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===╜ "Thσ Executiveí MailPersonó (C⌐ 198╡ ====
versioε 4.0
┴ Multiplσ Databasσ Mailinτ Lis⌠ Manager¼ Forφ Lette≥ Generato≥
anΣ Telephonσ Numbe≥ Locator
b∙ Jame≤ A« Gronek
UCS¼ inc.
Copyrigh⌠ 1984¼ 1985
Al∞ Right≤ Reserved
Releasσ Date
.hσ ===╜ DOCUMENTATIO╬ FO╥ "Thσ Executiveí MailPersonó ÷ 4.░ ====é ì
.paè.f∩ Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1984¼ 198╡ UCS¼ inc« Al∞ Right≤ ReserveΣ pagσ #
===╜ Wha⌠ i≤ it┐ ====
"Thσá Executiveíá MailPersonóá i≤á ß se⌠á oµá commanΣá file≤ ì
writteεá iεá thσ DBASEI╔ Application≤ Languagσ t∩ managσá mailinτ ì
lists«á "Thσ Executiveíá MailPersonó wil∞ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ managσ an∙ ì
numbe≥ oµ databases¼á eacΦ witΦ ß separatσ index¼á prin⌠á labels¼ ì
generatσá forφá letter≤á froφá tex⌠ file≤á createΣá oεá an∙á worΣ ì
processor¼á anΣá rapidl∙á locatσ telephonσ number≤á fo≥á databasσ ì
"Thσá Executiveíá MailPersonó se⌠ consist≤ oµ thσá followinτ ì
necessar∙ worδ files:
a« MAIL.CM─ - Thσ Maste≥ CommanΣ File
b« MAIL.HE╪ - Assembl∙ languagσ suppor⌠ file
c« MAIL.FR═ - Membe≥ Director∙ Forφ file
d« LETTER.DB╞ - Workinτ filσ fo≥ MAIL.CMD
e« SETPRINT.CM─ - Samplσ printe≥ configuratioε file
f« RETADDR.CM─ - You≥ Returε Addres≤ Information
Thσá followinτá file≤á arσá createΣ b∙á thσá prograφá durinτ ì
executioε anΣ mus⌠ bσ availablσ (excep⌠ d.⌐ oε thσ COMMAN─ DRIVE:
a« SYSDATE.ME═ - Thσ systeφ datσ memor∙ file
b« PWARN.ME═ - UseΣ b∙ thσ Singlσ Label≤ Routine
c« LINES.ME═ - -do-
d« TEMPMEM.ME═ - Temporar∙ file¼ no⌠ usuall∙ seen...
Additionally¼á thσá prograφ i≤ provideΣ witΦá thσá followinτ ì
a« TEST.LT╥ - ┴ samplσ forφ lette≥ format
b« UNSOFT.CO═ - ┴ Publiπ Domaiε WordSta≥ Filter
c« UNSOFT.DO├ - Documentaioε fo≥ above.
d« MAIL40.DB╞ - 'Shellº Datß Structure
e« MAIL40.NA═ - 'Shellº Namσ Inde° Structure
e« MAIL40.CM╨ - 'Shellº Compan∙ Inde° Structure
f. MAIL40.ZIP - 'Shell' Zipcode Index Structure
g« MAIL40.DO├ - Thi≤ file
===╜ Hardware/Softwarσ Requirement≤ ====
Thσ Executiveíá MailPersoε require≤ dBASEII¼á versioε 2.┤ o≥ ì
2.4▒ iε orde≥ t∩ ruε properly« Becausσ oµ knowε bug≤ iε thσ inde° ì
routine≤á oµ dBASEI╔ versioε 2.43¼á result≤ caε bσ unpredictable« ì
Result≤á ha≤á beeεá acceptabllσá runninτá unde≥á versioεáá 2.43*« ì
Additionally¼ Thσ Executiveí MailPersoε utilize≤ machinσ languagσ ì
routine≤áá fo≥á speeΣá tha⌠á arσá no⌠á transportablσá t∩á 1╢á bi⌠ ì
computers«áá I⌠áá i≤á HIGHL┘á UNLIKEL┘á tha⌠á thσá prograφáá wil∞ ì
consistentl∙á ruεá oε anythinτ othe≥ thaε ß Z-8░ (althougΦá ╔á d∩ ì
kno≈ oµ onσ exception...)«
===╜ Ho≈ d∩ ╔ usσ it┐ ====
T∩ star⌠ thσ program¼á placσ al∞ thσ worδ anΣ samplσá files¼ ì
together¼ oε an∙ drivσ anΣ ente≥ DBAS┼ MAIL<CR>«
Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ fo≥ ß WORKINGé drivσ (wherσ arσ thσ datß ì
file≤ goinτ t∩ bσ placed?)« ┴ <RETURN╛ wil∞ se⌠ thσ defaul⌠ drivσ ì
t∩ "B"é fo≥ al∞ subsequen⌠ operations¼á o≥ typσ thσ lette≥ oµá thσ ì
desireΣ defaul⌠ drive«
Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ fo≥ ß COMMANDé drivσ (wherσ arσ thσ .HE╪ ì
suppor⌠ file≤ located?)« ┴ <RETURN╛ wil∞ se⌠ thσ commanΣ drivσ t∩ ì
"A"¼ o≥ typσ thσ lette≥ oµ thσ desireΣ drive.
Yo⌡á wil∞ theε bσ presenteΣ witΦ ß lis⌠ oµ databasσ file≤ oε ì
you≥á defaul⌠ disk¼á anΣ askeΣ whicΦ onσ t∩ use«á Yo⌡á neeΣá onl∙ ì
ente≥ thσ PRIMARYé filσ name¼á thσ .DBFé i≤ no⌠ necessary«á Yo⌡ caε ì
changσá database≤ froφ thσ maiε men⌡ iµ yo⌡ desire«á Thσá prograφ ì
wil∞á verif∙á thσ existencσ oµ thσ databasσ yo⌡ select¼á anΣá thσ ì
existencσ oµ it≤ companioε inde° file«
----╛ NOT┼ <----
Iµ yo⌡ arσ jus⌠ startinτ u≡ thσ prograφ fo≥ thσ firs⌠á time¼ ì
selec⌠á MAIL40é a≤ you≥ database¼á bu⌠ D╧ NO╘ INPU╘ AN┘ DAT┴á INT╧ ì
MAIL40.éá I⌠ i≤ aε empt∙ shel∞ datß structurσ tha⌠ wil∞ allo≈á yo⌡ ì
t∩á creatσ you≥ owε database≤ froφ thσ maiε menu«á Oncσ yo⌡á havσ ì
createΣáá ßá databasσá oµá you≥á own¼áá MAIL40.DBF¼áá MAIL40.NAM¼ ì
MAIL40.ZI╨á anΣ MAIL40.CM╨ arσ n∩ longe≥ necessary¼á anΣá ma∙á bσ ì
deleteΣ froφ you≥ worδ disk.
Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ presenteΣ witΦ thσ maiε men⌡ oµ "Thσ Executiveí ì
MailPersonó é whicΦ look≤ somethinτ likσ this:
Thσ Executiveí MailPersoε (C⌐ 1985
Mailinτ Option≤ Utilit∙ Options
░ - EXI╘ ┴ - Director∙ oµ Defaul⌠ Disδ
▒ - Ente≥ ne≈ entrie≤ ┬á- Selec⌠áß differen⌠ databasσ
▓ - Edit/deletσ entrie≤ ├ - Creatσ ß Ne≈ Databasσ
│ - Makσ Label≤ ─ - Typσ ß letter/filσ t∩ thσ screeε ì
┤á- WritσáLetter≤ ┼á- ConfigurσáPrinte≥áOption≤á
╡á- Quicδ telephonσáRolade° ╞á- Qui⌠át∩áWordSta≥
╢á- Prin⌠áSinglσ Labels/Envelope≤á ╟ - Qui⌠ t∩ ß dBAS┼ .CM─ Filσ
╖ - Rese⌠áLette≥ Datσ ╚ - Rese⌠ Systeφ Datσ
╕ - Director∙ oµ Databasσ Member≤ ╔á- Selec⌠áNe≈áWorkinτ Drivσ
╣ - Browsσ througΦ Databasσ ╩á- Quicδ Lis⌠ oµ Databasσ Members
Ente≥ you≥ choice¼ please« '
Thσá Maiεá Men⌡ i≤ divideΣ int∩ tw∩á primar∙á functiona∞á areas¼ ì
Mailinτá Options¼áá anΣá Utilit∙á Options«á Mailinτá Optionséá arσ ì
selecteΣá witΦ ß number¼á anΣ Utilit∙ Optionsé arσ selecteΣ witΦ ß ì
letter« EacΦ oµ thesσ option≤ i≤ explaineΣ following:
===╜ MAILIN╟ OPTION╙ ====
0é - Thi≤ selectioε i≤ self-explanatory
1é - Thi≤ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ ente≥ ne≈ member≤ int∩ thσá database« ì
Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ presenteΣ witΦ aε inpu⌠ screeε likσ this:
╘ ╚ ┼ ═ ┴ ╔ ╠ ╨ ┼ ╥ ╙ ╧ ╬ (c⌐ Addinτ Databasσ Entries
1 = "Mr." ááááááááááááááá2 = "Mrs."
3 = "Ms." ááááááááááááááá4 = "Dr."
5 = "Mr. & Mrs." áááááááá6 = People with no Title
0 = Companies with no name field
Enter title code áááá
Enter Last name ááááá
Enter First name(s) ááááááááááááááá
Enter Co. name ááááááááááááááááááá
Enter Address áááááááááááááááááááááá
Enter Address 2 ááááááááááááááááááááá
Enter City ááááááááááááááááááááááááá
Enter State áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá
Enter ZIP code áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá
Enter Home Phone áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá
Enter Work Phone ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá
Enter List Id's
Selec⌠ ß titlσ codσ froφ thσ seveε presented¼ anΣ ente≥ eacΦ ì
datß item« Returε througΦ an∙ fielΣ tha⌠ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ skip« Iµ yo⌡ ì
selec⌠á ßá titlσá codσ oµ '0º fo≥ ßá compan∙á listing¼á yo⌡á mus⌠ ì
providσ ß compan∙ namσ o≥ thσ recorΣ wil∞ no⌠ bσ accepted« Iµ thσ ì
titlσ codσ i≤ OTHE╥ THA╬ '0'¼ yo⌡ mus⌠ providσ ß namσ iε thσ las⌠ ì
namσ fielΣ o≥ thσ recorΣ wil∞ no⌠ bσ accepted.
Thσá prograφ wil∞ automaticall∙ validatσ thσ state/zi≡á codσ ì
combinatioε beforσ acceptinτ thσ record« Iε orde≥ t∩ overridσ thσ ì
validatioε routine¼á yo⌡ mus⌠ ente≥ ß statσ oµá 'ZZ'¼á otherwise¼ ì
an∙ valiΣ state/zi≡ codσ combinatioε wil∞ bσ accepted.
A⌠ thσ conclusioε oµ thσ record¼ ß promp⌠ wil∞ appea≥ askinτ ì
yo⌡ i≤ yo⌡ havσ morσ t∩ add«á Answe≥ ┘ o≥ N« Iµ yo⌡ selec⌠ N¼ fo≥ ì
n∩ morσ entries¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ returε yo⌡ t∩ thσ maiε menu.
2éá - Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ t∩ locatσ thσ recorΣ t∩ bσá editeΣ ì
by¼á either¼á NAM┼ (First/Las⌠ o≥ Las⌠ only)¼ COMPANY¼ o≥ COMPAN┘ ì
.cp5è Iµ yo⌡ selec⌠ NAME¼á yo⌡ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ fo≥ thσ name(s⌐ t∩ ì
locate« An∙ numbe≥ oµ letter≤ sufficien⌠ t∩ uniquel∙ identif∙ thσ ì
recorΣ iε questioε wil∞ producσ thσ record«á I⌠ wil∞ bσ displayeΣ ì
iε thσ forma⌠ showε abovσ fo≥ addinτ records«á Retypσ an∙ entrie≤ ì
yo⌡ wish«
Thσá prograφ wil∞ automaticall∙ validatσ thσ state/zi≡á codσ ì
combinatioε beforσ acceptinτ thσ record« Iε orde≥ t∩ overridσ thσ ì
validatioεá routine¼á yo⌡ mus⌠ ente≥ ß statσ oµ 'ZZ'¼á otherwise¼ ì
an∙ valiΣ state/zi≡ codσ combinatioε wil∞ bσ accepted.
Iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ deletσ ß compan∙ record¼á simpl∙ ente≥ blank≤ ì
fo≥á compan∙ name«á Iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ deletσ ß recorΣ OTHE╥á THA╬á ß ì
compan∙ record¼ simpl∙ ente≥ blank≤ fo≥ las⌠ name«
A⌠ thσ conclusioε oµ thσ record¼ ß promp⌠ wil∞ appea≥ askinτ ì
i≤ yo⌡ havσ morσ t∩ edit«á Answe≥ ┘ o≥ N« Iµ yo⌡ selec⌠ N¼ fo≥ n∩ ì
morσ editing¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ pacδ thσ database« ì
Answe≥á eithe≥ ┘ o≥ N«á Oncσ thσ pacδ i≤ done¼á iµ selected¼á yo⌡ ì
wil∞ bσ returneΣ t∩ thσ maiε menu.
3é - Thi≤ selectioε print≤ standarΣ 15/16ó b∙ │ 1/2óá mailinτ ì
labels¼ ON┼ ACROSS¼ froφ you≥ database«
Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ makσ label≤ fo≥ AL╠ member≤ ì
oµá thσá database¼á o≥ SELEC╘ certaiε members«á Iµ yo⌡ choosσá t∩ ì
SELECT¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ selec⌠ b∙ Lis⌠ Id¼ o≥ b∙ ì
individua∞ recorΣ tag«
Iµ yo⌡ selec⌠ b∙ Lis⌠ Id¼á yo⌡ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ t∩ ente≥ thσ ì
Lis⌠á IΣá t∩ select«á Ente≥ i⌠ EXACTL┘ a≤ yo⌡ entereΣ i⌠á iεá thσ ì
record≤ desired«á I⌠ doe≤ no⌠ matte≥ whicΦ oµ thσ fou≥ Lis⌠á Id'≤ ì
i⌠ occupies¼ iµ i⌠ i≤ recorded¼ i⌠ wil∞ bσ selected.
Iµ yo⌡ selec⌠ b∙ tagging¼á yo⌡ wil∞ bσ presenteΣ eacΦ recorΣ ì
iε thσ database¼á anΣ offereΣ thσ opportunit∙ t∩ selec⌠ it«á Oncσ ì
yo⌡á havσá taggeΣá thσ las⌠ persoε desired¼á yo⌡á ma∙á abor⌠á thσ ì
remaininτ record≤ b∙ answerinτ 'Qº t∩ thσ taτ prompt«
Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ thσ label≤ iε Name¼ Compan∙ o≥ ì
Zipcode order. Select N, C or Z for the correct sequence.
Makσ surσ you≥ printe≥ i≤ se⌠ correctly.
4é - Thi≤ i≤ wha⌠ yo⌡ d∩ t∩ writσ letters«
Thσá prograφá wil∞ checδ t∩ seσ iµ yo⌡ havσ se⌠á thσá Lette≥ ì
Date¼ anΣ iµ not¼ wil∞ returε yo⌡ t∩ thσ men⌡ fo≥ tha⌠ purpose.
Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ senΣ letter≤ t∩ AL╠ member≤ ì
oµ thσ database¼ o≥ SELEC╘ certaiε members.
.cp4è Iµá yo⌡ choosσ t∩ SELECT¼á yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ iµ yo⌡ wisΦá t∩ ì
selec⌠ b∙ Lis⌠ Id¼á o≥ b∙ individua∞ recorΣ tag« Option≤ fo≥ eacΦ ì
arσ a≤ fo≥ labels¼ above.
Oncσá yo⌡ havσ selecteΣ thσ member≤ t∩ receivσá thσá letter¼ ì
yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ fo≥ thσ namσ oµ you≥ tex⌠ file«á Ente≥ onl∙ thσ ì
PRIMAR┘ filename¼á anΣ ensurσ tha⌠ thσ filenamσ exten⌠ i≤ .LT╥ o≥ ì
thσá prograφ wil∞ no⌠ finΣ it«á File≤ witΦ aε exten⌠ oµ .LT╥ wil∞ ì
bσ displayeΣ s∩ yo⌡ wil∞ kno≈ wha⌠ i≤ therσ t∩ bσ selected«
You≥á tex⌠á filσá wil∞á bσ mergeΣ witΦá thσá name≤á iεá you≥ ì
databasσá anΣá ßá tex⌠ filσ produceΣ tha⌠ caεá bσá printeΣá usinτ ì
Yo⌡á wil∞á bσ prompteΣ fo≥ ß namσ unde≥ whicΦá t∩á savσá thσ ì
printablσ forφ lette≥ file« Iµ yo⌡ wish¼ hi⌠ <RETURN╛ t∩ savσ thσ ì
defaul⌠ forφ lette≥ LETTER.TXT.
Yo⌡á wil∞á bσ askeΣ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ ruε label≤ fo≥á thσá samσ ì
group«á Answe≥á ┘ o≥ N«á Iµ yo⌡ answe≥ YES¼á yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ t∩ ì
selec⌠ Name¼á Compan∙ o≥ Zipcodσ sequencσ fo≥ thσ labels« Iµ yo⌡ ì
choosσ t∩ ruε labels¼ ensurσ thσ printe≥ i≤ ready.
5é - Iµ yo⌡ neeΣ ß phonσ number¼ selec⌠ this«
Yo⌡á wil∞á bσá prompteΣá t∩ selec⌠ ßá P)erson'≤á namσá o≥á ß ì
C)ompany'≤ name.
Iµá yo⌡ selec⌠ ß Person'≤ name¼á yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣá fo≥á thσ ì
FIRS╘ lette≥ oµ thσ LAS╘ NAM┼ t∩ find« Thσ prograφ wil∞ prin⌠ thσ ì
homσá anΣ worδ telephonσ number≤ fo≥ al∞ member≤ whosσ las⌠á namσ ì
start≤ witΦ thσ selecteΣ letter.
Iµá yo⌡ selec⌠ ß Company'≤ name¼á yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ fo≥á thσ ì
FIRS╘á lette≥ oµ thσ COMPAN┘ NAM┼ t∩ find«á Thσ prograφ wil∞ lis⌠ ì
thσá phonσ number≤ fo≥ al∞ companie≤ whosσ namσ start≤á witΦá thσ ì
selecteΣ letter.
6éá - Thi≤ selectioε wil∞ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ usσ you≥ printe≥ a≤á ß ì
typewrite≥á fo≥á singlσ labels¼á envelopes¼á o≥á continuou≤á rol∞ ì
returε addres≤ labels« Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ througΦ thσ procedurσ ì
anΣ remindeΣ t∩ havσ thσ printe≥ ready.
7éá - Thi≤á selectioεá wil∞á promp⌠ fo≥ ß datσá t∩á prin⌠á oε ì
letters«áá Fe≈á peoplσá typσá date≤á likσá 00/00/0░á oεá busines≤ ì
correspondence¼á s∩ thi≤ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ typσ "Decembe≥ 25th¼ 1992ó ì
o≥á whateve≥á yo⌡ wan⌠ thσ datσ t∩ bσ oεá thσá letters«á Yo⌡á ma∙ ì
changσ i⌠ froφ thσ menu¼ iµ desired.
8é - Thi≤ selectioε wil∞ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ ruε ß Director∙ Listinτ ì
oµ al∞ member≤ oµ you≥ database«á Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ ß ì
harΣ copy« Iµ not¼ thσ repor⌠ wil∞ ruε t∩ thσ screen.
.cp7è 9éá - Thi≤ selectioε wil∞ placσ yo⌡ iε 'Browseº mode«á Browsσ ì
modσá i≤ likσ lookinτ a⌠ you≥ databasσ thr⌡ ß windo≈ tha⌠ i≤á onσ ì
recorΣá wide«á I⌠ wil∞ sigε oε positioneΣ a⌠ thσ firs⌠ recorΣá iε ì
thσá database«á Yo⌡á ma∙á movσ backwarΣ o≥á forwarΣá througΦá thσ ì
databasσá b∙ selectinτ thσ appropriatσ commanΣ froφ thσá men⌡á a⌠ ì
thσ bottoφ oµ thσ screen.
áááááááááááááááááá==== áUTILITY OPTIONS á====
Aéá - Thi≤á selectioεá wil∞á clea≥á you≥á screen¼á displa∙á ß ì
director∙á oµ you≥ selecteΣ defaul⌠ disδ anΣ wai⌠ fo≥ ßá keypres≤ ì
t∩ returε t∩ thσ Maiε Menu«
-- NOT┼ --
Thi≤á routinσ show≤ AL╠ file≤ oε thσ disk¼á includinτá thosσ ì
markeΣ a≤ SYSTEM!!!
Bé - Selec⌠ thi≤ t∩ changσ databases«
Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ fo≥ thσ ne≈ database« Again¼ ente≥ onl∙ ì
thσ primar∙ filename¼á no⌠ thσ .DB╞ part«á Yo⌡ wil∞ seσ ß lis⌠ oµ ì
database≤ oε you≥ defaul⌠ disδ froφ whicΦ t∩ choose«á Thσ prograφ ì
wil∞á verif∙á thσ existencσ oµ thσ databasσ yo⌡ select¼á anΣá thσ ì
existencσ oµ it≤ companioε inde° files«
Cé - Selec⌠ thi≤ t∩ creatσ ß ne≈ database«
Iµá yo⌡ arσ startinτ u≡ thσ prograφ fo≥ thσ firs⌠á time¼á d∩ ì
thi≤á t∩á creatσá you≥ databasσá froφá MAIL40.DBF«á Yo⌡á wil∞á bσ ì
prompteΣá fo≥ ß name¼á ente≥ onl∙ thσ PRIMAR┘ filσ name¼á no⌠ thσ ì
DB╞á part«á Threσá companioεá indexe≤ wil∞á bσá createΣá fo≥á thσ ì
Dé - Iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ 'Typeº ß filσ t∩ thσ screen¼ selec⌠ this.
Yo⌡ ma∙ typσ an∙ ASCI╔ tex⌠ filσ t∩ thσ screen¼á squeezeΣ o≥ ì
not¼ eveε froφ insidσ libraries¼ witΦ thi≤ selection«
---- NOT┼ ----
Thσá 'Typeº functioε utilize≤ Z-8░á assembl∙á language¼á anΣ ì
canno⌠ bσ ruε oε othe≥ thaε ß Z-8░ baseΣ computer.
Eé - Iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ configurσ thσ printer¼ selec⌠ this.
Thσá filσ SETPRINT.CM─ i≤ provideΣ a≤ ß samplσ oµ thσ forma⌠ ì
fo≥ an∙ printer«á A≤ supplied¼ SETPRINT.CM─ i≤ configureΣ fo≥ thσ ì
OKIDAT┴ ML9▓ printer«á Yo⌡ ma∙ substitutσ you≥ contro∞ code≤á fo≥ ì
Féá - Thi≤á selectioε wil∞ closσ al∞ files¼á exi⌠á froφá "Thσ ì
Executiveíá MailPerson"¼ anΣ ente≥ WordStar« Iµ yo⌡ havσ prepareΣ ì
ßá forφá lette≥ fo≥ printing¼á thi≤ selectioε wil∞ dro≡ yo⌡á int∩ ì
WordSta≥ fo≥ tha⌠ purpose.
è Géá - Thi≤á selectioεá wil∞á allo≈á yo⌡á t∩á exi⌠á froφá "Thσ ì
Executiveíá MailPersonó anΣ 'chainº int∩ anothe≥ dBASEI╔á commanΣ ì
file«á Yo⌡á wil∞ bσ prompteΣ fo≥ thσ namσ oµ thσ commanΣ filσá t∩ ì
Héá - Thi≤á selectioε wil∞ promp⌠ fo≥ ß systeφá datσá (MM/DD/YY)« ì
Oncσá set¼á thσá datσá wil∞ bσ saveΣ t∩ disδ a≤á SYSDATE.ME═á anΣ ì
referreΣ t∩ b∙ thσ prograφ wheε necessary.
Iéá - Thi≤ selectioε wil∞ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ changσ workinτá disks« ì
Yo⌡á wil∞ bσ prompteΣ fo≥ ß NE╫ workinτ disk¼á anΣ askeΣá iµá yo⌡ ì
neeΣ t∩ physicall∙ changσ thσ disδ selected« Iµ yo⌡ indicatσ tha⌠ ì
yo⌡ D╧ neeΣ t∩ changσ thσ disk¼á Thσ MailPersoε wil∞ instruc⌠ yo⌡ ì
t∩ changσ thσ disk≤ anΣ hi⌠ Return« Thσ MailPersoε wil∞ rese⌠ thσ ì
disδá iµá i⌠á wa≤ changeΣ t∩á allo≈á read/writσá operations«á Al∞ ì
furthe≥á operation≤á wil∞á bσá conducteΣ oεá thσá newl∙á selecteΣ ì
defaul⌠ disk.
Jé - Thi≤ selectioε wil∞ providσ ß quicδ listinτ oµ Name≤ anΣ ì
Companie≤á fo≥ databasσ members«á The∙ wil∞ bσ presenteΣá t∩á thσ ì
screeε 2░ a⌠ ß timσ unti∞ yo⌡ typσ ß 'Qº t∩ qui⌠ bacδ t∩ thσ maiε ì
===╜ CAUTION╙ ====
Iµá yo⌡á usσ WordStar(tm⌐ iε thσ 'D'ocumen⌠ modσ t∩á preparσ ì
letters¼á you≥á filσá wil∞ bσ ful∞ oµá 'softºá carriagσá returns¼ ì
space≤á anΣ hyphens«á Thσ filσ mus⌠ bσ ruε througΦ ß 'filterºá t∩ ì
conver⌠á al∞á thσá 'softº character≤ t∩á 'hardºá characters«á Thσ ì
Publiπá Domaiεá filte≥ UNSOFT.COMé i≤ provideΣ fo≥á tha⌠á purpose« ì
ReaΣ thσ filσ UNSOFT.DOCé fo≥ usagσ instructions.
Iµ yo⌡ havσ ß largσ numbe≥ oµ name≤ iε you≥ database¼á o≥á ß ì
length∙á lette≥á t∩á senΣá out¼á thσ tex⌠ filσá createΣá b∙á "Thσ ì
Executiveí MailPersonó caε becomσ QUIT┼ large¼ possibl∙ exceedinτ ì
you≥ disδ capacity«á Iµ thi≤ occurs¼á yo⌡ ma∙ havσ t∩ spli⌠á you≥ ì
database≤ anΣ makσ multiplσ lette≥ writinτ runs.
Oncσ Thσ Executiveí MailPersoε ha≤ saveΣ you≥ filename.TX╘ forφ ì
lette≥á file¼á i⌠á ma∙á bσá printeΣ witΦá thσá 'Pºá commanΣá froφ ì
WordStar(tm)«á Yo⌡á ma∙á changσá thσ pagσ offse⌠ anΣá margiεá to≡ ì
setting≤ iε thσ documen⌠ filσ t∩ reflec⌠ you≥ owε letterhead¼á o≥ ì
lacδá thereof«á M∙á letterheaΣ ha≤ ß largσ log∩ oε thσá to≡á lef⌠ ì
corner¼á s∩ thσ sourcσ codσ i≤ se⌠ fo≥ ß margiε to≡ oµ 1╕á lines« ì
I⌠á i≤á no⌠á difficul⌠ t∩ changσ thσ pagσ offse⌠ anΣá margiεá to≡ ì
figure≤ t∩ anythinτ yo⌡ wish«
.paè ===╜ SOURC┼ COD┼ AVAILABILIT┘ ====
Thσ Executiveí MailPersoε i≤ distributeΣ a≤ aε encodeΣ file« ì
I⌠á canno⌠ bσ listeΣ o≥ modifieΣ externally«á Thσá MailPersoεá i≤ ì
supplied¼á completσá witΦá sourcσ code¼á fo≥ $35.0░á oεá diskettσ ì
througΦá thσ U«á S«á Mail«á CasΦ o≥ Mone∙ Orde≥ purchase≤ wil∞ bσ ì
shippeΣá withiε 4╕ hours¼á allo≈ 1┤ day≤ fo≥ persona∞á check≤á t∩ ì
James A. Gronek
UCS, inc.
Post Office Box 23866
Phoenix, Arizona 85063
Send Cash, Check or Money Order to above address.
Send comments, bug reports, and complaints to:
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