Text File
157 lines
Program: LBRHLP
Author: Bob Peddicord
Date: 02-06-88
Version: 2.2 (05/10/92 by Gene Pizzetta)
My main gripe about the HELP interface was that two hands were required to
exit (^C) and to go up a level (^). These commands still work, but I have
added alternates: ESC to exit and a comma to go up a level. I thought the
comma was a logical choice, since the period is used to go to the root
level. To ease maintenance I have consolidated into the main module all
the library routines except the decompression modules, which are
conditionally loaded and have been renamed LH-UNCR.LIB and LH-UNSQ.LIB.
The consolidated main module has been renamed LBRHLPnn.Z80. The
environment address is now set to 00h, which might be important when
dropping out of NZCOM. I also replaced the PRTNAME routine with the
smaller and more reliable GCOMNAM routine from ZSLIB. The method of
decompression the program uses is now identified on the usage screen, which
was heavily modified to save a few bytes. As a result, LHC is (barely)
under 5K. Video highlighting added to CFG file.
Version: 2.1 (02/21/92 by Bruce Morgen)
Major update that allows LBRHLP to access stand-alone help files if no
library is specified and a directory specification is prepended to the
helpfile name. VLIB references have been deleted in favor of shorter ZSLIB
calls and although the program is slightly larger its buffer address is the
same as v2.0 -- in other words, any crunched help file that the previous
LHC.COM could use can be read by the new one. Production has been
simplified: it is no longer necessary to specify the buffer address at
assembly time due to modifications made to the uncrunch and unsqueeze code
(LBRHLP5.LIB/LBRHLP6.LIB). With minimal ALIAS/ARUNZ support, LBRHLP can now
replace HELPC and HELP5x as well as LHELP. Howard Goldstein provided
extensive coaching and did a final bug-squishing/display-refining code tune-
up as well as revising the .CFG file. As usual, Howard's assistance was
invaluable and very much appreciated.
Version: 2.0 (09/16/91 by Howard Goldstein)
Modified the clear screen routine to print a CRLF if the CLS function
is not available, e.g., no TCAP loaded. Thanks to Al Hawley for
suggesting this change.
Made CIN routine public.
Version: 1.9 (08/07/91 by Howard Goldstein)
Fixed a navigation problem discovered by Gene Pizzetta. The M command
would not return to the menu if the menu was in a higher level file. Also
added code to cause the program to exit if not running under Z-System and
fixed a potential problem in the unsqueeze routine.
Version: 1.8 (02/20/91 by Terry Hazen)
Added printer-ready test and configuration byte so it can be turned
off using ZCNFG. Added .request line for libraries.
Version: 1.7 (02/08/91 by Howard Goldstein)
Modified file loading routines to clear the high bit on all characters.
This enables LBRHLP to work correctly with files created in Wordstar
Document Mode.
Added wheel byte control of print options.
Made a few changes to the built-in help message.
The two COM files in this LBR can be configured using ZCNFG and THE CFG
file which is also contained here.
Version: 1.6 (08/27/90 by Howard Goldstein)
Fixed an initialization problem in the uncrunch routine. This problem
didn't manifest itself very often, but when it did the results were strange
indeed! Thanks to Carson Wilson for bringing it to my attention.
This version was linked with the latest test version of the libraries, 4.3.
Version: 1.5 (06/20/90 by Howard Goldstein)
Fixed a problem that caused the program to search the wrong drive for
the help library under certain conditions.
Version: 1.4 (06/18/90 by Howard Goldstein)
Improved buffer allocation. Uncrunched files in libraries may now
be 24k larger than previously. (If a crunched file is too large for the
program, put it in the LBR uncrunched.)
A colon, (:), is no longer dispayed at the beginning of each info section in
help-inexed files.
Terminal de-init routine now called on program exit.
Print routines improved: tabs expanded; stack bug fixed.
Screen-full logic improved. Can now handle one more line per screen.
Lines per screen and lines per page now obtained from environment.
Built-in usage message reflects patchable values for file names, etc.
Linked with latest versions of libraries.
Version: 1.3 (02-13-88)
Fixed a Ctrlc bug, still sets error flag on errors and resets error
flag when you type ctrlc.
Version: 1.2 (02-10-88)
Renamed file to LHC (the 'C' stands for cruncehed files).
Fixed a bug that was introduced in ver 1.1
also created a file that will unsqueeze library files, (this is
similar to lhelp), but has more versatility.
The name is LHQ.COM (the 'Q' stands for squeezed files).
I will be soon releasing a new help file one that handles crunched
files, this will be based on HELP53.
Version: 1.1
Program now sets the error flag on most errors, so that a
different program can be called.
Version: 1.0
This program derives from the use of Help53 by R. Conn.
I also want to thank Steve Greenburg for his uncrunch routines.
I along with alot of other people have been tired of not being
able to use crunched files in help library's.
Lbrhlp can only be used with crunched files (sorry no squeezed)
this is due to trying to keep the code size down, uncrunch uses
22k of buffer space. This leaves about 25k+ for files, so there
are a few help files that cannot be used with this program.
The only way that i can figure to use bigger files with this
would be to write the file to disk and then read it back in. This
in itself, in my opinion would be to time consuming, and would
not be good for Remote Bulletin Boards.
The default LBR name is HLPFILES
The default DIR name is HELP
The default DU is A15
The default filename is MENU
These can be changed with Zpatch, patch or some other file
The Locations are:
DIR - 116h (HELP)
DU - 11Eh (disk) 0=A, 1=B etc.
DU - 11Fh (user)
FILE 120h (MENU)
The program allows you to specify a different Library and or help
file from the command line.
Example 1:
lbrhlp -c15:special syslib
With this example we told the program that we wanted a different
library on c15 and a help file called syslib. The (-) must
precede the drive/user or library name, if the default D/U is
Example 2:
lbrhlp syslib
With this we told the program that we wanted the default LBR with
the filename syslib.
Example 3:
lbrhlp -helps
With this we are specifing just the library, using the default
DU/DIR and default filename.
Any and all comments and or suggestions would be appreciated.
Please leave them on my system ZNODE #60.
or Z-CENTRAL or LILLIPUTE #1 for i call them a couple of times a month.