ED listing
203.06 FFYNDE .COM 4K 5A F8 /
SIG/M Volume 202 ZCPPR3 Library Source Code
Z80 Public Key Cryptography System
202.01 ANYCODE .ASM 3K 58 44 program to set printer from
202.02 ANYCODE .DQC 14K 9E A1 Wordstar
202.03 RSA/T12 .LBR 75K CF 00 public key cryptography
202.04 VID1 .MAC 1K B0 F4 ZCPR3 library of routines for
202.05 VID2 .MAC 1K 12 0A screen manipulation
202.06 VID3 .MAC 1K 6C AD /
202.07 VID4 .MAC 1K E2 25 /
202.08 VID5 .MAC 1K 44 4C /
202.09 VID6 .MAC 1K F8 F4 /
202.10 VID7 .MAC 5K 46 6C /
202.11 VID8 .MAC 1K 96 9E /
202.12 VID9 .MAC 2K E6 29 /
202.13 VIDA .MAC 1K 65 69 /
202.14 VIDB .MAC 1K 3C 61 /
202.15 VLAT .MAC 1K A6 D7 /
202.16 VLGXYMSG.MAC 2K EC 3A /
202.17 Z3MAC .LBR 99K DB 23 ZCPR3 support utility library
SIG/M Volume 201 Utilities for ZCPR3 - Source Code
Volume 2 of 3
201.01 CLEANDIR.MQC 8K BB 7B ZCPR3 utilities source code
201.02 CMD .MQC 4K CC 25 /
201.03 DEBUGRCP.AQM 20K B6 33 /
201.04 DPROG .MQC 13K 93 27 /
201.05 DU3 .MQC 54K 8F B0 /
201.06 MU3 .MQC 11K 63 72 /è201.07 SHSET .MQC 3K F9 66 /
201.08 VFILER .MQC 58K 47 11 /
201.09 VMENU .MQC 36K 4F 3C /
201.10 VMENUCK .MQC 8K E6 04 /
SIG/M Volume 200 Utilities for ZCPR3
Volume 1 of 3
200.01 CLEANDIR.COM 2K 4F D5 ZCPR3 sort & pack utility
200.02 CMD .COM 1K B2 81 ZCPR3 command line processor
200.03 DPROG .COM 3K 70 00 ZCPR3 printer, terminal programmer
200.04 DPROG .HQP 6K 05 6A squeezed HELP file for DPROG
200.05 DU3 .COM 12K 06 79 ZCPR3 disk utility
200.06 DU3 .HQP 25K F8 C7 squeezed HELP file for DU3
200.07 MU3 .COM 3K F5 53 ZCPR3 memory utility
200.08 MU3 .HQP 5K E9 15 squeezed HELP file for MU3
200.09 SHSET .COM 1K 4A 16 makes ZCPR3 command line into shell
200.10 VFILER .COM 11K D1 62 ZCPR3 screen oriented file utility
200.11 VFILER .HQP 14K 3B 2C squeezed HELP file for VFILER
200.12 VLIB .HQP 8K 1C 84 screen mainipulation library HELP file
200.13 VLIB .REL 2K 01 A1 library of screen manipulation routines
200.14 VMENU .COM 6K A5 CA screen oriented file utility
200.15 VMENU .HQP 20K DD 19 squeezed HELP file for VMENU
200.16 VMENUCK .COM 3K 9E 17 menu file syntax checker
200.17 Z3LIB11 .REL 8K 8F 30 library of support utility routines
200.18 Z3LIB .HQP 2K 36 ED squeezed support utility library
200.19 Z3LIB1 .HQP 19K 51 41 HELP files
200.20 Z3LIB2 .HQP 4K E3 F2 /
200.21 Z3LIB3 .HQP 13K E4 44 /
200.22 Z3LIB4 .HQP 12K 8A 97 /
200.23 Z3UTIL3 .HQP 5K 17 F2 /
SIG/M Volume 199 SIG/M Property Manager (Vol 2 of 2)
SIG/M Mail and Phone Manager
199.01 ACCOUNT .DBF 1K 00 D9 SIG/M Property Manager (cont)
199.02 ACCOUNT .NDX 3K 6A 1A /
199.03 BUILD .DBF 1K 0E 11 /
199.04 CHART .DBF 6K 5D 79 /
199.05 CHART .NDX 3K D0 28 /
199.06 CHART1 .DBF 6K 5D 79 /
199.07 CHART2 .DBF 6K 92 3C /
199.08 CODE .NDX 1K 96 23 /
199.09 CODEA .NDX 1K 3D BB /
199.10 EDIT .TNT 7K 66 19 /
199.11 MAIN .TNT 8K A8 77 /
199.12 MANAGE .CMD 11K 10 07 /
199.13 MANAGE .PRG 11K 10 07 /
199.14 PRINT .TNT 4K E8 83 /
199.15 SEARCH .TNT 5K 47 92 /
199.16 SEARCH1 .TNT 5K 8A 25 /
199.17 STATEMNT.DBF 1K 02 E0 /
199.18 TENANT .DBF 6K 62 A3 /
199.19 ACCOUNT .CMD 11K F0 C8 Alternate 'front end' for Property Managerè199.20 ACCOUNT .PRG 11K F0 C8 /
199.21 MAIL .CMD 7K 48 0D SIG/M Mail Manager, a complete
199.22 MAIL .PRG 7K 48 0D mailing list and record manage-
199.23 ACG .DBF 2K 21 9E ment application program
199.24 ADD .ACG 8K 9F 6F for use with dBASEII (TM) version 2.4.
199.25 DUPCHECK.ACG 1K 9A 9E /
199.26 DUPREC .ACG 4K D0 86 /
199.27 EDIT .ACG 6K 8F 87 /
199.28 INIT .ACG 3K 87 F9 /
199.29 LASTNAME.NDX 1K B9 EF /
199.30 LIST .ACG 3K F8 D0 /
199.31 LIST1 .ACG 2K E6 09 /
199.32 MAIN .ACG 5K E0 B2 /
199.33 MAINTAIN.ACG 6K 18 EA /
199.34 PHONE .ACG 2K 60 CA /
199.35 PRINT .ACG 1K 95 C6 /
199.36 PURGE .ACG 2K 7F 84 /
199.37 REPORT .ACG 5K 5F DA /
199.38 SEARCH .ACG 4K 38 BC /
199.39 SEARCH1 .ACG 5K 48 33 /
199.40 VERIFDEL.ACG 3K 27 95 /
199.41 VERIFNEW.ACG 3K 3B 38 /
199.42 WSFILE .ACG 3K F0 D7 /
199.43 WSFILE1 .ACG 4K B2 32 /
199.44 PHONE .CMD 7K 9C 7F SIG/M Phone Manager, a handy and fast
199.45 PHONE .DBF 2K 38 17 phone and address database for use with
199.46 PHONE .NDX 1K C9 45 dBASEII (TM)
199.47 PHONE .PRG 7K 9C 7F /
SIG/M Volume 198 SIG/M Property Manager (Vol 1 of 2)
SIG/M Accounting Manager
198.01 ADD .BLD 3K 29 67 SIG/M Property Manager - a
198.02 ADD1 .BLD 14K 97 F6 complete property management program
198.03 ADD2 .BLD 9K ED 8B for tenanted real estate. Prints rent
198.04 CHART .ACC 7K 9C AE bills, rent roll, delinquency list, etc.
198.05 CHECKS .ACC 8K 02 B9 Includes full accounting - cash receipts,
198.06 DBOX .SPM 2K E9 9B cash disbursements, general journal and
198.07 DEPOS .ACC 12K F9 C1 general ledger. Prepares balance sheet
198.08 EDIT .BLD 5K 2C 8B and P&L statements, etc. Self documented.
198.09 INIT .ACC 4K A5 15 Required dBASEII (TM) version 2.4. To run
198.10 INIT .SPM 4K 9D 71 under CP/M 80 rename .PRG file to .CMD.
198.11 JOURN .ACC 10K 25 E2 (.PRG files are on volume 199). Place
198.12 JOURP .ACC 18K A8 2C all files on one disk with dBASE program
198.13 MAIN .ACC 5K 6C C6 and type 'DBASE MANAGE' (or DBASE ACCOUNT
198.14 MAIN .BLD 7K C0 5C if you choose to program only as an
198.14 MAINTAIN.ACC 17K 2C 02 accounting package). You may also have
198.16 MAINTAIN.BLD 15K 87 2F dBASE on a separate disk and set default
198.17 MENU .ACC 1K E5 ED to disk where the Property Manager is.
198.18 MENU .BLD 1K E5 ED /
198.19 MENU .SPM 8K 6D DE /
198.20 POSTIT .ACC 11K 83 6D /
198.21 PRINT .BLD 2K 26 51 /
198.22 REPORT .BLD 21K 98 B9 /
198.23 SEARCH .BLD 4K FD CE /è198.24 SEARCH1 .BLD 4K 83 A8 /
198.25 STATEM .ACC 12K DD E2 /
198.26 STATEMP .ACC 17K 64 8F /
SIG/M Volume 197 ZCPR for 8086 and 8/16 Systems
FIND, HELP & SQUEEZE revised with REC
from University Autonoma de Puebla
197.01 FYNDE .AQ6 13K CA 3E FIND in CP/M 80 and 86 with the ability
197.02 FYNDE .AQM 11K 09 BE to locate items in squeezed files too.
197.03 FYNDE .CMD 4K BC 2B Written using CNVRT and REC.
197.04 FYNDE .COM 3K FF BA /
197.05 HJELP .AQ6 22K 7C 62 HELP in CP/M 80 and 86 with the ability
197.06 HJELP .AQM 20K F7 6F to read squeezed files too.
197.07 HJELP .CMD 4K DD E4 Written using CNVRT and REC.
197.08 HJELP .COM 4K C2 E4 /
197.09 SIG197 .HQP 31K EF 08 Help file for this disk
197.10 TYSQ .AQ6 6K F3 66 Type squeezed files - CP/M 80 and 86
197.11 TYSQ .AQM 8K E0 60 with the ability to read .COM files
197.12 TYSQ .CMD 2K 93 D3 too. Written using CNVRT and REC.
197.13 TYSQ .COM 1K 97 98 /
197.14 UNSQ .AQ6 8K 92 0E Unsqueeze squeezed files. Written
197.15 UNSQ .AQM 7K F2 DA using CNVRT and REC.
197.16 UNSQ .CMD 2K 8B 63 /
197.17 UNSQ .COM 2K 67 86 /
197.18 UNSQ80 .LIB 11K F5 F5 ED.COM .LIB version of UNSQ
197.19 UNSQ86 .LIB 11K E9 4D ED.CMD .LIB version of UNSQ
197.20 CPR860 .LBR 30K 3C 55 ZCPR for 8086, 8088 computers
SIG/M Volume 196 Programs from the ACGNJ Cranford Bulletin Board
196.01 DELBR11A.LBR 53K CC 2D extracts library files,CP/M 80,86,MSDOS
196.02 EX14 .LBR 29K 9D D4 replacement for SUBMIT and XSUB
196.03 FTNOTE13.LBR 29K 5F B8 produces footnotes with Wordstar
196.04 QK12 .LBR 16K 36 8D redefines keyboard
196.05 SD-92 .LBR 79K 06 E5 updates sorted directory
196.06 SDT .LBR 4K B9 4C enhancement to DDT
196.07 UNSOFT1C.LBR 11K BB 4F removes Wordstar high bits
SIG/M Volume 195 Curve Fitting Programs
ROFF4 Update
195.01 FLUF10 .LBR 25K 79 A9 Fluff minimax algorithm and updates-
195.02 FLUF11/T.LBR 37K B5 E4 see Dr. Dobbs July 1984
195.03 ROFF4161.LBR 52K 57 49 Updates ROFF4 (SIG/M Vol 174)
195.04 SIMP12/T.LBR 73K 1A 34 Simplex algorithm-see BYTE May 1984
SIG/M Volume 194 High Resolution Graphics Printing System
from the Air Force Institute of Technology
194.01 PLOT33 .AQM 44K FC 55 Dot matrix graphics driver
194.02 PLOTCITO.COM 4K DD A3 Assembled files for CITOH, EPSON
194.03 PLOTEP .COM 4K C1 E6 and OKIDATA printers. IDS, Apple
194.04 PLOTOKI .COM 4K 26 EB and others use .ASM file
194.05 PLOT33 .DQC 38K 3C 2D Documentationè194.06 FILLS .BAS 1K 9D A2 MBASIC demo of stipple patterns
194.07 GRAF .FQ 23K F9 97 FORTRAN-80 plot package
194.08 GRAF1 .PAS 17K 77 9B Turbo Pascal low level routines
194.09 GRAF2 .PAS 19K B0 FF Turbo Pascal graph drawing routines
194.10 GRAPH .BAS 9K B5 4F MBASIC plot package
194.11 HANDPLOT.BAS 22K 93 B2 Demonstration program
194.12 TEST .BAS 2K D6 EF MBASIC example program
194.13 TEST .PAS 3K 41 CD Turbo Pascal example program
194.14 UPLOAD .BAS 10K D0 93 MBASIC demo-stipple pattern redefinition
SIG/M Volume 193 Programs from the Toronto RCP/M System
193.01 BISHOW31.AQM 32K 52 5D bidirectional pager for both squeezed and
193.02 BISHOW31.COM 3K B8 D1 unsqueezed files.
193.03 DBL211 .LBR 12K B1 21 Oki, Epson, etc. output 2 cols. side by side
193.04 HEX2DATA.BAS 3K EF 71 turnd hex file into basic data statements
193.05 JOYSTICK.LBR 20K E2 15 Atari joysticks for Osborne
193.06 MOI .CAL 5K B9 9B math of interest supercalc template
193.07 MXSET22 .LBR 68K A5 19 ultimate MX-80, 100 set program
193.08 PAF-TAB .CAL 11K AD 0A interest calc supercalc template
193.09 PSWORD .LBR 6K 3D C3 passwords for .COM files
193.10 RENEXT11.LBR 8K 8A DF renames all files with same extension
193.11 TXT23 .LBR 7K 8C B4 inserts text statements in .COM files
193.12 ZDEBUG17.LBR 23K D9 B6 Z80 debugger
SIG/M Volume 192 ZCPR3 - SYSLIB4 Library of Routines (Vol 9 of 9)
192.01 SYS2-3 .TXT 9K 6B 3B Upgrade notes to SYSLIB 2 & 3
192.02 SYSLIB .HLP 2K 81 84 SYSLIB HELP files
192.03 SYSLIB0 .HLP 14K 86 FE
192.04 SYSLIB1 .HLP 20K 8F BB
192.05 SYSLIB2 .HLP 5K 6D D5
192.06 SYSLIB3 .HLP 15K F8 5C
192.07 SYSLIB4 .HLP 12K E7 A6
192.08 SYSLIB5 .HLP 12K F4 17
192.09 SYSLIB6 .HLP 8K F4 5A
192.10 SYSLIB7 .HLP 6K 15 2C
192.11 SYSLIB8 .HLP 5K 3C A8
192.12 SYSLIB9 .HLP 3K 42 92
192.13 SYSLIBA .HLP 7K 64 42
192.14 SYSLIBB .HLP 5K 20 09
192.15 SYSLIBC .HLP 9K F9 6C
192.16 SYSLIBD .HLP 5K 48 9A
192.17 SYSLIBE .HLP 8K 55 D3
192.18 SYSLIBF .HLP 4K 2A 54
192.19 SYSLIBG .HLP 3K EE 4C
192.20 SYSLIBH .HLP 2K 6F 02
192.21 SYSLIBI .HLP 6K DC 1E
SIG/M Volume 191 ZCPR3 - SYSLIB4 Library of Routines (Vol 8 of 9)
191.01 SYSLIB .REL 21K 29 21 SYSLIB library of routines
191.02 SYSLIB27.REL 14K 1C 54 /
191.03 SYSLIB4 .LBR 48K 7B A6 /
191.04 SYSLIB5 .LBR 66K 78 C0 /è
SIG/M Volume 190 ZCPR3 - SYSLIB4 Library of Routines (Vol 7 of 9)
190.01 SYSLIB1 .LBR 60K 39 42 Library of SYSLIB routines
190.02 SYSLIB2 .LBR 78K EC 4C /
190.03 SYSLIB3 .LBR 57K DC 5A /
SIG/M Volume 189 ZCPR3 -Z80 Command Processor Replacement (Vol 6 of 9)
189.01 PRINT .MQC 19K 24 17 ZCPR3 MAC files
189.02 PROTECT .MQC 9K 97 CA
189.03 PWD .MAC 5K DF 00
189.04 QUIET .MAC 3K FA 09
189.05 RECORD .MAC 4K 4E E7
189.06 REG .MAC 5K 40 1A
189.07 RENAME .MQC 9K 1E FB
189.08 SAK .MAC 5K 62 C2
189.09 SETFILE .MAC 2K 73 D5
189.10 SH .MQC 11K BE F5
189.11 SHCTRL .MAC 3K CA E6
189.12 SHDEFINE.MQC 8K 7E 64
189.13 SHFILE .MAC 2K 34 17
189.14 SHOW .MQC 20K AF 69
189.15 SHVAR .MQC 8K F9 99
189.16 SUB .MQC 15K A1 1B
189.17 TCCHECK .MAC 5K 70 79
189.18 TCMAKE .MQC 13K 02 D5
189.20 UNERASE .MQC 10K FA 52
189.21 WHEEL .MAC 4K FF CF
189.22 XD .MQC 12K F7 E0
189.23 XDIR .MQC 25K D6 BC
189.24 Z3INS .MQC 7K C8 63
189.25 Z3LOC .MAC 4K 35 83
SIG/M Volume 188 ZCPR3 -Z80 Command Processor Replacement (Vol 5 of 9)
188.01 CRC .MQC 12K FF 15 ZCPR3 MAC files
188.02 DEV .MQC 7K C9 59
188.03 DEVICE .MQC 7K 97 6A
188.04 DIFF .MQC 10K F5 79
188.05 DIR .MAC 7K 22 27
188.06 ECHO .MAC 4K 82 4C
188.07 ERASE .MQC 7K 64 55
188.08 ERROR1 .MAC 8K 7B F1
188.09 ERROR2 .MQC 6K 1E 35
188.10 ERROR3 .MAC 4K 85 FA
188.11 ERROR4 .MAC 4K D1 79
188.12 ERRORX .MAC 2K 7F 9C
188.13 FINDF .MQC 14K B6 D8
188.14 GOTO .MAC 4K 45 36
188.15 HELP .MQC 16K 09 D6
188.16 HELPCK .MQC 7K 25 79
188.17 HELPPR .MQC 19K 70 F0
188.18 IF .MQC 7K 5E 57è188.19 IFSTAT .MAC 2K 23 4E
188.20 LDR .MQC 8K B8 41
188.21 MCOPY .MQC 14K 3D DE
188.22 MENU .MQC 20K 21 E9
188.23 MENUCK .MQC 8K 98 D3
188.24 MKDIR .MQC 12K DF E6
188.25 NOTE .MAC 1K 98 6F
188.26 PAGE .MQC 17K 36 5D
188.27 PATH .MQC 6K FB AD
SIG/M Volume 187 ZCPR3 -Z80 Command Processor Replacement (Vol 4 of 9)
187.01 ALIAS .HLP 5K 9C 58 ZCPR3 HELP files
187.02 CMDFILES.HQP 16K 94 6B !
187.03 COMPARE .HLP 5K 26 B6 !
187.04 DIRS .HQP 13K D1 3A !
187.05 HELP .HLP 1K 54 CD !
187.06 HELPSYS .HQP 19K 08 F5 /
187.07 IF .HQP 8K 2C 8A /
187.08 IO .HQP 8K 24 2E /
187.09 MENU .HQP 21K 2C 55 /
187.10 NDIRS .HQP 10K 49 B2 /
187.11 SH .HQP 9K 0F 9E /
187.12 SYSRCP .HLP 6K F6 33 /
187.13 Z3RES .HLP 8K 80 0E /
187.14 Z3TCAP .HQP 23K 9D 25 /
187.15 Z3UTIL1 .HQP 20K 51 A3 /
187.16 Z3UTIL2 .HQP 14K 86 FE /
187.17 ZCPR3 .HLP 4K 66 6E /
187.18 ALIAS0 .MAC 8K 50 72 ZCPR3 MAC files
187.19 ALIAS1 .MQC 7K 71 26 /
187.10 CD .MAC 3K 42 02 /
187.21 CMDRUN .MAC 1K F2 1D /
187.22 COMMENT .MAC 4K FF 64 /
187.23 CPSEL .MAC 7K 26 69 /
SIG/M Volume 186 ZCPR3 -Z80 Command Processor Replacement (Vol 3 of 9)
186.01 ALIAS .COM 4K 82 D4 ZCPR3 Utility files
186.02 CD .COM 1K DA 48
186.03 CMDRUN .COM 1K 21 B5
186.04 COMMENT .COM 1K 3C 4A
186.05 CPSEL .COM 1K CC AA
186.06 CRC-ZCPR.COM 6K A8 9C
186.07 DEV .COM 2K F7 55
186.08 DEVICE .COM 3K 15 3E
186.09 DIFF .COM 4K 45 A7
186.10 DIR .COM 2K 9B 8A
186.11 ECHO .COM 1K F2 D6
186.12 ERASE .COM 3K E7 1E
186.13 ERROR1 .COM 2K 5E B7
186.14 ERROR2 .COM 3K 2F 03
186.15 ERROR3 .COM 1K 85 42
186.16 ERROR4 .COM 1K 86 D1
186.17 ERRORX .COM 1K F9 41è186.18 FINDF .COM 2K D2 A6
186.19 GOTO .COM 1K 6A DA
186.20 HELP .COM 3K 92 8B
186.21 HELPCK .COM 2K F3 B3
186.22 HELPPR .COM 5K 12 E7
186.23 IF .COM 3K 41 8D
186.24 IFSTAT .COM 1K 65 86
186.25 LDR .COM 3K A1 4E
186.26 MCOPY .COM 4K 83 41
186.27 MENU .COM 4K 8C ED
186.28 MENUCK .COM 3K 3C DC
186.29 MKDIR .COM 6K 01 4B
186.30 NOTE .COM 1K CB 9E
186.31 PAGE .COM 5K DF 9F
186.32 PATH .COM 2K E4 21
186.33 PRINT .COM 6K 04 92
186.34 PROTECT .COM 4K A1 30
186.35 PWD .COM 1K 2B 9B
186.36 QUIET .COM 1K DF 6B
186.37 RECORD .COM 1K C2 B4
186.38 REG .COM 1K 1C C4
186.39 RENAME .COM 4K A2 F2
186.40 SAK .COM 1K 78 42
186.41 SETFILE .COM 1K 00 B2
186.42 SH .COM 4K A8 9E
186.43 SHCTRL .COM 1K E3 7A
186.45 SHFILE .COM 1K 63 4F
186.46 SHOW .COM 8K 80 8A
186.47 SHVAR .COM 3K 4D 89
186.48 SUB .COM 3K 59 E5
186.49 TCCHECK .COM 2K 72 35
186.50 TCMAKE .COM 6K B3 A0
186.51 TCSELECT.COM 3K 7C 29
186.52 UNERASE .COM 2K 50 57
186.53 WHEEL .COM 2K 0C D0
186.54 XD .COM 4K 46 5B
186.55 XDIR .COM 8K 72 48
186.56 Z3INS .COM 2K DF B7
186.57 Z3LOC .COM 1K A9 08
186.58 ZEX .AQM 31K A2 41 ZCPR3 ZEX files
186.59 ZEX .COM 6K 5E 36 /
186.60 ALIAS .ZEX 2K 6D BE /
186.61 ZEX .ZEX 4K 78 2C /
SIG/M Volume 185 ZCPR3 -Z80 Command Processor Replacement (Vol 2 of 9)
185.01 SYSLIB .REL 21K 29 21 Basic files for ZCPR3 installation
185.02 VLIB .REL 2K 01 A1 /
185.03 Z3LIB .REL 7K 61 B8 /
185.04 Z3INS .IDX 4K 60 44 ZCPR3 installation manual
185.05 Z3INS .SQ 19K 70 99 /
185.06 Z3INS .TQC 6K 88 B5 /
185.07 Z3INS1 .SQ 8K F2 4F /è185.08 Z3INS2 .SQ 9K 58 67 /
185.09 Z3INS3 .SQ 38K 56 66 /
185.10 Z3INS4 .SQ 20K FB 88 /
185.11 Z3INS5 .SQ 4K AC 7B /
185.12 Z3INS6 .SQ 21K A9 16 /
185.13 Z3INS7 .SI 2K F0 A3 /
185.14 Z3INS8 .SI 5K EB 11 /
185.16 Z3USER .IDX 1K 9F 34 ZCPR3 Users Manual
185.16 Z3USER .SQ 36K 36 B4 /
185.17 Z3USER .TOC 1K 18 10 /
SIG/M Volume 184 ZCPR3 -Z80 Command Processor Replacement (Vol 1 of 9)
by Richard Conn (c)1984
184.01 SYSENV .ASM 1K 4C 5C Basic files for generating a ZCPR3
184.02 SYSENV .LIB 4K CF 64 system
184.03 SYSFCP .AQM 12K 5E DD /
184.04 SYSFCP1 .LQB 4K 22 16 /
184.05 SYSFCP2 .LQB 4K 16 1E /
184.06 SYSIOP .AQM 19K 43 C0 /
184.07 SYSNDR .ASM 1K 38 72 /
184.08 SYSNDR .LIB 2K DA 46 /
184.09 SYSRCP .AQM 30K A4 60 /
184.10 SYSRCP1 .LQB 7K 23 EB /
184.11 SYSRCP2 .LQB 7K 37 2D /
184.12 SYSRCP3 .LQB 7K 0E 7F /
184.13 SYSRCP4 .LQB 7K 5A C5 /
184.14 Z3BASE1 .LQB 6K 1A FC /
184.15 Z3BASE2 .LQB 6K 0B 15 /
184.16 Z3HDR1 .LQB 13K EA AD /
184.17 Z3HDR2 .LQB 13K F9 A3 /
184.18 Z3TCAP .AQM 17K 77 42 /
184.19 Z3TCAP .TQP 3K 32 9C /
184.20 ZCPR3 .AQM 43K 35 C4 /
184.21 ZCPR3 .INS 4K 52 CF Installation note
SIG/M Volume 183 Updated YAM (Yet Another Modem)
Software Tools of Australia
183.01 APYMBOOT.C 6K 10 A1 YAM equivalent of MBOOT for Apple II
183.02 HARDWARE.BB2 4K A7 65 Part of header file for BB2
183.03 READ-ME .YQM 5K 5A 03 Describes preconfigured YAMs & installation
183.04 XYAMRCPM.LBR 8K 6F A0 Header file XYAM version of YAMS3
183.05 YAM .HQP 12K 9A 39 Introduction to YAM
183.06 YAM .LBR 85K 58 0F YAM source files & documentation
183.07 YAMAPL .LBR 5K 57 DA Header file Apple II with CCS 7710 card
183.08 YAMAPLCC.LBR 5K 60 65 Header file Apple II with Comms card
183.09 YAMBOOT .C 6K B3 CE YAM equivalent of MBOOT
183.10 YAMDMX .LBR 6K DD 23 Header file Datamax
183.11 YAMINT3 .LBR 5K 22 C3 Header file Compupro Interfacer 3/4
183.12 YAMINTER.LBR 5K A7 9A Header file Compupro Interfacer 1
183.13 YAMKPRO .LBR 6K 88 7A Header file Kaypro
183.14 YAMMICRO.LBR 5K A9 6F Header file Morrow Micro Decision
183.15 YAMMON .LBR 5K 69 0E Header file MOnroe 9200
183.16 YAMOKI .LBR 5K 4F D0 Header file for Okiè183.17 YAMS3 .LBR 5K 1E 11 Header file Compupro SS1 + Interfacer 3/4
183.18 YAMSAN .LBR 5K D1 8F Header file Sanyo 1000
183.19 YAMSOR .LBR 8K F5 37 Header file Exidy Sorcerer
SIG/M Volume 182 Miscellaneous Programs from Software Tools of
Australia - Vols. 48 - 49
182.01 FTH2CPM .LBR 8K CE F1 Forth to CP/M screen to file transfers
182.02 LR .LBR 8K 17 8A Linear Regression in Nevada Fortran
182.03 MATRIX .LBR 75K 13 F8 Sophisticated Matrix/Eigen value calculator
182.04 NS-STATS.LBR 59K 58 BA Statistics in N* Basic
182.05 PAUSE80 .LBR 6K A0 9B Pause during submit in BDS C
182.06 PBH .LBR 15K 3F C2 Prints block headings
182.07 SYNONYM3.LBR 13K 85 F2 Creates synonyms for COM files
182.08 TAG-CPM .LBR 14K 7E 6B Modem RR traffic system, MSBASIC
SIG/M Volume 181 Miscellaneous Programs - From Software Tools of
Australia - Vol 45 and other sources
181.01 ADDLF .CQ 4K C1 B3 Adds LF after CR in text files
181.02 CHAT .CMD 20K DC 9C RCPM CHAT utility rewritten in
181.03 CHAT86 .CQ 3K B2 68 DRI C
181.04 CRCBUILD.ASM 15K 34 64 Program used to produce SIG/M
181.05 CRCBUILD.COM 2K 30 2C -catalog.xxx files
181.06 CTYPE .HQ 2K C0 43 RT-11 TO CP/M 86 disk transfer for DRI C
181.07 ERRNO .H 1K 27 B4 /
181.08 PORTAB .HQ 2K 61 69 /
181.09 RT11 .CQ 6K 8A FA /
181.10 RT11 .CQD 26K F3 F8 /
181.11 RT11 .DQC 6K FE AD /
181.12 RT11 .H 2K D2 A3 /
181.13 RT11 .INP 1K 37 59 /
181.14 RTFILE .CQ 9K 3C 3C /
181.15 RTMISC .CQ 3K 97 1F /
181.16 RTMISC1 .AQ6 4K C1 CB /
181.17 SETJMP .HQ 2K 55 EC /
181.18 STDIO .H 1K BB A4 /
181.19 FLIP44 .AQ6 4K 78 7E FLIPs modem mode, CP/M 86 version
181.20 HELP15 .AQ6 11K 2F A1 Displays help files, CP/M 86 version
181.21 HELP15 .CMD 3K 5C CE /
181.22 MINIMOD .AQM 11K 22 ED Mini MODEM program for MSDOS
181.13 MINIMOD .DQC 4K C0 A7 /
181.14 MXPLOT .BAS 14K 75 3A Plotter for MX-80
181.15 PAUSE .CMD 22K 14 70 Pause during SUBMIT CP/M 86 version for
181.16 PAUSE86 .CQ 2K AB 1B DRI C
181.28 TAG3 .AQ6 7K D6 6C Set attributes on CP/M 86 files for
181.29 TAG3 .CMD 1K 25 C5 RCPMs
181.30 U .CMD 1K 5F A5 Changes drive/user on CP/M 86 & MP/M 86
181.31 U-CCPM .AQ6 7K 50 61 /
SIG/M Volume 180 Miscellaneous Programs from Software Tools of
Australia - Vols. 40 - 45
180.01 HONEYWEL.LBR 8K 56 63 C utility to communicate with Honeywell L66
180.02 MOD68-13.LBR 28K C2 1D Modem for 6800 FLEX systemsè180.03 MPMODEM .LBR 36K BA 85 How to set up MPM modem
180.04 PRINTLBL.LBR 30K DF BB Labels for Diablo & Epson
180.05 QUASI .LBR 45K C3 63 Programs for QUASI memory disk
180.06 SAPMAP33.LBR 15K 13 34 SAP that creates file assignment map
180.07 SHELL .LBR 14K BA 42 Unix like shell for CP/M 2.2
180.08 UP-DOW .LBR 23K 23 1A Protocol for transfers to/from Compuserve
180.09 XDRIVE10.LBR 13K D9 2B Memory drive program for CP/M 2.2
SIG/M Volume 179 Miscellaneous Programs from Software Tools of
Australia - Vols. 34 - 39
179.01 BIOS3 .LBR 63K BC D4 CP/M Plus BIOS for Godbout/Compupro
179.02 BIOS3+ .DQC 3K 75 CB Disk 1
179.03 CARCHIVE.LBR 12K C5 37 File archiver in C
179.04 CCHECK .LBR 40K 49 FF Brace etc matcher for C
179.05 CPMCALL .CQ 5K 53 D4 CP/M calls for Aztec C
179.06 CRSCHK .LBR 18K 3B 88 CP/M directory crosscheck utility in C
179.07 CUTILS .LBR 18K A3 58 Various C utilities
179.08 GOTO .AQM 8K 12 F5 Creates 'named directories' for BBS
179.09 PREPARE .COM 5K 1E 55 Prepares a standard ASCII file
179.10 TRACE .LBR 6K 2E 44 Active trace facility for Aztec C
179.11 UIOPRTS2.AQM 11K 36 A3 Collection of USART interfaces for BSTAM
SIG/M Volume 178 BDS C Bulletin Board and C programs
from Software Tools of Australia - Vol 34
178.01 BDSNEW .LBR 23K 8E 4D Replacement functions in assembler for BDSC
178.02 CRTTOOLS.LBR 100K F5 D8 Screen handling functions in C
178.03 RBBS4102.LBR 92K 0B A5 Bulletin Board in BDS C vers 1.50a
SIG/M Volume 177 Miscellaneous Programs from Software Tools of
Australia - Vols. 29 - 33
177.01 ACTREC .CQL 3K 8B F7 Accounts receiveable template for
177.02 ACTREC .DQC 6K 07 98 SuperCalc2
177.03 ADDLF15 .LBR 24K D1 42 Adds CR and/or LFs to files
177.04 CARRY .AQM 5K 23 5E COM loader for single drive systems
177.05 CARRY .COM 1K 70 14 /
177.06 CDOSCPM .LBR 16K 37 50 Emulates CDOS 2.35 under CP/M 2.2
177.07 EZ .AQM 6K 6E 20 Easy loader for COM files with
177.08 EZ .COM 1K 65 56 complex commands
177.09 LISTDEC .AQM 7K A6 8B DEC to CP/M transfer program
177.10 MONITOR .AQM 12K 51 D4 8080 monitor based on Alan Miller's
177.11 MONITOR .DQC 6K 1C 6A book
177.12 MY-LDIR .ZQ0 9K 75 1E LDIR utility for LBR files in Z80 assembler
177.13 NEAT .LBR 24K 45 98 Useful pretty printer for ASM files
177.14 PIPAFR .AQM 3K CD 6D PIP patch for handshake file transfer
177.15 PIPXFR .COM 1K D7 A5 /
177.16 RAMMAP .AQM 3K AF 54 Displays CP/M memory map
177.17 RAMMAP .COM 1K BA 83 /
177.18 SAME .COM 6K D1 70 Compares and deletes files from two disks
177.19 SAME11 .AQM 27K C9 B6 /
177.20 SAP38 .AQM 8K 10 47 Updated sort and pack
177.21 SAP38 .COM 2K 66 8E /
177.22 SAP38 .DQC 3K 7D 17 /è177.23 SCAVENGE.LBR 16K A2 27 MSDOS 1 and 2 bad block locator
177.24 SETBAUD .ASM 3K F3 8D Sets baud rate on Godbout interfacer 3/4
177.25 SETBAUD .COM 1K 46 53 /
177.26 WIPE .AQM 3K C6 AA Neat way to erase *.SYM,*.HEX,*.REL
177.27 WIPE .COM 1K 00 B9 and *.BAK files
177.28 WS$FILES.DOC 1K F1 E4 Patches for WordStar 3 and Epson MX 80
177.29 WS$MX80 .ASM 4K 1F CA and for VT52 terminal
177.30 WS$VT52 .ASM 4K A3 E5 /
SIG/M Volume 176 Updated SD, CPM3 and Date Routines,
Conditional Submit Files, Z80 USQ.
176.01 CPM3LIB .LBR 8K 0B D3 CPM3 routines
176.02 DRI-DATE.LBR 8K CA 15 Calculated DRI dates
176.03 DU-V86 .LBR 54K 66 E6 Updated Disk Utility
176.04 IF .LBR 25K 3E 1A Conditional submit files
176.05 SD-80 .LBR 67K 3B 63 Updated Super Directory
176.06 UNSQ12 .LBR 16K FC 96 Z80 unsqueeze
176.07 USQ119 .AQM 9K 39 2E USQ source code
SIG/M Volume 175 Source Code - MODEM for CP/M 86
175.01 2651SYS .A86 8K 4B A6 Modem 901 adapted for CP/M 86
175.02 8251SYS .A86 9K C0 03
175.03 CONSOLE .A86 12K 70 3A
175.04 DEFF .A86 2K B1 E2
175.07 FILES .A86 11K D8 84
175.08 FINISH .A86 2K 44 FB
175.09 MAIN .A86 25K 26 AA
175.10 MODEM .A86 3K C7 42
175.11 MODEM-86.DOC 10K 0C FD
175.12 MODEM9XX.DOC 41K 3D 2B
175.13 SENDRECV.A86 25K 9F B1
175.14 SIOSYS .A86 9K 19 6E
175.16 START .A86 6K B9 8D
175.17 TERM .A86 16K AA 2E
175.05 F47-TEST.A86 1K 32 2B Demonstrates CP/M 86 BDOS function 47
175.06 F47-TEST.CMD 1K 8C 76 /
175.15 SQ .CMD 20K 96 65 Squeeze files for CP/M 86
175.18 USQ .CMD 18K F4 6E Unsqueeze squeezed files
SIG/M Volume 174 ROFF 4 V1.60 Text Formatter
174.01 ENVIRON .DOC 2K E2 CC System requirements
174.02 EQN . 1K 3A 2C Demo of macro use for equation numbering
174.03 EXY1 . 1K 64 18 Exidy video output for scientific symbols
174.04 FOOT . 1K 60 77 Footnote demo
174.05 FORM . 1K 7A 29 Form letter demo
174.06 KAYPRO . 3K 25 86 Kaypro video output
174.07 L2 .COM 17K 87 0F Linker for BDS 'C'
174.08 LIST . 1K EC D5 Initialize to list
174.09 MARGINS . 2K 7F A7 Test program top & bottom page, pagenation
174.10 MATRIX . 1K BF 72 Demo of proportional control for equations
174.11 ML92 . 8K 97 7C Initialize Okidata 92 printer
174.12 MX80 . 6K DA 43 Initialize Epson MX-80 with Graftraxè174.13 NEC3525 . 3K E2 16 Initialize NEC with tech math/times roman
174.14 NEST . 1K 81 99 Demo of nesting macros, string substitution
174.15 NETEST . 1K B5 DF Demo of .NE command
174.16 ONE . 1K 2C 3E Test used with sotest
174.17 PAGES . 2K AA 00 Test for pagination
174.18 PROWRITE. 4K DA 50 Initialize Prowriter printer
174.19 ROFF4 .C 13K 42 49 Main source module
174.20 ROFF4 .COM 30K 2B E9 Executable formatter program
174.21 ROFF4 .DOC 34K BF D4 Documentation
174.22 ROFF4 .H 9K A4 E8 Source (common declarations)
174.23 ROFF4 .SUB 1K 0D 35 Submit file to create ROFF4.COM
174.24 ROFF41 .C 7K 09 FB Source module
174.25 ROFF42 .C 8K 1F 53 " "
174.26 ROFF43 .C 5K 59 60 " "
174.27 ROFF44 .C 6K 12 81 " "
174.28 ROFF45 .C 8K 39 37 " "
174.29 ROFF46 .C 8K 28 23 " "
174.30 ROFF47 .C 8K D1 0A " "
174.31 SCI .ASM 4K EB 33 Initialize Exidy to display sci. symbols
174.32 SCI .COM 2K 39 24 /
174.33 SOTEST . 1K 33 0E Test and demo of nested .SO(urce) commands
174.34 THREE . 1K D6 4D /
174.35 TWO . 1K 8C 68 /
SIG/M Volume 173 REC - Regular Expression Compiler (Volume 5)
8080 TO 8086 Conversion
173.01 8080 .CNV 8K CB EC Assembler for Intel 8080
173.02 8080 .HLP 41K D3 19 HELP file for Intel 8080
173.03 8080A .HLP 45K 7E 43 HELP file for 8080.CNV
173.04 80T86 .CNV 6K A9 17 Intel 8080 code to INtel 8086 code
173.05 BINCOM .CNV 1K 22 87 Compare two binary files
173.06 BORRA .CNV 1K 5C A8 Delete files subject to confirmation
173.07 CNVPRG .HLP 45K 2A 35 HELP file for CNVRT programming
173.08 CNVRT .REC 20K A6 DE Source file for CNVRT compiler
173.09 COPY .CNV 1K 96 0F Copy file to another
173.10 FIND .CNV 2K DF 2C Search file for keyword
173.11 HEXEH .CNV 2K 2F 73 Transform FILE.UFH to FILE.HEX
173.12 KWIC .CNV 1K 8B B4 KWIC listing of keywords in a file
173.13 PAK .CNV 2K 0E DB Combine several files into one
173.14 PYP .CNV 2K 04 D5 Improvement on PIP
173.15 QMREC86 .CMD 6K B1 91 256K REC86 binary code
173.16 QMREC86 .H86 13K A3 FF Segmented REC86 hex file
173.17 REC80 .COM 5K 60 31 REC80 binary code
173.18 SAMPLE .CNV 1K 6D 2A Null program
173.19 SENTEN .CNV 1K 1A D9 Recognize sentence
173.20 UPAK .CNV 1K 0B A1 Disperse a packed file
173.21 VOWEL .CNV 1K 41 05 Recognize a vowel
SIG/M Volume 172 CP/M 86 and CP/M 80+ Programs
Printer Setting Programs
172.01 8086 .A86 17K 26 B3 8086 monitor
172.02 DISK3 .ASM 12K B1 9F CP/M+ Disk IO module for XCOMP Hard Disk
172.03 DU-V75A .A86 53K 27 BA DU for CP/M 86è172.04 DU-V75A .CMD 8K FD 83 /
172.05 DU-V75A .DOC 7K EC BE /
172.06 UNERA31 .A86 19K 45 1D Unerase for CP/M 86
172.07 UNERA31 .CMD 3K C7 5C /
172.08 FL3 .ASM 10K A3 BA Disk IO driver CP/M+, Versafloppy 2
172.09 XBIOS .A86 44K 7F 0D For hard disk, 2 floppies, ramdisk
172.10 PRINTER .DOC 4K B1 24 DOC file for following printer programs
172.11 EPSPRTR .A86 9K 65 1F Sets Epson printer in CP/M 80
172.12 EPSPRTR .ASM 10K BE 52 and CP/M 86
172.13 EPSPRTR .CMD 2K 0F 0A /
172.14 EPSPRTR .COM 2K 04 86 /
172.15 OKI-92 .A86 5K 16 0F Sets Okidata 92 printer in CP/M 80
172.16 OKI-92 .CMD 1K E1 4F and CP/M 86
172.17 SETOKI .ASM 9K F5 04 /
172.18 SETOKI .COM 2K BC 7B /
SIG/M Volume 171 Forth Based MC68000 Compiler
Updated Atari to CP/M
171.01 ATARIBUS.LBR 97K 9C 23 Updated Atari to CP/M
171.02 M68COMP .SCR 45K 15 03 M68000 compiler in Laboratory
171.03 M68K .DOC 33K CC 8E Microsystems Z-80 Forth v 1.14
171.04 LIST1 .LST 24K F5 18 /
171.05 LIST2 .LST 22K 94 ED /
171.06 LIST3 .LST 6K 0E F9 /
171.07 SCREEN .C 2K FE 3C /
171.08 SCREEN .COM 4K 25 DA /
SIG/M Volume 170 Modem Updates (Volume 3 of 3)
MDM727 and COMM725
index name size crc description
170.01 COMM725 .AQM 35K 54 AD Updated COMM7. A full feature
170.02 COMM725A.AQM 36K 15 9C communication program using
170.03 COMM725B.AQM 18K 80 E6 Christiansen protocol for
170.04 COMM725C.AQM 17K 86 E3 file transfer.
170.05 COMM725D.AQM 28K 6A 92 /
170.06 COMM7INS.AQM 9K A4 3A /
170.07 DISK77B .AQM 41K AC DA Updated DISK7 - both a part of
170.08 DISK77B .COM 4K 1A 90 COMM7 and a separate file handler.
170.09 LASM .COM 6K 39 22 Assembler for COMM7.
170.10 LASM .DQC 3K 5A 44 /
170.11 M7AC+3 .AQM 13K 83 72 MDM727 Apple CAT II with ALS CP/M
170.12 M7AC-1 .AQM 10K F5 FF Apple CAT II overlay
170.13 M7AJ-1 .AQM 11K EA 91 Apple J-CAT
170.14 M7AM-1 .AQM 8K 65 2E Apple ][ with Mountain CPS
SIG/M Volume 169 Modem Updates (Volume 2 of 3)
MDM727 and COMM725
169.01 M7AL-1 .AQM 8K B6 17 Altos Series J overlay
169.02 M7DP-1 .AQM 7K 07 48 Datapoint 1560
169.03 M7EP-1 .AQM 8K 16 9A Epson QX 10
169.04 M7H8-1 .AQM 8K 7C 1D Heath/Zenith H89è169.05 M7HP-1 .AQM 8K 3A 65 Hewlett Packard HP/25 series 100
169.06 M7HZ-1 .AQM 8K 17 A2 Heath/Zenith 100
169.07 M7IN-1 .AQM 8K 25 C8 Godbout Interfacer 3/4 or SS
169.08 M7KP-1 .AQM 8K E8 2A Kaypro 2
169.09 M7LO-1 .AQM 8K A0 04 Lobo Max 80
169.10 M7MD-1 .AQM 7K CA AE Morrow Micro Decision
169.11 M7MM-1 .AQM 9K E7 54 Morrow Multi I/O
169.12 M7NA-1 .AQM 7K A0 61 NorthStar Advantage
169.13 M7NE-1 .AQM 7K D4 7C NEC PC-8001
169.14 M7NH-1 .AQM 7K A9 E4 NorthStar Horizon & HSIO-4
169.15 M7NH-2 .AQM 7K 7A BA NorthStar Horizon all baud HSIO-4
169.16 M7OA-1 .AQM 10K 79 B4 Otrona Attache
169.17 M7OS-1 .AQM 8K E0 13 Osborne
169.18 M7OX-1 .AQM 9K EF 4C Osborne Executive
169.19 M7P1-1 .AQM 11K 38 6F PCM Micromate 101
169.20 M7PC-1 .AQM 9K 9C D1 IBM PC with Baby Blue Z80
169.21 M7R1-1 .AQM 8K 27 65 TRS-80 with Omikron Mapper
169.22 M7R2-1 .AQM 8K F5 20 TRS-80 Model II, Pickles & Trout
169.23 M7R4-1 .AQM 8K E8 E9 TRS-80 Mod 4, Montezuma Micro CP/M 2.2
169.24 M7SY-1 .AQM 7K 69 98 Sanyo MCB-1000
169.25 M7TV-1 .AQM 8K 44 4D Televideo TS-802
169.26 M7VT-1 .AQM 8K 4A 66 DEC VT180
169.27 M7VT-2 .AQM 9K 53 0E DEC VT180, Rainbow & DECmate II
169.28 M7XE-1 .AQM 8K 41 2B Xerox 820 & 820-II
169.29 M7ZB-1 .AQM 7K 4E 0B Telcom Zorba
SIG/M Volume 168 Modem Updates (Volume 1 of 3)
MDM727 and COMM725
168.01 MDM727 .AQM 110K FC C8 Modem 727 .ASM file
168.02 MDM727 .COM 19K B0 DD Modem 727 for use with overlays
168.03 MDM727 .DQC 24K 86 DD Modem 727 documentation file
168.04 M7FNK .COM 3K 50 7C Function key documentation and
168.05 M7FNK .DQC 2K 71 56 .COM file
168.06 M7LIB .COM 2K 15 CB Telephone library file and
168.07 M7LIB .DQC 2K 73 C3 documentation.
168.08 M7NM-6 .AQM 5K 92 E5 /
168.09 M7GP-1 .AQM 7K CF 32 General purpose overlay
168.10 M7PM-1 .AQM 6K B5 20 PMMI overlay
168.11 M727RV .AQM 14K 7E 24 Racal-Vadic VA212PA overlay
168.12 M7US-1 .AQM 10K A8 E5 US Robotics S-100 overlay
168.13 M7AP-1 .AQM 10K 71 F6 Apple ][ Super Serial (see vol 170)
SIG/M Volume 167 REC - Regular Expression Compiler (Vol 4 of 4)
For CP/M 80 and CP/M 86
167.01 CARD .REC 3K F8 9D trace printed circuit on video screen
167.02 STD .PCB 1K 67 78 data file for CARD.REC
167.03 CNVRT .REC 14K 48 02 compiler for language CNVRT
167.04 COMMENT .DOC 11K 32 20 general survey of this disk
167.05 FILCOM .CNV 4K 2F C5 compare ASCII files, report difference
167.06 FXT80 .DIF 1K E5 91 update to FXT80.MAC
167.07 FXT86 .A86 23K 5E 47 source file for FXT86
167.08 FXT86 .DIF 2K 43 DC update to FXT86.ASM
167.09 MKV80 .DIF 2K 08 18 update to MKV80.MAC è167.10 MKV86 .A86 20K AA 2A source file for MKV86
167.11 PDL80 .DIF 1K DC 57 update to PDL.80.MAC
167.12 PDL86 .A86 23K 41 CD source file for PDL86
167.13 PDL86 .DIF 1K 77 51 update for PDL86.ASM
167.14 REC80 .COM 5K 60 31 REC80 binary file
167.15 REC86 .A86 30K F7 7E source file for REC86
167.16 REC86 .CMD 5K 9C 36 REC86 binary file
167.17 REC86 .DIF 1K 73 4C update to REC86.ASM
167.18 RECA86 .A86 1K CF 4A master file to assemble RECA86
167.19 SORCIM .CNV 3K 9C A6 transform an ACT86 file to an ASM86 file
167.20 UPDATE .CNV 1K 4F 5E update an old file
167.21 VB1 .ASM 16K ED 67 control for SSM's VB1-B (or C) video board
167.22 VB1 .MAC 11K AC F6 relocatable VB1.ASM
167.23 VGR .ASM 17K 50 ED control for Vector Graphics VGR board
167.24 VGR .MAC 14K D2 6D relocatable VGR.AMS
167.25 VTI .ASM 9K 21 21 control for Polymorphic VTI board
167.26 VTI88 .ASM 15K CB 3B reversed sign bit for VTI.ASM
SIG/M Volume 166 REC - Regular Expression Compiler (Vol 3 of 4)
For CP/M 80 and CP/M 86
166.01 ASAM .CNV 3K 34 00 example set programmed in CNVRT
166.02 ASAM .REC 8K 7F 0B compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.03 ASMBL .CNV 4K 13 4F 8086 assembly code from "C" intermediate
166.04 ASMBL .REC 9K 02 A8 compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.05 BADD .TNG 2K 98 73 Turing machine that sums binaries
166.06 BADD .REC 2K 66 81 compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.07 BINSU .PST 2K 82 D6 Post production to sum binaries
166.08 BINSU .REC 3K 12 8A compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.09 BSUM .MKV 1K D9 E5 Markov algorith to sum binaries
166.10 BSUM .REC 1K 0D 79 compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.11 CNVRT .REC 15K C7 63 compiler for language CNVRT
166.12 DCLRN .CNV 4K 91 78 compile declarations in "C"
166.13 DCLRN .REC 8K B1 DA compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.14 DEMO .LSP 3K 2B 5C example set programmed in LISP
166.15 DEMO .REC 3K C9 87 compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.16 DERIV .CNV 4K 2A 0E CNVRT program for symbolic derivatives
166.17 DERIV .REC 9K 2C 44 compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.18 EVAL .LSP 3K 5C BA LISP's universal function in LISP
166.19 EVAL .REC 3K CC BD compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.20 EVALCOM .LSP 3K 22 7B LISP compiler of LISP to REC
166.21 EVALCOM .REC 3K 91 B5 compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.22 EXPRN .CNV 4K DB A6 compile expressions in "C"
166.23 EXPRN .REC 10K E2 71 compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.25 LISCO .PST 2K A5 19 POST compiler of LIST to REC
166.26 LISCO .REC 6K AC 1D compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.27 LISP .REC 8K 0C FB compiler for language LISP
166.28 MARKOV .REC 5K 5C 9C compiler for MARKOV algorithms
166.29 POSCO .PST 1K 61 00 Post productions compiling Post productions
166.30 POSCO .REC 2K C8 D2 compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.31 POST .REC 6K 09 90 compiler for POST productions
166.32 PRGRM .CNV 5K C0 2A compiler for programs in "C"
166.33 PRGRM .REC 8K 53 EF compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.34 REC80 .COM 5K 49 E4 REC binary code for 8080è166.35 REC86 .CMD 5K 15 C8 REC binary code for 8086
166.36 RECCOM .CNV 3K 03 C1 CNVRT program to compile REC to assembler
166.37 RECCOM .REC 7K 52 F0 compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.38 REVE .MKV 2K D8 3B Markov algorithm to reverse a list
166.39 REVE .REC 3K 03 E3 compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.40 STAR .TNG 4K 13 0C Turing Machine to locate nearest symbol
166.41 STAR .REC 4K 52 3D compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.42 STMNT .CNV 5K 9A 9D compiler for statements in "C"
166.43 STMNT .REC 9K 60 1C compiled in REC, ready to execute
166.44 TURING .REC 6K B8 D8 compiler for Turing quintuples
SIG/M Volume 165 REC - Regular Expression Compiler (Vol 2 of 4)
For CP/M 80 and CP/M 86
165.01 BINCOM .ASM 7K 8C 33 compares two binary files
165.02 BINCOM .ASN 8K 9B A0 /
165.03 BINCOM .CMD 2K A9 C2 /
165.04 BINCOM .COM 2K F6 3F /
165.05 DUMMP .ASM 4K 32 A4 hex & ASCII file dump
165.06 DUMMP .ASN 6K B6 9C /
165.07 DUMMP .CMD 2K 2C 09 /
165.08 DUMMP .COM 1K E3 F5 /
165.09 FYNDE .ASM 12K 85 B9 locate regular expressions
165.10 FYNDE .ASN 12K F2 88 /
165.11 FYNDE .CMD 3K 8A C0 /
165.12 FYNDE .COM 3K 6F 2A /
165.13 GENBIM .ASM 6K F2 4E generate bitmap from .COM file
165.14 GENBIM .COM 1K 64 E4 /
165.15 LOHD .ASM 11K FC EF improved .HEX to .COM mapping
165.16 LOHD .COM 2K 2B C8 /
165.17 NDDT .ASM 57K C4 48 DDT with many new features
165.18 NDDT .COM 6K F1 89 /
165.19 NDDT .DOC 5K E1 05 /
165.20 PAGREL .ASM 1K E9 DB model relocator program
165.21 PAGREL .COM 1K 2E 34 /
165.22 READREL .ASM 15K 54 3D hexadecimal rendition of .REL
165.23 READREL .ASN 15K DD 72 /
165.24 READREL .CMD 3K FF 48 /
165.25 READREL .COM 2K 77 01 /
165.26 STUTE .ASM 16K A0 D4 replacement in many files
165.27 STUTE .ASN 17K A9 98 /
165.28 STUTE .CMD 5K 8D 20 /
165.29 STUTE .COM 3K 5F 0A /
SIG/M Volume 164 REC - Regular Expression Compiler (Vol 1 of 4)
FOR CP/M 80 and CP/M 86
Universidad Autonoma de Puebla
164.01 FXT80 .MAC 29K 60 B4 main program, I/O, symbols
164.02 FXT86 .ASM 22K 8F 26 /
164.03 MKV80 .MAC 31K E1 6B workspace operators
164.04 MKV86 .ASM 20K FA D4 /
164.05 PDL80 .MAC 35K A1 D9 pushdown list operators
164.06 PDL86 .ASM 23K 32 75 /
164.07 REC80 .MAC 40K 2C 13 compiler, essential subroutinesè164.08 REC86 .ASM 29K DD 34 /
164.09 RECLIB .MAC 8K BE F8 linker to other 8080 programs
163.01 BIBBLD .BAS 6K F3 1D Bibliographic search database
163.02 BIBLIO .BAS 3K AB 84 which tells the degree to which
163.03 BIBSR2 .BAS 7K 2D 97 various articles meet your re-
163.04 BIBSRCH .BAS 5K E1 C9 quirements. See BYTE, March 1983
163.05 CMPRBIB .BAS 2K 09 34 /
163.06 PARMS .BAS 4K AC DA /
163.07 VOCBLD .BAS 6K 01 B3 /
163.08 VOCLST .BAS 2K 04 05 /
163.09 CBAS .TST 1K 54 F6 Test MEMTEST function in CBASIC
163.10 CBASTEST.ASM 1K CD 6E /
163.11 TEST .BAS 1K C3 D4 /
163.12 CLOSE .COM 11K F2 3C Program to capture console I/O
163.13 CONS .ASM 1K 43 66 /
163.14 CONS .COM 1K C3 73 /
163.15 CONSGRAB.ASM 1K 9B 19 /
163.16 CREATE .BAS 8K 3C B0 Creates CBASIC data file
163.17 DIR .BAS 11K 00 D4 Call directory in CBASIC
163.18 DIRECTIO.BAS 1K 02 86 Direct console I/O
163.19 DOW .BAS 1K F5 AC Day of Week
163.20 FINDCTL .BAS 1K 6A 95 Gives track and sector info
163.21 GNMENU .BAS 5K 4E AE Skeleton database for use with
163.22 GNMENU .LIN 2K 86 D0 any straight and easy applica-
163.23 GNMENU .XRF 4K CC 6B tion
163.24 GNREPORT.BAS 4K 43 C2 /
163.25 GNREPORT.LIN 2K 86 14 /
163.26 GNREPORT.XRF 4K 95 56 /
163.27 GNSCREEN.BAS 5K B9 38 /
163.28 GNSCREEN.LIN 2K 53 9C /
163.29 GNSCREEN.XRF 3K 6D 44 /
163.30 COMPANY .DA 1K 6D 65 /
163.31 SCREEN .FIL 1K D9 6D /
163.32 GRABCOM .BAS 1K 7A 87 Demo of GET command in CBASIC
163.33 NAD .FIL 2K 76 38 Name and Address database
163.34 NADMAIL .BAS 4K 05 3D with mailing labels
163.35 NADMENU .BAS 8K EC 25 /
163.36 NADREPT .BAS 5K 2E 3B /
163.37 NADSCRN .BAS 6K D3 EA /
163.38 POKEHI .BAS 1K B9 E6 Deprotects MBASIC programs
163.39 PRBLM001.TXT 2K 67 3C Common statement CBASIC bug
163.40 RBBSINST.DOC 39K 76 59 How to use RBBS
163.41 SLEUTH .BAS 5K B9 5E XREF program
163.42 X .COM 3K 2D 5C Directory program
SIG/M Volume 162 Concurrent Pascal-S Compiler
PL/0 Compiler
162.01 BOUNDED .CCP 1K 6A A2 bounder buffer problem, in ccp
162.02 CCP .001 3K 98 CB init overlay
162.03 CCP .002 22K F8 E1 compiler overlay
162.04 CCP .003 15K 79 8A interpreterè162.05 CCP .COM 8K 2C 90 root .com file
162.06 CCP .DOC 6K 3F 56 read first
162.07 CCP .ERL 2K C9 3E
162.08 CCP .PAS 7K 05 5E root source file
162.09 CCP .SYM 2K 07 5A
162.10 COMPILE .ERL 23K 59 40
162.11 COMPILE .PAS 36K B7 E2 compiler iverlay source
162.12 DINPHIL .CCP 2K 14 45 dining philosophers problem
162.13 GLOBAL .INC 2K 7C 84 global declarations - include file
162.14 INIT .ERL 3K 1A F7
162.15 INIT .PAS 4K EC D6 init overlay source
162.17 INTERPRE.PAS 14K E9 16 interpreter source
162.18 MAKECCP .SUB 1K 7F 7C submit file - note synonyms
162.19 PL0 .COM 26K 40 B0 Wirth PL/0 compiler
162.20 PL0 .ERL 13K E2 A1
162.21 PL0 .PAS 15K 29 CA
162.22 RECREAD . 1K 70 D1 sample PL/0 program
162.23 TEST .CCP 1K 99 A8 variable access test
162.24 TRIO .CCP 1K 7F 1B 3 processes writing to screen
161.01 BMBUG .LBR 51K 88 D9 Fixes Business Master Accounting Pack.
161.02 CTYPE .DQC 2K 2B F5 Indicates control characters in
161.03 CTYPE .OQJ 1K BD 2B file.
161.04 DIAL11 .LBR 35K BD C9 Z80 autodialer - OSB. & Smartmodem
161.05 DU-TUTOR.AQT 24K C1 85 DU tutorial
161.06 MXSET12 .MAC 5K 0B 35 Control codes for MX-80
161.07 MXSET12 .OBJ 3K EE D5 /
161.08 OSDDAUTO.LBR 4K 7F BA Autoload Osborne I DD
161.09 OSFSTMOD.TQT 2K 58 BE Info on FAST and Osborne
161.10 OSMENU .LBR 7K D2 DF Makes Osborne I DD 'turnkey system'
161.11 OSUTL12 .LBR 38K 83 5B Osborne disk file program
161.12 OZTOKPRO.AQM 5K B6 FA Allows OSB to read Kaypro DD
161.13 QWIKKEY .DOC 4K A5 43 Allows you to replace keys by
161.14 QWIKKEY .OBJ 2K 5B 6D character strings
161.15 TYPER-2 .LBR 27K B5 87 Turns computer into typewriter
160.01 APLVIDEX.LBR 13K 2C DF speeds console on Apple ][ with Videx card
160.02 SPRITE .LBR 16K D1 A9 for TI Sprite Chip TMS9918 on Apple ][
160.03 STAMP .LBR 95K 2B AC time Stamp your files
160.04 XERA .LBR 11K 75 D6 extended erase
160.05 XREF36 .LBR 62K 5F A8 create cross reference from .PRN files
SIG/M Volume 159 TINCMP86 and META for CP/M 86
CP/M 86 Macro Processor & Compiler Compiler
159.01 COMPILE .SUB 1K FD 87 TINCMP macro processor
159.02 CONSIO .OBJ 1K 05 57 and META compiler compiler.
159.03 FCBFN .OBJ 1K 80 A7 For full documentation seeè159.04 FSCAN .OBJ 1K 06 AC Dr. Dobbs July 1981 (TINCMP)
159.05 IOPACK .OBJ 2K A5 CD and August 1981 (META4)
159.06 M4 .M4 8K 51 D5
159.07 META .A86 43K AE 67
159.08 META .CMD 30K EA 88
159.09 META .OBJ 17K 4C D8
159.10 META4 .MET 5K 58 20
159.11 METAII .MT4 1K 1C 2B
159.12 METATERP.PGN 23K 94 2D
159.13 TEST1 .A86 1K 3D 5C
159.14 TEST2 .CMD 4K 9E 16
159.15 TEST2 .PGN 2K CF B0
159.16 TEST3 .CMD 4K E5 4D
159.17 TEST3 .PGN 3K A6 E1
159.18 TEST4 .CMD 4K 2C 69
159.19 TEST4 .PGN 3K 94 D3
159.20 TEST5 .CMD 5K E8 A0
159.21 TEST5 .PGN 2K 42 56
159.22 TEST6 .CMD 3K 36 B5
159.23 TEST6 .PGN 2K F0 96
159.24 TINCMP .A86 20K B2 9E
159.25 TINCMP86.CMD 18K C3 A8
159.26 TINCMP86.PGN 12K 51 8F
159.27 TINMACR .TIN 7K 36 B1
SIG/M Volume 158 YAMC86 - (CPM/86 Version of Yet Another Modem)
Compiles with Computer Innovations C86
158.01 YAM1 .C 13K 9E 62 YAM main()
158.02 YAM10 .C 6K 1C 58 utilities and unsqueeze
158.03 YAM2 .C 11K 35 49 Christenson protocol handler
158.04 YAM3 .C 15K 9B D6 conversation with data capture
158.05 YAM4 .C 7K 7F 32 CIS 'a' protocol
158.06 YAM5PMMI.C 10K 9E 27 for PMMI mm-103
158.07 YAM5SMI4.C 9K 86 21 for Smartmodem with Interfacer 3/4
158.08 YAM7 .C 22K D2 42 CP/M 86 needs
158.09 YAMC86 .H 10K 2F 10 defines globals
158.10 YAMHELP .T 7K 92 DE online help file
158.11 YAMIMPL .LQT 22K 99 B2 how to install YAM
158.12 YAMMAN .LQT 33K 1F A8 how to use YAM
158.13 YAMPMMI .H 4K DD CE yamsys.h for pmmi
158.14 YAMSMI4 .H 5K 2C 2D yamsys.h for Smartmodem with IF 3/4
158.15 MAKE1YAM.SUB 1K 55 80 compile and link one file
158.16 MAKEYAM .SUB 1K 16 84 compile and link all files
158.17 PHONES .T 6K 42 53 telephone number list
158.18 CRCK .A86 3K 6C C4 CRC for CP/M 86 with update
158.19 UPDCRC .A86 3K 5E AA /
158.20 USQ .CMD 18K 24 C0 wildcard unsqueeze for CP/M 86
SIG/M Volume 157 CP/M 86 Utility and Modem Routines,
Atari Program
157.01 BDOS .A86 1K C1 C2 CP/M-86 Relocatable Utility
157.02 BDOS .OBJ 1K 26 B5 Routines (RASM86)
157.03 CATH .A86 1K E4 CB !è157.04 CATH .OBJ 1K BE 48 !
157.05 CLINE .A86 1K 27 29 !
157.06 CLINE .OBJ 1K 59 3A !
157.07 EN .A86 1K B5 7A !
157.08 EN .OBJ 1K 2B 03 /
157.09 FCBFN .A86 2K 9C FD /
157.10 FCBFN .OBJ 1K 80 A7 /
157.11 FSCAN .A86 5K F9 66 /
157.12 FSCAN .OBJ 1K 16 26 /
157.13 INITFCB .A86 1K 96 DE /
157.14 INITFCB .OBJ 1K 5A 8E /
157.15 UPCASE .A86 1K 88 1A /
157.16 UPCASE .OBJ 1K E0 80 /
157.17 Z80-EMUL.LBR 18K 48 D6 Runs 8080 on 8086 -if you can make it work!
157.18 MODEM86 .AQ6 27K 5B 2A CP/M-86 version of Modem 7
157.19 MODEMAPC.CMD 19K 2E 42 Modem for APC
157.20 MODEMGB .CMD 19K 49 F5 Modem-Godbout 8/16 with Interfacer 3, PMMI
157.21 SETTIME .A86 6K 1E 09 Sets time on CompuPro Board for CP/M
157.22 SETTIME .CMD 2K 0C 74 or MP/M 86
157.23 SCRUB .CMD 14K 1E 79 8086 program to clean up WS
157.24 SCRUB .CQ 3K 62 30 files
157.25 ATARIBUS.LBR 47K 95 82 How to attach Atari to your CP/M machine
157.26 LTYPE14 .LBR 15K EA D1 Types squeezed and unsqueezed .LBR files
SIG/M Volume 156 Miscellaneous Z80 and 8080 Programs
156.01 1771 .LBR 62K EE 54 Extended SD storage for 1771 systems
156.02 FIND40 .LBR 14K 2B 66 Updated FIND
156.03 LU301 .COM 19K BA 32 Updated library utility
156.04 LU301 .TXT 2K AA B4 /
156.05 LUX12B .LBR 87K 45 64 Z80 utility for library files
156.06 M712TRS .AQM 8K 91 C0 Modem for TRS-80 Models 2, 12 & 16
156.07 SQ-17 .LBR 24K 4A 5A Updated squeeze program
156.08 XM77TRS .AQM 6K AE 82 Xmodem for TRS-8- Models 2, 12 & 16
SIG/M Volume 155 dBASEII (TM) Programs and Information
including Atlanta Data Base Users Soc. Vol I
155.01 ADBUG .CMD 5K AD 8C Atlanta Data Base Users Group
155.02 ADBUG/1 .DBF 1K B1 0E Letter Mailing and Member Data
155.03 ADD/REC .CMD 6K 2C 19 Records System
155.04 FORM/LTR.CMD 4K B1 B7 /
155.05 FORM/PRT.CMD 7K 50 5D /
155.06 LABELPRT.CMD 4K 86 78 /
155.07 LETTER00.CMD 4K 44 E7 /
155.08 LIST/PRT.CMD 5K 1B BF /
155.09 MAIL/LAB.CMD 3K 80 BB /
155.10 XBALANCE.CMD 5K 1D 52 Atlanta Data Base Users
155.11 XCANCEL .CMD 4K E0 39 Society Banking System
155.12 XDEPCANC.CMD 3K 15 7C /
155.13 XDEPOSIT.CMD 3K 9A 8B /
155.14 XINDX .CMD 4K AA 9E /
155.15 XMENU .CMD 3K 2B BE /
155.16 XMODCKS .CMD 6K 5E 86 /
155.17 XMODDEP .CMD 3K BD 1B /è155.18 XNEWENTR.CMD 4K 77 36 /
155.19 XPRNT .SUB 1K 07 CA /
155.20 XPRNTCK .CMD 8K B7 69 /
155.21 XSYSTEM .DOC 6K 4E 59 /
155.22 ABUSBANK.DBF 1K 0D 92 /
155.23 CKNUM .NDX 1K 2C 89 /
155.24 OFFBASE .CMD 2K CF 46 Atlanta Data Base Users
155.25 SAM001 .CMD 4K 27 03 Society Sample Periodical
155.26 SAM001 .DOC 23K C7 92 Tracking Data Base System
155.27 SAM002 .CMD 4K 12 14 /
155.28 SAM002 .DOC 25K 41 68 /
155.29 SAMAKEY .NDX 2K F7 F0 /
155.30 SAMFILE .DBF 2K C6 2B /
155.31 SAMMENU .CMD 3K 94 DD /
155.32 SAMMENU .DOC 15K B7 B6 /
155.33 SAMSCR1 .CMD 3K 32 C1 /
155.34 SAMSCRM .CMD 1K C5 3E /
155.35 UPDATE .129 3K 67 D8 Updating files and information
155.36 MAIN .INV 4K F6 BC for dBASEII version 2.4 and
155.37 MAIN .SIG 6K BC 8A SIG/M Vol. 129
155.38 MENU .SIG 2K E3 CE /
155.39 SIG/M .CMD 10K 99 C3 /
155.40 DBOX .ART 4K 4F 7F Dual Data Bases and dBASEII
155.41 VALDATE .TST 3K 3D 15 dBASE date validation program
SIG/M Volume 154 Forth-83
154.01 F83 .COM 24K A1 A8 Compiled Forth with editor, assembler, etc
154.02 F83 .DOC 9K 80 88 Documentation file
154.03 CPU8080 .BQK 9K 03 D2 Assembler, debugging & multitasking source
154.04 DIRECT .BQK 4K D1 D7 Support screens for direct BIOS I/O
154.05 EXTEND80.BQK 9K 66 C2 Extension screens
154.06 KERNEL .HEX 33K 47 82 Hex file for F83
154.07 META80 .BQK 73K CF A9 Meta source & F83 screens
154.08 UTILITY .BQK 36K FF 46 CP/M interface, editor & multitasking
SIG/M Volume 153 XLISP for CP/M 86
153.01 CC .SUB 1K B0 0A XLISP by David Betz as released on
153.02 CCLISP .SUB 1K 74 9D SIG/M volume 118 modified for CP/M
153.03 CTYPE .H 1K A8 98 86 by Harry Van Tassell.
153.04 LINKLISP.SUB 1K 60 A3 !
153.05 PT .LSP 4K A4 BC !
153.06 SETJMP .H 1K 07 56 !
153.07 STDIO .H 1K CB 5C !
153.08 T .LSP 4K 99 0E !
153.09 XLBIND .C 2K F1 18 !
153.10 XLDMEM .C 9K 30 70 !
153.11 XLEVAL .C 7K E4 6B !
153.12 XLFIO .C 5K 1C 96 !
153.13 XLIO .C 2K 88 3F !
153.14 XLISP .C 2K BF 1C !
153.15 XLISP .CMD 41K 38 55 !
153.16 XLISP .DOC 29K 80 BC !
153.17 XLISP .H 6K 52 0C !è153.18 XLKMAP .C 7K D1 2C /
153.19 XLLIST .C 12K 66 B8 /
153.20 XLMATH .C 9K CD 8D /
153.21 XLOBJ .C 18K 32 6F /
153.22 XLPRIN .C 4K 32 95 /
153.23 XLREAD .C 8K 87 7A /
153.24 XLSTR .C 6K 67 86 /
153.25 XLSUBR .C 12K CF 02 /
SIG/M Volume 152 Disk Drive Tester, Miscellaneous Updates
152.01 APLCAT94.LBR 39K 5B B9 Apple CAT II modem
152.02 DDD11 .ASM 47K 6E 94 Tests disk drives with 1793 controller and
152.03 DDD11 .DOC 4K 97 DF Dysan test disk - without oscilloscope
152.04 DU-V86 .COM 8K 88 A0 Updated disk utility
152.05 DU-V86 .DOC 13K 54 3C /
152.06 LADDER .MF4 5K ED 20 Analysis of ladder network for gain
152.07 LADDER .OBJ 12K A6 A9 and phase.
152.08 LDIR211 .LBR 16K A8 E5 Updates LDIR
152.09 NSWP .COM 7K 44 10 Big and little versions of WASH
152.10 SWEEP40 .LBR 42K 55 4B /
152.11 TYPE1 .COM 2K 56 FB Wildcard type - unsqueezes too
152.12 TYPE1 .DOC 3K 9A 91 /
152.13 USQ .COM 2K 56 21 Wildcard unsqueeze
152.14 USQ .DOC 3K B5 5A /
152.15 WOOF .COM 16K 9F BA Plots frequency response of loudspeaker
152.16 WOOF .FOR 7K 84 D3 enclosure
SIG/M Volume 151 68000 FORTH, DEC Rainbow Utilities and Modem
151.01 68KFORTH.LBR 56K 5F 8B Forth for 68000
151.02 DSK7-RB2.AQM 45K 50 45 Disk 7 for DEC Rainbow
151.03 DSK7-RB2.INF 1K 7C 90 /
151.04 DSK7-RB2.OBJ 6K 65 76 /
151.05 FCVRNBOW.OBJ 5K 3B A6 DEC Rainbow utilities
151.06 FMT-RB13.OBJ 3K 37 24 /
151.07 FMTRNBOW.OBJ 3K 37 24 /
151.08 MBOOT-RB.A86 7K C0 A1 /
151.09 MBOOT-RB.SUB 1K 85 92 /
151.10 MODEM-RB.LBR 89K D1 BE MODEM for DEC Rainbow