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EX 1.4 - 11/20/82
Thanks to Joe Cutler, Stan Hanson, and Ron Fowler for EX.* and the
information used to create this version. This file and the source for
EX14 are based upon the previous EX*.* files.
EX 1.4 is a maintenance update to EX 1.2 and EX 1.3 (never released).
Problem: BASCOM would not execute under EX.
Reason: BASCOM is doing system integrity checks using the
BDOS+1 address. EX was not preserving the required
information so that BASCOM would execute.
Resolution: See next problem resolution.
Problem: Unpredictable results when executing MBASIC under EX.
Reason: MBASIC (and others) were not subtracting 6 from the
BDOS+1 address when determining available memory.
Resolution: EX now refreshes the storage in the 6 bytes below the
BDOS+1 address during any warmboot request.
The enhancements added with EX 1.2 are:
^: EX runtime re-execution function
^? EX runtime wait for carriage return
`Xsub Already Present' logic
Input/EX buffer overlap detection
EX runtime recursion prevention (Ex Already Present)
EX runtime prompt mode character logic
The enhancements added with EX 1.1 are:
;; EX only comment support
^. Print suppression toggle
^<..^> Immediate print function
^# EX message suppression toggle
^| Carriage return/line feed function
^$ Default parameters' support
Logic to prevent ZCPR re-entrance to EX.COM
(EX.COM is not reentrant)
--Larry Steeger
[70315,1120] on CompuServe
[note: The changes from file EXFIX.DOC have been incorporated into EX12.*]
EX is a nifty and fast way of executing .SUB files,
(uses ram as the SUB file buffer rather than spreading
it out on disk). EX also allows batch entry of a series
of commands which it stores in memory for subsequent
continuous execution. EX relocates itself and its buffer
to high memory just below CCP and adjusts the CP/M BDOS
entry to protect itself.
--Stan Hanson 05/24/82
EX replaces the functions of both SUBMIT.COM and XSUB.COM
from Digital Research, Inc.
--Larry Steeger 08/06/82
The files used to assemble EX14.ASM using EX14.SUB are:
RELS.UTL (or REL.UTL see note in EX14.SUB)
SUBMIT.COM and XSUB.COM (or a previous version of EX.COM may be used)
[note: REL.UTL is available on CP/MUG Volume #38]
[note: RELS.UTL is available on CP/MIG XA1 ACCESS database]
The files used to test EX14.COM are:
EX14.TST (must be renamed to .SUB before executing test)
The files used to execute EX14.COM are:
SUB.COM (used to generate simple *.SUB files)
[note: Any good CP/M editor may be used to create *.SUB files]
(cr is carriage return)
EX14.COM may be invoked two ways:
1. EX14 cr
This form will cause EX to prompt with a line number and `:'
for each command line to be executed. A carriage return
entered by itself terminates the prompting and starts
execution of the command lines that have been entered.
2. EX14 <submit file> <parameters> cr
This form will cause EX to load the <submit file> into
memory and perform <parameters> substitution the same as
SUBMIT, with the addition of the `^$' support for missing
parameters. After all parameters have been substituted
the text from the file is executed as if was entered from
the console.
EX14.COM may be terminated during execution by entering control-C from
the console.
EX14.COM submit file conventions are:
[note: unless otherwise stated, the `<.......>' sequences
are used only to indicate character strings that
must be replaced with the values described.]
^<a character: A thru underscore> generates the corresponding
control character.
Lowercase letters a thru z
are converted to uppercase.
$<1 thru 9> generates parameter <1 thru 9> substitution
the same as SUBMIT, unless `^$' is being used
as described below.
^$<parm1 parm2 . . . parm9> will generate a list of parameters
that will be used in the $<1 thru 9>
parameter substitution if the user
does not provide any parameters or
only some of the parameters on the
EX command line.
;; generates an EX only comment (the ;; and the remainder of
the current line are not
moved to the EX command buffer.).
| generates a Carriage Return.
^| generates a Carriage Return and Line Feed.
|,cr,lf,1AH(EOF) will eliminate all characters from the last |
thru this sequence.
^. toggles print suppression for characters from SUBMIT file.
(Example: DIR ^.*.COM^. will execute DIR *.COM but only DIR
will be echoed to the console.)
^< forces immediate display of the characters following it
until ^> is encountered. ^<char> control support, $<1 thru 9>
parameter substitution, and $<char> escape support continues
during this display mode.
(Example: ^<^[ETest EX 1.4^|^> will generate the sequence to
clear the screen on the H/Z19 terminal and display
`Test EX 1.4' at the upper-lefthand corner of the
screen and the cursor will be on the next line.)
^: causes EX to re-execute the .SUB file from the beginning.
^? causes EX to wait for a carriage return response from the
console. Control-C will terminate EX at this point also.
$$ generates the $ (dollar-sign).
$^ generates the ^ (caret or up-arrow).
$| generates the | (broken vertical bar).
EX14.COM(.BIN or .OBJ) was generated from EX14.ASM using EX14.SUB and
the files mentioned above.
--Larry Steeger 11/20/82
BIN or .OBJ) was generated from EX14.ASM using