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ProText Document
70 lines
PTXT10 is a program which provides a way of printing text as if it
were a CP/M transient command. You NEED WordStar to make use of
this program ! The principal used is as follows: The program is
assembled to form a .COM file. Then the =>.COM<= file is edited
using WORDSTAR in either document or non-document mode and the
desired text is inserted at the end of the .COM file at the
indicated location. (Ignore the garbage in front of the indicated
position; it is the program's assembly language and SHOULD NOT BE
If you have already generated some desired text with WordStar, you
can just ^KR the desired file into the .COM file at the indicated
location, but I usually enter WordStar using the final name of the
file and then read in FIRST the .COM file and THEN the desired text
file at the indicated location.
FOR EXAMPLE, to generate a USER.COM file that explains to the
uninitiated users of the bulletin board that under ZCPR, you don't
use the USER command (i.e. a sort of dedicated mini help file), I
will enter WordStar editing the file USER.COM. This is of course a
NEW FILE. Then I read in PTXT10.COM using ^KR, then place the
cursor at the beginning of the line with the ending ^@'s as
indicated by the message in the .COM file just read in, and read in
my text file that will tell the user about User Areas.
Note that only the ^@ (or binary 0 or null) and the ^Z (or CP/M EOF
marker, 1A hex) can NOT be entered into the text portion of the
resulting .COM file. Note that you do not have to edit the TEXT
file with WordStar, but you MUST use WordStar to insert the text
into the .COM file. (All other editors that I am familiar with will
mask off the high-bits of the program code, thus trashing the .COM
file !) Note that you can put any control characters other than ^@
(a binary 0) and ^Z (CP/M's End-of-File indicator) into the file.
Bytes with the High-bit set will have the high-bit masked off before
printing. Thus either WordStar document mode files or other ASCII
files with no high-bits can be used for text.
Paged output is provided by inserting an ASCII Form Feed (0C hex or
^L) into the file. This is possible with most editors. With
WordStar, for example, you prefix you desired control character with
a Control-P; to enter a ^L then, you enter ^P^L and only the
control-L will be put into the file.
The text output will scroll continuously until you press a Control-S
which will pause the scroll or until you reach a page break (^L).
The program will also respond to Control-C, Control-K, or Control-X
during scrolling by aborting back to CP/M. If you pause the scroll
with a Control-S, you can only restart it with a Control-S or a
Control-Q. The Control-C/K/X aborts will also work while the scroll
is paused with Control-S.
This program was inspired by a need of such a program and by the
more crude version of TEXT50.ASM (which has a potential system
crashing bug in that it fails to set up a local stack). I do not
recommend TEXT50.ASM (or earlier versions of TEXT) for Bulletin
Board use as the failure to set up a local stack can cause a crash
under certain circumstanses. In addition, TEXTxx requires that you
reserve some character(s) for special purposes. That is not
necessary with PTXT10. Only the CP/M EOF (which you can't enter
from WordStar anyway) and the ASCII Null (which you can't enter from
WordStar either and which is the text string terminator) are
reserved with this program. Note that this version is somewhat
crude for Bulletin Board use -- one really should have the program
determine from the user data the screen size and then adjust it's
text display dynamically to the user's screen size. Since I rarely
use the program for multipage displays, I did not add this feature.
If you regularly use this program in place of a version of HELP.COM,
(which is a far more sophisticated and useful program for multipage
displays, tree-indexed displays, etc.) you might want to add this
Note that this file is included in a PTXT-printing form as PTXTDEMO.COM.
You can display all this text just by typing PTXTDEMO<cr>. Note
that this program only adds 256 bytes to the size of the text you
wish to display, so it is a very efficient way to get text displayed
on a terminal with very little overhead.