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Text File
390 lines
(C) 1982 Perfect Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fill Mode is the default mode.
char name function description
0 C-@ MYANK Yank Kill Buffer.
1 C-A BWORD Backward Word.
2 C-B MFILLPAR Fill Paragraph.
3 C-C MNEXTPAG View Next Screen.
4 C-D MNEXTCHA Forward Character.
5 C-E MPREVLIN Previous Line.
6 C-F FWORD Forward Word.
7 C-G MDELCHAR Deletes Next Character.
8 C-H MPREVCHA Backwards one character.
9 <TAB> MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
10 <NL> MHELP Call Help Information Onto Screen.
11 C-K MCTRLX eXtended Command Prefix.
12 C-L MLOWWORD Lowercase Word.
13 <CR> MNEWLIN Carriage Return.
14 C-N MNXTOTHR View other window's next screen.
15 C-O MCAPWORD Capitalize Word.
16 C-P MQUOTE Quote Character.
17 C-Q MMETA Meta Prefix.
18 C-R MPREVPAG View Previous Screen.
19 C-S MPREVCHA Backwards one character.
20 C-T MDELWORD Kill Forward Word.
21 C-U MUPWORD Uppercase Word.
22 C-V MFPARA Forward Paragraph.
23 C-W MBPARA Back Paragraph.
24 C-X MNEXTLIN Next Line.
25 C-Y MDELELIN Kill Entire Line.
26 C-Z MPRVOTHR View other window's previous screen.
27 C-[ MMETA Meta Prefix.
28 C-\ MDELINDE Delete Indentation on current line.
29 C-] MTOGLC Toggle case of character at point.
30 C-^ MINDREST Indent rest of line same as this.
31 C-_ MABORT Cancel the current prefix.
32 <SP> MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
33 ! MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
34 " MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
35 # MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
36 $ MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
37 % MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
38 & MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
39 ' MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
40 ( MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
41 ) MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
42 * MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
43 + MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
44 , MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
45 - MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
46 . MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
47 / MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
48 0 MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
49 1 MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
50 2 MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
51 3 MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
52 4 MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
53 5 MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
54 6 MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
55 7 MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
56 8 MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
57 9 MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
58 : MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
59 ; MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
60 < MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
61 = MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
62 > MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
63 ? MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
64 @ MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
65 A MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
66 B MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
67 C MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
68 D MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
69 E MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
70 F MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
71 G MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
72 H MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
73 I MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
74 J MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
75 K MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
76 L MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
77 M MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
78 N MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
79 O MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
80 P MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
81 Q MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
82 R MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
83 S MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
84 T MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
85 U MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
86 V MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
87 W MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
88 X MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
89 Y MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
90 Z MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
91 [ MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
92 \ MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
93 ] MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
94 ^ MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
95 _ MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
96 ` MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
97 a MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
98 b MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
99 c MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
100 d MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
101 e MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
102 f MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
103 g MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
104 h MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
105 i MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
106 j MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
107 k MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
108 l MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
109 m MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
110 n MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
111 o MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
112 p MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
113 q MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
114 r MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
115 s MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
116 t MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
117 u MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
118 v MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
119 w MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
120 x MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
121 y MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
122 z MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
123 { MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
124 | MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
125 } MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
126 ~ MINSERT Inserts the character at the point.
127 <DEL> MRDELCHA Delete Previous Character.
128 M-C-@ MTWOWIND Two Window Mode.
129 M-C-A MQRYRPLC Query Replace.
130 M-C-B MINCRSEA Reverse Search.
131 M-C-C MTOEND End of buffer.
132 M-C-D MFLINE End of Line.
133 M-C-E MBSENT Beginning of sentence.
134 M-C-F MINCSEAR Forward Search.
135 M-C-G MREPLACE Global Replace.
136 M-C-H MSWAPCHA Transpose Character.
137 M-<TAB> MINDNL Indent Subsequent New Line Same As This.
138 M-<NL> MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
139 M-C-K MRDELWOR Kill Previous Word.
140 M-C-L MGOSPELL Call The Spelling Checker From PW.
141 M-<CR> MOPENLIN Open line.
142 M-C-N MOPENIND Indent Leading New Line Same As This.
143 M-C-O MCNTRLIN Center Line.
144 M-C-P MSWAPMRK Swap Point and Mark.
145 M-C-Q MARG Universal Argument Prefix.
146 M-C-R MTOSTART Beginning of Buffer.
147 M-C-S MBLINE Point to beginning of line.
148 M-C-T MDELSENT Kill Sentence.
149 M-C-U MUNDNTRG Undent Region.
150 M-C-V MDROPLIN Drop remainder of line vertically.
151 M-C-W MSWAPWOR Transpose Word.
152 M-C-X MFSENT Forward Sentence.
153 M-C-Y MDELLIN Kill Line.
154 M-C-Z MTRIMWHI Globally Delete Trailing Whitespace.
155 M-C-[ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
156 M-C-\ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
157 M-C-] MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
158 M-C-^ MGROWWIN Grow current window.
159 M-C-_ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
160 M-<SP> MPRINTPO Print Current Position.
161 M-! MONEWIND One Window Mode.
162 M-" MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
163 M-# MSWPWIND Switch to other window.
164 M-$ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
165 M-% MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
166 M-& MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
167 M-' MWHATVER Displays Disk Directory.
168 M-( MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
169 M-) MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
170 M-* MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
171 M-+ MADDMODE Add Mode To Mode List.
172 M-, MSWITCHT Switch to another buffer.
173 M-- MDELMODE Delete Mode from Mode List.
174 M-. MKILLBUF Delete Buffer.
175 M-/ MNEWDSP Scroll-Redisplay.
176 M-0 MARGDGT Numeric Digit Argument Prefix.
177 M-1 MONEWIND One Window Mode.
178 M-2 MTWOWIND Two Window Mode.
179 M-3 MSWPWIND Switch to other window.
180 M-4 MGROWWIN Grow current window.
181 M-5 MARGDGT Numeric Digit Argument Prefix.
182 M-6 MARGDGT Numeric Digit Argument Prefix.
183 M-7 MARGDGT Numeric Digit Argument Prefix.
184 M-8 MARGDGT Numeric Digit Argument Prefix.
185 M-9 MARGDGT Numeric Digit Argument Prefix.
186 M-: MSETTABS Set Tab Stops.
187 M-; MCLOSEWH Close Up Whitespace Including <NL>.
188 M-< MSWITCHT Switch to another buffer.
189 M-= MADDMODE Add Mode To Mode List.
190 M-> MKILLBUF Delete Buffer.
191 M-? MNEWDSP Scroll-Redisplay.
192 M-@ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
193 M-A MQRYRPLC Query Replace.
194 M-B MINCRSEA Reverse Search.
195 M-C MTOEND End of buffer.
196 M-D MFLINE End of Line.
197 M-E MBSENT Beginning of sentence.
198 M-F MINCSEAR Forward Search.
199 M-G MREPLACE Global Replace.
200 M-H MSWAPCHA Transpose Character.
201 M-I MINDNTRG Indent Region.
202 M-J MUNDNTRG Undent Region.
203 M-K MRDELWOR Kill Previous Word.
204 M-L MGOSPELL Call The Spelling Checker From PW.
205 M-M MOPENLIN Open line.
206 M-N MOPENIND Indent Leading New Line Same As This.
207 M-O MCNTRLIN Center Line.
208 M-P MSWAPMRK Swap Point and Mark.
209 M-Q MARG Universal Argument Prefix.
210 M-R MTOSTART Beginning of buffer.
211 M-S MBLINE Point to beginning of line.
212 M-T MDELSENT Kill Sentence.
213 M-U MUNDNTRG Undent Region.
214 M-V MDROPLIN Drop remainder of line vertically.
215 M-W MSWAPWOR Transpose Word.
216 M-X MFSENT Forward Sentence.
217 M-Y MDELLIN Kill Line.
218 M-Z MTRIMWHI Globally Delete Trailing Whitespace.
219 M-[ MSETINDE Set Indent Column.
220 M-\ MDELWHIT Delete Whitespace.
221 M-] MSETFILL Set Fill Column.
222 M-^ MGROWWIN Grow current window.
223 M-_ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
224 M-` MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
225 M-a MQRYRPLC Query Replace.
226 M-b MINCRSEA Reverse Search.
227 M-c MTOEND End of buffer.
228 M-d MFLINE End of Line.
229 M-e MBSENT Beginning of sentence.
230 M-f MINCSEAR Forward Search.
231 M-g MREPLACE Global Replace.
232 M-h MSWAPCHA Transpose Character.
233 M-i MINDNTRG Indent Region.
234 M-j MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
235 M-k MRDELWOR Kill Previous Word.
236 M-l MGOSPELL Call The Spelling Checker From PW.
237 M-m MOPENLIN Open line.
238 M-n MOPENIND Indent Leading New Line Same As This.
239 M-o MCNTRLIN Center Line.
240 M-p MSWAPMRK Swap Point and Mark.
241 M-q MARG Universal Argument Prefix.
242 M-r MTOSTART Beginning of buffer.
243 M-s MBLINE Point to beginning of line.
244 M-t MDELSENT Kill Sentence.
245 M-u MUNDNTRG Undent Region.
246 M-v MDROPLIN Drop remainder of line vertically.
247 M-w MSWAPWOR Transpose Word.
248 M-x MFSENT Forward Sentence.
249 M-y MDELLIN Kill Line.
250 M-z MTRIMWHI Globally Delete Trailing Whitespace.
251 M-{ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
252 M-| MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
253 M-} MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
254 M-~ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
255 M-<DEL> MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
256 X-C-@ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
257 X-C-A MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
258 X-C-B MSETMRK Sets the mark at the point.
259 X-C-C MYANK Yank Kill Buffer.
260 X-C-D MFILEWRI Write File.
261 X-C-E MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
262 X-C-F MWHATVER Displays Disk Directory.
263 X-C-G MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
264 X-C-H MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
265 X-<TAB> MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
266 X-<NL> MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
267 X-C-K MCOPYRGN Copy Region to Kill Buffer.
268 X-C-L MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
269 X-<CR> MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
270 X-C-N MFINDFIL Find File.
271 X-C-O MMAKEDEL Turn on + in Mode Line.
272 X-C-P MMRKPARA Mark Whole Paragraph.
273 X-C-Q MEXIT Exit Perfect Writer.
274 X-C-R MINSSFI Insert File.
275 X-C-S MFILESAV Save File.
276 X-C-T MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
277 X-C-U MLSTBUFF List Buffers.
278 X-C-V MYANK Yank Kill Buffer.
279 X-C-W MWRTRGN Write Region to file.
280 X-C-X MEXIT Exit Perfect Writer.
281 X-C-Y MDELRGN Delete Region.
282 X-C-Z MFILEREA Read File.
283 X-C-[ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
284 X-C-\ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
285 X-C-] MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
286 X-C-^ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
287 X-C-_ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
288 X-<SP> MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
289 X-! MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
290 X-" MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
291 X-# MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
292 X-$ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
293 X-% MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
294 X-& MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
295 X-' MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
296 X-( MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
297 X-) MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
298 X-* MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
299 X-+ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
300 X-, MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
301 X-- MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
302 X-. MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
303 X-/ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
304 X-0 MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
305 X-1 MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
306 X-2 MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
307 X-3 MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
308 X-4 MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
309 X-5 MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
310 X-6 MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
311 X-7 MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
312 X-8 MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
313 X-9 MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
314 X-: MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
315 X-; MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
316 X-< MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
317 X-= MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
318 X-> MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
319 X-? MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
320 X-@ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
321 X-A MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
322 X-B MSETMRK Sets the mark at the point.
323 X-C MYANK Yank Kill Buffer.
324 X-D MFILEWRI Write File.
325 X-E MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
326 X-F MWHATVER Displays Disk Directory.
327 X-G MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
328 X-H MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
329 X-I MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
330 X-J MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
331 X-K MCOPYRGN Copy Region to Kill Buffer.
332 X-L MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
333 X-M MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
334 X-N MFINDFIL Find File.
335 X-O MMAKEDEL Turn on + in Mode Line.
336 X-P MMRKPARA Mark Whole Paragraph.
337 X-Q MEXIT Exit Perfect Writer.
338 X-R MINSSFI Insert File.
339 X-S MFILESAV Save File.
340 X-T MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
341 X-U MLSTBUFF List Buffers.
342 X-V MYANK Yank Kill Buffer.
343 X-W MWRTRGN Write Region to file.
344 X-X MEXIT Exit Perfect Writer.
345 X-Y MDELRGN Delete Region.
346 X-Z MFILEREA Read File.
347 X-[ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
348 X-\ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
349 X-] MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
350 X-^ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
351 X-_ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
352 X-` MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
353 X-a MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
354 X-b MSETMRK Sets the mark at the point.
355 X-c MYANK Yank Kill Buffer.
356 X-d MFILEWRI Write File.
357 X-e MMAKEDEL Turn on + in modeline.
358 X-f MWHATVER Displays Disk Directory.
359 X-g MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
360 X-h MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
361 X-i MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
362 X-j MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
363 X-k MCOPYRGN Copy Region to Kill Buffer.
364 X-l MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
365 X-m MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
366 X-n MFINDFIL Find File.
367 X-o MMAKEDEL Turn on + in Mode Line.
368 X-p MMRKPARA Mark Whole Paragraph.
369 X-q MEXIT Exit Perfect Writer.
370 X-r MINSSFI Insert File.
371 X-s MFILESAV Save File.
372 X-t MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
373 X-u MLSTBUFF List Buffers.
374 X-v MYANK Yank Kill Buffer.
375 X-w MWRTRGN Write Region to file.
376 X-x MEXIT Exit Perfect Writer.
377 X-y MDELRGN Delete Region.
378 X-z MFILEREA Read File.
379 X-{ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
380 X-| MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
381 X-} MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
382 X-~ MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
383 X-<DEL> MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.
splays Disk Directory.
359 X-g MNOTIMPL 'Unknown command'.