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1-Dec-83 18:09:29-MST,888;000000000000
Return-Path: <bridger@rand-unix>
Received: from rand-unix by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 1 Dec 83 18:08:59-MST
Date: Thursday, 1 Dec 1983 16:52-PST
To: kevinw@SU-DSN, amethyst-users @SIMTEL20
CC: bridger@rand-unix
Subject: MINCE with user numbers
In-reply-to: Your message of Monday, 28 Nov 1983 13:37-PST.
From: bridger@rand-unix
Kevin @SU-DSN recently noted the limitation of using the
Mince editor in different user areas. I think Leor's new compiler
could do the trick:
Mince would be helped a lot if it were re-compiled in bds c 1.5,
which supports user-number file references. By putting the swap file
in user 0 and using ZCPR or a similar command processor that uses
a search path to user 0, you could invoke mince from any user/drive
and also read/write files from any user/drive.
Perhaps MOTU would consider issuing this much of an update?
2-Dec-83 16:37:13-MST,954;000000000000
Mail-From: WANCHO created at 2-Dec-83 16:32:31
Date: 2 Dec 1983 16:32 MST (Fri)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.11972373613.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@SIMTEL20>
Subject: Mince/BDSC-1.50a/User areas
Apparently the new copies of Mince are compiled with BDSC 1.50a. But,
they have no plans to update existing users with the newly compiled
version, because of the paucity of users of CP/M Mince today, even
fewer who have user number areas, and the fact that nobody at MotU is
willing to pick a price for the update that is so minor. Word is that
they don't object to people trading disks with each other to get the
latest stuff, but they don't think distributors and dealers should be
obligated to provide such a service without a profit. So MotU quietly
released it internally and is not offering its usual free updates, nor
any at all for that matter, this time around... (sigh...)
15-Dec-83 16:28:54-MST,795;000000000000
Return-Path: <iam@cmu-cs-g>
Received: from CMU-CS-G by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 15 Dec 83 16:28:34-MST
Date: 15 Dec 1983 18:01-EST
From: Ira.Monarch@CMU-CS-G.ARPA
Subject: Mince and Scribble on CPM-Apple
To: Amethyst-Users@Simtel20
Message-Id: <440377269/iam@CMU-CS-G>
I am leaning toward acquiring Mince and Scribble to use on an Apple equiped
with a Microsoft Z-80 softcard and 16k Ram card, a Sup-r-term 80 column
board, and an Epson MX-80 printer with graftrax - all of which are 1 or more
years old. Is there anyone out there with a similar configuration using
these programs? Are you satisfied? Are there any problems?
What is the least expensive way of acquiring them? Are any earlier versions
or similar versions in the public domain?
--Ira Monarch
16-Dec-83 11:51:01-MST,1482;000000000000
Return-Path: <iam@cmu-cs-g>
Received: from CMU-CS-G by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 16 Dec 83 11:50:41-MST
Date: 16 Dec 1983 13:42-EST
From: Ira.Monarch@CMU-CS-G.ARPA
Subject: Mince and Scribble on CPM-Apple
To: Amethyst-Users@Simtel20
Message-Id: <440448129/iam@CMU-CS-G>
I am leaning toward acquiring Mince and Scribble to use on an Apple equiped
with a Microsoft Z-80 softcard and 16k Ram card, a Sup-r-term 80 column
board, and an Epson MX-80 printer with graftrax - all of which are 1 or more
years old. Is there anyone out there with a similar configuration using
these programs? Are you satisfied? Are there any problems?
What is the least expensive way of acquiring them? Are any earlier versions
or similar versions in the public domain?
--Ira Monarch
>Date: 15 Dec 1983 18:01-EST
From: Ira.Monarch@CMU-CS-G.ARPA
Subject: Mince and Scribble on CPM-Apple
To: Amethyst-Users@Simtel20
I am leaning toward acquiring Mince and Scribble to use on an Apple equiped
with a Microsoft Z-80 softcard and 16k Ram card, a Sup-r-term 80 column
board, and an Epson MX-80 printer with graftrax - all of which are 1 or more
years old. Is there anyone out there with a similar configuration using
these programs? Are you satisfied? Are there any problems?
What is the least expensive way of acquiring them? Are any earlier versions
or similar versions in the public domain?
--Ira Monarch
19-Dec-83 15:58:38-MST,568;000000000000
Return-Path: <DEVON@MIT-MC>
Received: from MIT-MC by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 19 Dec 83 15:58:21-MST
Date: 19 December 1983 17:58 EST
From: Devon S. McCullough <DEVON @ MIT-MC>
Subject: Mince and Scribble on CPM-Apple
To: Ira.Monarch @ CMU-CS-G
cc: Amethyst-Users @ SIMTEL20
In-reply-to: Msg of 15 Dec 1983 18:01-EST from Ira.Monarch@CMU-CS-G.ARPA
At Terrapin we use MINCE on an Apple//e with a z80 card and MX-80,
works fine. We don't use the Sup-R-Term (echhh!) of course since
//e's have 80 columns standard, so you may have to frob the CONFIG.
28-Dec-83 12:16:17-MST,1376;000000000000
Return-Path: <JURGEN@MIT-MC>
Received: from MIT-MC by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 28 Dec 83 12:15:59-MST
Date: 27 December 1983 20:38 EST
From: Jonathan David Callas <JURGEN @ MIT-MC>
Subject: Mince and Scribble on CPM-Apple
To: Ira.Monarch @ CMU-CS-G
cc: Amethyst-Users @ SIMTEL20
I have used Mince and Scribble on a similar configuration. I used a VT100
connected via a CCS serial card, but I used an Epson with Graftrax.
I had problems with mince in that the apple doesn't process the interrupts
correctly from the vt100 and it tended to garbage keypad escape sequences
while auto-repeating. Scribble doesn't know how to use an Epson with Graftrax.
The microfeeding setup for an "Epson MX-80" must be for the earliest Epsons
without any extra roms. It flat doesn't work with a new Epson. However, the
workaround is to use the initialization sequence with the epson to put it into
a strange mode (like a line-feed of 1/2 a normal line feed) and use SCONFIG
with an ordinary printer setup to get it to work properly. I am now using it
on a DEC VT180 and use the Apple as a game/SoundChaser-synthisizer machine
only. I still use the Epson. I hope the Superterm is a more civilized piece
of hardware under CP/M than the CCS board is. I would have had any problems
if the BIOS had handled the interrupts from the card properly.
Good Luck,