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1-May-84 01:49:28-MDT,1059;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 1 May 84 01:49:23-MDT
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Date: 25 Apr 84 8:18:18-PST (Wed)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!sdcsvax!bmcg!asgb!rob@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: SIMTEL help (SIMTELP?..yuk)
Article-I.D.: asgb.463
(I guess the line-eater was full)
Does anyone know of a way to access the SIMTEL20 programs from USENET.
We are not on ARPA, and I would like to peruse the CP/M offerings.
Also, there was a posting recently with some source changes to AZTEC C
to speed up and enhance I/O redirection (don't recall who sent it). We
did not get the entire text; only about 1/3 of it. Could some friendly
understanding person who happened to save it please mail me a copy?
Thanks whoever, in advance.
Rob Greenbank,
Burroughs ASG
1-May-84 05:22:16-MDT,3573;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 1 May 1984 04:57 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12011819919.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Cc: Info-modem7@Simtel20.ARPA
Subject: M730IRV1.FIX patch from Irv Hoff for MDM730
---forwarded from the Sysop Clearinghouse RCPM---
DATE : 01 MAY 84
as that information is in this file.
There are two obscure bugs in the MDM730 program. The first in-
volves the alternate long distance dialing system - occasionally
the last digit of the billing code would be entered twice, messing
up the correct dialing. The second involves a problem existing
since the early MODEM7 days which has never been corrected. When
copying to disk in the terminal mode, if the disk fills, the pro-
gram says it is saving as much of the copy as it can. It then
closes the file - only it was closing the file normally used for
file transfers. The following patch corrects both problems. As
they only recently came to my attention, it is obvious the typical
user (including me!) has never run into either problem.
the following manner. The column on the right is
is what the operator enters, the column on the
left is what is currently in the program. Where
you see "xx" it makes no difference what is there
now as that is an unused area bewteen the end of
the dialing routines and the telephone library.
(We store our little patches in that unused area.)
A>DDT MDM730.COM <DDT calls up the original file
4A00 0100
0DC5 xx CD
0DC6 xx 6C
0DC7 xx 47
0DC8 xx C3
0DC9 xx 26
0DCA xx 21
0DCB xx .
-S210D <the operator enters this line
210D 1E C5
210E 21 0D
210F EB .
-S214F <the operator enters this line
214F E7 6C
2150 22 47
2151 CD .
-S0DC0 <the operator enters this line
0DC0 xx CD
0DC1 xx 9D
0DC2 xx 2B
0DC3 xx E1
0DC4 xx C9
-0807 <the operator enters this line
0807 1F 20
0808 08 .
-S0819 <the operator enters this line
0819 CA C2
081A 99 03
081B 07 08
081C C3 E1
081D 03 C3
081E 08 99
081F 3E 07
0820 20 3E
0821 CD 20
0822 9D 47
0823 2B C3
0824 E1 C0
0825 C9 0D
0826 3A .
-G0 <returns to CP/M command mode
A>SAVE 73 MDM730.COM <now have an updated file
1-May-84 09:18:31-MDT,2601;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 24 Apr 84 15:10:00-PST (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: pur-ee!uiucdcs!ea!mwm@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: 8086 co-processors for CPM80
Article-I.D.: ea.7800005
In-Reply-To: Article <12313@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Not being able to reply to the ARPA-Net (and it's my fault - I have to fix
the sendmail tables....), here we go:
First, I have nothing but praise for the HSC hardware. It works exactly as
advertized. It took less than 15 minutes to install. The z80 runs sits on a
short (~2 in) cable from the old socket. I've had no problems with that.
Doing the I/O through the z80 does make it slower. I can tell the
difference in typing a file on the z80 versus the 68000 (yes, I got the
68000 version). However, this is part of the cost of getting a 16-bit
system for cheap. Given the Intersystems caching BIOS (I'm running an II
MPU-II with 160K), the result is acceptable. This system does output lots
of RFI. The fix for that is in the works. It's nothing more than a shielded
cable, so I don't think there's anything to worry about. This may not be a
problem for you, though.
I've have the 68000 version, so I can't vouch for their MS-DOS
implementation. The software isn't quite as good as the hardware. Most
noticeably, the BIOS looses disk directories if you have a high performance
BIOS (like the II BIOS. sigh). The fix is supposedly out, but I haven't
seen it. Their are several other problems in the software. All the ones I
know of are supposed to be fixed in the version I haven't seen (I'm going
to call them tomorrow. I'll post the results).
I've been impressed by their response to customer my problems. The first
set of software they sent me had a bum disk. Ditto for the next *two*
replacement disks. They sent me - quickly - replacements each time. I
complained about the RFI problem, and they sent me the parts I requested
for a fix.
All in all, I'm impressed by the system. It's a very cost-effective way to
get into 16-bit systems. One of the nicest features is that you can still
use all your 8-bit software without having to support two systems (space,
power, disks, etc). CP/M-68K has problems, but my old DDSS disks work like
a charm. Highly unlikely if I'd bought a new system.
1-May-84 09:21:38-MDT,745;000000000000
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Date: Tue, 1 May 1984 10:20 EDT
Message-ID: <EB.12011856816.BABYL@MIT-OZ>
To: Bruce Hawkins <bhawkins%umass-cs.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Subject: Ribbon re-inkers
CC: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA, info-micro@BRL.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of 30 Apr 1984 22:29-EDT from Bruce Hawkins <bhawkins%umass-cs.csnet at csnet-relay.arpa>
I have been using a "Mac Inker" for about nine months. I have had
no problems with it and have been very satisfied.
1-May-84 18:33:43-MDT,3082;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Received: From ut-ngp.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 1 May 84 20:09 EDT
From: vomlehn <vomlehn@ut-ngp.ARPA>
Posted-Date: Tue, 1 May 84 19:08:05 CDT
Message-Id: <8405020008.AA13032@ut-ngp.ARPA>
Received: by ut-ngp.ARPA (4.22/4.22)
id AA13032; Tue, 1 May 84 19:08:54 cdt
Date: Tue, 1 May 84 19:08:05 CDT
To: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
Subject: Aztec CII version 1.06 released
I got version 1.06 of Aztec CII for CP/M-80 recently and finally got
it installed. There are some unexpected things on the release disk.
First, there is no source library. I don't mind this since I am paying
Manx to fix the thing; I don't want to spend any time on it myself.
Second, there is no separate Z-80 library, though there is a separate
Z-80 compiler. I called the people at Manx and was told that there
is only one library. The code appropriate to the processor you want is
automatically selected. I didn't remember to ask at what level this was
done, so I don't know if it is determined by how you compiled the main
program, a minimization of processor across all of the compiled files
(i.e., if you compile any routine with the 8080 compiler it uses the 8080
library routines) or whether it figures out which type of processor is running
the linker and links in the routines for that processor. Third, all of
the #include files (i.e., the ones ending in .h) are in an archive file.
There is a program which you run (called arcv.com or something like that)
to extract them. The archive file is the only file whose name with .arc
on the disk.
Impressions: They have added MANY more routines to the library. Such
useful goodies as setjmp/longjmp, qsort (for a quicksort routine),
execl/exec (runs a new program with the given name), memory allocation
routines that allow you to free storage as well as allocating it and
many more. All the bugs I know of were fixed, including the most annoying
feature it had of flushing the disk buffer each time it wrote a character
to sdtout when it was redirected to a disk file. This means that
prog >prog.out
doesn't take forever to work. The manual was rewritten and is much improved.
They adopted the UNIX style of manual pages, which is much better than the
rather haphazard way they were doing things. The code generated is somewhat
smaller, but not very much and the compiler, assembler and linker run only
slightly faster. I wish that the Manx people knew enough about code generation
and optimization to produce really good code, but that is a problem shared
with most C compilers. Excluding that wish, the new C is much improved. If
you didn't know whether you should get the update service, do, the new version
is worth it. As you would hope, my only association with Manx Software is
that I use their product.
David M. VomLehn
ARPA: vomlehn@ut-ngp
USERNET: ...decvax!ihnp4!ut-ngp!vomlehn
1-May-84 22:35:37-MDT,5594;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 1 May 84 22:35:17-MDT
Received: From usc-isid.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 2 May 84 0:04 EDT
Date: 2 May 1984 00:05-EDT
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID] 2-May-84 00:05:37.ABN.COSCOM-CE>
The following is a review of a CPM 80 system called ATR8000 and made by a
company called SWP (Software Publishing). The ATR8000 allows the heretofore
left out Atari user acces to the CPM 80 and 86 world. The Atari computer is
hooked up as normal except that the ATR8000 is connected in the same position
that the Atari 850 interface box would go i.e. between the computer and all
periperals. The 850 box is no longer used (similar in use to the vestigial
human tail bone now) and the ATR8000 serves as the Atari interface box now.
The system can operate in two modes: as a CPM 80 machine or as a normal Atari
machine. I will discuss both systems.
When used in the Atari mode, the ATR8000 becomes a super-interface box. The
ATR8000 has 1 serial port, 1 parallel port, a standard 25 line disk drive
interface port, an Atari connector for Atari to ATR8000 connection and an
Atari connector for ATR8000 to Atari type disk drives. SWP sells a new DOS
called MYDOS which will handle single, Atari double, and true double density
disks on Atari drives. MYDOS will also allow the connection of just about any
type of drive to the ATR8000 25 conductor drive port and allow Atari files to
be stored on those drives (I am using an IBM PC compatible DDDS drive). The
drives can be configured in any order and even the IBM drive can be used to
boot Atari self booting disks. The parallel and serial port can both be used
for printers. The serial port can be used for computer to computer or modem
connection. The standard disk port can be used to connect up any 5 1/4 or 8"
drive that uses a standard 25 conductor bus. Up to 4 drives can be hooked up
to this port. The Atari connector port can be used to do normal Atari
periperal daisey chaining just as the 850 would be used. While in the Atari
mode the ATR8000 buffers all output using whatever memory is on the system.
So it serves as both a disk and printer buffer thereby freeing the Atari
system of that I/O wait.
In the CPM 80 mode the ATR8000 is a 64k Z 80 CPM machine. The CPM capable
system must be purchased with the maxed out 64k memory option (16k machines
for Atari interface use only are available). The 64k system comes with CPM 80
2.2 and a few utilities. One benny is that it comes with a tailored XMODEM
program for simple dumb terminal modem use. The CPM system does not come with
MBASIC hawever (bummer!). Other included code: CBIOS.ASM, BIOS.ASM, ASM.COM,
DDSYSGEN.COM, DDINIT.COM, and a few others I can't recall now. The CPM system
also comes with an Atari bootable program that lets the Atari display two 40
column windows for a total 80 column display. As an option, SWP will sell you
an Atari bootable program which will put a full 80 columns on a monitor
connected to the Atari. In the CPM mode you must have a standard disk drive
of some sort to boot the double density CPM system disk. The Atari drive
cannot be used to boot CPM. So far the CPM seems to be fairly generic and
modifiable. As an aside the SWP ATR8000 CPM system does not have to use an
Atari at all. Inside the box are jumpers to allow the system to be used with
a terminal as the keyboard and screen instead of the Atari. I have hooked up
an ADDS Regent 100 I have and it works perfectly. They recommend something
that is similar to an ADM3. So this system is not only for Atari users. Like
the Atari mode all the interfaces are the same with the terminal (if used)
being hooked up at the Atari connector with an Atari to RS232 cable SWP will
sell you.
Finally, there is a third system which I do not have. SWP will sell you an
ATR8000 add on board which will turn the 64k CPM 80 system into a 256k MS DOS
or CPM 86 system. This board is called the CO-Power 86 and uses the Intel
8086 I believe. The add on board allows the CPM 80 system to still be used.
The board comes with MS DOS. CPM 86 is an option for an extra fee.
Little points of interest: they processed my order in about 2 1/2 weeks and
the system was well packed. The documentation for set up and insallation is
fairly good. The tecnical information and CPM documentation is lacking.
There is no CPM manual. Only a few of the CPM routines are explained. They
readily answered technical questions on the phone and appeared knowledgeable
in helping me when my IBM drive wouldn't address properly.
Here are some general prices:
16k ATR8000.... $330.00
64k ATR8000 w/CPM... $430.00
80 Column Pgm... $30.00
Terminal cable... $30.00
Disk Drive cable... $30.00
MYDOS Pgm... $30.00
Co-Power 86 Board
w/128k, MS DOS $400.00
Co-Power 86 Board
w/256k, MS DOS $500.00
I will be glad to answer any questions. The system is a real bargain in my
opinion. So far it has performed perfectly.
Kevin Rappold
2-May-84 03:16:56-MDT,972;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 2 May 84 03:16:52-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 2 May 84 4:46 EDT
Date: 2 May 1984 04:44-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: Ribbon re-inkers
To: EB@mit-oz
cc: bhawkins%umass-cs.csnet@Csnet-Relay.ARPA, info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA,
In-reply-to: Msg of Tue 1 May 1984 10:20 EDT from EB%MIT-OZ at MIT-MC.ARPA
I also have one and it is very good. It works.
Date: Tue, 1 May 1984 10:20 EDT
To: Bruce Hawkins <bhawkins%umass-cs.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
cc: info-cpm at BRL.ARPA, info-micro at BRL.ARPA
Re: Ribbon re-inkers
I have been using a "Mac Inker" for about nine months. I have had
no problems with it and have been very satisfied.
2-May-84 03:24:08-MDT,573;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 2 May 84 03:24:05-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 2 May 84 5:05 EDT
Date: 2 May 1984 04:59-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: Applicard Review
To: Boebert@Mit-Multics.ARPA
cc: info-apple@Brl-Aos.ARPA, info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of Thu 26 Apr 84 10:17 EST from Boebert at MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
we are also happy with the new dri goldcard.
2-May-84 03:55:59-MDT,2383;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 2 May 84 03:55:50-MDT
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Received: From sri-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 2 May 84 5:34 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 2 May 84 2:18-PDT
Date: 27 Apr 84 10:32:14-PST (Fri)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!ihuxx!ignatz@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Ha, Ha, gee, you're sure funny, MicroPro...
Article-I.D.: ihuxx.731
I just received my WordStar and MailMerge 3.30 updates from MicroPro
for my Osborne-1. In a not unreasonable assumption, they decided
on distribution to put those line status flags in column 80. Trouble
is, the O-1 with the screenpack goes all the way to column 108.
Now, in the old 3.0 WordStar, I'd patched the value to move them
out of the way, but this is a new ball game--the old patcher is gone
from the install, and the addresses are different. So, in a kind of
desultory, not-expecting-success kind of way, I decided to poke at
the bottom of the WordStar disk image with DUU and see if I could
recognize the patch area; but I was auto-incrementing, and went just
two sectors too far, and fell into the wsovly1.ovr overlay. And
guess what I saw there...
00 C300000D 0A434F50 59524947 48542028 *C....COPYRIGHT (*
10 43292031 3938332C 204D6963 726F5072 *C) 1983, MicroPr*
20 6F20496E 7465726E 6174696F 6E616C20 *o International *
30 436F7270 6F726174 696F6E2E 0D0A416C *Corporation...Al*
40 6C207269 67687473 20726573 65727665 *l rights reserve*
50 642E0D0A 0A576F72 64537461 72207265 *d....WordStar re*
60 6C656173 6520332E 33302020 6F766572 *lease 3.30 over*
70 6C617920 66696C65 206E756D 62657220 *lay file number *
G=17:01, T=7, S=26, PS=25
00 312E0D0A 1A4E4F53 45592C20 4152454E *1....NOSEY, AREN*
10 27542059 4f553f00 00000000 00000000 *'T YOU?.........*
20 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
50 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
60 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
70 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
Dave Ihnat
2-May-84 07:38:07-MDT,974;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 2 May 84 07:38:02-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 2 May 84 8:58 EDT
Date: 2 May 1984 06:59 MDT (Wed)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12012104318.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: SETIDS.ASM Prism/Microprisom program available
Thanks to Bob Bloom <bbloom@Brl-Mis> we now have SETIDS.ASM available
on SIMTEL20, in the MICRO:<CPM.GENASM> directory.
Here's a short explanation of what it does:
setids.asm (version 1.4a) - developed from Irv Hoff's setmx, this program
allows the user to quickly set up the IDS prism or microprism printer.
(probably will work for the paper tiger too.) The menu selections include
pitch selection, normal/enhanced, draft/"NLQ", proportional/fixed,
page skip (top+bottom margins), left/right margins, graphics toggle.
2-May-84 11:55:34-MDT,3761;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 2 May 84 11:55:20-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 2 May 84 13:13 EDT
Date: 2 May 1984 11:14 MDT (Wed)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12012150654.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: BYE3-22 modem remote console program available
BYE-3, the remote console program that allows modem callers to use
your system, has been updated to BYE3-22. It is now available, along
with updated overlays, on SIMTEL20 in the MICRO:<CPM.BYE3> directory.
Here's the .INF file that tells what's available:
TOPIC : BYE3-22 inserts currently available
DATE : 14 APR 84
BYE3-22.ASM Source code file needed for any of the inserts below.
B3ACAT-4.ASM Apple II with Novation Apple-Cat modem card
B3APMN-5.ASM Apple II with Mountain CPS serial card and external modem
B3APPL-3.FIX Apple comuters use a non-standard CCP length; how to fix
B3COMP-4.ASM CompuPro Interfacer 3 or 4, System Support 1 systems
B3DATA-4.ASM Datapoint insert (8251A and CTC timer to set baud rates)
B3DCH-4.ASM Apple II with Hayes Micromodem 100 or 80-103 modem card
B3HZ10-4.ASM Heath/Zenith -100 series (2661B at 4.9 MHz.)
B3HZ89-4.ASM Heath/Zenith H89 (8250 I/O at 2 MHz.)
B3KPRO-5.ASM KayPro (Zilog SIO)
B3LBD-4.ASM AMPRO "little board" with Zilog Dart I/O and CTC baud rate
B3MMII-4.ASM Apple II with Hayes Micromodem II card
B3OSCP-4.ASM Osborne OS-1 with COMM-PAC internal modem (300 baud only)
B3PMMI-4.ASM PMMI S-100 plug in modem board
B3SIO-4.ASM Zilog SIO insert with CTC timer to set baud rates
B3SM51-4.ASM Hayes Smartmodem extended insert (for 8251 I/O)
B3T802-4.ASM TeleVideo TS-802 with external modem
B3TRS-4.ASM Radio Shack TRS-80 model III
B3CERM+1.ASM Cermetek Infomate 212a external modem insert.
(this does for the Cermetek what the Smartmodem module
in BYE3-22 does).
(Others will be added as they become available.)
Here's the list of files as they appear here at SIMTEL20. Note that
the Cermatec filename has a "P" substituted for the "+" (which is a
reserved character under TOPS-20).
Filename Type Bytes Sectors CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.BYE3>
B3ACAT-4.ASM.1 ASCII 6764 53 = 35H 9E6CH
B3APMN-5.ASM.1 ASCII 6707 53 = 35H C77BH
B3APPL-3.FIX.1 ASCII 873 7 = 7H 2379H
B3CERMP1.ASM.1 ASCII 4486 36 = 24H EFC5H
B3COMP-4.ASM.1 ASCII 9422 74 = 4AH A10BH
B3DATA-4.ASM.1 ASCII 6391 50 = 32H ABFAH
B3DCH-4.ASM.1 ASCII 5679 45 = 2DH 5737H
B3HZ10-4.ASM.1 ASCII 4262 34 = 22H 9410H
B3HZ89-4.ASM.1 ASCII 7275 57 = 39H 31F4H
B3KPRO-5.ASM.1 ASCII 6490 51 = 33H 82F5H
B3LBD-4.ASM.1 ASCII 7681 61 = 3DH DD70H
B3MMII-4.ASM.1 ASCII 6525 51 = 33H 26E9H
B3OSCP-4.ASM.1 ASCII 6245 49 = 31H C6E1H
B3PMMI-4.ASM.1 ASCII 7137 56 = 38H D54EH
B3SIO-4.ASM.1 ASCII 6804 54 = 36H CDB8H
B3SM51-4.ASM.1 ASCII 19774 155 = 9BH CF51H
B3T802-4.ASM.1 ASCII 8182 64 = 40H CF3FH
B3TRS-4.ASM.1 ASCII 5577 44 = 2CH 02B9H
BYE3-22.AQM.1 COM 44288 346 = 15AH 0FFCH
BYE3-22.ASM.1 ASCII 68198 533 = 215H 08A1H
BYE3-22.INF.1 ASCII 1657 13 = DH 1406H
Also, for those who need the WHOLE package of all files:
BYE3-22.LBR.1 COM 134144 1048 = 418H E3E7H
2-May-84 12:27:23-MDT,911;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 2 May 84 12:27:14-MDT
Received: From lll-mfe.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 2 May 84 14:03 EDT
Date: Wed, 2 May 84 11:01 PDT
From: "Morton Jim"@LLL-MFE.ARPA
To: info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
I have a Signalman Anchor modem, which used controlled pulse dialing.
This means that there is an RS-232 Pin which if i set the modem is "off hook"
and if i reset the modem is "on hook". You dial a number by pulsing the
line hi and low for the appropriate number of times for each digit of the
phone number.
I need a 8080 or z80 code to dial this modem, preferably one that is
compatible with mdm7whatever. If there are no such codes, I will write one
but would like to avoid re-coding the wheel so to speak.
Thanks in advance for any help,
Jim Morton
3-May-84 06:39:02-MDT,804;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 3 May 84 06:38:58-MDT
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Received: by nalcon (4.12/4.7)
id AA00258; Thu, 3 May 84 08:19:06 edt
Date: Thu, 3 May 84 08:19:06 edt
From: Avrunin <avrunin@Nalcon.ARPA>
Message-Id: <8405031219.AA00258@nalcon>
To: "Morton, Jim"@LLL-MFE.ARPA, info-cpm@amsaa.ARPA
The overlay for the apple ][ with Hayes micromodem ][ has a pulse dialing
routine. It gets a phone number from the input or library and goes on
and off hook the appropriate number of times. This should give you a
good start toward what you need. It is overlay M7AQ-3.ASM The dialing
part is pretty obvious in it.
Larry AVrunin
3-May-84 07:24:18-MDT,6445;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 3 May 84 07:23:52-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 3 May 84 8:38 EDT
Date: 3 May 1984 06:41 MDT (Thu)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12012363120.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: BYE3-22 updated to BYE3-23 with some new overlays
BYE3-22 has been replaced by BYE3-23 and some new overlays have been
added. Don't dispair, there's a short .DIF file for those who got
BYE3-22 after reading my annoucement yesterday. Here's a short
description of what's been changed in the most recent versions:
; 04/30/84 Repaired two very obscure bugs which caused the COMFILE
; v3-23 to be partially overwritten if a certain combination of
; equates were set. (Sorry folks, I introduced the bug, I
; hope none of you got caught-- look, you get what you pay
; for...<grimace>)
; -> ALSO, changed Smartmodem routines to be more favorable
; to USR S100 modems (and the Hayes jobbies).
; -> ALSO, removed PMMI equate because it is unnecessary
; and also confusing. If those baud rates do not exist,
; they will not be tested for. (As defined by my specifications
; for the modules (I wrote the specs when I wrote ByeII.)
; -- Paul Traina
; 04/14/84 Modified the LOSER routine to work better. Included a PMMI
; v3-22 modem equate making the 450, 600 and 710 bps choices avail-
; able. (If you want 450, set this equate YES and change the
; external insert accordingly.) Major refomatting - trying a
; new idea this time - alphabetized most routines - isolating
; and tagging them for easy location (a welcome improvement.)
; - Irv Hoff
; 04/11/84 Fixed the bug which prevented the distributed v3-20 version
; v3-21 from working. (A missing RET forced CONSTAT: to drop into
; CONIN: whenever checking the console status.) Added comment
; about the Racal-Vadic triple modems which are now being used
; by an increasing number of SYSOPs.
; - Irv Hoff
; 04/04/84 Re-wrote the code handling the inclusion of the Hayes Smart-
; v3-20 modem routine. There are now two separate equates, SMODEM
; and IMODEM. If you have a Hayes-compatible modem, then set
; both equates to YES. If you have a different type of intel-
; ligent modem (i.e., Cermetek, Racal-Vadic, Rixon, etc.) then
; set only IMODEM to YES. Routines are already included for
; the Hayes-compatible modems. If using one of the other non-
; Hayes compatible modems tack your intelligent modem routines
; onto the end of your custom I/O routine. For a further de-
; Scription and example, see the external B3COMP-4.ASM insert.
; -> Added CHGPATH: equate to change ZCPR2's path so that when in
; in remote mode, 1 path is enabled, and when local, SYSOP has
; has another command path enabled.
; -> Fixed bug dealing with user areas in ZCPR2/ZCMD with USEZCPR
; -> Also modified the Hayes Smartmodem routine. Changed an OUT
; DATAPORT to a CALL MDOUTP. - Paul Traina
TOPIC : BYE3-23 inserts currently available
DATE : 3 MAY 84
BYE3-23.ASM Source code file needed for any of the inserts below.
BYE3-23.FIX A one-character fix needed if CHGPATH is used.
B3ACAT-4.ASM Apple II with Novation Apple-Cat modem card
B3APMN-5.ASM Apple II with Mountain CPS serial card and external modem
B3APPL-3.FIX Apple comuters use a non-standard CCP length; how to fix
B3COMP-5.ASM CompuPro Interfacer 3 or 4, System Support 1 systems
B3DATA-4.ASM Datapoint insert (8251A and CTC timer to set baud rates)
B3DCH-4.ASM Apple II with Hayes Micromodem 100 or 80-103 modem card
B3HZ10-4.ASM Heath/Zenith -100 series (2661B at 4.9 MHz.)
B3HZ89-4.ASM Heath/Zenith H89 (8250 I/O at 2 MHz.)
B3KPRO-5.ASM KayPro (Zilog SIO)
B3LBD-4.ASM AMPRO "little board" with Zilog Dart I/O and CTC baud rate
B3MMII-4.ASM Apple II with Hayes Micromodem II card
B3OSCP-4.ASM Osborne OS-1 with COMM-PAC internal modem (300 baud only)
B3PMMI-4.ASM PMMI S-100 plug in modem board
B3SIO-4.ASM Zilog SIO insert with CTC timer to set baud rates
B3SM51-4.ASM Hayes Smartmodem extended insert (for 8251 I/O)
B3T802-4.ASM TeleVideo TS-802 with external modem
B3TRS-4.ASM Radio Shack TRS-80 model III
B3USR-1.ASM U.S. Robotics internal S-100 modem
B3CERM+2.ASM Cermetek Infomate 212a external modem insert.
(this does for the Cermetek what the Smartmodem module
in BYE3-23 does).
(Others will be added as they become available.)
Here's a list of the files as they appear on SIMTEL20 (new files are
marked with "*"):
Filename Type Bytes Sectors CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.BYE3>
B3ACAT-4.ASM.1 ASCII 6764 53 = 35H 9E6CH
B3APMN-5.ASM.1 ASCII 6707 53 = 35H C77BH
B3APPL-3.FIX.1 ASCII 873 7 = 7H 2379H
B3CERMP2.ASM.1 * ASCII 4455 35 = 23H 6DA1H
B3COMP-5.ASM.1 * ASCII 9415 74 = 4AH D699H
B3DATA-4.ASM.1 ASCII 6391 50 = 32H ABFAH
B3DCH-4.ASM.1 ASCII 5679 45 = 2DH 5737H
B3HZ10-4.ASM.1 ASCII 4262 34 = 22H 9410H
B3HZ89-4.ASM.1 ASCII 7275 57 = 39H 31F4H
B3KPRO-5.ASM.1 ASCII 6490 51 = 33H 82F5H
B3LBD-4.ASM.1 ASCII 7681 61 = 3DH DD70H
B3MMII-4.ASM.1 ASCII 6525 51 = 33H 26E9H
B3OSCP-4.ASM.1 ASCII 6245 49 = 31H C6E1H
B3PMMI-4.ASM.1 ASCII 7137 56 = 38H D54EH
B3SIO-4.ASM.1 ASCII 6804 54 = 36H CDB8H
B3SM51-4.ASM.1 ASCII 19774 155 = 9BH CF51H
B3T802-4.ASM.1 ASCII 8182 64 = 40H CF3FH
B3TRS-4.ASM.1 ASCII 5577 44 = 2CH 02B9H
B3USR-1.ASM.1 * ASCII 7752 61 = 3DH 4A9AH
BY3-2223.DIF.1 * ASCII 3888 31 = 1FH 0E01H
BYE3-23.AQM.1 * COM 44160 345 = 159H 6A22H
BYE3-23.ASM.1 * ASCII 67753 530 = 212H AEDAH
BYE3-23.FIX.1 * ASCII 853 7 = 7H E0C4H
BYE3-23.INF.1 * ASCII 1714 14 = EH 316BH
BYE3-23.UPD.1 * ASCII 2507 20 = 14H 287EH
Sorry, because of this update, the .LBR is no longer available on
3-May-84 07:35:30-MDT,715;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 3 May 84 07:35:25-MDT
Received: From usc-isid.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 3 May 84 8:49 EDT
Date: 3 May 1984 08:49-EDT
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID] 3-May-84 08:49:01.ABN.COSCOM-CE>
I incorrectly stated in my review of the SWP ATR8000, that the coprocessor
board, Co-Power 88, uses the Intel 8086...it doesn't, it uses the normal
Intel 8088 chip.
Sorry about that.
Kevin Rappold
3-May-84 07:52:38-MDT,745;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 3 May 84 07:52:32-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 3 May 84 9:24 EDT
Date: 3 May 1984 07:16 MDT (Thu)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12012369530.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: SIMTEL20 CP/M directory list update
MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST on SIMTEL20 (the file listing all the filenames,
sizes and CRCs of the MICRO<CPM.xx> directories) has been updated as
of today. If you cannot FTP it, and you are not already on the list
to receive it via netmail, send a note to W8SDZ@SIMTEL20 asking to be
added to the list.
3-May-84 13:25:49-MDT,864;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 3 May 84 13:25:39-MDT
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Received: by YALE-BULLDOG via CHAOS; Thu, 3 May 84 12:30:25 EDT
Received: from YALE-ZOO by YALE-RES via CHAOS; Thu, 3 May 84 12:20:40 EDT
Subject: Want to hear your comments on C compilers
Date: Thu, 3 May 84 12:20:42 EDT
From: Duncan Wong <Wong-Duncan@YALE.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
I would like to hear about your experience with different C compilers
for CP/M machines. There are many out on the market, all claiming full
K&R implementation, ultimate speed, and good code generation. Who's
telling the truth.
------ Duncan Wong <Wong-Duncan@yale-comix>
4-May-84 02:11:50-MDT,1184;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 4 May 84 02:11:46-MDT
Received: From xerox.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 4 May 84 3:43 EDT
Received: from Concord.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 03 MAY 84 10:53:54 PDT
Date: 3 May 84 10:46:51 PDT (Thursday)
Subject: 68K board for sale
To: XeroxInfo-CPM^.wbst@XEROX.ARPA
cc: 68000Interest^.wbst@XEROX.ARPA, Info-Cpm@AMSAA.ARPA, Bicer.ES@XEROX.ARPA
Reply-To: Bicer.ES@XEROX.ARPA
I have a Compupro 68000 board (CSC 10MegHz, IEEE-696 specs), used only
weeks (project cancelled). Also included are: CP/M 68K operating system
Assembler, Debugger and C compiler, as well as the Mince 68K full screen
editor. The software (bios) is configured for Compupro Disk I, System
or Interfacer 4, and minimum of 128K ram. Also a complete Forth
developement package with a Forth operating system. The software
includes the manuals.
I will accept one of the following in return:
1 - Cash: $950. (U.S. currency only)
2 - Compupro Mdrive/H
3 - A hard disk sytem for Compupro
4 - IEEE-696 fast memory (preferably Compupro)
4-May-84 03:04:23-MDT,2060;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 4 May 84 03:04:16-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 4 May 84 4:33 EDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 4 May 84 1:12-PDT
Date: 7 May 84 11:04:01-EDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!houxm!hogpc!houti!ariel!vax135!ukc!west44!westcsr!phil@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: C/80 C Compiler (Unix Compatible Library)
Article-I.D.: westcsr.127
Regarding the recent comments on the various C compilers available for
CP/M-80, I agree that C/80 is generally good but suffers from an inadequate
library (especially the printf bug). Consequently, some time ago, I started to
write a new one - to be compatible with the standard Unix library. This is now
done with the exception of float related functions (and I'll do that lot in
the summer).
What I want to know is: Is there sufficient interest in it for me to
re-package and distribute it (for a nominal sum to cover disk, carriage etc.) ?
If anyone is interested could they mail me, if there is enough response I'll
post details on the net of how to get it.
Here are a few details:
- needs Z80, CP/M 2.2 and M80/L80
- approx. ninety functions and system variables
- printf works properly (with a simple patch to the compiler)
- limited form of stty
- proper lseek, set/longjmp and malloc/free
- command line parser supports >>
- separate CP/M library to allow direct access to BDOS
- can alter device drivers at run time
Now a quick wish-list. Does there exist, or does anybody fancy writing,
an assembler/linker tailored to the C/80 compiler? For instance, with some sort
of optimiser, that would follow the same rules concerning variable names as
C/80, that would be automatically loaded from C/80. Just a thought.
Phil Thompson
Dept. of Computer Science
Westfield College
Kidderpore Ave.
London NW3 7ST
4-May-84 09:15:49-MDT,854;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 4 May 84 09:15:43-MDT
Received: From usc-isid.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 4 May 84 10:34 EDT
Date: 4 May 1984 10:37-EDT
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID] 4-May-84 10:37:35.ABN.COSCOM-CE>
I am a new owner of a CPM 2.2 machine. I am already looking for a replacement
to ED.COM. In the <CPM> and <CPMUG> directories there are numerous text
editors and word processors. Does anybody have any recommendations from among
these? I particularly need something that will read | a file that is bigger
than memory by paging.
Thanks in advance.
Kevin Rappold
4-May-84 11:56:00-MDT,1490;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 4 May 84 11:55:48-MDT
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id AA21936; Fri, 4 May 84 10:03:50 pdt
Received: from ucbopal.CC.Berkeley.ARPA by ucbjade.CC.Berkeley.ARPA
(4.14.3/4.16) id AA25025; Fri, 4 May 84 10:04:02 pdt
Received: by ucbopal.CC.Berkeley.ARPA
(4.14/4.16) id AA25762; Fri, 4 May 84 10:03:27 pdt
Date: Fri, 4 May 84 10:03:27 pdt
From: William C. Wells <wcwells%ucbopal.CC@Ucb-Vax.ARPA>
Message-Id: <8405041703.AA25762@ucbopal.CC.Berkeley.ARPA>
To: sdcsvax!bmcg!asgb!rob@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: SIMTEL help (SIMTELP?..yuk)
Cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
You must be on a host conected to one of the Internet networks (eg.
ARPANET, MILNET, etc.) to access files in the CPM program library on
the SIMTEL20 system. The CPM program library on SIMTEL20 is primarily
an organized version of the CP/M Users Group and SIG/M public software
volumes (with superceded versions of programs deleted).
The CP/M Users Group and SIG/M public domain volumes are available from
several offnet sources. One of the best offnet sources for CPM public
software is the PicoNet CP/M Users Group, P.O. Box 391566, Mountain
View, CA 94039.
Bill Wells
4-May-84 15:44:08-MDT,895;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 4 May 84 15:44:02-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 4 May 84 13:55-PDT
Date: 30 Apr 84 9:25:54-PDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!houxm!hou2h!atttl@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: QT Computer S-100 Clock
Article-I.D.: hou2h.420
Pierre duPont
In checking at home, I found that I bought the QT S-100 Clock
board from:
The Great Salt Lake Computer Co., Inc.
1780 W. 2300 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84119
I bought it in response to an advertisement last December, 83.
If all else fails, they may be able to tell you where to get the
information you need.
Ed Baldwin, AT&T Technologies, hou2h!atttl
4-May-84 16:11:02-MDT,1365;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 4 May 84 16:10:55-MDT
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Date: 4 May 1984 17:50-EDT
Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID] 4-May-84 17:50:51.ABN.ISCAMS>
In-Reply-To: <[USC-ISID] 4-May-84 10:37:35.ABN.COSCOM-CE>
Lt Rappold,
I'm now (in my copious free time) looking at SECRTARY.BAS (or something like
that) from the SIGM library at SIMTEL20, and will give you an opinion in a
few days. There are several other editors I'm also looking at (I agree
another Public Domain editor would be most useful) -- but no opinions yet.
I'm only looking at the BASIC version because of transportability, accepting
the probable speed handicap.
I look forward to other responses/recommendations from Netland.
(Incidentally -- did you read the message from that non-technical person
out on the net -- didn't know about the WaferVax. How about doing a
download of your O/S from your loaner to him? Oops, forgot, proprietary,
isn't it?) Are you finished with my breakout box yet? You should have the
VT200 interfaced to the WV by now, don't you?
4-May-84 17:21:56-MDT,1060;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 4 May 84 17:21:50-MDT
Received: From sumex-aim.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 4 May 84 18:56 EDT
Received: from ISL by SUMEX-AIM with Pup; Fri 4 May 84 15:46:43-PDT
Date: Friday, 4 May 1984 15:47-PDT
In-reply-to: Your message of 4 May 1984 17:50-EDT.
<[USC-ISID] 4-May-84 17:50:51.ABN.ISCAMS>
From: kevinw@isl
for editors there is version 1 (i believe) of the ream editor -- a bdsc
screen editor -- the most prevalent micro c despite its nonstandard library.
for text procesors there are nro and roff4 (both i bdsc) -- i have used both
(now use roff4 -- it handles printer codes better (but not well, alas).
both are fairly transportable (to any cpm80 system with bds-c) and should
even be moveable to other c compilers with minimal difficulty (only certain
io calls should be incorrect...)
- K
4-May-84 20:37:17-MDT,1005;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 4 May 84 20:37:09-MDT
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4 May 84 22:18 EDT
Received: from HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA by CISL-SERVICE-MULTICS.ARPA dial; 04-May-1984 22:09:58-edt
Date: Fri, 4 May 84 18:37 MST
From: Kevin Kenny <Kenny@his-phoenix-multics.arpa>
Subject: Cautions regarding UUCP mail
To: "William C. Wells" <wcwells%ucbopal.CC@UCB-VAX.ARPA>
Message-ID: <840505013719.828229@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA>
For the benefit of those of us on the Arpanet who don't read net.mail,
could someone possibly post a brief discussion of the topology of UUCP
to INFO-CPM? I know that some UUCP hosts relay a lot of mail, and that
a reasonably good mailing path can be constructed from the Usenet string
*if* you know who talks to whom. I don't.
4-May-84 20:49:29-MDT,1050;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 4 May 84 20:49:18-MDT
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4 May 84 22:18 EDT
Received: from HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA by CISL-SERVICE-MULTICS.ARPA dial; 04-May-1984 22:10:28-edt
Date: Fri, 4 May 84 18:43 MST
From: Kevin Kenny <Kenny@his-phoenix-multics.arpa>
Subject: BIOS source for Altos Series 5?
Message-ID: <840505014340.188320@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA>
Has anyone a source for a CP/M 2.2 CBIOS on the Altos Series 5? The
manufacturer is being difficult about releasing it, and I really haven't
the time to grind the dratted thing through REZ and then decipher what
the code is doing; I certainly haven't the time to rewrite it!
If not, even a description of where, if anywhere, is a safe patch area
would help. I'm trying to install some BDOS patches that need a bit of
extra space.
5-May-84 02:22:11-MDT,2092;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 5 May 84 02:22:05-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 5 May 84 0:46-PDT
Date: 1 May 84 8:49:16-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!intelca!cem@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: BIOS Techniques, a question.
Article-I.D.: intelca.256
This has probably been asked before however, I am writing a BIOS for CP/M.
I have 2 DSDD drives that will read technically 4 formats :
SS/SD - Definitly need this one.
SS/DD - Would be nice (cheap disks)
DS/SD - Sort of redundant
DS/DD - Main Format.
Now, I want to use all of the above formats on each physical drive as well
as logical drive. The questions are :
a.) How do I switch formats ? Do I overwrite the Parameter Block or do I
somehow change pointers to it.
b.) When is a change of formats allowed and when is it an error ? For
instance, when I read a disk, I first try the last format used, if
that fails I try double density, if that works I read it in. On
warmboot this is obviously not an error since one has no idea what
format disk has been put in the drive, but if you have previously
read a disk with one format and now it is another (like dir b: many
times while swapping in disks to find the right one.) how do you
know when it is an error ?
Does anyone have a source for information, or an example BIOS, where
such a thing is implemented? I would just like to see how it is done.
Note: I have a book written by Andy Johnson-Laird called The Programmers
CP/M Handbook. This book is an *excellent* text and a must for anyone
considering playing around with a BIOS or CP/M internals. It is published
by Osborne-McGraw-Hill and I got a copy at Crown books here in No. Calif.
Thanks for any help you can offer,
5-May-84 08:05:27-MDT,906;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 5 May 84 08:05:23-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 5 May 84 9:44 EDT
Date: 5 May 1984 07:47 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12012899427.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: New patch information for WordStar 3.0
Thanks to Bob Bloom <bbloom at Brl-Mis.ARPA> we now have a revised and
expanded list of all the known patch points in WordStar version 3.0,
including terminal and printer patch area, dispatch tables, default
settings, and the proportional spacing table.
The files are available from SIMTEL20 as:
MICRO:<CPM.WSTAR>WS30PAT.PQS (squeezed version of same file, stored
in ITS-binary format).
6-May-84 07:41:05-MDT,1705;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 6 May 84 07:40:58-MDT
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Date: 2 May 84 6:59:01-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: harpo!ulysses!burl!pmh@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: XEROX Info Request (820-1)
Article-I.D.: burl.456
(The sound of bugs munching on your foundation)
I'm posting this article as a fervent plea for info regarding the
820 disk interfacing techniques required for 5 1/4" drives of the
DEC RX180AB persuasion.
I personnaly don't own an 820, but none of the folks in my office
who do have a log-in.
They have managed to get the drives to work only by grounding the
motor-on line. Unfortunately, if the system is inadvertently reset
while the disks are loaded, the heads bounce down, deposit a little
garbage and then crash goes the system disk (write protected or
not). Needless to say, my colleagues are rather upset over these
trials and tribulations so if anyone out there in net land can help
out, please mail info to me and I'll pass it along to the concerned
Also, if anyone out there knows of a cheap source of XEROX CPM 2.2x,
please pass it along.
One more thing..... These guys are relentless... Does anyone have a
schematic for a double density controller for the 820-1? How about
supporting PROM's and operating systems?
Thanks in advance..
Pete Hermsen
Bendix Field Engineering Corp.
PO Box 2304
Burlington, NC 27216
6-May-84 08:48:25-MDT,748;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 6 May 84 08:48:21-MDT
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Date: 6 May 1984 08:31 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12013169510.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: MDM730 PATCHES
Reply-To: PLOUFF@Mit-Mc.ARPA
PAT730V7.ASM (for MDM730.COM) is now in MICRO:<CPM.MODEM7> at
SIMTEL20. It includes an important bug fix that caused an occasional
endless loop when sending file names in batch mode. It also includes
Irv's bug fixes for alternate long distance dialing as well as
"disk-full" problem in capture mode.
6-May-84 08:49:49-MDT,3135;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 6 May 84 08:49:40-MDT
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Date: 6 May 1984 08:24 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12013168279.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: WordStar key configuration program for Heath/Zenith 19/89/90/100
WSKEY is a machine language module which can by attached to the
back of MicroPro's WordStar (ver. 3.0 or 3.3) for CP/M-80. When
in place, it will translate the function and numeric keypad key
codes on the Heath/Zenith H/Z-19,29,89,90, and 100 series terminals
and computers into user defined commands and strings to be
interpreted by WordStar.
If you have the latest CP/M-80 WordStar from Zenith (Version
3.3), your arrow keys already work, and the function keys
generate the most often used control keys. However, simply
having a single control code generated by a function key is not a
great savings of keystrokes! It would be far more useful to have
specific multistroke WordStar functions generated by a single
function key. With WSKEY, you can do that. Moreover, it is not
an internal patch in WordStar, so that it will not affect any
special configurations or installations you have made.
The special advantage of WSKEY is its small size (only 512 bytes
take from WordStar's available space) and the fact that it loads
and unloads automatically when WordStar is used. It can be used
to configure the function and keypad keys on the H-19, Z-29, H-
89, and the Z-100 (under 8085 control) to generate any meaningful
command string or often-used text line in WordStar.
You may examine the function key and numeric keypad definitions
in the file WSKEY.DEF. These definitions may be changed to your
own commands using a patch table shown in WSKEY.DOC.
Also included are a series of SUB and HEX files which are ready
to automatically patch your version of WordStar. The names taken
for these files, WSKExxyy., correspond to the WordStar version and
the terminal or computer you wish to use:
WordStar Version
3.0 3.3
H-19, H/Z-89,90 WSKE3019. WSKE3319.
H/Z-29, Z-100s WSKE3029. WSKE3329.
If you wish to redefine the command or ASCII string sent when a
function key is pressed while in WordStar, you can patch WSK.COM
at locations detailed in WSKEY.DOC.
The following files are now available on SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes Sectors CRC
WSKE3019.HEX.1 ASCII 2165 17 = 11H 1AD6H
WSKE3019.SUB.1 ASCII 70 1 = 1H 89FAH
WSKE3029.HEX.1 ASCII 2386 19 = 13H 8F40H
WSKE3029.SUB.1 ASCII 70 1 = 1H 9DD6H
WSKE3319.HEX.1 ASCII 2165 17 = 11H 4A69H
WSKE3319.SUB.1 ASCII 70 1 = 1H DC05H
WSKE3329.HEX.1 ASCII 2386 19 = 13H D31FH
WSKE3329.SUB.1 ASCII 70 1 = 1H 3B9BH
WSKEY.DOC.1 ASCII 5442 43 = 2BH 1B19H
6-May-84 09:19:36-MDT,873;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 6 May 84 09:19:32-MDT
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Date: 1 May 84 18:00:10-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!sdcsvax!noscvax!uhpgvax!islenet!richard@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Patches for ZSID please
Article-I.D.: islenet.372
Does anyone have the info on patching Zsid to change the restart vector
used for breakpoints? I know it's floating around somewhere...
Also, does anyone have a fix for the raunchy way Zsid displays relative
addressing in its disassembly output?
Thank you
Richard Foulk ...{dual,vortex,uhpgvax}!islenet!richard
6-May-84 14:07:39-MDT,1920;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 6 May 84 14:07:33-MDT
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Date: 26 Apr 84 8:17:32-PST (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!stolaf!umn-cs!digi-g!jel@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Surplus S100 Graphics Boards for sale
Article-I.D.: digi-g.164
DigiGraphics has some surplus Scion graphics equipment for sale from a
defunct product. There are between 20 and 40 bit plane boards, and
one fourth as many palette boards. Our product would have used one
palette board and four bit plane boards. The palette board also
includes Scion's Screenware firmware.
This product is currently supported and sold by Scion. Packaged
as we use them (4+1), they go for around $5k qty 1. For each package,
we would certainly accept any offer in the $3k range and probably a good
deal lower than that. If you are at all interested, contact us. We
would also consider selling the boards unbundled, so if you want just
another bit plane (model MA520) or two to go with your existing Scion
unit, let us know. The resolution of the system is 512x480, with
a LARGE number of colors and a good-sized palette (I wasn't on the
project, and I haven't got the figures in hand).
We are not distributing this product, and when the boards we have are
gone, we will not be getting any more. The company has already expensed
these out, so if you are a wheeler-dealer, you may make a really good
deal for yourself, but don't tell them I told you so. Best of luck.
John Lind, DSC, 10273 Yellow Circle Drive, Mpls MN 55343 (612)935-9111
news : ihnp4!stolaf!umn-cs!digi-g
mail : { ihnp4!umn-cs, stolaf!umn-cs, umn-cme }!digi-g!jel
7-May-84 04:22:53-MDT,2094;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 7 May 84 04:22:46-MDT
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Date: 2 May 84 7:54:05-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!houxm!hogpc!houti!ariel!vax135!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!aecom!glen@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Neophyte CP/M 2.2 Question (BIOS disk flush)
Article-I.D.: aecom.554
In reply to: Mark Becker <CENT.MBECK%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Welcome, Mark, to hacker's paradise - BIOSland. The disk flush
you saw in the BIOS CONIN call is very common, especially on
systems implementing disk sector sizes of over 128 bytes. The
reason is simple: CP/M deals with record sizes of 128 bytes, so
the BIOS must buffer all disk operations if the sector size is
larger in order to accommodate the smaller read/writes.
The flush in your BIOS is simply a safety feature. Since writes
are also buffered, what would happen if you changed disks while
the system still had the buffer in memory? Simply, chaos. You'd
lose the ending sectors of your file and maybe the file entry
from the directory itself (especially if the BIOS buffers the
directory). Therefore, the BIOS dumps the buffer at the point
when most (system-friendly) users change disks - at console
Some BIOSes even dump the buffer on console output for a case
where the system churns for a while on disk and then starts
outputting pages of stuff to the screen or printer. If the user
got frustrated, he might just reset the system and therefore lose
the buffer contents.
This is one bit of foresight you can thank your manufacturer for!
- E N J O Y ! -
- - - - - -
>From the core dump of:
Glen Marianko
ConIX Software Division, | Microcomputer Division,
Computer Helper Industries Inc. | AECOMputing Center
7-May-84 05:24:58-MDT,4160;000000000000
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Date: 11 Apr 84 9:45:50-PST (Wed)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: harpo!ulysses!burl!clyde!akgua!psuvax!mancuso@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Xerox 820 REVEALED#5--updates & hints
Article-I.D.: psuvax.978
It works!! We succeded in getting CP/M 2.0 up on one of the boards the
other night, so now it is official--it *is* possible. I wrote a boot
program and the CBIOS section and well, it works. The code still needs
some work to make it bulletproof, though. Most of the functions map right
over to the Xerox monitor ROM entry points with a bit of shuffling. There
are some little things that need to be changed (CP/M sends characters in the
C register to be output, and Xerox wants them in the A register...) but nothing
too difficult.
Some updates and hints:
In a previous article I mentioned that the monitor command 'B' also boots
the system. It does, but it boots from disk 01 instead of disk 00 like the
'A' command does. If your boot program (like mine) assumes that the system
will be cold-booted from drive 00, make sure you use the 'A' command to boot
the system.
I just got this update on the 'undocumented' monitor entry points:
>From .....!ucbvax!waldron.wbst@Xerox.ARPA Wed Apr 11 07:32:57 1984
Subject: Re: Xerox 820 REVEALED#2--Monitor Jump Tables
I hope I can fill in some of the blanks. This info is from the 820
Software Development guide. I have not tested any of them. For those
that were short and
clear I typed the actual code listing with comments verbatim.
F033 SPACE Print a space
In : ??
Out: ??
F03F ASCHEX Convert ascii to hex
CP 10
CP 10
CP 16
F7F3 BLOCK Block move routine
F7F9 FILL Memory fill routine
F7FC TEST Memory diagnostics
F7FF GOTO Execution routine
F802 VERCMD Memory block compare
In : ??
Out: ??
Hope this helps.
Thanks again.
The connections we used for the disk drive (SA800/801) are:
Xerox Floppy Name
01 NC -
02 NC -
03 NC -
04 20 Index
05 26 Drive Select 1
06 28 Drive Select 2
07 NC -
08 18 Head Load
09 34 Direction Select
10 36 Step
11 38 Write Data
12 40 Write Gate
13 42 Track 00
14 44 Write Protect
15 46 Read Data
16 NC -
17 22 Ready
18 NC -
19 NC -
20-37 11-49(odd) GND
We are using a separate power supply for the disk, so no power connections
were made from the board to the floppy.
If you are looking for a cheap way to connect to J7, try cutting an IC socket
in half. I used an 8 pin socket, cut it in half, trimmed it a little, and
hooked up 3 leads to it. On the two boards here, the HS signal at J7 is
garbage, so the eventual fix will be to cut the PC trace, and run a wire from
U34 pin 8 to J7. (Has anyone else had this problem?)
Mail and news got screwed up here last week because of a major filesystem
crash, so if you sent me something and I haven't replied, try me again.
I'd really like to hear if anyone else is making progress on these things.
Overall there is a smell of fried onions. (fnord)
:+: Pat Mancuso
:+: Penn State University
Usenet: :+: ...!psuvax!mancuso
Bitnet: :+: mancuso@psuvax1
7-May-84 07:06:29-MDT,1315;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 7 May 84 07:06:21-MDT
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Date: 7 May 1984 06:45 MDT (Mon)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12013412474.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA, Info-Micro@Brl.ARPA
Subject: Summer job in Packet Radio at Stanford
From: M@SU-SIERRA.ARPA (Dr. Michael Flynn)
Date: Wed, 2-May-84 13:00:05 PDT
Organization: Stanford University
The Packet Radio Research Group is looking for talented, highly-motivated
students to work on the design of a high-speed digital QAM modem for
medium-range packet radio transmission. This will be a full-time summer
position. Applicants will be expected to have some knowledge of microprocessors
and a good background in algorithms for digital signal processing. For more
information, please contact
Dr. Michael Flynn
ERL 452
(415) 497-1450
or send mail to M@SIERRA.
7-May-84 09:17:23-MDT,1049;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 7 May 84 09:17:17-MDT
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Date: Mon, 7 May 84 10:48:20 EDT
From: Rick Conn <rconn@Brl-Mis.ARPA>
To: Dick <MEAD@usc-eclb.arpa>
cc: GRUPP@mit-mc.arpa, info-cpm@brl.arpa
Subject: Re: SYNONYM art. in Microsystems
Under Z3, the ALIAS program does the same thing (basically) with the
added ability of parameter passing and flow control (if implemented
under Z3). For instance, an ALIAS can be defined like this:
<< ALIAS to run two different versions of WordStar from one command >>
DEV L NEC Assign NEC printer for I/O
WSN $1 Run Wordstar installed for NEC
DEV L TTY Assign regular printer for I/O
WS $1 Run Wordstar installed for reg printer
If the ALIAS is named WSTAR, then the command:
WSTAR myfile.txt will run WS for regular printr
WSTAR myfile.txt NEC will run WS for NEC printer
7-May-84 09:51:39-MDT,526;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 7 May 84 09:51:35-MDT
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Date: Mon, 7 May 84 08:23 PDT
From: Maron@LLL-MFE.ARPA
Subject: Need pointer to roff4.c
To: info-cpm@brl.arpa
I saw a reference to roff4 go by and I was wondering if it is on simtel20 some-
where? Could you post a pointer.
--Thanks, Neil [Maron@LLL-MFE]
7-May-84 10:21:36-MDT,1574;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 7 May 84 10:21:27-MDT
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Date: 7 May 1984 15:47 GMT
From: byard@Dca-Eur.ARPA
Subject: Turbo Pascal
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Date: 7 May 1984 15:38:01 Z
Text: I received my copy of Turbo Pascal today. There has been a change
to the licensing agreement. A note enclosed with the package
"If you want to market programs utilizing object code
generated with Turbo Pascal.[sic] There is no longer a
license charge, provided you return your signed license
I got the software at the introductory price. I ordered it via
U.S. Snail from Germany on April 16th. There is no mention in the
actual licensing agreement, that I'm about to sign, of any retric-
tions on selling object code software.
Also, I got version 2.0. It comes with an addendum to the
reference manual dated April 84. So, I guess(?) this version is
new. Anyway, for CP/M 80 users, version 2.0 adds:
o An overlay system.
o Dynamic heap, a full implementation of the dispose procedure.
o Additional editor commands: scroll up, scroll down, to top of
screen, to bottom of screen, to beginning of block, to end of
block, block hide/display.
Additionally, for the IBM PC and clones: colors, graphics, win-
dows, and sound.
Good going Borland (and Jerry). I hope you make a bundle. Anyone
want to buy one reusable JRT disc real cheap?
7-May-84 16:47:22-MDT,2510;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 7 May 84 16:47:14-MDT
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id AA28494; Mon, 7 May 84 15:23:32 pdt
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(4.14.3/4.16) id AA09903; Mon, 7 May 84 15:24:01 pdt
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(4.14/4.16) id AA05190; Mon, 7 May 84 15:23:23 pdt
Date: Mon, 7 May 84 15:23:23 pdt
From: William C. Wells <wcwells%ucbopal.CC@Ucb-Vax.ARPA>
Message-Id: <8405072223.AA05190@ucbopal.CC.Berkeley.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Cautions regarding UUCP mail
Cc: info-cpm@amsaa.ARPA
Date: Fri, 4 May 84 18:37 MST
From: Kevin Kenny <Kenny@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA>
Subject: Cautions regarding UUCP mail
To: "William C. Wells" <wcwells@ucbopal>
Message-Id: <840505013719.828229@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA>
For the benefit of those of us on the Arpanet who don't read
net.mail, could someone possibly post a brief discussion of
the topology of UUCP to INFO-CPM?
I am not sure that there is a topology -- may be a spider web. The
UUCP network is a collection of hosts who are connected to one or
more neighbors via dialup telephone links. USENET is a news distribution
system that uses several types of connections to forward news.
Problems occur because a USENET news path is used a mail address
when the article is forwarded to INFO-CPM as mail.
I know that some UUCP hosts relay a lot of mail, and that a
reasonably good mailing path can be constructed from the Usenet
string *if* you know who talks to whom. I don't.
A UUCP mail address contructed from a USENET path may work, but is
often not reasonable or cheap. Again, do not assume that USENET news
distribution path is a UUCP mail address. Some USENET links are not
mail links. Some sites do not even use UUCP to transfer news or mail.
Most USENET paths show that the news article took the scenic route,
not the freeway to get where it was going.
Bill Wells
P.S. If you would like to discuss UUCP mail addresses/USENET news paths
further, I suggest moving this discussion to the msg-group mailing list.
7-May-84 21:14:09-MDT,992;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 7 May 84 21:14:03-MDT
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Date: 13 Apr 84 13:19:18-PST (Fri)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!ihuxn!jjsk@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: ALS 3.0 cpm help
Article-I.D.: ihuxn.621
< >
I am considering an ALS cpm plus board (6 Mhz, 3.0) for my Apple //e.
Can anyone give me information good or bad on any operational problems
encountered, i.e. ease of installation, tricks, compatibility with
application software currently running under 2.2 (Wordstar, Mailmerge,
dbase, etc.). Is this system a good choice? I also have a 128k pseudo
disk, is this compatible?
Jim Kent
7-May-84 21:47:38-MDT,2910;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 7 May 84 21:47:30-MDT
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Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 7 May 84 23:24 EDT
Date: Mon 7 May 84 21:22:59-MDT
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Announcing a new modem program ...
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
MEX is a new modem program for CP/M and derivative operating systems. It
is a superset of such programs as MODEM7 and MDM ... new features include:
o Compatible with MDM7 overlays
o PHONE command allows phone numbers to be dynamically entered
into and removed from the phone library ... phone numbers are
associated with mnemonics that may be up to 12 characters long,
and may optionally specify the baudrate for each site in the list.
o KEY command supports multiple-character keystring creation and
deletion, for use as dedicated function keys in terminal-mode
o LOAD and SAVE commands allow keystring definitions and phone
number libraries to be saved to and loaded from disk files
o READ command supports unattended sessions, under control of a
disk file created with an editor (similar in concept to CP/M's
SUBMIT, with enhancements)
o Greatly enhanced terminal mode
o SENDOUT command to send strings to the modem (usually under con-
trol of a READ file).
o CALL command allows multiple sites lists to be specified, and each
number to be repetitvely re-dialed any number of times.
o STAT command allows the inspection and modification of a large
number of system variables
o HELP command random-accesses a disk file to provide an on-line
documentation facility that completely explains the program
o CLONE command allows MEX to be saved to disk, with the current
state intact (including any defined phone numbers and keystrings).
o Special features to enhance MEX-to-MEX connections
o Support for all CCP commands (rename, erase, type ...) extended
to include ZCPR2-style drive/user specifications
o Patch file allows many default options to be modified
The entire MEX file set resides in the SIMTEL20 repository in <CPM.MEX>.
Following is a complete list of the files included as part of the MEX
terminal package:
Name CRCK Description
-READ.ME ---- This message
MEX10.COM FDB9 The main program
HELP.MEX 7932 MEX on-line users manual
MEX10.DOC 0E7E Full documentation for MEX
BUFFERS.DOC 55C2 Information on setting up MEX buffers
MXO-SM10.ASM 813D Smartmodem overlay
MXO-PM10.ASM B2DB PMMI overlay
MLOAD.COM E51E Overlay installation tool
MEXPAT10.ASM B7A7 Patch file: allows defaults to be modified
7-May-84 22:20:18-MDT,1532;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 7 May 84 22:20:08-MDT
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Received: From office-2.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 7 May 84 23:40 EDT
Date: 7-May-84 20:40 PDT
Subject: BIOS buffer flush
To: info-cpm@brl.arpa
Message-ID: <[OFFICE-2.ARPA]TYM-ACB-4M97W>
A small contribution. Most well behaved programs close output files before
asking for a disk change or before returning via either warm boot or to the CCP.
As a result the last operation on a disk is usually a directory write (type 1).
If a directory write is treated as an immediate operation, the write buffer is
always flushed when a file is closed. There are a very small number of
exceptions (programs that "patch" a sector and then don't close the file,
utilities that use the BIOS directly (copy, format)) and these are best
Changed to make their last write a type 1 write. I have a BIOS that manages
the buffers this way and I have never fouled a directory because of failing to
write the directory or last sector. Further there is no unneeded disk io at
console read time.
For those awaiting a summary of the results of my 5 inch disk controller
question... there were no responses. I am thinking of the "Little Board" as my
solution. It seems cheaper than most s100 disk controller boards and will serve
as a disk copy machine quite nicely. Anyone with experience?
7-May-84 22:58:12-MDT,1852;000000000000
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Date: 17 Apr 84 9:40:00-PST (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: pur-ee!uiucdcs!ea!mwm@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: C for small machines
Article-I.D.: ea.7800004
In-Reply-To: Article <12121@sri-arpa.UUCP>
I don't know about you, but the version of C/80 I got (I think it was 2.0)
was a dog. Printf (among other things) was broken, and the code was
unreadable (nuts - the code was something I wouldn't want to look at
anywhere near a meal). This didn't bother me - after all, nothing hits the
market with all the bugs worked out.
What DID bother me was the response I got back from the Software Toolworks
when I called them about it. Something along the lines of "I may look at
it if I find the time. Try buying the new versions when they come out. And
don't call again." That bothered me no end. It still does. If I can't get
support for a product, it's not suitable for professional use, no matter
how good it is otherwise.
To try and shed some light (along with the heat from above), I've heard
some very good things about qc 3. Yet another Small-C derivative, it
comes with full source, and a well-written manual explaining that source.
Last time I looked, it had everything but bit fields and structure
initialization. Supposedly, the struct initializers were going to go in
soon, but I never got back to them about it. I haven't purchased a copy,
but have spoken to the The Code Works people. It's only $100, and I would
consider it if you think C/80 might be useful.
7-May-84 23:45:53-MDT,952;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 7 May 84 23:45:49-MDT
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Date: 19 Apr 84 7:23:48-PST (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!ihnet!tjr@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: CPM C Compilers
Article-I.D.: ihnet.124
I needed an inexpensive C compiler for my Z80 CP/M system; I considered
BDS C, but had to reject it because it did not permit initializers.
Most of my code ends up as Finite-State-Machines, which requires an
initialized state-table.
I purchased C/80 from the Software Toolworks; it works fine, except for its
non-stdio library (I am considering writing a new library). For the price
($50), C/80 is an excellent product.
Tom Roberts
8-May-84 00:45:44-MDT,773;000000000000
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Date: 19 Apr 84 13:12:54-PST (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!ihuxe!hazard@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Wanted: Unix-like ed editor for cp/m
Article-I.D.: ihuxe.574
I am a Unix(tm) veteran who just acquired a cp/m system.
Is there an editor for cp/m which looks/smells/taste like Unix "ed" ?
Please don't send burning remarks about wanting "ed",
just tell me where I can find it.
Bryant S. Hazard
8-May-84 01:36:05-MDT,4917;000000000000
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Date: 3 May 84 18:11:28-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!houxm!hou2h!judah@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: MODEM64.HEX (CPM)
Article-I.D.: hou2h.432
Belated thanks to Kieth Peterson for modem64.hex and modem64.doc posted separately.
8-May-84 07:23:48-MDT,3828;000000000000
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Date: Tue, 8 May 84 8:53:38 EDT
From: Bob Bloom (TECOM) <bbloom@Brl-Mis.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Brl-Mis.ARPA
cc: bbloom@Brl-Mis.ARPA
Subject: micro:<cpm.wstar> directory
(Yes, i know Keith already sent some of this out, but i had already
typed it anddon't want to "waste" it.)
The file of patch points to WordStar version 3.0 has just been updated. Added
were the no-file dispatch table, and points below user 1. The file was also m
modified so that it is much more readable. Two versions are available:
MICRO:<CPM.WSTAR>WS30PAT.PTS and .PQS, a squeezed version.
As it is becoming harder to figure out just files do what throughout the cpm.*
directories, may I make an suggestion: each <cpm.*> directory should have a
*.cat ascii file where * is the same as the directory name and cat is for
catalog. This would serve the same purpose as the vol###.cat file in the
cpmug or sigm directories and contain a short description of all the files in
that directory. Each new submission would include the blurb to be included in
the *.cat file and the maintainer would need only add it on. (w8sdz [Keith]
and fjw [Frank] have enough to do as it is.)
So guys, if you're the primary author or source in a cpm directory or even if
you just happen to be well acquainted with all the files in a particular
directory, make up a blurb file.
BUT FIRST -- Lets hear the response from the maintainers. Is there room?
Would keeping it up be too much work? Is the idea worth the trouble?
To give an example for the <CPM.WSTAR> directory, this is what I'm thinking
FileName Type Length Crck Explaination
-------------- ----- ------ ---- ---------------------------------------
FTNOT121.COM.1 COM 12288 2B4F Add footnotes to a WordStar file
FTNOT121.HEX.1 ASCII 29919 48E3 /
FTNOTE12.DOC.2 ASCII 15246 2A49 /
INDEX.C.1 ASCII 13181 221E Index words and phrases in a WS file
INDEX.COM.1 COM 10368 4114 /
INDEX.DOC.1 ASCII 10906 C15E /
PATCHWS.ASM.1 ASCII 1714 B468 Patches to speed response of WS ver 3.0
WS2ROFF.COM.1 COM 6016 0463 ? don't know what this does ?
WS30.DOC.1 ASCII 7375 A8D3 Bug fixes - XON/XOFF, System files,
formatted print to disk
WS30PAT.DOC.1 ASCII 21376 FE00 << obsolete patch points file >>
WS30PAT.PQS.1 COM 16512 7B7D All known patch points for WS ver 3.0
WS30PAT.PTS.1 ASCII 26520 5D97 / <-- Unsqueezed version
WSEPEM.TXT.1 ASCII 3756 B73D Mod for transparent emphasized mode on
Epson MX-80 without Graphtrax
WSFAST.MSG.1 ASCII 638 C141 How to speed up the entry to WS ver 3.3
WSKE3019.HEX.1 ASCII 2165 1AD6 Use the function keys on the H19, H29,
H89, H100 with WS (Like QuikKey)
WSKE3019.SUB.1 ASCII 70 89FA /
WSKE3029.HEX.1 ASCII 2386 8F40 /
WSKE3029.SUB.1 ASCII 70 9DD6 /
WSKE3319.HEX.1 ASCII 2165 4A69 /
WSKE3319.SUB.1 ASCII 70 DC05 /
WSKE3329.HEX.1 ASCII 2386 D31F /
WSKE3329.SUB.1 ASCII 70 3B9B /
WSKEY.DEF.1 ASCII 2631 AFCA / <-- Key definitions
WSKEY.DOC.1 ASCII 5442 1B19 / <-- Doc file, read first!
WSMX80.PAT.1 ASCII 1421 7C3E Patches for Epson MX-80 w/Graphtrax
WSUFIX4.ASM.1 ASCII 7985 6299 Patch so that WS can find it's overlays in
a difference user/disk area than where
called from.
-bob bloom
8-May-84 10:28:32-MDT,3083;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: Tue 8 May 84 09:52:26-MDT
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Announcing MEX, a new modem program...
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA, info-micro@BRL.ARPA
(My apologies to those who have already seen this; there were some errors
in the CRC list that had to be corrected)
MEX is a new modem program for CP/M and derivative operating systems. It
is a superset of such programs as MODEM7 and MDM ... new features include:
o Compatible with MDM7 overlays
o PHONE command allows phone numbers to be dynamically entered
into and removed from the phone library ... phone numbers are
associated with mnemonics that may be up to 12 characters long,
and may optionally specify the baudrate for each site in the list.
o KEY command supports multiple-character keystring creation and
deletion, for use as dedicated function keys in terminal-mode
o LOAD and SAVE commands allow keystring definitions and phone
number libraries to be saved to and loaded from disk files
o READ command supports unattended sessions, under control of a
disk file created with an editor (similar in concept to CP/M's
SUBMIT, with enhancements)
o Greatly enhanced terminal mode
o SENDOUT command to send strings to the modem (usually under con-
trol of a READ file).
o CALL command allows multiple sites lists to be specified, and each
number to be repetitvely re-dialed any number of times.
o STAT command allows the inspection and modification of a large
number of system variables
o HELP command random-accesses a disk file to provide an on-line
documentation facility that completely explains the program
o CLONE command allows MEX to be saved to disk, with the current
state intact (including any defined phone numbers and keystrings).
o Special features to enhance MEX-to-MEX connections
o Support for all CCP commands (rename, erase, type ...) extended
to include ZCPR2-style drive/user specifications
o Patch file allows many default options to be modified
The entire MEX file set resides in the SIMTEL20 repository in <CPM.MEX>.
Following is a complete list of the files included as part of the MEX
terminal package:
Name CRCK Description
-READ.ME ---- This message <<corrected version 5/8/84>>
MEX10.COM FDB9 The main program
HELP.MEX 7932 MEX on-line users manual
MEX10.DOC 068C Full documentation for MEX
BUFFERS.DOC 70BE Information on setting up MEX buffers
MXO-SM10.ASM 8479 Smartmodem overlay
MXO-PM10.ASM 2C28 PMMI overlay
MLOAD.COM E51E Overlay installation tool
MEXPAT10.ASM 2CEA Patch file: allows defaults to be modified
8-May-84 12:31:50-MDT,1330;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 8 May 84 12:31:38-MDT
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Date: 8 May 1984 12:05 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12013732786.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Cc: Info-Modem7@Simtel20.ARPA
Subject: MEX modem program file list
Here's a listing of the just-announced MEX files on SIMTEL20. It's
provided here for the convenience of those who have FTP capability and
need to know the formats used for each file. Some files are stored in
ITS-Binary format, while others are ASCII. Please note that MLOAD.COM
is an updated version, not the one originally released many months ago
by Ron.
Filename Type Bytes Sectors CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.MEX>
-READ.ME.1 ASCII 2460 20 = 14H 03CAH
HELP.MEX.1 COM 49920 390 = 186H 7932H
MEX10.COM.1 COM 23168 181 = B5H FDB9H
MEX10.DOC.1 ASCII 62457 488 = 1E8H 068CH
MEXPAT10.ASM.1 ASCII 4397 35 = 23H 2CEAH
MLOAD.COM.1 COM 2816 22 = 16H E51EH
MXO-PM10.ASM.1 ASCII 27731 217 = D9H 2C28H
MXO-SM10.ASM.1 ASCII 7478 59 = 3BH 8479H
8-May-84 13:06:10-MDT,1172;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 8 May 84 13:05:58-MDT
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id AA17819; Tue, 8 May 84 11:45:18 pdt
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(4.14/4.16) id AA00540; Tue, 8 May 84 11:43:51 pdt
Date: Tue, 8 May 84 11:43:51 pdt
From: William C. Wells <wcwells%ucbopal.CC@Ucb-Vax.ARPA>
Message-Id: <8405081843.AA00540@ucbopal.CC.Berkeley.ARPA>
To: ihnp4!ihuxe!hazard@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Wanted: Unix-like ed editor for cp/m
Cc: info-cpm@amsaa.ARPA
Have a look at the "ed" in the "Carousel Tool Kit" from
Carousel Microtools, Inc.,
609 Kearney St.
El Cerrito CA 94530
(415) 528-1300
There is also a "vi" like editor for H89/HDOS, H89/CPM, IBM-PC,
and ZDOS/CPM85 called "VISED" which is available from:
The Software Subscription
PO Box 5379
Richmond CA
Bill Wells
8-May-84 21:10:47-MDT,1463;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 8 May 84 21:10:41-MDT
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Received: From usc-eclb.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 8 May 84 22:43 EDT
Date: Tue 8 May 84 19:42:00-PDT
Subject: ZCPR2 on Kaypro <query>
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA, info-micro@BRL.ARPA
I have been tryning to put ZCPR2 on the Kaypro 2 with poor results.
I first used the pre-configed Z2-KPRO.LBR file on SIMTEL20, but found
it to lack a few things, as well as exhibiting a peculiar fault with
most Perfect and some other software where the drive would no shut off
until a key is typed. Looking at the bios HEX overlay provided, it
appears some code in the CONIN section (drive timeout) was removed
to make room for the ZCPR2 init code. I have tried to alter both the
BIOS source and the boot rom source to init the ZCPR2 buffers, leaving
the rest of the code intact, but I always have the same failure after
a Warm boot, where the system can no longer see any files on disk
as far as executing them, while DIR shows they exist. Just before
the Warm boot, the programs load and run normally, and do so until
a warm boot. I am stumped. What is so fragile about the size and/or
location of new code in either the bios or rom??? I get a normal boot
but the WARM BOOT kills all, what gives? Any Kaypro guru's out there?
8-May-84 21:34:00-MDT,687;000000000000
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Date: Tue, 8 May 84 23:00:46 EDT
From: Richard G Turner <rturner@darcom-hq.arpa>
To: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER%simtel20.arpa@darcom-hq.arpa>
cc: info-cpm%brl.arpa@darcom-hq.arpa, info-micro%brl.arpa@darcom-hq.arpa
Subject: Re: Announcing MEX, a new modem program...
Looks interesting. I'm at a site where I can't FTP binaries. Any chance of
having a MEX10.HEX on SIMTEL20?
8-May-84 21:57:51-MDT,676;000000000000
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Date: Tue 8 May 84 20:21:04-PDT
From: "Kevin W. Rudd" <KEVINW@SU-SIERRA.ARPA>
Subject: zcpr3
To: info-cpm@BRL-VGR.ARPA
cc: kevinw@SU-DSN.ARPA
are there any plans for installing zcpr3 (or even zcpr2) on
cpm-plus (aka cpm3)?
what would be required to make this kind of conversion (assuming
that 1 it is feasible and 2 the sources are available)
-- Kevin
9-May-84 01:44:14-MDT,1432;000000000000
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 9 May 84 3:09 EDT
Date: Wed 9 May 84 03:06:17-EDT
Subject: Re: Neophyte CP/M 2.2 Question (BIOS disk flush)
In-Reply-To: Message from "ihnp4!houxm!hogpc!houti!ariel!vax135!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!aecom!glen@Ucb-Vax.ARPA" of Wed 2 May 84 10:54:05-EDT
<*>-food for bug eater - who own's the bug?
I would like to thank Glen (aecom!glen) for his information.
Very useful and also very timely (just got into the blocking/deblocking
part of this stuff).
There is only one problem left: I have found the manufacturer's
implementation of the buffer-flush (flush-on-input-character) to take
an excessive amount of time; when I was writing this communications
program, so much time was lost that I was losing characters at 1200
baud. I got around the problem by putting the console I/O routines into
the program and not using the BIOS routines. This is, of course, not
I would be interested in hearing from others on their methods of
when to flush buffers. If enough interest pops up, I'll summarize back
to the net.
9-May-84 10:39:49-MDT,970;000000000000
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Date: Wed, 9 May 84 11:51:10 EDT
From: Richard G Turner <rturner@darcom-hq.arpa>
To: info-cpm%brl.arpa@darcom-hq.arpa
Subject: Download Bootstrap
How to get over the initial problem of downloading a download program
when you don't have a download program?
I think someone recently posted a very small assembler program to intitially
do input port to disk data transfer so that a new system could acquire
downloading software. I had no need for it and didn't keep it.
A friend recently acquired CP/M for his Apple ][ (not sure what flavor)
and needs some way to grab a modem program from a local BBS. Can anyone
send me a copy of this message?
Thanks in advance,
9-May-84 11:06:52-MDT,1125;000000000000
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Received: from Muscat.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 09 MAY 84 06:28:58 PDT
Date: Wed, 9 May 84 09:26 EDT
From: leisner.henr@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: Re: CPM C Compilers
In-reply-to: "ihnp4!ihnet!tjr@UCB-VAX.ARPA's message of 19 Apr 84
7:23:48 PST (Thu)"
To: ihnp4!ihnet!tjr@UCB-VAX.ARPA
cc: info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
How big are your tables? Why not just initialize them in a function?
I've used BDS to do bit mapped graphics where the ascii character set
had to be encoded. If initializers were supported it would have been
nice, but for most applications the problem isn't as severe (I had to
initialize an array of something like 100 x 8). The biggest advantage
of BDS is it screams -- it compiles and links in very little time.
Aztec C for CP/M costs about $200. I like the package -- it seems
inexpensive for a UNIX compatible C compiler.
9-May-84 13:01:47-MDT,1117;000000000000
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Date: Wed 9 May 84 12:17:12-MDT
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: MEX newsletter
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA, info-micro@BRL.ARPA
The first in a series of planned MEX newsletters is now available on SIMTEL20:
<CPM.MEX>MEXNEWS.001 ... describes a few minor bugs (and fixes for two of
them) and some additional information not present in the DOC files.
Also: I will restrict further announcements regarding MEX to info-cpm,
which is a more proper forum for discussion of CP/M programs (unless
there are a lot of people who would prefer to see the announcements
on info-micro).
Final note: I have several reports that MEX doesn't work with the
DEC VT-2 overlay; I'll be studying the problem later today; if anyone
has any idea what the problem might be, please send me a message
as soon as possible. --Ron Fowler
9-May-84 20:33:11-MDT,811;000000000000
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Date: Wed, 9 May 84 21:44:53 EDT
From: Rick Conn <rconn@BRL-MIS.ARPA>
cc: info-cpm@BRL-VGR.ARPA, kevinw@SU-DSN.ARPA
Subject: Re: zcpr3
I have no plans of providing a version of ZCPR3 for CPM-PLUS. Like
ZCPR1 and ZCPR2, ZCPR3 is CP/M 2.2 compatible only. Considering that
bank switching has to be considered for the transient loader, some modification
(perhaps extensive) would have to be done.
When ZCPR3 is released, full source code will be included.
10-May-84 02:22:48-MDT,6805;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 10 May 84 02:22:32-MDT
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Date: 5 May 84 18:04:29-PDT (Sat)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!pegasus!mel@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Review of Morrow MD3
Article-I.D.: pegasus.1265
To practice what I preach - here is a short review of a Morrow MD3 I just
acquired. (I had a DEC Rainbow 100 for a year until I changed companys last
November - you may remember my reviews of that.)
The Morrow is a bit hard to get. They don't have many dealers. Call their
800 number and get a list, all far away, and start calling. I got a MD3
without terminal, $1499 list, 4MHz Z-80, 64K RAM, 2 DSDD floppies (384K user
space each), 2 serial ports, 1 parallel port, NewWord, Correct-it, LogiCalc,
MBASIC, Personal Pearl, Pilot, Quest Bookkeeper, & CP/M 2.2 all in the one
The unit is quite small (16.5"w x 12"d w/plugs x 5.5"h), easily fits on the
corner of your desk. Has a sturdy metal case with a flat top that can support
a printer or terminal. The unit has no fan and is dead quiet unless the disks
are reading or writing, and those are quiet, too. Nothing gets hot or even
warm, except strangely, the floppy disks themselves are warm when you pull
them out even when they have not been spinning. Everything worked right out
of the box just exactly as described in the manuals. No surprises of any sort,
no mad scrambles back to the manuals, no calls needed to the company. The
manuals are all well done, particularly for a novice. I have it right next to
a FM set and on the same circuit with a TV and notice no interference (but,
the Concept terminal frazzes some FM stations).
The serial port to the terminal comes setup at 9600 baud with ^S/^S flow
control (well thought out, no zoom-off-the-screen, no scramble to find that
damn ^Q). It took a lot of doing to get it to work with my beloved Concept
108 terminal, but most normal terminals are included in the setup menu. The
serial port to the printer/modem has a "gotcha" in that the 12 and 5 volt
power is brought out on it. Connect it wrong and you get smoke (this is
clearly shown in the manual, as are scores of jumper options for various
situations). I bypassed all this in connecting to the 212 UDS modem by
wireing up a M to F cable with the following 6 wires: 1 - 1 , 2 - 3 , 3 - 2 ,
7 - 7 , 8 - 20 , 20 - 8. The parallel port uses a standard Radio Shack 26-4401
printer cable (not supplied) with the ribbon side down.
The following 12 liner keyed into DDT gives a terminal pass-through
(use ^Z to get back to CP/M, it doesn't hangup on you):
lxi sp,0150
call f320
jz 0113
call f332
cpi 01a
jz 0
out 0fe
call f4d4
jz 0103
mov c,a
call f482
jmp 0103
The CP/M release disk comes with all the CP/M goodies (including the disk
formatting program - are you listening DEC?) and the complete heavily
commented BIOS and BOOT source. Now that is thoughtfulness to be commended.
There is a program to change the disk read and write parameters to emulate the
disk units of several other CP/M systems. Thus you can read and write IBM PC
(CP/M only), Osborne, & Xerox disks. The BIOS has a neat feature for allowing
disks C, D, & E to be addressed even though there are only A & B physical disk
units. The BIOS handles the operator messages to change disks in the A unit,
the running program doesn't know anything about it. This is very, very handy
with text editing where you want to save out something to another disk, or
read in something; for spreadsheet work the same way; and for just copying
things on and off different disks. I don't see why this hasn't caught on as
the standard way to handle floppies. I can't think of a single thing to gripe
about the hardware, manuals, or the system software. It all runs very well
indeed with lots of thoughtful extras to make things easier.
The NewWord text preparation program is an exact copy of a subset of WordStar.
It works exactly as documented, is very fast, and well thought out. However,
I would prefer full WordStar. The only missing feature I have run into so far
is the "print to a file" capability, but I sorely need that to interchange
text easily with UNIX (that hates those 8th bit thingies). As a long term
emacs, and a sometimes vi, user - let me state that WordStar and NewWord are
a hundred time easier to use and have more useful capability - if WordStar
were available on DEC-20 and UNIX, emacs and vi (and nroff) would join BAL,
AutoCoder, FAP, ALGOL and the other guru'isms of the past.
The LogiCalc is a good-enough Visi-Clone, but I got SuperCalc 2 which is
much better (SuperCalc 2 has date handling functions for scheduleing and
project planning uses). Quest is super; now if only I had my own business
to do bookkeeping for. MBASIC is the regular MBASIC - it runs all the games
from RBBSs I tried it on (JETSET2 is the most fun). Personal Pearl has too
thick a manual for me to get into, and the cursor keys are yet a different set
- phooy! Correct-It is dumb. The authors couldn't have possibly ever used it
themselves, and neither could the Morrow people. It natters at you constantly
about menu selections nobody in their right mind would ever use, demands you
type in the same correction over and over if you misspell something more than
once, and then always asks you at the end for the name of your dictionary file
- which of course has some inane name that you couldn't possibly remember, and
if you don't cough it up the program promptly forgets all your new words -
dumb! The only sour note in the package. PILOT is OK, perfect for the menu
front-end Morrow supplies; and really good for creating CAI scripts. The
menu front-end is really handy for doing the initial setup. Much better than
going through a printed checklist. It only takes a ^C to escape from, so it
doesn't get in the way at all (unlike the menu stuff on the FORTUNE and 3B2).
All in all, I like the Morrow. I use it for SuperCalc and NewWord mostly, and
it does these both with adequate speed and competence. It took all of an
hour to get the terminal pass-through, MBOOT, and MODEM up an running; thanks
to the BIOS source and experience with DDT, SAVE, and PIP. My impression is
that it is faster and easier to use than the IBM PC and Rainbow - it sure is
more pleasent to use (I love this Concept keyboard).
(strictly the personal opinions of) Mel Haas , houxe!mel
10-May-84 05:08:56-MDT,1890;000000000000
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Date: Wed, 9 May 84 15:45 PDT
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12014176544.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: Harris Shiffman <Shiffman%SCH-GODZILLA@MIT-MC.ARPA>
From: Harris Shiffman <Shiffman%SCH-GODZILLA@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: ATR8000 Corrections
To: Info-Atari@SU-SCORE.ARPA
ReSent-From: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
ReSent-To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
ReSent-Date: Thu 10 May 1984 04:42-MDT
Some comments about Andrew Malis' review of the SWP ATR8000:
In Atari mode, the ATR (either the 16K or the 64K model) will act as
a printer interface and buffer (using either the serial or the parallel
port on the ATR for the printer) and as a disk controller. The disk
controller will handle any combination of up to four 5.25 and 8 inch
diskette drives. It does not support hard disks, although I have
heard that someone has modified one to do so.
The software support for the serial port is limited to handling a
serial printer. There is no software support for serial devices while
in Atari mode. (CP/M does provide such support.) The ATR's ROM
includes a printer driver (P:), but no RS232 driver. To use a serial
printer, you run a provided BASIC program which patches the ATR to send
printer text to the serial port, instead of the parallel port. By the
way, the ATR does NOT boot most of the copy protected disks I have used
to test it, so it doesn't entirely replace the good old 810.
In CP/M mode, the ATR uses the Atari as a terminal (which is why it
is easy to replace the Atari with a regular terminal). The 64K system
comes with the terminal emulator for the Atari. This emulator supports
the BIT3 80-column board as well as the movable window 40-column screen.
10-May-84 09:25:09-MDT,1513;000000000000
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Date: 8 May 84 2:32:51-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rochester!ritcv!moscom!@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Collection Conversions Complete
Article-I.D.: moscom.135
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
The conversions of MICRO:<PC-BLUE.*>, MICRO:<CPMUG.*>, and
MICRO:<SIGM.*> are now complete. Files with a generation number of .2
are ASCII files, while those with .1 remain ITS-Binary files.
Some files with apparent ASCII filetype names, such as, .BAS, .ASM,
.DOC, and others, were not converted because a high-bit was detected or
there were more than 40% control characters before the first ^Z (the
CP/M EOF for ASCII files). The most likely reason is that such files
were created or edited using WordStar in Document mode. There will be
no further conversions attempted on such files.
Each of the above directories now contains an up-to-date .CRCLST file
which indicates which files are "COM" (ITS-Binary) and which are ASCII
For those interested in such things, the total disk space recovered
was 3,708 pages or about 12%. Not quite as much as I had hoped, but
every page counts.
10-May-84 09:57:54-MDT,809;000000000000
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Date: 8 May 84 2:32:43-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rochester!ritcv!moscom!@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Wordstar footnoter
Article-I.D.: moscom.134
i thought there already was a footnote.com out there. is this ftnote12
an improvement, difference, what? forgive me - i most certainly DOO
appreciate any and all donations to our resources, but just wondered why...
david kirschbaum
toad hall
10-May-84 10:12:28-MDT,885;000000000000
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Date: 8 May 84 2:33:13-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rochester!ritcv!moscom!@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Wordstar footnoter
Article-I.D.: moscom.136
From: Charlie Strom (NYU) <strom@Brl-Bmd.ARPA>
I frankly do not recall there being a public domain footnoter out
there. I have seen a proprietary product called, strangely enough,
Footnote (by Pro/Tem Software in Ca.), and I have seen an index
generator for WordStar in the public domain, but that is about it.
Of course, I could be wrong...
10-May-84 10:25:32-MDT,1402;000000000000
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Date: 8 May 84 2:31:29-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rochester!ritcv!moscom!@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Apple BIOS info request
Article-I.D.: moscom.132
10-May-84 10:43:00-MDT,2820;000000000000
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Date: 8 May 84 2:33:38-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rochester!ritcv!moscom!@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: SYNONYM art. in Microsystems
Article-I.D.: moscom.137
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Date: Wednesday, 25 April 1984 13:44-MST
From: Dick <MEAD at USC-ECLB.ARPA>
To: info-cpm at BRL.ARPA
Re: SYNONYM art. in Microsystems
Microsystems has a short review of a program, in the PD, called
SYNONYM. I gather that the source listing was supposed to be
included, but lately Microsystems has been pretty sloppy with
such things, and it got left out. Has anyone seen the program???
Yes, the program is available on SIMTEL20 now. It's in
SYNONYM is a program that generates a program. This
generated program when executed, will invoke another CP/M
command. It's really not as complex as it sounds. Here is an
example: You would like to invoke Microsoft basic by typing
only the letter "B" instead of typing "MBASIC". You could
just rename MBASIC.COM to B.COM but you could no longer use
"MBASIC" to invoke basic.
SYNONYM can create a "B.COM" file that when
invoked will modify the CCP input buffer to "MBASIC" and
then jump to the CCP. The new .COM file is very small (1
block) and is saved with the $SYS indicator set (in CP/M
2.x ) so it won't clutter up your DIRectory. Then to invoke
basic you would only have to type: "B". You could also pass
basic a program name to execute just as with MBASIC by
typing: "B BASPGM" (where BASPGM is the name of the basic
You can also create a SYNONYM with a fixed parameter
string. For example you might like to run a basic program
called STARTREK.BAS by typing "ST". SYNONYM can create a
file ("ST.COM") that will invoke MBASIC and pass it a fixed
string "STARTREK". If you do create a SYNONYM with a fixed
paramater string any paramaters entered on the command line
invoking the SYNONYM will be appended to the fixed
paramaters. This could be used to invoke the SUBMIT program,
pass it the name of the .SUB file as a fixed paramater, and
then any other variable paramaters.
The program can be assembled with MAC or ASM and has been tested on
both CP/M version 1.4 and version 2.x (the $SYS attribute is set only
on 2.x).
10-May-84 10:56:51-MDT,1387;000000000000
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Date: 8 May 84 2:34:04-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rochester!ritcv!moscom!@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: YAM428.LBR problems
Article-I.D.: moscom.138
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Date: Thursday, 26 April 1984 06:01-MST
From: Matthew J. Weinstein <matt at UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA>
To: w8sdz
Re: YAM428.LBR
I downloaded YAM428.LBR, and LU301 complains about CRCs. In addition
text files seem to be missing CR's.
(Just thought you'd want to know...)
- Matt
Try LU300, Matt. LU301 is only for CP/M look-alikes and is NOT an
update. It's a patched LU300 which may not be competely up to specs.
Yes, I know about three files that contain only LF for end-of-line.
Apparently some of the files were SQueezed under Unix instead of CP/M.
You can restore them with USQ-20.COM's -N option, which converts LF's
to CRLF's. Many people may not know about this -N option, which was
added by Chuck Forsberg to deal with Unix-SQueezed files.
10-May-84 11:19:34-MDT,5844;000000000000
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Date: 8 May 84 2:27:32-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rochester!ritcv!moscom!@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Update of MDM7xx overlay list
Article-I.D.: moscom.122
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Dennis Recla has just released an updated list of all overlays known
to him. We don't have all these at SIMTEL20, but if you need one we
don't have you can call the numbers listed at the end of his list.
If you find it necessary to do this I would appreciate it very much if
you would attempt to get the file to me via netmail or FTP (contact me
first for instructions on where to send it).
uucp/Usenet: ...!decvax!brl-bmd!w8sdz
---file MDM7-OVL.LST---
MDM7xx Overlay list as of 04/29/84
Rev. 1.4 Dennis Recla
Locate your computer system in the list to find the proper overlay
to use with the various versions of MDM7xx.
MDM7xx Overlay Name
Preferred Vers. Older vers. Computer Discription
MDM7ABC.ASM Archives Business Computer
MDM7ADDS.ASM ADDS Multivision overlay
M7AC+3.ASM M7AC-1.ASM MDM711AC.ASM AppleCat II Overlay
M7AJ-1.ASM M7JC-2.ASM Apple J-Cat Overlay
M7AL5-1.ASM M7AL-1.ASM Altos Series 5 Overlay
M7AL8-1.ASM Altos Series 8000 Overlay
M7AM-1.ASM Apple W/MTN. Comp. CPS
M7AP+3.ASM M7AP-1.ASM MDM711AP.ASM Apple II overlay
M7AQ-3.ASM M714A3.ASM Apple with MicroModem
M7AMPRO.ASM Ampro Little Board
MDM712BB.ASM Big Board I
M7C3-1.ASM CP/M 3.0 AUX DEV Overlay
M7CD-1.ASM MDM7CROT.ASM Cromemco TUART @50 hex
M7-2710.ASM MDM711CC.ASM Calif. Comp. 2710 board
M7-2719.ASM M7CC2719.ASM Calif. Comp. 2719 board
MDM7DB.ASM Dynabyte Serial port 1
M7DP-1.ASM MDM711DP.ASM DataPoint 1560 Overlay
MDM7DUR.ASM Durango series ovelay
M7EP-2.ASM M7EP-1.ASM M712EP.ASM Epson QX-10 overlay
M7EGL-1.ASM M7EG-1.ASM Eagle II and III overlay
M7GP-1.ASM MDM711GP.ASM General Purpose overlay
M7H8-4A.ASM M7H8-1.ASM Heath/Zenith 89 overlay
M7HP-1.ASM MDM712HP.ASM MDM711HP.ASM Hewlett Packard 125
M7HZ-1.ASM MDM711HZ.ASM Heath/Zenith 100 overlay (2661)
M7IB7102.ASM Ibex Model 7102 overlay
M7IM-2.ASM MDM7IMS.ASM IMS 5000 series overlay
M7IN-2.ASM M7IN-1.ASM Interfacer 3/4 overlay
MDM711I3.ASM Interfacer 3 Overlay
M7ISB-1.ASM Intertec Super Brain Overlay
M7KP-2.ASM M7KP-1.ASM MDM711KP.ASM Kaypro overlay
M7LO-1.ASM M712LO.ASM Lobo Max-80 overlay
M7MD-1.ASM MDM711MD.ASM Morrow MD I & II overlay
MDM7MIO.ASM Intersystems MIO board @80hex
M7MM+4.ASM M7MM-1.ASM MDM711MM.ASM Morrow Multi I/O overlay
M7NA-1.ASM M712NA.ASM North Star Advantage overlay
M7NE-1.ASM MDM711NE.ASM NEC PC-8001 overlay
M7NH-2.ASM M7NH-1.ASM North Star Horizon w/HSIO-4
MDM7NS.ASM M712NS.ASM North Star Horizon port B
M7NSP-1.ASM MDM711SP.ASM National Semi. Starplex
MDM7NT.ASM Northern Telecom system
M7OA-1.ASM MDM712OT.ASM Otrona Attache overlay
M7OS-1.ASM MDM711OS.ASM Osborne overlay ext. modem
M7OS-1NE.ASM with Nuevo Eq. 80 Col. card
M7-OSCP.ASM Osborne with DATACOMM modem
M7OD-4.ASM Osborne with COMM-PAC modem
M7OX-1.ASM MDM711OX.ASM Osborne Executive overlay
M7P1-1.ASM PMC Micromate 101
M7PC-1.ASM M712PC.ASM IBM with Baby Blue Z-80
M7PM-1.ASM M712PM.ASM PMMI S-100 Overlay
MDM7QUAY.ASM Quay Series
M7R1-3.ASM MDM7TRS1.ASM M7R1-1.ASM TRS-80 Model I
M7R3-1.ASM TRS-80 Model III
M7R4-4.ASM M7TR4-1.ASM TRS-80 Model IV
M730RV.ASM M724RV.ASM M7RV-1.ASM Racal Vadic VA212PA overlay
M7RV3451.ASM Racal Vadic 3451 overlay
M7SBC-1.ASM MDM7SBC.ASM Superbrain Compustar overlay
M7SD-1.ASM SD Systems SD200
MDM7SOL.ASM Processor Tech. SOL overlay
M7SY-3.ASM M7SY-1.ASM MDM711SY.ASM Sanyo MBC-1000 Overlay
M7S1-1.ASM Sanyo MBC-1100 overlay
M7TV-1.ASM MDM711TV.ASM Televideo TS-802 overlay
MDM7TV3.ASM Televideo TS-803 overlay
M7US-2.ASM M7US-1.ASM U.S. Robotics S-100 board
M7VG-1.ASM MDM7VG3.ASM Vector Graphics 3 & 4
M7VIO-1.ASM MDM7VIO.ASM Ithaca VIO board w/2651
M7VT-2.ASM M7VT-1.ASM MDM712VT.ASM DEC Vt-180/Rainbow overlay
M7XE-1.ASM MDM711XE.ASM Xerox 820 overlay
M7XSMB-1.ASM MDM711XI.ASM Xitan SMB board w/6850
M7ZB-1.ASM MDM712ZB.ASM Telcon Zorba overlay
The overlay file on the left is the prefered version for the various MDM7
overlays. Usually the difference means the the SET command is active and
will allow for changing the Baud rate from the modem program and not have
to use an external 'SETUP' programs.
Be sure that when you use DDT to overlay the proper HEX file on the various
MDM7xx.COM programs that you SAVE the proper amount of Memory to the .COM
file. As MDM7xx has grown the SAVE size has also increased, so don't use
the SAVE size in the overlay unless you are using it on the the identified
MDM7xx program.
Good luck with your overlay..
If there are any NEW computer or S-100 board MDM7xx overlays not on this
list please upload them to Dave Crane's RCP/M (214-931-8274) or to the
Technical CBBS (313-846-6127) for inclusion in this list or contact me
on my up and down RCP/M at (214-681-4789; always 300 but usually 300/1200)
Dennis Recla
10-May-84 11:42:16-MDT,1124;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Received: by sri-tsc.arpa at Thu, 10 May 84 09:56:35 pdt
From: edl <edl@Sri-Tsc.ARPA>
Message-Id: <8405101656.AA04520@sri-tsc.arpa>
Date: 10 May 1984 0956-PDT (Thursday)
To: ihnp4!pegasus!mel@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Subject: Re: Review of Morrow MD3
In-Reply-To: Your message of 5 May 84 18:04:29-PDT (Sat).
Being a Morrow owner I am pleased to hear of someone else's experience
with it. I have just a few comments to add. I find Wordstar painful
and since I am used to EMACS and ELLE (the EMACS for UNIX) I installed
Mince on my MD2 and am quite pleased with it. My only complaint is
that it is very difficult and expensive to install a hard disk since
there is no bus into which to plug a disk controller. If anyone out
there has a relatively cheap solution to this I'd certainly appreciate
Jan (edl@sri-tsc)
10-May-84 11:49:04-MDT,6828;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 10 May 84 11:48:46-MDT
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Date: 8 May 84 2:30:07-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rochester!ritcv!moscom!@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Review of Morrow MD3
Article-I.D.: moscom.128
To practice what I preach - here is a short review of a Morrow MD3 I just
acquired. (I had a DEC Rainbow 100 for a year until I changed companys last
November - you may remember my reviews of that.)
The Morrow is a bit hard to get. They don't have many dealers. Call their
800 number and get a list, all far away, and start calling. I got a MD3
without terminal, $1499 list, 4MHz Z-80, 64K RAM, 2 DSDD floppies (384K user
space each), 2 serial ports, 1 parallel port, NewWord, Correct-it, LogiCalc,
MBASIC, Personal Pearl, Pilot, Quest Bookkeeper, & CP/M 2.2 all in the one
The unit is quite small (16.5"w x 12"d w/plugs x 5.5"h), easily fits on the
corner of your desk. Has a sturdy metal case with a flat top that can support
a printer or terminal. The unit has no fan and is dead quiet unless the disks
are reading or writing, and those are quiet, too. Nothing gets hot or even
warm, except strangely, the floppy disks themselves are warm when you pull
them out even when they have not been spinning. Everything worked right out
of the box just exactly as described in the manuals. No surprises of any sort,
no mad scrambles back to the manuals, no calls needed to the company. The
manuals are all well done, particularly for a novice. I have it right next to
a FM set and on the same circuit with a TV and notice no interference (but,
the Concept terminal frazzes some FM stations).
The serial port to the terminal comes setup at 9600 baud with ^S/^S flow
control (well thought out, no zoom-off-the-screen, no scramble to find that
damn ^Q). It took a lot of doing to get it to work with my beloved Concept
108 terminal, but most normal terminals are included in the setup menu. The
serial port to the printer/modem has a "gotcha" in that the 12 and 5 volt
power is brought out on it. Connect it wrong and you get smoke (this is
clearly shown in the manual, as are scores of jumper options for various
situations). I bypassed all this in connecting to the 212 UDS modem by
wireing up a M to F cable with the following 6 wires: 1 - 1 , 2 - 3 , 3 - 2 ,
7 - 7 , 8 - 20 , 20 - 8. The parallel port uses a standard Radio Shack 26-4401
printer cable (not supplied) with the ribbon side down.
The following 12 liner keyed into DDT gives a terminal pass-through
(use ^Z to get back to CP/M, it doesn't hangup on you):
lxi sp,0150
call f320
jz 0113
call f332
cpi 01a
jz 0
out 0fe
call f4d4
jz 0103
mov c,a
call f482
jmp 0103
The CP/M release disk comes with all the CP/M goodies (including the disk
formatting program - are you listening DEC?) and the complete heavily
commented BIOS and BOOT source. Now that is thoughtfulness to be commended.
There is a program to change the disk read and write parameters to emulate the
disk units of several other CP/M systems. Thus you can read and write IBM PC
(CP/M only), Osborne, & Xerox disks. The BIOS has a neat feature for allowing
disks C, D, & E to be addressed even though there are only A & B physical disk
units. The BIOS handles the operator messages to change disks in the A unit,
the running program doesn't know anything about it. This is very, very handy
with text editing where you want to save out something to another disk, or
read in something; for spreadsheet work the same way; and for just copying
things on and off different disks. I don't see why this hasn't caught on as
the standard way to handle floppies. I can't think of a single thing to gripe
about the hardware, manuals, or the system software. It all runs very well
indeed with lots of thoughtful extras to make things easier.
The NewWord text preparation program is an exact copy of a subset of WordStar.
It works exactly as documented, is very fast, and well thought out. However,
I would prefer full WordStar. The only missing feature I have run into so far
is the "print to a file" capability, but I sorely need that to interchange
text easily with UNIX (that hates those 8th bit thingies). As a long term
emacs, and a sometimes vi, user - let me state that WordStar and NewWord are
a hundred time easier to use and have more useful capability - if WordStar
were available on DEC-20 and UNIX, emacs and vi (and nroff) would join BAL,
AutoCoder, FAP, ALGOL and the other guru'isms of the past.
The LogiCalc is a good-enough Visi-Clone, but I got SuperCalc 2 which is
much better (SuperCalc 2 has date handling functions for scheduleing and
project planning uses). Quest is super; now if only I had my own business
to do bookkeeping for. MBASIC is the regular MBASIC - it runs all the games
from RBBSs I tried it on (JETSET2 is the most fun). Personal Pearl has too
thick a manual for me to get into, and the cursor keys are yet a different set
- phooy! Correct-It is dumb. The authors couldn't have possibly ever used it
themselves, and neither could the Morrow people. It natters at you constantly
about menu selections nobody in their right mind would ever use, demands you
type in the same correction over and over if you misspell something more than
once, and then always asks you at the end for the name of your dictionary file
- which of course has some inane name that you couldn't possibly remember, and
if you don't cough it up the program promptly forgets all your new words -
dumb! The only sour note in the package. PILOT is OK, perfect for the menu
front-end Morrow supplies; and really good for creating CAI scripts. The
menu front-end is really handy for doing the initial setup. Much better than
going through a printed checklist. It only takes a ^C to escape from, so it
doesn't get in the way at all (unlike the menu stuff on the FORTUNE and 3B2).
All in all, I like the Morrow. I use it for SuperCalc and NewWord mostly, and
it does these both with adequate speed and competence. It took all of an
hour to get the terminal pass-through, MBOOT, and MODEM up an running; thanks
to the BIOS source and experience with DDT, SAVE, and PIP. My impression is
that it is faster and easier to use than the IBM PC and Rainbow - it sure is
more pleasent to use (I love this Concept keyboard).
(strictly the personal opinions of) Mel Haas , houxe!mel
10-May-84 12:25:05-MDT,563;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: Thu 10 May 84 11:00:31-PDT
Subject: What of QK2x??
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
Too bad that the release of QK20 had some bugs, as the new features were
very desirable. Is there any plan to re-release it? I hope the author has
not given up on it.
10-May-84 20:27:56-MDT,736;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 10 May 1984 2200-EDT
From: Larry Campbell <LCAMPBELL@Dec-Marlboro.ARPA>
To: ihnp4!pegasus!mel@Ucb-Vax.ARPA, info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Subject: Re: Review of Morrow MD3
Message-ID: <"MS11(2364)+GLXLIB1(1056)" 12014343599.37.71.235719 at DEC-MARLBORO>
References: Message from ihnp4!pegasus!mel@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
of 10-May-84 1410-EDT
One small point, Mel: DEC has been shipping the floppy formatter
with Rainbows since last fall.
11-May-84 00:25:45-MDT,1216;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 11 May 84 00:25:40-MDT
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Date: 7 May 84 4:43:22-PDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!ihuxk!db21@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Wordstar 3.3 Help Wanted.
Article-I.D.: ihuxk.624
I have been using Wordstar 3.0 on my personal computer and have been
happy with its performance. Recently, I obtained ver 3.3 mostly so
I could use the spelling checker supplied by my local computer store.
In printing out a document with ver 3.3, I noticed that I only get
printing from one direction reather than two as with ver 3.0. Does
anyone know of a patch for 3.3 so that I can print bi-directionally?
I also noticed that I cannot read ver 3.0 files from 3.3. Is this
normal or am I seeing something strange? I am using the NEC PC8800
with 8032A printer. Thanks in advance for your help.
Dave Beyerl
11-May-84 01:29:02-MDT,981;000000000000
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Date: 8 May 84 10:10:28-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!darrelj@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Article-I.D.: sdcrdcf.1070
In-Reply-To: Article <12510@sri-arpa.UUCP>
The Kermit protocol includes conventions for 8th bit quoting and control-char
quoting to permit transfer through restricted data channels. (However, not
all implementations implement all features).
Darrel J. Van Buer, PhD
System Development Corp.
2500 Colorado Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90406
(213)820-4111 x5449
11-May-84 11:27:20-MDT,871;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: Fri, 11 May 84 12:54:50 EDT
From: Bob Bloom (TECOM) <bbloom@Brl-Mis.ARPA>
To: ihnp4!ihuxk!db21@ucb-vax.arpa
cc: info-cpm@brl-aos.arpa
Subject: Re: Wordstar 3.3 Help Wanted.
You're seeing something strange - WordStar can "read" any file, version
3.0, 2.2, 3.3, whatever. What about it is not reading?
Carefully step through the installer for custom printers. There is
a selection for bi-directional printing. Check that it is set
correctly for your NEC PC8800 - I found a mistake in the NEC 5500/7700
default selections, so problems might exist.
-bob bloom
11-May-84 16:24:41-MDT,686;000000000000
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Date: Fri 11 May 84 16:00:15-MDT
From: Harold Carr <CARR@UTAH-20.ARPA>
Subject: Public Domain forth
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Is there a good source for public domain forth systems, utilities and
applications? I already know about simtel's cpm-f83 and cpm-forth directories.
These are good, but I am looking for stuff like screen editors, assemblers
for various microprocessors, etc.
Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Harold Carr
11-May-84 22:58:06-MDT,1364;000000000000
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Date: 9 May 84 15:27:03-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!ut-sally!ut-ngp!ables@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: small C
Article-I.D.: ut-ngp.584
[Let me know if you don't receive this line, I'll send another one.]
Does anyone know about or have the Small C compiler for CP/M which
was mention some time back. If I'm not mistaken, it's in the
public domain (??). I picked up some of the routines at the time
because I was intending to get CP/M later. Recently I went back
and looked at the routines, and realized they're all in C (except
for the runtime package, I think). Apparently I missed picking
something up or were these routines in the public domain and you
could use them only if you had already bought the compiler.
Also, having followed the recent discussion about C compilers and
not seeing Small C mentioned, is it worth fooling with?
Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
12-May-84 06:26:07-MDT,1741;000000000000
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Date: 9 May 84 21:52:21-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!sdccs6!ix255@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Apple ][+ for sale
Article-I.D.: sdccs6.1467
I am trying to sell an Apple ][+. I am trying to move up to the newer
32 bit micros. The system is being sold completely. (Software,
Hardware,manuals...total) The system consists of:
Apple ][+ CPM PCPI Card 64k of its own memory
16k language card Printer Interface card (Epson)
80 column card Epson MX80 Graphtrax+ printer
micromodem ][ (2) Quentin 40 track drives
Kraft Joystick Surge protector
The following software is included:
UCSD Pascal II.1 Apple Pascal (w. several enhancements)
Turbo Pascal 1.0 for CPM (Super!)
Powertext Word Processor
Aztec C compiler for both CPM 80 and C65
muMath/muSimp Symbollic Processor (super for students of math and
physics can solve equations up to 37 variables in seconds)
Sensible Speller spell checking package
Wordstar, MBasic, JRT Pascal 3.0, Fortran 66, Cobol 74, Microsoft Cobol,
Microsoft Fortran, Basic Compiler for Applesoft, ProDos, Modem7, CLIP
Unix like command processor, Several games, and other DOS software.
I'm asking $2700 or best offer.
Contact John Antypas 453-2841
PO Box 7037
La Jolla, Ca. 92037
or use this mail... ..!sdccsu3!sdccs6!ix255
12-May-84 07:39:57-MDT,701;000000000000
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Date: 12 May 1984 09:22-EDT
Sender: KEENAN@Usc-Isi.ARPA
Subject: Need info on C compilers
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Cc: Keenan@Usc-Isi.ARPA
Message-ID: <[USC-ISI]12-May-84 09:22:36.KEENAN>
If anyone still has the summary of C compilers which was on the
net recently, I would like a copy as well.
Thank you,
John Keenan
(Keenan at ISI)
12-May-84 09:36:44-MDT,1042;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 10 May 84 13:41:50-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!sdccsu3!loral!simard@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: BIOS Techniques, a question (more).
Article-I.D.: loral.118
In-Reply-To: Article <256@intelca.UUCP>, <117@loral.UUCP>
A note of caution re my last discussion: if SELDSK checks
for disk type (?S/?D), it should do so only when there is
a real chance the disk has been changed. Many programs
rapidly bounce from one logical disk to another (I have
been known to assemble long source files from one disk
for source, another for object and still another for listing).
The number of unneccessary type checks in this case would be
12-May-84 09:41:48-MDT,2383;000000000000
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Date: 10 May 84 13:16:01-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!sdccsu3!loral!simard@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: BIOS Techniques, a question.
Article-I.D.: loral.117
In-Reply-To: Article <256@intelca.UUCP>
The disk parameter block (DPB) whose address is returned ih
the HL pair when SELDSK is called contains a pointer to the
disk parameter header which defines the characteristics
of the current drive which are to apply to all further calls to
SECTRAN, SETSEC (indirectly), READ and WRITE,
until SELDSK is called again. As long as the
DPH/DPB data agree with the disk currently accessed, CP/M will
be happy. The only error indications that the BIOS returns
to the BDOS (main body of CPM) is success (A=0) or failure
(A<>0) from READ or WRITE, or that SELDSK was asked to select
an invalid logical drive (HL returned = 0). If you can determine
what kind of disk is installed in a physical drive dynamically,
the check should be placed in SELDSK. The pointer in the
DPB to the appropriate DPH would then be set by SELDSK
to reflect the outcome of the
check as well as set up the driver for the disk controller
as appropriate. If that is not possible,
then you might want to implement multiple
logical drives for each physical drive (for example, if your system
has two physical drives, A: and B: could be SS/SD, C: and D: could
be the same drives, but SS/DD, etc.). The operator would select
the drive according to the type of disk installed.
Note: I am referring to DPB's and DPH's from memory. I
may have them reversed. What I refer to as DPB is the
16-byte block unique to each logical drive, containing
pointers to the applicable DPH, sector translation table,
allocation and check vectors, and whose address is returned by
SELDSK. The DPH in the above is the
data set defining the size, reserved tracks, block size,
etc., and which may be shared by numerous logical drives.
Ray Simard
Loral Instrumentation, San Diego, CA.
12-May-84 10:03:31-MDT,978;000000000000
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Date: 12 May 1984 09:40 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12014755105.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: hplabs!hao!seismo!ut-sally!ut-ngp!ables@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Where to get Small C for CP/M
In-reply-to: Msg of 9 May 1984 16:27-MDT from hplabs!hao!seismo!ut-sally!ut-ngp!ables at Ucb-Vax.ARPA
The Small C compiler for CP/M is available from my RCPM Royal Oak, MI.
(313-759-6569). The executable files, source, and utilities are all
available in seperate .LBRs. They're on the B: drive. Do SD SMC*.*
to find them. These are apparently newer than those available from
SIMTEL20 or net.sources. One of my users uploaded them - I don't know
where they came from.
12-May-84 10:43:08-MDT,3226;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 12 May 84 10:42:58-MDT
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Date: 12 May 1984 10:22 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12014762707.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: decvax!genrad!rick@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Cc: Info-Micro@Brl.ARPA, Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: 4.2 umodem36.c
In-reply-to: Msg of 7 May 1984 15:11-MDT from decvax!genrad!rick at UCB-VAX.ARPA
Date: Monday, 27 February 1984 23:14-MST
From: Noel J. Bergman <noel%Upenn-ASP%upenn.csnet at csnet-relay.arpa>
To: fjw%simtel20.arpa at csnet-relay.arpa
Re: UMODEM Mods for 4.2 BSD
The following is a list of modifications that need to be made to
UMODEM 3.4 in order for it to work under 4.2 BSD Unix. I have made and
tested these modifications, and am sending you the required changes for
inclusion into the distribution version of UMODEM. Since I am on CSNet
and not the ARPANet, it is much for economical for me to send you this list
of changes. If you would rather have the entire file, or the changes in some
other fashion, please let me know.
The changes are necessary because of the fact that 4.2 BSD Unix
restarts system calls, whereas Unix v7 does not restart system calls following
alarm signals. Other than these changes, UMODEM works fine under BSD Unix
when v7 compilation is selected.
Noel J. Bergman
* -- Version 3.5 Mods by Noel J. Bergman, 02/21/84,
* noel%Upenn-ASP%Upenn@CSnet-Relay
* . Corrected problem with ALARM signal in 4.2 BSD Unix.
* BSD Unix restarts system calls after signal is handled,
* so setjmp() and longjmp() are used to handle I/O timeout.
* Since this will work with all Unix systems, and is alot
* cleaner than depending on side effects, there is no need
* to make this code conditional.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#define VERSION 35
jmp_buf env;
void alarmfunc();
main(argc, argv)
/* get a byte from data stream -- timeout if "seconds" elapses */
int seconds;
char c;
signal(SIGALRM,alarmfunc); /* catch alarms */
alarm((unsigned) seconds); /* set the alarm clock */
if (setjmp(env) == 0) { /* if <> 0 then returned from timeout */
if (read(0, &c, 1) < 0) /* get char, return error as timeout */
else return(TIMEOUT);
alarm((unsigned) 0); /* turn off the alarm */
return((c&BITMASK)); /* return the char */
/* send a byte to data stream */
char data;
char dataout;
dataout = (data&BITMASK); /* mask for 7 or 8 bits */
write(1, &dataout, 1); /* write the byte */
/* function for alarm clock timeouts */
void alarmfunc()
longjmp(env,1); /* this is basically a dummy function to force error */
/* status return on the "read" call in "readbyte" */
12-May-84 21:55:43-MDT,1652;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 12 May 84 21:55:36-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 12 May 84 23:36 EDT
Date: Sat, 12 May 1984 23:37 EDT
Message-ID: <RG.JMTURN.12014885576.BABYL@MIT-OZ>
Cc: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
Subject: Announcing a new modem program ...
In-reply-to: Msg of 7 May 1984 23:22-EDT from Ron Fowler <RFOWLER at SIMTEL20.ARPA>
On first look, MEX seems to be a great program, if your idea of fun is
watching the selected drive buzz for a while, then go to A: for a
second (obviously a JMP 0H), then return to CP/M. Maybe the
instructions weren't explicit enought for me. What did I do wrong?
First, I FTPed the files from SIMTEL to MC, then used MMODEM to
download them to my system. When I got them onto my disk (C), I tried
running MEX10.COM first, just to see how it ran. It gave the above
described behavior. Then I modified the MEXPAT10 file and assembled.
Next problem, the instructions say to say MLOAD
NEWMEX.COM=MEX10.OBJ,MEXPAT10...what MEX10.OBJ? I tried renaming
MEX10.COM to MEX10.OBJ, and ran MLOAD. It ran, spat out some data, and
running the resulting COM file got the same results. Next I tried
downloading the MEX10.HEX file and LOADing it. Same behavior. I'm
running a Morrow MD II with an external third drive. What am I doing
James M. Turner
Usenet: Who knows?
TincanNet: #1232643 (ask for ``slimy'')
13-May-84 01:28:47-MDT,1145;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 13 May 84 01:28:42-MDT
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Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 13 May 84 2:53 EDT
Date: Sun 13 May 84 00:54:17-MDT
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: New MEX files...
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
New files on SIMTEL20 <CPM.MEX> :
MEXNEWS.002: Newsletter #2; contains a number of bug fixes (all known bugs
are stamped out with the included patch file) and discussions
concerning ALDS numbers, keystrings and other things ...
MXO-GB10.ASM A new MEX overlay made out of an old MDM overlay; this
interfaces the Godbout Interfacer 3 and 4, along with the
System Support 1; the new SET command allows you to switch
among any of the eight Interfacer ports, and the SS1.
-READ.ME: Updated to add CRC for the new overlay, and to correct an
error in the Smartmodem overlay CRC.
Comments, suggestions, gripes, etc. to RFOWLER@@SIMTEL20.
13-May-84 01:43:18-MDT,1562;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 13 May 84 01:43:13-MDT
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Date: 13 May 1984 01:06 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <RFOWLER.12014923663.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Subject: [RFOWLER: Announcing a new modem program ...]
Date: Sunday, 13 May 1984 01:04-MDT
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER>
Re: Announcing a new modem program ...
Part of your problem is, I believe, the bug that prevents MEX from
running if a modem overlay is not installed; the patch in MEXNEWS.002
corrects that. MEX will then run without having to MLOAD *except*, of
course, for the modem commands ... you have to install your modem
overlay with MLOAD (not MEXPAT10;; that's just for modifying the
defaults). If you use MDM7, you have an overlay that you can use;
let's say (since I don't know its real name) that it's M7MD-2.ASM; if
you have MEX10.COM present on the default drive, you'd do:
MEX.COM=MEX10.COM,M7MD-2 (note that M7MD-2.HEX must be
If you're also installing the Smartmodem overlay, assemble it, then do
((Just noticed that I ommited MLOAD in the first example line; pretend
that it's there).
Hope this gets you started .... --Ron
13-May-84 02:05:55-MDT,808;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: Sun 13 May 84 00:31:42-PDT
Subject: Kaypro Tinkerkit question
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA, info-micro@BRL.ARPA
I am trying to re-assemble (with M80/L80) the source for the COPY
program to work with double sided drives. My problem is I am not
getting a good link. There are two .MAC files associated, one is
COPY itself, the other a "subprogram" called FORMAT. All I get out
of the mess is a 40k+ garbage .COM file. Can anyone give me the
correct procedure and/or changes to make this work?
13-May-84 04:16:55-MDT,2135;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 13 May 84 04:16:48-MDT
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Received: by RICE-JANUS (AA01084); Sun, 13 May 84 04:35:26 cdt
Date: Sun, 13 May 84 04:19:42 CDT
From: Stan Hanks <stan@rice.ARPA>
Subject: Help with Siemens FD200 drives
To: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
Message-Id: <1984.>
As I was in the market for some DSDD 8" drives, I bought a pair of
Siemens FD200 drives from JDR Microdevices, and persuaded a friend of
mine to do the same. We got the beasties in late January, but due to
the usual academic pressures, didn't have a chance to play with them
until this week (making them long out of warranty).
My friend runs MS-DOS on a Seatlle 8086 S100 board set; I run CP/M 2.2
on a highly modified Heath H89. We both have problems getting the
disks to perform in a sane fashion. As nearly as I can tell from the
manual, they are correctly strapped. The symptoms are that every so
often the drives do not correctly recognize various sectors for either
reading or writing. If this were more persistent, I would be tempted to
so that one head or another was not correctly functioning; however,
they do work after a fashion and that would seem to indicate something
more intermittent.
A friend thought that he recalled an article or letter in one of the
popular magazines (Byte?) that claimed disfunctionality with the FD200
drives, and proposed a fix for this. Does anyone either have this
information, or have any additional information thatt might be of help?
Any info is appreciated; assuming that none is forthcoming, anyone want
to buy 4 8" floppy sized paperweights?????
Stan Hanks
Department of Computer Science
Rice University
Houston TX
stan@rice.ARPA (arpanet)
stan@rice (csnet)
...!lbl-csam!rice!stan (uucp)
13-May-84 18:02:29-MDT,770;000000000000
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Date: Sun 13 May 84 19:38:52-EDT
From: Edward Huang <PGS.G.EH%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: USR AutoDial 212A & PASSWORD
Hello, I'm taking a look at the USR PASSWORD which seems to sell
for $320-$375. At the moment, I have a loaned USR Auto-Dial 212A
which works very nicely but was told it costs over $480. I'd
like to know other's experiences with the autodial 212a and
the password (RS-232 version).
Thanks!! -Ed
[DataTech RCPM 415-595-0541 vadic triple]
13-May-84 19:16:17-MDT,887;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 13 May 1984 18:56 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12015118449.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Edward Huang <PGS.G.EH%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: USR AutoDial 212A & PASSWORD
In-reply-to: Msg of 13 May 1984 17:38-MDT from Edward Huang <PGS.G.EH%MIT-OZ at MIT-MC.ARPA>
Check the ads in BYTE and MICROSYSTEMS. The PASSWORD modem is going
for $297 in some ads. Several of my friends have purchased them and
are quite satisfied. The ROM was updated some time back to make it
compatible with the DC Hayes Smartmodem, although some of the
self-test features don't exist.
13-May-84 20:08:24-MDT,1103;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 13 May 84 20:08:19-MDT
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Date: 13 May 1984 19:43 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12015126985.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: [kawala%ucbcory: New Version of UMODEM - Version 3.7]
Date: Sunday, 13 May 1984 12:52-MDT
From: kawala%ucbcory at Berkeley (Richard Kawala)
To: w8sdz at mit-mc
Re: New Version of UMODEM - Version 3.7
I got UMODEM and the 4.2 BSD fix off of SIMTEL20 and integrated
the two. I don't understand why nobody had done that before; I can only
guess that there was no one on the ARPANet that was on a 4.2 BSD system
who had bothered to deal with it and test it. So I did it. I'm willing
to provide what support I can. I've tested it; it sends and receives and
times out in both modes correctly.
The new file is available from SIMTEL20 as:
13-May-84 23:05:23-MDT,1882;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 13 May 1984 22:39 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12015158927.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Gonsalves@SU-SIERRA.ARPA
Cc: Info-Micro@Brl.ARPA, Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Q: Squeaky floppy drive
In-reply-to: Msg of 5 May 1984 12:50-MDT from Tim Gonsalves <Fat.Tag at SU-SIERRA.ARPA>
Date: Sat 5 May 84 11:50:04-PDT
From: Tim Gonsalves <Fat.Tag@SU-SIERRA.ARPA>
Subject: Q: Squeaky floppy drive
To: info-micro@BRL-VGR.ARPA
What would cause the head of a 5 1/4" floppy drive (Tandon 100-2)
to squeak (like the disc brakes on many cars) when the head is
seeking? This occurs intermittently, usually on long seeks, seems
independent of the disk. The same disks work fine on another
drive. Any remedies?
Tim Gonsalves,
Charlie Strom sent a message some time ago that may provide the
Date: 6/17/81
From: Charlie Strom
To: All
Re: Shugart disk drive lubrication
I recently received some valuable info re lubrication of
Shugart 8" drives, prompted by intermittant squeaking from
a drive! Carefully, spray a small amount of aerosol sili-
cone lubricant on the lead screw (without getting it all
over the place!) I was amazed at the noise reduction I saw
immediately. According to my source, Shugart has done this
themselves in spite of no mention in service manuals. It
certainly hasn't hurt my drive operation. Don't use a
lubricant with any petroleum base... pure silicone (food
grade) only! The brand I have is called Sprayway, from
Sprayway, Inc., Addison, Ill 60101.
13-May-84 23:35:40-MDT,819;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 13 May 84 23:35:35-MDT
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Date: Mon, 14 May 1984 00:57 EDT
Message-ID: <CAL.12015162263.BABYL@MIT-OZ>
From: Cliff Lasser <CAL%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: help needed for Idris on Sage
I'm desperately in need of any info on how to program the IO devices on a
Sage IV running Idris. If necessary, I'm willing to pay well for this
help!! If you or someone you know could help, please call me collect at
212-355-5040. If I'm not there, just leave your name and number and I'll
get back to you shortly.
13-May-84 23:41:15-MDT,2526;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 13 May 84 23:41:08-MDT
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Date: 13 May 1984 23:15 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12015165502.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: New XMODEM53 for VAX-VMS
Date: 2 May 1984 1448-EST
Subject: VAX Xmodem Fix
I have fixed Xmodem on our VAX to allow transfer of binary files.
Here is what the problem was:
Xmodem would open files giving them a fixed length of 128 bytes per block.
However, when binary files are FTPed across ARPANET to VAX/VMS, the
resulting file has a fixed length of 512 bytes blocks (at least this is
what happens with FTP on our VAX). Anyway, what was happening before
was that with binary files being transfered to a micro with Xmodem/
Modem7, only the first 128 bytes of each block were sent. So I would
only get about 1/3 of a binary file.
I've since changed Xmodem to open files as 512 byte blocks, put that block
into a 512 byte array, and then transmit 128 bytes at a time from that array
to Modem7. Works fine now.
I also made another change to Xmodem. I have it count the number of 128 byte
records that will be transfered during a send and display that information
to the user. I didn't code this the best way possible since I don't know
all that much about VMS yet. What I do is open the file and read through it
counting the records. I would think that some system call exists in
VMS that I could call in a FORTRAN program to tell me the block size of
a file. Some folks may not want that routine in Xmodem because if you
are sending a large file it may take a few minutes for the blocks to be
The new XMODEM is now available on SIMTEL20. Here's a complete list
of the current files in the directory:
Filename Type Bytes Sectors CRC
CTOV.FOR.1 ASCII 2821 23 = 17H 6408H
QIO.DCK.1 ASCII 115 1 = 1H A2B1H
VTOC.FOR.1 ASCII 2730 22 = 16H 747AH
XMODEM.HLP.1 ASCII 3656 29 = 1DH 10A9H
XMODEM.NOTE.1 ASCII 7157 56 = 38H 346AH
XMODEM53.FOR.1 ASCII 32791 257 = 101H 409DH
14-May-84 01:18:52-MDT,671;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 14 May 84 01:18:49-MDT
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Date: 11 May 84 8:40:14-PDT (Fri)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!houxm!mhuxl!mhuxt!evans@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Franklin Boards?
Article-I.D.: mhuxt.115
Does anyone have comments on the best CP/M board for a Franklin 1000?
as they say...
thanks in advance
Steve Crandall
14-May-84 01:37:36-MDT,1751;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 14 May 84 01:37:28-MDT
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Date: 11 May 84 8:53:56-PDT (Fri)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hpda!fortune!dsd!avsdS!nelson@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Pointer to roff4.c
Article-I.D.: avsdS.745
Someone on ARPAnet requested a pointer to roff4. I don't think
items in this newsgroup get to ARPA - if true, would someone
please forward?
Roff4, Ed Reams' older editor, and numerous goodies are available
from the C Users' Group, 112 N. Main, Yates Center, KS 66783.
It costs $10 / year to join, and that gets you 4-6 informative
newsletters. All their software is public domain and costs $8.00.
The software is available in various disk formats, and some of it
is now showing up in Aztec C as well as BDS. Each disk has a human
librarian, so most of this stuff gets debugged! The software quality
is unusually high, and most of it works correctly after hardware
dependencies are taken care of.
A note on roff4: it is quite similar to nroff on UNIX, but is
tailored for an Epson printer. You can define graphics characters,
fractional vertical spaces (for super- and sub-scripting), and
send arbitrary byte sequences to the printer. Standard features
of nroff such as macro definition, diversion files (good for footnotes),
and variables (nice for customized form letters) are supported.
Glenn Nelson Ampex Corp., Redwood City, CA
14-May-84 09:54:15-MDT,2890;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 14 May 84 09:54:02-MDT
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Date: 14 May 1984 09:25 MDT (Mon)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12015276536.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: decvax!mcnc!ecsvax!alt@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Cc: Info-Micro@Brl.ARPA, Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Lightning Protection
In-reply-to: Msg of 9 May 1984 08:08-MDT from decvax!mcnc!ecsvax!alt at UCB-VAX.ARPA
Date: 12/03/81
To: All
Re: Preventing system failures due to transcients
After losing 3 PMMI couplers at TCBBS in about 3 months,
I contacted the local telco (who naturally could do nothing
about my problem) and PMMI. PMMI gave me a new style
coupler that has been working, without problems, since
it was installed (about 6 or 7 storms ago).
If you don't have a new style coupler, then try a fused
varistor across the phone line (telco CAN give you permission,
but first you have to find somebody there who knows what a
varistor is, and then convince him the the telco's fuses aren't
doing the job). The function of the varistor here isn't to
eliminate the lightning induced transients. It's to REDUCE
the transients to a point where the poor PMMI can tolerate
the "shock" (down to, say, a mere 100,000 volts for 1/10th sec).
The telco puts fuses of its own in series with your phone line,
but, unfortunately, the telco equipment is more rugged than
your PMMI (although the PMMI coupler meets or exceeds the FCC's
definition of "lightning-proof.").
The system here has survived at least one "direct hit" on the
phone lines since I installed the varistors in it. It wouldn't
have been able to stand that before. Because I had the line
fused in front of the varistor, all it did was cost me $1 for
a new fuse.
You should also put varistors across the AC power lines that
supply EACH of the peripherals of your system. Otherwise, a
lightning zap could get into one device by traveling through
The trick with using varistors is to figure out which of the
little beggars to use in each location, and what type and value
of fuse to use along with it. You could just buy several
"canned" transient suppressors and plug them into every outlet
that your computer is connected to, but to be really safe, you
should consider using the proper type for each application.
If you aren't incredibly familiar with varistors and their
use (who is?), trot on down to your local GE parts supplier
and grab a copy of the "GE VARISTOR HANDBOOK." It explains
the theory behind varistors, tells how and where to use them,
and even gives examples and recommendations for their use with
(surprise!) micros and minis and telephone lines.
14-May-84 17:04:09-MDT,581;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 14 May 84 17:04:04-MDT
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Received: From cmu-cs-c.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 14 May 84 18:35 EDT
Received: ID <CHEPPONIS@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>; Mon 14 May 84 18:34:39-EDT
Date: Mon 14 May 84 18:34:37-EDT
From: Mike Chepponis <Chepponis@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>
Subject: Is this list still active?
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
I haven't seen anything new in a couple of months! (Maybe everybody bought
Macs...) -Mike
14-May-84 19:01:27-MDT,1526;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 14 May 84 19:01:19-MDT
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Date: Mon, 14 May 84 20:19:00 EDT
From: Charlie Strom (NYU) <strom@Brl-Bmd.ARPA>
To: Sam Hahn <Samuel@su-score.arpa>
Subject: Re: New CompuPro products
I thought that you might be interested in hearing some background on
Digital Research's development of the OEM (vanilla) version of CCPM,
as opposed to the IBM version. The OEM version was developed using
Compupro hardware, and the OEM version will run on a Compupro-816
system with Heath H-19/29 terminals. It is not surprising that Compupro
is able to release the operating system in short order considering this.
I have not seen the actual release code, but the work I did see lest a lot
to be desired. Apparently Gifford agreed, since their staff has been hard at
work foir several months making it work the way it should. I suspect
we will see a ho-hum version from Compupro and an implementation done
the way it should be executed from Gifford. This also goes
for SoftNet.
Forgive me for my pessimism, but I have a SPU-Z on order for many moons.
I would also love an IBM-compatible graphics board, but I hope that
my social security check will cover it by the time it is released.. I
will be getting same in thirty years or so!
14-May-84 19:30:16-MDT,968;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Received: From usc-isid.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 14 May 84 20:29 EDT
Date: 14 May 1984 20:29-EDT
Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
Subject: Re: Is this list still active?
To: Chepponis@Cmu-Cs-C.ARPA
Cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID]14-May-84 20:29:37.ABN.ISCAMS>
In-Reply-To: The message of Mon 14 May 84 18:34:37-EDT from Mike Chepponis <Chepponis@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>
I subscribe to both INFO-MICRO and INFO- and seem to get plenty of
duplicate mail -- I THINK CPM is still active. If you want action, you might
get added to INFO-MICRO which addresses a somewhat wider range of subjects
and systems.
But we still love you, even if no one wants to talk to you!
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
14-May-84 19:58:04-MDT,888;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 14 May 84 19:57:58-MDT
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Date: 14 May 1984 19:32 MDT (Mon)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12015387154.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Some ZCPR2 files ASCIFYed on SIMTEL20
In order to conserve space, some of the files in MICRO:<CPM.ZCPR2>
have been changed from ITS-binary to ASCII. This did not change the
CRC's of those files - just the way they are stored here. If you're
in doubt about which files are "COM" (ITS-Binary) and which are ASCII,
get MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST which gives a complete listing of all files
in MICRO:<CPM.*> with information on how they are stored, the sizes,
and the CRC values.
15-May-84 00:53:55-MDT,610;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 15 May 84 00:53:52-MDT
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Date: 12 May 84 7:46:50-PDT (Sat)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!ihuxq!covert@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Announcing a new modem program ...Post it??
Article-I.D.: ihuxq.931
In-Reply-To: Article <484@sri-arpa.UUCP>
How about posting MEX on the network??
15-May-84 05:38:54-MDT,623;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 15 May 84 05:38:50-MDT
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Date: 15 May 1984 07:02-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: New CompuPro products
To: strom@Brl-Bmd.ARPA
cc: Samuel@Su-Score.ARPA, INFO-CPM@Brl-Aos.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of Mon 14 May 84 20:19:00 EDT from Charlie Strom (NYU) <strom at Brl-Bmd.ARPA>
the s-100 video graphics board pc compatible exists and will be
at comdex.
15-May-84 11:58:25-MDT,1324;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 15 May 84 11:58:15-MDT
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Date: 15 May 1984 11:37 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12015562705.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: XMODEM54 for VAX-VMS now available
Date: Tuesday, 15 May 1984 07:46-MDT
Re: Bug Fix to Xmodem53 for VAX-VMS
I have uploaded XMODEM54.FOR, a corrected version of Xmodem53. I
discovered a bug yesterday and this corrects that problem. Before,
when sending from the micro to the VAX, if the number of 128 byte
blocks sent was not a multiple of 512 then the last block sent was not
written to the file on the VAX. I fixed this so that in the above
situation the last block gets written to the VAX file.
Also, I suspect that the standard for binary files on VAX/VMS is 512
byte record sizes since when you compile and link a program under VMS
the resulting executeable file contains a record size of 512 bytes.
-Greg Elder
XMODEM54.FOR is now available on SIMTEL20 in the MICRO:<CPM.VAXVMS>
directory. None of the other files have been changed.
15-May-84 15:07:43-MDT,1314;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 15 May 84 15:07:32-MDT
Date: Tue, 15 May 84 16:41:25 EDT
From: Dave Towson (info-cpm) <cpmlist@Amsaa.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: [garey: Re: Ribbon re-inkers]
Forwarded message:
----- Forwarded message # 1:
Received: From ut-ngp.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 13 May 84 17:09 EDT
Date: Sun, 13 May 84 16:13:57 cdt
From: garey@ut-ngp.ARPA
Posted-Date: Sun, 13 May 84 16:13:57 cdt
Message-Id: <8405132113.AA16385@ut-ngp.ARPA>
Received: by ut-ngp.ARPA (4.22/4.22)
id AA16385; Sun, 13 May 84 16:13:57 cdt
To: info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: Re: Ribbon re-inkers
Cc: info-micro@brl.ARPA
I've had a ribbon re-inker for about 6 months. Its great. I re-ink
about every month just to keep the print good and dark. I have the
"Le Ribbonizer" (box 1727 Redlands, CA 92373, no phone number). Make sure
you get the motor driven kind. I know someone who bought a hand-cranked
version that looked like it was made by a six year old out of garage lumber
scraps. The motor driven one I have is easy to use. It cost around $35
and I've saved more than that in ribbons already (actually I've had it for
more like 9 months.
----- End of forwarded messages
15-May-84 16:28:55-MDT,1025;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 15 May 84 16:28:47-MDT
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Date: 14 May 84 0:30:26-PDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!floyd!clyde!akgua!sdcsvax!sdccs7!ee163abs@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Hard Disk info requested
Article-I.D.: sdccs7.1221
I have an Apple //e with running CP/M with the Appli-card. I am looking
into purchasing a hard disk (probably a 5 or 10 MB removable) but have
not found one that will run with Apple DOS , cp/m , and the p-system.
Has anyone had some experience with hard disks on an Apple or know of any
hard disks that will support these 3 operating systems. Please post
responses on the net or mail to me directly. I will post any info I
Ron Breger
15-May-84 16:47:11-MDT,691;000000000000
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Date: 15 May 1984 18:14-EDT
Subject: ARPAnet distribution lists
To: info-micro@Brl-Aos.ARPA, info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Message-ID: <[BBNA]15-May-84 18:14:36.WAGREICH>
How does one find out the distribution lists available on the
ARPAnet (like info-micro, info-cpm, info-apple, etc.)? Is there
an on-line database of such lists somewhere on some ARPAnet host?
15-May-84 17:23:22-MDT,877;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 15 May 84 17:23:18-MDT
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Date: Tue 15 May 84 16:59:44-MDT
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: New MEX Smartmodem overlay
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
A new version of the MEX Smartmodem overlay is present on SIMTEL20
as <CPM.MEX>MXO-SM11.ASM. The new overlay fixes a dialing problem
where the final digit in a dialed number could be interpreted by
MEX as a modem result code. Thanks to Steve Grandi for the fix.
You should note also that Steve has shortened the dial-wait time
to 20 seconds (you may want to customize the new section of code
that does this to your own preference). --Ron Fowler
15-May-84 17:54:16-MDT,2792;000000000000
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Received: from CheninBlanc.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 15 MAY 84 15:13:40 PDT
Date: Tue, 15 May 84 15:13 PDT
From: MMoon.es@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: Re: New CompuPro products
In-reply-to: "strom@BRL-BMD.ARPA's message of Mon, 14 May 84 20:19:00
To: Charlie Strom (NYU) <strom@BRL-BMD.ARPA>
CCP/M ported to an 8-16 as the vanilla example system? Holy batfish,
I made my choices on going 16 bit with a piecemeal 8-16 system (so far
everything but the Interfacer-4 & Disk 1-- I'm wiating for the Disk 1a
to be introduced, and running Cp/m 80 on my old disk controller in the
Considering that the Disk 1a will be released Any Day Now, I had given
up trying to run the mother before the turn of the century, due to lack
of equipment. Tony Li all but talked me out of doing the port myself
because of the expected complexity of writting the XIOS. Now modifying
an existing system as opposed to writting one from the ground up?
Mmmmmmm. Gotta think about that one. Anybody know how to make an F50
Liberty terminal look like a Z-19? That only leaves figuring out out how
to run the 8-bit stuff on the "other" side of the DPU. Anybody out
there ever write a CP/M-80 BIOS that just translates to CP/M-86 BDOS
calls? Can't be that simple. Sigh. That's probably why Compurpo refers
to there version as CCP/M 816 (on the adds in *this* month's Byte for
the Disk 1a, yet).
But, if Compupro had really released the operating system "in short
order", this would be a moot point. Uh, alas, they have not. My most
recent conversation with Compupro's marketing department yielded
information to the effect that CCP/M 816 would not be released until
1-July (I forgot to ask what year). The marketing person I spoke with
assured me that the product was ready for release, but Digital Research
was holding up the ball game. "Business reasons" were blamed.
Charlie, maybe you and I should book reservations in the same old folks'
home; that way there will be someone around in our mutual old age who
understands simulaneous hysterical laughter and rivers of mourning tears
at the product announcements of certain computer companies.
P.S. Jerry, if you're listening & could shed some light on these delays,
there will likely be many interested, if not eternally greatful,
readers. Also, you may save me from burying my favorite size nine
hatchet in some otherwise probably decent software.
16-May-84 10:08:44-MDT,903;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:08:38-MDT
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Date: Tue 15 May 84 21:29:21-EDT
From: Bradley C. Kuszmaul <KUSZMAUL@MIT-XX.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Review of Morrow MD3
To: ihnp4!pegasus!mel@UCB-VAX.ARPA
cc: kuszmaul@MIT-XX.ARPA, info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Message from "ihnp4!pegasus!mel@Ucb-Vax.ARPA" of Sat 5 May 84 21:04:29-EDT
I would prefer full WordStar. The only missing feature I have
run into so far is the "print to a file" capability, but I
sorely need that to interchange text easily with UNIX (that
hates those 8th bit thingies). As a long term
PIP has a way to zero the 8th bit of data files. Use the Z option.
PIP foo.txt=bar.txt[z]
16-May-84 10:08:54-MDT,1358;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:08:49-MDT
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Date: Tue 15 May 84 21:39:41-EDT
From: Bradley C. Kuszmaul <KUSZMAUL@MIT-XX.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Review of Morrow MD3
cc: kuszmaul@MIT-XX.ARPA, info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Message from "edl <edl@Sri-Tsc.ARPA>" of Thu 10 May 84 12:56:00-EDT
My only complaint is that it is very difficult and expensive to
install a hard disk since there is no bus into which to plug a disk
controller. If anyone out there has a relatively cheap solution to
this I'd certainly appreciate it.
There is at least one implementation of a hard disk system which uses
the Z80 pins as the "bus". (I believe the company is Xebec) The system
replaces the Z80 by a module (which has a Z80 buried inside it somewhere)
which connects to the hard disk system. Further detailed information
can be obtained from me if you send me net-mail (I have to dig up
the info, and will do it if someone asks)
It seems silly to go through all that when Morrow makes the MD-11 for
so little extra $ with a 10MB hard disk, but if you've bought a MD-3
you do what you can.
16-May-84 10:09:05-MDT,1483;000000000000
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Date: 15 May 1984 21:44-EDT
Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
Subject: CompuPro Boards
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID]15-May-84 21:44:06.ABN.ISCAMS>
Saw Jerry Pournelle's confirm on the new CompuPro S-100 video graphics board,
and once again hunger for some of their high-quality stuff. But again and
again I read/hear of their products only in relation to their OWN CPU boards,
memory, I/O boards, etc.
S-100 is nice, and I have one each fully standard high-tech S-100 buss in my
trusty Toad, a Morrow Decision I. But WHO knows which CompuPro products WILL
in fact run with other CPUs, disk controllers, I/O boards, etc??
Any vendors out there? Anyone who stuffed CompuPro into a non-Compupro/Gifford
system? Sorry if this seems stupid, but I am not very smart about this level
of hardware integration (yet), and greatly fear hundreds of bucks spent on a
a beautiful piece of technology fit only to be framed and hung on the wall!
I dearly love Morrow products, but ... they don't MAKE a 16-bit CPU board!
And they don't MAKE a video board.
Thanks in advance,
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
16-May-84 10:09:17-MDT,1139;000000000000
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Date: 15 May 1984 22:26-EDT
Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
Subject: Re: Hard Disk info requested
To: hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!floyd!clyde!akgua!sdcsvax!sdccs7!ee163abs@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID]15-May-84 22:26:02.ABN.ISCAMS>
In-Reply-To: The message of 14 May 84 0:30:26-PDT (Mon) from hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!floyd!clyde!akgua!sdcsvax!sdccs7!ee163abs@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Ron (et al)
A recent Army development (?) put Apples (modified) in steel emanation-proof
cases and called it MICROFIX. This system included a similarly treated
Corvus hard disk. They run both CP/M and Pascal (I THINK p-System) on the
same disk, though I believe these are 20-meggers. They use different volumes,
as I understand, for the different OSs. Donno about Apple DOS.
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
16-May-84 10:09:29-MDT,921;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:09:24-MDT
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Date: Tuesday, 15 May 1984 21:42-EDT
From: jrv@Mitre-Bedford.ARPA
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Subject: 1200 baud modems
I'm looking for a 1200 baud modem, and would like to hear
from anyone who has compared the Anchor Signalman Mark XII
and the US Robotics Password. I've used the Mark XII a bit,
and wasn't impressed. It had trouble recognizing a carrier, and
took a lot of retries to transfer files. This was on a good
phone line (within a company, through a local branch exchange).
I also missed the speaker I have on my Hayes Smartmodem 300. Does
the Password have a speaker?
- Jim Van Zandt (jrv at mitre-bedford)
16-May-84 10:10:09-MDT,1326;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:09:38-MDT
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Date: Tuesday, 15 May 1984 21:46-EDT
From: jrv@Mitre-Bedford.ARPA
To: ables@Ut-Ngp.ARPA
Cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Subject: small c
Small-C was written by Ron Cain and first appeared in Dr. Dobbs
in source code. It is, indeed, in the public domain. Since
then, many fixes and extensions have been added, notably by
Jim Hendrix. The most recent article was in the May 84 issue
of DDJ. Small C is a very useful subset of C. It produces
8080 assembly language and lacks floating point.
(However, I have converted mine to Zilog mnemonic assembly
language and installed floating point in mine.) If you want a
compiler with source code available, it's the one to have.
Otherwise, there are others which are probably better. Many
of them are extensively modified versions of Small C. In
particular, I've heard good things about C/80. I believe it's
only about $50. I'm about to get a Z100, and plan to run
DeSmet C on it.
"Any C is better than no C at all."
- Jim Van Zandt (jrv at mitre-bedford)
16-May-84 10:10:41-MDT,577;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:09:58-MDT
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Date: Tuesday, 15 May 1984 21:52-EDT
From: jrv@Mitre-Bedford.ARPA
To: keenan@Usc-Isi.ARPA
Cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Subject: c compilers
I just got my name on the CPM mailing list and got your
message about C compilers. If you get a reply to your request,
could you forward a copy to me?
16-May-84 10:11:07-MDT,1217;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:10:11-MDT
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Received: From uw-vlsi-gw.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 16 May 84 0:42 EDT
Date: 15 May 1984 18:07:52-PDT
From: Ed Mills <capn@Uw-Vlsi.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Subject: Machines and DBMS's
A non-profit organization I work with is looking for a multiuser
system to run word processing, accounting and a good size DBMS. They have
about $20K to spend.
I heard that there was just the cat's meow of DBMS's from someone
for about $2500 dollars. (Net or BYTE?). Do you know which?
Are there any good multiuser systems? I heard that MP/M-86 was
slow. MS-DOS 4.0 isn't out yet. I don't know if these sorts of applications
are available under Unix/Xenix. Is the Compupro box a good performer? I
like other products of theirs. Any suggestions?
They are currently looking at the Altos 586. (Xenix) Any comments?
They are also considering the ATT box. (Soon to be available says
their salesperson). Again, any comments?
Ed Mills
16-May-84 10:11:26-MDT,937;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:10:41-MDT
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Received: from ucbjade.CC.Berkeley.ARPA (ucbjade.ARPA) by UCB-VAX.ARPA (4.24/4.27)
id AA05736; Tue, 15 May 84 22:14:18 pdt
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(4.14.3/4.16) id AA04851; Tue, 15 May 84 22:13:24 pdt
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(4.14/4.16) id AA00945; Tue, 15 May 84 22:14:04 pdt
Date: Tue, 15 May 84 22:14:04 pdt
From: William C. Wells <wcwells%ucbopal.CC@Ucb-Vax.ARPA>
Message-Id: <8405160514.AA00945@ucbopal.CC.Berkeley.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@amsaa.ARPA
Subject: PMC Micromate Bugs & Fixes
I am collecting bugs and fixes for the PMC Micromate (Model 101) for the
East Bay Micromate Users Group, Oakland CA. Anybody have any?
16-May-84 10:11:59-MDT,1277;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:11:06-MDT
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Date: Tue 15 May 84 22:46:24-PDT
From: Sam Hahn <Samuel@SU-SCORE.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Machines and DBMS's
cc: info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Message from "Ed Mills <capn@Uw-Vlsi.ARPA>" of Tue 15 May 84 18:07:52-PDT
If your group is looking at an Altos 586, I suggest another look at
either the Compupro 10 with HD, or one of their 816 systems. You'll
get more for your money, plus expandability.
The dbms probably referred to is MDBSIII, which is a network-model
database system, multi-user, and reputed to be highly portable.
[it runs on cpm machines on up to pdp-11's, and other mini's]
You might also look at Charles River for a small-sized unix micro.
I for one would be very wary about being a guinea pig for a new
product. Callan Data Systems is also another in this price range,
with unix. Look also at the Consultant, from Elite Corporation,
for a 16000-based micro. This range actually encompasses quite
a few candidates...
-- sam hahn
16-May-84 10:12:09-MDT,673;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:11:30-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 16 May 84 7:17 EDT
Date: 16 May 1984 07:16-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: CompuPro Boards
In-reply-to: Msg of 15 May 1984 21:44-EDT from ABN.ISCAMS at Usc-Isid.ARPA
if what you have is indeed IEEE 696 standard, then all CompuPro
boards will work with what you have. However, be warnied: much
that claims t be ieee 696 is not.
16-May-84 10:12:12-MDT,1437;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:11:49-MDT
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Received: From mitre-gateway.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 16 May 84 8:05 EDT
Date: 16 May 1984 8:02:24 EDT (Wednesday)
From: Tom Reid <treid@Mitre-Gateway.ARPA>
Subject: JRT Pascal
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
The newest issue of the Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2 (May/June 1984,
Vol. 3, No. 3) states that the newly announced JRT Systems Modula-2
compiler, Version 1.0 does not, repeat does not, include (1) the cardinal
data type, (2) opaque types, (3) procedure variables, (4) multiprocessing,
(5) local variables, (6) WITH statement, (7) ELSEIF statement, and (8)
open array parameters.
They say that the above will be corrected in Version 1.1 with "free"
updates. I am still leery of JRT until I read a "real" review which
includes assurances that their version is a faithful reproduction of
"TRUE" Modula-2 and is portable to other implementations.
I would like to hear from anyone who is freer with their $99 than I can be.
I will summarize those responses that are not also cc'ed to the net.
Maybe if 20 of us could syndicate $5 each for someone to review it?
For those who really trip the light fantastic, JRT is coming out with Ada
for IBM, CP/M, and 68000 already. Now we can sleep well at night.
16-May-84 10:12:16-MDT,1407;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:12:04-MDT
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16 May 84 9:28 EDT
Received: from HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA by CISL-SERVICE-MULTICS.ARPA dial; 16-May-1984 08:51:57-edt
Acknowledge-To: "Kevin P. Fleming" <KFleming@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA>
Date: Tue, 15 May 84 20:06 MST
From: "Kevin P. Fleming" <KFleming@his-phoenix-multics.arpa>
Subject: Manual/Standard Request
To: Dickson@his-phoenix-multics.arpa
Message-ID: <840516030654.959801@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA>
Resent-Date: 15 May 84 20:12 MST
Resent-From: Dickson@his-phoenix-multics.arpa
Resent-To: Info-CPM@BRL.ARPA, Info-Micro@BRL.ARPA
Resent-Message-ID: <840516031200.163330@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA>
Does anyone know where I can get copies of the following
Device Description
------ ---------------
ST506 Seagate 5 1/4" Winchester
SA1000 Shugart (5 1/4"?) Winchester
Xebec 1410 Winchester controller
SASI Interface standard
SA300 Shugart 3 1/2" floppy
Reply by direct mail or to the whole list, whichever you prefer. Thanks.
ARPA: KFleming%pco@cisl
16-May-84 10:12:35-MDT,1253;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 10:12:27-MDT
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Date: 14 May 84 14:28:49-PDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!intelca!cem@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: BIOS Techniques - The Answers
Article-I.D.: intelca.260
Thank you all that replied to my original question on implementing multiple
formats on 8" disks under CP/M. There are it seems two major ways in which
to do this. The first being to place a label at some known location on the
disk (i.e. The last n Bytes in Sector 0, Track 0) which contains either the
floppy format or the actual DPB and DPH to use. I am going this route since
Cromemco also uses it and I may wish to read CDOS disks on my system. The
second somewhat easier method is to define the same physical drive multiple
times with various formats. For instance A: is SSSD but E: is physically
the A drive but accessed as DSDD. Thanks also for the note about when to
flush multisector buffers out to disk.
16-May-84 10:29:24-MDT,619;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: Wed, 16 May 84 9:43:55 EDT
From: Ron Natalie <ron@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
cc: info-micro@BRL-AOS.ARPA, info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
Subject: Re: ARPAnet distribution lists
There is a file maintained by Zellich@NIC that is available by
anonymous FTP on that machine called <NETINFO>INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT.
16-May-84 10:37:03-MDT,1534;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Received: from BBNCCF.ARPA by BBN-UNIX ; 16 May 84 11:38:36 EDT
Date: 16 May 1984 11:30:39 EDT (Wednesday)
From: Mike Simpson <msimpson@BBN-UNIX.ARPA>
Subject: ARPAnet distribution lists
To: wagreich@bbna.arpa
Cc: info-micro@brl-aos.arpa, info-cpm@brl-aos.arpa
Received: from BRL-VGR.ARPA by BBN-UNIX ; 16 May 84 03:52:14 EDT
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Date: 15 May 1984 18:14-EDT
Sender: WAGREICH@bbna.arpa
Subject: ARPAnet distribution lists
From: WAGREICH@bbna.arpa
To: info-micro@brl-aos.arpa, info-cpm@brl-aos.arpa
Message-ID: <[BBNA]15-May-84 18:14:36.WAGREICH>
How does one find out the distribution lists available on the
ARPAnet (like info-micro, info-cpm, info-apple, etc.)? Is there
an on-line database of such lists somewhere on some ARPAnet host?
There is such a list maintained on SRI-NIC, called
It's about 60,000 characters in size or so.
You can probably get it via anonymous FTP.
-- Mike Simpson
{decvax,linus,ima,wjh12}!bbncca!msimpson (uucp)
16-May-84 10:53:50-MDT,719;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: Wed 16 May 84 07:47:11-MDT
From: Roger Sellers <RSELLERS@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Small C
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
cc: rsellers@SIMTEL20.ARPA
16-May-84 12:11:39-MDT,1112;000000000000
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Posted-Date: 16 May 84 09:44 EDT
Date: Wed, 16 May 84 09:41 EDT
From: "Paul E. Woodie" <Woodie@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA>
Subject: JRT Pascal
To: info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
Message-ID: <840516134107.330761@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA>
For whatever it's worth, I just finished a (rather painful)
session trying to assemble an external procedure written in assy lang
for my JRT Pascal. The diagnostics are rather cryptic, but mostly
there. However, it is not stated anywhere, to my knowledge, that an
assy lang external procedure must end with a final <cr><lf>. I kept
getting strange diagnostics messages until I put the
<cr><lf> at the end of my assy lang source files.
Also, beware that the diagnostic messages do not, in all
cases, appear with the source of the problem, but may appear at
seemingly unrelated places.
16-May-84 12:11:46-MDT,1012;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 16 May 84 12:11:41-MDT
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Received: from Mission.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 16 MAY 84 10:31:55 PDT
Date: 16 May 84 10:31:44 PDT (Wednesday)
Subject: Re: Machines and DBMS's
In-reply-to: capn's message of 15 May 84 18:07:52 PDT
To: Ed Mills <capn@UW-VLSI.ARPA>
cc: info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
How about a Compupro 816D, with lots of MDrive/H. This is
one of the fastest systems available today. MP/M86, I think,
should be faster than Unix on similar machines. What will tie
you down is the speed of the hard disk. If you get a fast
one (average access time less then 35 msec), you should be
fine. Now, for programs that require overlays and fast response
(like WordStar), there is nothing better than a RAM drive (MDrive/H).
-- Jack Bicer
17-May-84 04:47:57-MDT,1733;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 04:47:51-MDT
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Date: 16-May-84 18:31:28-EDT
From: jalbers@Bnl.ARPA
Subject: USR Password modem
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
I have had the USR Password for about a year, and I think that it is the
best 300/1200 baud SmartModem compatable modem on the market today. It has all
the commands of the SmartModem (execept some self-tests and things like number
of rings to answer on, etc), and it does have a speaker, but no volume control
(unfortunatly). I have used it on 2 different machines (Osborne 1 and Osborne
Executive), and which had 2 different types of RS232 ports (pins 2 and 3 were
reverse on the Ozzie 1 of the Executive's port), and there are 2 jumpers that
can be moved to compensate for this, so I can use it interchangeably on my
machines. The controls on the outside (or accessable from) are (from left to
right) power jack, phone cord jack, RS232 cable, and a 4-switch-DIP switch. The
DIP switches are as followes: RNG: Makes the modem pick up the phone and emmits
an answer tone: 8HI: clamps pin 8 high (needed for some computers,terminals):
BAL: A line balencer (so you can hook 2 modems together back-to-back): and
DTR:, which causes the modem to ignore DTR when depressed.
All in all, I think my money was worth it, since at the time, the
SmartModem went for $700+, and I paid $410 for the Password. (Now you can find
it for ~$325, from some mail order houses).
Good luck and have fun!
Jon Albers
17-May-84 04:48:21-MDT,1390;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 04:48:16-MDT
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Date: Wed 16 May 84 16:48:58-MDT
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: help with ACT assembler
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
My employer has given me the task of extracting disk drivers from
our newly-purchased CompuPro 8-bit system (for use with another application);
since I have to make a lot of changes anyway, we decided to convert the
supplied BIOS source from the ACT assembler format to TDL (I *don't*
like the ACT assembler, and sure couldn't see wasting $175 for it when
we could get 3 copies of Turbo-Pascal for the same price!). I've finished
most of the code conversion now, except for one statement type I can't
figure out: VFD. The statements in question (there are three) look like
this: VFD 4\SRT,4\HUT. Anybody know what this gobblygook
actually means? (I suppose I could poke around in my system image and
see exactly what kind of code the statement generated, but there's a good
possibility I'd miss the meaning, since there are about 12 different
executable system images provided with the system). TIA for any help
provided. --Ron Fowler (RFOWLER @SIMTEL20)
17-May-84 05:01:55-MDT,678;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 05:01:51-MDT
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Date: 16 May 1984 18:15-EDT
Sender: SCHNUR@Usc-Isi.ARPA
Subject: modem for cypher 855
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Cc: info-micro@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Message-ID: <[USC-ISI]16-May-84 18:15:18.SCHNUR>
I need to install an xmodem program on a cypher 855 (or835)
running nos-be. Can any one help me or point me to a version
that might run on it.
Joel Schnur (NRL-6510)
17-May-84 05:26:34-MDT,773;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 05:26:30-MDT
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Received: From umass-cs.csnet by csnet-relay; 17 May 84 0:37 EDT
Date: Wed, 16 May 84 14:30 EST
From: Robert (LISPer 68K)Heller <heller%umass-cs.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
To: Info-CPM@brl.arpa
Subject: KERMIT-68K Query
I am looking for a version of KERMIT that runs under CP/M-68K. If
anyone knows of such a beast send mail to Heller%UMass-CS@CSNet-Relay
(ARPANet). I am particularly interested in a version for the SAGE.
Robert Heller
17-May-84 05:26:49-MDT,994;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 05:26:44-MDT
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Date: 17 May 1984 01:44-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: JRT Pascal
To: treid@Mitre-Gateway.ARPA
cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of 16 May 1984 8:02:24 EDT () from Tom Reid <treid at Mitre-Gateway.ARPA>
1. Anything claiming to be Modula-2 without opaque types and
procedure variables ISN'T.
2. The JRT ad quotes ME on modula-2, but does it in such a way
that you could thnk I was talking about HIS Modula-2.
3. Borland will have a REAL Modula-2 before the end of the year.
Probably for 8088 only (ie no Z-80) but that is not certain.
Borland ships same day. Has anyone actually seen the JRT
Modula?? I have not met anyone who has one. I'll have an agent
order it...
17-May-84 05:32:02-MDT,1443;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 05:31:55-MDT
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Date: 10 May 84 9:24:40-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: teklabs!carlc@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: kaypro termcap or video fix wanted
Article-I.D.: teklabs.2848
(I know that line-eating creep will get me sometime.)
Does anyone have a termcap for the Kaypro II that works with 'vi' on
UNIX? It's supposed to emulate the adm3a but I find that with 'vi'
leading white space is sometimes stripped, wreaking havoc upon the
cursor position. I got my Kaypro in Dec. 1982, and Kaypro may have
fixed this since then, so if there's a replacement ROM or a BIOS patch
that takes care of this problem, I'd appreciate knowing about that,
This occurs even at 300 baud, so it doesn't seem to be any kind of
speed related problem. If I'm wrong, I'd appreciate a correction.
If more than a few of my fellow Kaypro owners tell me they'd like
this fix, I'll post it if I get one.
Many thanks -- Carl (tektronix!teklabs!carlc)
(and don't ask me how to get to
tektronix, I haven't the foggiest idea!)
17-May-84 05:53:47-MDT,1462;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 05:53:42-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 17 May 84 2:10 EDT
Date: 17 May 1984 02:09-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: New CompuPro products
To: MMoon.es@Xerox.ARPA
cc: Samuel@Su-Score.ARPA, INFO-CPM@Brl-Aos.ARPA, strom@Brl-Bmd.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of Tue 15 May 84 15:13 PDT from MMoon.es at XEROX.ARPA
First reason for delay: COMDEX.
Second reason for delay: COMDEX.
Third reason for delay: Digital Research.
The BIG PUSH in Hayward right now is to get the new PC
compatible video board running (wth Flight Simulator, yet) and
with a iapx-286 CPU. Hypersonic flight, yet...
There is strong committment to Concurrent at CompuPro.
I do not know the reasons for the delay in the Disk 1A; I do not
have mine yet, so they do not have testable versions, at least
not to go outside; but as I said, almost all the talent, and
lite night oil, is going into getting ready for COMDEX and
having that video board on display.
I usually discount these edge of technology
announcements by a couple months. on the other hand, I don't
know nobody who's got further out stuff you can really get at
prices you can afford. Uncle billy may be a bit slower than
he'd like to be, but it's still out at the edge...
17-May-84 05:57:47-MDT,806;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 05:57:43-MDT
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Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 17 May 84 2:45 EDT
Date: Thu 17 May 84 00:45:03-MDT
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: More MEX overlays
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
The following overlays are present on SIMTEL20:
M7OS-2.ASM: for the Osborne-1, this update fixes the problem
preventing CLONE from working (since I didn't MEXify the overlay,
I retained the MDM7 naming scheme).
MXO-MD10.ASM: Sandy Berger's MEXification of the old Micro-Decision
overlay; this one corrects some problems when used with MEX.
--Ron Fowler
17-May-84 06:24:44-MDT,708;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 06:24:40-MDT
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Received: from Chelois.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 17 MAY 84 04:56:55 PDT
Date: 17 May 84 12:45:29+0100 (Thursday)
From: Hirst.rx@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: DRI Software Support Services
To: XeroxInfo-CPM^.wbst@XEROX.ARPA
cc: Info-Cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Reply-To: Hirst.rx@XEROX.ARPA
Has anyone had any experience of using the Software Support Service Agreement
from Digital Research covering all of their current products???
I understand that it was introduced six months ago.
Any comments gratefully received..
17-May-84 07:59:52-MDT,1055;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 07:59:48-MDT
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Date: 14 May 84 15:48:12-PDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!umcp-cs!aplvax!cp1!hart@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Announcing a new modem program ...
Article-I.D.: cp1.670
In-Reply-To: Article <687@sri-arpa.UUCP>
I don't understand the problem. The package
was quite a bit easier to get up than most of
the other versions of modem.
signed: Rod Hart (wa3mez)
Chesapeake & Potomac Tel. Co.
Bell Atlantic Inc.
Silver Spring, Md.
gamma!cp1!hart - umcp-cs!cp1!hart - aplvax!cp1!hart
17-May-84 08:00:16-MDT,1263;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 08:00:09-MDT
Date: Thu, 17 May 84 9:32:18 EDT
From: Dave Towson (info-cpm) <cpmlist@Amsaa.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: [garey: Re: 1200 baud modems]
Forwarded message:
----- Forwarded message # 1:
Received: From ut-ngp.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 16 May 84 1:42 EDT
Date: Wed, 16 May 84 00:46:48 cdt
From: garey@ut-ngp.ARPA
Posted-Date: Wed, 16 May 84 00:46:48 cdt
Message-Id: <8405160546.AA27123@ut-ngp.ARPA>
Received: by ut-ngp.ARPA (4.22/4.22)
id AA27123; Wed, 16 May 84 00:46:48 cdt
To: info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: Re: 1200 baud modems
I purchased an Anchor Signalman Mark XII for $239.95 last week
and also find that it has problems detecting the carrier when using
the autodial feature. However, I have transfered at least a megabyte of
files (ASCII and binary using xmodem and kermit from UNIX Vax and Dec-20)
with no retries. For the price I'm willing to dial manually, but its the
first intelligent type modem I've used so I don't have much to compare to.
Anyone else have problems such as this?
Jim Garey garey@ut-ngp
----- End of forwarded messages
17-May-84 15:44:38-MDT,1154;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 15:44:32-MDT
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Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 17 May 84 16:52 EDT
Date: 17 May 1984 14:53 MDT (Thu)
Message-ID: <RFOWLER.12016122675.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Subject: [bridger: mdm7/mex overlay for apple II w. applicard & Hayes MicromodemII]
Date: Thursday, 17 May 1984 11:12-MDT
From: bridger at Rand-Unix
To: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER at SIMTEL20.ARPA>
cc: randvax!bridger at Rand-Unix
Re: mdm7/mex overlay for apple II w. applicard & Hayes MicromodemII
I tried to send this to info-cpm-request, but don't have a correct address.
My query is:
mdm7/mex overlay for apple II w. applicard & Hayes MicromodemII --
Is there one on simtel20? What's the filename?
I have a Kaypro 2/4/10 mex overlay running & will send it to you
as soon as I can add a SET PORT option to cover the new (-84) versions
with on-board 300 baud modems.
17-May-84 16:36:38-MDT,926;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 16:36:33-MDT
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Received: From isi-uci-gw.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 17 May 84 18:06 EDT
Date: 17 May 84 14:53:35 PDT (Thu)
To: teklabs!carlc@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA, young@Uci-750a.ARPA
Subject: Re: kaypro termcap or video fix wanted
In-reply-to: Your message of 10 May 84 9:24:40-PDT (Thu).
From: Michal Young <young@Uci-750a.ARPA>
Here is the termcap I use for my Kaypro, which was also bought December '82.
I don't use vi often, so I can't guarantee it will solve your problem.
kp|kaypro|kaypro2|kaypro 2:\
:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
--Michal Young, UC Irvine
17-May-84 17:47:11-MDT,1051;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 17:47:06-MDT
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Received: From sumex-aim.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 17 May 84 19:12 EDT
Date: Thu 17 May 84 16:06:24-PDT
From: Sam Hahn <SHahn@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>
Subject: Re: New CompuPro products
In-Reply-To: Message from "Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@Mit-Mc.ARPA>" of Wed 16 May 84 23:09:00-PDT
What does "big commitment" mean? Is the same thing that happened with
mp/m816 and g&g going to happen again with concurrent? ie the real stuff
comes from g&g? [not a gripe, just need to know what my plans should be...]
-- sam
P.S. Will concurrent be upwardly compatible (whatever that means) with
mp/m816? Would make sense, right? What happens to the price of both?
esp in view of the ibmpc versions? What happens to previous mp/m816
license owners?
17-May-84 19:02:59-MDT,387;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 19:02:54-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 17 May 84 20:31 EDT
Date: 17 May 1984 20:31-EDT
From: Eric Stork <STORK@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
cc: RCONN@Brl-Aos.ARPA
17-May-84 19:04:29-MDT,1901;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 17 May 84 19:04:21-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 17 May 84 20:34 EDT
Date: 17 May 1984 20:33-EDT
From: Eric Stork <STORK@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: DU2 & KAYPRO
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
cc: STORK@Mit-Mc.ARPA, rconn@Brl-Aos.ARPA
DU2, Rick Conn's adaptation of the old standby DU to
the ZCPR2 system, has never worked right on our KAYPROs.
In response to the '?' command that should put the
Command Summary on the screen, the KAYPRO goes into
an endless loop and must be exited with a Cold Boot.
Except for that, DU2 worked fine on the KAYPROs.
To support my son's and son-in-law's KP-2 and KP-10,
I dug into the problem this week. I found out WHAT
the problem is and how to fix it, but do not yet
understand WHY it occurs on the KAYPRO and not on
other systems.
The problem occurs when TAB (09h) is sent to the
console via DU2's direct I/O routine. The TAB initiates
the endless loop -- I do not know why.
The fix was simple: I ran DU2.ASM through PIP with
the [t8] option to expand all tabs to spaces. That
increased the .ASM file by 1/3, but added only 4
records to the .COM file, so it did not increase
the space the .COM file uses even in single density.
(I could have just expanded the tabs in the Command Summary
section, but that would have been more work.)
If there are KAYPRO users who would like to have
a copy of the resulting DU2-KP.COM file, let me know and I'll
arrange to get it uploaded to SIMTEL20.
And if someone can explain WHY the
KAYPRO (and not other systems) cannot accomodate TABS in
DU2's TYPE: routine, please let me hear from you -- I'll summarize
and post to net all responses that I may receive.
Eric Stork (STORK at MIT-MC)
18-May-84 08:25:14-MDT,1412;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 18 May 84 08:25:06-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 18 May 84 4:56 EDT
Date: 18 May 1984 04:53-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: New CompuPro products
To: SHahn@Sumex-Aim.ARPA
cc: MMoon.es@Xerox.ARPA, strom@Brl-Bmd.ARPA, INFO-CPM@Brl-Aos.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of Thu 17 May 84 16:06:24-PDT from Sam Hahn <SHahn at SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>
good questions,. I shld know more after COMDEX (two weeks now).
I will ask Uncle Billy.
Best, JEP
Date: Thu 17 May 84 16:06:24-PDT
From: Sam Hahn <SHahn at SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>
strom at BRL-BMD.ARPA
Re: New CompuPro products
What does "big commitment" mean? Is the same thing that happened with
mp/m816 and g&g going to happen again with concurrent? ie the real stuff
comes from g&g? [not a gripe, just need to know what my plans should be...]
-- sam
P.S. Will concurrent be upwardly compatible (whatever that means) with
mp/m816? Would make sense, right? What happens to the price of both?
esp in view of the ibmpc versions? What happens to previous mp/m816
license owners?
18-May-84 08:25:43-MDT,4667;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 18 May 84 08:25:27-MDT
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Received: From csnet-pdn-gw.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 18 May 84 0:25 EDT
Received: From umass-cs.csnet by csnet-relay; 18 May 84 0:10 EDT
Date: Thu, 17 May 84 15:42 EST
From: Bruce Hawkins <bhawkins%umass-cs.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
To: info-micro%brl.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa
cc: info-cpm%brl.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa
Subject: Ribbon inker reply summary
Replies to my query about ribbon re-inkers.
I have been using a "Mac Inker" for about nine months. I have had
no problems with it and have been very satisfied.
Sorry I got lost inside Babyl. The extra lubrication may have caused
my print head to fail prematurely. The cost $100. from the factory.
From: mknox@ut-ngp.ARPA
No personal experience, but read a noticeably unsatisfactory review
of the MacInker in Two/Sixteen a few months ago. Very poor consistency
in applying the ink, and a serious tendency to jam.
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE%mit-mc.arpa@csnet-relay.csnet>
I also have [MacInker] one and it is very good. It works.
From: KSPROUL%rutgers.arpa@csnet-relay.csnet
I have 3 different versions of the 'Mac-Inker' (No not because of macintosh)
from Computer Friends in Oregon (I think) or somplace out west..
These are very nice, and if you can split the cost between a couple of friends
they are VERY worth it...
One thing to be careful of!!!!
A lot of printer manufactures get lubrication for the print head from
a lubricant in the ink on the ribbon!! So if you have a printer like
this (Mostly dot matrix) make sure the ink you use has lubrication in
it... The safest way to do this is to buy the Ink straight from Computer
Friends,. I called them and asked them directly about the lubrication,
and the guy I talked to knew exactly what I was talking about and said
that there ink has even more lubrication than what the companies that
need it required as a minimum...
They sell many different kinds re-inkers, so you have to get the one for
your type of ribbon....
Their address is:
Computer Friends
6415 Southwest Canyon Court #10
Portland, Oregon 97225
From: Richard P. Wilkes <RICK%mit-mc.arpa@csnet-relay.csnet>
The ribbon re-inkers are fine as long as you are using a daisy-wheel or
thimble printer. Most people with dot matrix use the ribbons until they
are extremely faint. At that time any of the natural oils in the ink
have been removed and the fibers weaken. After re-inking the ribbon may
not be able to handle the additional use without fraying. Someone in
Alexandria VA bought a re-inker. After two re-inkings the ribbon on the
Epson printer caught one of the wires and destroyed the printhead. No
real biggy on the Epson--$30. But, on some others it can be quite
I suggest instead that you find a wholesale ribbon house. I know that
replacement pancakes for most printers run from $1-$2. I use Aspen
Ribbons in Aspen, CO, but those are their dealer prices, not END-USER.
They are several places which adv. in Byte. You might want to check
them out. -r
From: howard@Brl-Tgr.ARPA
I have an Epson MX80 printer. After about one year, printing
became very faint. A friend suggested that I pry open the ribbon
cartridge and spray the ribbon with WD40. This causes ink at the edges to
migrate to the center. The first few prints were
smudged and uneven but, after several pages, the print quality looked like
a new ribbon.
Howard Walter
From: abc@Brl-Tgr.ARPA
I dunno about ribbon re-inkers, but I rejuvinated mine on the Epson MX70
with WD40, the automotive solvent. Just don't use too much.
I have a "Le Ribonizer" reinker. I'm fairly happy with it. It is a
little messy, and I have had some problems with ink bleeding on certain
kinds of paper. From other people's comments, it sounds like it is worth it
to pay the extra 10 or so dollars to get MacInker.
Leah Larkey
From: cyb-eng!topher@ut-sally.ARPA
We use a local re-inker here in town and it seems to work ok.
Topher Eliot
Cyb Systems, Austin, TX
{seismo, allegra, ihnp4}!ut-sally!cyb-eng!topher
18-May-84 08:25:47-MDT,684;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 18 May 84 08:25:39-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 18 May 84 5:23 EDT
Date: 18 May 1984 05:23-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: help with ACT assembler
cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of Wed 16 May 84 16:48:58-MDT from Ron Fowler <RFOWLER at SIMTEL20.ARPA>
I thought you could now get Tony Pietsch's HMX BIOS (which
assembles with RMAC) when you bought Compupro 8-bit? I agree,
ACT is not very useful or much fun.
18-May-84 09:18:00-MDT,2512;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 18 May 84 09:17:52-MDT
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Received: from CheninBlanc.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 18 MAY 84 07:28:16 PDT
Date: Thu, 17 May 84 13:38 PDT
From: SSalzman.ES@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: Getting MEX running...
In-reply-to: <RG.JMTURN.12014885576.BABYL@MIT-OZ>
cc: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@SIMTEL20.ARPA>, info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
Hello. Before knocking the program, which in my opinion is a very fine piece of
work, the MEXNEWS.001 said that there's an error in the documentation regar-
ding the fact that MEX should come up the first time around. It won't. Your
hardware overlay must be installed first. After reading that you have an
MD-2 I realized that you have an additional problem. This is due to the
carelessness of whomever wrote the M7MD-1 overlay for MDM7xx. There
is a bunch of stuff missing that MEX looks for that I suppose MDM7xx can do
with out. I have a Xerox 820-II and my overlay has all the proper settings to
work with MEX. A good friend of mine has an MD-3 (same overlay as the
MD-2) and I helped him install it. Now for the details.
The first thing to do is to add the following equates to your overaly (same
area as your ports are defined):
Next, locate the following :
DS 31
And replace the 'DS 31' with the following chunk of code:
DS 7 ;
ANI$MODRCVB ANI MODRCVB ! RET ;bit to test for recv 148h
CPI$MODRCVR CPI MODRCVR ! RET ;value when ready 14bh
ANI$MODSNDB ANI MODSNDB ! RET ;bit to test for send 14eh
CPI$MODSNDR CPI MODSNDR ! RET ;value when ready 151h
DS 6 154h
OUT$MODCTL1 OUT MODCTL1 ! RET ;out modem ctl port 15ah
OUT$MODCTL2 OUT MODCTL2 ! RET ;out modem status port 15dh
Note the hex numbers to the right, Those are the addresses of the code added
that takes place of the DS 31. Look at the .PRN file and make sure the addresses
match. I'm doing this pretty much from memory (though I'm pretty sure it's
correct). If you have problems, let me know and I'll check into it.
Overall, if you have an overaly that doesn't work, It's probably because
there is some important info missing, not because of MEX.
- Isaac Salzman
18-May-84 11:32:03-MDT,963;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 18 May 84 11:31:57-MDT
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id AA00247; Fri, 18 May 84 12:52:17 edt
Message-Id: <8405181652.AA00247@nalcon>
Date: 18 May 84 12:52 EDT
From: "I. Larry Avrunin" <avrunin@Nalcon.ARPA>
Subject: Re: modem for cypher 855
Cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA, info-micro@Brl-Aos.ARPA, tinker@Dtrc.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Your message of 16 May 1984 18:15-EDT
Bob Tinker of DTNSRDC (tinker@dtrc) has developed a christensen protocol
(checksum) compatible program for the CDC Cyber 176 with a 2550 front
end. Several system type changes were required due to the CDC full line
data transmission philosophy but it does work. It is being used with
Larry Avrunin
18-May-84 13:03:44-MDT,563;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 18 May 84 13:03:40-MDT
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Received: From apg-1.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 18 May 84 14:20 EDT
Date: 18 May 1984 14:12:40 EDT (Friday)
From: Earnie Boyd DRSTE-CM-F 4377 <eboyd@Apg-1.ARPA>
Subject: XMODEM
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Could someone please point me to a public domain XMODEM/UMODEM program for
a VAX running VMS3.5.
Earnie Boyd
18-May-84 17:39:32-MDT,954;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 18 May 84 17:39:28-MDT
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Date: Thu 17 May 84 21:50:16-EDT
From: Bradley C. Kuszmaul <KUSZMAUL@MIT-XX.ARPA>
Subject: Re: DU2 & KAYPRO
cc: info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Message from "Eric Stork <STORK@Mit-Mc.ARPA>" of Thu 17 May 84 20:33:00-EDT
The KAYPRO probably emulates a terminal though software and a memory
mapped (character mapped not bit mapped) screen. By going to the
direct I/O routine you probably bipassed the tab handler, discovering
a bug in the kaypro's software.
Other systems either have a real terminal (which understands tabs)
or (as in the case of an IBM-PC) simulate a terminal, but do it correctly.
(The above is just a guess)
18-May-84 20:49:00-MDT,1198;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 18 May 84 20:48:54-MDT
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Received: From usc-isid.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 18 May 84 21:18 EDT
Date: 18 May 1984 21:17-EDT
Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
Subject: Re: [bridger: mdm7/mex overlay for apple II w. applicard & H...
Cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID]18-May-84 21:17:37.ABN.ISCAMS>
In-Reply-To: <RFOWLER.12016122675.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
I was just working with an overlay for MDM7nn from SIMTEL20
I was using the Mountain CPS portions, but seems to me there was definitely
an Applicard section, and I THOUGHT your modem too!
Might also check out M7AP-2.ASM and M7AP-3.ASM (I think those are the
numbers); they also had other Apple overlays with various serial cards and
Also, looking at the SIGM directory downloaded from SIMTEL20, I see more
overlays on the SIG/M Volume 170 (MICRO:<SIGM.VOL170>, but haven't looked
at them myself.
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
19-May-84 11:59:47-MDT,1211;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 19 May 84 11:59:41-MDT
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Received: From brl-bmd.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 19 May 84 9:28 EDT
Date: Sat, 19 May 84 9:24:44 EDT
From: Charlie Strom (NYU) <strom@Brl-Bmd.ARPA>
To: Sam Hahn <SHahn@sumex-aim.arpa>
Subject: Re: New CompuPro products
As far as Gifford goes, I don't know what their marketing plans will be
for CCPM-816 to owners of their MP/M-816. I do know that there is
considerable similarity between MP/M and CCPM; for example, Gifford's
SWITCH program that allows operation of 8 bit programs with the 8085/88
board under MP/M-816 works fine under vanilla CCPM 3.1.
Gifford is investing considerable development effort into perfecting
DR's networking and currently have all of their Compupro and IBM PC
hardware connected under networked CCPM. My impression is that they
are rewriting many of their proprietary utilities to take the networking
into account, allowing, for example, mail, real time communications,
and use of system resources across the network.
19-May-84 12:01:18-MDT,999;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 19 May 84 12:01:13-MDT
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Received: From darcom-hq.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 19 May 84 9:56 EDT
Date: Sat, 19 May 84 9:46:11 EDT
From: Richard G Turner <rturner@darcom-hq.arpa>
To: rfowler%simtel20.arpa@darcom-hq.arpa
cc: info-cpm%brl.arpa@darcom-hq.arpa
Subject: MEX READ Command
A little "point me in the right direction" music...
I have MEX10 running on my Kaypro II with Hayes SmartModem. The other night
I was able to transfer several files using a READ file since the receiving
machine's XMODEM didn't handle wild cards or batch file transfers.
I haven't been able to duplicate that with a local RCP/M (Xerox 820) or
to darcom-hq (not through TAC). Any hints on where to start making stat
changes? I tried toggling WTECHO and changing the TRIGGER character.
19-May-84 21:54:21-MDT,714;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 19 May 84 21:54:17-MDT
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Received: From brl-mis.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 19 May 84 23:26 EDT
Date: Sat, 19 May 84 23:25:22 EDT
From: Rick Conn <rconn@Brl-Mis.ARPA>
To: Earnie Boyd DRSTE-CM-F 4377 <eboyd@apg-1.arpa>
cc: info-cpm@brl-aos.arpa
Subject: Re: XMODEM
I suspect that the XMODEMs under <CPM.VAXVMS> will run fine under VMS 3.5.
I never paid attention to the version of VMS I was using, but QIO services
are used for I/O, and I don't think these are likely to change between
versions of VMS.
20-May-84 10:16:22-MDT,1907;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 20 May 84 10:16:03-MDT
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Date: 20 May 1984 09:48 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12016853583.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@Simtel20.ARPA
Subject: BBS Confiscation
I think the following message retrieved from Compuserve deserves
widespread circulation; no further explanation needed:
#: 91655 Sec. 0 - Communications
Sb: Important warning!
20-May-84 00:48:44
Fm: - tom tcimpidis 70250,323
To: all
On May 16 I was served with a search warrant and my system seized because of a
message that allegedly had been left, unknown to me, on one of the public
boards. This was done by the L.A.P.D. under direction of a complaint by Pacific
telephone. All Sysop's should be warned that under present law (or at least the
present interpetation) they are now responsible for ALL information that is
left or exchanged on their system and that ANY illegal or even questionable
activities, messages or even public outpourings are their direct legal
responsibility and that they will be held directly accountable regardless of
wether or not they knew of it, used it, and regardless of any other
circumstances! Yes, it is unjust. Yes, it is legally questionable. But it, for
the moment, seems to be enforcable and is being "actively pursued" as a felony.
Tom Tcimpidis - Sysop of The MOG-UR's HBBS (366-1238). Mailing: P.O. Box 5236,
Mission Hills, CA 91345.
I would appreciate it if this message was spread to as many systems as
possible so that the word may be spread to the greatest number of Sysops. 1984
may, indeed, be here...
20-May-84 14:56:20-MDT,976;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 20 May 84 14:56:16-MDT
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Received: by ur-seneca.rochester.arpa id AA16701 (3.327.5d); 20 May 84 16:34:25 EDT (Sun)
Message-Id: <8405202034.16701@ur-seneca.rochester.arpa>
Date: 20 May 84 16:34:25 EDT (Sun)
From: Mike Ciaraldi <ciaraldi@rochester.arpa>
Subject: Re: BYE on Z-100
To: info-hz100@radc-tops20.arpa, info-cpm@amsaa.arpa,
Mike Ciaraldi <ciaraldi@rochester.arpa>
Well, we finally got BYE working.
It seems that Mike's PMMI modem has RING DETECT as
bit 1 instead of bit 2.
The documentation says 2, and the standard BYE says 2, but
changing the program to look for 1 works!
Thanks to the people who sent suggestions.
Mike Ciaraldi
20-May-84 15:33:16-MDT,1882;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 20 May 84 15:33:10-MDT
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Received: From ucla-locus.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 20 May 84 17:08 EDT
Date: Sun, 20 May 84 13:35:11 PDT
From: Matthew J. Weinstein <matt@UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA>
Subject: BBS Confiscation
I think the following message retrieved from Compuserve deserves
widespread circulation; no further explanation needed:
#: 91655 Sec. 0 - Communications
Sb: Important warning!
20-May-84 00:48:44
Fm: - tom tcimpidis 70250,323
To: all
On May 16 I was served with a search warrant and my system seized because of a
message that allegedly had been left, unknown to me, on one of the public
boards. This was done by the L.A.P.D. under direction of a complaint by Pacific
telephone. All Sysop's should be warned that under present law (or at least the
present interpetation) they are now responsible for ALL information that is
left or exchanged on their system and that ANY illegal or even questionable
activities, messages or even public outpourings are their direct legal
responsibility and that they will be held directly accountable regardless of
wether or not they knew of it, used it, and regardless of any other
circumstances! Yes, it is unjust. Yes, it is legally questionable. But it, for
the moment, seems to be enforcable and is being "actively pursued" as a felony.
Tom Tcimpidis - Sysop of The MOG-UR's HBBS (366-1238). Mailing: P.O. Box 5236,
Mission Hills, CA 91345.
I would appreciate it if this message was spread to as many systems as
possible so that the word may be spread to the greatest number of Sysops. 1984
may, indeed, be here...
20-May-84 16:59:00-MDT,608;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 20 May 84 16:58:56-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 20 May 84 18:36 EDT
Received: From ucla-locus.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 20 May 84 18:34 EDT
Date: Sun, 20 May 84 15:04:50 PDT
From: Matthew J. Weinstein <matt@UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA>
To: info-micro@Brl-Aos.ARPA, info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA, cstrom@Simtel20.ARPA
Subject: Mailer bug
Apparently our mailer has a bug when forwarding mail. This will
be dealt with. Please ignore the resubmission.
20-May-84 17:34:27-MDT,710;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 20 May 84 17:34:22-MDT
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Date: 20 May 1984 17:07 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12016933536.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Mike Ciaraldi <ciaraldi@rochester.arpa>
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: BYE on Z-100/PMMI modem fixed
In-reply-to: Msg of 20 May 1984 14:34-MDT from Mike Ciaraldi <ciaraldi at rochester.arpa>
Which BYE has the incorrect equate for PMMI ring detect? PMMIBYE2
is in current operation on RCPM Royal Oak - has been for YEARS!
20-May-84 23:42:51-MDT,12040;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 20 May 84 23:42:22-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 20 May 84 21:48-PDT
Date: 16 May 84 17:50:47-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: harpo!seismo!hao!kpno!terak!jb@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Download Bootstrap
Article-I.D.: terak.110
I doubt that this is the program referred to, but
will make it available as one solution to this
Catch-22 problem...
; Copyright 1984 by John M. Blalock
; ####################################
; ## ##
; ## GETIT.ASM ##
; ## ##
; ## Written by: ##
; ## ##
; ## John M. Blalock ##
; ## March 24, 1984 ##
; ## ##
; ####################################
; Last updated May 15, 1984, JMB
; This program is a very simple CP/M terminal and ASCII
; text capture program. Once customized for your
; particular computer, it will enable you to communicate to
; another computer via a serial port. It is expected that
; the serial port will be connected to a modem. GETIT will
; allow you to transfer ASCII files from the remote
; computer to yours and save them on disk as long as the
; files are no larger than the available capture buffer.
; Longer files will have to be broken up into smaller
; segments and recombined on your computer with PIP.
; Once you have established communications with the remote
; computer, entering Ctl-Y from your console will cause
; GETIT to start saving text sent from the remote computer
; into a RAM buffer that starts at 0100H. This capture
; function can be toggled on and/or off by subsequent entry
; of another Ctl-Y. An ASCII BELL character is sent to the
; console when capture is toggled on, and nothing is sent
; when it is toggled off.
; Entering Ctl-E will cause GETIT to exit to CP/M after
; first telling you the decimal number of pages in the
; capture buffer. GETIT will also exit when the buffer is
; filled. An X-OFF (Ctl-S) is first sent to the remote
; computer that will stop further output by it as long as
; it supports the X-ON/X-OFF protocol. The captured data
; will be in your RAM starting at 0100H and can be saved to
; disk by entering SAVE nn FILENAME.EXT where nn is the
; number of pages GETIT told you to SAVE.
; GETIT is purposefully short and simple to facilitate
; entry of its source code from the keyboard. Leave out
; the comments - you have them here. Probably the first
; thing for which you will want to use it (and perhaps its
; only use) is to download a better, more capable
; communications program. But it does solve the Catch-22
; problem of not being able to download any communications
; program because you don't have any to start with. If
; MDM730.HEX is available on the remote computer, capture
; it with GETIT, LOAD it, and now you have a good
; communications program.
; GETIT is released for use in the public domain for non-
; profit usage only. If it helps you sell your product, I
; would like to share in the profits. If you sell GETIT, I
; want all the profits. Any questions should be addressed
; to John Blalock, Blalock and Associates, PO Box 39356,
; Phoenix, AZ 85069. Include an SASE if you want a reply.
; MODEM CONSTANTS - You will need to change these to match
; your particular UART. If your UART transmit buffer empty
; and/or receive data available bits are low true, you'll
; have to change the conditional jumps that test these bits
; from JNZ to JZ and from JZ to JNZ. The affected lines
; are marked with an asterick (*) in the comments below.
; Equate DEST to 0100H bytes or more below the CCP in your
; version of CP/M. The higher it is, the larger the
; capture buffer will be. I have 52.5K bytes available in
; the capture buffer with my version of CP/M and the
; following DEST value.
; The following equates shouldn't require any changes for a
; standard CP/M system.
INIT ;Insert here any code required to initialize your
;UART if it is not already initialized by some
;other program or your CP/M cold boot routine.
;Insert "JMP GETLP" here if you miss characters
;due to the delay caused by your CONOUT routine.
;This should only be necessary if your console is
;not much faster than the incoming data rate.
;You'll have to figure out some way to determine
;when the data has been captured, however.
ADI 100 ;PUT BACK 100
21-May-84 05:23:46-MDT,877;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 21 May 84 05:23:42-MDT
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Date: 15 May 84 22:45:09-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!tektronix!ogcvax!fosterm@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: USR AutoDial 212A & PASSWORD
Article-I.D.: ogcvax.387
In-Reply-To: Article <705@sri-arpa.UUCP>
I recently purchased a USR Password for 315 (not best price, but
a good deal). I have been very happy with it so far. It does
seem to run pretty warm sometimes. I have noticed a small amount
of garbage, but can attribute it mostly to noisy phone lines...
-- Mark Foster, Oregon Graduate Center
21-May-84 22:34:51-MDT,967;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 21 May 84 22:34:47-MDT
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Date: 8 May 84 16:11:47-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!philabs!micomvax!lamarche@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: setjmp/longjmp for AZTEC CII compiler
Article-I.D.: micomvax.294
I have a CP/M 2.2 system with the AZTEC CII compiler.
I need to add to it the setjmp/longjmp capabilities.
If anybody has already done so, I would like to know how
you solved this problem. I could probably figure it out
myself but I need it like yesterday as usual.
Thanks for the help
Michel Lamarche UUCP:philabs!micomvax!lamarche
5250 Ferrier Street
Montreal, P. Quebec
22-May-84 02:23:55-MDT,665;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Received: from Chelois.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 22 MAY 84 00:50:18 PDT
From: kyle.wbst@XEROX.ARPA
Date: 22 May 84 3:50:04 EDT
Subject: Re: BBS Confiscation
In-reply-to: CSTROM@SIMTEL20.ARPA's message of 20 May 84 09:48 MDT
(Sun), <CSTROM.12016853583.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
What was the message that caused all this trouble?
22-May-84 04:19:41-MDT,853;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 22 May 84 04:19:38-MDT
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Date: 22 May 1984 03:56 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12017313867.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@Simtel20.ARPA
To: kyle.wbst@XEROX.ARPA
Cc: Info-CPM@Brl-Aos.ARPA, Info-Micro@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Subject: BBS Confiscation
In-reply-to: Msg of 22 May 1984 01:50-MDT from kyle.wbst at XEROX.ARPA
Interesting that the originator of the message neglected to mention
the nature of the message or messages that caused such a reaction from
the {_California authorities. Needless to say, a lot of people are
asking this question and I am trying to determine same with no
response as yet.
22-May-84 06:36:50-MDT,739;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 22 May 84 06:36:45-MDT
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Date: 22 May 1984 06:10 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12017338274.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: MEX and MDM7 bug reports and discussions
MEX and MDM7 users who have bug reports and/or suggestions for
improvements/updates can address netmail to INFO-MODEM7@SIMTEL20.
Usenet/uucp readers can now reach that list by sending netmail to
...!brl-bmd!info-modem7 (brl-bmd is known to unc, duke, decvax,
aplvax, and others).
22-May-84 08:12:00-MDT,984;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 22 May 84 08:11:54-MDT
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Date: 22 May 1984 09:41-EDT
Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
Subject: Re: BBS Confiscation
To: kyle.wbst@Xerox.ARPA
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID]22-May-84 09:41:39.ABN.ISCAMS>
In-Reply-To: The message of 22 May 84 3:50:04 EDT from kyle.wbst@XEROX.ARPA
Good grief!
Don't put that message on this net! I don't want the local
Ersatz Gestapo crashing in here and confiscating my terminal!
(Not to mention them trying to haul away your lovely DEC-20!!)
(Now if you'd like to slip me a bootleg copy -- assuming we don't run
afoul of Federal Interstate Traffic laws...)
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
22-May-84 11:07:22-MDT,1172;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 22 May 84 11:07:17-MDT
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Received: from usc-isid.arpa by BRL-VGR.ARPA id a002690; 22 May 84 12:36 EDT
Date: 22 May 1984 12:33-EDT
Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@usc-isid.ARPA
Subject: Decision I and Micronix
From: ABN.ISCAMS@usc-isid.ARPA
To: info-micro@BRL-VGR.ARPA
Cc: info-cpm@BRL-VGR.ARPA, abn.iscams@usc-isid.ARPA
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID]22-May-84 12:33:40.ABN.ISCAMS>
A vendor mentioned that the multi-user Micronix OS (?) sold by Morrow
for the expanded Morrow Decision I (the multi-slot job, NOT the single-board
micro) is a real hassle, and most users/systems personnel have a hard time
installing the system.
Is this true? Anyone out there have experience in this? This is only one
alternative to expanding my faithful Toad, and to date all my service
from Morrow MUST come through a vendor -- little/no contact with Morrow
itself. (I've been waiting two months for a new disk controller EPROM.)
Thanks in advance,
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
22-May-84 16:41:07-MDT,1704;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 22 May 84 16:40:59-MDT
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Date: 22 May 84 10:57:17 PDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <280.454096637@uci-750a>
cc: kyle.wbst@Xerox.ARPA, CSTROM@Simtel20.ARPA, INFO-MICRO@Brl-Aos.ARPA,
INFO-CPM@Brl-Aos.ARPA, jsweet@Uci-750a.ARPA
Subject: Re: BBS Confiscation
In-reply-to: Your message of 22 May 1984 09:41-EDT.
<[USC-ISID]22-May-84 09:41:39.ABN.ISCAMS>
From: Jerry Sweet <jsweet@Uci-750a.ARPA>
Although it's probably useless to speculate on the exact nature of the
message that caused the phone company to file the complaint, one may
still make some guesses. The telecom discussion list once had an
interesting discussion on the subject of blue boxing and the legal
implications thereof. Someone pointed out that it was a violation
of federal law to have such a discussion (at the technical level),
and the moderator promptly suspended the discussion, with the wry
note, "let's not have any more felonies on telecom, okay?" I trust
that I'm not doing a disservice by bringing that discussion (which was
a while ago) under public scrutiny, but it does serve to point out
were to come to a legal test, it is quite possible that the first
amendment would win out, but one never knows. If it's legal to
publish plans for building a thermonuclear device, I suspect that
the crime of describing the workings of a blue box pales by
22-May-84 16:42:00-MDT,688;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 22 May 84 16:41:57-MDT
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Received: from Flora.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 22 MAY 84 12:11:05 PDT
Date: Tue, 22 May 84 11:54 PDT
From: DHead.es@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: -86 Utilities
Does anyone know if there are versions of VFILER and the newer SD ( ver
81 as an example) for CPM-86? I have a version of SD, but it doesn't
allow any options other than $S. I would like to find out before I try
and convert my -80 versions. Any pointers greatly appreciated.
22-May-84 16:42:16-MDT,825;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 22 May 84 16:42:12-MDT
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Received: from ut-ngp.arpa by BRL-VGR.ARPA id a004252; 22 May 84 15:49 EDT
From: vomlehn <vomlehn@UT-NGP.ARPA>
Posted-Date: Tue, 22 May 84 14:48:36 CDT
Message-Id: <8405221949.AA27345@ut-ngp.ARPA>
Received: by ut-ngp.ARPA (4.22/4.22)
id AA27345; Tue, 22 May 84 14:49:13 cdt
Date: Tue, 22 May 84 14:48:36 CDT
To: info-cpm@BRL-VGR.ARPA
Subject: setjmp/longjmp for Aztec CII
Version 1.06 of the Aztec CII compiler has routines to implement
setjmp and longjmp. I've used them a bit and they seem to work.
They are identical in use to the UNIX versions. If I were you, I'd
spend the bucks and save myself some work.
22-May-84 20:39:40-MDT,1090;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 22 May 84 20:39:34-MDT
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Date: 22 May 1984 20:19 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12017492737.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Modem7@Simtel20.ARPA
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: MEX10DOC.WQ - a WordStar formatted MEX10.DOC
I local user of TCBBS Dearborn contributed a nicely-reformatted DOC
file for MEX10. I just uploaded it to SIMTEL20. Since this file has
WordStar dot commands, soft spaces, high-order bits and such, I did
NOT unsqueeze it. It's stored in ITS-binary "COM" file format and is
48k. I have made a .HEX file for those who cannot FTP binary files.
The files are:
MICRO:<CPM.MEX>MEX10DOC.WQ (the squeezed file)
MICRO:<CPM.MEX>MEX10DOC.HEX (the hexified squeezed file)
If you get the .HEX file, use LOAD.COM (or MLOAD.COM) to make
MEX10DOC.COM, rename it to MEX10DOC.WQ and then unsqueeze it.
22-May-84 21:17:42-MDT,828;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 22 May 84 21:17:38-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 22 May 84 22:57 EDT
Date: 22 May 1984 22:12-EDT
From: Allan D. Plehn <PLEHN@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: VFILER11.A86
To: Dhead.es@Xerox.ARPA
Volume 146 of SIGM includes several source programs for CP/M86, including
VFILER11.A86 and SD-48B.A86. Also FIND20B.A86 and PRINT10B.A86.
Volume 147 includes FINDBAD.A86, ERAQ.A86, and CRCK-51.A86.
These are available from SIMTEL20, if you can FTP from that Host. The
VFILER11.A86 is 92K in length and the checksum is 2F 20.
Hope this is helpful.
Al Plehn
22-May-84 21:44:42-MDT,1056;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 22 May 84 21:44:36-MDT
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Received: From utexas-20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 22 May 84 23:19 EDT
Date: Tue 22 May 84 22:20:07-CDT
From: Aaron Temin <CS.Temin@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
Subject: Bad review for S-100 Corp
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA, info-micro@BRL.ARPA
I recently had a bad time with S-100 Corp in Phoenix, and wanted folks
to be aware of it. I ordered a modem from them, sending a certified
check to speed the process. A week after that, when I should have had
the modem, I called back and was told they were out of stock but would
have them a week later. A week later they still didn't have them, so I
asked for a CERTIFIED check back. A week later I get a COMPANY check.
So I am out my money for a month, with no satisfaction from the company.
I ended up getting the modem from Widener Consulting in Oregon. $40
more, but I got it in 5 days.
23-May-84 01:53:42-MDT,2466;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 23 May 84 01:53:33-MDT
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Received: From rice-gateway.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 23 May 84 3:17 EDT
Received: by rice.ARPA (AA10421); Wed, 23 May 84 02:06:36 CDT
Received: by RICE-JANUS (AA00103); Wed, 23 May 84 02:08:53 cdt
Date: Wed, 23 May 84 02:00:09 CDT
From: Stan Hanks <stan@rice.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Bad review for S-100 Corp
To: Aaron Temin <CS.Temin@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
Cc: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
Message-Id: <1984.>
In-Reply-To: Aaron Temin's message of Tue 22 May 84 22:20:07-CDT
I have purchased a fairly large amount of hardware from S100 Corp
over the last year, including some hard-to-find Morrow boards. I have
been completely satisfied with my dealings with them. Additionally, a
good friend of mine who has also done a substantial amount of business
(N thousand dollars, where N is large) with them recently has no
There is, however, a secret to this. I have discovered over the years
that this applies to almost *ALL* mail-order activities. Take heed,
Rule 1: if there is an 800 number, and a non-800 number listed, you
will *ALWAYS* get better service on the non-800 number unless
you are in the process of making a big buck order.
Rule 2: NEVER EVER send money in advance. You are certain to get faster
service if you order COD as it is the company's money that is
being tied up. They want to deliver ASAP so as to collect in a
timely fashion and turn financial dead weight into a profit.
Rule 3: if there is a technical hotline, call them BEFORE you order.
That way, you will have some idea as to whether or not you are
purchasing from idiots. You may use this as a valid basis as to
whether or not the $20 savings in dealing with the company in
question is worth the headache of no support.
That's it. I've always done this, and while I occasionally wind up
spending a bit more for the product I want, I'm always satisfied with
the results. (Well, that and making sure that I really want what I'm
ordering, but that's another set of rules.....)
Stan Hanks
Department of Computer Science
Rice University
Houston TX
stan@rice.ARPA (arpanet)
stan@rice (csnet)
...!lbl-csam!rice!stan (uucp)
24-May-84 05:37:05-MDT,1331;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 05:37:00-MDT
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Received: From isi-uci-gw.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 23 May 84 22:26 EDT
Date: 23 May 84 03:24:55 PDT (Wed)
Message-ID: <280.454155895@uci-750a>
cc: Jerry Sweet <jsweet@Uci-750a.ARPA>, ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA,
Subject: Re: BBS Confiscation
In-reply-to: Your message of 22 May 84 23:18:49 EDT.
From: Jerry Sweet <jsweet@Uci-750a.ARPA>
Refer to the November 1979 issue of The Progressive for a description
of the construction of a thermonuclear device. It is not actually
a "plan" per se. However, the description is probably adequate to
permit construction by appropriately skilled persons. The problem
would be to obtain sufficient fissile material. To be fair to the
phone company, the analogous components for a blue box can be bought
"off the shelf" as it were. However, I do not agree that the phone
company (or congress, acting on its behalf) should be permitted to
abridge first amendment rights any more than The Progressive should
have been prevented from publishing its article (as it was not).
24-May-84 06:03:41-MDT,1010;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 06:03:34-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 23 May 84 22:33 EDT
Received: From xerox.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 23 May 84 22:28 EDT
Received: from Chelois.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 22 MAY 84 20:19:01 PDT
Date: 22 May 84 23:18:49 EDT
Subject: Re: BBS Confiscation
In-reply-to: jsweet@UCI-750A.ARPA's message of 22 May 84 10:57:17 PDT
(Tue), <280.454096637@uci-750a>
To: Jerry Sweet <jsweet@UCI-750A.ARPA>
24-May-84 06:25:42-MDT,1620;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 06:25:34-MDT
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Received: From isi-uci-gw.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 23 May 84 22:28 EDT
Date: 23 May 84 03:43:15 PDT (Wed)
Message-ID: <280.454156995@uci-750a>
To: Earl Weaver <earl@Brl-Vat.ARPA>
cc: Jerry Sweet <jsweet@Uci-750a.ARPA>, ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA,
kyle.wbst@Xerox.ARPA, CSTROM@Simtel20.ARPA, INFO-MICRO@Brl-Aos.ARPA,
Subject: Re: BBS Confiscation
In-reply-to: Your message of Tue, 22 May 84 16:26:11 EDT.
From: Jerry Sweet <jsweet@Uci-750a.ARPA>
While I will agree that the judicial branch has managed to reinterpret
laws so as to decrease personal freedoms, you are mistaken in pointing
the finger at the judiciary in this case. This appears to be a law
designed specifically to protect the phone company.
No interpretation by the judicial branch will be rendered until
law is challenged. I'd be curious to know exactly which law was
violated in this BBS case and what steps the sysop can take to
recover his system. If this case were taken all the way to the
supreme court, it could be ten years before the system is returned.
There are still some kids here in Irvine whose systems are in the
custody of the FBI, although to my knowledge these juveniles have
yet to be formally charged with a crime--MONTHS and MONTHS after
the fact.
Gee, it never ceases to amaze me how easily democracy is eroded
by the forces of apathy, bureaucracy, and ignorance.
24-May-84 06:30:28-MDT,660;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: Tue, 22 May 84 20:25:43 EDT
From: Charlie Strom (NYU) <strom@Brl-Bmd.ARPA>
To: DHead.es@xerox.arpa
Subject: Re: -86 Utilities
There are versions of both SD (newer than yours) and VFILER for CP/M-86
on Compuserve's CP-MIG. There is a groeing contingent of 16 bit users
there, including some of us running MPM-816 and CCPM. Do drop by.
24-May-84 07:05:57-MDT,899;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 07:05:50-MDT
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Date: 21 May 84 21:28:22-PDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!sdcsvax!noscvax!kemp@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Kaypro MX80 Wordstar document correction
Article-I.D.: noscvax.472
<a non-blank line>
My prior posting is correct, except for the portion after the
line "A test follows"
Disregard the test, as it describes a different installation...
Steve Kemp
Computer Sciences Corp.
Naval Ocean Systems Center
San Diego, CA
24-May-84 07:09:26-MDT,5263;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 07:09:06-MDT
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Date: 21 May 84 21:03:34-PDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!sdcsvax!noscvax!kemp@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Kaypro & MX80 WordStar installation document
Article-I.D.: noscvax.471
-a non-blank line-
Comments to:
Steve Kemp
Computer Sciences Corp.
Naval Ocean Systems Center
San Diego, CA
Implementation of WordStar on the Kaypro 4 for MX80 with
Graftrax. NB: This is NOT for the serial port, but for the
parallel port, system list device (LPT:).
The "dip switches" on the parallel board are as follows:
SW1-8 ON Comes up ON-LINE
SW1-7 ON Zeroes will be slashed
SW1-6 ON Buzzer on when paper fault occurs
SW1-5 OFF Emphasized print is NOT the default
SW1-4 OFF Italic print is NOT the default
SW1-3 OFF Paper fault sensor is ON.
SW1-2 OFF --not used--
SW1-1 OFF Compressed print is NOT the default
SW2-4 OFF 1 inch skip over perforation is NOT selected
SW2-3 OFF LF must be from host (the KAYPRO)
SW2-2 OFF --not used--
SW2-1 OFF --not used--
under GP INSTALL Release 2.00
PRINTER NAME Epson MX80/100-Graftrax
OVERPRINTING Non-backspacing standard printer
BOLDFACING 3 overstrikes
DRIVER System Standard List Device (LPT:)
RIBBON SELECTION 1b34h selects alternate ribbon (italics)
1b35h selects normal ribbon (no italics)
VERTICAL MOTION (this was set for non-graftrax printer
as released with WordStar. Maybe it's
unnecessary, or incorrect. I left it
alone, but I think it's wrong...)
PRINT MODES 1b551h selects unidirectional printing
1b550h de-selects unidirectional printing
(NB: There is a GROSS error in the
Epson manual, so be sure to check the
Appendix B "decimal" and "hex" values to
be sure they AGREE arithmetically.
Contrary to Epson's manual,
85 decimal DOES NOT = 5F hex!!!)
PHANTOM CHARS. 20h (ASCII space) no phantom space
20h (ASCII) no phantom rubout
0ah is LF
(empty) half-linefeed not functional
0dh is no linefeed
FUNCTIONS 0fh for ^PQ (function 1) is select
compressed mode (little characters)
12h for ^PW (function 2) is de-select
compressed mode (normal characters)
1b48h for ^PE (function 3)
cancel subcript mode (this is used
IN ADDITION to the ^PV and ^PT functions)
(empty) for ^PR (function 4)
CARRIAGE ROLL 1B530h lies to Wordstar that this is a 'roll
up a partial line'. Actually, this sets
superscript mode. NB:See function 3 above
which MUST be used to de-select superscript
mode, or else everything following will be
in superscripts.
1b531h lies to Wordstar as above, except
here we're selecting subscript mode. NB:It
also MUST be de-selected as above....
CHARACTER PITCH 1b571h selects double-width (big characters)
1b570h de-selects double-width
A test follows:
(file = printest.txt)
Use in Pairs
Boldface ^PB...^PB <ESC>E...<ESC>F
Double Strike ^PD...^PD <ESC>G...<ESC>H
Underline ^PS...^PS <ESC>-1...<ESC>-0
Strikeout ^PX...^PX
Asubscript ^PV...^PV^PE <ESC>S1...<ESC>S1<ESC>T
Asuperscript ^PT...^PT^PE <ESC>S0...<ESC>S0<ESC>T
Strikeover, ^ala ...^PH...
Use Alone
Non-break space ---- ...^PO...
Phantom space ---- ...^PF... (ASCII space, 20h)
Phantom rubout ---- ...^PG... (ASCII space, 20h)
Strikeover lineXXXXXXX ...^P<CR>XXX...
Alt. Pitch ^PA...^PN <ESC>W1h...<ESC>W0h
Std. Pitch ^PA...^PN ...<ESC>W0h
Print Pause ...^PC...
Italics ^PY...^PY <ESC>4...<ESC>5
(Ribbon Color Chg.)
Compressed Mode ON ^PQ...^PW SI...DC2
(Function 1)
Compressed Mode OFF ^PQ...^PW SI...DC2
(Function 2)
24-May-84 08:03:18-MDT,1516;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 08:03:00-MDT
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Date: 23 May 1984 14:17-EDT
Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
Subject: Apple and Terminal Mode
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID]23-May-84 14:17:38.ABN.ISCAMS>
I'm trying to use a Super Serial Card in an Apple II+, slot 3, to service
an external terminal or modem. Works perfectly in terminal mode (I'm using
a Freedom 100 right now); full file access, etc.
BUT when I fire up MDM730 (configured for the Apple with a Super Serial
Card) and go into T (terminal) mode (or L for local echo to), I get a
rush of cryptic characters across the screen and a constant screaming bell!
This is with NO cards (SSC or otherwise) in slots 1 or 2. Still the same with
an SSC in Slot 1; totally locks up on entering T or L mode with SSC in Slot 2.
Nothing unusual about the SSC configuration in Slot 3 - 9600 baud 8 data bits
1 stopbit no parity no interrupts.
This is an interesting project (want to be able to access the Apple via
modem, while the Apple is part of an Omninet), but there's obviously some
sort of conflict or crossed signals between the SSC in Slot 3 and everything
Any ideas, friends?
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
24-May-84 08:16:46-MDT,1841;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 08:16:14-MDT
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Date: Thu, 24 May 84 6:00:41 EDT
From: Stephen Wolff <steve@Brl-Bmd.ARPA>
To: Jerry Sweet <jsweet@uci-750a.arpa>
cc: KYLE.WBST@xerox.arpa, Jerry Sweet <jsweet@uci-750a.arpa>,
ABN.ISCAMS@usc-isid.arpa, CSTROM@simtel20.arpa,
INFO-MICRO@brl-aos.arpa, INFO-CPM@brl-aos.arpa
Subject: Re: BBS Confiscation
>> However, I do not agree that the phone
>> company (or congress, acting on its behalf) should be permitted to
>> abridge first amendment rights any more than The Progressive should
>> have been prevented from publishing its article (as it was not).
Oh, yes it was! Morland's article was originally scheduled for the April, '79
issue, but on March 26 Federal judge Robert W. Warren "..did what no Federal
judge had ever done before in the 203-year history of the American republic"
when he issued a preliminary injunction barring publication, and had all
copies of the article, its proofs, sketches &c. locked up.
Sanity did not prevail until September 28, when the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court
of Appeals vacated Judge Warren's incredible injunction. The article was
printed in November. The Progressive was, in fact "prevented" from printing
it (by Warren's injunction) for more than six months.
A last note: While this was only a minor random aberration on the Government's
part, nearly five years later The Progressive is still struggling to get out
of debt from the costs it incurred in defending the first amendment to the
24-May-84 08:45:36-MDT,929;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 08:45:29-MDT
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Received: From brl-vat.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 24 May 84 8:02 EDT
Date: Tue, 22 May 84 16:26:11 EDT
From: Earl Weaver (VLD/ATB) <earl@Brl-Vat.ARPA>
To: Jerry Sweet <jsweet@uci-750a.arpa>
cc: ABN.ISCAMS@usc-isid.arpa, kyle.wbst@xerox.arpa, CSTROM@simtel20.arpa,
INFO-MICRO@brl-aos.arpa, INFO-CPM@brl-aos.arpa,
Subject: Re: BBS Confiscation
Public apathy is one of the reasons for the problem. Theoretically the
government can only do what we allow it to do (that is, we, collectively).
We are allowing the constitution to be virtually rewritten by the
judicial branch of government by its "modern" interpretations of old
laws. Frankly, I'm disturbed.
24-May-84 12:27:50-MDT,1157;000000000000
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Date: Thursday, 24 May 1984 10:44-PDT
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Subj: Wordstar redraw screen command needed
From: bridger@Rand-Unix.ARPA
I run several processes in the background that use the screen for messages.
When the processes terminate they need a way to restore the user's screen.
Unlike Mince, Pefect Writer, and other editors
Wordstar doesn't seem to have a command that will completely redraw
its image of the screen. Its screen commands - scroll up/down, etc -
appear to modify the screen coordinates only if its image says the
character there isn't the same as the character that 'should' be there.
Since the background message may use
some of the blank area, WS thinks it is still blank, doesn't clear it, and
the result is a collage of the wordstar screen
and the background message.
WS gurus: Is there a patch & command that will force a full-screen redisplay?
Could one be developed & what would be needed?
24-May-84 12:47:59-MDT,1783;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 12:47:49-MDT
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Date: Thursday, 24 May 1984 01:04-MDT
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12017925249.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: "Harris B. Edelman" <HEDELMAN@JPL-VLSI.ARPA>
From: "Harris B. Edelman" <HEDELMAN@JPL-VLSI.ARPA>
To: info-micro@BRL-AOS.ARPA
Subject: LA BBS Confiscation Update
ReSent-From: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
ReSent-To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
ReSent-Date: Thu 24 May 1984 11:55-MDT
Following is relayed from MBBS Headquarters RCP/M in Los Angeles, is
Tom Tcimpidis' follow-up to his first message re: the seizure last week
by LAPD/Pacific Telephone of his BBS:
Msg#: 46 Date: 05/22/84 2:54 PM
I, today, talked with Peggy Watt who is the legal editor
for Infoworld. I gave her a synopsis of what occurred and
the names an numbers of the indivduals involved. She is going
to look into the matter and see what she can determine through
her contacts (she agrees that the situations seem out of line)
and then get back to me. (I have also received quries from
the L.A. Times and KCBS TV.)
She would also be interested in sitting in on a meeting of
the Sysops of various systems (something Lynzie of DYM69
suggested) to discuss the situation and what can be done to
rectify and prevent it. I would like to arrange such a meeting
as soon as possible. Please call me at 366-4837 and we will
proceed. Everyone needs to stick together in this because it
could ultimately affect us all, nt just me.
P.S. Please spread this message around on any other
systems that you access. Thanks. Tom Tcimpidis 5/21/84
24-May-84 13:51:08-MDT,2206;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 13:50:59-MDT
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Date: 24 May 1984 1104 PDT
From: Harris B. Edelman <HEDELMAN@JPL-VLSI.ARPA>
Subject: BBS Confiscation Update
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: MAILER 24-MAY-1984 00:54
Subj: [Netmail From: HEDELMAN@JPL-VLSI.ARPA] LA BBS Confiscation Update
Mail-From: ARPAnet host BRL-VGR rcvd at Thu May 24 00:54-PDT
Received: from brl.arpa by BRL-VGR.ARPA id a006190; 24 May 84 3:30 EDT
Received: From jpl-vlsi.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 24 May 84 3:19 EDT
Date: 24 May 1984 0004 PDT
From: "Harris B. Edelman" <HEDELMAN@JPL-VLSI.ARPA>
Subject: LA BBS Confiscation Update
To: info-micro@BRL-AOS.ARPA
Following is relayed from MBBS Headquarters RCP/M in Los Angeles, is
Tom Tcimpidis' follow-up to his first message re: the seizure last week
by LAPD/Pacific Telephone of his BBS:
Msg#: 46 Date: 05/22/84 2:54 PM
I, today, talked with Peggy Watt who is the legal editor
for Infoworld. I gave her a synopsis of what occurred and
the names an numbers of the indivduals involved. She is going
to look into the matter and see what she can determine through
her contacts (she agrees that the situations seem out of line)
and then get back to me. (I have also received quries from
the L.A. Times and KCBS TV.)
She would also be interested in sitting in on a meeting of
the Sysops of various systems (something Lynzie of DYM69
suggested) to discuss the situation and what can be done to
rectify and prevent it. I would like to arrange such a meeting
as soon as possible. Please call me at 366-4837 and we will
proceed. Everyone needs to stick together in this because it
could ultimately affect us all, nt just me.
P.S. Please spread this message around on any other
systems that you access. Thanks. Tom Tcimpidis 5/21/84
24-May-84 14:10:19-MDT,1284;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 14:09:53-MDT
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Received: from Gamay.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 24 MAY 84 11:11:35 PDT
From: ssalzman.es@XEROX.ARPA
Date: 24 May 84 11:11:09 PDT
Subject: Update on MOG-URs BBS Confiscation
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Rick Gaitley, who is sysop of Xanadu RCPM/ and a friend of Tom's,
decided to cal the phone company and find out why his system was
confiscated. Apperently, someone left an AT&T calling card number
on Tom's board and it remained there for over a month. It's very
possible that Tom had no idea of that message being there. Ths
same caling card number showed up on Xanadu after Tom left the
message there about what happened to his board. Rick immediatly
deleted it. At any rate, I can see why the phone company might get a little
ticked off. According to the phone company, the reason they took
the system (suuposedly) was to try and find the person who left
the message. The person Rick talked to is the one that actually
took Tom's machine. If anyone cares to find out any more,
the number of Ricks system (Xanadu) is (818)906-1636.
- Isaac Salzman
24-May-84 14:17:23-MDT,1582;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 14:17:13-MDT
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Received: from Gamay.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 24 MAY 84 11:29:03 PDT
From: ssalzman.es@XEROX.ARPA
Date: 24 May 84 11:28:52 PDT
Subject: Another message from Tom Ticimpidis
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Here is another message from Tom that I found on the Xanadu RCP/M
system [(818)906-1636]:
Msg 2857.1, Left at: 16:22:42; 05/22/84, From: TOM TCIMPIDIS (6)
To: ALL, About: mog-ur update
I, today, talked with Peggy Watt who is the legal editor
for Infoworld. I gave her a synopsis of what occurred and the
names and numbers of the indivduals involved. She is going to
look into the matter and see what she can determine through
her contacts (she agrees that the situations seem out of line)
and then get back to me. (I have also received queries from
the L.A. Times and KCBS TV.)
She would also be interested in sitting in on a meeting
of the Sysops of various systems (something Lynzie of DYM69
suggested) to discuss the situation and what can be done to
rectify and prevent it. I would like to arrange such a meeting
as soon as possible. Please call me at 366-4837 and we will
proceed. Everyone needs to stick together in this because it
could ultimately affect us all, not just me.
P.S. Please spread this message around on any other
systems that you access. Thanks. Tom Tcimpidis 5/21/84
End Of Msg 2857
24-May-84 18:24:04-MDT,3347;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 18:23:54-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 24 May 84 19:48 EDT
Received: From rand-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 24 May 84 19:47 EDT
From: vortex!lauren@Rand-Unix.ARPA
Date: Thu, 24-May-84 16:19:05 PDT
Sender: Lauren Weinstein <vortex!lauren@RAND-UNIX.ARPA>
Subject: BBS legal issues
Message-ID: <8405241619.999.1.VT2.2@vortex.UUCP>
If there's going to be a big discussion of "freedom of speech" over
this BBS issue, then PLEASE move the discussion over to POLI-SCI and
off of CPM and MICRO. I also doubt that we need to see the same
messages five times in both lists.
It's amusing that so many people have seen fit to comment
on this subject, but I haven't seen anyone mention what the
offending message was all about! Well, it apparently had to do with
the posting of illicit access codes for one of the "alternate" long
distance telephone companies. This is an illegal act and
clearly should be. It isn't a question of "freedom of speech,"
it's a question of fraud and theft. The only interesting legal question
here concerns the responsibility of the owner of the BBS itself.
It seems fairly self-evident that some degree of responsibility
is necessary, otherwise these systems could provide
convenient meeting-grounds for all sorts of illegal operations, all
under the guise of dialup anonymity.
As usual, a few bad apples are spoiling the public access computer
system world just as they ruin so many other aspects of
our society. I'm certainly not suggesting that the owners of BBS
systems be subject to felony prosecutions (providing
that they truly were unaware of the offending messages) but it
seems that SOME level of responsibility must be maintained.
If this whole event is over the posting of a single message that the
BBS sysop really didn't know anything about, then the level of legal
action taken is clearly out of line -- it would have been better for the
authorities to work WITH the sysop to locate the person who
posted the message. On the other hand, there have been BBS's
which ENCOURAGED or at least openly tolerated such messages as
a matter of policy, and they should certainly be subject to
legal penalties. The problem in this particular case may have
been "simple" overreaction by some specific authorities, who will
probably back down if this was truly a one-time event and didn't
represent the ongoing "policy" of the BBS.
Can you imagine what would happen to a company which made a policy of
KNOWINGLY allowing the posting of illegal credit card numbers on
the bulletin board of their hallway for the use of their employees?
Can we agree that this company would be liable for some form of
prosecution? I think that there is a strong analogy between this
situation and the BBS public message board situation. The legal
question should revolve around the continuing policy of these
boards, not around single, isolated events.
I don't claim to have an exact legal formula for dealing with
this issue, but often it is best to look to the way we deal with
the same sorts of problems in a non-computerized environment for
some hints.
24-May-84 19:05:57-MDT,2549;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 19:05:50-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 24 May 84 20:20 EDT
Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 24 May 84 20:17 EDT
Date: 24 May 1984 20:18-EDT
From: Eric Stork <STORK@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: WARNING about new KAYPRO policies.
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Cavet Emptor, potential KAYPRO buyers. If you're not
careful (I wasn't!) you won't get what you pay for!
I have had KAYPROs in the family for almost two years now,
and have been much impressed with them. But recently, my
son in law bought a KP-10 for his wife, and I picked up a
KP-2 as a spare unit. We both bought the latest models,
i.e., equipped with KP's CP/M2.2G. That, it turns out, may
have been a big mistake.
Both the KP-10 and the KP-2 came without MOVCPM.COM. True,
many people don't know what MOVCPM is and won't miss it, but
most users who may read this warning would not want to be
deprived of that essential utility.
. I called KP's Software support about the omission,
and learned that they had trouble getting CP/M2.2G to
work right and had for that reason failed to include
MOVCPM on the system disk.
. Not liking that answer a whole lot, I wrote to KP and
eventually got a phone call telling me that they
MIGHT later make MOVCPM available with their CP/M2.2G
tinker kit, but I'd have to buy it for about $100.
. Wrote again about 3 weeks ago, this time to their
software chief (a Mr. Gilbert Ohnysty), and also
called again -- but now they won't even bother to
It's a real pity that the KP people, who made such a fine
product and provided good support for about two years, seem
to have so badly screwed up the BIOS for the KP-10 in their
current CP/M2.2G (won't run KP's own games, and won't run
MDM7xx right even though MDM7xx does run on the new KP-2)
that they failed to make MOVCPM available as they should
have (as I understand it, when one buys CP/M, one pays for a
matched MOVCPM -- and of course, since MOVCPM is
serial-number matched to the system, one can't use MOVCPM
from a previous version).
I'll continue to try to get KP to do what's right, i.e., to
provide the MOVCPM that I bought and paid for. If I get it,
I'll send a follow-up message.
But for the time being, potential KP buyers, Caveat Emptor
is the word of the day.
24-May-84 22:01:11-MDT,826;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 24 May 84 22:01:06-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 24 May 84 20:15-PDT
Date: 22 May 84 13:55:31-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!floyd!whuxle!spuxll!eisx!dad@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: RE: Printer problems S100 to ids 225
Article-I.D.: eisx.741
In-Reply-To: Article <12231@sri-arpa.UUCP>
If you send data to the IDS when the buffer is near full you get the kind
of response you describe. You've got to check the Hi/Lo status line before
you send characters. I think its line 20 on the DB25 pin plug.
- Don
24-May-84 22:15:35-MDT,5214;000000000000
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Date: Thu, 24 May 84 20:39:32 PDT
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From: Phil Lapsley <phil%ucbnewton.CC@Ucb-Vax.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@amsaa.ARPA
Subject: [BBS Flame] A Legal View
Permit me just one flame on this, then I shut up...
While I can't say what specific law was broken, not being very familiar
with the case at hand, I could offer some speculation. In all probability,
Tom was charged under section 502 of the California Penal Code, which deals
with "Crimes Using Computers." Apparently there has been some addition to
this section as of January of this year, and I'm not sure as to its
contents, but it probably (?) doesn't change things too drastically.
Section 502. uses the following definitions:
"Access" means to instruct, communicate with, store data in, or retrieve
data from a computer system or computer network.
"Services" includes, but is not limited to, the use of the computer system,
computer network, computer programs, or data prepared for computer use, or
data contained within a computer system, or data contained within a
computer network.
"Property" includes, but is not limited to, financial instruments, data,
computer programs, documents associated with computer systems and computer
programs, whether tangible or intangible [?], including both human and
computer system readable data, and data while in transit.
Armed with the above definitions, section 502(b):
"Any person who intentionally accesses or causes to be accessed any
computer system or computer network for the purpose of (1) devising or
executing any scheme or artifice to defraud or extort or (2) obtaining
money, property, or services with false or fraudulent intent,
representations, or promises shall be guilty of a public offense."
"Any person who violates the provisions of subdivision (b) or (c) is guilty
of a felony and is punishable by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars
or by imprisonment in the state prison for 16 months or two or three years,
or by both such fine and imprisonment, or by a fine not exceeding two
thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not
exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment."
And why not 502(e):
"This section shall not be construed to preclude the applicability of any
other provision of the criminal law of this state which applies or may
apply to any transaction."
This brings us to section 502.7 of the California Penal Code, which reads
as if it was written by old Ma Bell. Specifically, 502.7(c):
"Any person who publishes the number or code of an existing, canceled,
revoked, expired, or nonexistent credit card ... with the intent that it be
used or with knowledge or reason to believe that it will be used to avoid
the payment of any lawful telephone or telegraph toll charge is guilty of a
And we would not want to be without 502.7(g):
"An instrument, apparatus, device, plans, instruction, or written
publication described in subdivision (b) or (c) of this section may be
seized under warrant or incident to a lawful arrest, and upon the
conviction of a person for a violation of subdivisions (a), (b), or (c) of
this section, such instrument, apparatus, device, plans, instructions, or
written publication may be destroyed as contraband by the sheriff of the
county in which such a person was convicted or turned over to the person
providing telephone or telegraph service in the territory in which the same
was seized. [i.e., Pacific Telephone]"
I suppose I could see the above being used as a legal defense of the
BBS bust along lines something like: "Well, the bulletin board provided
a credit card number, and somebody used it. Making use of a credit
card number for fraudulent purposes when the number is provided by a
computer is a felony under section 502(b) of the California Penal
Code. The sysop of the BBS provided this service and therefore acted
as an accomplice, and is therefore equally guilty under the eyes of the
law. Further, the message containing the credit card number is liable
to be seized under warrant by section 502.7(g) of the CPC, and turned
over to Pacific Telephone."
I will refrain from making any statements for or against the above
laws, but the fact remains that they are on the books in California,
and they should either be changed, or abided by, depending upon your
Phil Lapsley
24-May-84 23:48:49-MDT,890;000000000000
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Date: 24 May 84 22:19:12 PDT (Thu)
To: Phil Lapsley <phil%ucbnewton.CC@Ucb-Vax.ARPA>
cc: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA, young@Uci-750a.ARPA
Subject: Re: [BBS Flame] A Legal View
In-reply-to: Your message of Thu, 24 May 84 20:39:32 PDT.
From: Michal Young <young@Uci-750a.ARPA>
``but the fact remains that they are on the books in California,
and they should either be changed, or abided by, depending
upon your view.''
Or challenged and overturned in court. A law may be on the books, but
is still invalid if it is incompatible with either the state or
national constitution.
--Michal Young, young@uci.arpa, ubcvax!ucivax!young
25-May-84 01:44:25-MDT,731;000000000000
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Date: Fri 25 May 84 00:12:22-PDT
From: Sam Hahn <Samuel@SU-SCORE.ARPA>
Subject: 816 Modem?? request
To: info-micro@BRL-AOS.ARPA, info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
Quick query: Could some godlike soul with an 816 system (Compupro)
put a copy of modem?? on a disk for me? This I lack.
Of course, I'd provide disk, postage, etc.
Many thanks for your reply. Please respond to samuel@score or shahn@sumex.
Or call me collect at (408) 255-3653.
-- sam
25-May-84 02:45:55-MDT,1355;000000000000
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Date: 25 May 84 0026 PDT
From: John McCarthy <JMC@SU-AI.ARPA>
Subject: re: Clarification of earlier message on BBS's (from SAIL's BBOARD)
ReSent-Date: Fri 25 May 84 01:10:22-PDT
ReSent-From: Sam Hahn <Samuel@SU-SCORE.ARPA>
ReSent-To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA, info-micro@BRL-AOS.ARPA
jmc - It seems to me that under the usual interpretations of law, in
order to prove the system proprietor guilty under the above codes, it
would have to be at least proved that he knew about this illegal use of his
computer and tolerated it. The seizure of property as evidence on the
basis of a search warrant doesn't even constitute an accusation against
the person from whom it was seized. I believe that evidence can be seized
even from the victim of a crime. It would be interesting to know whether
the telephone credit card number was that of some random individual or
belonged to some institution against which someone had a grudge.
25-May-84 04:07:47-MDT,843;000000000000
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Date: 23 May 84 12:06:40-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!fortune!burton@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Help with Siemens FD200 drives
Article-I.D.: fortune.3382
Siemens has exited the floppy disk drive business. You might have bought,
and I say **might** to avoid getting sued, drives built with parts such
as heads or read/write circuit parts, that were not up to snuff.
Good luck. check out old Shugart drives, but don't buy "tri-compliants".
Qumes are probably the best.
25-May-84 04:40:06-MDT,2325;000000000000
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Date: 23 May 84 10:56:00-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!ihu1e!nowlin@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Flipping Floppies
Article-I.D.: ihu1e.257
I recently got my update to Aztec C (Version 1.06B). One of the disks
had a bad side, but they're going to send me a new one right away. They
distributed this version on two double sided disks that have to be turned over
on my Apple. Besides Manx I've also purchased Microzine from Scholastic
Software and Graphics Magician from Penguin Software in this form.
That brings me to a question. Have you ever cut a WP notch in the off
edge of a floppy and turned it over to use the other side? I tried this for
backing up Penguin's Graphics Magician. I just used an Exacto knife I had
laying around and measured the spot with a ruler. It worked just great as far
as I can tell.
Then I read an article about why turning over disks is not a good
practice. According to the article, when the disk spins in the opposite
direction dirt drops out on the disk instead of being picked up by the jacket
liner. Is this a real matter for concern? If it is then why do companies
like Manx, Penguin, and Scholastic distribute their software on floppies that
have to flipped over? Even if the disks they use are certified for double
sided use, they still spin in opposite directions when you turn the disk over
to use the other side.
They might rationalize that you will back your new software up right away
and never use the original disks enough for this to be a problem. That can't
Scholastic's reasoning since their stuff is protected. If this is truly a
problem, and not just propaganda written by some disk manufacturer, would
Scholastic be responsible for a disk drive head problem since their disks
could contribute to the failure? Anyone have any thoughts on this topic?
Jerry Nowlin
25-May-84 05:43:30-MDT,1461;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 25 May 84 05:43:24-MDT
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Date: 25 May 1984 05:04 MDT (Fri)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12018112676.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@Simtel20.ARPA
Subject: CP/M-86 CCP replacement
cc: CSTROM@Simtel20.ARPA
I have uploaded to Simtel20 a replacement CCP for CPM-86, called
CPR86. The current version (CPR860) will probably be the last one,
since the author is busily working on Concurrent CP/M at ths point.
CPR86 has several ZCPR-like features as well as some twists of its
own, and is a real pleasure to use, compared to that dull old stock
The files are in MICRO:<CPM.CPR860> and are as follows:
CPR860.CMD - The actual CCP replacement
CPR860.DOC - Instructions on new features
INSTL0.DOC - How to install and customize CPR860
OVL0.CMD - Ram-resident extension
The installation was performed on a _xDGodbout 8085/88 system and
there is no guarantee that it will work on other hardware, but there
have been reports of success on an IBM PC and (with some patching) a
Zenith Z-100. I hope to upload the latter conversion as soon as it is
made available to me and would appreciate it if anyone bringing CPR860
up on another system would let me know about it.
25-May-84 07:39:39-MDT,1911;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 25 May 84 07:39:23-MDT
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id AA05140; Fri, 25 May 84 09:03:35 edt
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Date: 25 May 84 09:03 EDT
From: "I. Larry Avrunin" <avrunin@Nalcon.ARPA>
Subject: Floppy Disks
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
I have been trying to determine the differences if any between floppy
diskettes. There is much advertising hype and claims but none that
really say anything. One thing for sure is that there is a wide range
of prices for floppies.
I don't mind paying a little more for a particular brand if it is in
any manner better than any other. Someone once told me that their data
is important to them so they don't use anything but Verbatim Data Life. I
have heard the same thing about Dysan. On the other hand I have heard that
"Ultra" and "Elephant" diskettes meet all standards and are certified error
free and are much cheaper.
If anyone has any information about this I think we all might benefit. I
have personally used Ultra, TDK and Maxell as well as Verbatim and have not
had any problems with any of them. One thing in regards to the question
about notching a floppy, I have done that with a paper punch and the
reasons I have heard that you should not are:
1. Disk rotation changes and can dislodge dirt that has been collected.
2. When you turn the diskette over, the original side is now against
the pressure pad which might be dirty.
3. Notching can cause liner to have particles dislodged that can
get on magnetic media.
4. Any warranty on the diskette is void.
If 1 and 2 are truly a problem you can't help but wonder why games and
other products come that way.
Larry Avrunin
25-May-84 10:59:52-MDT,2285;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 25 May 84 10:59:42-MDT
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Date: 25 May 1984 10:12 MDT (Fri)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12018168756.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Current list of MEX files available
MEX, Ron Fowler's modem program which is a super-set of MDM7xx, is
gaining wide popularity according to RCPM Sysops. In view of this, I
am enclosing a list of the MEX directory here at SIMTEL20. Many new
files (mostly enhanced overlays for specific hardware) have been added
since Ron last announced updates to the net. The MXO-*.ASM's are
named in the same fashion as the MDM7xx overlays.
Filename Type Bytes Sectors CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.MEX>
-READ.ME.1 ASCII 2635 21 = 15H 56F6H
HELP.MEX.1 COM 49920 390 = 186H 7932H
HELPMEX.HEX.1 ASCII 121485 950 = 3B6H F4B9H
MEX10.COM.1 COM 23168 181 = B5H FDB9H
MEX10.DOC.1 ASCII 62457 488 = 1E8H 068CH
MEX10.HEX.1 ASCII 56398 441 = 1B9H 41EFH
MEX10DOC.HEX.1 ASCII 112462 879 = 36FH 7585H
MEX10DOC.WQ.1 COM 46208 361 = 169H 52B4H
MEXNEWS.001.1 ASCII 7672 60 = 3CH F64BH
MEXNEWS.002.1 ASCII 8567 67 = 43H E689H
MEXPAT10.ASM.1 ASCII 4397 35 = 23H 2CEAH
MLOAD21.COM.1 COM 2816 22 = 16H E51EH
MLOAD21.HEX.1 ASCII 6867 54 = 36H 2E67H
MXO-GB10.ASM.1 ASCII 13112 103 = 67H 17FDH
MXO-H811.ASM.1 ASCII 11076 87 = 57H 8908H
MXO-HZ11.ASM.1 ASCII 10064 79 = 4FH 8040H
MXO-KP10.ASM.1 ASCII 12284 96 = 60H 2AE8H
MXO-KP10.BUG.1 ASCII 334 3 = 3H 14DDH
MXO-MD10.ASM.2 ASCII 15477 121 = 79H DA1BH
MXO-OS01.ASM.1 ASCII 13763 108 = 6CH F177H
MXO-PM11.ASM.1 ASCII 27900 218 = DAH 06BDH
MXO-PM11.DIF.1 ASCII 484 4 = 4H B98CH
MXO-RV12.ASM.1 ASCII 13587 107 = 6BH 0DD0H
MXO-SM11.ASM.1 ASCII 8041 63 = 3FH 82C6H
MXO-TV10.ASM.1 ASCII 10792 85 = 55H C20BH
MXO-XE10.ASM.1 ASCII 10309 81 = 51H 2C34H
MXO-ZB10.ASM.1 ASCII 9429 74 = 4AH EA1AH
25-May-84 11:35:40-MDT,859;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 25 May 84 11:35:35-MDT
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Date: Fri 25 May 84 10:07:41-PDT
Subject: Re: Current list of MEX files available
In-Reply-To: Message from "Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20>" of Fri 25 May 84 10:12:00-PDT
M7R2-1, the overlay for the Radio Shack Models 2, 12, and 16 with Modem7 runs
fine with MEX, except for baud rate setting, which must be done with the
appropriate cp/m utility. It runs under Pickles and Trout CP/M (all versions)
and may be considered a MEX overlay. Perhaps you would like to rename
it MXO-R2.asm and put it in the MEX file.
25-May-84 12:04:43-MDT,1035;000000000000
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Received: from Flora.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 25 MAY 84 10:36:45 PDT
Date: Fri, 25 May 84 10:36 PDT
From: McConnell.es@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: Re: [BBS Flame] A Legal View
In-reply-to: <8405250339.AA13368@ucbnewton.Berkeley.ARPA>
To: Phil Lapsley <phil%ucbnewton.CC@UCB-VAX.ARPA>
cc: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
To carry the situation to its "logical" conclusion, all of the telephone
equipment involved in the posting of the illegal(?) message should be
confiscated and locked up as well -- switches, lines, poles, the works.
Further, every mail box, post office branch, etc, that has been used in
any scheme to attempt to rip of The Phone Company should likewise be
confiscated, destroyed and/or turned over to TPC.
[Does anyone remember the film "The President's Analyst"? Was it just
satirical paranoia or was it truly prescient?]
25-May-84 14:13:57-MDT,1778;000000000000
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Date: Fri, 25 May 84 15:26:20 EDT
From: David Towson (CSD) <towson@Amsaa.ARPA>
To: vortex!lauren@rand-unix.arpa
cc: INFO-MICRO@brl-aos.arpa, INFO-CPM@brl-aos.arpa
Subject: Re: BBS legal issues
Lauren - As list maintainer of info-cpm, I have been a little concerned
lately that a very few contributors have been providing most of the inputs,
while most of the over-200 list members (many of which are themselves local
distributors of the list) have been passively reading. This is not a beef!
I just worry what would happen to the list if a small handfull of "regulars"
got tired and quit. So with this in mind, I am really glad to see a good
hot topic once in a while. Furthermore, bulletin board systems are plenty
germane to info-cpm, and I expect there is more than just a passing interest
with some readers.
However, though my view differs from yours in the above respect, I
certainly agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the legal issues
involved. I sincerely hope that the BBS owner gets his system back without his
having to go into hock for the rest of his life to pay legal fees. In fact, if
my present scanty understanding of the situation turns out to be correct, I
would be interested in putting some money into a common defense fund. But I
think the question of who has what responsibility needs to be answered. Perhaps
PacTel has chosen this method of bringing the issue to the fore. We shall see.
25-May-84 17:35:06-MDT,1482;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 25 May 84 17:34:56-MDT
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Received: From rand-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 25 May 84 19:08 EDT
From: vortex!lauren@Rand-Unix.ARPA
Date: Fri, 25-May-84 15:39:38 PDT
Sender: Lauren Weinstein <vortex!lauren@RAND-UNIX.ARPA>
Subject: Re: BBS legal issues
Message-ID: <8405251539.2109.2.VT2.2@vortex.UUCP>
To: towson@AMSAA.ARPA
CC: info-micro@Brl-Aos.ARPA, info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Your message of Fri, 25 May 84 15:26:20 EDT
So long as the BBS issues are really being discussed, then the discussions
have a place here (but it's not clear that they really need to be on both
lists -- I suspect that INFO-MICRO alone would be adequate and would
avoid many duplicate messages). However, as the discussion starts
to stray into the more general topics of "freedom of speech," the
switch to POLI-SCI is in order. As you no doubt are aware, these discussions
can stray far away from they original topics over time, which often results
in many persons dropping off of lists since they are not terribly interested
in the "strayed" discussions. The people over on POLI-SCI are probably in
a better position to comment on many of the issues involved in the BBS
question, as would be many people on INFO-LAW. Both of those lists are open
to anybody who might wish to join.
26-May-84 02:34:58-MDT,1208;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 02:34:53-MDT
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Received: From rand-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 26 May 84 4:07 EDT
Date: Saturday, 26 May 1984 01:02-PDT
To: vortex!lauren@Rand-Unix.ARPA
Cc: towson@AMSAA.ARPA, info-micro@BRL-AOS.ARPA, info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
Subject: Re: BBS legal issues
In-reply-to: Your message of Fri, 25-May-84 15:39:38 PDT.
Cc: Ed_Hall <edhall@Rand-Unix.ARPA>
From: Ed_Hall <edhall@Rand-Unix.ARPA>
I think that if people haven't un-subscribed over the 30th `1/2
gigabyte ROM' (or is it `jigabyte') message, they aren't going
to balk at a little discussion of legal issues pertaining
directly to BBS's (and, actually, to just about any system with
dialins). If they do, well, they are simply tuning out one of
the more important issues of our age. Perhaps it would be a bit
strong to say that the way this works out could make or break
our democracy, but at least its effects will have ripples reaching
far into the freedoms of our own electronic village.
26-May-84 05:11:01-MDT,1392;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 05:10:55-MDT
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Received: From rand-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 26 May 84 6:47 EDT
From: vortex!lauren@Rand-Unix.ARPA
Date: Sat, 26-May-84 02:51:58 PDT
Sender: Lauren Weinstein <vortex!lauren@RAND-UNIX.ARPA>
Subject: Re: BBS legal issues
Message-ID: <8405260251.2840.1.VT2.2@vortex.UUCP>
To: edhall@Rand-Unix.ARPA
CC: info-microBRL@BRL-AOS.ARPA, info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Your message of Saturday, 26 May 1984 01:02-PDT
Unfortunately, past experience has shown that the busiest people,
and often some of the most useful contributers to these lists, will
be the first to drop off when the topics start to stray. When this
happens, the entire list suffers. It is in all of our best interests
to try keep discussions as sharply focused to particular lists as
possible. My only complaint regarding the BBS discussion relates
to "freedom of speech discussions" that are not related to computers.
We have the choice of POLI-SCI and INFO-LAW for more general discussions.
In fact, even these discussions which do regard computers might well be
best directed to HUMAN-NETS, which is specifically concerned with computers
and their relationship to and with society.
26-May-84 05:27:37-MDT,1276;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 05:27:28-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 May 84 6:46 EDT
Received: From rand-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 26 May 84 6:47 EDT
From: vortex!lauren@Rand-Unix.ARPA
Date: Sat, 26-May-84 02:54:08 PDT
Sender: Lauren Weinstein <vortex!lauren@RAND-UNIX.ARPA>
Subject: Re: BBS legal issues
Message-ID: <8405260254.2858.0.VT2.2@vortex.UUCP>
Unfortunately, past experience has shown that the busiest people,
and often some of the most useful contributers to these lists, will
be the first to drop off when the topics start to stray. When this
happens, the entire list suffers. It is in all of our best interests
to try keep discussions as sharply focused to particular lists as
possible. My only complaint regarding the BBS discussion relates
to "freedom of speech discussions" that are not related to computers.
We have the choice of POLI-SCI and INFO-LAW for more general discussions.
In fact, even these discussions which do regard computers might well be
best directed to HUMAN-NETS, which is specifically concerned with computers
and their relationship to and with society.
26-May-84 05:51:34-MDT,1052;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 05:51:28-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 May 84 7:09 EDT
Date: 26 May 1984 05:12 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12018376245.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Radio Shack overlays for MEX
In-reply-to: Msg of 25 May 1984 11:07-MDT from STERNLIGHT <STERNLIGHT at USC-ECL.ARPA>
Take a look at M7R2-2.ASM. It fixes the overlay to do baud rate
selection using the P&T system calls. I don't think we should rename
any of the M7 overlays to MXO's until they are MEXized. They work
fine with MEX as-is. The MEXized versions don't rely on the JMPs
inside the user area for InlinePrint and InlineCompare. Instead, they
use MEX system calls. This frees up the entire user area, with the
except of the option bytes, so that you can have room to add other
26-May-84 06:24:32-MDT,1923;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 06:21:03-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 May 84 7:10 EDT
Received: From sri-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 26 May 84 7:08 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 25 May 84 20:49-PDT
Date: 26 Apr 84 23:17:32-PST (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!stolaf!umn-cs!digi-g!jel@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Surplus S100 Graphics Boards for sale
Article-I.D.: digi-g.164
DigiGraphics has some surplus Scion graphics equipment for sale from a
defunct product. There are between 20 and 40 bit plane boards, and
one fourth as many palette boards. Our product would have used one
palette board and four bit plane boards. The palette board also
includes Scion's Screenware firmware.
This product is currently supported and sold by Scion. Packaged
as we use them (4+1), they go for around $5k qty 1. For each package,
we would certainly accept any offer in the $3k range and probably a good
deal lower than that. If you are at all interested, contact us. We
would also consider selling the boards unbundled, so if you want just
another bit plane (model MA520) or two to go with your existing Scion
unit, let us know. The resolution of the system is 512x480, with
a LARGE number of colors and a good-sized palette (I wasn't on the
project, and I haven't got the figures in hand).
We are not distributing this product, and when the boards we have are
gone, we will not be getting any more. The company has already expensed
these out, so if you are a wheeler-dealer, you may make a really good
deal for yourself, but don't tell them I told you so. Best of luck.
John Lind, DSC, 10273 Yellow Circle Drive, Mpls MN 55343 (612)935-9111
news : ihnp4!stolaf!umn-cs!digi-g
mail : { ihnp4!umn-cs, stolaf!umn-cs, umn-cme }!digi-g!jel
26-May-84 06:30:26-MDT,1349;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 06:30:20-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 May 84 7:10 EDT
Received: From sri-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 26 May 84 7:07 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 25 May 84 20:45-PDT
Date: 24 May 84 13:48:45-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!intelca!glen@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Flipping Floppies
Article-I.D.: intelca.276
In-Reply-To: Article <257@ihu1e.UUCP>
I have flipped all the blank floppies I've ever owned and had very few
disk errors (even with ultra-cheapo floppies). I don't know how
scientifically founded the criticisms are that discourage flipping floppies
but I have had great luck!
Some hints:
It's easier to cut out the write-protect hole with a paper punch then
with an exacto knife (sure the hole's round, but who cares?)
Instead of measuring where the hole should be punched, just take
another floppy, put one on top of the other facing each other,
and now use the the real hole of one floppy to line up the punch
for the new hole of the other.
^ ^ Glen Shires, Intel, Santa Clara, Ca.
O O Usenet: {ucbvax!amd70,pur-ee,hplabs}!intelca!glen
> ARPA: "amd70!intelca!glen"@BERKELEY
\-/ --- stay mellow
26-May-84 06:50:58-MDT,1923;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 06:50:52-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 May 84 7:10 EDT
Received: From sri-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 26 May 84 7:08 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 25 May 84 20:49-PDT
Date: 26 Apr 84 23:17:32-PST (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: ihnp4!stolaf!umn-cs!digi-g!jel@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Surplus S100 Graphics Boards for sale
Article-I.D.: digi-g.164
DigiGraphics has some surplus Scion graphics equipment for sale from a
defunct product. There are between 20 and 40 bit plane boards, and
one fourth as many palette boards. Our product would have used one
palette board and four bit plane boards. The palette board also
includes Scion's Screenware firmware.
This product is currently supported and sold by Scion. Packaged
as we use them (4+1), they go for around $5k qty 1. For each package,
we would certainly accept any offer in the $3k range and probably a good
deal lower than that. If you are at all interested, contact us. We
would also consider selling the boards unbundled, so if you want just
another bit plane (model MA520) or two to go with your existing Scion
unit, let us know. The resolution of the system is 512x480, with
a LARGE number of colors and a good-sized palette (I wasn't on the
project, and I haven't got the figures in hand).
We are not distributing this product, and when the boards we have are
gone, we will not be getting any more. The company has already expensed
these out, so if you are a wheeler-dealer, you may make a really good
deal for yourself, but don't tell them I told you so. Best of luck.
John Lind, DSC, 10273 Yellow Circle Drive, Mpls MN 55343 (612)935-9111
news : ihnp4!stolaf!umn-cs!digi-g
mail : { ihnp4!umn-cs, stolaf!umn-cs, umn-cme }!digi-g!jel
26-May-84 07:54:47-MDT,2373;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 07:54:39-MDT
Received: From dca-eur.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 May 84 9:14 EDT
Date: 26 May 1984 13:21 GMT
From: bower@Dca-Eur.ARPA
Subject: Flippies and diskettes
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Date: 26 May 1984 12:59:34 Z
Text: Two bits on diskettes and the flippie issue.
I have been punching holes in 5-inch diskettes for about six years
and have not experienced more than a couple of bad sectors in approx.
30 5-inch and 10 8-inch diskettes so modified. As a matter of fact, I
have had better luck with reliability on the flip side of Dysan disks
than on the "front" side of some off brands.
On the head pas issue, one Shugart SA-400 (35-track, single-sided)
drive has been in heavy use for 5 years running both sides of flippies,
and I just ordered the first replacement head pad for it (on general
principle). I am not saying that the technique is for everyone, or
that I just haven't just been lucky, but I have another SA-400 which
has also been running flippies for 4 years (ordered another pad for
that one too), and a Siemens 8-inch drive (my only) has been in very
heavy use for about 4 years with better luck on the flip sides.
I have been an ardent user of Dysan diskettes for some time, but
have also had excellent luck with 3-M and Heathkit 80-track, double-
density 5-inch diskettes on two Siemens FDD-221-5 drives. Have some
6-year old 35-track Verbatims in use as archive disks double-density,
so cannot say too much bad about them, although have not bought any
recently. Have only two Elephant disks, and one of them is evidentally
cut in an oval pattern, because it makes a "whoosh-whoosh" sound as
it rotates, so I will buy no more.
Also have one Tabor 3.25-inch micro drive (80-track single-sided,
double density) and now have three boxes of Dysan diskettes. One of
the boxes is evidentally from a bad lot, because one of the five
diskettes make the same noise as the Elephant, and all five display
erratic reads and writes even after repeated re-formatting. The
other two boxes are great. Maybe even Dysan is having production
Maybe this is four bits worth, but hope it helps.
Hal Bower
Bower at DCA-EUR
26-May-84 08:06:37-MDT,1060;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 08:06:32-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 May 84 8:19 EDT
Received: From sri-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 26 May 84 8:11 EDT
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Date: 24 May 84 13:38:42-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!umcp-cs!aplvax!ded@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: "Escapes" to nowhere
Article-I.D.: aplvax.605
Well, I got the new MDM720 up and running with the Osborne overlay, and
it works great!!! -- except for one thing: it swallows escapes. So
any screen oriented stuff which uses escape sequences (like vi) gets
cobbled up. Has anyone a solution to this problem? Unfortunately,
I don't have the source to the MDM720 file itself (nor a macro assembler),
just the object code.
Thanks for any help,
Don Davis
26-May-84 14:05:37-MDT,944;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 14:05:32-MDT
Received: From usc-isid.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 May 84 15:33 EDT
Date: 26 May 1984 15:06-EDT
Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
Subject: Re: Flippies and diskettes
To: bower@Dca-Eur.ARPA
Cc: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID]26-May-84 15:06:00.ABN.ISCAMS>
In-Reply-To: The message of 26 May 1984 13:21 GMT from bower@Dca-Eur.ARPA
I also have problems with Elephant 8" DSDD floppies. They invariably make
that "woosh-woosh" noise described by Hal Bower, and ALL, rpt, ALL after a
period of time get a horribly scored area about half-way across the disk.
They run in the same 8" disk drive (SA850) that I run IBM and Maxell
floppies. They give me no problems, no noise, no scoring.
I don't use my Elephants for anything now.
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
26-May-84 18:55:32-MDT,866;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 18:55:29-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 May 84 20:28 EDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 26 May 84 19:14 EDT
Date: 26 May 1984 17:14 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12018507676.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: dBASE II date-stamping
I've read the recent article in Microsystems on how to include
date-stamping in dBASE II, and it seemed to be the long way around.
Isn't there an easier, straight-forward way to stuff the date into
dBASE itself in whatever format it's kept internally by rerouting the
initial jump to some appended one-time code? The question then
remains, where is the date kept, and in what format?
26-May-84 22:51:17-MDT,1188;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 26 May 84 22:51:07-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 27 May 84 0:25 EDT
Received: From sri-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 27 May 84 0:16 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 26 May 84 21:15-PDT
Date: 25 May 84 10:55:18-PDT (Fri)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: decvax!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-cyclps!ward@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Best language for programming a DBMS
Article-I.D.: decwrl.601
I want to write a user-friendly, "all-in-one"-type system for a limousine
sales/rental business. I have a few DEC Rainbow microcomputers (one of
which has a 5 megabyte Winchester disk). They are currently running both
CP/M and MS-DOS operating systems.
What I would like is some expert input as to programming languages that
run on either of these operating systems. I am looking for the language
which would be best able to handle (most flexibility) file I/O operations
on indexed/direct (keyed) access files. Multiple-keying is much preferred.
John Ward
DEC - Burlington, MA
27-May-84 00:53:08-MDT,677;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 27 May 84 00:53:03-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 27 May 84 2:16 EDT
Received: From su-score.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 27 May 84 2:17 EDT
Date: Sat 26 May 84 23:14:12-PDT
From: Sam Hahn <Samuel@SU-SCORE.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Best language for programming a DBMS
To: decvax!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-cyclps!ward@UCB-VAX.ARPA
cc: info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Message from "decvax!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-cyclps!ward@Ucb-Vax.ARPA" of Fri 25 May 84 10:55:18-PDT
You might like to take a look at MDBSIII, if you're willing to pay the
27-May-84 04:34:12-MDT,672;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 27 May 84 04:34:09-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 27 May 84 6:10 EDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 27 May 84 6:06 EDT
Date: Sun 27 May 84 04:07:19-MDT
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: New MEX Newsletter
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
MEX users: Newsletter #3 is now available on SIMTEL20 as
MICRO:<CPM>MEX>MEXNEWS.003; this one addresses a couple of
problems (provides a HEX file patch to fix them) and some
information on overlays, as well as a few tips and sug-
gestions on using MEX. --Ron
27-May-84 05:12:58-MDT,945;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 27 May 84 05:12:53-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 27 May 84 6:36 EDT
Date: 27 May 1984 06:36-EDT
From: Stephen C. Hill <STEVEH@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: MEX question
I have had MEX up for a few days and have just discovered that I cannot get
the baudrate setting to work in the PHONE command. It works fine if I use the
SET command, but using: PHONE T=555-1212 1200<CR> (and then CALL T) will not
cause the baudrate change to happen. I am at a loss to diagnose where to look
for this problem.
Since I do a lot of calling of systems that are at different baudrates, I
would appreciate having the ability to store it with the phone number and
name. Great idea, IF I can get it to work!
27-May-84 09:18:41-MDT,1902;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 27 May 84 09:18:33-MDT
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Received: From sri-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 27 May 84 10:47 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 27 May 84 7:46-PDT
Date: 25 May 84 14:12:17-PDT (Fri)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!bmcg!felix!zemon@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Flipping Floppies -- Oi! Not this discussion AGAIN!
Article-I.D.: felix.281
In-Reply-To: Article <257@ihu1e.UUCP>
This has been discussed at LEAST 8,000,000 times in the last year
on this newsgroup. PLEASE folks, don't start it again!
To summarize previous discussions on the matter:
There has been much give 'n take on this question and on the more general
one of using the back of single sided disks. The bottom line is no one
*knows* the risk. It depends on a lot of things like the cleanliness of
your environment, the quality of the disks, the amount of usage, etc.
If you clean your disk drive heads regularly then you will reduce the chance
of damage. If your environment is clean then there will be less dirt in the
jacket to cause trouble.
In any case, the danger is not immediate. It is a cumulative danger both to
the drive head and the diskette. You will have to weigh the cost of
diskettes against the number of backups you keep and the value of your data
to decide whether the gamble is worthwhile for you.
Personally, I use el cheapo diskettes in my Morrow (DSDD). I also keep a
backup of EVERY diskette and I clean the disk drive regularly.
Art Zemon
FileNet Corp.
27-May-84 12:45:07-MDT,1318;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 27 May 84 12:45:01-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 27 May 84 14:09 EDT
Received: From sri-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 27 May 84 14:04 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 27 May 84 10:55-PDT
Date: 26 May 84 22:14:06-PDT (Sat)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!sdccsu3!loral!simard@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: US Robotics modem compatibility question
Article-I.D.: loral.158
I'm thinking of getting a US Robotics modem (don't have a
model # yet, but it's the S-100 bus, 300/1200 baud
answer/originate type). It's going into an ancient Altair, with
an 8080 CPU, which uses certain bus signals differently from Z-80's,
particularly MEMR and SOUT, and I am not sure it is compatible with
the original S-100 bus with an 8080.
Does anyone have any experience with this product in this
environment? It is supposed to be IEEE-compatible, but I don't hav
a copy of the IEEE spec to compare to my bus (I have heard there are
some differences) and US Robotics does not make schematics available,
which makes modifying the unit difficult.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ray Simard
Loral Instrumentation, San Diego, CA.
27-May-84 18:29:39-MDT,922;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 27 May 84 18:29:35-MDT
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Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 27 May 84 20:05 EDT
Date: 27 May 1984 18:05 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12018779165.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@Simtel20.ARPA
Subject: CPR86 files
cc: CSTROM@Simtel20.ARPA
Several days ago, I announced the availability of a public domain CCP
replecement for CP/M-86. These files are now under a new directory on
Simtel20, <CPM.CPR86>. In addition, I have just added a short patch
file describing modifications necessary for the installation of CPR860
on the Heath-Zenith Z-100 computer.
Hopefully, we will see a growing list of machines running CPR86, with
any necessary patches or documentation resident in this directory.
27-May-84 21:02:04-MDT,1072;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 27 May 84 21:01:58-MDT
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Received: From sri-unix.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 27 May 84 22:26 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 27 May 84 19:25-PDT
Date: 26 May 84 15:47:20-PDT (Sat)
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
From: decvax!ittvax!ittral!hall@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Apple CP/M text editor wanted
Article-I.D.: ittral.420
I recently purchased a Z-80 card for my Apple //e. It didn't take me
long to realize that ED has to be the *worst* text editor in the world! So
my question is this: Are there any good text editors in the public domain?
If not, what about commercially available editors? There has to be something
better out there somewhere.
While I'm on the subject, is there a good source of public domain
software somewhere? Any info is much appreciated.
Doug Hall
27-May-84 21:29:41-MDT,1681;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 27 May 84 21:29:31-MDT
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Received: From amsaa.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 27 May 84 22:46 EDT
Date: Sun, 27 May 84 22:31:14 EDT
From: David Towson (CSD) <towson@Amsaa.ARPA>
To: ihnp4!ihu1e!nowlin@ucb-vax.arpa
cc: info-cpm@brl-aos.arpa
Subject: Re: Flipping Floppies
Jerry - First I feel obligated to warn you that this subject has been debated
before on this list and also info-micro and probably several others. These
debates have been characterized by considerable passion, at times. Many
arguments have been put forth, both pro and con, but NEVER have I seen any
good TEST DATA (i.e., NUMBERS). So as far as I am concerned, the issue remains
open. Personally, I have cut new holes and used both sides of a dozen or so
5-inchers with no ill effects. But I don't really give these disks much of
a test, so I can't say I have proved anything. I have taken the things apart
and seen how they are made. In the ones I have opened, the liners have been
made of stuff that looks like Kimwipes. Frankly, I don't see how dirt is
going to get out those cells in the weave once it gets in there. Until I see
some honest data to the contrary, I just don't believe that claim. For that
reason, I also don't believe the "head wear" claim either. If someone has
some test data from a believable source that will shed some light on this,
please post it. It's an interesting subject, but I find some of the arguments
awfully theoretical.
27-May-84 23:32:44-MDT,1061;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 27 May 84 23:32:39-MDT
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Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 28 May 84 0:57 EDT
Date: 27 May 1984 22:57 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12018832255.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: RBBS4102 Released
RBBS4102.LBR (and its component new files as *.*.4102) are now
available in MICRO:<CPM.RBBS4> on SIMTEL20.
This release corrects a serious bug which allowed deleted messages to
be displayed under certain circumstances. A couple of new features
have also been added, plus some cosmetic changes. See the front of
RBBS4.HIS for details.
Bug reports should now be sent to me via netmail or left on the
LAZARUS RCP/M (915-544-1432, either 300 or 212A 1200) in El Paso, TX.
Sigi Kluger's SENECA RCP/M is being moved to Dallas in the next few
days, and thus no longer a local call...
28-May-84 05:17:36-MDT,1094;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 28 May 84 05:17:31-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 28 May 84 6:41 EDT
Received: From csnet-pdn-gw.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 28 May 84 6:35 EDT
Received: From virginia.csnet by csnet-relay; 28 May 84 6:13 EDT
Date: 27 May 1984 21:14:02-EDT
From: erh%virginia.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa
To: info-cpm@brl.arpa
There are many exceptions to the first ammendment: the medical
info is confidential, attorney-client disclosures are confidential, etc.
Company-client secrets (passwords, access numbers, etc.) should also be
protected. Publishing this kind of information is equivalent to simple
theft. BBS sysops should not be responsible as they are not acting as
publishers, but merely providing a medium which allows users to act
as publishers. In this sense, the telephone company is equally responsible:
after all they provided the access to the BBS. I suggest that you sue
the telephone company next time you see an obscene note pinned on a
28-May-84 08:49:39-MDT,1204;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 28 May 84 08:49:34-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 28 May 84 10:14 EDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 28 May 84 10:06 EDT
Date: 28 May 1984 08:07 MDT (Mon)
Message-ID: <RFOWLER.12018932335.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: [RFOWLER: MEX question]
Date: Sunday, 27 May 1984 15:42-MDT
From: Ron Fowler <RFOWLER>
To: Stephen C. Hill <STEVEH at Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Re: MEX question
Somewhere in the documentation, I mentioned that phone-lib baud rates
require special support in the overlay (perhaps it was in the PMMI
overlay that I mentioned that). There is a vector in the overlay
table called (in M7 parlance) JMP$NEWBAUD; MDM used it only in the
PMMI overlay, most others simply did a RET. This routine gets a buad
code (0-9) in the A register, and must validate and set the rate
accordingly (also updating MSPEED if the code is one the overlay can
For more details, look at the code in MXO-PM1x.ASM, which has this
fully implemented. --Ron
28-May-84 12:59:31-MDT,1535;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 28 May 84 12:59:26-MDT
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id AA28904; Mon, 28 May 84 11:25:44 pdt
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(4.14.3/4.16) id AA05103; Mon, 28 May 84 11:26:30 pdt
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(4.14.3/4.16) id AA06041; Mon, 28 May 84 11:25:46 pdt
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id AA13283; Mon, 28 May 84 11:18:49 PDT
Date: Mon, 28 May 84 11:18:49 PDT
Message-Id: <8405281818.AA13283@ucbnewton.Berkeley.ARPA>
From: Phil Lapsley <phil%ucbnewton.CC@Ucb-Vax.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Responsibility of Sysops
"BBS sysops should not be responsible as they are not acting
as publishers, but merely providing a medium which allows
users to act as publishers."
Still, what about bulletin boards that are completely devoted to
phone phreaks or computer "hackers", and exist for that purpose alone?
The Sysop may not actually take an active role in the discussions, but
I'd have to say he's responsible -- after all, he's effectively
condoning an illegal activity by providing his bulletin board, if it
is for that use only.
Obviously, the above does not apply at all if it's only one
message and the sysop had no knowledge of it.
28-May-84 13:23:47-MDT,1206;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 28 May 84 13:23:41-MDT
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Received: From sumex-aim.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 28 May 84 14:26 EDT
Date: Mon 28 May 84 09:19:35-PDT
From: Sam Hahn <SHahn@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>
Subject: Re: 3-d spreadsheet
To: info-cpm@BRL-AOS.ARPA
cc: info-micro@BRL-AOS.ARPA
Hasn't this digresion gone far enough?
Let's acknowledge the observation that a 3-d spreadsheet is useful
without necessarily providing the capability of presenting the
information in 3 dimensions at once.
I myself would like to see SuperCalc extended to such flexibility, eg.
to say /V(iew),R(ow,and)C(olumn) or /V(iew),C(olumn,and)L(evels), and to
specify /C,12A20:20C40,50AC1 or, in MultiPlan lingo, something like
C(opy) R20C1L12:R1C29L50 as range specifications. I have use now for
such features. An attempt such as SuperCalc's "consolidation" is a very
weak effort at such capability. (But then, why stop at three?)
-- sam hahn [shahn@sumex,samuel@score]
P.S. May not be the right spec format for SC or MP ranges; if so,
forgive me.
28-May-84 14:40:30-MDT,697;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 28 May 84 14:40:26-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 28 May 84 15:30 EDT
Date: Mon 28 May 84 13:32:28-MDT
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: DU-V87 available
cc: Info-Cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
You recently reported a problem with DU-V86. i'd like you to try
DU-V87 to see if the problem still exists, and also to use that
version to make your update if you intend to do one. Thanks.
It's available on SIMTEL20 in <CPM.DSKUTL>DU-V87.ASM and .DOC.
28-May-84 16:59:51-MDT,1338;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 28 May 84 16:59:44-MDT
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Received: from ur-seneca.rochester.arpa (ur-seneca) by cayuga.rochester.arpa id AA09968 (4.12d); Mon, 28 May 84 16:52:20 edt
Received: by ur-seneca.rochester.arpa id AA18190 (3.327.5d); 28 May 84 16:51:43 EDT (Mon)
Message-Id: <8405282051.18190@ur-seneca.rochester.arpa>
Date: 28 May 84 16:51:43 EDT (Mon)
From: Mike Ciaraldi <ciaraldi@rochester.arpa>
Subject: Re: "Escapes" to nowhere
To: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA,
The MDM700 series has an option byte which controls whether
control characters (not counting CR and LF, of course)
get passed through to the screen.
The default is that they are NOT passed through,
which is why your Osborne screen commands are not
working. Assuming you have the source code for
the overlay, just change the byte (it's somewhere in the
first few bytes of the program) in the source code, reassemble
and re-overlay, and you are set.
If you don't have the source, let me know and
I will tell you the byte location to patch.
Mike Ciaraldi
29-May-84 00:15:46-MDT,2569;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 29 May 84 00:15:38-MDT
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Received: From usc-isid.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 29 May 84 1:33 EDT
Date: 29 May 1984 01:33-EDT
Sender: ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
Subject: Re: Apple CP/M text editor wanted
To: decvax!ittvax!ittral!hall@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Cc: info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
Message-ID: <[USC-ISID]29-May-84 01:33:31.ABN.ISCAMS>
In-Reply-To: The message of 26 May 84 15:47:20-PDT (Sat) from decvax!ittvax!ittral!hall@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Doug (et al)
I recently did a lot of digging around, looking for Public Domain text
editors/word processors (both for Army use and our local users).
Looked at, and got running, SECRTARY.ASM from SIGM Volume 109 (<SIGM.VOL109>
at SIMTEL20 MICRO:). Not so very good. VERY unconventional files, totally
unviewable with any other file utility, kind of clumsy to use. No go.
Looked at and got running TED.COM from SIGM Volume 080 (MICRO:<SIGM.VOL080>
at SIMTEL20). Runs fine, not too bad (though I'm quite spoiled by a
screen-oriented editor and don't like line-oriented ones any more). The
TED.DOC (same source) is quite adequate. No source code, unfortunately,
just the .COM version -- and didn't feel like disassembling and documenting
it. So no system-specific hacks, special keys, etc.
Best deal, I think: send away for TurboPascal from Borland International.
I've got the CP/M version running on my Z80 Decision I, using a Freedom 100
terminal. Works just fine, quite like WordStar (which I use ALL the time).
Nice and fast, and for the price (still $39 or whatever?) a good deal since
you get a pretty good language too!
Now if your CP/M Apple is like the brain-damaged ones I occasionally have to
work on ... (sorry, shouldn't say that -- I know they're remarkably adaptable
and very nice and just can't HELP it that some keys don't work like any other
device) ... you may have to do some substitution in configuring TurboPascal
Editor to allow for the ^A key (and others) problem. Good luck - that'll be
a problem with ANY screen-oriented editor using specific key commands.
I wouldn't wish the regular Apple Pascal text editor on my worst enemy.
I wrote better than that in TI Basic for a TI 990 as my first BASIC program.
Never did get justification properly figured out, but at least my wrap-around
worked better!
Regards - hope this is of use.
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
29-May-84 13:34:24-MDT,1557;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 29 May 84 13:34:18-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 29 May 84 14:46 EDT
Date: 29 May 1984 12:49 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12019245891.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: MDM740 on SIMTEL20?
In-reply-to: Msg of 29 May 1984 12:39-MDT from Jim Forrest <JFORREST at SIMTEL20.ARPA>
There are no plans to put MDM740 on SIMTEL20, Jim. Irv Hoff has
copyrighted the program and refuses to release the source. However,
we are keeping MDM730 until work is completed on MODM700, which will
be available on SIMTEL20 soon. The message below explains:
Date: 5/16/84
From: Keith Petersen
To: All
Re: New version of MODEM7 pending
MODM700 is now in preparation. It will be based on
MDM730, with all the bug fixes plus several new features.
It will be supplied with FULL SOURCE CODE and will be
available to ALL in the public domain. Watch here
for an announcement when it's ready. MODEM2/MODEM7
is being returned to the public domain!
Why is this being done when MEX is available now?
Because some people need a modem program in source code
in order to be able to customize certain portions to
special requirements which cannot be met in the user
overlay area. There is NO QUESTION that MEX is a far
better program, and I encourage all to use it.
29-May-84 13:42:10-MDT,740;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 29 May 84 13:42:04-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 29 May 84 14:51 EDT
Date: Tue 29 May 84 12:55:15-MDT
From: Jim Forrest <JFORREST@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Re: MDM740 on SIMTEL20?
In-Reply-To: Message from "Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20>" of Tue 29 May 84 12:49:00-MDT
That is interesting. The MDM740 programs/files/overlays are
on the Tampa RCPM system run by Steve Sanders and are
available by mail for $8.00 including disk & postage. Steve
still recommends MEX.
You do a good job on SIMTEL and we appreciate.
29-May-84 13:47:49-MDT,1388;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 29 May 84 13:47:42-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 29 May 84 15:02 EDT
Date: 29 May 1984 13:05 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12019248799.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: MDM740 on SIMTEL20?
In-reply-to: Msg of 29 May 1984 12:55-MDT from Jim Forrest <JFORREST at SIMTEL20.ARPA>
It is true that MDM740 (without source) is available on many RCPMs
around the country. A large group of RCPM Sysops recently had a
meeting at the Trenton Computerfest and the consensus of opinion
seemed to be that if Irv withheld the source we would no longer
actively support the program. Instead, a new "fork" (MODM700) will be
started so that the program can again be returned to the
public-domain. Many of the Arpa/Milnet users have expressed support
for this position, primarily because the program WAS public-domain
previously. The RCPM Sysops seemed to be of the opinion that if we
didn't take a stand now, this may happen again with other programs.
Irv took my FILTEX and FILTER programs, as well as Ward Christensen's
FIND and his very excellent CATALOG programs, and copyrighted his
(Irv's) updates.
30-May-84 03:50:11-MDT,2052;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 30 May 84 03:50:04-MDT
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Received: From cmu-cs-a.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 30 May 84 5:06 EDT
Date: 30 May 84 0505 EDT (Wednesday)
From: George.Wood@CMU-CS-A.ARPA
To: erh%virginia.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa
Subject: RE: erh's comments on BBS issue
CC: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
In-Reply-To: "erh%virginia.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa's message of 27 May 84
Message-Id: <30May84.050530.GW90@CMU-CS-A.ARPA>
Your examples of exceptions to the first ammendment are outrageous: the
'confidentiality' afforded doctor-patient and attorney-client relations
'protects' those relations from outsiders by making them priviliged
communications; i.e. one cannot be required to report them in court
testimony. But it does not provide any prohibition of the publication
of information regarding them, or justification of prior censorship.
Like anything published, injured parties can sue for damages incurred
by the publication, but suit is quite different from prior constraint
of publication. Company secrets can be protected by laws against fraud,
but should not be the bais of prior censorship, lest illegal acts or
blunders like the Pinto's notorious gas tank design be shrouded from
publication and public scrutiny by making it a company secret.
At issue is whether the government (much less AT&T) should have
the right to confiscate or impound a means of publication (press, bb,
etc.) to prevent future publication (does impounding a bbs violate
freedom of speech), not whether AT&T has a right to sue for damages.
From the other side, this issue is whether first ammendment rights
should extend to bbs. A better example, if one wishes to argue about
the limits of the first ammendment would be one which shows that the
right to free speech is not, or should not be, absolute: No one has a
right to shout 'fire' in a crouded theater.
30-May-84 16:39:09-MDT,1163;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 30 May 84 16:39:02-MDT
Received: From usc-ecl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 30 May 84 17:55 EDT
Date: Wed 30 May 84 10:41:06-PDT
Subject: MEX tele directory
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Postal-address: Beckman Instruments, Inc.
Postal-address: 2500 Harbor X-11, Fullerton, CA 92634
Phone: (714)961-3393
I tried using MEX with my Ampro Littleboard and SMART modem overlay.
I would prefer to see the telephone directory with a single character
reference number, (e.g. A-Z,0-9) followed by the number to be dialed
followed by room for a 20 character comment that could give the name
of the system and perhaps city (like the PAMS list that Bill Blue puts
As it is, I have to make up some mnemonic ID that distinguishes 8 different
RBBS's and is different than the PAMS list.
With the ability to include a comment field, I could abbreviate the info
in the PAMS list.
Like this:
A 1,213,4727339;IBMPC Beyond War
B 1,714,8988634;IBMPC Westminister
What do other people think?
30-May-84 18:51:06-MDT,786;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20 with TCP; Wed 30 May 84 18:51:02-MDT
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Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 30 May 84 19:55 EDT
Date: 30 May 1984 17:54 MDT (Wed)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12019563549.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: New SIG/M volumes available
MICRO:<SIGM.VOL000>, and MICRO:<SIGM.VOL168> through .VOL172 are now
available on SIMTEL20. We are still waiting for 157, 159, and 161.
If you happened to grab 168 through 172 prior to this announcement,
you may have incomplete copies. A new MICRO:<SIGM>SIGM.CRCLST will be
available later this evening.
30-May-84 23:02:52-MDT,976;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 30 May 84 23:02:47-MDT
Received: From usc-ecl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 30 May 84 23:32 EDT
Date: Wed 30 May 84 20:37:11-PDT
Subject: Re: MEX tele directory
In-Reply-To: Message from "Ted Shapin <BEC.SHAPIN@USC-ECL.ARPA>" of Wed 30 May 84 19:21:32-PDT
I disagree with single-character telephone directories. They are very
hard to remember, so you can't type mex call e from cp/m and be as
confident as typing mex call ecl. It's a drag to have to display the
whole directory every time you want to call someone. It's a drag to
be limited to 36 phone numbers (a-z, 0-9). If you want a memo pad
built in to your phone directory perhaps you can find a naming scheme
that will do it, like RBBS1, RBBS2, etc. --david--
31-May-84 00:11:56-MDT,608;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 31 May 84 00:11:52-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 31 May 84 1:21 EDT
Date: 31 May 1984 01:23-EDT
From: Stephen C. Hill <STEVEH@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: MEX tele directory
In-reply-to: Msg of Wed 30 May 84 10:41:06-PDT from Ted Shapin <BEC.SHAPIN at USC-ECL.ARPA>
I'm afraid that I really like the fuller text mnemonic names in MEX.
31-May-84 05:44:44-MDT,688;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 31 May 84 05:44:39-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 31 May 84 0:11-PDT
Date: 29 May 84 9:19:46-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Brl.arpa
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!akgua!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxl!abnjh!cbspt002@Ucb-Vax.arpa
Subject: uPROLOG or LISP
Article-I.D.: abnjh.654
Can anybody point me to good lisp or any micro-prolog implementation on
CP/M (or MS-DOS, even) for DEC-Rainbow?
M. Kenig
31-May-84 07:45:03-MDT,1437;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 31 May 84 07:44:56-MDT
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Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by BRL-AOS via smtp; 31 May 84 8:34 EDT
Date: 31 May 1984 05:23-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: Flipping Floppies
To: towson@Amsaa.ARPA
cc: ihnp4!ihu1e!nowlin@Ucb-Vax.ARPA, info-cpm@Brl-Aos.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of Sun 27 May 84 22:31:14 EDT from David Towson (CSD) <towson at Amsaa.ARPA>
??? I don't recall paying a lot of attention to the problem. I
still will not flip floppies, but that's me. I use double sided
anyway. It happens that in the early days MacLean did some
tests, enough to convince him it was a bad idea, but disk
technology weren't so very good then.
As to wear, I never saw a disk head worn; but i have
seen them with marks on them, and when marked they gert
extraneous signals and thus lots of soft errors. The thicker
the media, and the poorer the polish job, on the disk, the
better chance of head marking, I would think; certainly it was
with el cheapo disks (generic disks, no brand names) that I got
the problem, and I have not had it much since switching to
re Dysan, tony says that they expanded their plant by a
factor of 4 and dropped quality accordingly; and Barry now finds
2 or 3 bad disks per hundrdd in Dysan.
31-May-84 10:11:18-MDT,1432;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 31 May 84 10:11:12-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 31 May 84 11:05 EDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by sri-unix.uucp with rs232; 31 May 84 6:05-PDT
Date: 30 May 84 15:47:59-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@Brl.arpa
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!sdccs6!ir320@Ucb-Vax.arpa
Subject: Wnat is a good CP/M computer to buy?
Article-I.D.: sdccs6.1512
I already have an Apple, and it already runs CPM, but I have outgrown
it. I have been looking into several different replacements. The
lists contains:
o Kaypro 10
o Intercontinental Micro Systems SBC 48000 w. 2 ds dd 8" drives
o Epson QX10
o Morrow Decision w. Highest capacity storage one can get
I mostly use the system for either programming in either C, Pascal or
Fortran, or for using Wordstar. Disk space would be nice, as well as
fast processing speed. I would, if possible like a system which
didn't reqire half an hour to assemble/dissassemble every time I had
to move it. Please let me know your feelings on these or any other
systems you may know of.
John Antypas
UC San Diego
UUCP ...!noscvax!sdcsvax!sdccs6!ix255
arpa sdcsvax!sdccs6!ix255@nosc