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File List
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R E M O T E C P / M S Y S T E M S L I S T
December 1992 revision
by Ian Cottrell
The Remote CP/M Systems List is the work of Ian Cottrell. This material
is copyrighted. However, permission is given to anyone to use it,
including all magazines or periodicals, if credit is properly given.
NOTE: The filename indicates the month and year of the current
list. i.e., RCPM1292.LST is December, 1992.
This is a summary of all known operating remote CP/M systems which use
XMODEM (Christensen) protocol for file transfers and are available to the
general public for the exchange of public domain software. Most have
message exchanges intended primarily for technical discussions and help.
This list is updated monthly, use of the most recent will avoid ill-placed
calls. It is only as accurate as the information supplied, so if you know
of any inaccuracies, changes or systems which are no longer operating, do
yourself and others a favour by making this information available to the
SPECIAL NOTICE TO SYSOPS: Please inform one of the Sysops
mentioned below of any changes in your system to avoid being
removed from the list, which is verified periodically. If your
system is no longer functioning, have a friend modem a message
so that your system can be deleted. If your system is deleted
in error, send a message and you will be restored to the list.
(The following are all open systems and
messages may easily be left to the
Sysop. Please forward such information
prior to the 25th of the month.)
The Information Centre RCP/M+
Ian Cottrell
(613) 952-2289
(613) 829-1650 (voice)
[United States]
Drexel Hill North Star RCP/M
Bob Dean
(215) 623-4040 (PC Pursuit)
NOTE: If it is inconvenient or expensive to contact one of the above, thenèmail your update information to:
Ian Cottrell
44 Lindhurst Cres
Nepean, Ontario, Canada
K2G 0T7
or, send e-mail to to I.COTTRELL on GEnie, to Ian Cottrell on the FidoNet
CP/M Technical Echo or to icottrel@.emr.ca if you have access to the
The preferred method of sending updates is for the sender to duplicate the
format shown below and then upload the result as a file to one of the
collection point systems. However, a message to the sysop will also be
accepted. Whatever method you use, please include all the required
information and be sure to indicate the province or state in which the
system operates.
The list is sorted alphabetically by province or state, then alphabetically
by system name within each province or state. Each entry has the following
System Name Location (city) Mdm Speed Phone Number
Sysop's Name Hardware & Software Hours Size Date
Description of system (up to two 75 character lines).
Systems charging fees have a dollar sign ($) before their phone number.
'NN' before the date indicates a new system or a new phone number while
'UD' in this position indicates a system whose entry has been updated.
Some systems may restrict "first-time" users, so be sure to read the
opening information files when accessing a new system.
Available modem speed and size are listed in the following manner:
03/12/24 85M
This system responds to 300, 1200 or 2400 bps and has 85 Mbytes of
storage. 9600 bps modems (which will respond to 300, 1200, 2400 or
9600 bps) are shown as 03-96, followed by a 3 character code for the
manufacturer. Codes currently in use are:
HST US Robotics HST
R-V Racal-Vadic 9600
Following this introduction is a table showing the total number of systems
listed, the number of systems added and deleted and the number of systems
whose entries have been updated since the last edition of the list.
(See notes at end of this section for more information)
SPECIAL NOTE: During the coming year, I hope, with the help of numerous
other sysops who have volunteered, to fill in all the '??' in the list.
Please help by sending updates about any system entry you know to beèincomplete, incorrect or missing from the list. With your help, we can
make this list as up-to-date, as accurate and as useful as possible.
I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the previous
authors of this list. To Keith Petersen and Ben Bronson, who started it
all and to Jud Newell, Steve Sanders and Kim Levitt, who carried on for so
many years. To all of these gentlemen, a heartfelt thank you and a sincere
wish that my own humble efforts with this list will meet with your
- Ian Cottrell, Sysop, Information Centre RCP/M+
1. Check the system documentation for exact details when logging on.
2. All times listed are local times; please observe operating hours for
systems with scheduled availability.
3. If you find any errors in this listing (or any systems which do not
support XMODEM protocol for file transfers), please forward the
information to one of the systems listed at the top.
4. Some of the private/semi-private systems will allow System Operators
access to the system. Each private/semi-private system has different
rules regarding access. Contact the System Operator first for
details of system access, cost, etc.
Total number of entries: 238
Number added since last issue: 0
Number deleted since last issue: 1
Number of entries updated since last issue: 3
Cygnus X-1 ROS (ROS #08) Huntsville 03/12/24 (205) 883-6507
Chris Turvey AT clone & ROS 24 hrs 80M 90/01
Interests in Kaypro, CP/M, Pascal, MS-DOS, Turbo Pascal, etc. New USR 2400
Golden Springs Profess'l BBS Aniston 03/12/24 $(205) 238-0012
Tom Bowerman Tandy & PCBoard 24 hrs 49M 90/02
USR Courier 2400 modem. Annual fee of $35 for files and doors. Both CP/M
and MS-DOS.
65' NORTH Fairbanks 03-96(HST) (907) 452-1460
Peter Stern ALR 386 & Opus 24 hrs 125M 90/02
Opus 17/38 in FidoNet. Support for CP/M-80, Kaypro CP/M, PC-DOS utilities.
Limited access on first call. Offline during mail 0000-0230 AST.
Edmonton Remote Systems Edmonton 03-96(HST) (403) 454-6093
Dave McCrady Networkd 386, Waffle 24 hrs 800M 91/08
CP/M, MAC, Amiga, Atari, Minix, Unix code. Second 9600 bps (PEP/v.32) node
available following validation. Internet access. 600+ USENET groups!
Bear Tracks Computer Centre Phoenix 03/12/24 (602) 993-9518
Bernard Lambert Kaypro 2x & RBBS 24 hrs 32M 90/01
Special interests - free computer jobs registry. Pay services - photo
typesetting, remote surveying, disk/data conversion.
BIG-V BBS Tucson 03/12/24 (602) 293-3390
Bill Vigasin & Harry Kight Commodore 128 & EBBS 24 hrs 200M 92/02
Supports C=64/128, Amiga, MAC, IBM, CP/M-ZCPR, TRS-80. 16M of disk space
devoted to CP/M.
DeadZone RCP/M BBS, The Tucson 03/12/24 (602) 884-4314
Harry Kight Xerox 820-II & PICS 24 hrs 11M 92/02
Supporting most 8-bit computer systems (no IBM, MAC or Amiga support).
Tucson's NEW AGE community (free commercial and private ads).
CanWest RCP/M Victoria 03/12/24 (604) 380-0007
Dave Chapman & Mike Stebih CompuPro & PBBS 24 hrs 2.4M 91/06
CP/M-80, CP/M-86, CP/M-8/16, MP/M, 8080 and Z-80 assembler. Cooking,
kitchen hints and the like. No answer when in local use.
Frog Hollow RCP/M (PBBS) Vancouver 03/12/24 (604) 469-0264
David Bowerman JLS Z-80 SBC & PBBS 24 hrs 46M 90/08
Prince George RCP/M System Prince George 03/12 $(604) 562-9519
Fred Quebec OSI TDOS & RBBS 1700-0800 160M 87/10
24 hrs on weekends. Interests: CP/M, MS-DOS, CCP/M, TurboDos, Amiga, CoCo
VPCC FOGLIGHT #2 RBBS-RCP/M Richmond 03/12 (604) 271-5934
Jay Siegel Kaypro 16E & OPUS 24 hrs 65M 90/01
Vancouver Portable Computer Club & Vancouver Kaypro UG. Interests: Kaypro,èOsborne. Large CP/M P/D library + MS-DOS. Reg'n required for CP/M access.
[CALIFORNIA, Northern]
Atlas Micro Assoc MCI GOLIATH Campbell 03/12/24 (408) 379-8086
Bill Spoolhoff Compupro 8/16 & ?? 24 hrs 172M 89/02
Multi-user multi-tasking Concurrent DOS RCP/M. Interests: Concurrent DOS,
Compupro, CB86, C, networking, communications. Mail registration required.
BASIS BBS/RCPM Sunnyvale 03/12/24 (408) 733-4670
Clay Walker & David Cornwell Ampro LB+ & HBBS 24 hrs 90M 90/01
Also Norman Beeler and Gene Aulich. Apple CP/M and BASIS 108 utilities.
Distribution point for PCPIMP. Accessible on PC PURSUIT.
Better Brewing Bureau, The Mountain View 03/12/24 (415) 964-4356
Russ Pencin Xerox 820 & PBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/10
Home brewing interest and information. Home Brew digest on-line.
Co-Ed Associates HBBS RCP/M Walnut Creek 03/12/24 (415) 938-9470
Werner Gumpert & Pat Miller MD11 & HBBS 24 hrs 66M 90/01
Software for CPM-80, CPM-86, CCPM, MS-DOS, Morrow, IBM-PC and clones.
CrosNest II DataTech Node 004 San Mateo 03/12 (415) 341-9336
Wilbur Smith ?? & RBBS 24 hrs 3M 90/01
Box 962, San Mateo, Ca. 94403. CDOS, CP/M hardware/software tips/bulletins
/educational utilities & communications software.
Desktop Publisher, The (ROS#32 Palo Alto 03/12/24 (415) 856-2771
Freeman Bradford XT clone & PICS-PC 24 hrs 34M 90/01
CP/M PD, Desktop PUblishing support, original distribution point for PICS.
H89 support and Sunol hard disks.
Digikron Systems San Jose 03/12/24 (408) 253-1309
Douglas Thom Ampro & Z-Msg 24 hrs 84M 90/01
Support for ZRDOS/ZCPR3 on Apple CP/M (including Apple /// CP/M). Areas
for KP, IBM, Ampro & Macintosh. One of the largest Mac sections available.
Electric Garbanzo (ROS #25) Santa Rosa 03/12/24 (707) 539-1283
Jim Bianchi TV 802H & PICS 24 hrs 15M 90/08
CP/M PD & shareware and TeleVideo 8-bit specific. Message areas: General,
want ads, garden (local topics) and TeleVideo support.
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #31 Mountain View 03/12/24 (415) 968-7369
Jim Switz Ampro 142 & Metal 24 hrs 45M 90/01
Registration is reqired before CP/M access granted. FOG CPM P/D library
available on request to FOG members.
French Connection, The Castro Valley 03/12/24 (415) 581-0449
Gordon French Compupro 8/16 & ?? 24 hrs 40M 90/01
Goliath Node 092. CP/M, CDOS, RCP/M, ZCPR3, general discussions, technical
political, what-have-you. Registration required.
Hacker Heaven Monterey 03/12/24 (408) 375-5455
Mark Pickerill PL Sys 2 & Spitfire 24 hrs 30M 90/01èSupport for programmers. CP/M-80, CP/M-86, CP/M-68K, ZCPR3 & MS-DOS. Other
systems supported if users will upload for them. Orphan systems encouraged.
K.D.A. Message System (ROS #52 Vallejo 03/12/24 (707) 553-8452
Keith Davidson Ampro & PICS 24 hrs 10M 90/01
Supporting CP/M, MS-DOS and Apple. New callers are restricted to the
message system until verified.
KAY*FOG SYSTEM (FOG #11) San Francisco 03/12 (415) 285-2687
Bond Shands Kaypro & Metal 24 hrs 10M 90/01
Box 11135, San Francisco, CA 94101. No fees - registration required.
Special interests - newcomers to BBS's, KP, Osborne, Morrow & general CP/M.
KAY+FUN RCP/M San Mateo 03/12/24 (415) 572-8219
Ernest Hintz Kaypro & MBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/01
P.O. Box 5405, San Mateo, CA 94402. Interests: CP/M, MSDOS, dBase,TPascal,
business app. Valid'n required to enter pub msgs & d/l (granted in 24 hrs)
KRASH Sacramento 03/12 $(916) 482-8305
Chuck Stafford Kaypro 10 & MBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/01
System run by the Sacramento Kaypro Users Group.
Mad Macs Used BBS (ROS #47) Mountain View 03/12/24 (415) 965-4097
Byron Mckay XT clone & TP-Board 24 hrs 84M 90/01
CP/M and loads of Osborne files.
MOR BBS Berkeley 03/12/24 (415) 654-3798
Sypko Andreae Morrow MD222 & PBBS 24 hrs 44M 90/01
BBS of the Morrow Owners Review. Interests: ZCPR33, CP/M-80.
Moraga RCP/M Moraga 03/12/24 (415) 376-3632
Jake & Peter Essl H-89 & HBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/01
KMD, CP/M 80.
Napa Valley RCP/M-FIDO Napa 03/12/24 (707) 257-6502
Dave Austin PC/XT Turbo & FIDO 24 hrs 32M 90/01
Features: CPMUG/SIG/M software. Also 6502 & 8086 sections. Interest in
BDS/Aztec C, dBase, Ham Radio. Napa Valley CP/M UG, BOX 4096 NAPA, CA94558
RBBS of Marin County SF Bay area 01-07 (415) 383-0473
Jim Ayers S-100 & Metal 1700-0830 10M 88/01
Drives A:-E:, user areas 1-2 w/ SIGM and CP/MUG programs.
Santa Clara RCP/M Santa Clara 03/12 (408) 247-2853
Jeff King Altos 580 & PBBS 24 hrs 80M 90/01
IBM, MacIntosh, CP/M, Pascal, Forth, C, Rainbow, HP150.
Saratoga RCP/M Los Gatos 03/12/24 (408) 354-5934
Chuck Metz BBII & HBBS 24 hrs 85M 89/02
Interests in CP/M 2.x/3/86, PC & MS DOS. Open system.
SERVU San Jose 03/12/24 (408) 238-9621
Al Mehr ?? & Wildcat 24 hrs 85M 90/01
ZCPR2, CP/MUG, SIG/M, CP/M-86, PC/MS-DOS. Registration required for access
to software exchange.è------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ZeeMachine RBBS/PDSE San Jose 03/12/24 (408) 245-1420
Norman Beeler Ampro & HBBS 24 hrs 90M 90/03
Full ZCPR3/ZRDOS support. CP/M and DOS programs. 15 minutes first call.
[CALIFORNIA, Southern]
<I><C><U> RCP/M (ROS #24) San Bernardino 03/12/24 (714) 381-2887
John Hohensee & Cliff Smith XT clone & ROS-PC 24 hrs 65M 90/01
Inland Computer Users, San Bernardino. CP/M and MS-DOS software.
AnaHug RCP/M-CBBS Anaheim 03/12 (714) 447-1623
John Secor ?? & OPUS 24 hrs 10M 89/02
Interests: hobby computing, electronics hobbyists, ham radio.
Barstow California CCDOS RCP/M Barstow 03-96 (619) 256-3545
Lyle Skjerve AT Clone & GOLIATH 24 hrs 80M 90/01
Running DRI CCDOS 5.0 (XM). Supporting CP/M86 and PCDOS simultaneously.
System supports up to 9600 bps (UPTA modem). Fujitsu Micro-16 UG inquiries
betaline RCP/M-RBBS Culver City 03/12 (213) 313-2549
Roger Maxwell & Barry Cole ?? & RBBS 24 hrs 5.5M 89/02
Rehabilitation, CP/M technical, dBase.
Charlatan's Cabin BBS Los Angeles 03-96(HST) (213) 654-7337
Michael Conley AT clone & Wildcat 24 hrs 120M 90/01
Interests: entertainment, TV Industry, CP/M & MSDOS pgms & utils, dBase
utils, others. Limited access on 1st call. Full access by mail application.
Cretan's Computer Corner Downey 03/12 (213) 861-3830
Ralph Arvizu Ampro & MBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Free access w/ validation. General CP/M 80 programs, utilities, languages.
Also MS-DOS and AMIGA programs.
Deep Thought MBBS & RCP/M Mt. Baldy 03/12 (714) 949-2144
Raymond Kopecky Xerxo 820 & MBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Interests: BBS's, CPM80, IBM, ZCPR, RCP/M's, telecom, hardware & more.
Downey RCP/M, The Downey 03/12/24 (213) 806-2226
Mark Motley Kaypro & PBBS 24 hrs 23M 90/01
Complete access on first call, no validation. Complete CP/M tech support!
CP/M utilities, languages (Pascal, Cobol, C), applications, MS-DOS stuff.
Elephant's Graveyard/Z-Node #9 San Diego 03-96(HST) (619) 270-3148
Roger Warren Ampro & Z-Msg 24 hrs 40M 91/06
Interests in CP/M PD, ZCPR3, computer languages. New callers have immediate
download access. Limited MS-DOS support.
G.F.R.N. Data Exchange (RBBS) Palos Verdes 03/12/24 (213) 541-2503
Skip Hansen Unknown 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Ham radio-related pgms. Special interest in Packet radio. CP/M & MS-DOS
software. 1K packets & batch transfers now available. NO registration.
Glendale Litera QBBS - RCP/M Glendale 03-96(HST) (818) 956-6164èAbel Iwaz Kaypro 10 & QBBS 24 hrs 64M 90/01
No answer if in use. QBBS (c) multi-messaging, 5 sub-boards. Interests:
communications, utils, QBBS, literary forum, electronic publishing, MS/DOS.
Goleta OxGate Goleta 03/12/24 (805) 964-4115
?? ?? & OxGate 24 hrs 3.8M 90/01
CP/M & IBM-PC software.
Grey Matter BBS & RCP/M Los Angeles 03/12/24 (213) 971-6260
Ed Grey TeleVideo 803 & PBBS 24 hrs 10M 90/08
Support for TeleVideo (8-bit), Timex/SINCLAIR (all), CP/M(2.2/3.0), CP/M sw
& hw sales, programming, HELP and info sharing. Auto-validate. PC-P = CALAN
Ground Zero BBS Seal Beach 03/12/24 (213) 430-0079
Rick Edwards ?? & Wildcat 24 hrs 44M 90/03
Lobo MAX-80, CP/M 2.2 & 3, Epson Geneva, Xerox, Model 100, dBase, MS-DOS.
PC Pursuit access.
ieCG (ROS #61) San Bernadino 03/12/24 (714) 825-4042
Brian Abbott XT clone & ROS-PC 24 hrs 65M 90/01
Support for CP/M, MS-DOS and more.
International Collectors N'wrk Culver City 03/12/24 (213) 204-0646
George Garvin Unknown 24 hrs ??M 90/01
Also Harry Rosenfield. A gathering point for collectors, traders etc of
anything from old autos to baseball cards, to coins & stamps.
Ladera Z-Node BBS/Z-System Los Angeles 03/12/24 (310) 670-9465
Al Hawley S-100 & Z-Msg 24 hrs 40M 91/06
ZNODE #2, latest ZCPR3, ZCPR33 software, news. Interests: Z3 system and
communications software, 64180 & Z280. Will assist with Z3 installation.
Laguna Hills BBS Laguna Hills 12/24/96 $(714) 643-3066
Mark Stein AT-Clone & ?? 24 hrs 60M 90/01
Latest MS-DOS, CP/M-86 and Osborne 1 software. Subscription fee-$25 per yr.
Laing Electronics BBS Garden Grove 12/24 (714) 892-1398
Doug Laing Novell Net & OPUS 24 hrs 70M 89/02
Also Scott Emerich & Ron Beach. Technical exchange related to LANs,
dBASE III+, Clipper, Amateur Radio, software development, Apple CP/M, etc.
Long Beach Gemini Long Beach 03/12 (213) 430-8138
Larry & Jan Copeland NS Advantage & MBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Special interests in MBBS, CP/M, MS/PC-DOS and the occlt. Access to the
occult area by request.
Mike's SOCAL Corner BBS Long Beach 03/12/24 (213) 422-7942
Mike Heffernan Xerox 820 & PBBS 24 hrs 10M 90/08
Interests in Xerox and CP/M. SOCAL.LST distribution point. No validation
MOG-UR'S EMS, The San Fernando Valley 03/12/24 (818) 366-1238
Tom Tcimpidis Heath H8 & own EMS 24 hrs 27M 89/02
Multiuser now with 2 lines. 20 special interest groups with varied
interests. All users welcome, but written registration required.è------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NEXUS RCP/M Poway 03/12/24 (619) 486-0735
Michael Breaux Compupro & Metal 24 hrs 83M 90/01
Also Curtis Egan and Hants White. Primary interests: CP/M 80, ZCPR3,MS-DOS
and PC-DOS. Currently running ZCPR 3.3.
OKOK Club - FOG #36 Arcadia 03/12/24 (818) 446-5937
Dick Smith Osborne 01 & Metal 0800-2200 80M 89/02
Registration required before access granted. FOG CP/M & DOS library
available on request to members.
Pasadena Z-Node 36 Pasadena 03/12/24 (818) 799-1632
Dick Mead ?? & Z-Msg 24 hrs 18M 91/06
No ans if in use. Z-SYSTEM (ZCPR3/ZRDOS+). Recent ZCPR3 & general CP/M
software. New users access to files, READ-ONLY in BBS till Write requested
pvac Venice 12/24 (213) 306-1172
Harris Edelman two plastic baskets 24 hrs 22M 90/01
znode72. steadfastly erratic user community finds a home. art and science.
propagation analyses and spectrum management debunked. PC Pursuit
Simi BBS Simi Valley 03/12/24 (805) 522-4211
Greg Cassity ?? & FIDO 24 hrs 33M 90/01
No ans if in use. Ads for new and used hardware, technical help and
software exchange.
Soaring Information Exchange Long Beach 03/12/24 (213) 597-3292
Bill Bartell IBM XT & WWIV 24 hrs 30M 90/01
Soaring/aviation related information exchange and related software.
Verification required for new users (24 hrs max).
Thousand Oaks Tech RCP/M S/1 Thousand Oaks 03/06/12 (805) 492-5472
Trevor Marshall Unknown 24 hrs 65M 90/01
RIOS. Soon to be replaced by System 2. SIG/M, PC-Blue,
Capitol-PC & C-UG software. Cannot accept uploads, send to S/2.
Thousand Oaks Tech RCP/M S/2 Thousand Oaks 03/12/24 (805) 493-1495
Trevor Marshall PC-AT(10MHz) & WBBS 24 hrs 160M 90/01
RIOS. No BBS. Unlimited upload time, download time 15 mins/day maximum,
(increased 2 for 1 for uploads).
Time-=<X>=-Change RBBS Gardena 03/12 (213) 329-3922
Dave Clifford TeleVideo & MBBS 24 hrs 25M 90/01
CP/M util & specialty software for Z-80. NO registration, NO time limits.
Access via GTE/TELENET. Interest in N*, TeleVideo, Xerox, Timex/Sinclair.
Torrance RQP/M Torrance 03/12 (213) 320-9309
Mitchell Milnar Xerox 820 & ?? 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Home of QP/M, CP/M replacement. Xerox, KP, Bigboard, Ampro. QP/M, KayPLUS,
Plus2, Compilers. Direct support board for MICRO Code Consulting customers
TUG-NET RCP/M - FOG System #16 Chatsworth 03/12 (818) 882-6045
Bob Koller & David Bartholomew NS Advantage & METAL 24 hrs 30M 89/02
Serving TUG-NET users group, FOG library available on request to FOG
VENTURA TBBS Ventura 03/12/24 (805) 650-2873
Paul Vierra ?? & TBBS 24 hrs ??M 90/01
Supports most computers and has fairly large CP/M & MSDOS sections. It is
also one of the few boards around that has a MAC SIG.
Woolf Software Systems BBS Conoga Park 03/12/24 (818) 999-0925
Jeff Woolf Corona PC & WBBS 24 hrs 40M 89/02
4 message boards as well as upload/download section. 40 megs now on line.
COMP-U-RADO (Node 1) Colorado Springs 03/12/24 (719) 593-1072
Bruce McDaniels Kaypro 10 & MBBS 24 hrs 10M 90/01
Interests: Kaypro, Unix, MS-DOS, CP/M and C. 1K Packet support.
Pre-registration required.
CP/M SIG RCP/M-RIBM SYSTEMS Broomfield 03/12/24 (303) 465-1313
Al Lundquist ?? & Fido 24 hrs 10M 90/01
Password access after validate. The CP/M SIG, Inc of Broomfield, CO.,
provides latest SIG/M & PC-BLUE releases on-line. RIBM rotates w/RCPM.
World Peace RCP/M, The Denver (metro) 03/12/24 (303) 320-4822
Fr. Alfred Carr ?? & QuickBBS 24 hrs ??M 90/01
Immediate access to files. MSDOS & CP/M communications pgms (TELIX, BYE5,
IMP, KMD, PBBS, etc). VERY (!) active theological & political discussions.
Computer Club, The Farmington 03/12/24 (203) 673-8752
Rick Swenton H89 & PBBS 24 hrs 20M 91/12
CP/M, ZCPR3 and MS-DOS areas. Tech support for Heath, Ampro and ZCPR3.
Validation required to leave public messages or downloading.
Connecticut CP/M Users Group Newington 03/12/24 (203) 665-1100
Lee Bradley Xerox 16/8 & PBBS 24 hrs 10M 91/12
Z-Node #12. CP/M, ZCPR3, Kaypro, C-128 and Royal Alphatronic areas.
BIDS RCP/M Tampa 03/12 (813) 839-3003
George Warner Ampro LB+ & ?? 24 hrs 20M 89/02
Build-It Data Service. General interest board, current events, ads, local
interest, computer store, book reviews. CP/M & MS-DOS file transfers.
Bob's Corner Board Gainesville 03/12/24 (904) 373-5864
Robert Cox ?? & MBBS 24 hrs 2.4M 90/01
------------------------------------------------------------------------------èDataCOM Super Systems(tm), The Clearwater 03/12/24 $(813) 791-1454
Steve Sanders AT clone & PC-Board 24 hrs 170M 90/01
Multi-user system with 3 phone lines. Members use all three systems for
$40/yr fee. Limited 20-minute guest logon, check us out! aka Tampa Bay KUG
LOL BBS Land O' Lakes 03/12/24 (813) 996-7425
John Doak Heath H8 & ?? 24 hrs 32M 90/02
System powers up after 1st ring. Allow 20 sec, then repeatedly hit CR key
for 300/1200 and space bar for 2400 bps. Split CP/M and DOS - 15M each.
Melbourne Bch Concurrent RCP/M Melbourne Beach 03/12/24 (407) 727-0331
Alex Soya Compaq-386 & Goliath 24 hrs 182M 90/01
GOLIATH node 001. System is multi-user & is networked into other systems.
Interest in CPM86, Concurrent CPM & Concurrent PCDOS software.
Orlando Technical RCP/M Orlando 03/12/24 (407) 647-1147
Jim Smith Lobo Max-80 & RBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Serv-O-Sys RCP/M Tampa 03/12 (813) 977-5672
Paul Leighly Servo-8 & PBBS 24 hrs 12M 90/01
General CP/M and MS-DOS file transfers. Message base for E-Mail, technical
discussion, local interest. CP/M password = STAT.
St. Pete RCP/M St. Petersburg 03/12/24 (813) 527-5666
Bill Blomgren Lobo Max 80 & PBBS 24 hrs 22M 90/01
For CP/M 80 & MSDOS users. Fee no logner required, registration on line.
Non-registered members can call in and explore the system.
Tampa BBS Tampa 03/12/24 $(813) 831-7276
Charlie Hoffman Unknown 24 hrs 20M 89/02
Runs on ZRDOS. Interest in ZCPR2/3, ZRDOS, dBase, CP/M80/86. SIG/M-CPMUG
releases, FOG library. Tampa Bay CP/M UG Z-Node. $10/year membership.
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #27 Athens 03/12 (404) 354-0662
Bob Herrin Kaypro 10 & Metal 24 hrs 10M 90/01
Temporarily down.
Modemedia Albany 03/12/24 (912) 888-6264
Ron Mani Kaypro 10 & PICS 24 hrs 30M 89/02
Supports CP/M.
Computer Central KaiLuaKona 03/12/89 (808) 326-1779
Fred Hatta XT & TP-Board 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Some CP/M with lots of island info.
Kauai RCP/M RBBS Lihue 03/12 (808) 245-2080
Gene Clayton Zenith 386 & Opus 24 hrs 80M 90/01
No answer if in use.
Advocate/NOWAR/AMNET RCP/Ms Chicago 03/12/24 (312) 939-4411
Jerry Olsen Kaypro 10 & MBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/10
Open to all. Large library of CP/M PD software. Supported through
voluntary user donations.
Antelope Freeway (Z-Node 11) Chicago 03/12/24 $(312) 764-5162
Carson Wilson Oz Exec & Z-Msg 24 hrs 100M 91/06
2 discrete systems at same number: Antelope 1 for CP/M, Antelope 2 for MS-
DOS. 15 min/day for registered callers, 90 min for CFOG members ($25-30/yr)
Bozo Board, The Deerfield 03/12/24 (708) 948-5754
Tim Thale CompuPro & Z-Msg 24 hrs 40M 90/10
Large selection of PD CP/M and ZCPR files. Full access after initial
registration (usually within 24 hrs).
Chicago Syslink TBBS Chicago 03/12/24 $(312) 622-4442
George Matyaszek 386 & TBBS 0500-0300 80M 90/08
Supports all systems. 2-20 mins access for non-subscribers ($20/yr for un-
limited). BBS of Chicago Area Computer Hobbyist Exchange (CACHE).Since 1981
Fox Valley ROS (ROS #34) St. Charles 03-96(HST) (708) 377-5988
Dave Cummens XT clone & TP-Board 24 hrs 80M 90/10
CP/M and MS-DOS, Turbo Pascal, Mex, ROS, PICS and Kermit. CP/M files are
by request only unless enough interest is developed to keep on-line.
HotRod! Oak Park 03/12/24 (708) 386-3988
"BadBear" Kaypro 10 & TITS 24 hrs 10M 92/10
Suburban Chicago's computing Gay community calls this place home & supports
it through donations. Extremely limited access to unvalidated users.
QX-Link BBS Prospect Heights 03/12/24 (708) 455-9193
Chuck Erickson Epson QX-10 & PICS 24 hrs 20M 92/10
RTPM. Has Epson users & Medical R&D boards. Full graphics support for
Epson QX-10 Valdocs.
Spoon River RCP/M, The Canton 03/12/24 (309) 647-1226
Phil Fleming Kaypro 10 & PBBS 24 hrs 40M 89/02
Interests: Ham Radio, CP/M, MS-DOS, Online Games, ZCPR3, Kaypro, tech
Sun Valley RTDS Lisle 03/12/24 (708) 983-5147
Ken Stritzel ICM-Mstr/Earth Slave 24 hrs 126M 90/01
TurboDos multi-user system. Interest in TurboDos, assembler & HAM Radio.
Registration required. Logon as 'SUNVALLEY GUEST' & leave comment.
èDuncan Communications Indianapolis 03/12 $(317) 567-2143
Malcolm Duncan Unknown 24 hrs 50M 90/01
Multi-user system w/3 dial in lines. Restricted access. Monthly charge
for full access. Up/download via XMODEM, Kermit & Macterminal protocols.
Flexisoft BBS RCP/M Ashland 03/12/24 (606) 325-3736
David Richmond Kaypro 10 & PICS 2000-0600 20M 90/01
Kaypro, Xerox 820, BigBoard, CP/M, Turbo Pascal. Support, info and demos
of Flexisoft products, etc. Validation required for full access.
KAYPRO RBBS RCP/M Robards 03 (502) 521-7011
Marvin Eyre Unknown 24 hrs 0.3M 89/02
General message system, downloading & uploading Kaypro utilities. No
restrictions on who can use the system. All welcome.
SoftStone FOG RCP/M #24 Louisville 03/12/24 (502) 241-4109
Curt Edwards PC-XT & RBBS 24 hrs 40M 89/02
Registration required before CP/M access. FOG CP/M P/D library (Kaypro,
Osborne, Morrow, Televideo, etc) available to FOG members.
MBBS - New Orleans HUG RCP/M New Orleans 03/12/24 (504) 467-9896
Gary Pang ?? & MBBS 24 hrs 12M 90/01
Using Courier 2400 by US-Robotics. General ACCESS is FREE. Programs
from SIG/M, PC-BLUE, MS-DOS, C, ASSEMBLY, dBase & user contributions.
Bangor ROS #7 Bangor 03-96(HST) (207) 942-7803
Jim Smith Kaypro & TP-Board 25 hrs 20M 90/01
CP/M-TECH echo-mail area with loads of CP/M support. Local KUG.
Leo Dyer's R.S. (ROS #4) Mexico 03/12 (207) 369-9473
Leo Dyer Tandy1200 & TP-Board 24 hrs 10M 90/01
Supports all Tandy, including CP/M machines.
Muddy Water User Group BBS-1 Winnipeg 03/12 $(204) 943-6508
Terry Smythe & Alan Thoren NEAT AT & PCBoard 24 hrs 150M 89/09èFree to MWUG members, supporting CP/M, MS/DOS, Mac and Unix.
Muddy Water User Group BBS-2 Winnipeg 03-96(HST) $(204) 943-6509
Terry Smythe & Alan Thoren NEAT AT & PCBoard 24 hrs 150M 89/09
Free to MWUG members. Supporting CP/M, MS/DOS, Mac and Unix.
BHEC RBBS RCP/M Baltimore 03/12/24 (301) 661-2175
Paul Matlin Unknown 24 hrs 21M 90/01
Also Hampton Childress & Charlie Schnepf. Now semi-private. Full access
requires authorization.
Doc & Mil's PBBS Ft. Washington 03/12 (301) 292-9420
Doc & Mil Mitchell TeleVideo 806 & PBBS 2000-0300 20M 89/02
24 hrs on weekends. Interested in PD software for CP/M & MS/PC-DOS users.
Osprey's Nest (ROS #37) Colesville 03/12/24 (301) 989-9036
Norm Saunders XT clone & ROS-PC 24 hrs 20M 89/06
Birdwatcher's BBS for DC-Deleware-Maryland-Virginia.
Red-Eye BBS Severna Park 03-96(HST) (301) 544-5222
R. Walker Freeman QX-10 & QBBS 24 hrs 10MM 90/11
CP/M, TPM, Valdocs QX and PX Epson computer support.
Bar-Ken FOG #29 RCP/M Boston 03/12 (617) 288-4667
John Kinsella Osborne 1 & Metal 24 hrs 35M 90/01
Registration required before CP/M access. FOG CP/M P/D library (Kaypro,
Lobo Max, Osborne, Morrow, etc) available to FOG members.
BCS ZI/TEL Board Newton Centre 03-96(HST) (617) 965-7046
Jay Sage 386SX/25 & PCBoard 24 hrs 180M 91/01
Boston Computer Society board - supports CP/M and MS-DOS. ZI/TEL is an
amalgamation of the former CP/M, Kaypro, Morrow, Osborne and other groups.
CUS Vermont #3 & #4 (ROS #02) Dedham 03/12/24 (617) 329-8528
Russell Boyce TeleVideo 806 & PICS 24 hrs 65M 90/01
Also (617) 329-4237. National Collection point for ROSNET. True multi-user
board with two nodes.
Newton Centre Z-Node 3 Newton Centre 03/12/24 (617) 965-7259
Jay Sage Ampro & MiniCBBS 24 hrs 32M 91/12
Logon password "DDT". Technical board for CP/M programming with special
emphasis on Z-System (ZCPR3).
Wyzards Castle (ROS #39) Dorchester 03-96(HST) (617) 825-3135
Don Hinds XT clone & TP-Board 24 hrs 60M 90/01
For CP/M Kaypros and MS-DOS clones. Formerly BOSKUG.
East Detroit HBBS-RCP/M Detroit 03/12 (313) 772-0417
Nick Holland ?? & HBBS 1800-0800 8M 90/01
24 hrs Sunday. CP/M, PC-DOS, Generic MS-DOS, Mac, Apple, H-89, H-150,
H-100. Running CP/M and XCCP. Open system.
Heath Connection RCP/M Dearborn Heights 03/12/24 (313) 274-0527
Brenton Curl H-89 & PBBS 24 hrs 80M 90/01
PBBS updates, public CP/M, MSDOS, CPM+. All kinds of utilities, games,
text editors, dBase, communications, RCP/M's. PC PURSUIT access.
Kalamazoo Astro Society RCP/M Kalamazoo 03/12 (616) 342-4062
Eric Schreur Ampro LB & ?? 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Interests Earth Sciences, Astronomy, Geology, Oceanography & Meteorology.
After first login, users can access CP/M.
Kaypro RBBS Warren 03-96(HST) (313) 772-0522
Bill Duerr RBBS-PC 24 hrs 60M 90/01
For Kaypro CP/M and MS-DOS systems, users. 30 minutes for first call.
Supported by Detroit Metropolitan Kaypro Users Group (DKUG). PC Pursuit.
MegaRam GOLIATH 021 Utica 03/12/24 (313) 254-9420
Steve French Compupro & GOLIATH 24 hrs 80M 90/01
Concurrent DOS RCP/M. Interests: Concurrent DOS, Compupro, MS-DOS, Kaypro,
Turbo Pascal, CP/M-86, clones. System is free and registration is on-line.
Washtenaw County Remote PBBS Ypsilanti 03/12 (313) 484-3065
Cliff & Linda Harrison NS Horizon & PBBS 24 hrs 1.6M 90/01
Interests include nutrition, pet peeves, adult mail, censorship, FTL Modula
-2 & NS computers. Validation required for access to CP/M or adult mail.
Anoka Technical RBBS Anoka 03/12/24 (612) 427-7774
Phil Forseth & James Crawford Equity II & RBBS-PC 24 hrs 140M 90/01
Epson, CP/M, General, Communications.
3X News RBBS/RCPM Ofallon 03/12/24 (314) 327-5837
Larry Slattery NS Horizon & dBBS 24 hrs 36M 89/03
General CP/M, North Star and IBM 3.x interests as well as other machines
and software.
I Computer! (ROS #44) Jefferson City 03/12/24 (314) 893-2175
Dennis Hancock XT clone & TP-Board 24 hrs 20M 89/06
Some CP/M support.
M.A.C. Creation-Evolution BBS St. Louis 03/12/24 (314) 821-1078èWalt Stumper & George Allen Xerox 820-II & PBBS 24 hrs 10M 90/08
Interests: Xerox, word proc., ZCPRx, science & educational prgms (CP/M, MS-
DOS or ?). Active discussions on science & creation vs evolution. Open sys.
THE LIBRARY Des Peres (St Louis) 03/12/24 (314) 821-0638
Ken Seger & Bob Rosenfeld AT clone & TBBS 24 hrs 225M UD92/11
Interests in MS-DOS, CP/M & Z-System software. D/L for members of the Data
Byte Users Group of St. Louis. Validation req'd for full access. PCP.
Helena Valley RBBS - RCP/M Helena 03/12 (406) 443-2768
Marion Thompson Unknown 24 hrs 10M 90/01
No ans if in use. All users welcome. Special interest in S-100, Systems
Group, IMS Internat'l, Otrona, TurboDOS, MP/M, Concurrent PC DOS, C, Pascal
LIMBO(Lonely In Montana Board) ?? 03/12 (406) 232-7216
James Birkholz Unknown 1900-0600 ??M 90/01
Turbo Pascal, MSDOS, CPM programs and interest groups.
CP/M Connection Omaha 03/12 (402) 346-8079
Robert Moss Morrow MD-3 & ROS 24 hrs 1M 89/02
Free, validation required for full access. CP/M oriented system. CPMUG
volumes are rotated on the download drive.
DRBBS Technical BBS Omaha 03/04/12/2 (402) 896-3537
Jack Winslade Heath H-8 & DRBBS 24 hrs 2.7M 90/01
20M soon. Free, but pre-registration required. Large msg & info oriented
system with conferences on h/w, s/w, programming, P/D s/w & a Kman SIG.
Nat'l Biomed Engineering BBS Omaha 03/12/24 (402) 559-6023
Ed Sima Imsai 8080 & DRBBS 24 hrs 26M 89/02
Also Jack Winslade & Cyndi Garcia. Free, validation required for full
access. Special-interest system with large tech-oriented download section.
Reno International RCP/M Reno 03/12 (702) 826-2337
Ron Stevenson & Mike Mcbride EXO noBUS-8 & ?? 24 hrs 2.4M 90/01
Sections for different computers. Hotels, entertainment and restaurant
information for Reno, Carson & S. Lake Tahoe - phone #'s for reservations.
Cereal Port BBS, The Rindge 03-96(HST) (603) 899-3335
Bill Esposito PC/AT & OPUS 24 hrs 960M 92/08
OPUS 1.10b (1:132/152) on PC/AT supporting Epson PX-8, Osborne ,generic
CP/M, MS-DOS, Amiga & Mac. About 10M of CP/M files. Full access 1st call.
Communication Connection Claremont 03/12 (603) 542-4217
Dave Foss TV 802H & PICS 24 hrs 7.5M 90/01
ROS #62. Support for all computer systems.
Howie's Depot (ROS #09) Lisbon 03/12/24 (603) 838-2849
Robert Howarth TV 802H & PICS 24 hrs 15M 90/01
Serves large local area of northern NH, with areas for all computers. Ham
and packet radio interests. Sponsored by Howie's Model Railroad.
Central New Jersey PBBS RCP/M Monroe Township 03/12/24 (201) 521-5194
Richard Gerhart Apple IIe & PBBS 24 hrs 12M 90/01
Interests in all CP/M, particularly Apple CP/M software, ZCPR3 & MS-DOS.
Computer Connections RCP/M Hoboken 03/12/24 (201) 798-0065
Ed Mecka IBM XT & TBBS 24 hrs 75M 90/02
Access granted on first call. Interests: Technical Sigs, dBase applications
CP/M & MS-DOS programs and utilities. PC Pursuit.
Prancing Pony, The (FOG #49) Haledon 03/12/24 (201) 942-2576
Pete Zuroff AT 386 & PICS 24 hrs 100M 90/04
Box 184, Ramsey, NJ 07446. Large CP/M-80, CP/M-86 and MS-DOS library.
Running ConCurrent DOS 386 3.0. Technical and fun/family discussions.
SJ Beginner's RCPM/BBS Mt. Ephraim 12 (609) 931-6743
Gene Bomgardner TeleVideo & PBBS 24 hrs 7M 90/02
System is intended to give assistance to beginners in the BBS/RCPM world.
Principal interest - CPM/80. MSDOS, Commodore & others in planning.
Albuquerque RBBS-PC Albuquerque 03-24 (505) 296-7672
John Maio Unknown 24 hrs 66M 90/01
Over 1200 files. Extensive utilities, games, PC/Dos application programs,
conferences, more.
Albuquerque ROS (ROS #01) Albuquerque 03-96(HST) (505) 299-5974
Steve Fox AT clone & ROS-PC 24 hrs 400M 89/06
Origination point of ROS - Remote Operating System written in Turbo Pascal.
Interests: Turbo Pascal, CP/M-80, latest P/D software, some PC/MS-DOS.
Fast-Kode PICS (ROS #28) Alamogordo 03-96(HST) (505) 437-2280
John Nicholson XT clone & TP-Board 24 hrs 40M 90/01
File areas: Kaypro, CP/M80, MS-DOS, Amiga, C-64, C-128, COCO, dBase II,èPICS, Tandy, Atari-ST, Atari 8-bit, Sanyo 550, TPascal. USR HST modem 8-N-1
Santa Fe Message (ROS #11) Santa Fe 03/12/24 (505) 988-5867
Bill & Kathy Christison XT clone & ROS-PC 24 hrs 120M 89/06
Tourist & skiing information for Santa Fe & northern New Mexico: galleries
stores, restaurants, ski areas. KayPro, CP/M, dBase and Turbo Pascal.
Tom Sanderson's RCP/M Belen 03-06 (505) 864-7676
Tom Sanderson Vector Graphic & ?? 24 hrs 5M 89/02
MITS Altair and Vector Graphic users invited. Old system needing upgrade.
Software and suggestions requested. CP/M & PC utils and comm. programs.
Blaise Pascal RCP/M Brooklyn 03/12/24 (718) 604-1930
Jacques Durosier S-100 & ROS 24 hrs 52M 89/02
Interests: Hardware: S-100, SBC's (Bigboard, Kaypro, Xerox) Software:
CPM80, CPM86, CCPM, MSDOS, Turbo Pascal, C, dBaseII, Medicine, Law.
CNY-PDSE-MBBS RCP/M Utica 03/12/24 (315) 737-9970
Don Backman Kaypro 10 & MBBS 24 hrs 44M 90/01
15 online drives. Running ZCPR3, MBBS45, XMODEM124 and all usual online
utils. Interests: CP/M, ZCPR, dBase, support & progs for most computers.
Data-Plus(tm) Saugerties 03/12 (914) 246-6906
Harry Kaemmerer S-100 (CCS-420+) 24 hrs 40M 90/01
6000+ files on line. dBase II, Pascal, BASIC, ASM, MDM7, MEX, KMD, ZCPR1&3,
APPLE, OSBORNE, KAYPRO, IBM/MS-DOS & the latest from PC-Magazine. NOW FREE!
Dorsai Embassey New York 03/12/24 (212) 431-1944
Charles Rawls HP 3000 24 hrs 250M 90/01
Also 925-8231 & 966-6406. Interested in Commodore, Apple, IBM & CP/M.
At login, type 2 <CR>s to get prompt, then type 'HELP' & system instructs.
First Basis Users Group PBBS New York 03/12/24 (212) 666-5015
Bob Grossblatt & John Laberdie ?? & Wildcat 24 hrs 36M 89/02
Sponsored by FBUG. Basis 108, Apple, CP/M, MS-DOS, P-System and others.
HeadCrash RCP/M Rochester 12/24 (716) 647-2743
Tom Rieger & Dave Allard Xerox 820-II & QBBS 24 hrs 65M 90/01
Interests: Z-80 tech & hack, CP/M, QBBS, Xerox, telecom, languages.
Z-80 Users' Group Headquarters. Starlink accessable (outdial #6019).
Long Island Epson RCP/M ?? 03/12/24 (516) 536-1546
Barry Miller Epson & MBBS 24 hrs 60M 90/01
General CP/M and MSDOS software.
Vector Board, The Rochester 03-96(HST) (716) 544-1863
Jim Lill & Bob Sass Ampro LB & PBBS 24 hrs 100M 90/01
Dedicated to the scientific community. Scientific, engineering & HAM sftw
for ALL computers. Apple CP/M & Modula-2 software. Sponsored by RFCARC.
Video Computer Center RCP/M Rome 03/12 (315) 336-1613
Robert Miller Zenith Z-90 & MBBS 24 hrs 1.8M 90/01èSystem runs ZCPR3. Interests in ZCPR, Kaypro, Zenith and CP/M utilities.
Yellow Banana, The Ithaca 03-96(HST) (607) 257-4870
John Hood Altos 5-15D & PBBS 24 hrs 1.4M 89/02
Loud debates, technical conversation, general local gossip. No file xfer.
Note: Listings before 07/88 had wrong phone number! My apologies!!
Cap OPUS FidoNet Raleigh 03-96(HST) (919) 852-3780
Bill Weinel Viasyn S-100 & MBBS 24 hrs 200M 91/12
Capitol Area CP/M Users Group. Online valid'n required for d/l & pub msgs.
Interests: Assembly, SIG/M, CPM80, CPM86, MPM86, ZCPR, Ham Radio, C progs.
Far Side ROS (ROSNET #22) Charlotte 03/12 (704) 366-9051
Chad Howard Kaypro IV & ROS 24 hrs 1.3M 89/02
Public message base, open to all computers, file support for CP/M and MSDOS
many other files available on request. Member ROSNET and MSA.
Groundstar KUG (ROS #30) Greensboro 03/12/24 (919) 621-2623
Dan Post XT clone & ROS-PC 24 hrs 60M 90/01
Some CP/M and Apple.
Silicon Junction (ROS #60) Charlotte 03/12/24 (704) 372-6225
Gene Cruse XT clone & ROS-PC 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Lots of CP/M here.
AB17 Remote Systems Fairborn 03/12/24 $(513) 879-6263
Tom Ensminger Kaypro & PBBS 24 hrs 20M 89/02
30 minutes/day access for $1/yr. Specialities - RCP/M programs, utils and
communications programs for CP/M machines. Off-line request library.
Celestial RCP/M Fairborn 03/12/24 (513) 427-0674
T.S. Kelso TRS-80/12 & DT-BBS 24 hrs 4.8M 90/01
DataTech Node 019. Space Sciences, Astronomy, Astrodynamics, Celestial/
Orbital Mechanics, Satellite Tracking, CP/M, MS-DOS, ZDOS, TRS & 8086/8087.
Clearinghouse RCP/M PBBS Hilliard 03/12 (614) 771-1147
John Kearns Xerox 820-II & PBBS 24 hrs 41M 90/01
No answer if in use. FREE access. CP/M, dBase, Wordstar, communications.
Archived files made available on request.
PHOENIX RCPM/BBS Columbus 03/12/24 (614) 863-9611èLarry Bell Epson QX-10 & PBBS 24 hrs 40M 89/02
General CP/M, MS-DOS, Epson support. Open system - free access. First
time callers cannot download. If no answer, system is in use.
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #13 Norman 03/12/24 (405) 329-6464
Whitney Boutin, Jr. Osborne 1 & Metal 24 hrs 70M 90/01
Registration required for CP/M access. FOG library and other information.
Space, Time & Politics. Alias: Constitutional Pathway Thirteen.
Okie MavenWare Oklahoma City 03/12/24 (405) 943-8638
Kent Mason IBM AT & Maximus 24 hrs 30M 90/08
Interests: Communications, electronic information. National CPMTECH echo.
Runs on IBM AT clone. Limited CP/M file support (new files only).
Information Centre RCP/M+ Ottawa 03/12/24 (613) 952-2289
Ian Cottrell PMC 101 & PBBS 24 hrs 40M 91/09
Z-Node 5. Origination point for PBBS & RCPMmmyy.LST. Interests in PBBS,CPM+
and YASBEC. Access free but must be validated before downloads allowed.
PBBS Collingwood Collingwood 03/12/24 (705) 444-5654
Terry Bendell Ampro LB & PBBS 24 hrs 30M 92/09
Theme is ZCPR-CP/M-MP/M-YASBEC-Ham and Shortwave Radio. No CP/M until
verified. No MSDOS files. Not for those who prefer 'canned' sftw. No charge
TV Station BBS Mississauga 03/12/24 (416) 507-9608
Blair Groves TV803H & PICS 24 hrs 40M 91/08
Mainly TeleVideo, with Epson & Sony CP/M on the side. Also general CP/M &
a little MS-DOS. TV Station policy: Quality Programming Only!
Beaverton, Oregon RCP/M Beaverton 03/12/24 $(503) 643-9200
Dave Morgan Teletek S100 & RBBS 24 hrs 112M 90/01
$25/yr fee. All of ZCPR2/3 & SYSLIB3 online. 8Mb of PCBLUE UG also
available. Also (503) 254-6554 which forwards to main number. PC-Pursuit.
Machine BBS, The Springfield 03/12/24 (503) 747-8758
Tony Newman S-100 & homebrew 24 hrs 160M 91/09
Home of B.E. Moore's ARK program. Interests: general, with special inter-
est in assembler & SYSLIB3/4. Also ham radio, C lang, NEC, COCO, Amiga, etc
Sun Valley BBS Portland 03/12 (503) 761-5878
Dave Montgomery Exo-8 & ?? 24 hrs 40M 90/01
2400 bps soon. Online games & up/downloads for CP/M & MS-DOS computers.
Drives A-F, 9 user areas. Unrestricted for first time callers.
Time Taker, The Salem 12/24 (503) 370-7655
Ken Jones Kaypro 10 & Z-Msg 24 hrs 43M 90/01èDedicated to ZCPR3.*, CP/M, Kaypro w/TROM,Wordstar,TPascal,RCP/M files,etc.
No MSDOS. Long live 8 bit machines through ZCPR & Z-System. No limit on d/l
Allentown RBBS RCP/M System Allentown 03/12/24 (215) 432-5699
Bill Earnest Unknown 24 hrs 36M 90/01
Distribution point for SIG/M software & BBS for Computer Club of New Jersey
NOTE: New phone number as of March 1/88.
CTS RCP/M Philadelphia 03/12 (215) 364-8364
Unknown DEC Rainbow & HBBS 24 hrs 3M 90/01
PD exchange. Files changed periodically. Small message base. Mainly file
transfer system, using Xmodem Checksum, not CRC.
Drexel Hill North Star RCP/M Drexel Hill 03/12/24 (215) 623-4040
Bob Dean & Bruce Morgen Ampro LB & HBBS 24 hrs 150M 91/12
ZNode #6, Z80DOS, NZCOM, CP/M 2.2, CP/M 3.0 interests. Entirely 8-bit CP/M
compatible software d/l & u/l. Order point for Z-System sftw. PC Pursuit.
Lehigh Valley Computer Group Lehigh Valley 03/12 (215) 759-1376
Bill Snell Kaypro & Z-Message 24 hrs 2.4M 90/01
Kaypro is temporary till hard disk system can be put on line. Latest SIG/M
and ZCPR software. Some MS-DOS also on line.
N.T.S. PCBoard Newtown Square 03/12/24 (215) 356-8623
Peter Essl Zenith 151 & PCBoard 24 hrs 117M 90/01
Access via PC Pursuit. Split CP/M & MS-DOS. CP/M files are currently being
moved to the CP/M Sig on this system.
NorthStar Pitt BBS Pittsburgh 03/12/24 (412) 881-1749
Geoff Block IBM AT clone & OPUS 24 hrs 100M 90/01
CP/M, MS(PC)-DOS software, NorthStar and 286/386 equipment, Timex/Sinclair,
C64/C128 and more. Official BBS of the Pittsburgh Area Computer Club.
Phily Epsonet Philadelphia 03/12/24 (215) 238-8954
Frank Bartell QX-10 & PBBS 24 hrs 10MM 90/11
Philadelphia Area Epson User Group BBS. Support QX/PX computers.
QX-TENSION RCP/M Pittsburgh 03/12/24 (412) 771-5763
Kris Celedonia Epson QX-10 & PICS See Below 10M 89/02
Official BBS of the Greater Pittsburgh Epson Users' Group.
Mon & Wed: 2100-2400 Fri: 2100-0700 Sat & Sun: 1900-0700 Tue & Thu: Offline
Ramblin' Wizard RCP/M Harrisburg 03/12/24 (717) 657-8699
George Peace Osborne Exec & METAL 24 hrs 15M 90/01
No ans if in use. Fog System #10. Registration req'd before CP/M access
granted. Specializing in Executive and CP/M plus software.
SARA BBS Franklin 03/12/24 (814) 437-5647
Robert Paddock Unknown 24 hrs 10M 89/02
Used by the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA).
Star Fleet Command Philadelphia 03/12/24 (215) 289-5247èJeremy Strauser Atari & BBS Pro 24 hrs 35M 90/01
Supports all computers, no fees at any time. CP/M file area & message area
available. Networked with a BBS in New Zealand, 20 on-line games/programs.
DataComm Estrie (ROS #43) Sherbrooke 03/12/24 (819) 563-6327
Alex Boisvert XT clone & TP-Board 24 hrs 60M 90/01
Mostly French, but has an English message area. Support for all computers.
ZAP (ROS #35) Montreal 03/12/24 (514) 324-9031
Christian Poirier XT Clone & TP-Board 24 hrs 120M 90/01
Very active message system and files including 20 Meg of ZCPR. Supports 25
Echo-mail areas (Fido address 167/136).
Collage BBS Thompson Station 03/12/24 (615) 791-1611
Jim Pewitt MSBBS & TV806 24 hrs 40M 91/07
TeleVideo TS806/TS803 under Network OS. Interests include TeleVideo,
Kaypro, Epson. Wait 20 sec, then hit return.
TERC RBBS Kingsport 03/12/24 (615) 229-4488
Mark Heard & Harold Jones Xerox & PBBS 24 hrs 80M 90/01
First time callers have 15 minute time limit. Minimal CP/M knowledge
required. Specialities: CP/M, MS-DOS, Macintosh, Commodore, Atari, etc.
680X(X) BBS (ROS #53) Southlake 03/12 (817) 488-8398
Michael Evenson TV 806/20 & PICS 24 hrs 42M 90/01
Interest in 680X(X) processor family and 'C'. Running on multi-user systemèHit returns on logon until baud rate set.
Atlas Shrugged Houston 03/12/24 (713) 466-4783
Mark Burrow Epson QX-10 & PBBS 24 hrs 2.5M 92/01
Interest: QX-10 and ZCPR/NZCOM. Working on a Hard Drive for system.
Black Box RCP/M, The Houston 03-96(HST) (713) 480-2686
Marc Newman KP-10 & DRBBS/Ybbat 24 hrs 70M 90/01
Fidonet Node 1:106/601. Turbo Modula-2 & Pascal, Ada, Kaypro & SWP ATR8000
X,Y & Zmodem, online games. Support for DRBBS/Ybbat, Fidonet sys for CP/M.
CRIMEBYTE Bryan 03/12/24 (409) 779-2936
Sgt. Dale Cuthbertson Kaypro 10 & ?? 24 hrs 10M 90/01
Also Sgt. Choya Walling. CRIME=Community Resource for Information by Micro
computer Exchange. Supported by the Bryan Police Department.
Crossroads RCP/M El Paso 03-96(HST) (915) 755-3053
Jim Shea AT Clone & TPBoard 24 hrs 146M 90/01
PC/MS-DOS, CP/M, Kaypro, dBase & LOTUS files, art, Jokeporn (PW), other PD.
Info for El Paso Micro UG - monthly NL on-line. FREE OPEN ACCESS 1ST CALL.
Enterprise BBS Austin 03/12/24 (512) 453-5079
John Read & Tom Hoot ?? & Wildcat 24 hrs ??M UD92/11
Fido 1:382/81. Also (512) 453-7085 9600-38.4 kpbs v32/42. Total of 4 lines
No fees. Supports CP/M, IBM, Commodore, Amiga, Apple ][ and Atari.
FWKUG MBBS & RCP/M Ft. Worth 03/12/24 (817) 540-4183
Ron Lane Kaypro & MBBS 24 hrs 66M 90/01
Interests: Kaypro 8 & 16 bit, CP/M, MS/PC-DOS, ZCPR3, MEX, dBase, C, Turbo
Pascal and Clipper.
Houston N/W Z-Node 45 RCP/M Houston 03/12/24 (713) 937-8886
Ken Reid Altos & DRBS 24 hrs 64M 91/06
Primarily CP/M with 16M for MS-DOS. Apple, Altos, Xerox, Kaypro, Osborne,
others. Full access on first call. A PC-Pursuit city. All the latest P/D.
John Galt Line, The Ft. Worth 03/12/24 (817) 244-4258
Peter Glaskowsky ?? & TBBS 24 hrs 1.4M 89/02
Approx 600K message base & 300K of downloads. MEX/XMODEM/MBYE overlays.
Sysop is author of TBBS(tm). 20M soon.
Kaypro Club of Austin Austin (512) 259-1261
Lindsay Haisley ?? & ?? 24 hrs ??M UD92/11
Z-Node 77. Supports CP/M, ZCPR and DOS. Some Commodore CP/M.
King's Mountain (II) College Station 03/12 (409) 696-1931
Adam Burke Osborne Exec & PBBS 24 hrs 0.3M 90/01
Many CP/M3.x and a few CP/M2.x files (access through chat). Help to those
with questions about CP/M+ and/or PBBS systems. Handles RCPMxxxx ads.
OUCH/FOG-20 RCP/M Houston 03/12 (713) 777-2114
Bill Pearre Osborne 01 & Metal 24 hrs 11M 90/01
Bulletin board and some CP/M areas available to all. FOG disks available
only to members.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------èPass, The El Paso 03/12/24 (915) 821-3638
Rick Peterson & Bob Hootman Ampro & PBBS w/ZCPR3 24 hrs 146M 90/01
D/L point for Echelon Inc s/w. Latest ZCPR3 & ZCPR33 utils. Latest MODEM-
BBS Heath, Kaypro, CP/M, MSDOS sections. FREE OPEN ACCESS on first call.
Phoenix RCP/M & PBBS Houston 03/12/24 (713) 495-3039
Loring Chien CCS S-100 & PBBS 24 hrs 5M 90/01
System supported by the CP/M-Houston User's Group for file exchange, BBS,
and club information. Public Domain software. SIG/M vols on request.
PIC of the Mid Town RCP/M Houston 03/12/24 (713) 527-8939
George Worley QX-10 & PBBS 24 hrs 30M 92/01
Interests: Z-System, CP/M 2.2, Epson 8-bit products, Northstar & PBBS. Both
8-bit CP/M & PC/MS-DOS software for d/l. If no answer, system in use.
QX-Link Austin BBS Austin 03/12/24 (512) 459-0378
Gary Spring QX-10 & Wildcat 24 hrs 20MM 90/11
QX, PX, CP/M, TPM, Valdocs, Fuller Brush and Alcoholics recovery.
Rio Grande BBS (ROS #49) El Paso 03-96(HST) (915) 592-4976
Jon Schneider AT Clone & TP-Board 24 hrs 100M 90/01
Interests: MS-DOS, Z-System, CP/M-80 and TRSDOS operating systems.
Authorized D/L point for Echelon software. Online validation required.
Charlie's Place (ROS #16) Manchester Center 03/12/24 (802) 362-2432
Charles Albrecht& Helen Holmes TeleVideo 806 & PICS 24 hrs 110M 91/01
Also (802) 362-3362. Loads of CP/M & MS-DOS. Sysop has rewritten PICS to
be true multi-user. Has auto-description catalogue built in and more.
CUS Vermont #1 (ROS #19) Newport 03-96(HST) (802) 334-7976
Russell Boyce Laser XT & TP-Board 24 hrs 207M 91/01
3 lines - also 334-7975, 334-2057. Aid with setup of boards. Interests in
KP, TPascal, CP/M80, C-128, C-64, Atari, Apple, TI994A. Lots of P/D stuff.
Valley Voice BBS, The Woodstock 03/12/24 (802) 457-4722
David Smith TV803H & PICS 2200-0700 10M 91/07
Support for all computer types. Many message areas including New Age
topics and SF/FANTASY.
Grafton OxGate Grafton 03/12/24 (804) 898-7493
Dave Holmes ?? & OxGate 24 hrs 5M 90/01
CP/M, TRS-80 & Apple.
Iron Slab!, The Fairfax 03/12/24 (703) 425-6640
Paul Michaelson Super-neuron & PBBS 24 hrs 30M 91/03èOpen BBS & file system. No restrictions. Interested in PD sftw xchg, S100,
ZCPR, assembly lang, ham radio, jobs for consultants. Now supports MS-DOS.
Manassas RBBS RCP/M ?? 03/12/24 (703) 791-6198
Dick Miller XT clone & RBBS-PC 24 hrs 43M 90/01
Interest in Xerox computer, ham radio, dBase II and general.
PENsula Kaypro UG RBBS Hampton 03/12 (804) 838-1645
Robert Dix Kaypro 10 & ?? 24 hrs 10M 90/01
Runs ZCPR2. Access limited until verified (free). Active BBS & downloads.
Washington ZEPHYR Herndon 12-19(HST) (703) 620-5418
Miles Hoover & Mark Miller 286 clone & TCOMMnet 24 hrs 130M 90/01
Access via FidoNet & PC Pursuit. Split CP/M/Valdocs/MS-DOS. Some Epson
equip. Tech assist Valdocs. Eastern disp pt for QBBS. NO FEES! Since 1983.
ECCO-Line Washington 03/12/24 (703) 971-5757
Marc Weintraub Qx-10 & QBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Official RCP/M of Epson Capital Computer Org. Supporting QX-10, QX-16,
PX-8 and all Epson and PC Clone hardware and software. PCP/Starlink.
Winging It BBS (ROS #56) Washington 03/12/24 (301) 340-3207
Chester Pryor XT clone & TP-Board 24 hrs 30M 90/01
Support board for orphaned CP/M and MS-DOS computers.
Adam's RiBBS PBBS (Z-Node 10) Seattle 03/12/24 (206) 481-1371
Ludo Vanhemelryck Heath H-89 & PBBS 24 hrs 22M 91/06
Open access. ZCPR2/3 distribution files & extensive collection of ZCPR3
utils on-line. SYSOP volunteers to help w/ manual installation of ZCPR2/3.
BYTE-IT/Z-Node 78 Olympia 03/12/24 (206) 943-4842
Gar Nelson & Lloyd Williams NS Horizon & HBBS 24 hrs 33M 91/06
System was the old Olympia RCP/M, run by the late Dr. Tim Linehan.
BBS for the S-100 Board Bank.
North West Viasyn PDSE Spokane 03/12/24 (509) 624-6799
Jeffrey Albrecht CompuPro 8-16 & ?? 24 hrs 11M 90/01
Interest in info/programs related to CompuPro & engineering.
NorthStar Support System Seattle 03/12/24 (206) 523-5355
Neil Smith NS Horizon & PICS 24 hrs 18M 90/01
Provides support for all NorthStar computer systems. Official BBS of the
NorthStar Computer Society, P.O. Box 311, Seattle, WA 98111-0311.
Ranchapur Tech Systems RCP/M Spokane 03/12/90 (509) 489-5835
Michael McCarrey S-100 & PBBS 24 hrs 120M 90/12
Interest: S-100, Kaypro, H89, SIG/M. BBS has 9 mail folders.
Supports: CP/M (ZCPR2, Z80DOS). MS-DOS SW for DL only.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------èSeattle's "Downspout" Seattle 03/12/24 $(206) 325-1325
Norm Gregory Epson QX-10 & METAL 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Limited access FREE - full access $30/yr.
Top Hat Seattle 03/12/24 (206) 244-9326
Bob Jones Heath & ROS 24 hrs 43M 89/06
Support for Heath, CP/M and MS-DOS.
Home Computer Milwaukee 03/12/24 (414) 543-8929
Thomas Atkinson PC & TP-Boards 24 hrs 40M 89/06
Supports all computers.
North Central RCP/M #1 Rhinelander 03/12 (715) 362-3444
Ryugen Fisher & Shih Yung Shih Unknown 24 hrs 12M 90/01
60 Mbyte off-line library available by request. Sponsored by NEC-AID.
Power Board Madison 03/12 (608) 222-8842
Maurice Thaler Televideo 816 & ROS 24 hrs 20M 90/01
Also Carl Williamson & Peter Daly. Both CP/M and MS-DOS software. High
level languages.
Cowboy Country RAS Cheyenne 03/12/24 (307) 638-1917
Barron McIntire Kaypro 2X & Z-Msg 24 hrs 40M 91/06
Support Kaypro, CP/M, Z-System and MS-DOS. DOS commands may be accessed by
menu, with terminal emulation. Open system, no application required.
Compuserve CP/M User Group N/A 03/12 $GO PCS-047
John Ross N/A 24 hrs N/A 91/06
SIG/M, CP/M public domain online, available to all Compuserve users for
downloading with XMODEM protocol.
GEnie CP/M Roundtable N/A 03/12 $(800) 638-8369
Keith Peterson & Bill Duerr N/A 24 hrs N/A 91/06
The CP/M National Roundtable on GEnie. When modem connects, type three H
characters. After 'U#=', type ^RVJM11999,GENIE (^R is control-R).
èPortal CP/M SIG N/A 03/12/24 $SprintNet
Mark Miller & Kent Mason N/A 24 hrs N/A 91/06
CP/M Special Interest Group on Portal. SprintNet (Telenet), C Portal (or
C Portal, PCP-ID, PCP-PSWD) or direct (also PCPursuit CASJO) (408) 725-0561
[OVERSEAS: Australia (dialing prefix - 01161) ]
AMPAK PBBS/RCP/M Brisbane 03/12/24 (07) 263-7070
Brian Wendt Ampro & PBBS 24 hrs 2.4M 88/10
System is related to amateur packet radio - and any other interested in
BeeHive BeeBS Sydney 03/12/24 (02) 975-4982
Alan Sanders PC XT & RemoteAccess 24 hrs 82M 92/01
Caters to all makes and models of computers which run CP/M or its
derivatives. FidoNet addrss: 3:714/406
North Star Adelaide See Below (08) 252-1082
John Simmons ?? & RemoteAccess 24 hrs ??M 90/08
Supports V21/22/22bis/23. FIDOnet 3:681/864. Supports CP/M with Network
Echo available.
Tall Tower BBS New South Wales See Below (02) 632-1128
Charles Yendle IBM Clone & QuickBBS 24 hrs ??M 91/12
Supports V.21, V.22, V.22bis & V.32. Files for IBM's, Microbee's and other
CP/M machines.
TAN80 BBS Adelaide See Below (08) 326-1132
Erik Rasmuseen ?? & Opus 24 hrs ??M 90/08
Supports V21/22/22bis/23. FIDOnet 3:680/822. Supports CP/M with Network
Echo available.
Tesseract BBS Sydney See Below (02) 476-4313
Warren Gedes Clone & RemoteAccess 24 hrs ??M 91/12
Supports V21/22/22bis/23. Supporting both CP/M and MS-DOS users.
Z-Node 62 Perth 03/12/24 (09) 450-0200
Bruce Dudley Morrow MD-11 & PBBS 24 hrs ??M 92/01
Modified PBBS uses Frodo/Pancake to handle FidoNet mail.
[OVERSEAS: Germany (dialing prefix - 01149) ]
Werdohl BBS Werdohl see below 2392-70149
Jona Boettcher XT clone & TP-Board 24 hrs 20M 89/06
System is tied to Fido-mail echo-mail. CCITT V21 bis, V23 75/1200 modem -
European standard.
[OVERSEAS: New Zealand (dialing prefix - 01164) ]
Actrix Information Exchange Wellington See Below $(4) 3895-478
Ewen McNeill (for CP/M) Public Access Unix 24 hrs ~40M 91/08
Supports V22/V22bis. (4) 3895 857 supports V32. Files for CP/M, MS-DOS,èUnix, Amiga, Atari, Mac. Fee NZ$54.
[OVERSEAS: United Kingdom (dialing prefix - 01144) ]
MBBS Leconfield Leconfield see below 0964-550745
Martin Taylor ?? & MBBS 24 hrs 20M 90/08
System runs under Turbodos and ZCPR3. CCITT V21 bis 300, V23 75/1200 modem
- European Standard.
Pussycat BBS Manchester 03/12/24 ( 61) 236-0351
Terry Larsen Amstrad PCW & ROS 24 hrs 48M 92/01
CP/M support for Amstrad Users. Validation on receipt of message.