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183 lines
Thi≤ se⌠ oµ program≤ run≤ unde≥ dBAS┼ I╔ v«á 2.4▒ anΣ wa≤ writteε t∩á storσ ì
anΣá manipulatσá genealogica∞á datß t∩ producσ variou≤á style≤á oµá report≤ ì
and charts.
I⌠ wa≤ intendeΣ onl∙ fo≥ thσ author'≤ usσ bu⌠ ma∙ bσ oµ interes⌠ t∩ others¼ ì
eithe≥á fo≥ direc⌠ usσ o≥ a≤ ß basi≤ fo≥ modificatioε t∩ thei≥ owε desires« ì
Iεá thσ latte≥ casσ ß fairl∙ gooΣ knowledgσ oµ dBasσ programminτá woulΣá bσ ì
desirable« Ver∙ fe≈ prograφ comment≤ arσ included.
Thσá prograφá wa≤ writteε fo≥ ß Microbeσ AP├ I╔ witΦ dua∞ 390δ disδá drive≤ ì
anΣ ß ├ ITO╚ 851░ paralle∞ printer« A≤ written¼ i⌠ wil∞ no⌠ ruε oε ß singlσ ì
disδ drivσ machine«á User≤ oµ othe≥ printer≤ wil∞ neeΣ t∩ alte≥ thσ printe≥ ì
contro∞ codes¼á scattereΣ throughou⌠ thσ programs¼ t∩ sui⌠ thei≥ particula≥ ì
printer«á Don'⌠á changσá thσá "CHR(27)+'Y'"≤á a≤á thesσá arσá partialscreeε ì
clearinτ command≤ fo≥ thσ Microbeσ screeε - NO╘ printe≥ commands«á Seσ Notσ ì
**¬ belo≈ fo≥ ITO╚ contro∞ codes.
I⌠á caεá copσá witΦá abou⌠ 200░ record≤ oε ß 390δá disδá - morσá oεá large≥ ì
capacit∙ disks«
Thσá prograφá i≤ men⌡ driven«á A⌠ eacΦ stagσ iµ aε unsuitablσá responsσá i≤ ì
giveε i⌠ wil∞ no⌠ bσ accepteΣ anΣ anothe≥ responsσ requested«
The database (FAMILY.DBF) file is structured as follows:-
Field name Stores Type Length
---------- --------------------------- ----- ------
SURNAME Person's surname C 12
FIRSTNMS " given names C 25
BORNDATE " birth date C 11
BORNAT " " place C 30
DIEDDATE " death date C 11
DIEDAT " " place C 30
WEDDATE " marriage date C 11
WEDAT " " place C 30
SPOUSE1 " 1st spouse's pointer N 4
SPOUSE2 " 2nd " " N 4
KID " 1st child's " N 4
SIB " Next sibling " N 4
FATH " Father's " N 4
MOTH " Mother's " N 4
Notes: Only 2 spouses per subject are catered for.
Pointers are used to link records, i.e., the person's record
contains the record numbers for his/her 1st spouse, 2nd spouse,
1st child, next sibling, father and mother (if any, in each
case). If there is no pointer, e.g., no 2nd spouse or no next
sibling, etc., a 0 is stored automatically.
Becausσá oµ thσ usσ oµ recorΣ number≤ a≤ pointer≤ N╧ allowancσ i≤ madσá fo≥ ì
deletioε oµ record≤ oncσ the∙ arσ entered.
However¼á ful∞á editinτ oµ al∞ record≤ i≤ possiblσ and¼á becausσá oµá this¼ ì
unwanteΣ record≤ ma∙ bσ re-useΣ b∙ ditinτ ou⌠ thσ olΣ datß anΣ substitutinτ ì
thσ new.
Thσá Inde° (NAMES.NDX⌐ filσ i≤ indexeΣ oε "surname-firstnmsó t∩ enablσá thσ ì
productioε oµ list≤ iε truσ surnamσ anΣ firs⌠ name≤ order.è
Therσ i≤ ß furthe≥ filσ used¼á NOTES.DBF¼á whicΦ consist≤ oµ onl∙ onσ fielΣ ì
nameΣá LIN┼á oµ typσ ├ anΣ lengtΦ 80«á Thi≤ hold≤ onσ linσ oµá biographica∞ ì
datßá fo≥á ßá subject«á ┴ numbe≥ oµ line≤ ma∙ bσ devoteΣá t∩á ßá particula≥ ì
ThrougΦááá thσááá usσááá oµááá ßááá Wordsta≥ááá generateΣááá ASCI╔ááá file¼ ì
"NOTES.TXT",biographica∞á note≤ oε ß subjec⌠ ma∙ bσ storeΣ anΣ printeΣá ou⌠ ì
oεá thσá Grou≡ shee⌠ option«á I⌠ i≤ necessar∙ t∩ qui⌠ thσ "FAMIL┘á RECORDSó ì
prograφ anΣ ente≥ Wordstar¼á iε thσ "noε documentó mode¼á t∩ adΣ t∩ o≥ edi⌠ ì
thesσ notes«á Then¼á afte≥ thσ addition≤ o≥ editing¼á returε t∩ thσ "FAMIL┘ ì
RECORDSó prograφ and¼ unde≥ thσ <U>pdatσ Note≤ optioε transfe≥ thσ W╙ note≤ ì
t∩ thσ NOTES.DB╞ filσ fo≥ subsequen⌠ use.
T∩á ente≥ note≤ t∩ thσ NOTES.TX╘ filσ usσ thσ recorΣ numbe≥ fo≥ thσá persoε ì
firs⌠ followeΣ b∙ ▓ space≤ theε thσ tex⌠ oµ thσ firs⌠ line«á Furthe≥á line≤ ì
ma∙á bσ entered¼á thσ onl∙ restrictioε beinτ tha⌠ the∙ mus⌠ no⌠ star⌠á witΦ ì
numbers«á EacΦá linσá mus⌠ bσ endeΣ b∙ ß <RETURN>anΣ mus⌠ bσ les≤á thaεá 8░ ì
character≤ long«
I⌠á i≤á no⌠ necessar∙ t∩ havσ entrie≤ fo≥ al∞ recorΣ number≤ anΣ the∙á neeΣ ì
no⌠ bσ iε order¼ althougΦ i⌠ make≤ i⌠ easie≥ t∩ adΣ o≥ edi⌠ iµ the∙ are.
Typical entries would look like this on a Wordstar screen:-
1 Certificates: Birth, Death. <
Occupation: farmer. Had properties at Eugowra NSW and Albury NSW. <
He was a lay preacher for many years and a member of the NSW <
Association of Primary Producers. <
4 Sources: Baptism IGI, Death Vic. BDM Index. Buried Coburg Vic. <
cemetery. <
112 No record of marriage can be found. <
Place a blank formatted sysgen'd disk in drive B: and the supplied
program disk in drive A:.
Copy the contents of the program disk by issuing the command
CP A:*.* B: or your equivalent command.
Then copy your DBASE.COM and DBASEOVR.COM to the disk in drive B:
Mark this disk "Family Records Program"
Now place another blank disk in drive B:. Copy the empty database
file to this disk by issuing the command CP FAMILY.DBF B:
Mark this disk "Family Records Database".
You now have your two working disks.
Store the supplied program disk away in case you need it again.
Placσ thσ Prograφ disδ iε drivσ A║á anΣ thσ Databasσ disδ iε drivσ B║á Froφ ì
thσ keyboarΣ ente≥ "DBAS┼ FAMILY"«
Thσá prograφ wil∞ loaΣ anΣ sho≈ thσ openinτ screeε askinτ fo≥ thσ datσá anΣ ì
sizσ oµ pape≥ yo⌡ arσ using«
Respond to these and the main menu will be presented.
Oεá INITIA╠á US┼ oµ thσ program¼á yo⌡ MUS╘ star⌠ b∙ enterinτ somσá records« ì
Subsequentl∙ yo⌡ ma∙ selec⌠ an∙ optioε yo⌡ desire«á Fo≥ no≈ selec⌠ thσá <A╛ ì
option«á Theε answe≥ "Yó t∩ thσ questioε abou⌠ "morσ record≤ t∩ enter"« Thσ ì
screeεá wil∞ theε sho≈ ß blanδ forφ containinτ thσ abovσ fields«á Yo⌡á theε ì
fil∞ theφ in«á Iµ yo⌡ havσ nothinτ t∩ ente≥ iε ß fielΣ jus⌠ ente≥ <RETURN>« ì
Thσá screeε show≤ ho≈ mucΦ rooφ i≤ iε eacΦ field«á Iµ yo⌡ overflo≈ ßá fielΣ ì
thσá curso≥á wil∞ automaticall∙ dro≡ dowε t∩ thσ nex⌠ field«á S∩ watcΦá thσ ì
screeε a≤ yo⌡ ente≥ data«á Yo⌡ ma∙ usσ CTR╠ E¼á CTR╠ X¼á t∩ g∩ u≡ anΣá dowε ì
field≤á anΣ CTR╠ ┘ t∩ removσ datß froφ ß field«á Pres≤ CTR╠ ╫ wheε yo⌡ havσ ì
finisheΣ enterinτ datß iε ß record.
Surname≤á shoulΣ bσ entereΣ al∞ iε capital≤ e.g«á SMITH¼á excep⌠ fo≥á name≤ ì
likσ McLEO─ o≥ MacNALLY¼á whicΦ shoulΣ bσ entereΣ a≤ shown« Date≤ shoulΣ bσ ì
iε thσ forφ dd/mm/yyyy¼á e.g« 11/12/183╡ o≥ 7/8/189░ etc« ╔ havσ useΣ ß "*ó ì
precedinτá ß datσ t∩ indicatσ tha⌠ ß datσ i≤ ß baptisφ rathe≥ thaε ß birth¼ ì
e.g«á *17/12/1815¼á ß "c.ó t∩ indicatσ circß o≥ about¼á e.g« c.1812« Iµ yo⌡ ì
usσ thesσ the∙ wil∞ matcΦ u≡ witΦ explanation≤ oε somσ oµ thσ charts«
Makσ surσ tha⌠ yo⌡ ente≥ thσ correc⌠ recorΣ pointe≥ number≤ o≥ yo⌡ ma∙ finΣ ì
tha⌠ outpu⌠ chart≤ arσ garbage«á T∩ preven⌠ thi≤ i⌠ i≤ recommendeΣ tha⌠ yo⌡ ì
star⌠ witΦ ß lis⌠ oµ thσ peoplσ tha⌠ yo⌡ arσ goinτ t∩ ente≥ anΣ assigε theφ ì
recorΣá number≤ tha⌠ matcΦ up«á EacΦ recorΣ i≤ automaticall∙á assigneΣá thσ ì
nex⌠á recorΣ numbe≥ a≤ yo⌡ ente≥ theφ b∙ dBase«á Thσ to≡ lef⌠ oµ thσ screeε ì
show≤ thσ Las⌠ RecorΣ No« a⌠ an∙ time.
Iµá yo⌡ realisσ afte≥ exitinτ ß recorΣ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ madσ aε erro≥ o≥á havσ ì
morσá datßá t∩á ente≥á yo⌡ ma∙ edi⌠ tha⌠ recorΣ b∙á usinτá thσá <E╛á optioε ì
presenteΣ afte≥ selectinτ thσ <A╛ option.
Iε SUBSEQUEN╘ SESSION╙ yo⌡ ma∙ usσ thσ othe≥ option≤ available«á Makσá you≥ ì
choicσá b∙ respondinτ witΦ thσ firs⌠ lette≥ oµ thσ option«á Thσ casσ oµ thσ ì
responsσ ma∙ bσ uppe≥ o≥ lower«
Theεá answe≥á thσ question≤ a≤ the∙ appea≥ unti∞ thσ char⌠á o≥á displa∙á i≤ ì
Iεá enterinτá recorΣ numbers¼á thσ <RETURN╛ ke∙ mus⌠ bσ presseΣ unles≤á thσ ì
recorΣ numbe≥ i≤ ┤ digit≤ long«
Somσ type≤ oµ outpu⌠ ma∙ looδ somewha⌠ mess∙ oε thσ screen« Thi≤ i≤ becausσ ì
the∙ arσ morσ thaε 8░ column≤ wide«á Thesσ arσ reall∙ designeΣ fo≥á printe≥ ì
outpu⌠ iε condenseΣ mode.
.paèNote ***
Fo≥á thosσá wishinτ t∩ conver⌠ t∩ anothe≥ printer¼á thσá followinτá contro∞ ì
code≤ iε dBasσ stylσ se⌠ somσ printinτ mode≤ oµ ß ├ ITO╚ 851░ printer.
CODE Selects
---- -------
chr(27)+"E" Elite font
chr(27)+"N" Pica font
chr(27)+"Q" Compressed (Condensed) font
chr(27)+"P" Proportional font
chr(27)+"X" Underline On
chr(27)+"Y" Underline Off
chr(27)+"A" normal (1/6 inch) line feed
chr(27)+"B" 1/8 inch line feed
chr(27)+"Tnnn" nn/144 inch line feed
chr(27)+"Lnnn" Left margin of nnn spaces
chr(27)+">" Uni-directional printing
chr(27)+"<" Bi-directional printing
chr(27)+"]" Logic seeking mode
chr(27)+"[" Incremental mode
chr(27)+"$" USA character set
chr(27)+"#" Graphics character set
(Those used may not be available on
other printers). Probably better to
use the screen display set.