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/ CP/M / CPM_CDROM.iso / mbug / mbug073.arc / GENELOGY.LBR / DNEXT.CMD < prev    next >
OS/2 REXX Batch file  |  1979-12-31  |  2KB  |  51 lines

  1. *DNEXT.CMD called from DESCEND.CMD
  2. DO WHILE msubj # 0
  3.    GO msubj
  4.    DO CASE
  5.       CASE spouse1 > 0 .AND kid > 0
  6.            DO dwifekid
  7.       CASE spouse1 > 0 .AND. kid = 0
  8.            IF myprnt = 'P'
  9.               SET CONSOLE OFF
  10.               IF lines+8 > mlength
  11.                  DO WHILE mlength-lines > 0
  12.                     ?
  13.                     STORE lines+1 TO lines
  14.                  ENDDO
  15.                  STORE 0 TO lines
  16.                  STORE page+1 TO page
  17.                  ? propnl+"Printed "+date()
  18.                  ?? $(STR(0,130),1,125)+"Page "+STR(page,2)+compr
  19.                  ? spc1+spc4+"1x      "+"2x      "+"3x      "+"4x      "+;
  20.                  "5x      "+"6x      "+"7x      "+"8x"
  21.                  ? spc1+spc4+gt+gt+gt+gt+gt+gt+gt+gt
  22.                  ? spc1+spc3+gd+gd+gd+gd+gd+gd+gd+gd+gd
  23.                  ? "Person    "+ch+ch+ch+ch+ch+ch+ch+ch+ch+ch
  24.                  ? fence
  25.                  STORE lines+6 TO lines
  26.               ENDIF
  27.               SET CONSOLE ON
  28.            ENDIF
  29.            DO dwifonly
  30.       CASE spouse1 = 0
  31.            IF msubj=mstart .OR. msubj=mstop
  32.               STORE 0 TO msubj
  33.               LOOP
  34.            ENDIF
  35.            IF sib>0
  36.               STORE sib TO msubj
  37.               LOOP
  38.            ELSE
  39.                DO WHILE sib=0 .AND. VAL(g)>0
  40.                   GO mpar&g
  41.                   STORE STR(VAL(g)-1,1) TO g
  42.                ENDDO
  43.                IF #=mstart
  44.                   STORE 0 TO msubj
  45.                ELSE
  46.                    STORE sib TO msubj
  47.                ENDIF
  48.            ENDIF
  49.       ENDCASE
  50. ENDDO