Text File
105 lines
Note: This program (DUMPk1) is actually a rename of one of the
many screen dump programs for the '84 series Kaypros.
The reason for the rename is that it is the only one
i've found which actually works on a Kaypro 1 (2.2u1 rom).
The compiled version included here uses ^W (control-w)
as a trigger key to dump the screen memory to the parallel
printer port (unless you alter with stat). Enjoy, fellow
KP1 users (P. LaViscount; Multiuser Business Solutions; 15Jan87).
Program name: DUMPK2.COM version 2.61
Function: Screen dump for Kaypro 2X
Based on DUMP10. Modified by Jon Lindsay (3/12/86)
The library file for DUMP1084 as received in version 2.6
contained the following programs:
The source code was set up for either the K-10 or K-484. Both
these units use a BIOS jump table different from that used in the
K-2X. Also, the source code, DUMP1084.MAC, contained several
blatant errors. Version 2.61 release is meant to repair these,
which are noted in the source code. At least this gets this
useful program working on the Kaypro 2X.
The object code was originally loaded at FF10H, above both BDOS
and BIOS. This location on the K-2X appears taken so the program
is loaded just below the CCP (which on the K-2X begins at D800H).
No attempt has been made to protect the code at this position.
The program appears to work with most of my own software. It
should be noted that other parasitic programs attempt to do what
DUMPK2 is doing, namely, intercept the CONIN and CONOUT BIOS I/O.
If this happens, your computer will most likely "hang." Unless
coordinated, only one parasitic program at a time.
The source code can be assembled as is with Microsoft's MACRO-80.
The DUMPK2.COM file assumed Kaypro CP/M version 2.2U1. <JL>
Original DOC file follows:
Using Dump10 OR Dump484
To use the screen to printer dump simply enter DUMP10 <carriage return>
if you have a 10 (or DUMP484 if you have a new 4-84).
From then until you either reset your computer (with the button in back)
or turn it off, every time you hold the control key down and strike the W
(enter control W) the ascii characters that you see on the screen of your
Kaypro will be sent to the printer. This is true even if you are in another
program such as DDT or your text editor. This version does not dump graphics
Some people will not want to use control W for the screen dump character.
You may change the character to any thing you want but realize that the
character you use will be unavailable for its old purpose. Using control
W has worked for me because the only time I use to use control W was in
my text editor to move the cursor to the end of the next word. When the
screen dump is on this is no longer the case. Control W dumps the screen
to the printer and the editor never sees it.
To change the screen dump character use DDT. The process goes as follows.
Everything behind the semicolons are my comments:
A>DDT DUMP24.COM ;1. Enter this...DDT.COM must be on the disk
NEXT PC ;2. DDT prints this information about the program
0200 0100 ; and itself
-S160 ;3. The minus sign is DDT's prompt I entered "S160"
012E 17 00 ;4. DDT printed the first 2 #'s I entered the number
; of the new character to use for the ScreenDump (00)
012F C0 . ;5. DDT printed the first 2 numbers I entered the period
-^C ;6. I enter a control C to exit DDT
Warm Boot ;7. The computers response
A>SAVE 1 NEWDS.COM ;8. Now save as a file called NEWDS.COM
In the above I changed the dump screen character form 17 hex(control W) to
00 hex (control @). The hex numbers for the control characters are listed
below. Now if I hit the reset button and enter NEWDS a control @ will dump
the screen to the printer.
00 - control @ NUL 10 - control P DLE
01 - control A SOH 11 - control Q DC1
02 - control B STX 12 - control R DC2
03 - control C ETX 13 - control S DC3
04 - control D EOT 14 - control T DC4
05 - control E ENQ 15 - control U NAK
06 - control F ACK 16 - control V SYN
07 - control G BELL 17 - control W ETB
08 - control H BackSpace 18 - control X CAN
09 - control I HorizontalTab 19 - control Y EM
0A - control J LineFeed 1A - control Z SUB
0B - control K VerticalTab 1B - control [ ESCape
0C - control L FormFeed 1C - control \ FS
0D - control M CarriageReturn 1D - control ] GS
0E - control N SO 1E - control ^ RS
0F - control O SI 1F - control _ US
geReturn 1D - control ] GS
0E - control N SO 1E - control ^ RS
0F - control O SI 1F - c