Paul Taylor's Remote Computer and RBBS, Australian local; 09
459 3787, Paul Taylor. Available most Australian evenings.
Manual connection only, requires CCITT 300 Baud modem in
ANSWER or ORIGINATE mode for access. Running IOS (CP/M
compatible), 64K Z80, 5Mhz system @ 2MB on 2 8" disks with
48K CACHE buffers. Up as of 12/01/81. [Perth, Western
1. Whether a program exchange system is accessible by an
a.l.d.s. (= alternative long-distance service) should be con-
sidered when planning to modem over long programs. Charges
on SPRINT, ITT/CITYCALL and MCI are 50-60% of Ma Bell's
regular long distance rates.
2. Call-back systems are those where a computer and real people
share the same telephone line. To contact the people, just
dial & let the phone ring until you get an answer. To
contact the computer: (1) dial, (2) let the phone ring
once, (3) hang up just before the 2nd ring, & (4) re-dial.
3. Note that the 212A/Vadic 1200 Baud modems may not be
compatable with yours. Most of the above systems are
using Vadic 3451 Triple modems, compatable with both Bell
and Vadic Standard. Sign on the first time at 300 baud to
determine the system capabilities. Note also that PMMI's
can sometimes be used above 300 baud with 1200 baud systems.
4. All times listed are local time.
5. For further notes & explanations, see RCPMDATA.17
2-Sep-82 01:15:00,593;000000000000
Date: 2 September 1982 03:15-EDT
From: Leor Zolman <LEOR@Mit-Mc>
Subject: Anyone know of a CP/M sort program?
To: INFO-CPM at Mit-Mc
Via: Mit-Mc; 2 Sep 82 3:18-EDT
Via: Brl; 2 Sep 82 3:27-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 2 Sep 82 3:37-EDT
Idealy public domain and available on the net...I've just downloaded the
188K SPELL dictionary and the spell docs tell me to sort it alphabetically.
I don't have a sort-merge program, and don't really know much about how they
work, so I'd rather not have to write one! Does anybody have a suggestion as
to how I get this beast sorted?
2-Sep-82 03:14:00,819;000000000000
Date: 2 September 1982 05:14-EDT
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Mit-Mc>
Subject: ARCHIVE.ASM available
To: Info-Cpm at BRL
Via: Mit-Mc; 2 Sep 82 5:17-EDT
Via: Brl; 2 Sep 82 5:26-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 2 Sep 82 5:29-EDT
Kelley Smith's ARCHIVE.ASM is now available on MIT-MC as
Here's a short excerpt from the file which tells about it's
ARCHIVE is a user oriented disk maintenance utility for
archival storage and file backup. User facilities include the
ability to selectively 'tag' files for archival (or non-archival)
attributes, display file archive attributes, or backup non-
archive files to a selected disk. Wild-card filenames (using '*'
and/or '?') may be used freely, to select some or all (i.e.,
'*.*') files for archiving.
2-Sep-82 13:39:28,475;000000000000
Date: 2-Sep-82 13:39:28 PDT (Thursday)
From: Chapman.ES at Parc-Maxc
Subject: Re: S-100 FDC Survey Results
In-reply-to: DAN's message of 31 August 1982 21:09-EDT
To: Dan Blumenfeld <DAN@Mit-Ml>
cc: Info-MICRO at BRL, Info-CPM at BRL
Via: Parc-Maxc; 2 Sep 82 16:35-EDT
Via: Brl; 2 Sep 82 16:46-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 2 Sep 82 16:58-EDT
Please send me a copy of your disk controller survey. I never did get my answers to for your survey. Sorry about that.
2-Sep-82 16:56:00,1308;000000000000
Date: 2 Sep 1982 1556-PDT
From: Jim Moore <MOORE@Usc-Isib>
Subject: Re: SPELL V1.1
To: MADLER at Mit-Ml, info-cpm at BRL
In-Reply-To: Your message of 30 August 1982 20:41-EDT
Via: Usc-Isib; 2 Sep 82 19:05-EDT
Via: Brl; 2 Sep 82 19:17-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 2 Sep 82 19:28-EDT
I like your spell -- I liked 1.0 better (a little).
I'mI'm not sure if this was plannwed, but I discovered
that I could rename spell (1.0() ame spell (1.0) to "spelstar.ovr"
and WS would correctly (apparently) evoke it w/
the "S" at the no-foile menu. When it returned, there
was a minor glitch due to returning .bak filename,
but no matter.
However, for all the bugs you mhave fixed in spell 1.1,
it now refuses to behave properly when renamed,
as above, and evoked from ws a"' la spellstar.
I get an disk error every time. However, when
called from cp/m directly, it seems to work just fine.
Query: can the virtues of 1.1 be retained while
whatever changes are made to permit spell to once
again masquerade as spellstar?ar? It would be nice.
Also, how difficult is it to augment 1.1 to print
out tehhe word-statisticas at the end of a run?
I know this is all really nit-picking -- thanks
for a good program.
Jim Moore
2-Sep-82 17:02:00,660;000000000000
Date: 2 Sep 1982 1602-PDT
From: MOORE at Usc-Isib
Subject: KERMIT
To: info-cpm at BRL
cc: moore at Usc-Isib
Via: Usc-Isib; 2 Sep 82 19:01-EDT
Via: Brl; 2 Sep 82 19:06-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 2 Sep 82 19:15-EDT
Has anyone out ther gotten kermit working? I tried
to MACRO assemble kermit.mac on my tops-20 and got
seems to be appropriately fatal.
I assume that kermit.mac is for the tops-20 and
kermit.asm is for the micro. What am I missing?
Who should I ask? Should I care? (It looks like
a good thing -- file group transfers between micro
and mainframe).
2-Sep-82 20:04:00,1365;000000000000
Date: 2 September 1982 20:04 edt
From: Walters.SoftArts at Mit-Multics
Subject: Re: Applicard
Sender: COMSAT.SoftArts at Mit-Multics
To: A2DEH at Mit-Mc, INFO-APPLE at Mit-Mc, INFO-CPM at Mit-Mc,
Boebert.SCOMP at Mit-Multics
*from: Tim Walters <Walters.Softarts at MIT-MULTICS>
Original-date: 01 SEP 1982 18:56:00
Via: Mit-Mc; 2 Sep 82 20:22-EDT
Via: Brl; 2 Sep 82 20:38-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 2 Sep 82 20:46-EDT
The Applicard is made by PCPI, whose address is:
Personal Computer Products, Inc.
16776 Bernardo Center Drive
San Diego, CA 92128
I spoke with the developers for a little while at a recent
convention. The card is designed to use its own 64k memory and
only communicates with the Apple to do I/O. This allows the CPU
to run at a full 6 MHz, since it is not contending with the
Apple display bus. In fact, they claimed, multiple cards could
be installed in the Apple and run independently. Although
communication with the Apple was only (I think) 40k bytes/sec.,
they did not believe this resulted in any effective loss of
disk access speed on the programs they had tried.
Although I saw the card, I did not see it in operation. I am
also not sure what software is being provided with the card.
2-Sep-82 22:19:00,382;000000000000
Date: 3 September 1982 00:19-EDT
From: Devon S McCullough <DEVON@Mit-Mc>
To: INFO-CPM at Mit-Mc
Via: Mit-Mc; 3 Sep 82 0:26-EDT
Via: Brl; 3 Sep 82 0:47-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 3 Sep 82 0:51-EDT
I made a some slight mods to the North*Star 1d MDS entry in MCar10:CPM;S100DC SURVEY. It's a pity nobody saw fit to review their 2d MDS, the 1d has been out of production for years.
3-Sep-82 00:38:00,1647;000000000000
Date: 3 September 1982 02:38-EDT
From: Jonathan W Platt <JWP@Mit-Mc>
Subject: Disk Formats
Via: Mit-Mc; 3 Sep 82 2:55-EDT
Via: Brl; 3 Sep 82 3:06-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 3 Sep 82 3:16-EDT
I am involved in a project which hopefully will provide our
computers with the ability to read or write in any disk format.
We have a great need to transfer customer's data from one micro's
diskettes to another's - given any two micro's.
The BIOS level coding for this is fairly trivial. On the
lower levels of drive controller coding however, it doesn't appear
so easy. One must know if the particular micro is using the IBM
3740 single density format, IBM system 34 double density format or
some off-the-wall format of their own.
Our computerbasically has two drives. One of which would
be set to one system's format and the other drive to the destination
The question is, Who uses what controller's in their micros?,
What density(ies)?, What format?, Hard or soft sectored? and how do
they structure the upper levels of their disks (i.e. # tracks, sectors
per track, block sizes, directory sizes, etc...).
Mainly though, I'm interested in how the disk are formatted
(address fields, data patterns - things never seen by the typical
Does anyone out there know of a compilation of this type
of information? Individual input from those who have found this
information through hacking their micros is also very, very welcome!
Please reply to me directly. If there is a demand for it, I
will compile the data and make it available on the net.
3-Sep-82 01:30:00,467;000000000000
Date: 3 Sep 1982 0330-EDT
From: EGK.MIT-OZ at Mit-Mc (Edjik)
Subject: Re: KERMIT
To: MOORE at Usc-Isib
cc: info-cpm at BRL, EGK.MIT-OZ at Mit-Mc
In-Reply-To: Your message of 3-Sep-82 0250-EDT
Via: Mit-Mc; 3 Sep 82 3:53-EDT
Via: Brl; 3 Sep 82 3:58-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 3 Sep 82 4:08-EDT
CMD.UNV is distributed by DEC and should be on all TOPS-20 systems
oor at least on your disstribution tape. it contains some COMND% jsys
-- Edjik
3-Sep-82 01:47:00,984;000000000000
Date: 3 September 1982 03:47-EDT
From: Leor Zolman <LEOR@Mit-Mc>
Subject: New sort/merge program available
To: info-cpm at BRL
Via: Mit-Mc; 3 Sep 82 3:52-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 3 Sep 82 4:07-EDT
I have implemented the sort-merge program from Software Tools in C, and
the file is now available as "AR36:CPM;SORT 1C". It has successfully been
used to alphabetize the "SPELL" dictionary of 188K characters. This took
about 15 minutes on my 10-meg hard disk; I suspect it could take anywhere
from a half hour to an hour or so to do it on floppies. Anyway, the thing
was still being debugged two hours ago, and surely has room for performance
improvement. If anyone succeeds in speeding it up a bit, feel free to replace
the file with your faster version. I felt it was important to get it up as
soon as possible, in case there are others like me who'd like to add their
own flagged words to the SPELL dictionary and be able to sort it for use
3-Sep-82 08:20:24,448;000000000000
Date: 3 Sep 1982 8:20:24 EST (Friday)
From: Mike Meyer <mwm@Okc-Unix>
Subject: system utilities in C
To: info-cpm at BRL
Cc: mwm at Okc-Unix
Via: Okc-Unix; 3 Sep 82 9:21-EDT
Via: Brl; 3 Sep 82 9:33-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 3 Sep 82 9:55-EDT
I have uploaded the aformentioned system utility to MC as CPM;SYSCOPY C.
If someone more knowledgable would place it in the appropriate archive,
(BDSC-?, DSKUTL?) I would appreciate it.
4-Sep-82 17:11:00,474;000000000000
Date: 4 Sep 1982 1911-EDT
From: John S Labovitz <RMS.G.HNIJ.MIT-OZ@BRL>
Subject: Full screen editor
To: Info-CPM at Mit-Mc
Via: Mit-Mc; 4 Sep 82 19:30-EDT
Via: Brl; 4 Sep 82 19:39-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 4 Sep 82 19:57-EDT
Does anyone have the screen editor that was published in Dr. Dobbs
journal that they could LMODEM to MC:CPM; (or to me)?? I have seen it
around on a few RCPM's, but a ~50k file costs a lot to download.
Thanx much.
John Labovitz
4-Sep-82 18:43:00,566;000000000000
Date: 4 September 1982 20:43-EDT
From: Frank J Wancho <FJW@Mit-Mc>
Subject: MODEM for TOPS-20
Via: Mit-Mc; 4 Sep 82 20:47-EDT
Via: Brl; 4 Sep 82 20:57-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 4 Sep 82 21:05-EDT
There are two slightly divergent versions of MODEM for TOPS-20 in
MC:AR60:CPM;MDM20 158MAC - the original, written and maintained by
Bill Westfield (BILLW@SRI-KL)
MC:AR60:CPM;MDM20 48MAC - an experimental version by Ted Shapin
(BEC.SHAPIN@USC-ECLC), based on the original
4-Sep-82 23:28:00,823;000000000000
Date: 5 September 1982 01:28-EDT
From: Mitch Wolrich <MITCHW@Mit-Mc>
Subject: 1771 <-> 179X diskette conversion
To: info-cpm at BRL
cc: MITCHW at Mit-Mc
Via: Mit-Mc; 5 Sep 82 1:32-EDT
Via: Brl; 5 Sep 82 1:37-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 5 Sep 82 1:44-EDT
I have a small quantity (20 or 30) diskettes that were written with a Tarbell
single density controller.. Tarbell (back when I used to use one) had chosen
some sync byte or something in the formatting of sectors that made disks
formatted with this controller unreadable on a 179X controller. I seem to
remember there being a program that would convert the old formating information
to something that was compatible with the newer double density format.. Can
anyone point me to a solution?? Would be much appreciated.
Mitch Wolrich
5-Sep-82 08:04:00,1259;000000000000
Date: 5 September 1982 10:04-EDT
From: Roger L Long <BYTE@Mit-Mc>
Subject: 1771 -> 179X conversion
To: MITCHW at Mit-Mc
cc: info-cpm at BRL
Via: Mit-Mc; 5 Sep 82 10:08-EDT
Via: Brl; 5 Sep 82 10:18-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 5 Sep 82 10:27-EDT
The 1771 accepted both 00h and FFh for filling interrecord gaps, while
the 179X requires that you use FFh. If you change the format program
you use to format diskettes on your single-density system to use FFh
for your fill bytes, the diskettes written will be compatible. Also,
a simpler solution would be to just format a batch of diskettes on the
system with the 179X controller (which must already use the FFh fill
byte) and then copy your old diskettes onto these newly formatted
Before you go to a lot of work, I'd at least try reading some of your
old diskettes with the 179X. When the incompatiblity was first
discovered, I already had my 1771 system, and went ahead and changed
my FORMAT program. I would assume that Tarbell then started shipping
out single-density controllers with compatible software. I would
also assume that any distribution diskette would be compatible,
as I've never had any problem reading such diskettes on my double
density systems.
5-Sep-82 09:18:18,1157;000000000000
Date: 5 Sep 82 11:18:18-EDT (Sun)
From: Rick Conn <rconn@BRL>
To: info-cpm at BRL
Subject: DJ/2B FORMAT2 and SGEN Programs
Via: Brl; 5 Sep 82 11:28-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 5 Sep 82 11:34-EDT
I've just uploaded the following programs to AR20:CPM --
CP/M Name MIT-MC Name Function
FORMAT2 DJFMT 10MAC Formats DJ/2D Rev B disks with a few
DJFMT 10COM options beyond the FORMT# pgm
SGEN DJSGEN 13MAC Sysgens DJ/2D Rev B with a few options
DJSGEN 13COM beyond normal SYSGEN
Since the DJ/2D uses 179x controller chips, these programs
(in source form) may be useful to non-DJ/2D users as well to give
them insight into how to use the 179x and program it.
One nice option with both FORMAT2 and SGEN is that they support
immediate, non-prompted execution, so that they may be placed in a SUB
file and used without operator intervention. For instance, FORMAT2 /A4
formats drive A: as format 4 (1024 bytes/block) and SGEN /AB copies the
system from A: to B:. Additionally, SGEN adds a nice capability of
specifying a CP/M disk file as a destination (as opposed to the OS tracks
of a disk).
5-Sep-82 10:21:00,568;000000000000
Date: 5 Sep 1982 at 1121-CDT
From: mknox at Utexas-11
To: info-cpm at BRL
Via: Utexas-11; 5 Sep 82 12:27-EDT
Via: Brl; 5 Sep 82 12:37-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 5 Sep 82 12:48-EDT
As soon as I got the msg about ARCHIVE being available I picked up a copy
and attempted to install it. But the patch into BDOS given as:
seems to be in the middle of an instruction. Is this something I am not
doing right (a.k.a. brain fade), or is something really not correct?
5-Sep-82 10:41:00,825;000000000000
Date: 5 Sep 1982 0941-PDT
From: Dick <MEAD@Usc-Eclb>
Subject: Re: CHDIR.HEX
To: W8SDZ at Mit-Mc, Info-Cpm at BRL
In-Reply-To: Your message of 30-Aug-82 2157-PDT
Via: Usc-Eclb; 5 Sep 82 12:42-EDT
Via: Brl; 5 Sep 82 12:56-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 5 Sep 82 13:00-EDT
Mail-from: ARPANET site USC-ECL rcvd at 1-Sep-82 0031-PDT
Mail-from: ARPANET site BRL rcvd at 1-Sep-82 0028-PDT
Date: 31 August 1982 00:57-EDT
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Mit-Mc>
Subject: CHDIR.HEX
To: Info-Cpm at BRL
Via: Mit-Mc; 31 Aug 82 1:23-EDT
Via: Brl; 31 Aug 82 1:31-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 31 Aug 82 23:04-EDT
For those who cannot FTP .COM files from MIT-MC, there is now a .HEX
file available in AR13:CPM;CHDIR HEX
The password in the distribution file is "CHDIR"
you will need it to re-configure for your own use.
5-Sep-82 19:13:58,578;000000000000
Date: 5 Sep 82 21:13:58-EDT (Sun)
From: Rick Conn <rconn@BRL>
To: Dick <MEAD@Usc-Eclb>
cc: W8SDZ at Mit-Mc, Info-Cpm at BRL
Subject: Re: CHDIR.HEX
Via: Brl; 5 Sep 82 21:18-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 5 Sep 82 21:28-EDT
Knowledge of the internal password of CHDIR is not necessary for
initial installation. By entering CHDIR from a priveleged user area,
the password scheme is bypassed. The current version of CHDIR specifies
user areas 10 and above as priveleged.
Sorry about the delay on the HLP file for CHDIR. It's still coming.
5-Sep-82 21:35:00,1309;000000000000
Date: 5 September 1982 23:35-EDT
From: Frank J Wancho <FJW@Mit-Mc>
Subject: Comments on MORROW DJ 2D/DMA?
Via: Mit-Mc; 5 Sep 82 23:43-EDT
Via: Brl; 5 Sep 82 23:48-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 5 Sep 82 23:55-EDT
I'm considering purchasing the DJ 2D/DMA so that I can add an 8" drive
to my system and possibly replace the controller for the 5-1/4" drives
in my N* in the same stroke. I have some questions before I take the
1. On the surface, it would appear worthwhile to replace the N*
controller with this DMA controller anyway, even if I didn't get the
8" drive. Is this really worth it? Should I consider the CompuPro
Disk 1 instead? Why?
2. If I go with the Morrow and an 8" drive, it looks like the best
bet is to go ahead and get their DISCUS 2+2/DMA single drive package
which appears to include everything I need. Should I consider just
getting the controller and, say, a QUME DT-8 or Mitsubishi, and
scrounge for a suitable case, power supply, etc.?
3. Are there other more worthwhile choices I have not considered?
Any possibilities should include a DMA controller or have I been
oversold by the specs?
Experienced opinions and second-hand hearsay welcome. If there's
enough interest, I will summarize for the list.
6-Sep-82 01:39:00,2803;000000000000
Date: 6 September 1982 03:39-EDT
From: Frank J Wancho <FJW@Mit-Mc>
Subject: KERMIT files available
Via: Mit-Mc; 6 Sep 82 3:43-EDT
Via: Brl; 6 Sep 82 3:48-EDT
Via: Brl-Bmd; 6 Sep 82 3:56-EDT
KERMIT source files and documentation are now available on MC as