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Assembly Source File
217 lines
;SCDATE.ASM v1.0 06/18/85
; Carl Efird
; This program reads the CP/M+ system date,
; sets the SuperCalc (tm) date and chains SC2.COM
; with the command line if provided. It will work
; the same way with SC.COM if you change the name
; below.
; The SuperCalc (tm) date is stored in BCD starting
; at 10h in month, day, year order.
org 100h
reset equ 0
bdos equ 5
prtstr equ 9
versn equ 12
setdma equ 26
chain equ 47
getdat equ 105
dcfld equ 10h
month equ 10h
day equ 11h
year equ 12h
jmp start
db 'SCDATE v1.0 - SuperCalc (tm) date set for CP/M+ - '
db 'Carl Efird 06/85',1ah
ds 40
start: lhld start-1
sphl ; set up stack
mvi c,versn
call bdos ; get CP/M version number
mov a,l
ani 0f0h ; strip off lower 4 bits
cpi 30h
jz cpm30
; Must be CP/M 3.0 or higher
lxi d,not30
mvi c,prtstr
call bdos
mvi c,reset
call bdos
not30: db 'Must be CP/M 3.0 or higher$'
; OK - proceed to get the system date
cpm30: lxi d,date
mvi c,getdat
call bdos ; get the system date
lhld date
call dcvrt ; convert date
; insert command at begining of command tail in default dma
lxi h,80h ; load default dma address
mvi a,' '
mov m,a ; replace length with a blank
lxi d,cmd ; load end of command address
insert: lxi h,80h ; start at begining of dma
dcx d ; back up 1 character in command
ldax d ; load character
cpi 0
jz scalc ; done if 0
move: mov b,m ; get character from dma
mov m,a ; replace with preceeding character
inx h ; point to next character
mov a,b ; new preceeding character
cpi 0
jnz move ; continue if not 0
mov m,a ; save the 0
jmp insert
scalc: mvi e,0
mvi c,chain
call bdos ; chain to SC2.COM
date: db 0,0,0,0,0
db 'SC2.COM' ; name of command to chain
cmd: db 0
;DATE.ASM v1.10 10/26/83
; S. Kluger El Paso RCPM
; This module will take the date in Digital Research
; format and change it into human-readable form.
;Input: The number of days since 01/01/78. DCFLD
; must be defined in the main module and be
; 3 bytes.
;Output:The structure at DCFLD will contain the
; date in BCD.
; The routine works, don't ask me why. If you think it's
; too kludgy or too big, feel free to change it. Just
; don't leave my name off the ASM file, ok?
; Enter with the number of days since 1-1-78 in HL
; Modified 06/18/85 - cre
; returns decoded date as BCD rather than ASCII
; for compatability with SuperCalc (tm)
dcvrt: shld drtime ;save it for now
mvi b,78 ;set years counter
loop: call ckleap
lxi d,-365 ;set up for subtract
jnz nolpy ;skip if no leap year
dcx d ;set for leap year
nolpy: dad d ;subtract
jnc ydone ;continue if years done
mov a,h
ora l
jz ydone
shld drtime ;else save days count
inr b ;increment years count
jmp loop ;and do again
; The years are now finished, the years count is in B
; and drtime holds the days (HL is invalid)
ydone: call ckleap ;check if leap year
mvi a,-28
jnz febno ;february not 29 days
mvi a,-29 ;leap year
febno: sta feb ;set february
mov a,b ;get years count
lxi h,dcfld+2 ;point to years field
call stasha ;stash A into years field
lhld drtime ;get days count
lxi d,mtable ;point to months table
mvi b,0ffh ;set up b for subtract
mvi a,0 ;set a for # of months
mloop: push psw
ldax d ;get month
mov c,a ;put in C for subtract
pop psw
shld drtime ;save days count
dad b ;subtract
inx d ;increment months counter
inr a
jc mloop ;and loop for next month
; The months are finished, days count is on stack.
; First, calculate month.
mdone: mov b,a ;save months
lhld drtime
mov a,h
ora l
jnz nzd
dcx d
dcx d
ldax d
inr a
mov l,a
shld drtime
dcr b
nzd: mov a,b
push h
lxi h,dcfld ;point to months field
call stasha ;put a into months field
pop h ;get days count back
mov a,l ;into a
lxi h,dcfld+1 ;point to day field
; Plug the accumulator into <HL> as decimal
stasha: push b ;save bc as counter
mvi b,0 ;initialize tens
stl: cpi 10 ; > 10?
jc got10 ;no, done
sui 10 ;subtract 10 from A
inr b ;increment tens
jmp stl ;and loop
; B has the tens, A has the units.
got10: mov c,a ;save units
mov a,b ;get tens
rlc ;move tens to upper nibble
add c ;combine tens and units
mov m,a ;store value
pop b ;restore bc
; This routine checks for leap years.
ckleap: mov a,b
ani 0fch
cmp b
; This is the months table
mtable: db -31 ;January
feb: db -28 ;February
db -31,-30,-31,-30 ;Mar-Jun
db -31,-31,-30 ;Jul-Sep
db -31,-30,-31 ;Oct-Dec
drtime: dw 0 ;temporary storage
db -31,-30,-31,-30 ;Mar-Jun