Text File
76 lines
Kaypro 1 Video
The Kaypro 1 video section was designed to imitate most of the
control sequences of a Lear-Siegler ADM-3A terminal. For most public
domain and commercial software that require you to install or customize
the display or terminal characteristics, you can choose the ADM-3a from
the menu. If no choice of "ADM-3A" or "Kaypro" is available on the
menu, you may use the values listed below:
Escape Sequences, Control Codes, and Port Commands
Function ASCII Decimal Hex
Cursor left ^H 7 08
Cursor right ^L 12 0C
Cursor down ^J 10 0A
Cursor up ^K 11 0B
Erase from cursor to end of screen ^W 23 17
Erase from cursor to end of line ^X 24 18
Clear screen (cancels special effects) ^Z 26 1A
Home cursor ^^ 30 1E
The following are all preceded by ESC, character #27:
Insert line E | Contrary to the
Delete line R | Kaypro 1 manual
Inverse video on/off B0/C0
Reduced intensity on/off B1/C1
Blinking on/off B2/C2
Underlining on/off B3/C3
Cursor visible/invisible B4/C4
Video mode on/off B5/C5
Remember/recover cursor position B6/C6
Status line preservation on/off B7/C7
Cursor address =, row + 32, col + 32
Where row and col refer to the matrix of 100 by 160:
Write pixel *, row + 31, col + 31
Erase pixel #32 (space), row + 31, col + 31
Draw line L, row1 + 31, col1 + 31, row2 + 31, col2 + 31
Erase line D, row1 + 31, col1 + 31, row2 + 31, col2 + 31
The following two commands are shown in their MBASIC format:
Stop cursor blinking OUT 28, 10: OUT 29, 0
Turn cursor to underline OUT 28, 10: OUT 29, 15*
(* or 79 or 111 for blink rate)
In Pascal these commands would take the form port[28]:= 10; etc.
The Kaypro 1 (and all 1984 and up models) has 16k of static video
ram controlled by a Synertek 6845. If you have software for the early
Kaypros that tries to write to video ram, strange things will happen.
The Kaypro 1 uses the additional ram to provide video attributes.
Note: The ESCape sequences, given on page 27 of the Kaypro 1
manual, for "insert line" and "delete line" are reversed.
The ASCII chart on page 28 lists only the characters from decimal
32 to 127. Control characters do not display. Characters ranging from
decimal 128 to 255 display graphic characters. The easiest way to
display these characters is with the following Mbasic program.
10 FOR I=32 to 255
11 PRINT I;" - ";CHR$(I)