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265 lines
January 11, 1986
This is the READ-ME file from the Z80DIS.LBR package, version 2.1
Version 2.1 change note:
Version 2.0 added artificial intelligence to Z80DIS.
Version 2.1 corrects a small bug in the processing of INC,
DEC, and LD using index registers IX and IY. Version 2.1
also significantly enhances the abilities of the disassem-
bler to distinguish between ASCII blank (20 hex) and the
instruction "JR NZ,xxxx" (also 20 hex) which leads to lots
and lots of phony instruction jump references. Version 2.0
worked well in determination of correct break types for 8080
code. With version 2.1, you now have that reliability with
Z80 code as well.
Z80DIS is an entirely new disassembler for Z80 based CP/M sys-
tems. Z80DIS is written in TURBO PASCAL. Z80DIS generates Z80
mnemonics and prepares an assembly language file with many spe-
cial features for ease of understanding the intent of the disas-
sembled code. The source for Z80DIS has grown, with this version,
up to 5800 lines of coding.
With versions 2.0 and higher, you need know very little about the
format of the *.COM file to produce a nearly finished source file
in most cases. In addition a large number of convenience features
and defaults have been added that were not present in version 1.
A full synopsis of the versions of the program in current distri-
bution is included in the Z80DIS20.DOC file. Highlights of the
current changes follow at the end of this paper.
Both the Z80DIS program and the Z80DIS documentation are (C)
Copyright 1985 and 1986 by Kenneth Gielow; All Rights Reserved.
While I am freely distributing the binary code for non-profit
use, I am reserving the source code as a trade secret.
This program requires a Z80 based computer running CP/M version
2.2 or higher. The code was compiled for a 50K TPA; the top
address is C7FF. This slightly small size was done for compatibi-
lity with CP/M 3.0 and ZCPR3.
The following files will be found on Z80DIS21.LBR for this prog-
ram distribution library package:
Z80DIS.COM - the disassembler program
Z80DIS.000 - overlay file for Z80DIS
Z80DIS.001 - overlay file for Z80DIS
ZDINSTAL.COM - a terminal command installation program
ZDINSTAL.MSG - contains text of ZDINSTAL messages
ZDINSTAL.DTA - contains terminal characteristics data
Z80DIS20.DOC - an abbreviated user manual in ready to print
format. (See documentation notice )
Z80DIS 2.1 01/11/86
The Z80DIS binary is in three files. The ZDINSTAL files are based
on the TURBO Toolbox GINST program and will tailor the interac-
tive displays to your terminal.
The program is easy to use with interactive displays for para-
meter specification. All control parameters have defaults preset
to the most likely values. The DOC file is the text of a short
user manual which explains most of the important points needed to
get going.
The original, forty-plus page user manual gave extensive examples
and used disassembly of the public domain program D.COM as an
example. Unfortunately, with the additions to document the newer
features and give additional suggestions for use, that user
manual and expanded program together have both gotten so large
that most system operators would not carry the complete library.
Something had to give. I feel that the program is largely self
explanatory so that you can get started very well with only a
shortened manual. This abbreviated manual is included here. The
short user manual deals mainly with installing the Z80DIS program
and doing a simple disassembly. This short manual is all that a
casual user would probably need.
The longer manual expands on the discussion of the features and
explains the step-wise approach to dealing with much larger
source codes. The manual also deals with disassembling code which
relocates itself. Extensive examples are included. All error
messages and secondary options are discussed in detail.
The full Z80DIS USER MANUAL is available by mail. I am asking a
nominal charge of $ 20.00 which includes the manual, postage,
handling, and an update notification service. You are granted the
right to make not-for-profit copies of the manual. The program
itself is not available by mail as I do not have extensive,
multi-format disk copy capability. The notification service will
consist of a letter to you anytime a new version is released so
that you may be on the lookout for it.
To order a copy of the Z80DIS USER MANUAL, send a request with
your name, address, and a check for $ 20.00 to --
Kenneth Gielow
79 Tulip Lane
Palo Alto, CA 94303
The major feature of Z80DIS is an extensive analysis of the
memory usage by the program under investigation. This analysis
capability forms the basis for an automatic partitioning of the
code to generate the break table. This analysis also produces a
fully-annotated cross reference of all addresses.
A disassembler must know whether the bytes are instructions or
Z80DIS 2.1 01/11/86
data in order to proceed. Z80DIS is the first disassembler to
produce its own break table for this purpose. Some previous
programs, such as RESOURCE, have included a search for ASCII text
regions, but have left the verification and interpretation up to
the user. Most other disassemblers are fooled by the trick of
adding nonsense bytes after jumps to cause the analysis to fall
out of synchronization with instruction code interpretation.
Z80DIS produces an output listing which itemizes all addresses
referenced by the code, distinguishes types of label references,
marks subroutines and jumps and produces an annotated cross-
reference. This listing shows the exact mode of usage for every
reference: Jump absolute, Jump relative, Call, Restart, Load 16-
bit, Store 16-bit, Immediate 16-bit, Load 8-bit, Store 8-bit. In
version 2.1, this listing also shows the break table region of
residency for each label so that you may inspect the list for
An address labeling convention assists in understanding the
assembly code generated. Each label generated on the assembly
listing indicates, by format, not only the generic type (Jump,
Call, Data, Other) of any references, but also the singularity of
the reference.
For example, J#02E3 used at address 02E3 indi-
cates that only one reference was made to address
02E3 and that that reference was a JUMP.
In addition to helping you by automatic analysis of memory use,
Z80DIS also assists you by styling the presentation of the disas-
sembled code. The disassembled code is output in two forms: Both
the usual *.MAC file and a printer formatted *.PRN file.
The *.PRN file is styled to look like the output of an assembler
with both the instructions and assembled bytes shown. The juxta-
position of the hexadecimal bytes and the assembly mnemonics
allows the user to recognize errors caused by an incorrectly
defined break table.
A personal note:
I wrote this disassembler because I could not find another
that would really open up a foreign program for inspection.
RESOURCE and its spin-offs give you only a pin-hole look at a
program without indicating the important interactions with other
parts of the code. Z80DIS rectifies that lack via the cross-
reference, disassembly comments, and automatic structure analy-
sis. I hope that you will find it as useful as I have.
Kenneth Gielow
Z80DIS 2.1 01/11/86
Significant Changes in Version 2.1
1) BUG CORRECTION: During automatic break table creation in
version 2.0, the codes DD34, DD35, DD36, FD34, FD35, FD36 were
not correctly recognized. This resulted in false assumptions
about the legality of some Z80 code regions which were then
thought to be data regions rather than instruction regions. This
has been corrected in version 2.1.
8080 coding, instruction jumps and calls use 3-byte addressing;
that is unambiguous and not easily misinterpreted. With Z80 code,
ASCII text blocks contain codes that are easily mistaken for Z80
relative jumps; that creates apparent jump references to code
within 128 bytes before or after the misinterpreted byte. The
ASCII blank (20 hex) is especially bad as it looks exactly like a
"JR NZ,xxxx" code. Version 2.1 has been much improved to distrust
relative jump references as a basis for declaring a region to be
instructions. Version 2.1 examines corroborative evidence to
distinguish ASCII data from instruction codes.
3) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS: The entire Expert system comprising
the Automatic Break Determination feature was enhanced to yield a
more complete analysis of the code structure.
Highlights of Changes in Version 2.0
1) AUTOMATIC BREAK TABLE CREATION: When the program asks for
break table inputs, you may now enter '*' which will trigger a
detailed analysis of the structure and relationships of the input
2) The COM file and overlay files for Z80DIS no longer need
to be on your default disk drive.
3) The cross-reference listing now shows the break table
region of residency for each label.
4) Overflow of memory or disk space during pass 1 will not
abort execution.
5) You may now disassemble direct to your printer by speci-
fying LST: as the list file name.
6) You may now suppress creation of either .PRN or .MAC
output files.
7) The default name for the break table save file is now the
same name as that of your input file.
CP/M is a registered trademark of Digital Research Inc.,
TURBO PASCAL is a trademark of Borland International,
Z-80 is a trademark of Zilog Corp.