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1-Sep-84 22:42:48-MDT,1548;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 1 Sep 84 22:42:42-MDT
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 84 23:47:26 EDT
From: David Towson (SECAD) <towson@Amsaa.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA, edens@Almsa-1.ARPA
Subject: [Crede Edens: Transfer utility information]
Can anyone help with this request? PLEASE send any replies to Crede directly,
as I will be on vacation, and my mailbox will be untended for awhile. Thanks.
Dave (AKA info-cpm-request)
----- Forwarded message # 1:
Received: From almsa-1.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 31 Aug 84 9:51 EDT
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 84 8:45:26 CDT
From: Crede Edens <edens@ALMSA-1.ARPA>
To: towson@Amsaa.ARPA
cc: edens@ALMSA-1.ARPA
Subject: Transfer utility information
I used to be included on your distribution list for INFO-CPM until we were
moved to another host which can't support a large amount of message traffic.
(This may soon be changed, I hope.) I enjoyed very much the information I
received from it.
A member of our users group needs some information and I know of no better
source than INFO-CPM participants.
Would you please ask them if they know of a utility (public domain or
copywrited) that can read files on a MS-DOS dik and transfer them to a CP/M-
80 or CP/M-86 disk?
Since I don't have access to INFO-CPM would yu have them send answers to
Thank you for your help.
----- End of forwarded messages
1-Sep-84 23:29:26-MDT,621;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 1 Sep 1984 22:57 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12044260199.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: MDM7/MEX Overlay wanted
Not on the list of known overlays is one needed for a Vector Graphics
SX machine. If anyone knows of the whereabouts of a MDM7xx or MEX
overlay for the "Asynchonous Serial Port", please net mail me a
2-Sep-84 05:44:43-MDT,744;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 2 Sep 84 05:44:40-MDT
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Date: 30 Aug 84 14:21:46-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!tektronix!uw-beaver!cornell!vax135!ariel!ndz@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Modem7 Request
Article-I.D.: ariel.746
I am trying to get modem7 working on a Chameleon protocol analyzer.
I need the source code for the I/O routines for the 8251 usart.
Nelson D. Zeroth
2-Sep-84 08:56:11-MDT,976;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 31 Aug 84 6:24:21-PDT (Fri)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!brl-tgr!abc@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: I/O Calls in 2.2
Article-I.D.: brl-tgr.4354
I am running CP/M 2.2 on a TRS-80 with the OKIDATA modification (so that
"vanilla" CP/M code will execute unmodified). At present I'm trying to
bring up a small-C compiler and it needs primitives for getchar() and
putchar(). Surely someone has solved this already. What's the easiest
way to do this -- calls to the BIOS? -- to BDOS? -- custom code?
All solutions will be appreciated. As usual, sufficient interest will
produce a summary to net.micro.cpm
2-Sep-84 10:27:26-MDT,1100;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 30 Aug 84 18:12:13-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: ihnp4!houxm!hogpc!pegasus!mel@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Morrow MD3 to IBM PC file copy ?
Article-I.D.: pegasus.1674
Help please. I use WordStar, SuperCalc 2, and dBase II on both a Morrow
MD3 and an AT&T 6300 (IBM PC alike), and would like to be able to interchange
data files between the two. The Morrow can write IBM CPM-86 disks (and
Osborne I and Xerox 820), but not PC-DOS/MS-DOS disks. I called several
of the advertisers of CP/M to PC-DOS disk copy programs, but none claim to
be able to go MD3 to IBM or visa-versa. Does anyone have first hand
experience with a method to do this? Please reply to me, I'll summarize
to these newsgroups. Thanks. Mel Haas ihnp4!houxe!mel
2-Sep-84 10:47:22-MDT,1028;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 29 Aug 84 13:18:00-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: pur-ee!uiucdcs!uokvax!mike@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: dBase II .cmd Program Beta-Testors W - (nf)
Article-I.D.: uokvax.7900015
In-Reply-To: Article <804@sri-arpa.UUCP>
uokvax!mike Aug 29 15:18:00 1984
I'll try it out. I have an Epson QX-10, and I also have access to
an HP-150, an HP-110, and an IBM PC/[XT,AT]. I've taught a couple of
dBASE II courses, and have written a full scale inventory/invoicing/purchasing
system that is currently being used by my former employer.
I do not have ARPA access.
Mike Heath
Univ. of Oklahoma
2-Sep-84 11:49:15-MDT,6496;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 31 Aug 84 10:53:04-PDT (Fri)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!lanl-a!rgt@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Responses to request for CP/M and MS-DOS books question
Article-I.D.: lanl-a.12856
I sent out a request for in-depth books on CP/M and MS-DOS.
Here is an edited list of the responses. Thanks to all!
Richard Thomsen
From: cmcl2!seismo!ut-sally!utmbvax!mmr (Mike Rubenstein)
Subject: Re: Request for CP/M and MS-DOS in-depth books
Only book I've found that explains much is Inside CP/M by David E Cortesi
(Holt, Rinehart and Winston). It's primarily about CP/M-80, but the
file structure for CP/M-86 is the same.
You also should get hold of one of the public domain programs for
looking at the disk by sector. Best known is DU in both CP/M-80 and
CP/M-86 versions. Just about any RCPM (CP/M bulletin board) will have
the CP/M-80 version. Larger ones will have the CP/M-86 version also.
Good luck. CP/M's pretty simple, but the poor documentation makes it
pretty hard to figure out what's going on.
From: Bob Van Cleef <cmcl2!seismo!decvax!sdcsvax!noscvax!revc@marlin.Nosc.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Request for CP/M and MS-DOS in-depth books
"Inside CP/M" - Jerry Coretese (sp). The best I've
seen for CP/M 80.
R.E. Van Cleef (REVC)
Computer Sciences Corporation
San Diego, CA
ihnp4 \ MILNET revc@nosc
akgua \
UUCP decvax -------------!sdcsvax!noscvax!revc
dcdwest /
ucbvax / CompuServe 71565,533
From: Eric Stork <cmcl2!seismo!hao!hplabs!ucbvax!STORK@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: Request for CP/M and MS-DOS in-depth books
For CP/M 80 (2.2), you cannot beat Andy Johnson-Laird's
The Program,mer's CP/M Handbook, pub by Osborne/McGraw Hill.
I have read just about every book I coyuld find on CP{/M
and that's the best by far.
Good luck,
From: cmcl2!ihnp4!alberta!jeff
Subject: Re: Request for CP/M and MS-DOS in-depth books
The Programmer's CP/M Handbook, by Andy Johnson-Laird (Osborne/Mcgraw-Hill)
was reviewed in this month's BYTE, and they say that it was quite good.
If you buy an uninstalled version of CP/M-80 or -86 you should also get lots
of info. As for MS-DOS, forget it. They don't believe in giving out info
about it, everything you will get is in the manuals they give you. If you
have almost no technical information, you could try buying the IBM DOS 2.1
Technical Refrence Manual, but that's about it. MS-DOS isn't a very good
operating system anyway.
C. J. Sampson Snail Canada: #712 11135-83rd ave.
ihnp4! \ Edmonton, Alberta
ubc-vision! |- alberta!jeff CANADA T6G 2C8
sask! / Phone: (403) 439-6851
From: cmcl2!seismo!decvax!linus!utzoo!aesat!bmw
Subject: Re: Request for CP/M and MS-DOS in-depth books
Take a look at "The Programmer's CP/M Handbook" by Andy Johnson-Laird, published
by Osborne/McGraw-Hill. I read the review of it in the August '84 Byte (pg 90)
and purchased it last week. I am a fairly experienced CP/M programmer (I have
done a complete port of CP/M to my home-brew Z80 with hard disk and non-standard
floppies), but this book has helped me a lot by revealing some useful
tricks/gotchas and other info which is missing or poorly documented in the DR
manuals. It also contains a LOT of source, either in ASM or in BDS/C, for a
complete BIOS as well as a bunch of enhanced utilities. Almost all meat and no
Bruce Walker ..decvax!utzoo!aesat!bmw
[Note: There was posted on the net a set of corrections for this book.
I do not have the corrections on-line, however. Richard Thomsen]
From: lbl-csam!noao!jacoby
Subject: MS-DOS books
I have also been looking for more in-depth books than "type dir
for a disk directory" sort of thing. Not much out there.
I have found one book that is intermediate and well written:
The IBM PC-DOS Handbook, Richard Allen King, Sybex publication, $17.
Please let me know if you find anything better.
George Jacoby
From: cmcl2!rna!rocky2!datagen!boykin
Subject: MS-DOS books
Welcome to SIG/86!!
The International MS-DOS Users Group
SIG/86 is an International MS-DOS Users Group dedicated
to the sharing of knowledge and software among its members.
Our group is composed of owners and users of any
manufacturers' hardware which supports MS-DOS. To our
members we offer a quarterly newsletter, public domain
software, discounts on commercially available software, a
bulletin board, and much much more.
[Note: This group charges $18/year membership fee. If you need more
information, contact Joe Boykin or me. Richard Thomsen
Joseph Boykin, SIG/86
47-4 Sheridan Drive
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Original-From: George W. Sherouse <sherouse@unc>
Subject: Re: Request for CP/M and MS-DOS in-depth books
DEC does have technical references for both OSs, though
their sales people don't seem to know it. I have ordered
both and have had considerable trouble getting them. The
latest word is that I will have them real soon. Check with
me in a while for a review.
George W. Sherouse
2-Sep-84 12:40:18-MDT,578;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 2 Sep 84 12:40:13-MDT
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Date: 31 Aug 84 9:39:38-PDT (Fri)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: harpo!bob@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Dead or alive?
Article-I.D.: harpo.2600
I haven't seen any new items here since 8/11. Do we have a problem or is the net inactive?
2-Sep-84 13:36:13-MDT,715;000000000000
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Date: 2 Sep 1984 14:59-EDT
Sender: WAGREICH@bbna.ARPA
Subject: How to access SIMTEL20?
To: info-micro@brl.ARPA, info-cpm@brl.ARPA
Message-ID: <[BBNA] 2-Sep-84 14:59:10.WAGREICH>
Could someone tell me how to access sIMTEL20?
What is the username/password to be used?
How do you find out what files are available on the system?
Can you use FTP and TELNET to access SIMTEL20?
Thanks in advance for your help.
2-Sep-84 20:31:29-MDT,1624;000000000000
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Date: 2 Sep 1984 20:09 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12044491717.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: ihnp4!houxm!hogpc!pegasus!mel@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Morrow MD3 to IBM PC file copy ?
In-reply-to: Msg of 30 Aug 1984 19:12-MDT from ihnp4!houxm!hogpc!pegasus!mel at UCB-VAX.ARPA
Why don't you hook the RS-232 serial ports (normally used for a modem)
"back-to-back" and use some version of MODEM/MODEM7/XMODEM on both
machines to do the transfers at 9600 baud? Here's the gist of how
it's done:
Use any version of Ward Christensen's MODEM program (MODEM7xx, MDM7xx,
MODEM2xx) and connect the two machines together using RS-232 serial
port. Set the ports for 8 data bits, one stop bit and no parity.
Reverse the connections on pins 2 and 3 on ONE END of the cable
connecting the two machines. Make sure the baud rate is identical on
both. Test path using the "T"(terminal) mode on each MODEM program
before trying transfers. You should be able to type on one machine
and see it on the other. Set baud rate for highest that will support
error-free transfers (I use 4800 baud). Initially start at 1200 (or
even 300) baud to debug the connections. If you use MDM7xx, you'll be
able to use the "B"(batch) mode which allows multiple transfers with
commands specifying ambiguous names (like SB B:*.*).
2-Sep-84 21:46:08-MDT,2214;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 2 Sep 1984 21:10 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <RCONN.12044502860.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Richard Conn <RCONN@simtel20.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
Subject: ZCPR3 Bugs
Several bugs have been reported and verified in some ZCPR3
tools. These bugs will be corrected. Until such corrections are
issued, however, Echelon is publishing a list of these bugs in their
newsletter so the community will be aware of them and not surprised if
they encounter them. I will be posting this newsletter (as well as
the others) to the net as I receive them.
One bug reported with MENU, where when the user strikes an
invalid menu option immediately followed by a CR, is serious enough
(especially for those who want to use MENU for RCPM operation) that
the changes to the source code required to correct this bug will be
posted in a newsletter before the new MENU is released.
The current plans are to release the Phase 2 software VERY
SOON NOW. I am cleaning up the doc (HLP files) on Z3LIB and making
sure that all of the doc is in place and correct on the tools.
The book is coming along ... my publisher is very, very busy
with it. No major hitches so far. The book will cover all of the
ZCPR3 software (both phase 1 and phase 2). I am currently in contract
negotiations for the second book, which is dedicated to the libraries
available under ZCPR3.
Some time after the Phase 2 release, a "bug disk" will be
released thru Echelon (I will see that a copy gets into SIG/M and
SIMTEL20). I suspect a 1-2 month gap between Phase 2 and the "bug
disk". Echelon is acting as THE central, configuration control point
for ZCPR3. If you want to report an alleged bug or recommend a change
to a tool, please do so thru Echelon. You can do it thru me, but it
is much, much easier on me if Echelon handles it so that I can go
ahead with the rest of the work and see only one copy of each bug
3-Sep-84 07:37:59-MDT,835;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 3 Sep 84 07:37:55-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a011261; 3 Sep 84 9:05 EDT
Date: 3 September 1984 09:05-EDT
From: "Allan D. Plehn" <PLEHN@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: PLOT33 files available as library file.
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
I have put all the PLOT33 files (announced a few days ago) into a
.lib file for the convenience of those who would like to pick up the entire set of files in one swell foop.
The file is on MIT-MC in the file GUEST4;PLEHN PLTLBR. You have
to have FTP capability to retrieve the file. MIT-MC accepts the
ANONYMOUS login. I'll leave the file there for at least three days.
Al Plehn
3-Sep-84 07:39:10-MDT,1153;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 3 Sep 84 07:39:05-MDT
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Received: ID <SAILER@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>; Mon 3 Sep 84 08:54:42-EDT
Date: Mon 3 Sep 84 08:54:41-EDT
From: Lee.Sailer@CMU-CS-C.ARPA
Subject: morrow <--> pc
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
So far, Media Master (about $75, look for add in Byte) has got me back and
forth between an MD3 and a Rainbow. It claims to do MS-DOS and PC-DOS too.
Actually, the Rainbow version only handles one-sided disks, but the Morrow
can be told to look at one-side only using FOREIGN, and then requesting
I once used UNIFORM on Kaypro, and was impressed. You tell Uniform that b:
is a xxx disk, and then, form then on, it is. You can run programs, transfer
files, or whatever. TMedia Master is more self contained--you tell it what
type of disk is on A, what on B, and then can copy, delete, rename, or
whatever. But you can't run sweep, say.
FILETRAN, which I had some time ago, never worked very well. But they are on
a later version now.
3-Sep-84 07:48:55-MDT,495;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 3 Sep 84 07:48:52-MDT
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Received: ID <SAILER@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>; Mon 3 Sep 84 09:00:05-EDT
Date: Mon 3 Sep 84 09:00:05-EDT
From: Lee.Sailer@CMU-CS-C.ARPA
Subject: ms-dos
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
I vote NO on a MSDOS BBoard.
I would rather see MS-DOS and CPM people argue for awhile about
the relative merits.
3-Sep-84 08:21:34-MDT,616;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 3 Sep 84 08:21:30-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a011343; 3 Sep 84 9:34 EDT
Date: 3 September 1984 09:34-EDT
From: "Allan D. Plehn" <PLEHN@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: PLOT33 library file on MIT-MC, one file missing from library.
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
Oops, I forgot to include FILLS.BAS in the .lib file. Rather than upload
the whole library again, I've placed this small BASIC file in
Al Plehn
3-Sep-84 10:11:56-MDT,1292;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 3 Sep 84 10:11:50-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 3 Sep 84 11:47 EDT
Date: Saturday, 1 September 1984 10:46-MDT
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12044641271.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: jpm@Bnl.ARPA
From: jpm@Bnl.ARPA
To: Info-Micro@Brl.ARPA
Subject: Charges filed in Mog-Ur BBS case
ReSent-From: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
ReSent-To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
ReSent-Date: Mon 3 Sep 1984 09:50-MDT
The Los Angeles city attorney has filed criminal charages against the
Sysop of the Mog-Ur BBS because of credit card numbers posted on his
system. You may recall that his system was previously confiscated by
police and then later returned. At the time the machine was returned
the city attorney said they were not going to file charges for lack of
evidence. It seems great pressure was brought on top levels of the
city attorney's office so they decided to go back on their agreement
not to prosecute. A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for late
next week at which time we should know more about what is going on. I
will keep the net informed as I get news.
John McNamee
"Use a modem, Go to jail"
3-Sep-84 10:25:20-MDT,4901;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 3 Sep 84 10:25:05-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 3 Sep 84 11:47 EDT
Date: Sunday, 2 September 1984 10:44-MDT
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12044641349.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: jpm@Bnl.ARPA
From: jpm@Bnl.ARPA
To: Info-Micro@Brl.ARPA
Subject: Latest news on Mog-Ur BBS case
ReSent-From: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
ReSent-To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
ReSent-Date: Mon 3 Sep 1984 09:51-MDT
The following two messages are related to the current Mog-Ur BBS situation.
There was another messsage along with these asking for donations for a defense
fund, but I am not forwarding it because it might upset the Arpanet people.
Msg # 10733 on 08/31/84 at 09:35:50
From: SYSOP (1)
Owing to a difficult work schedule this week and the fact
that I broke both my ankles, which are now in casts, it
has been hard for me to quickly determine the facts and post
same. In addition, my attorney, Chuck Lindner, is trying
a death penalty case and therefore difficult to reach.
The info that I have is as follows:
The L.A. City Attorney went back on his word not to prosecute
and breeched the agreement that he had with my attorney.
The City Attorney contends that they held a meeting for
which PacTel flew down to attend, and since we were not
present they allowed Pactel to present their case alone.
As a result of that (they claim), they decided that they
were going to file charges... Chuck has indicated to me
that political pressure was brought to bear at the very
highest level of the City Attorneys office and THAT is why
they suddenly broke their word, did not inform anyone, and
decided to take the action thay did! Needless to say, Chuck
is furious and told me intends to perform some rearrangement
of their anatomy as a result of this! He is of the opinion
that this latest action is totally politically motivated.
He also had some other comments and conclusions but
I had best not quote them in an open message! Chuck is taking
it as a personal afront and has so informed the filing attorney.
I think that I need not mention how I am taking it and
what my position is!
I will have more information and details this weekend and
will post them as I learn them. In the meantime, there ARE
things that anyone who is concerned can do: Write Ira
Reiner, the L.A. City Attorney (Suite 1800, City Hall East,
200 N. Main St., L.A., CA 90012), and let him know exactly
how you feel about this situation specifically and/or
make any favorable comments that you feel appropriate regarding
me and the system. Feel free to lambast him, it is now
more than appropriate! It doesnt have to be a literary work
of art but write! Also, please copy me with any correspondence
that you may send. Second, I need to compile a list of
everyone (users and sysops alike) who would be willing to
attend the arraingement hearing (date TBA) and offer testimony in
my behalf (Chuck would like as many people as possible there
and, more important, at the trial if it goes that far).
Please tell everyone you know, every sysop, and spread
these messages around the systems you access all over the
Oh yes, the section of the code that they plan to charge
me under (I may have listed the number incorrectly earlier)
is that pertaining to "COMPUTER CRIME USING CREDIT CARDS"...
Tom Tcimpidis
The Mog-ur's HBBS
P.O. box 5236
Mission Hills, CA 91345
Voice 818-366-4827 Mog-ur's BBS 818-366-1238
Charles (Chuck) Lindner
304 S. Broadway, Room 422
L.A., CA 90014
> End of msg # 10733 from SYSOP (1) <
Msg # 10721 on 08/29/84 at 22:51:07
From: PEGGY WATT (7)
To: <ALL>
To: all concerned BBS users
From: Peggy Watt, InfoWorld reporter
I thought the telephone company and city of L.A. had decided
not to press charges against Tom (so did he!) but since
they have, I'm back to covering the question of sysop
liability for messages...I'm interested in any and all comments
on the issue, observations, and reports on what other sysops
are doing to protect themselves. I understand Tom's attorney,
Chuck Lindner, is relying on good sysop support, and I want
to follow that, too.
Feel free to leave me messages/comments on this board, or
contact me at InfoWorld (800-344-INFO).
Thanks, Peggy.
> End of msg # 10721 from PEGGY WATT (7) <
John McNamee
"Use a modem, Go to jail"
3-Sep-84 20:56:58-MDT,641;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 3 Sep 84 20:56:52-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 3 Sep 84 22:22 EDT
Date: 3 Sep 1984 20:25 MDT (Mon)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12044756850.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: Wanted: BYE/XMODEM/ZCPR2 for Model II
Has anyone worked out a BYE, XMODEM, and ZCPR2 for a TRS-80 Model II
using the P&T CP/M? The external modem in this case is a UDS 212 A/D.
Pointers to any one (or more) of these items would be greatly
4-Sep-84 09:31:49-MDT,765;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 4 Sep 84 09:31:37-MDT
Received: From hi-multics.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 4 Sep 84 10:51 EDT
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 84 00:00 CDT
Subject: BAUDOT <-> ASCII converts
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Message-ID: <840903050046.639821@HI-MULTICS.ARPA>
I don't know the model number off hand, but the Black Box
Company has a protocol converter that will make Baudot play with Ascii.
The one I' know of is in use taking data from a US weather service line
and feeding the data to the telemetry system used by the South Coast Air
Quality Management District. (The SMOG people here in Souther
4-Sep-84 10:07:44-MDT,4108;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 4 Sep 84 10:07:28-MDT
Received: From brl-voc.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 4 Sep 84 10:55 EDT
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 84 9:24:46 EDT
From: "Ferd Brundick (VLD/LTTB)" <fsbrn@Brl-Voc.ARPA>
To: Info-Pascal@Brl-Voc.ARPA, Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
cc: Meself <fsbrn@Brl-Voc.ARPA>
Subject: Turbo Pascal patch
Several months ago someone requested a patch for Turbo Pascal so that
it would automatically load the error message overlay file without
asking the user first. Well, this weekend I finally poked around and
wrote a patch for both Z-80 versions (1.0 and 2.0). In essence, what
happens is that Turbo displays the question, calls a subroutine to
read the response, and stores the response. The yes_or_no sbr returns
a 0 if the answer was 'N', and non-zero (I didn't check the exact
value) if the answer was 'Y'. Turbo then loads the message file if
the zero flag is not set.
The patch given below overwrites the call to the "display string"
function and the start of the message. It clears the A register, adds
one to clear the zero flag, and branches past the call to yes_or_no.
If don't you want to load the error file, change the increment
instruction to a no_op.
When the patched Turbo is run, the copyright message will be displayed
until the error file has been loaded, then it will display the "main"
menu. If the error file is not being loaded, the c-r message will be
displayed briefly, to be replaced by the main menu. Remember, this
patch is for the Z-80 versions, altho a similar patch could probably
be used for the IBM version.
NOTE: in the patches below, all user input is in lower case, and
comments to the patcher are in brackets [].
Patch for Z-80 version 1.0
A> ddt turbo.com
6F00 0100
-d1e40,1e6f [ display original code ]
1E40 6E 63 2E 0D 0A 0A 00 21 23 01 CD A5 01 CD F8 01 nc.....!#.......
1E50 0D 0A 0A 0A 49 6E 63 6C 75 64 65 20 65 72 72 6F ....Include erro
1E60 72 20 6D 65 73 73 61 67 65 73 00 CD 1F 29 32 6D r messages...)2m
-a1e4d [ enter patch in assembler ]
1E4D sub a
1E4E inr a [ type NOP if you DON'T want the error file loaded ]
1E4F jmp 1e6e
1E52 . [ exit from assembler input mode ]
-d1e40,1e6f [ display patched code ]
1E40 6E 63 2E 0D 0A 0A 00 21 23 01 CD A5 01 97 3C C3 nc.....!#.......
1E50 6E E1 0A 0A 49 6E 63 6C 75 64 65 20 65 72 72 6F n...Include erro
1E60 72 20 6D 65 73 73 61 67 65 73 00 CD 1F 29 32 6D r messages...)2m
-g0 [ exit from DDT ]
A> save 110 turbo.com [ save patched version ]
Patch for Z-80 version 2.0
A> ddt turbo.com
7800 0100
-d2100,212f [ display original code ]
2100 6C 3A 20 00 21 53 01 CD D0 01 CD 25 02 0D 0D 0A l: .!S.....!....
2110 0A 0A 49 6E 63 6C 75 64 65 20 65 72 72 6F 72 20 ..Include error
2120 6D 65 73 73 61 67 65 73 00 CD 42 2c 32 24 44 C4 messages..B,2$D.
-a210a [ enter patch in assembler ]
210A sub a
210B inr a [ type NOP if you DON'T want the error file loaded ]
210C jmp 212c
210F . [ exit from assembler input mode ]
-d2100,212f [ display patched code ]
2100 6C 3A 20 00 21 53 01 CD D0 01 97 3C C3 2C 21 0A l: .!S.....<.,!.
2110 0A 0A 49 6E 63 6C 75 64 65 20 65 72 72 6F 72 20 ..Include error
2120 6D 65 73 73 61 67 65 73 00 CD 42 2c 32 24 44 C4 messages..B,2$D.
-g0 [ exit from DDT ]
A> save 119 turbo.com [ save patched version ]
dsw, fferd
Fred S. Brundick
aka Pascal Postman
4-Sep-84 11:12:35-MDT,11738;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 4 Sep 84 11:11:56-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 4 Sep 84 12:03 EDT
Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a014624; 4 Sep 84 9:48 EDT
Date: 4 September 1984 09:48-EDT
From: "Allan D. Plehn" <PLEHN@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: Changes/additions to SIMTEL20's micro:<cpm> directory since 25 Aug.
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
Changes/additions to SIMTEL20's micro:<cpm> directory, 25 August to
date, are listed below:
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-86 (3770)
XLATE2-11.DOC.1 ASCII 1060 9 = 9H FEF5H
XLATE2-11.MAC.2 ASCII 36820 288 = 120H 3F0BH
XLATETST.ASM.1 ASCII 2925 23 = 17H 9505H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-86 (3770)
XLATE2-11.COM.1 COM 5120 40 = 28H 59ABH
XLATE2-11.DOC.1 ASCII 1060 9 = 9H FEF5H
XLATE2-11.HEX.1 ASCII 12476 98 = 62H EBEFH
XLATE2-11.MAC.2 ASCII 36820 288 = 120H 3F0BH
XLATETST.ASM.2 ASCII 2922 23 = 17H 4628H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-264 (11587)
XCAT40.AQM.1 COM 20480 160 = A0H 036DH
XCAT40.ASM.2 ASCII 30584 239 = EFH 504BH
XCAT40.COM.2 COM 2816 22 = 16H 4DA8H
XCAT40.DOC.2 ASCII 3581 28 = 1CH F53BH
XCAT40.HEX.2 ASCII 6870 54 = 36H 27ADH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-266 (11687)
XCAT42.AQM.1 COM 21120 165 = A5H E387H
XCAT42.ASM.1 ASCII 30582 239 = EFH AA26H
XCAT42.COM.1 COM 2816 22 = 16H 1512H
XCAT42.DOC.1 ASCII 4526 36 = 24H 0896H
XCAT42.HEX.1 ASCII 6867 54 = 36H 7073H
XCAT42U.COM.1 COM 2816 22 = 16H BC5BH
XCAT42U.HEX.1 ASCII 6867 54 = 36H AECFH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-285 (12428)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-288 (12622)
XMODEM64.BAS.1 ASCII 5234 41 = 29H 50D0H
XMODEM64.BUG.1 ASCII 794 7 = 7H A9F0H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-338 (14792)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-344 (15088)
LUDEF5.DOC.1 ASCII 16599 130 = 82H 8DC0H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-341 (14932)
TYPEL34A.COM.1 COM 3456 27 = 1BH EF7EH
TYPEL34A.DOC.1 ASCII 3359 27 = 1BH BE11H
TYPEL34A.HEX.1 ASCII 8433 66 = 42H A3A0H
TYPEL34A.MAC.1 ASCII 14569 114 = 72H 3F06H
USQB.REL.1 COM 1152 9 = 9H AF6AH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-348 (15276)
TYPEL35.COM.1 COM 3968 31 = 1FH F924H
TYPEL35.DOC.1 ASCII 3721 30 = 1EH 8074H
TYPEL35.MAC.1 ASCII 15138 119 = 77H B33AH
USQB.REL.2 COM 1152 9 = 9H 0DE0H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-381 (16662)
ERAQ15.ASM.1 ASCII 11372 89 = 59H 7910H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-387 (16953)
ERAQ16.ASM.1 ASCII 12012 94 = 5EH DF52H
ERAQ16.COM.1 COM 1024 8 = 8H ADF2H
ERAQ16.HEX.1 ASCII 2516 20 = 14H 671BH
ERAQ16.INF.1 ASCII 2440 20 = 14H 5228H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-409 (17975)
SD-88.DOC.1 ASCII 13011 102 = 66H 8B9EH
SD-88.DQC.1 COM 8448 66 = 42H C55FH
SD-88.INF.1 ASCII 1548 13 = DH 76D4H
SD-88-89.DQF.2 COM 4352 34 = 22H A3CAH
SD-89.AQM.2 COM 57856 452 = 1C4H CA37H
SD-89.ASM.1 ASCII 85846 671 = 29FH 41DCH
SD-89.COM.2 COM 3584 28 = 1CH 5403H
SD-89.HEX.1 ASCII 8741 69 = 45H 7E6DH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-418 (18408)
SD-92.AQM.1 COM 66816 522 = 20AH E412H
SD-92.ASM.1 ASCII 93017 727 = 2D7H E95CH
SD-92.COM.1 COM 4096 32 = 20H 1D0CH
SD-92.DOC.1 ASCII 16646 131 = 83H 6DACH
SD-92.DQC.1 COM 10880 85 = 55H 8EE1H
SD-92.HEX.1 ASCII 9986 79 = 4FH 53AFH
SD-92.INF.1 ASCII 2484 20 = 14H 3530H
SD-92.LBR.1 COM 83968 656 = 290H F84AH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-628 (27742)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-637 (28172)
PASS30.COM.1 COM 512 4 = 4H 5A48H
PASS30.DOC.1 ASCII 1334 11 = BH 9B93H
PASS30.HEX.1 ASCII 1271 10 = AH 6139H
PASSWD30.ASM.1 ASCII 9709 76 = 4CH 54A6H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-661 (29174)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-674 (29796)
FORTH83.LBR.1 COM 175360 1370 = 55AH 489AH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-772 (34298)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-786 (34967)
MINIMUF.FOR.1 ASCII 6308 50 = 32H 6A7DH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-831 (36893)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-845 (37609)
SID.HLP.1 ASCII 6469 51 = 33H F670H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-875 (38791)
DUMP1084.MAC.1 ASCII 7424 58 = 3AH F54EH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-891 (39554)
DUMP1084.MAC.2 ASCII 7425 59 = 3BH D34DH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-884 (39230)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-900 (39993)
KP10BIOS.MAC.1 ASCII 17600 138 = 8AH 842FH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-946 (41887)
-READ.ME.1 ASCII 2635 21 = 15H 56F6H
HELP.MEX.1 COM 49920 390 = 186H 7932H
HELP-MEX.FIX.1 ASCII 924 8 = 8H 3018H
HELPMEX.HEX.1 ASCII 121485 950 = 3B6H F4B9H
MEX-EASY.DOC.1 ASCII 6514 51 = 33H C061H
MEX-RVW.TXT.1 ASCII 2641 21 = 15H CD68H
MEX10.COM.1 COM 23168 181 = B5H FDB9H
MEX10.DOC.1 ASCII 62457 488 = 1E8H 068CH
MEX10.HEX.1 ASCII 56398 441 = 1B9H 41EFH
MEX10DOC.HEX.1 ASCII 112462 879 = 36FH 7585H
MEX10DOC.WQ.1 COM 46208 361 = 169H 52B4H
MEXHACK1.ASM.1 ASCII 2750 22 = 16H 7BFBH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-964 (42750)
AUTOMEX.INF.1 ASCII 11380 89 = 59H EF77H
MEX.HQP.1 COM 32640 255 = FFH 71EAH
MEX-EASY.DOC.1 ASCII 6514 51 = 33H C061H
MEX-RVW.TXT.1 ASCII 2641 21 = 15H CD68H
MEX111.COM.1 COM 24064 188 = BCH 1DF3H
MEX111.HEX.1 ASCII 58580 458 = 1CAH 4810H
MEX111.LBR.1 COM 127488 996 = 3E4H 628FH
MEX11DOC.TOC.1 ASCII 3030 24 = 18H D59AH
MEX11DOC.TQC.1 COM 1664 13 = DH 2922H
MEX11DOC.WQ.1 COM 55040 430 = 1AEH D7A2H
MEX11DOC.WS.1 ASCII 80416 629 = 275H D84FH
MEX11UPD.DOC.1 ASCII 9705 76 = 4CH FB97H
MEX11UPD.DQC.1 COM 6400 50 = 32H CC33H
MEXHQP.HEX.1 ASCII 79437 621 = 26DH 9713H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-964 (42756)
MEXPAT10.ASM.1 ASCII 4397 35 = 23H 2CEAH
MLOAD21.COM.1 COM 2816 22 = 16H E51EH
MLOAD21.HEX.1 ASCII 6867 54 = 36H 2E67H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-983 (43667)
MEXPAT11.AQM.1 COM 3712 29 = 1DH 10E4H
MEXPAT11.ASM.1 ASCII 4885 39 = 27H FA14H
MEXSUM.DOC.1 ASCII 10719 84 = 54H B5C5H
MLOAD21.COM.1 COM 2816 22 = 16H E51EH
MLOAD21.HEX.1 ASCII 6867 54 = 36H 2E67H
MX111UPD.DOC.1 ASCII 670 6 = 6H 3A03H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-990 (44052)
MXO-PM11.DIF.1 ASCII 484 4 = 4H B98CH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1011 (45059)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-998 (44452)
MXO-SM12.ASM.1 ASCII 8275 65 = 41H A6C8H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1018 (45409)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-1006 (44852)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1026 (45761)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-1035 (46122)
RCPM-052.LQT.2 COM 31488 246 = F6H A992H
RCPM-052.LST.1 ASCII 51491 403 = 193H 07EAH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1053 (46981)
RCPM-053.LQT.1 COM 33408 261 = 105H C3DFH
RCPM-053.LST.1 ASCII 54355 425 = 1A9H 87C9H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-1147 (51346)
M7OVL-19.LST.1 ASCII 5285 42 = 2AH 32B1H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1165 (52205)
M7OVL-21.LST.1 ASCII 5602 44 = 2CH 4B7EH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-1169 (52402)
M7VT-2.ASM.1 ASCII 11715 92 = 5CH F188H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1187 (53261)
M7VT-3.ASM.1 ASCII 12437 98 = 62H D52FH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-1343 (60160)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1361 (61019)
Directory MICRO:<CPM.PLOT33>
FILLS.BAS.1 ASCII 723 6 = 6H 8558H
GRAF.F.1 ASCII 43047 337 = 151H 379EH
GRAF.FQ.1 COM 23552 184 = B8H F997H
GRAF1.PAS.1 ASCII 16863 132 = 84H 779BH
GRAF2.PAS.1 ASCII 18855 148 = 94H B0FFH
GRAPH.BAS.1 ASCII 9028 71 = 47H 9066H
HANDPLOT.BAS.1 ASCII 22477 176 = B0H 93B2H
PLOT33.AQM.1 COM 44416 347 = 15BH FC55H
PLOT33.ASM.1 ASCII 74560 583 = 247H F92DH
PLOT33.DOC.1 ASCII 74617 583 = 247H 9E0FH
PLOT33.DQC.1 COM 38400 300 = 12CH 3C2DH
TEST.BAS.1 ASCII 1451 12 = CH 9AA4H
TEST.PAS.1 ASCII 2338 19 = 13H 41CDH
UPLOAD.BAS.1 ASCII 10135 80 = 50H 811DH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-1400 (62734)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1434 (64278)
MESSAGE.ASM.1 ASCII 2700 22 = 16H B283H
MESSAGE.COM.1 COM 256 2 = 2H 9358H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-1802 (81009)
MAKLBR.EXE.1 ASCII 4820 38 = 26H 7D4BH
MAKLBR.MID.1 ASCII 13338 105 = 69H 41B3H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1839 (82698)
MAKLBR.EXE.2 ASCII 4850 38 = 26H E3A8H
MAKLBR.MID.2 ASCII 13473 106 = 6AH B9E5H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-1827 (82086)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1864 (83775)
CCT2.ASM.1 ASCII 26571 208 = D0H 7F0FH
CCT2.COM.1 COM 1792 14 = EH 0DDCH
CCT2.DOC.1 ASCII 565 5 = 5H 0A7FH
CCT2.HEX.1 ASCII 4377 35 = 23H 32E6H
CCT2.INF.1 ASCII 10142 80 = 50H 8617H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-1859 (83585)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-1901 (85502)
PHONE.C.1 ASCII 11252 88 = 58H 0340H
PHONE.COM.1 COM 15872 124 = 7CH 38ADH
PHONE.DOC.1 ASCII 2890 23 = 17H D1F3H
PHONE.HEX.1 ASCII 38647 302 = 12EH 3AF9H
PHONE.LBR.1 COM 22272 174 = AEH 7D05H
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-1955 (87832)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-2002 (89978)
Directory MICRO:<CPM.XCCP>
ERA.COM.1 COM 128 1 = 1H C393H
ERA.HEX.1 ASCII 334 3 = 3H 583FH
REN.COM.1 COM 256 2 = 2H 5851H
REN.HEX.1 ASCII 642 6 = 6H 93E5H
XCCP.COM.1 COM 3584 28 = 1CH 0D78H
XCCP.DOC.1 ASCII 12313 97 = 61H C1F2H
XCCP.HEX.1 ASCII 8741 69 = 45H 7E44H
XCCP.HLP.1 ASCII 504 4 = 4H 7D2EH
XCCP.MSG.1 ASCII 106 1 = 1H 8F7DH
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 25 AUGUST, 1-2337 (105111)
**** CPM CRCLST AS OF 09 SEPTEMBER, 1-2395 (107691)
Z3LDRBUG.LBR.1 COM 5632 44 = 2CH 55F2H
Note that the above "difference" listing does not show the directory
name (except where the directory is a new one). If you are not
familiar with the directory naming scheme I'd suggest that you
FTP micro:<cpm>cpm.crclst to your host and scan it with an editor
to find the file(s) of interest. You will find the full file spec
given therein.
SIMTEL20 supports the ANONYMOUS login under FTP.
Al Plehn
4-Sep-84 13:10:56-MDT,618;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 4 Sep 84 13:10:48-MDT
Received: From brl-tgr.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 4 Sep 84 14:44 EDT
Received: from xerox.arpa by BRL-TGR.ARPA id a025992; 4 Sep 84 14:45 EDT
Received: from Concord.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 04 SEP 84 11:11:12 PDT
Date: 4 Sep 84 11:03:49 PDT (Tuesday)
Subject: Re: I/O Calls in 2.2
In-reply-to: abc's message of Fri, 31 Aug 84 9:27:09 EDT
To: Brint <abc@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
cc: info-cpm@BRL-TGR.ARPA
Use BDOS when you can. If it is too slow, use BIOS.
Jack Bicer
4-Sep-84 22:25:53-MDT,2895;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 4 Sep 84 22:25:44-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 4 Sep 84 23:43 EDT
Received: from simtel20.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a000269; 4 Sep 84 23:38 EDT
Date: 4 Sep 1984 19:43 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <RCONN.12045011292.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Richard Conn <RCONN@simtel20.ARPA>
To: lyman@jpl-vlsi.ARPA
Cc: info-cpm@brl.ARPA, rconn@simtel20.ARPA
Subject: [LYMAN: zcpr3 comments/questions]
My replies to the following questions may be of general
interest to the community. -- Rick
Date: Saturday, 1 September 1984 23:45-MDT
From: Peter Lyman <LYMAN at JPL-VLSI.ARPA>
To: rconn
cc: lyman at jpl-vlsi
Re: zcpr3 comments/questions
Just got zcpr3 up and running on a Discovery Multi Processor...
Great system... having lots of fun with it...
1. HELP.MAC uses COUT from syslib... COUT goes direct to bios
thus bypassing BDOS and in particular TAB expansion....
A regression from prior versions of HELP... (I just used
an internal COUT to solve the problem)
The routine BOUT (BDOS Output) in SYSLIB3 can also be used.
BOUT and COUT both output the char in A with no side effects, but BOUT
uses the BDOS while COUT uses the BIOS.
2. Prior versions of HELP (at least the ones I have) display
available HLP files on the disk when HELP is typed...
Why is is this gone?
I was not happy with that feature of HELP. I removed it for
the following reasons:
(1) I didn't feel it was used very frequently and it
cost in terms of space
(2) I didn't like its operation; if the SYSLIB series
of HLP files was in the path, for example, then all 20 of them would
appear as options, but it only makes sense to see SYSLIB.HLP and not
the rest unless you have memorized what SYSLIBA.HLP, etc, contains
(3) Aliases are fundamental under ZCPR3, and, with
them, a feature like this can be replaced via the FINDF (Find File)
(4) the above alias simply "simulates" the older HELP
in this sense; a solution that I prefer is:
so that a (probably multiple) menu of valid HLP files with their names
as the user would prefer to see them would come up instead
3. In your sample bios you have an equate symbol CPMDRV which
is undefined.. I ignored it... What was it?
CPMDRV is an internal buffer to my BIOS. It should not have
been in the example.
4. Is there a ZEX.HLP file available...
Yes. The file CMDFILES.HLP contains data on both SUB and ZEX.
Peter Lyman
ps I got my system via SIMTEL20
4-Sep-84 22:54:46-MDT,832;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 4 Sep 84 22:54:42-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 5 Sep 84 0:24 EDT
Received: from sri-unix.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a000326; 5 Sep 84 0:20 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 4 Sep 84 21:16-PDT
Date: 31 Aug 84 5:47:48-PDT (Fri)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: ihnp4!cbosgd!cbdkc1!desoto!packard!hoxna!kfl@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: Christensen MODEM program for Commodore-64
Article-I.D.: hoxna.301
In-Reply-To: Article <12953@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Does anyone know of a similar modem program exists for the Apple II
under the P-system? I am looking for such a beast, either public
domain or for purchase. Thanks in advance.
Kenton Lee, Bell Labs - WB
wb3g!kfl or hoxna!kfl
4-Sep-84 23:54:22-MDT,814;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 4 Sep 84 23:54:18-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 5 Sep 84 1:31 EDT
Date: 4 Sep 1984 23:34 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12045053471.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: FTP Feature added
For those of you who have FTP access to SIMTEL20:
We are now experimentally running a different FTP Server that happens
to have the feature most requested: to be able to use your CWD command
or equivalent (one of the new TOPS-20 FTP programs also allows a SET
DIRECTORY command) to set the default pathname. (Do not bother giving
a password when it asks for one, as the path is already defaulted at
that point.)
5-Sep-84 06:07:01-MDT,945;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 5 Sep 84 06:06:56-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 5 Sep 84 6:39 EDT
Received: from sri-unix.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a000893; 5 Sep 84 6:33 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 5 Sep 84 3:19-PDT
Date: 9 Aug 84 13:17:02-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: ucsfcgl!harrison@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Looking for modem7 for ibmpc
Article-I.D.: ucsfcgl.331
In-Reply-To: Article <19570@wivax.UUCP>
There was an old version around that did not do any dialling or
have terminal emulation.
Is there any improved version?
Also, does anyone know of a program implementing the XMODEM protocol
on a PDP 11/70 running iAS operating system.
Please reply by mail.
One of those ought to make it to me.
Peter Harrison
5-Sep-84 06:16:15-MDT,836;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 5 Sep 84 06:16:11-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 5 Sep 84 6:39 EDT
Received: from sri-unix.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a000895; 5 Sep 84 6:33 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 5 Sep 84 3:18-PDT
Date: 9 Aug 84 13:07:18-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: ucsfcgl!harrison@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: looking for xmodem protocol software on PDP-11 iAS
Article-I.D.: ucsfcgl.330
In-Reply-To: Article <48@decvax.UUCP>
Does anyone know of a program implementing the XMODEM protocol
on a PDP 11/70 running iAS operating system.
Please reply by mail.
One of those ought to make it to me.
Peter Harrison
5-Sep-84 07:26:32-MDT,862;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 5 Sep 84 07:26:26-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 5 Sep 84 8:43 EDT
Received: from apg-1.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a002104; 5 Sep 84 8:39 EDT
Date: 5 Sep 1984 8:30:54 EDT (Wednesday)
From: Robert Bloom DRSTE-TOI 3775 <rbloom@apg-1.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Typing tutor ...
In-Reply-to: Your message of 4 Sep 1984 09:52:51-PDT (Tuesday)
To: Jim moore <MOORE.LOSANGEL%ibm-sj.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Cc: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
I had just answered a message to someone asking about it, and am not
necessarily a "repository of wisdom" !
Anywhat, the typing tutor files (in mbasic) are in simtel20 and
available for ftp with user login anonymous, password <your normal
login name [moore?]> in the directory micro:<sigm.vol083>
-bob bloom
5-Sep-84 08:09:35-MDT,1002;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 5 Sep 84 08:09:27-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 5 Sep 84 9:28 EDT
Received: from sri-unix.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a002757; 5 Sep 84 9:25 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 5 Sep 84 6:13-PDT
Date: 4 Sep 84 4:40:12-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: ihnp4!ihuxk!db21@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Screen Editor for CP/M
Article-I.D.: ihuxk.732
After spending a good part of my day using a screen editor, I
have difficulty adjusting to the simple text editor (TED) available
on my system. Granted, I can use Wordstar, but it leaves some strange
footprints. I am looking for a good utility editor with which I can
enter text or programs and have screen editing capability. Can anyone
recommend such a beast that is available on CP/M and for which the
source is available?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Dave Beyerl
5-Sep-84 08:30:31-MDT,1562;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 5 Sep 84 08:30:22-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 5 Sep 84 9:52 EDT
Received: from sri-unix.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a003140; 5 Sep 84 9:50 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 5 Sep 84 6:34-PDT
Date: 4 Sep 84 6:42:14-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!hpda!fortune!amd!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-dosadi!binder@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Query re: TURBO Pascal character input
Article-I.D.: decwrl.3513
I have TURBO Pascal V1 (soon to be V2) on my Apple ][+, and I've been
playing with direct character input from the keyboard so that I can
handle such things as the right and left arrows to do funny things. The
following code segment is what I've come up with - am I missing
something or is there really no orthodox way to do it...?
Program Test;
Type Str80: string[80];
Var InputString: Str80;
Function CharGet: char;
Var KeyBuffer: char absolute $E000;
CharGet: char;
While not (KeyPressed) do begin;
CharGet := KeyBuffer;
{ The main body begins here }
InputString := '';
While (CharGet <> #128) do begin;
{ Mumblefratz, as required }
Dick Binder (The Stainless Steel Rat)
UUCP: { decvax, allegra, ucbvax... }!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-dosadi!binder
ARPA: binder%dosadi.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
Posted Tuesday 4th eptemberO 1984, 09:46 EDT by DOSADI::BINDER
5-Sep-84 10:11:52-MDT,1038;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 5 Sep 84 10:11:47-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 5 Sep 84 11:30 EDT
Received: from lll-mfe.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a005278; 5 Sep 84 11:27 EDT
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 84 08:23 PDT
From: Maron@LLL-MFE.ARPA
Subject: reply to Screen Editor for CP/M
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
I have used MINCE for many years on my CP/M system. It is also available
for the IBM PC which I use at work. It is a (large) subset of the EMACs editor
which is on TOPS-20 which I use at work and FINE which is on the PDP-10 (at
work). Obviously I don't have to keep changing gears too much to do editing
on various systems. Anyways, MINCE used to be available from Mark of the Unicorn.
I think I heard that they weren't selling it anymore but someone else might
have a better pointer. If it is still available I would recommend it. The
other religious camp will no doubt offer wordstart (W*) as a good choice for
screen editors too.
5-Sep-84 19:10:11-MDT,873;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 5 Sep 84 19:10:06-MDT
Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 5 Sep 84 20:37 EDT
Date: 5 September 1984 20:41-EDT
From: Eric Stork <STORK@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: PLOT33
cc: STORK@Mit-Mc.ARPA, info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Re PLOT33. It would not run on my S-100 system -- instead of spaces, it printed
underlines across the display. But ion a KAYPRO it worked fine.
Traced problem to fact that on my S-100 (and on friend's TELETEK board, too)
the paralell port sends pout only 7 bits, and uses eight bit to strobe
printer. Have not yet figured out how to fix.
Maybe others are frustrated and do not know why, hence I'm passing
the infor on to you. You seem to be distributing it, so
you may be a good focal point for such info.
6-Sep-84 07:06:21-MDT,1391;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 6 Sep 84 07:06:15-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 6 Sep 84 8:29 EDT
Received: from sri-unix.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a012514; 6 Sep 84 8:26 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 6 Sep 84 5:16-PDT
Date: 5 Sep 84 7:34:39-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!zehntel!dual!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-mrvax!ddb@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Macro assemblers for cpm/80 systems
Article-I.D.: decwrl.3520
I'm looking to buy (or simply acquire, if legally possible) a macro assembler
to use on a z80 system running cp/m 2.2 . One concern is compatibility
with existing public-domain software whose source is available.
I know of the existence of MAC and M80, but I don't know how compatible
they are or which is more widely used for producing public domain software.
I'm also interested in a linker compatible with the assembler, and a symbolic
debugger (ZSID? what other choices are there?).
I'm willing to pay as much as some prices I've seen advertised for the
DR or Microsoft products; but of course I'm willing to pay less, if there's
something good enough available for less.
Please respond direct to me, and I'll summarize if there's enough interest.
-- David Dyer-Bennet
-- {decvax|purdue|ihnp4}!decwrl!rhea!mrvax!ddb
6-Sep-84 11:47:52-MDT,834;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 6 Sep 84 11:47:43-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 6 Sep 84 10:02 EDT
Received: from sri-unix.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a013923; 6 Sep 84 9:57 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 6 Sep 84 6:49-PDT
Date: 14 Aug 84 11:37:47-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: ihnp4!houxm!hounx!gtp@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Article-I.D.: hounx.289
I am looking for educational software for young children (ages 4 - 10 ).
I am interested in any feedback about what packages are good or bad.
Also information on games that are easy and fun for beginning computer
users would be appreciated.
Please mail to houxn!gtp in Holmdel (BTL)
Thanks in advance
G. Peckham
6-Sep-84 11:48:35-MDT,650;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 6 Sep 84 11:48:31-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 6 Sep 84 10:12 EDT
Received: from sri-unix.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a014176; 6 Sep 84 10:09 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 6 Sep 84 6:52-PDT
Date: 14 Aug 84 12:33:32-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: ihnp4!houxm!hounx!gtp@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Article-I.D.: hounx.290
Sorry I incorrectly posted the mailing address for mailing.
The correct address is hounx!gtp in Holmdel.
G. Peckham
7-Sep-84 07:08:10-MDT,1000;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 7 Sep 84 07:08:02-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 7 Sep 84 8:15 EDT
Received: from sri-unix.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a023586; 7 Sep 84 8:16 EDT
Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 7 Sep 84 4:59-PDT
Date: 4 Sep 84 20:45:38-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!akgua!sol1!sue@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: FOR SALE: Accounting Plus CP/M software
Article-I.D.: sol1.191
FOR SALE: 'Accounting Plus' accounting package
General Ledger
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
Sales Order Entry
Purchase Order Entry
On SSSD 8" CP/M diskettes
Contact: Susan Wulf
Korsmeyer Electronic Design, Inc.
7-Sep-84 11:47:57-MDT,1686;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 7 Sep 84 11:47:50-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 7 Sep 84 13:19 EDT
Date: 7 Sep 1984 11:22 MDT (Fri)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12045706629.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: Problems with MICRO:
The RP06 disk pack which you know as our MICRO: structure apparently
had developed one or more bad spots over the year it has been in
service, and was finally detected sometime last week. Such latent
errors are not handled well by the system, with one error generating
others and eventually giving the appearance of a degenerating system,
masking the original error, and eventually crashing the system.
The problem was correctly diagnosed yesterday afternoon, and a fresh
disk pack was brought online, initialized, and the MICRO: filesystem
was restored from Friday's full backup and Wednesday night's
incremental backup tapes. The integrity of the structure was
thoroughly checked and a new backup run was then made and ran to
completion without errors.
In the process, I created the structure with no swapping pages
reserved for system use. Thus, we have recovered about 7,000
additional disk pages available for still more files to be stored. We
now have plenty of room for the 16 new SIG/M disks arrived in the
interim. They will be uploaded next week. Watch for an announcement.
Those of you who may have experienced difficulty with FTPing files
from MICRO: between last Thursday and yesterday, please try again. If
you have any problems, let me know.
7-Sep-84 14:10:20-MDT,627;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 7 Sep 84 14:10:15-MDT
Received: From cmu-cs-cad.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 7 Sep 84 15:36 EDT
Date: 5 Sep 1984 13:37-EST
From: Conal.Elliott@CMU-CS-CAD.ARPA
Subject: FORTH distribution list ??
To: info-atari@Su-Score.ARPA, info-micro@Brl-Vgr.ARPA, info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Message-Id: <463253857/conal@CMU-CS-CAD>
Does anybody know if there is there a FORTH interest group/distribution
list on the net anymore? If not, where do FORTHers congregate these
days? Thanks in advance for any pointers.
- Conal Elliott
7-Sep-84 16:52:36-MDT,963;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 7 Sep 84 16:52:29-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 7 Sep 84 18:17 EDT
Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a001587; 7 Sep 84 18:20 EDT
Received: from DEC-RHEA.ARPA by decwrl.ARPA (4.22.01/4.7.34)
id AA15144; Fri, 7 Sep 84 15:07:46 pdt
Message-Id: <8409072207.AA15144@decwrl.ARPA>
Date: Friday, 7 Sep 1984 15:13:49-PDT
From: Dave Maddox <maddox%arson.DEC@DECWRL.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@MIT-MC.ARPA, info-micro@MIT-MC.ARPA
Cc: maddox%arson.DEC@DECWRL.ARPA
Subject: zcpr3 on kaypro-10?
Can anyone provide a pointer to an installed ZCPR3.ASM for the Kaypro 10?
Bill and I are about to dig in, but we would welcome any advice/shortcuts,
and will gladly share our own insights...
Thanks in advance,
Dave Maddox
7-Sep-84 18:35:50-MDT,811;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 7 Sep 84 18:35:45-MDT
Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 7 Sep 84 20:01 EDT
Date: 7 September 1984 20:04-EDT
From: Herb Lin <LIN@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: disk formats and translations...
To: INFO-ATARI@Mit-Mc.ARPA, info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
I have about 300 double-spaced pages of text stored on Atari diskettes
(1050 disk drive). Anyone have any idea how best to get these files
translated into CP/M formatted disks (in particular, Kaypro II or
Kaypro 4 diskettes). This is a one time only job, so investing lots
in special software and hardware is a route of last resort. More
desirable would be some disk conversion house that would do this for a
fee. Any ideas?
tnx in advance.
7-Sep-84 19:09:30-MDT,1776;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 7 Sep 84 19:09:17-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 7 Sep 84 20:43 EDT
Date: 7 Sep 1984 18:46 MDT (Fri)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12045787489.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Quick reference list to SIMTEL20 CP/M directories
Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MICRO:<CPM.x> directories
as of 9/7/84 (where "x" is one of the names below):
8-Sep-84 08:02:42-MDT,565;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 08:02:38-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 9:41 EDT
Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a001234; 8 Sep 84 9:37 EDT
Date: Sat 8 Sep 84 09:36:21-EDT
From: "Andrew M. Moore" <T.MOORE%MIT-EECS@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: CP/M-86 Assembler
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
Is there a Public Domain assembler and loader for the CP/M-86 operating
system (.CMD) that I can use on the Xerox 820-II 16/8?
8-Sep-84 11:59:12-MDT,1655;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 11:59:05-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 13:29 EDT
Date: 8 Sep 1984 11:33 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12045970654.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Revised quick reference list of SIMTEL20 directories
Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MICRO:<CPM.x> directories
as of Sept. 8, 1984 (where 'x' is one of the names below):
8-Sep-84 12:10:29-MDT,929;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 12:10:24-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 13:35 EDT
Date: Tuesday, 4 September 1984 14:23-MDT
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12045971745.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: pur-ee!uiucdcs!uicsl!pollack@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
From: pur-ee!uiucdcs!uicsl!pollack@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
To: info-micro@Brl.ARPA
Subject: info needed on VIO board - (nf)
ReSent-From: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
ReSent-To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
ReSent-Date: Sat 8 Sep 1984 11:39-MDT
uicsl!pollack Sep 4 15:23:00 1984
Could someone mail me a brief operational description of
an IMSAI VIO board. I have got one without any documentation
and need to know where it sits in memory or IO space, and
what kind of stuff is in the ROM, etc.
Thanks in advance,
8-Sep-84 13:24:02-MDT,2355;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 13:23:52-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 14:50 EDT
Date: 8 Sep 1984 12:53 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12045985341.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Kaypro 4-84 time display program now available
Kaypro 4-84 users will be interested in the KP4TIME2 package. These
files are now available from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
...and for those who want the whole package and can FTP ITS-binary files:
KP4TIME2.LBR.1 COM 13824 A3E7H
Here's a short description of the program:
CP/M program to display and set the real-time clock on Kaypro 4-84.
Written 04/22/84 by Bob Snider, Columbus Ohio. Greatly expanded 6/30/84.
Display is MM/DD HH:MM:SS and can be 24-hour format or 12-hour with
AM/PM. Date is optional, and the ability to set the clock is optional
for those who want a minimum length module. Customize this assembly
by setting the options in the "Customization section".
The clock is just displayed by the command "TIME". The clock is displayed
and set by anything extra on the command line, ie. "TIME SET". The
program will prompt for date and time value which must be entered as in the
display format.
Each of the following items can be set independently:
Date (month/day)
Day of the week
Time of day (seconds may be omitted)
If the 12-hour format is on, AM or PM must always follow the time.
Any omitted items are not changed in the clock.
The clock is set at the carriage return. The input line is parsed for
proper format, but not checked for valid dates or times. If nothing is
entered the time is unchanged. If an error is detected, the position of
the error in the string is flagged with a '^' and nothing is set.
The clock is checked to see if an update has occurred while being read,
and it is re-read if so, ensuring valid time displays.
Problems or enhancements should be directed to the Kaypro User's Group on
CompuServe, page PCS-25.
8-Sep-84 13:43:29-MDT,970;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 13:43:24-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 14:52 EDT
Date: 8 Sep 1984 12:56 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12045985836.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: FTPing ASCII files to ITS
This is probably of interest only to readers on the ITS machines:
Some of the ASCII text files in MICRO: do not appear to have the EOF
^C padding such files are expected to have when read on an ITS
machine. This is because such files are defaultly and more
efficiently FTP'd in IMAGE mode. If this is a problem, re-FTP the
file in TEXT mode and the correct padding will be applied in the
(It is probably more technically correct to say that this problem is
more noticable with files that are not close to exact multiples of
1024 PDP-10 words.)
8-Sep-84 13:50:39-MDT,746;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 13:50:35-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 15:00 EDT
Date: 8 Sep 1984 13:03 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12045987191.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: New MDM7 overlay for HZ89 with Z-89-11 2661-3 card
A new MDM7 overlay for the H/Z89 running CP/M 2.204 with the Z-89-11
card installed is now available from SIMTEL20. This is for the
enhanced programmable communication interface chip 2661-3.
Filename Type Bytes CRC
M7H82661.ASM.1 ASCII 10021 96AAH
8-Sep-84 14:10:47-MDT,2376;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 14:10:37-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 15:15 EDT
Date: 8 Sep 1984 13:19 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12045990025.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: MXO-KP28.ASM new Kaypro overlay for MEX
MXO-KP28.ASM is a new MEX Overlay for Kaypro Computers with either
internal or external modems. A full-featured SET command processor is
implemented to select between modems as well as set specific
characteristics of each one. The file is now available from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
MXO-KP28.ASM.1 ASCII 37584 D19EH
The following table outlines the SET command options:
Available for
SET Command Internal External
DELAY <n> (seconds) YES YES
BAUD <rate> NO YES
ORIG (originate mode) YES YES
TONE (dialing) YES YES
PULSE (dialing) YES YES
MONITOR (speaker on) NO YES
QUIET (speaker off) NO YES
PARITY (Odd, Even, None) NO YES
STOPBITS (1, 1.5, 2) NO YES
LENGTH (5, 6, 7, or 8) NO YES
MANUAL (goes off-hook and YES NO
activates modem)
Recent revisions:
8/26/84 2.8 Added equate to support Anchor Signalman Mark XII modem.
This overlay now supports DSC, dial abort (^C),
and accurate SET DELAY processing for Anchor modems.
Also incorporated the PARITY, STOPBITS and LENGTH
commands from the Norm Saunders overlay (MXO-KP3X) in
an attempt to unify the Kaypro MEX overlay identity crisis.
The new SET commands are NOT implemented for the 4'84
internal modem. The SET ? command and the SET without
arguments correctly distinguishes between the internal
and external modem support. Terry Carroll
8/03/84 2.7 Added call to DISCON: (disconnect routine) in the
Smartmodem dialing routine at SMDMOFF:. It appeared that
when either the delay timer timed out or a CTRL -C
abort coincided with a connect, the modem did
connect, even though the overlay responded with
NO ANSWER. Added these calls to make sure there
is no unannounced connect. John C. Smith
8-Sep-84 14:36:03-MDT,792;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 14:35:59-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 15:26 EDT
Date: 8 Sep 1984 13:30 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12045991956.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: MXM-US13.ASM a revised MEX overlay for U.S. Robotics S-100 modem
MXM-US13.ASM is a new MEX overlay for the U.S. Robotics S-100.
Revision history:
08/27/84 by Don Wilke
08/29/84 added fancy video conditionals
08/30/84 added parity routines
The new file is available from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
8-Sep-84 18:36:34-MDT,493;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 18:36:30-MDT
Received: From mitre-bedford.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 20:14 EDT
Date: Saturday, 8 Sep 1984 00:00-EDT
From: P.E.Matthews%mbvm@Mitre-Bedford.ARPA
To: Info-CPM@Amsaa.ARPA
cc: pem%mbvm@Mitre-Bedford.ARPA
Subject: Mailing List Update
Please remove me from your Mailing List.
My address is .Matthews%mbvm@mitre-bedford.
Thank you.
Paul Matthews.
8-Sep-84 20:16:32-MDT,659;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 20:16:27-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 21:47 EDT
Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a002149; 8 Sep 84 21:47 EDT
Date: 8 September 1984 21:35-EDT
From: "Stephen C. Hill" <STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: Mark of the Unicorn
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
cc: STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA
I tried to call the above company (in Cambridge, MA), but an
ephemeral voice said that their phone was disconnected. Does
this mean that the company is defunct? If not, could someone
give me the proper phone number? Thanks.
8-Sep-84 21:11:33-MDT,844;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 21:11:27-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 22:39 EDT
Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a002304; 8 Sep 84 22:37 EDT
Date: Sat 8 Sep 84 22:36:40-EDT
From: "Andrew M. Moore" <T.MOORE%MIT-EECS@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: Mark Of The Unicorn
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
In reply to your message, Steve, I think Mark Of The Unicorn is in
kahootz with a bulletin board system at 617/353-9312. Someone please
correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's the board that has some-
thing to do with it. It's an IBM-PC system, running RBBS. There is
a voice line for the system posted in the welcome message. Hope
this help. (sorry if I'm wrong about it, but I'm pretty sure)
8-Sep-84 21:52:48-MDT,848;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 21:52:43-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 23:04 EDT
Date: 8 Sep 1984 21:08 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12046075344.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Public file attribute BDOS patch for CP/M 2.2
BDPATCH.ASM is a program which contains a patch for CP/M 2.2 that adds
a new file attribute: the PUBlic attribute. When a file's public
attribute is set, it is available to all users. The public attribute
is f1' (the high bit of the first character of the filename). It's
available from SIMTEL20 as:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
8-Sep-84 21:54:11-MDT,787;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 21:54:06-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 23:00 EDT
Date: 8 Sep 1984 21:04 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12046074652.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Satellite headings MBASIC program for TVRO users
SATELITE.BAS is a program to locate television satellites for a given
latitude and longitude. This program is useful for TVRO owners.
Additional satellites and cities can be placed in the data tables.
It is now available from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
8-Sep-84 22:15:48-MDT,1442;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 22:15:42-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 23:12 EDT
Date: 8 Sep 1984 21:15 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12046076695.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: New MX-SM13A overlay for MEX/Anchor XXII modem
MX-SM13A.ASM for MEX is now available from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
MX-SM13A.ASM.1 ASCII 9335 1E83H
The author of this update explains his changes in a message to Ron
Msg 132 is 12 line(s) on 09/08/84 from BOB SANDEL
Ron, Although the SM-13 overlay worked quite well for me with MEX10,
I started experiencing a lot of Anchor XII hangups when I implemented
MEX111. Seems like MEX111 is too fast to allow a proper disconnect of
the Anchor. I experimented and have U/L MX-SM13A (A for Anchor) which
has added 3 CALLs to DISCON before turning control back to MEX111.
Seems to works a lot better for me---let's see how others do with the
alteration. I speeded up the DISCON times to 1.2 seconds from 2.0
seconds. Still having some difficulty recogninzing a Control C when
in the auto-repeat dial mode. Currently only about 50% effective.
Thx for a powerful modem executive. Bob
8-Sep-84 22:42:39-MDT,555;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 22:42:35-MDT
Received: From utexas-20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 8 Sep 84 23:35 EDT
Date: Sat 8 Sep 84 22:38:33-CDT
From: Douglas Good <CMP.DOUG@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
Subject: MDM730 & MEX
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
I've tried both of these programs on my Kaypro IV and came up with a
problem with both. When the print toggle is activated it starts
dropping a lot of characters. Has anyone been able to solve this
8-Sep-84 23:42:07-MDT,1382;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 8 Sep 84 23:42:00-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 9 Sep 84 1:00 EDT
Date: 8 Sep 1984 23:03 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12046096414.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: MXO-SY20.ASM Sanyo MBC-1000 overlay for MEX
MXO-SY20.ASM is a MEX overlay for the Sanyo MBC-1000 Computer.
The overlay allows use the "SET" command to change the baudrate when
desired. It starts out at 1200 baud when the program is first called
up. Only 300 & 1200 Baud are enabled; info for other baudrates is
provided in table form in the overlay.
The SET command allows the user to change the baud rates, and the
parity. The parity options are: No parity (NONE); Even parity (EVEN);
Even parity with 8 data bits (EVEN8); Odd parity (ODD); and Odd parity
with 8 data bits (ODD8). EVEN8 and ODD8 are for special purposes and
will most likely never be used.
The file is available from SIMTEL20 as:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
MXO-SY20.ASM.1 ASCII 20659 4989H
9-Sep-84 05:09:07-MDT,1833;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 9 Sep 84 05:09:01-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 9 Sep 84 6:44 EDT
Date: Sunday, 9 September 1984 00:59-MDT
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12046159023.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: Bridger Mitchell <bridger@Rand-Unix.ARPA>
From: Bridger Mitchell <bridger@Rand-Unix.ARPA>
To: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
cc: bridger@Rand-Unix.ARPA
Subject: Public file attribute BDOS patch for CP/M 2.2
ReSent-From: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
ReSent-To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
ReSent-Date: Sun 9 Sep 1984 04:47-MDT
This code looks quite similar to a test version of PUBPATCH I released
late last spring. Who's the contributor, and what's the background?
An article documenting the patch we developed at Plu*Perfect Systems is
scheduled for a fall Dr. Dobbs issue. It includes code for a PUBLIC utility
to set/reset the public bit & list public files. A disk is available with
an augmented SD to list public files in a separate 'public' directory.
Without some further bdos patches the patch you released will probably
suffer from the weak points that we had to overcome in our initial version
of the public-attribute-bit approach: era *.* will wipe out public files
from any user number, and dir will show public files in every user number.
The Dr. Dobbs version handles this well-- public files have a type of SYStem
status and are accessible only by unambiguous filename or search-for-next
Our approach is copyrighted, but we will be releasing it for non-commercial,
single-user use to the CP/M community. SIMTEL20 availability would also
be fine; the documentation is the article, and I would have to check
with the editor about release before publication.
--bridger mitchell
9-Sep-84 05:26:04-MDT,925;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 9 Sep 84 05:25:59-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 9 Sep 84 6:49 EDT
Date: 9 Sep 1984 04:52 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12046159901.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Bridger Mitchell <bridger@Rand-Unix.ARPA>
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Public file attribute BDOS patch for CP/M 2.2
In-reply-to: Msg of 9 Sep 1984 00:59-MDT from Bridger Mitchell <bridger at rand-unix>
The file I announced, BDPATCH.ASM, appeared on RCPM (Royal Oak, MI).
Since there is no record kept of who uploads and no .DOC file was
included, I can't tell where it came from.
If you don't mind, I'll forward your message to my RCPM as BDPATCH.BUG
in order for people to be warned about the potential danger in using
this patch.
9-Sep-84 05:49:29-MDT,1014;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 9 Sep 84 05:49:25-MDT
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Received: from simtel20.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a003410; 9 Sep 84 7:09 EDT
Date: 9 Sep 1984 05:08 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12046162809.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
To: Douglas Good <CMP.DOUG@utexas-20.ARPA>
Cc: Info-CPM@brl.ARPA, CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
Subject: MDM730 & MEX
In-reply-to: Msg of 8 Sep 1984 21:38-MDT from Douglas Good <CMP.DOUG at UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
Your problem stems from the BIOS in the Kaypro not
implementing the List Status call properly. There has been
considerable discussion on this in the past; few programs use the
status call because more than a few BIOS authors have been remiss in
not including same.
There are probably several solutions depending on your
expertise. You might patch it yourself, go to the Kaypro Sig on
Compuserve and ask for a patch, etc.
9-Sep-84 11:54:52-MDT,1882;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 9 Sep 84 11:54:46-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 9 Sep 84 13:19 EDT
Date: 9 Sep 1984 11:23 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12046230990.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: New MX-SM13A overlay for MEX/Anchor XXII modem
Reply-To: Alexander M. Fraser <T.ALEX%MIT-EECS@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Thanks to Alex for this further fix for the Anchor modem.
Date: Sunday, 9 September 1984 09:03-MDT
From: Alexander M. Fraser <T.ALEX%MIT-EECS at MIT-MC.ARPA>
cc: RFowler at SIMTEL20.ARPA
Re: New MX-SM13A overlay for MEX/Anchor XXII modem
(Please forward this to Bob Sandel to please, since I don't know his
net address if any)
The problem is that there is no pause between the ''+''s. The
Anchorman has either a bug, or a safeguard that if the +s pass through
at full speed (as they would in an ESC+T type transfer), the modem
ignores them. I put in a patch to call a delay of 6 in the timer
sequence between the ''+''s and doubled all the other delays in the
disconnect sequence and it works at least 95% of the time. The way to
solve the ^C problem is that the Anchorman will not abort on (CR), it
needs an A. I modified it to send (CR), pause, ''A'', pause, ''T'',
pause and then (CR). Works all the time, except while the Anchorman
is still sending back the numbers (ie still dialing) (the Anchorman
echoes each character back as it is dialed). Another thing that
should be down with the MEx overlay is to increase the timeout (which
is default 60 seconds). Since the Anchorman waits 36 seconds before
hanging up and some ALD pauses coul make up the rest to 60, sometimes
it times-out too soon.
9-Sep-84 12:33:28-MDT,833;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 9 Sep 84 12:33:23-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 9 Sep 84 10:55-PDT
Date: 6 Sep 84 14:14:44-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!philabs!ttidca!troeger@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Wanted: ISAM routines for the Rainbow 100
Article-I.D.: ttidca.131
I am looking for ISAM libraries that I can use with my C Compiler
(Mark Williams Co.) for the Rainbow 100. If anyone knows of anything
that I can use, I would appreciate it. (HASHED libraries would be nice
Thanks in advance,
Jeff Troeger
9-Sep-84 12:49:19-MDT,639;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 9 Sep 84 12:49:16-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a004257; 9 Sep 84 14:08 EDT
Date: Sun 9 Sep 84 08:42:30-PDT
From: Sam Hahn <SHahn@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Mark of the Unicorn
In-Reply-To: Message from ""Stephen C. Hill" <STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA>" of Sat 8 Sep 84 18:35:00-PDT
My docs show them in Arlington (vs Cambridge) at 617-489-1387.
Haven't called them myself; hope this helps.
9-Sep-84 20:28:10-MDT,959;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 9 Sep 84 20:28:05-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 9 Sep 84 21:50 EDT
Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a004792; 9 Sep 84 21:49 EDT
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 1984 17:49 EDT
Message-ID: <RG.JMTURN.12046279490.BABYL@MIT-OZ>
To: "Stephen C. Hill" <STEVEH@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: Mark of the Unicorn
A quick call to directory resistance gave their number as:
(617)576-2760. I called, and got infinite ringing (not strange,
considering it was a sunday). And we still pay royalties to
them everytime we send out a Unix system with Mince and/or
Scribble on it, so I assume they're alive. They certainly were
as of the last time I went out to the American Twine Building to
fix their CADR.
James Turner
LISP Machine, Inc
9-Sep-84 20:52:02-MDT,970;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 9 Sep 84 20:51:57-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 9 Sep 84 22:21 EDT
Received: from simtel20.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a004825; 9 Sep 84 22:15 EDT
Date: 9 Sep 1984 20:14 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <RCONN.12046327754.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Richard Conn <RCONN@simtel20.ARPA>
To: Dave Maddox <maddox%arson.DEC@decwrl.ARPA>
Cc: info-CPM@brl.ARPA
Subject: zcpr3 on kaypro-10?
In-reply-to: Msg of 7 Sep 1984 16:13-MDT from Dave Maddox <maddox%arson.DEC at DECWRL.ARPA>
I understand that Echelon has fully installed ZCPR3 on the
Kaypro-10 already. You might want to contact them for details. Frank
Gaude and I were talking about it the other day, and he said it took a
lot of internal knowledge that Joe Wright, the guy who worked with
Frank to do the installation, had. Joe writes BIOSes as part of his
work in Sunnyvale.
9-Sep-84 22:00:29-MDT,870;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 9 Sep 84 22:00:25-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 9 Sep 84 23:22 EDT
Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a004957; 9 Sep 84 23:22 EDT
Date: 9 September 1984 23:22-EDT
From: "Stephen C. Hill" <STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: New MX-SM13A overlay for MEX/Anchor XXII modem
To: W8SDZ@simtel20.ARPA
cc: STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA, INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of 8 Sep 1984 21:15 MDT (Sat) from Keith Petersen <W8SDZ at Simtel20.ARPA>
I have been having the same problem with my Hayes modem. I
thought that it may have been an inconsistancy because I am
running a 5MHz Lobo Max-80 (even after changing the CLOCK
variable. I have been able to get the modem to disconnect if I
use the following command string: "DSC;SLEEP 1;DSC".
9-Sep-84 22:34:19-MDT,832;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 9 Sep 84 22:34:15-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a005031; 10 Sep 84 0:07 EDT
Date: 10 September 1984 00:04-EDT
From: "Stephen C. Hill" <STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: Info-World reference question
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
cc: STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA
Has anyone else tried to contact the Unicomp Corp. service called Computer
Resource Center, as mentioned in a late Info-World four column inch article?
They mention that the service is free for users, since it is paid for by
"advertisers" and it can be reached at 800-552-6206 (rest of US) and
800-552-2602 (in WA). I can only get a ringing phone. Has any one else
gotten any success?
10-Sep-84 02:32:53-MDT,1329;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 10 Sep 84 02:32:46-MDT
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Received: from sri-unix.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a005476; 10 Sep 84 3:56 EDT
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Date: 17 Aug 84 16:36:26-PDT (Fri)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: decvax!linus!philabs!cmcl2!lanl-a!jp@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Need help on file transfers with uc14.c and mdm730
Article-I.D.: lanl-a.12175
I have been trying to use uc14.c from micro:<unix.cpm> to exchange text
files with a cp/m system using mdm730. I have successfully sent files
to the unix system, but all attempts to receive files have failed.
What I have done is to send the unix machine the command to send a file.
Then I escape to the mdm730 command mode and ask to recieve the file.
What I get is an attempt to transfer, but with a message " Illegal character
in header". If I don't try to receive the file to a cpm disk file, but supply
a NAK from the keyboard, a block is sent to the screen. Sending non-NAK's
causes the block to repeat and sending ACK causes the next block to be sent,
as expected. Anyone have an idea about what I might be doing wrong????
Jim Potter jp@LANL
10-Sep-84 09:19:16-MDT,539;000000000001
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 10 Sep 84 09:19:12-MDT
Received: From bbnccf.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 10 Sep 84 10:35 EDT
Date: 10 Sep 1984 10:36:45 EDT (Monday)
From: Mike Simpson <msimpson@BBNCCF.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Mark of the Unicorn (address/phone no)
To: "Stephen C. Hill" <STEVEH@mit-mc.arpa>
Cc: hplabs!hp-pcd!peter@ucb-vax.arpa, msimpson@BBNCCF.ARPA,
Mark of the Unicorn
222 Third Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
10-Sep-84 11:02:01-MDT,1037;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 10 Sep 84 11:01:56-MDT
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Received: from ECLD by ECLA with ECLnet; Mon 10 Sep 84 09:29:09-PDT
Date: Mon 10 Sep 84 09:24:37-PDT
From: L. Y. Weissler <Liza@ecld.#eclnet>
Subject: dBASE II on a VAX
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
I've been attempting to use dBASE II on a VAX (MOUSE@USC-ECL). In
setting up a database, I discovered an upper limit of 431 records; I
can enter more than 431, but any attempt to sort or index the
database, or to edit any additional records, results in the program
Considering that dBASE II itself states that it has an upper limit of
some 65,000 records with 32 fields, and I'm only using 6 fields, 431
records is quite a reduction and renders the program pretty useless as
far as I'm concerned. Has anybody else had this problem, or can
suggest ways of fixing it or getting around it?
10-Sep-84 12:20:10-MDT,897;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 10 Sep 84 12:20:04-MDT
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Received: from ucb-vax.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a011962; 10 Sep 84 13:40 EDT
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id AA23972; Mon, 10 Sep 84 10:39:15 pdt
by ucbjade.CC.Berkeley.ARPA (4.14/4.25)
id AA12304; Mon, 10 Sep 84 10:39:54 pdt
Message-Id: <8409101739.AA12304@ucbjade.CC.Berkeley.ARPA>
Date: 10 September 84 10:35-PST
Subject: BITNET mail follows
Date: 10 September 1984, 10:34:25 PST
Subject: Date & Time
How can I get the system date and time into a CBASIC program under
10-Sep-84 14:20:45-MDT,1244;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 10 Sep 84 14:20:37-MDT
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 84 15:47:00 EDT
From: Dave Towson (info-cpm-request) <cpmlist@Amsaa.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: [KJBSF%SLACVM.BI: BITNET mail follows]
----- Forwarded message # 1:
Received: From ucb-vax.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 10 Sep 84 13:30 EDT
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id AA23307; Mon, 10 Sep 84 10:08:49 pdt
by ucbjade.CC.Berkeley.ARPA (4.14/4.25)
id AA11767; Mon, 10 Sep 84 10:09:25 pdt
Message-Id: <8409101709.AA11767@ucbjade.CC.Berkeley.ARPA>
Date: 10 September 84 10:08-PST
Subject: BITNET mail follows
Date: 10 September 1984, 10:07:18 PST
Subject: Info-World reference question
In-Reply-To: info-cpm AT AMSAA.ARPA -- 09/10/84, 10:06:45
When I tried to call either of those numbers, I got a message similar to this:
"That number is not available in your calling area."
How irritating.
----- End of forwarded messages
10-Sep-84 14:41:56-MDT,1055;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 10 Sep 84 14:41:50-MDT
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 84 16:03:28 EDT
From: Dave Towson (info-cpm-request) <cpmlist@Amsaa.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Rejected mail addressed to gren.maze%mit-oz@mit-mc
List members - Please accept my apology for the flood of rejects you have
been receiving while I was on vacation. A friend was watching the list for
me, but then he went on vacation too! I must do some business travel for the
next two weeks, but will make every effort to get in via the net and maintain
this list. However, if I am unable to do this, things may be a bit shabby
for a little longer. Sorry. I have sent a message to the postmaster at
mit-mc regarding the bad gren.maze address. That address IS NOT in my list,
so it must be local at MIT. Nothing I can do except pass along the beefs,
which I have done. I am confident the folks at MIT will get it fixed.
Dave Towson
10-Sep-84 20:33:40-MDT,1218;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 10 Sep 84 20:33:30-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 10 Sep 84 22:09 EDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 10 Sep 84 18:41-PDT
Date: 9 Sep 84 19:46:58-PDT (Sun)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!ut-sally!ut-ngp!mclay@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Tektronics Emulation for Z29
Article-I.D.: ut-ngp.913
I am interested in an emulation of a Tektronic 4010 for a Zenith Z29. I
have seen two ads for these: 1) Graphics-Plus GP-29 ( I think its in the
"Real Soon" stage) 2) Cleveland Codonics Cdn-1220. The Codonics board
sounds good. A while back Jerry Pournelle mentioned it in BYTE. All He
said was that it looked good in a show.
If anybody out there is has used one, what I want to know is: Is it easy to
use? Can you clear the screen easily? How well does the interface to an
Epson (or look-a-like) Dot-matrix printer work? Does it ever lock the
keyboard up?
Robert McLay
(Univ. of Texas at Austin)
10-Sep-84 20:52:15-MDT,808;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 10 Sep 84 20:52:07-MDT
Received: From cmu-cs-c.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 10 Sep 84 22:11 EDT
Received: ID <CHEPPONIS@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>; Mon 10 Sep 84 22:14:54-EDT
Date: Mon 10 Sep 84 22:14:52-EDT
From: Mike Chepponis <Michael.Chepponis@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>
Subject: Re: dBASE II record limit
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
I too have run into this problem RECORD NUMBER OUT OF RANGE, but this was in
a database of only 38 members! I solved this by doing a SORT to another file,
deleting the original file, and renaming the sorted file as the original name.
It has been fine since. I don't know how I caused this weirdness to appear.
Does anybody have the story (or maybe it's just RTFM). Tnx, -Mike
11-Sep-84 08:40:51-MDT,1237;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 11 Sep 84 08:40:42-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 11 Sep 84 6:39-PDT
Date: 10 Sep 84 7:25:56-PDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!tektronix!orca!iddic!rick@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: ampro caveat
Article-I.D.: iddic.1805
I bought an Ampro 'Little Board' computer - and while I have no complaints
about the hardware, they have come up with a new twist in software.
Manuals are optional.
One of the reasons I went with this outfit was that they prominently advertised
that CP/M 2.2 came with the board. They did not mean the manuals, however.
When I asked about this, the response was a list of CP/M books, including
Digital Research. I can buy the standard manuals for $35.
Selling software without manuals is ridiculous (except maybe to Mr. Pournelle,
then he couldn't have any negative comments about the documentation :-) ).
Just thought you might like to know . . . .
Rick Coates
11-Sep-84 09:26:57-MDT,532;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 11 Sep 84 09:26:51-MDT
Received: From brl-gateway2.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 11 Sep 84 10:33 EDT
Received: from apg-3.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a020605; 11 Sep 84 10:33 EDT
Date: 11 Sep 1984 10:26:46 EDT (Tuesday)
From: John Shaver STEEP-TM-AC 879-7602 <jshaver@apg-3.ARPA>
Subject: Manuals or lack thereof
To: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
Cc: jshaver@apg-3.ARPA
Rick Thinks he has problems. Does he talk to Apple ][e persons?
11-Sep-84 13:09:15-MDT,854;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 11 Sep 84 13:09:06-MDT
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Received: from simtel20.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a028491; 11 Sep 84 14:36 EDT
Date: 11 Sep 1984 12:36 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <RCONN.12046768538.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Richard Conn <RCONN@simtel20.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
Subject: ZCPR3 Newsletter 5
Newsletter 5 is now stored in MICRO:<CPM.ZCPR3> on SIMTEL20 as
Z3NEWS.005. All of the newsletters are now named Z3NEWS.nnn to match
Echelon's convention.
This newsletter talks about the new pricing for Z3-DOT-COM,
the auto-installing version of ZCPR3, as well as the books, some of
the utilities, the LDR bug, and the Z800. Lots of flash items are
contained therein. Enjoy!
11-Sep-84 13:30:33-MDT,934;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 11 Sep 84 13:30:21-MDT
Received: From xerox.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 11 Sep 84 14:48 EDT
Received: from Flora.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 11 SEP 84 11:50:50 PDT
Date: 11 Sep 84 11:50:33 PDT (Tuesday)
From: Chapman.ES@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: Re: dBASE II record limit
In-reply-to: Michael.Chepponis's message of Mon, 10 Sep 84 22:14:52 EDT
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
cc: Chapman.ES@XEROX.ARPA
I once had this happen to me when a power glitch messed up my file.
Everything looked ok when doing a
disp struct
(i.e. the correct number of records was displayed), but an append would
end with the
I fixed my problem by doing a pack, which ended up with one fewer
records than I should have had. Then I found the missing record and
inserted it back in where it belonged.
11-Sep-84 14:21:21-MDT,952;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 11 Sep 84 14:21:13-MDT
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Received: from apg-1.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a000272; 11 Sep 84 15:35 EDT
Date: 11 Sep 1984 15:26:48 EDT (Tuesday)
From: Robert Bloom DRSTE-TOI 3775 <rbloom@apg-1.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Manuals or lack thereof
In-Reply-to: Your message of 11 Sep 1984 10:26:46 EDT (Tuesday)
To: John Shaver STEEP-TM-AC 879-7602 <jshaver@APG-3.ARPA>
Cc: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
The new Apple //c is much the same - except they try to give the
impression that you don't really have to know anything more than
how to turn it on, insert the disk and boot.
So the manual tell *very* little more thatn that!
(*Do* you have to know anything more than that anyway?? - Nope.
As long as you never want to do anything more than turn it on,
insert the disk and boot!)
11-Sep-84 21:34:43-MDT,726;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 11 Sep 84 21:34:37-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 11 Sep 84 23:06 EDT
Date: 11 Sep 1984 21:09 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12046862068.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: New SIG/M Volumes Available
SIG/M Volumes 177 through 192 are now available here as
MICRO:<SIGM.VOLnnn>, along with a new MICRO:<SIGM.VOL000>.
Note that Volumes 184 through 192 are the SIG/M distribution set for
ZCPR3, which is also available in MICRO:<CPM.ZCPR3>.
An updated version of MICRO:<SIGM>SIGM.CRCLST will be available
12-Sep-84 21:36:05-MDT,1052;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 12 Sep 84 21:35:58-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 12 Sep 84 23:09 EDT
Date: 12 Sep 1984 21:12 MDT (Wed)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12047124787.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Richard Conn <RCONN@Simtel20.ARPA>
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: ZCPR3 Newsletter 5
In-reply-to: Msg of 11 Sep 1984 12:36-MDT from Richard Conn <RCONN at simtel20.ARPA>
Newsletter 5 is now stored in MICRO:<CPM.ZCPR3> on SIMTEL20 as
Z3NEWS.005. All of the newsletters are now named Z3NEWS.nnn to match
Echelon's convention.
The new naming is going to cause a problem for all RCPM operators who
would normally store these files SQueezed. It will be Z3NEWS.0Q5,
which means when the news letters get to number 10 there will be a
duplication of all the file names from that point onward. I liked the
old naming convention - it came out xxx.ZQ
13-Sep-84 08:57:16-MDT,1217;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 13 Sep 84 08:57:09-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 13 Sep 84 10:27 EDT
Date: 13 Sep 1984 08:31 MDT (Thu)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12047248302.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Inside CP/M tutoral files now available in .LBR
In-reply-to: Msg of 7 Jun 1984 05:32-MDT from Eric Stork <STORK at MIT-MC>
From: Eric Stork <STORK at MIT-MC>
Re: Inside CP/M tutoral files now available
Re your note in INSIDCPM files...Looks like they are all short,
and all interesting. It would save a lot of time and work if it
is possible for you to combine them into a .LBR file, so that one
can download at one crak. I do not mean removing the individual
files; rather, adding a LBR file that contains them all.
Good idea, Eric. The .LBR is now available for those who can FTP
ITS-binary files from SIMTEL20 and want the whole package.
Filename Type Bytes CRC
13-Sep-84 13:29:44-MDT,671;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 13 Sep 84 13:29:34-MDT
Received: From cmu-cs-c.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 13 Sep 84 14:51 EDT
Received: ID <SAILER@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>; Thu 13 Sep 84 14:49:47-EDT
Date: Thu 13 Sep 84 14:49:42-EDT
From: Lee.Sailer@CMU-CS-C.ARPA
Subject: graphics tektronix 4014
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
I am lookimg for graphics primitives for the TEK 401x machines that can be
made to run on a Rainbow (cpm-80 or 86). Preferably in C or Pascal.
I don't need anything really fancy, or even well-documented.
I'll summarize responses, if it looks interesting. thanks
13-Sep-84 13:53:21-MDT,793;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 13 Sep 84 13:53:17-MDT
Received: From cmu-cs-c.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 13 Sep 84 14:52 EDT
Received: ID <SAILER@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>; Thu 13 Sep 84 14:55:53-EDT
Date: Thu 13 Sep 84 14:55:51-EDT
From: Lee.Sailer@CMU-CS-C.ARPA
Subject: Mince and it's relatives.
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
SOmeone asked about MINCE? Carnegie-Mellon used to hand out MINCE and
SCRIBBLE for about $100, but now they seem to have switched to an
editor named EPSILON (also EMACS like).
I believe that PERFECTWRITER's editor, and THE FINAL WORD's editor
are also very emacs like.
Also, thanks to all responses for OSBORNE VS. EMACS. The O almost runs
EMACS well now. Summary forthcoming...
13-Sep-84 19:49:56-MDT,553;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 13 Sep 84 19:49:43-MDT
Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 13 Sep 84 19:30 EDT
Date: 13 September 1984 16:33-EDT
From: Herb Lin <LIN@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: Mince and it's relatives.
To: Lee.Sailer@Cmu-Cs-C.ARPA
cc: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of Thu 13 Sep 84 14:55:51-EDT from Lee.Sailer at CMU-CS-C.ARPA
The Final Word is NOT EMACS-like; it uses a two dimensional control
structure of verb-noun (e.g., DELETE WORD).
14-Sep-84 13:31:59-MDT,682;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 14 Sep 84 13:31:48-MDT
Received: From bbn-cd.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 14 Sep 84 14:59 EDT
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 84 16:55:54 EDT
From: Sam Lipson <slipson@bbn-cd.arpa>
Subject: Disk driver repairs needed, got any recommendations?
To: info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
I've got two Tandom TM100-4 drives (5.25" DSDD 96TPI) I want
to send out. One needs an alignment, the other needs more (I think).
Does anyone have any experience with the repair by mail places
that advertise? Anyone want to make a recommendation, (or a complaint) ?
--Sam Lipson
14-Sep-84 20:58:03-MDT,9557;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 14 Sep 84 20:57:33-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 14 Sep 84 22:21 EDT
Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id aa00451; 14 Sep 84 22:20 EDT
Date: 14 September 1984 21:07-EDT
From: "Allan D. Plehn" <PLEHN@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: Changes/additions to SIMTEL20 micro:<cpm>, 3 Sept. to 14 Sept.
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
Changes and additions to the SIMTEL20 micro:<cpm> files since 3 September are shown below. The next report of
changes and additions will be issued about the end of the month and will
include the sub-directory name for each
set of files.
M80.SUB.1 ASCII 199 C97AH
M80.ZEX.1 ASCII 1025 E484H
MAC.SUB.1 ASCII 173 4296H
FIND40.COM.1 COM 1664 D443H
FIND40.HEX.1 ASCII 4693 517AH
MCAT43.AQM.1 COM 28032 3472H
MCAT43.ASM.1 ASCII 40975 D74AH
FIND50.COM.1 COM 2560 0850H
FIND50.DOC.1 ASCII 4940 F190H
MCAT.DOC.1 ASCII 7261 8223H
MCAT45.AQM.1 COM 27776 5ED1H
MCAT45.ASM.1 ASCII 40551 EE70H
MCAT45.COM.1 COM 7040 3DF6H
MCAT45.HEX.1 ASCII 17148 00C7H
MCAT45.LBR.1 COM 79360 46FAH
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-349 (11245)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-366 (11996)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-444 (14466)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-460 (15181)
UNERA30.ASM.1 ASCII 15141 C900H
UNERA30.COM.1 COM 1408 5F6EH
UNERA30.DOC.1 ASCII 3154 D857H
UNERA30.HEX.1 ASCII 3440 829AH
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-572 (18611)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-592 (19472)
EZCPR.COM.1 COM 11008 288EH
EZCPR.LBR.1 COM 59008 17C9H
EZINST.HQP.1 COM 21376 899BH
SYS215.COM.1 COM 7680 5889H
SYS215.HEX.1 ASCII 18701 8FA9H
WIZ.COM.1 COM 7936 9F93H
WIZ.HEX.1 ASCII 19330 3B54H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-701 (22955)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-734 (24210)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-885 (29177)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-919 (30467)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-908 (29954)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-943 (31280)
KP4TIME2.LBR.1 COM 13824 A3E7H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-961 (31679)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1000 (33189)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-994 (32808)
MX111UPD.DOC.1 ASCII 670 3A03H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1035 (34354)
MX-SM13A.ASM.1 ASCII 9335 1E83H
MX-SM13A.FIX.1 ASCII 1249 35E7H
MX111UPD.DOC.1 ASCII 670 3A03H
MX11HK1.ASM.1 ASCII 934 8863H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1006 (33264)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1051 (34961)
MXO-KP28.ASM.1 ASCII 37584 D19EH
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1026 (34024)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1072 (35759)
MXO-SY20.ASM.1 ASCII 20659 4989H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1032 (34216)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1078 (35987)
MXSUM831.MSG.1 ASCII 19189 0665H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1073 (35585)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1121 (37396)
HAYS1200.FIX.1 ASCII 3948 68C2H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1138 (37869)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1187 (39718)
M7FA-2.ASM.1 ASCII 15302 236EH
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1144 (38080)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1194 (39965)
M7H82661.ASM.1 ASCII 10021 96AAH
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1189 (39698)
M7TV-1.ASM.1 ASCII 11026 DC93H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1240 (41621)
M7TV-6.ASM.1 ASCII 13379 D54BH
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1290 (43072)
MXO-PM10.ASM.1 ASCII 27731 2C28H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1341 (44995)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1379 (46037)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1429 (47922)
PLOT33.LBR.1 COM 154752 7BD8H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1440 (48077)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1491 (49996)
LUX30.LBR.1 COM 80384 3BD9H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1559 (52123)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1611 (54075)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1842 (61641)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1897 (63654)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-1848 (61857)
TYPE8.EXE.3 ASCII 845 6341H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-1907 (64014)
TYPE8.EXE.3 ASCII 845 6341H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-2304 (76985)
NEWS001.Z3.1 ASCII 2872 70AAH
NEWS002.Z3.1 ASCII 5912 0D6CH
NEWS003.Z3.1 ASCII 30948 5A95H
NEWS004.Z3.1 ASCII 11914 40B0H
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-2364 (79175)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 03 SEPTEMBER, 1-2405 (80359)
**** MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST AS OF 14 SEPTEMBER, 1-2461 (82405)
Z3NEWS.001.1 ASCII 2872 70AAH
Z3NEWS.002.1 ASCII 5912 0D6CH
Z3NEWS.003.1 ASCII 30948 5A95H
Z3NEWS.004.1 ASCII 11914 40B0H
Z3NEWS.005.1 ASCII 12181 F4E2H
Al Plehn
15-Sep-84 11:10:05-MDT,911;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 15 Sep 84 11:10:00-MDT
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Date: 12 Sep 84 23:23:00-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: pur-ee!uiucdcs!hohensee@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Rainbow Graphics - (nf)
Article-I.D.: uiucdcs.36300003
uiucdcs!hohensee Sep 12 01:23:00 1984
might anyone in net land have had any experience working with
graphics and the DEC Rainbow? i should like to (consider) writing
a LOGO for the Rainbow, and realized that such information
represents an important starting point.
any suggestions?
thanks much,
bill hohensee
15-Sep-84 11:23:34-MDT,834;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 15 Sep 84 11:23:31-MDT
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Date: 12 Sep 84 13:19:16-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: ucsfcgl!harrison@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: How to access SIMTEL20?
Article-I.D.: ucsfcgl.342
In-Reply-To: Article <13082@sri-arpa.UUCP>
Use FTP with user name anonymous to log on to SIMTEL-20. Use any
printable string as password ( I found this out today...used to use
anonymous as the password). Look at docs on your system for FTP. You
do need to know how to move around and get directories.
Peter Harrison
15-Sep-84 11:51:49-MDT,3398;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 15 Sep 84 11:51:38-MDT
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Date: 15 Sep 1984 09:55 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12047787984.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: FTNOTE14 WordStar footnoter now available
FTNOTE, the footnote program for use with WordStar, has been updated
to version 1.4 and is now available from SIMTEL20. A short list of
the updates and a general description of the program follow the
directory listing:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
FTNOTE14.COM.1 COM 17408 F366H
FTNOTE14.DQC.1 COM 16256 10D7H
FTNOTE14.HEX.1 ASCII 42382 449BH
Version 1.4 incorporates several improvements over the previous
version 1.33 of FTNOTE.COM. The DOC file has been updated
(1) Larger page numbers are now supported (up to 999). The page
number reference syntax has been changed accordingly, and is
no longer compatible with that of versions 1.3x.
(2) Larger footnote numbers (up to 999) are now available as an
option. (Old style numbers to 99 are still supported.)
(3) The footnote separator line length can now be adjusted by a
user patch. In addition, if the character "_" is used, this
line will no longer collide with footnote superscripts.
(1) "-e" and "-r" modes now allow "#1" to remain in footnotes.
Previously "-e" replaced "#1" with "##" in the notes. This has
no effect on format mode, but caused misnumbered end notes, when
"-n" mode was used.
(2) The ".FI" dot command now looks for the specified file on the
same drive as the original file. Previously it looked on the
default drive, even if a drive was specified on the command line.
(3) Attempts to set an already set page marker now generate the
error message "! duplicate ref". Previously the original setting
was simply overridden.
FTNOTE.COM is a formatting utility for WordStar files. Its main
function is to allow the printing of WordStar documents with page-bottom
footnotes, but it does internal page referencing and improved block
formatting as well.
FTNOTE will automatically move your footnotes into and out of your
text file; number them for use as end notes; or produce a printable file
with them at page bottom.
FTNOTE is an effective but simple program. It does NOT attempt to
duplicate the existing capabilities of WordStar: editing, justification,
or printing. It is a utility to be used in conjunction with WordStar.
FEATURES: * simple, natural file format
* automatic separation of text and notes
* will produce end notes or footnotes as desired
* automatic footnote numbering
* numbering can match up across multiple files
* page-mode or continuous footnote numbers
* long notes will continue on next page
* many formatting options allow flexible results
* automatic internal page reference numbering
* useful improved figure-block formatting
* can be run FROM WORDSTAR with Main Menu "R" command
15-Sep-84 17:37:44-MDT,1036;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 15 Sep 84 17:37:39-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 15 Sep 84 11:12-PDT
Date: 11 Sep 84 8:07:58-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!bmcg!asgb!rob@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: ampro caveat
Article-I.D.: asgb.542
The reason for selling the manual separately is not to rook the
individual buying only one. It prevents the person or business
that buys truckloads from having to buy more manuals than they need.
If I was selling a special purpose computer and my customer didn't
need the manual, I sure wouldn't want one per board. Hopefully they
made it very clear in their add though, because I'd also be ticked if
I bought a single board and was SURPRISED buy not getting the manual.
Rob Greenbank
Burroughs, Boulder CO
15-Sep-84 19:12:55-MDT,4219;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 15 Sep 84 19:12:41-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a020353; 15 Sep 84 20:36 EDT
Date: 15 September 1984 20:34-EDT
From: "Stephen C. Hill" <STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: Epson PX-8 (Geneva) review
To: ARPEE@mit-mc.ARPA, INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
cc: STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA
Let me preface this with the comment that I was only able to get close enough
to play with this unit for about 10 minutes, so this will not be a thorough
review. My frame of reference is my NEC-8201A lap computer.
The unit seems to be well constructed, and about the size of a piece of paper
(nominally 8.5 by 11") and less than 2" thick. It has two stubs that rotate
from the back to become feet that adjust the angle of the keyboard. The
keyboard is relatively quiet, and has a short row of function keys above it
(five PF keys and <ESC> <PAUSE> and <STOP> keys). It has four arrow keys, and
I believe that I saw two control keys. There is a removable cover that
protects the keys when the unit is not being used.
The display is 80x8, with better resolution than the HP Portable that I saw
three weeks ago. The display rotates up from a face-down protective position
into several detented positions. Additionally, there is a control on the
display that adjusts the "viewing angle".
The big selling point that I had heard about was the unit runs CP/M on a Z-80
chip, and has several bundled software products on ROM chips. There are slots
for two ROM chips to be loaded at a time, and they are treated as ROM-disk
drives B: and C:. There is 15K RAM disk available as drive A: and a 3.5"
firmly-disk (well, it certainly isn't a floppy!) a la' the Macintosh, that
plugs into the back and becomes drive D:. I was not impressed by the data
transfer rate of the disk. I believe I saw something that said that it was
running at 38.4 Kbs, but I may be wrong. There is a CP/M utility ROM-disk
with: STAT, PIP, PXMODEM, TERM, etc. Another one has a slimmed down version
of Wordstar, although I think that this one will be harder to learn, since the
^J help menues are among the missing. There are two additional ROM drives
that I wasn't able to see: a scheduling program (by Micro-pro), and a
spreadsheet program. There is also an internal micro-cassette tape recorder,
but I was not able to discern how it was operated, in the time available to
So far, so good. If it weren't for the following I would have walked out
of there with one (which isn't quite true, since they had none in stock, but
they would be delivered Real Soon Now). The 15K RAM drive just isn't big
enough for my needs (up to two weeks on the road before I can dump data back
into my Molecular Multicomputer,) and the only way that you can upgrade is by
60 and 120K external units. (One of the reasons that I was looking into the
Geneva, was the NEC is just about an inch too thick to fit in my briefcase, so
I must carry it.)
Another BIG boo, is the fact that they have chosen to go non-standard on their
RS-232. They use what appears to be a mini-DIN plug. They have cables that
adjust from their plug to DB-25s, but they are male plugs, so I would need at
least a gender-mender in addition to their $30 one-foot cable. I asked the
Epson (not the dealer's) technical representative if the information to craft
my own cable came with the unit, he "thought" so.
I noticed no battery-low indicator on the unit, and the display documentation
said that if "you turned the unit on and the display didn't show anything, it
was time to recharge the unit." I certainly would hope that the screen
doesn't die on me after I had been working on a report for several hours. I
asked if there were a spare battery pack that you could carry with you, but the
tech rep said that he would have to get back to me on that.
My bottom-line opinion: for some people, an adequate lap-portable, and I feel
that Epson came close to making me part with my money, but I believe that I
will wait until they make further adjustments.
15-Sep-84 22:14:29-MDT,894;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 15 Sep 84 22:14:25-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a024436; 15 Sep 84 23:35 EDT
Date: 15 September 1984 23:35-EDT
From: "Stephen C. Hill" <STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: Changes/additions to SIMTEL20 micro:<cpm>, 3 Sept. to 14 Sept.
To: PLEHN@mit-mc.ARPA
cc: STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA, INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of 14 Sep 1984 21:07-EDT from Allan D. Plehn <PLEHN at mit-mc.ARPA>
I think that your listing of additions/changes to SIMTEL will
be useful after the directories are printed with the files, but
until we can get a short description of the files on SIMTEL it
is sometimes like having all of the definitions and spellings
in a dictionery just placed out in a pile in front of us.
15-Sep-84 23:08:11-MDT,1367;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 15 Sep 84 23:08:05-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a025743; 16 Sep 84 0:32 EDT
Date: 16 September 1984 00:32-EDT
From: "Allan D. Plehn" <PLEHN@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: List of Changes/additions to the SIMTEL20 micro:<cpm> files
To: STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA
cc: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA, PLEHN@mit-mc.ARPA
Yes Steve, it would be nice to have at least a one line description
of each of the files such as exists for the micro:<sigm> files. It looks
like a rather formidable task to prepare such a Catalog file as one
would have to download and read most of the DOC files and probably
some of the ASM files as well. Would be most practical to develop
such a Catalog file directly on SIMTEL, where all the files are. Perhaps
someone with access to that system will volunteer to do that.
As it is, the crc difference files that I have been generating and
distributing will be most useful to those who follow the micro:<cpm>
files rather closely and want to know when new versions of familiar
programs show up on SIMTEL20.
I'm gonna mull this over and maybe come up with something to
make the subject messages more informative.
Thanks for your feedback.
Al Plehn
16-Sep-84 03:34:02-MDT,1121;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 03:33:56-MDT
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Date: 16 Sep 1984 03:09 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12047976190.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: MODEL II TRSDOS (Scriptsit II) => CP/M transfers?
Although our secretary does very well at remembering the command sets
for three different editors, we would like to cut it down to two...
You see, we have a bunch of files on Scriptsit II disks for a TRS-80
Model II. We would like to copy them over to CP/M disks on the same
machine to have the documents eventually usable with WordStar. The
one utility we have doesn't seem to like these Scriptsit disks (maybe
because they are double density, or not "real" TRSDOS disks, or ...)
So, we would like to know if such a CP/M utility exists that would
make the conversion, if it is in the public domain, and where can we
get/buy a copy of the program?
16-Sep-84 11:12:28-MDT,869;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 11:12:23-MDT
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Date: Sun 16 Sep 84 11:42:10-CDT
From: Douglas Good <CMP.DOUG@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
Subject: XMODEM93 on Kaypro IV
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
I have been having trouble getting Xmodem93 to work on my Kaypro IV. I have
been using the overlay for Zilog S-I/O which says it will work with a
Kaypro and an external modem. It seems to work fine until I run it under
RCPM and then for some reason it doesn't work. After it is run it waits
until someone types something and then gives the standard Xmodem message
about sending or receiving files but then it just sits there and spins
the disk drive. Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Doug Good
16-Sep-84 12:00:38-MDT,1476;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 12:00:29-MDT
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Date: 16 Sep 1984 11:18 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12048065140.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
To: "Stephen C. Hill" <STEVEH@mit-mc.ARPA>
Cc: ARPEE@mit-mc.ARPA, Info-CPM@brl.ARPA
Subject: Epson PX-8 (Geneva) review
In-reply-to: Msg of 15 Sep 1984 18:34-MDT from Stephen C. Hill <STEVEH at mit-mc.ARPA>
Allow me to clarify some of the points on the Epson Geneva/PX-8 lap
The ram disk on the standard unit may be optionally sized from 0-24K,
stealing the ram from the 64K main memory. There are several accessory
units available, including 60K or 120K ram disks as well as an MFU
(multifunction unit) that includes 60K ram disk, a 300 baud atodial
modem, and another rom socket. The latter item is not released yet,
and I am waiting for it. I agree that a ram disk accessory is a must.
There is a small program that access the built-in A to D to read the
battery voltage and graphically report the state of its charge.
Lastly, the RS-232 port is 100% standard except for the connector. The
cable is well made and connects directly to my stand-alone modem,
prionter, or computer for file transfers.
As you can tell, I'm quite happy with the PX-8.
16-Sep-84 13:35:14-MDT,734;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 13:35:10-MDT
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Date: 16 Sep 1984 13:13 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12048085992.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: ZCPR3 for the Kaypro 10
A complete .LBR for installation of ZCPR3 on the Kaypro 10 is now
available from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.ZCPR3>
I don't know much about it as I don't have a K10. I hope we will get
a review from someone who tries it.
16-Sep-84 16:03:40-MDT,773;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 16:03:36-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 16 Sep 84 17:32 EDT
Date: 16 Sep 1984 15:36 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12048112134.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Correction on Kaypro 10 ZCPR3 .LBR name
KP10ZCPR3.LBR, the ZCPR3 package for the Kaypro 10, has been renamed
to K10ZCPR3.LBR in keeping with policy of not exceeding 8-characters
in the filename and to maintain compatibility with the names used on
RCPM systems.
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.ZCPR3>
K10ZCPR3.LBR.1 COM 79616 3DDCH
16-Sep-84 16:39:24-MDT,1087;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 16:39:16-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 16 Sep 84 17:42 EDT
Date: 16 Sep 1984 15:46 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12048113912.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: New M7VT-5.ASM MDM7/MEX overlay for DEC micros
Date: Saturday, 15 September 1984 13:12-MDT
From: Bernie Eiben <BEIBEN at SIMTEL20.ARPA>
To: w8sdz at SIMTEL20.ARPA
Re: New Overlay file M7VT-5.ASM
Included BREAK-handling for VT180 and DECmate (lifted code out of
KERMIT), and stuck code in to disable XON/XOFF intercept of PDP-8
hardware on USART to allow binary transfers via MODEM/MEX for DECmate.
Rainbow users have to use T-mode incase they need to send a BREAK - no
way to didle the 8086 controlled USART from the Z80...
The new overlay is available from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.MODEM7>
M7VT-5.ASM.1 ASCII 15180 F767H
16-Sep-84 16:47:03-MDT,1217;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 16:46:50-MDT
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id AA03656; Sun, 16 Sep 84 14:49:42 pdt
Received: by ihnp4.ATT.UUCP; id AA04691; 16 Sep 84 16:48:12 CDT (Sun)
Date: 16 Sep 84 17:49:22 EDT (Sun)
From: Mail System <ihnp4!bentley!daemon@ucb-vax.ARPA>
Subject: Drew is on vacation thru 9/22/84
Message-Id: <8409162149.AA20802@py/garage/bentley.DK>
Received: by py/garage/bentley.DK; 8409162149
Apparently-To: ihnp4!ucbvax!info-cpm
This is a recording...
Your mail has been received and will be held for me in the
almost capable file system of our bentley VAX. With any luck,
your message will still be there when I return. (After all,
it isn't *every* week that we have a head crash, is it?).
I am on vacation for the week of 9/16 thru 9/22. If you
have something urgent, you can contact Doris Tillman.
She has my delegation for the week. She can be reached on
(201)981-2215 or via mail to bentley!dpt. Her office is PY2E340.
16-Sep-84 17:25:46-MDT,754;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 17:25:34-MDT
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Date: 16 Sep 1984 16:51 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <RCONN.12048125717.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Richard Conn <RCONN@simtel20.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
Subject: [RCONN: ZCPR3 Newsletter 5]
Date: Sunday, 16 September 1984 16:50-MDT
From: Richard Conn <RCONN>
To: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ>
cc: Richard Conn <RCONN>
Re: ZCPR3 Newsletter 5
Good point, Keith. Will probably change the naming convention to
something that falls in line with the squeezing convention.
16-Sep-84 18:07:38-MDT,1489;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 18:07:33-MDT
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Received: from simtel20.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a021002; 16 Sep 84 19:06 EDT
Date: 16 Sep 1984 17:05 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <RCONN.12048128290.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Richard Conn <RCONN@simtel20.ARPA>
To: Dick <MEAD@usc-eclb.ARPA>
Cc: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
Subject: PD program book
In-reply-to: Msg of 13 Sep 1984 16:27-MDT from Dick <MEAD at USC-ECLB.ARPA>
The book on PD software I received was called "The Free
Software Handbook, 1984-1985 CP/M Edition", and it is written by T.
Gregory Platt, Patricia Hatcher, and Blake Van Meter. It is published
by Peopletalk Associates, Inc, PO Box 863652, Plano, TX 75086. They
want $17.95 for it.
It documents about 70 programs that the authors felt were
especially good. These included games, directory assistance programs,
library utilities, communications programs (mainly SMODEM53), and
hacker's tools. New SWEEP 205, DISK76, CLEANUP, RPIP, UNERA,
IDUMP, DU-V86, I/O-CAP, and ZCPR2 (in general).
I really enjoyed the book and feel it is well-written. I was
not aware of some of the programs they covered (like LISTT and VLIST).
The reading was light and easy, even fun.
16-Sep-84 18:13:28-MDT,1432;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 18:13:21-MDT
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Date: 16 Sep 1984 17:24 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12048131706.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: FIXTEX12.ASM ascii file filter utility update
Date: Sunday, 16 September 1984
From: Eric Stork <STORK at MIT-MC>
FIXTEX12 has a couple of bug fixed: One to allow assembly with MAC,
which allows nested IFs and therefore rejected an open IF statement,
and one to make sure that the high bit is stripped in all options.
(Some of the options that test a flag restore the byte from trhe input
buffer after the ANI 7Fh - that in effect resets the high bit if it
was set in the first place -- the bug fix just puts the reset byte
into the IBUF before going on to other option).
This program by PLK@MIT-MC, based on your FILTEX, is remarkably
useful. I came back to it time and again to built a new tool that I
may need. It surely ought to be in any list of all time winners in
the PD.
The program is now available from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
FIXTEX12.ASM.1 ASCII 22427 5456H
16-Sep-84 18:36:40-MDT,5050;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 16 Sep 84 18:36:25-MDT
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Date: 16 Sep 1984 17:42 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12048135039.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: XMODEM97 for RCPMs now available
XMODEM, the remote console program for RCPMs, has been updated to
XMODEM97. It's now available from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.RCPM>
XMODEM97.AQM.1 COM 55680 1824H
XMODEM97.ASM.1 ASCII 83216 0E46H
Here's what's new since XMODEM93:
; 09/10/84 Added conditional code to set WRTLOC to prevent hangups
; v9.7 in the middle of a transfer and also fixed console
; key function check to be conditional and also done during
; WAITNAK and wait for SOH in RCVRECD. - Kim Levitt
; 07/26/84 Added code to switch to CHECKSUM mode after the 5th
; v9.6 initial timeout to accommodate users of software packages
; which don't support CRC protocol (and whose operators
; are unaware of the differences). - Sigi Kluger
; 07/20/84 More ZCPR2 support added-
; v9.5 If ZCPR2 = YES then the NO COMS (Rec or send), NO $SYS,
; and NO #s are all set to NO if the Wheel byte at 03eh is
; non-zero (set). Also the transfer MAXTIM routine and
; also the TIMEON maximum will both be unlimited. If you
; are using ZCPR2, why not really use it. Also had
; previously added a local console keyboard status check
; which someone cleaned up a bit.
; - Steve Sanders
; 07/10/84 Simple change made at request of many Sysops:
; v9.4 ZCPR2's path will no longer conflict with TIMEON routines.
; CWM had set up the time routines to store info in lowmem, this
; has been changed. Now, a routine called GETTIME will return
; the time in registers instead of peeking lowmem.
; - Paul Traina
; 07/04/84 Fixed timing circuits to handle 2400, 4800, 9600 AND 19200
; v9.3 bps modems. Other trivial changes. (A few RCPM are now
; using 2400 bps and one is using 4800 bps.) Incorporated
; George Peace's modification to XMDMROOM.PCH to correctly
; display CP/M Plus space remaining on disk.
; - Irv Hoff
For those who want to know what XMODEM is:
This program allows a remote user to transfer files (to or from) a
RCPM facility. Files may be loaded to a specific user area, keeping
all new programs in that one area. This aids the SYSOP as well as the
remote user. If uploading a .COM file, an option changes it
automatically to an .OBJ file. This security feature prevents
intentional uploading of programs that could be used to alter (or
erase, etc.) those already present.
SYSOPs may use MAXTIM to set the time limit for downloading files. It
prevents users from tying up the system for excessive lengths of time
with slow modems. For instance, 30 minutes limits 300 baud users to
about 48k. MAXTIM does not kick them off, it stops them from starting
to download a lengthy file. Current versions of BYE3 further limit
the user to one hour total time (or whatever the SYSOP specifies), so
numerous downloads of short files are not possible. Current versions
of BYE3 can also prohibit operation of baud rates slower than 300 bps
during prime hours (such as 6-11 pm) as specified by the SYSOP.
XMODEM allows programs to be uploaded to a non-public area for private
use of the SYSOP. (Use "RP" or "RPC" for the private area.) It also
allows private programs to be downloaded from a special area, giving
the SYSOP the ability to make any person a temporary privileged user.
(A private note tells the person the name of the file. Others would
be unaware such a file existed, insuring excellent security.)
Individual files from a library group may be downloaded. The library
extent (.LBR) need not be included, in which case it is automatically
added. Using library groups permits greater utilization of the avail-
able disk space, plus puts all associated files into the same program.
An example is shown in the menu.
Since there are so many different computer/modem combinations, you are
expected to select one of the external overlays available to match the
equipment being used (or make your own). First, select the general
options desired on this program and assemble it. ASM.COM is suitable.
Then use LOAD to get a .COM file. Edit the appropriate external over-
lay and assemble it to get a .HEX file. DDT (or SID, etc.) would be
used to merge the two into your final working .COM file. (The infor-
mation on how to do this is contained in the external patch file. It
is easier and quicker to do than it may appear. Follow instructions
included in each overlay.)
17-Sep-84 08:13:59-MDT,2266;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 17 Sep 84 08:13:50-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 17 Sep 84 9:40 EDT
Date: 17 Sep 1984 07:43 MDT (Mon)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12048288230.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Cc: Info-Modem7@Simtel20.ARPA
Subject: New version of MODEM for TOPS-20
Frank Wancho has released a new version of MODEM (302) for TOPS-20.
It is now available from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.TOPS-20>
MODEM.EXE.302 ASCII 20480 825FH
This version has ALL of the timeout and error recovery features of
MDM730 as modified by PAT730V8.
There are 27 changes detailed at the front of the source file. All
previously known bugs are fixed in this version. One new bug has been
introduced and remains to be found and fixed: in batch receive mode
(with respect to the mainframe end), the first sector of each file
transfered is NAK'd. This does NOT occur in single-file receive mode
and thus remains a mystery. Frank considered this minor and decided
not to hold up this release until he found it.
A reminder for TAC users: unless your TAC port's input buffer has been
set to 134 characters instead of the default 64, there is no hope of
ever being able to upload at speeds higher than 300 bps. If you don't
know the setting of your port, check with your TAC Liaison as listed
by the NIC WHOIS program for TACname-TAC.
Also, it is strongly recommended that you give your TAC the following
three commands before attempting to open a connection:
@D C A
@F O E
@F I E
Since it appears that it is possible to have flow control exerted by
the TAC even while in binary mode, you must shut that feature off to
have any hope of transferring files at any speed. (You must do this
sequence even if you are starting a new connection with your TAC as
the person(s) before your may have left either or both of those
features on. They are NOT reset by an @R or @L or hangup.)
Bug reports and whatnot concerning this new version of MODEM to
17-Sep-84 15:36:01-MDT,651;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 17 Sep 84 15:35:57-MDT
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Received: from utexas-20.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a026961; 17 Sep 84 17:05 EDT
Date: Mon 17 Sep 84 16:03:56-CDT
From: John Otken <CC.Otken@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
Subject: Looking for VI or NROFF clones
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA, info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA
Could anyone tell me of clones for the Unix programs VI or NROFF?
I am interested in versions for CP/M-80 and PC/MS-DOS. John Otken.
P.S. OK. How about SCRIBE clones? Yes, I know about scribble.
17-Sep-84 19:27:43-MDT,882;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 17 Sep 84 19:27:39-MDT
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Date: 17 Sep 1984 18:49 MDT (Mon)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12048409308.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: PAMS list of all known BBS phone numbers updated
Thanks to Bill Blue, we now have the latest PAMS list which shows the
phone numbers of all known Public-Access Message and file-transfer
Systems is now available via anonymous FTP from SIMTEL20 as
MICRO:<CPM.MISC>OTHERSYS.SEP. If you cannot FTP it, and you are not
already on the list to receive it via netmail, send a note to
W8SDZ@SIMTEL20 or ...decvax!brl-bmd!w8sdz asking to be added to the
PAMS-People list.
17-Sep-84 21:07:29-MDT,869;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 17 Sep 84 21:07:26-MDT
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Date: 13 Sep 84 7:19:51-PDT (Thu)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: ihnp4!ihu1g!djc1@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Wanted: turnkey system for Apple II+ CP/M
Article-I.D.: ihu1g.513
I'm running CP/M Version 2.20B on an Apple II+. Is there a way to
change the operating system so it will automatically call a program
on a cold boot? Sure would appreciate any help with this. Thanks!
Dave Christensen
AT&T Bell Labs - Naperville, IL
IH 6B-203 979-4922
19-Sep-84 11:50:05-MDT,1189;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 19 Sep 84 11:49:56-MDT
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Date: 19 Sep 1984 11:06 MDT (Wed)
Message-ID: <RCONN.12048849421.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Richard Conn <RCONN@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: ZCPR3 Phase 3
Subject: ZCPR3 Phase 2
Hi --
ZCPR3 Phase 2 went out to Echelon today. It looks like Beta
Testing and online doc is finally done. Should know for sure in a day
or two.
Phase 2 includes the following:
DU3 for ZCPR3
DEBUG.RCP - MU3 in an RCP, which can be used as a shell
Other miscellaneous tools
Z3LIB - complete source code and HLP
VLIB - complete source code and HLP
Source and object were included with all tools. Only DEBUG.RCP
needs to be reassembled. The others can be installed by naming them in
an INS file and running Z3INS on them.
VFILER, VMENU, DU3, and MU3 are screen-oriented and use the Z3TCAP
ZCPR3 Phase 2 will be released thru SIG/M as Phase 1 was.
19-Sep-84 14:17:50-MDT,842;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 19 Sep 84 14:17:46-MDT
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Date: Wed, 19 Sep 84 15:57:23 EDT
From: Jack H. Smith <jhsmith@Crdc.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
Subject: cad program for cp/m 2.2
Help, anybody!!!!
I'm looking for some software package that will do CAD -- (computer
aided design) --- on a micro running cp/m 2.2 ....
I've got a compustar by Intertec, but if someone can steer me in the
right direction, I should be able to install the package here.
If anyone knows, or has heard of a CAD package for cp/m 2.2, please
send me a message at the address below, or send it to info-cpm....
Thanks, netlandians-----
jack smith
20-Sep-84 05:11:15-MDT,865;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 20 Sep 84 05:11:09-MDT
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Date: Thu 20 Sep 84 04:48:01-MDT
From: Jim Forrest <JFORREST@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
I have been looking at the Radio Shack Model 4P, on sale this week only
for $999.00. The Model 4 will boot up with CP/M, but the 4P has to be
booted with TRSDOS first and then reset with a CP/M disk in drive 0. And then
sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.
The only mention of CP/M for the Model 4P is on the box it comes in. Does
anyone have any experience with CP/M on the Model 4P? Would appreciate
any help in getting CP/M running consistently on this machine.
20-Sep-84 08:51:42-MDT,1708;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 20 Sep 84 08:51:34-MDT
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Date: 20 Sep 1984 08:22 MDT (Thu)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12049081699.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Quick reference list of SIMTEL20 CP/M directories
Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MICRO:<CPM.x> directories
as of Sept. 20, 1984 (where 'x' is one of the names below):
20-Sep-84 10:50:19-MDT,1294;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 20 Sep 84 10:50:13-MDT
Received: From nosc-tecr.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 20 Sep 84 12:16 EDT
Date: 20 Sep 1984 0904-PST
From: Pawka <PAWKA@Nosc-Tecr.ARPA>
Subject: SUBMIT
Reply-To: PAWKA@Nosc-Tecr.ARPA
I have what I hope is a relatively easy question for some CP/M expert
out there in netland, I'm trying to use SUBMIT and XSUB to run a program
and have several initialization commands executed in that program. Normally
the program is run:
program herald prints here
&some input
&some more
& . .
& . .
&term a command to enter a terminal emulation mode
The submit file I thought would work is:
some input
some more
What happens is:
A>submit mstr
program herald prints here
& signature character comes up
A> then it goes back to CP/M and the next line of input
is invalid and the whole thing dies.
I'd appreciate some help here, I'm getting tired of typing in 20 lines each
time!! Please respond by mail,
Mike Pawka
By the way, it's CP/M 2.2.
< two wrongs are only the beginning ...>
20-Sep-84 14:11:47-MDT,597;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 20 Sep 84 14:11:40-MDT
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Received: by rand-unix.ARPA; Thu, 20 Sep 84 12:01:59 pdt
From: Bridger Mitchell <bridger@Rand-Unix.ARPA>
Message-Id: <8409201901.AA11867@rand-unix.ARPA>
Date: 20 Sep 84 12:01:56 PDT (Thu)
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: ?Pilot language & programs- info request
Can anyone provide pointers to public-domain or commercial PILOT language
sources and application programs ?
20-Sep-84 19:10:47-MDT,653;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 20 Sep 84 19:10:43-MDT
Received: From sri-kl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 20 Sep 84 20:46 EDT
Date: 20 Sep 1984 17:50-PDT
Sender: BILLW@Sri-Kl.ARPA
Subject: MODEM7 for Cromenco CDOS 2/58
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Message-ID: <[SRI-KL]20-Sep-84 17:50:04.BILLW>
Does anyone know anything about MODEM730 for CDOS?
I tried MDM730 and the M7CD-2 overlay, but according
to reports from the user, it uses CPM BDOS calls that
arent in CDOS...
Please respond directly to me, as I am no longer on info-cpm.
Bill W
20-Sep-84 22:17:53-MDT,1060;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 20 Sep 84 22:17:48-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 20 Sep 84 23:46 EDT
Date: 20 Sep 1984 21:50 MDT (Thu)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12049228713.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Pawka <PAWKA@Nosc-Tecr.ARPA>
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: SUBMIT and XSUB - try EX14
In-reply-to: Msg of 20 Sep 1984 11:04-MDT from Pawka <PAWKA at Nosc-Tecr.ARPA>
XSUB works only for programs that do BDOS calls for conin. Many
programs use direct BIOS conin calls. EX14 may solve this problem.
Give it a try and let everyone know if it solves the problem. EX14 is
available via FTP from SIMTEL20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
EX14.ASM.1 ASCII 25471 3F2CH
EX14.COM.1 COM 2560 02E3H
EX14.DOC.1 ASCII 6015 E96DH
EX14.HEX.1 ASCII 7213 8031H
EX14.TST.1 ASCII 1023 4636H
21-Sep-84 07:22:19-MDT,437;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 21 Sep 84 07:22:15-MDT
Received: From crdc.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 21 Sep 84 8:44 EDT
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 84 8:29:58 EDT
From: Paul V. Pullen <pvpullen@Crdc.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
cc: pvpullen@Crdc.ARPA
Subject: cpm mailing list
Please put my name on the info net mailing list for cpm
Thank you.
21-Sep-84 09:23:48-MDT,779;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 21 Sep 84 09:23:44-MDT
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Received: ID <SAILER@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>; Fri 21 Sep 84 10:44:15-EDT
Date: Fri 21 Sep 84 10:44:11-EDT
From: Lee.Sailer@CMU-CS-C.ARPA
Subject: kermit
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
i am looking for kermit on a morrow decision I (not micro d 1) with
a multi-io board.
also needed, but not so urgently, would be a working christensen xmodem
simple checksum program for the same machine. we have the source, but cannot
get it to work (yet).
"we" are lee sailer and jim boster
dept of anthropology
u pittsburgh
(412) 624-3388,
or at this arpa adress.
23-Sep-84 08:42:09-MDT,2874;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 08:42:00-MDT
Received: From hi-multics.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 21 Sep 84 15:50 EDT
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 84 14:52 CDT
Subject: rixon bug report
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Message-ID: <840921195228.858297@HI-MULTICS.ARPA>
#10 (49 lines in body):
Posted-Date: 19 September 1984 23:00 cdt
Delivery-Date: 20 September 1984 03:00 cdt
Delivery-By: Stenson.TSQ
Date: Wednesday, 19 September 1984 22:58 cdt
From: MASchultz
To: Stenson, LWSchultz.TSQ, MASchultz.TSQ, Weinstein.ALWT, Carstens
As obvious as it may seem,Please be sure to check that all cables and
wires are functioning and secure as 9 times out of ten a faulty Modem
pre-sets the registers if power cycles on/off intermittently. To wake up
the Modem type a carriage return <CR> twice and you are greeted with the
start up prompt:
(or a facsimile there of)
below is a list of factory pre-set options that come set-up for you
Menu Default
________________________ ___________
1-DISC (Y/N) Y
2-AUTO Q (Y/N) Y
3-ECHO (Y/N) Y
4-DSR ON (Y/N) Y
5-CTS ON (Y/N) Y
6-LENGTH (9/10) 10
8-ENQ (Y/N) N
9-DIAL (A/T/P) A
NOTE: No. 8 may or may not appear on the menu.
"Now enter a Zero (0) to exit"
Clearing (SC) Command: at $ prompt,type in <SC>,The following will
Log Character
Start Logon
End Logon
Secure On
Secure Off
Return Key
Control Character with
After entering Y in response to clear,use the **Space bar** only to
enter the Rixon log characters,simply hit the spacebar untilthe $ prompt
Clearing dialing directory registers.
At $ prompt,type <C>.When CLR (Y/N) appears,enter Y. You may now
reenter your numbers
At this point you have cleared all registers and set the right options
for your wonderful CASE-RIXON 212A (HUZZA-HUZZA)
23-Sep-84 08:42:21-MDT,743;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 08:42:17-MDT
Received: From hi-multics.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 21 Sep 84 16:02 EDT
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 84 14:59 CDT
Subject: NYACC catalogs
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Message-ID: <840921195938.163282@HI-MULTICS.ARPA>
Can someone tell me anything about the public domain (SIG/M and CP/M
UG's) software catalogs? The info I have is over a year old. Are these
catalogs still being offered? at what cost? how many volumes are there
now? who is the contact? address? phone? Responses may be directed
to Stenson at hi-multics. Thanks for your time.
Wayne Stenson
23-Sep-84 08:44:42-MDT,1356;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 08:44:36-MDT
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Date: Sat 22 Sep 84 17:39:30-EDT
From: "Andrew M. Moore" <T.MOORE%MIT-EECS@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: Dual Processors
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
I'm a Xerox 820-II 16/8 user, and I'm trying to set up my RCP/M making
use of the 16/8's co-processor. I can use one processor, say, to assemble
a program, and the other to work on word processing, but I when I try to
use one processor for NON-disk I/O, it just sits there. I.e., it seems
that the processors will work at the same time only during disk I/O.
To make it short -- If someone logs onto my system while I'm word processing
on the co-processor (BYE on Z-80, myself on 8086), they can't use the
system. It hangs. If I press CTRL/RET to get back to the Z-80, they can.
Is there a way to let them use the system while I use the other processor?
(are there even any 16/8 users there??) Maybe this is just the way dual
processors work; I'm a novice as far as knowing how the things work, but
it seems like an annoying "feature".
Please mail directly, not through INFO-CPM.
23-Sep-84 08:45:50-MDT,1001;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 22 September 1984 18:34-EDT
From: Herb Lin <LIN@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: dBase II query...
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
I am trying to write a dBase program that will allow rapid indexed
searches of a database by keyword. In other words, I want to have a
database consisting of records each including a field that can include
up to (say) 100 characters of keywords, and then I want to be able to
display all records that include a particular keyword of interest
WITHOUT going through a record by record search. All the ways I can
think of to do this are very clumsy. Anyone with good ideas out
Many bibliography management programs do this, but without knowing
about their quality, I'm hesitant to go that way.
thanks in advance. I will post replies to anyone who want them.
23-Sep-84 08:46:03-MDT,795;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Date: 17 Sep 84 14:38:19-PDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: ihnp4!mhuxl!mhuxt!rma@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Apple CP/M to DOS 3.3 file conversion
Article-I.D.: mhuxt.260
Does anyone have or know of a utility to convert Apple CP/M files to Apple
DOS 3.3 files (text). I assume this can be done since both operating
systems use the same disk format and a program to convert the other way
is included on the Microsoft Apple CP/M master disk.
23-Sep-84 08:46:27-MDT,6008;000000000000
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Date: 18 Sep 84 11:53:22-PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!ut-sally!utmbvax!mmr@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: Epson PX-8 (Geneva) review
Article-I.D.: utmbvax.380
In-Reply-To: Article <12057@sri-arpa.UUCP>
The following is based on working with the PX-8.
> There is 15K RAM disk available as drive A:.
The RAM disk can be set to as high as 24K, but some programs won't run
with it at the maximum. In any case, 24K is still too small. A separate
60K or 64K RAM disk is available and, I think, mandatory. The separate
RAM disks attach to the base unit making a very nice package. They do ad
~$500 to the price though.
> I was not impressed by the data transfer rate of the disk. I believe I
> saw something that said that it was running at 38.4 Kbs, but I may be wrong.
I don't have the disk, but that is the rate given in the manual. Haven't seen
the disk even, but at that rate they certainly would be slow.
> Another one has a slimmed down version of Wordstar, although I think that
> this one will be harder to learn, since the ^J help menues are among the
> missing.
Almost certainly true. The version of Wordstar will be very easy to use
for anyone who's used it on a larger machine -- only a few things are missing.
One annoyance: because the menus are missing, it's not possible to see
the state of various toggles that are normally displayed on the ^O menu.
> There are two additional ROM drives that I wasn't able to see: a scheduling
> program (by Micro-pro), and a spreadsheet program. There is also an
> internal micro-cassette tape recorder, but I was not able to discern how it
> was operated, in the time available to me.
The scheduling program looks real nice, but it stores the schedule in an
expandable area of main memory. Other programs may interfere and this
area is definitely less secure than a file (even on RAM disk) would be.
The spreadsheet program is similar to SuperCalc (not to CalcStar!) but
much more limited. The cassette, for the most part, looks like a disk and
is operated as the H: drive. There are some limitations like no random
access (random access BDOS calls are supported provided that the records
are actually read in order starting from the first) and only one file
open at a time on the tape. The tape is, however, very slow. It's not
really practical to work from it, so these restrictions aren't all that
> Another BIG boo, is the fact that they have chosen to go non-standard on their
> RS-232. They use what appears to be a mini-DIN plug. They have cables that
> adjust from their plug to DB-25s, but they are male plugs, so I would need at
> least a gender-mender in addition to their $30 one-foot cable. I asked the
> Epson (not the dealer's) technical representative if the information to craft
> my own cable came with the unit, he "thought" so.
The information for making cables is in the manual. Even so, I'll second
the boo. The last thing I needed was more RS232 cables.
> I noticed no battery-low indicator on the unit, and the display documentation
> said that if "you turned the unit on and the display didn't show anything, it
> was time to recharge the unit." I certainly would hope that the screen
> doesn't die on me after I had been working on a report for several hours. I
> asked if there were a spare battery pack that you could carry with you,
> but the tech rep said that he would have to get back to me on that.
If you are working with the machine and the battery get's low, it displays
the message "Charge Battery" and locks up. No warning. An extra battery
pack should be no problem -- just order the replacement battery -- it just
plugs in, but it would be a bit of a nuisance as I don't believe Epson provides
any external way to charge the battery. One could, of course, find or build
a charger. There is a public domain program to check the battery condition;
this helps, but, since you have to run it to check, is not nearly as good
as a warning system.
A few quibbles not contained in the original posting:
There is no parallel printer port. This is strange since RS232 is not
standard on Epson printers. WordStar (and some other things) are configured
for Epson printers and are not changable.
The technical documentation is not adequate. There is nothing on accessing
the I/O ports except from BASIC.
Not all of the standard CP/M utilities are included. It is arguable that
those not included aren't appropriate on a lap top, but I feel that if they
are advertising CP/M they should give it to you.
My bottom-line opinion: for some people, an adequate lap-portable, and I feel
that Epson came close to making me part with my money, but I believe that I
will wait until they make further adjustments.
I do like the machine very much though. My base point is the Radio Shack
Model 100 (essentially the same as the NEC). Languages other than BASIC are
supported. Unless you have the diskette drives, it would be difficult to
run a compiler on the PX-8 (Turbo Pascal may be an exception), but it's no
trick to compile on another machine and move it to the PX-8. Standard
CP/M software runs quite nicely (subject, of course, to disk space and
screen limitations). Once you do figure out how to use it, I/O to the
RS232 is easier and more flexible than I've seen on any other micro.
All in all, I'd say that in spite of some flaws, the PX-8 is an excellant
portable machine, particularly for someone who has another CP/M system.
Mike Rubenstein, OACB, UT Medical Branch, Galveston TX 77550
23-Sep-84 08:47:12-MDT,1075;000000000000
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Subject: Re: SUBMIT
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23-Sep-84 08:47:27-MDT,795;000000000000
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Date: 19 Sep 84 7:41:34-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: decvax!mcnc!ecsvax!mjg@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: Epson PX-8 (Geneva) review
Article-I.D.: ecsvax.3270
In-Reply-To: Article sri-arpa.12066
I also read about the multi-unit for the PX-8 in a review in Computer
Shopper a month ago. It said the multi-unit also will have a parrallel
centronics type printer port - can anyone confirm this ?
Mike Gingell ....decvax!mcnc!ecsvax!mjg
23-Sep-84 11:00:04-MDT,617;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 11:00:00-MDT
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Received: ID <SAILER@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>; Sun 23 Sep 84 12:27:02-EDT
Date: Sun 23 Sep 84 12:27:02-EDT
From: Lee.Sailer@CMU-CS-C.ARPA
Subject: nsweep and Dave Rand
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
I have been using an excellent version of SWEEP by Dave Rand. (Only 16K,
and some useful features I haven't seen on others, like the ability to
Erase Tagged files.)
I wanna contact him. Anyone know his address??
23-Sep-84 11:34:53-MDT,613;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 11:34:49-MDT
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Received: ID <SAILER@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>; Sun 23 Sep 84 13:01:01-EDT
Date: Sun 23 Sep 84 13:01:00-EDT
From: Lee.Sailer@CMU-CS-C.ARPA
Subject: squeeze
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
is there a version of squeeze and unsqueeze that is Dec-10/20 and CP/M
compatible? Simply, I want to squeeze a DEC-10 data file, bring it
down with, say, Kermit, and then Unsqueeze it.
lee sailer, boy anthropologist
23-Sep-84 15:44:56-MDT,501;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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Received: ID <SAILER@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>; Sun 23 Sep 84 17:15:51-EDT
Date: Sun 23 Sep 84 17:15:49-EDT
From: Lee.Sailer@CMU-CS-C.ARPA
Subject: squeeze
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
according to frank wancho, who oughta know, there is an UNSQueeze for
TOPS-20 on micro:<cpm.tops-20>.
thanx frank
23-Sep-84 17:01:33-MDT,1860;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 17:01:27-MDT
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Date: 23 Sep 1984 16:24 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12049955874.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA, Info-Micro@Brl.ARPA
Reply-To: hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!floyd!clyde!burl!ulysses!gamma!mb2c!uofm-cv!tom@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Prom Erasure
In-reply-to: Msg of 6 Jun 1984 06:15-MDT from hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!floyd!clyde!burl!ulysses!gamma!mb2c!uofm-cv!tom at Ucb-Vax.arpa
There are two different kinds of ultraviolet tubes available--short
wave and long wave. The kind used to illuminate posters, etc. are
long wave. The kind used to erase EPROMS are short wave. Short wave
UV is the component of sunlight which causes tanning (and sunburn, and
skin cancer), so you have to be very careful not to look at a short
wave UV lamp. I've been using a General Electric G8T5 8-watt
germicidal tube with very good results. If you want to build an
eraser from scratch then you'll also need an 8-watt ballast and an
FS-5 starter. There are some back issues of BYTE magazine which
describe the construction of an EPROM eraser. However, at least one
of these articles INCORRECTLY suggests using a long-wave UV lamp. The
easiest way (and probably cheapest way) to build an EPROM eraser is to
buy the G8T5 tube and put it in an inexpensive fluorescent desk lamp
which already contains the correct ballast, starter, sockets, cord and
power switch.
Good luck and have fun. Let me know if you need more information.
Tom Libert Dept. of EECS
Division of Computer Sci. and Engin.
Univ. of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(313) 763-6474
23-Sep-84 18:36:35-MDT,906;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 18:36:29-MDT
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Date: 23 Sep 1984 18:03 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12049973919.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Lee.Sailer@Cmu-Cs-C.ARPA
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: nsweep and Dave Rand
In-reply-to: Msg of 23 Sep 1984 10:27-MDT from Lee.Sailer at CMU-CS-C.ARPA
I have been using an excellent version of SWEEP by Dave Rand. (Only 16K,
and some useful features I haven't seen on others, like the ability to
Erase Tagged files.)
I wanna contact him. Anyone know his address??
Yes, it's in the .DOC file for NSWP.
Dave Rand
10232 - 160 St.
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
T5P 3E9
Phone (403) 484-4114
23-Sep-84 19:21:20-MDT,676;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 19:21:16-MDT
Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 23 Sep 84 20:35 EDT
Date: 23 September 1984 20:39-EDT
From: Eric Stork <STORK@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: TELEX Codes
To: ELETYPE CODES@Mit-Mc.ARPA, info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
I'm planning to try MCI's TELEX link to communicate with
clients. But I need to know about TELEEX codes (Baudot ??).
Anyone have a pointer to those codes? Sure would appreciate
knowing of a file on SIMETL20, or elsewhere, that can explain
what is available for TELEX.
23-Sep-84 19:41:27-MDT,793;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 19:41:23-MDT
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Date: 23 Sep 1984 18:52 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12049982757.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: GRAFK10.LBR graphics for Kaypro10 updated to GRAF2K10.LBR
Thanks to Jim Forrest <JFORREST@SIMTEL20> we now have GRAF2K10.LBR
available on SIMTEL20. This is a graphics package for the Kaypro-10.
Jim says a note on Tampa DATA COM says GRAF2K10.LBR corrects a bug in
Filename Type Bytes CRC
GRAF2K10.LBR.1 COM 33920 8EB8H
23-Sep-84 23:29:08-MDT,831;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 23:29:04-MDT
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Date: 23 Sep 1984 23:06 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12050029100.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: MEX112 now available
Ron Fowler's popular modem program MEX has just been updated to
MEX112. It is now available from Simtel20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.MEX>
MEX112.COM.1 COM 24192 7BF0H
MEX112.HEX.1 ASCII 58888 C99BH
..and for those who can FTP ITS-binary files:
MX112UPD.LBR.1 COM 29568 3D88H
...which contains the entire update.
23-Sep-84 23:52:38-MDT,3275;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 23 Sep 84 23:52:28-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 24 Sep 84 1:12 EDT
Date: 23 Sep 1984 23:12 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12050030163.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: List of MEX files available from Simtel20
Here is a complete list of all files available in the MEX directory at
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.MEX>
MEX.HQP.1 COM 32640 71EAH
MEX111.LBR.1 COM 127488 628FH
^--this will be updated to MEX112.LBR - watch for annoucement
MEX112.COM.1 COM 24192 7BF0H
MEX112.HEX.1 ASCII 58888 C99BH
MEX11DOC.TQC.1 COM 1664 2922H
MEX11DOC.WQ.1 COM 55040 D7A2H
MEX20.HYP.1 ASCII 2572 04F1H
MEXHQP.HEX.1 ASCII 79437 9713H
MEXNEWS.001.1 ASCII 7672 F64BH
MEXNEWS.002.1 ASCII 8567 E689H
MEXNEWS.003.1 ASCII 7489 AB45H
MEXNEWS.004.1 ASCII 9669 76EFH
MEXPAT11.AQM.1 COM 3712 10E4H
MLOAD21.COM.1 COM 2816 E51EH
MLOAD21.HEX.1 ASCII 6867 2E67H
MX-SM13A.ASM.1 ASCII 9335 1E83H
MX-SM13A.FIX.1 ASCII 1249 35E7H
MX111UPD.DOC.1 ASCII 670 3A03H
MX112UPD.LBR.1 COM 29568 3D88H
MXO-DT10.ASM.1 ASCII 11117 A1A2H
MXO-EP10.ASM.1 ASCII 10082 61A7H
MXO-GB10.ASM.1 ASCII 13112 17FDH
MXO-H811.ASM.1 ASCII 11076 8908H
MXO-HZ11.ASM.1 ASCII 10064 8040H
MXO-II12.ASM.1 ASCII 11283 46F7H
MXO-KP26.ASM.1 ASCII 29111 B21BH
MXO-KP28.ASM.1 ASCII 37584 D19EH
MXO-LO12.ASM.1 ASCII 10338 9111H
MXO-MD11.ASM.1 ASCII 15873 FF81H
MXO-MM10.ASM.1 ASCII 13398 9718H
MXO-NE10.ASM.1 ASCII 9461 5399H
MXO-OS01.ASM.1 ASCII 13763 F177H
MXO-OS02.ASM.1 ASCII 16146 C409H
MXO-PM11.ASM.1 ASCII 27900 06BDH
MXO-R210.ASM.1 ASCII 14127 5A3CH
MXO-RP10.ASM.1 ASCII 12746 6223H
MXO-RT10.ASM.1 ASCII 14072 78C0H
MXO-RV12.ASM.1 ASCII 13587 0DD0H
MXO-SM11.FIX.1 ASCII 588 1839H
MXO-SS10.ASM.1 ASCII 9524 8B19H
MXO-SY20.ASM.1 ASCII 20659 4989H
MXO-TV10.ASM.1 ASCII 10792 C20BH
MXO-US11.ASM.1 ASCII 22007 8E87H
MXO-XE10.ASM.1 ASCII 10309 2C34H
MXO-ZB11.ASM.1 ASCII 17788 137DH
MXSUM831.MSG.1 ASCII 19189 0665H
24-Sep-84 11:12:11-MDT,1280;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 24 Sep 84 11:12:05-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 24 Sep 84 12:33 EDT
Date: 24 Sep 1984 07:46 MDT (Mon)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12050123725.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Cc: Info-Modem7@Simtel20.ARPA
Subject: MEX112.LBR now available
As I mentioned in my previous message, MEX112.LBR would be
available for those who can FTP ITS-binary files from Simtel20 and
need the entire MEX112 package. If you already have MEX111, you don't
need to get MEX112.LBR - get MX112UPD.LBR instead.
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.MEX>
MEX112.LBR.1 COM 132736 4F50H
This .LBR consists of the following files (shown here for reference
Filename Type Bytes CRC
MEX.HQP.1 COM 32640 71EAH
MEX112.COM.1 COM 24192 7BF0H
MEX11DOC.TQC.1 COM 1664 2922H
MEX11DOC.WQ.1 COM 55040 D7A2H
MEX20.HYP.1 ASCII 2572 04F1H
MEXPAT11.AQM.1 COM 3712 10E4H
MLOAD21.COM.1 COM 2816 E51EH
MX111UPD.DOC.1 ASCII 670 3A03H
24-Sep-84 11:41:04-MDT,981;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 24 Sep 84 11:40:57-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 24 Sep 84 12:51 EDT
Received: from apg-1.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a028662; 24 Sep 84 12:51 EDT
Date: 24 Sep 1984 11:07:00 EDT (Monday)
From: Robert Bloom DRSTE-TOI 3775 <rbloom@apg-1.ARPA>
Subject: Re: dBase II query...
In-Reply-to: Your message of 22 September 1984 18:34-EDT
To: Herb Lin <LIN@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Cc: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
I aggree - KWOC (keyword out of context) searches in dbase II are
very clumsy. What I've done is to separate the keywords into
a separate field per keyword and cycle through the indexes for
a search.
Updateing (or adding records) becomes slow and involves re-indexing
if one has more than seven indexes with standard dBase II.4 - I
believe III has more capibility for simulataneous indexes.
If you find a more elegant method - please tell!
-bob bloom
24-Sep-84 16:51:41-MDT,756;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 24 Sep 84 16:51:28-MDT
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Received: from CU20B.ARPA by columbia.arpa; Mon, 24 Sep 84 18:24:43 edt
Date: Mon 24 Sep 84 18:28:36-EDT
From: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC%CU20B@Columbia.ARPA>
Subject: Re: kermit
To: Lee.Sailer@CMU-CS-C.ARPA, info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Message from "Lee.Sailer@CMU-CS-C.ARPA" of Mon 24 Sep 84 17:56:25-EDT
The forthcoming release of CP/M-80 Kermit (version 4) will support both the
Morrow Decision I and the Micro Decision I. Should be announced this week.
I don't know about xmodem -- poke around SIMTEL20 CPM archives for that...
- Frank
24-Sep-84 17:26:51-MDT,772;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 24 Sep 84 17:26:42-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a008808; 24 Sep 84 18:44 EDT
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 1984 18:33 EDT
Message-ID: <RG.JMTURN.12050219568.BABYL@MIT-OZ>
To: Eric Stork <STORK@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Cc: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
Subject: TELEX Codes
In-reply-to: Msg of 23 Sep 1984 20:39-EDT from Eric Stork <STORK at Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Why not just use MCI Mail. You can send a receive TELEX (and TWX)
messages through your modem, and you don't have the awful monthly
bill from Western Onion (or MCI's straight Telex charges).
24-Sep-84 17:35:04-MDT,759;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 24 Sep 84 17:34:57-MDT
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Received: from bbna.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a008927; 24 Sep 84 18:49 EDT
Date: 24 Sep 1984 18:48-EDT
Sender: WAGREICH@bbna.ARPA
Subject: Where can I find copies of
To: info-cpm@brl.ARPA
Message-ID: <[BBNA]24-Sep-84 18:48:46.WAGREICH>
the Squeeze and Unsqueze programs (please give exact filespec
because FTP won't accept wildcard characters for extensions).
Copies in a high-level language would be preferred to assembly,
if they exist. Otherwise the asembly language copies are fine.
Thanks in advance for the info.
24-Sep-84 18:41:47-MDT,989;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 24 Sep 84 18:41:42-MDT
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Date: 24 Sep 1984 18:10 MDT (Mon)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12050237211.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
Subject: Kermit for CompuPro
To: Info-CPM@brl.ARPA
cc: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
My apologies to those receiving this message who are not interested in
the content, but I cannot fathom any other way to get to the intended
I read with interest that there is a version of Kermit available for
the CompuPro under MP/M 86 (MP/M 8-16?). According to the Kermit
version list, this program is authored by Mark Pahlavan at UCB Coop
extension. I would dearly like to have such a program and would
appreciate a reply from Mark or anyone familiar with this Kermit
-Charlie Strom
24-Sep-84 19:19:08-MDT,947;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon 24 Sep 84 19:19:00-MDT
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Date: 24 Sep 1984 18:29 MDT (Mon)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12050240847.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
Cc: INFO-CPM@brl.ARPA, CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA, Eric Stork <STORK@mit-mc.ARPA>
Subject: TELEX Codes
In-reply-to: Msg of 24 Sep 1984 16:33-MDT from RG.JMTURN%MIT-OZ at MIT-MC.ARPA
You are probably slightly out of date with reference to monthly
charges on Western Union Telex. Their Easy-Link service has no monthly
charges whatsoever and is much more flexible both in terms of types of
messages and structure of the system than is MCI Mail. There is no
application fee and they supply two thick volumes of Telex numbers.
25-Sep-84 01:21:28-MDT,962;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 25 Sep 84 01:21:24-MDT
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Received: from hi-multics.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a019150; 25 Sep 84 3:00 EDT
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 84 01:55 CDT
Subject: MAXTOR hard disks
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
Message-ID: <840925065557.344712@HI-MULTICS.ARPA>
Does anyone have experience with MAXTOR hard disk drives. They supply
drives with capacities that range from (get this) 65-380 megabytes
unformatted on 5 1/4 disks (up to 8 platters in a drive). I've got
their literature but would like to hear from someone with personal
experience. S-100 is selling the 140M version for about $4k.
No other manufacturer comes close to that capacity for that price. It
almost sounds too good to be true.
Jesse (agape at thin film technology) Eaton
25-Sep-84 01:26:42-MDT,786;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 25 Sep 84 01:26:38-MDT
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Received: from hi-multics.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a018822; 25 Sep 84 2:45 EDT
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 84 01:41 CDT
Subject: zcpr3 installation gotcha
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
Message-ID: <840925064124.186572@HI-MULTICS.ARPA>
While attempting to install zcpr3 I have encountered two utilities which
are needed but are not supplied with the sig/m disks. They appear to be
public domain......
Could someone please upload these to me if they are PD. The doc files
for them would also be appreciated.
25-Sep-84 07:28:59-MDT,2560;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 25 Sep 84 07:28:47-MDT
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 84 8:42:39 EDT
From: David Towson (SECAD) <towson@Amsaa.ARPA>
cc: info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
Subject: Re: Where can I find copies of
The attached listing, taken from the SIMTEL20 file MICRO:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST,
shows the contents of the directory MICRO:<CPM.SQUSQ>, which contains the
programs for squeezing and unsqueezing files on a CP/M machine. Navigation
through the SIMTEL20 archives is explained in the "archive blurb" entitled
"The SIMTEL20 Archives". If you would like a copy, just send me a note and
I'll be happy to send it along.
Since you specifically mentioned wanting source code, the files with
names ending in ".C" will probably be of most interest. I also recommend
the ".DOC" files for general information. In the attached listing, the fields
following the filename contain the file-type, file-size in characters or bytes,
and the cyclic redundancy code (CRC) for error-checking your download. Enjoy.
DIO.H.1 ASCII 430 26B7H
DIO2.C.1 ASCII 6735 0D43H
FLS.C.1 ASCII 4340 1326H
FLS11.COM.1 COM 8320 0C99H
IO.C.1 ASCII 640 93B6H
SQ-17.C.1 ASCII 7665 A863H
SQ-17.COM.1 COM 16128 2509H
SQ-17.H.1 ASCII 1864 6DABH
SQ-17.HEX.2 ASCII 39263 44F5H
SQ-17.SUB.1 ASCII 198 4039H
SQUSQ15.DOC.1 ASCII 1484 98D0H
TR1.C.1 ASCII 1320 0BEEH
TR2.C.1 ASCII 13035 71C7H
TYPE15.C.1 ASCII 9350 81CCH
TYPE15.COM.1 COM 8704 E86DH
TYPE15.DOC.1 ASCII 1835 94F1H
TYPE1540.COM.1 COM 8960 91F4H
TYPE1580.COM.1 COM 8960 4CF8H
TYPE19.C.1 ASCII 11006 20C6H
UNSQ15.ASM.1 ASCII 19641 466DH
USQ-20.C.2 ASCII 9012 4826H
USQ-20.COM.1 COM 12800 5F25H
USQ-20.H.2 ASCII 404 7290H
USQ-20.HEX.2 ASCII 31164 B125H
USQ-20.SUB.2 ASCII 92 D875H
UTR.C.1 ASCII 1761 A739H
XTYPE15.COM.1 COM 8704 A04EH
25-Sep-84 08:03:38-MDT,980;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 25 Sep 84 08:03:33-MDT
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Date: 25 Sep 1984 06:43 MDT (Tue)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12050374435.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Eaton@Hi-Multics.ARPA
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: zcpr3 installation gotcha
In-reply-to: Msg of 25 Sep 1984 00:41-MDT from Eaton at HI-MULTICS.ARPA
RELS.UTL and MLOAD (version 2.1 is latest and compatible with 1.4) are
already available from Simtel20:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Filename Type Bytes CRC
MLOAD21.AQM.1 COM 23040 76E1H
MLOAD21.COM.1 COM 2816 E51EH
MLOAD21.HEX.1 ASCII 6867 2E67H
25-Sep-84 13:34:52-MDT,632;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 25 Sep 84 13:34:47-MDT
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Received: from umass-cs by csnet-relay.csnet id al13429; 25 Sep 84 14:47 EDT
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 84 16:27 EST
From: Bruce Hawkins <bhawkins%umass-cs.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
To: info-cpm%amsaa.arpa%csnet-relay.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa
Subject: IEEE 488 drivers for 68000 CP/M
Does anyone out there in netland have one they would be willing to
give us?
Thanks much
Bruce Hawkins
25-Sep-84 18:17:41-MDT,1364;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 25 Sep 84 18:17:36-MDT
Received: From rand-unix.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 25 Sep 84 16:30 EDT
Received: by rand-unix.ARPA; Tue, 25 Sep 84 13:13:36 pdt
From: Bridger Mitchell <bridger@Rand-Unix.ARPA>
Message-Id: <8409252013.AA21305@rand-unix.ARPA>
Date: 25 Sep 84 13:13:30 PDT (Tue)
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Copying files containing 'holes'
Under CP/M 2.2,..., files written by random access may contain 'holes'--
logical data records that have never been written. A number of
utilities don't seem to handle this situation well.
PIP copies only at most some of the written records, missing those in higher
directory extents.
SD reports 'virtual' file size -- the number of blocks (in Kbytes)
required if the file consisted entirely of written records. It's easy
to get multi-megabyte sizes reported.
What 'should' a well-behaved utility do -- i.e. what's the most useful
filesize report, and which records should be copied? On first thought,
it seems that the size should be number of *allocated* blocks (in Kbytes)
and the copy should consist of exactly those blocks, except that in the final
block only the records <= last record of file should be copied.
Have other utilities already worked this out?
25-Sep-84 18:27:18-MDT,769;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 25 Sep 84 18:27:15-MDT
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Received: from su-score.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a009800; 25 Sep 84 16:44 EDT
Date: Tue 25 Sep 84 13:38:57-PDT
From: Sam Hahn <Samuel@SU-SCORE.ARPA>
Subject: Re: hard disks
cc: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Message from "Eaton@HI-MULTICS.ARPA" of Tue 25 Sep 84 00:20:13-PDT
Speaking of which, would anyone have recommendations for or
against the Compupro 40-mbyte disk subsystem S-100 is selling for ~2250??
This is much below (what I thought was the) Compupro price, and I'd like
to think it's not too good to be true. Anybody??
25-Sep-84 19:00:34-MDT,886;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 25 Sep 84 19:00:29-MDT
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Date: Tue 25 Sep 84 16:32:07-MDT
From: Jim Forrest <JFORREST@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Questions on CP/M Plus
Just picked up a spare computer, TRS Model 4P at $995. It runs CP/M 2.2,
but requires booting with image first. I noticed that the CP/M Plus for
Model 4 requires no separate boot. The manual says CP/M Plus is
compatible with all previous versions of CP/M, but I saw no mention of
how to access files/programs on 2.2 version disks.
Since this is my first look at CP/M Plus, can someone indoctrinate me
on it? Reply direct to JFORREST@SIMTEL20 and not to the entire
list, please.
Thanks in advance
26-Sep-84 09:36:19-MDT,834;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 26 Sep 84 09:36:15-MDT
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 84 11:01:46 EDT
From: David Towson (SECAD) <towson@Amsaa.ARPA>
To: Bridger Mitchell <bridger@Rand-Unix.ARPA>
cc: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Re: Copying files containing 'holes'
Bridger - You have raised an interesting question. I have never used
random CP/M files with "holes", but I have read about them. I think I
agree with your position on what should be copied. I wonder, however,
how CP/M treats such a file if you ask the CCP to TYPE it. What goes to
the screen - just the written sectors, written sectors with intervening
garbage, or what? And if just the written sectors are displayed, in what
order do you see them?
26-Sep-84 10:06:06-MDT,1342;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 26 Sep 84 10:06:00-MDT
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Date: Wed, 26 Sep 84 11:01:35 EDT
From: Robert Lee Feider (CTAB) <lee@BRL-BMD.ARPA>
I have used a model 4p, running CP/M, about 6 months ago so my memory
may be failing me. I don't remember having the problem you describe. I had
a copy of CP/M plus for the model 4 and the disk booted right up in CP/M
on the 4p without having to go through TRSDOS. Unfortunately I don't have
that machine anymore since it was loaned to me to do some program development
for a client. I do remeber having problems with one of the setup utilities
(cursor type (blinking,not blinking) etc.) but nothing as serious as not
being able to boot up or anything like that. If you could be more specific
as to the problems that occur when it does boot perhaps it may jog my memory
as to what may have also happened to me when using that machine with CP/M
PS: Sorry I can't be of any help but I am confused by the symptoms you
described having never encountered them.
26-Sep-84 13:16:41-MDT,1030;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 26 Sep 84 13:16:35-MDT
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id AA05971; Wed, 26 Sep 84 10:19:38 pdt
From: hplabs!hao!noao!terak!jb@ucb-vax.ARPA
MMDF-Warning: Parse error in preceeding line at BRL-AOS.ARPA
Received: by HP-VENUS id AA10590; Wed, 26 Sep 84 08:37:47 pdt
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 84 05:22:28 mdt
Message-Id: <8409261122.AA00450@hao>
Received: by hao (4.12/4.7)
id AA00450; Wed, 26 Sep 84 05:22:28 mdt
To: noao!hao!hplabs!ucbvax!info-cpm@ucb-vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Quick reference list of SIMTEL20 CP/M directories
In-Reply-To: your article <2065@ucbvax.ARPA>
How can I get access to SIMTEL20 ??
John Blalock, W7AAY
uucp: ...hao!noao!terak!jb
phone: (602) 998-4800
us mail: Terak Corp., 14151 N. 76th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260
26-Sep-84 19:00:14-MDT,935;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 26 Sep 84 19:00:08-MDT
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Received: from simtel20.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a010106; 26 Sep 84 20:28 EDT
Date: 26 Sep 1984 18:27 MDT (Wed)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12050764746.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
To: Sam Hahn <Samuel@su-score.ARPA>
Cc: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA, Eaton@hi-multics.ARPA, INFO-CPM@brl.ARPA
Subject: hard disks
In-reply-to: Msg of 25 Sep 1984 14:38-MDT from Sam Hahn <Samuel at SU-SCORE.ARPA>
I have heard so many horror stories about the Disk 3 that I would keep
a very long distance from it for another few months or so. I keep
hearing that the problems have been ironed out, then lo and behold
more trouble and another version of the board. The Quantum drive
apparently is just fine, but the Disk 3 is quite another story.
26-Sep-84 20:01:30-MDT,1274;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 26 Sep 84 20:01:21-MDT
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Received: from gunter-adam.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a010261; 26 Sep 84 21:25 EDT
Date: 26 Sep 1984 20:24:34 CDT
Subject: Hard disks, et al...
Thought I'd get my dime in...
Anybody tried to interface a Quantum 40M 8-incher to a Z-100??? I just
lucked into one for $250, and the manuals show the same signals on the
drive as are supplied on the stock Z-100 hard disk controller and data
separator. The Quantum is supposed to be SA1000 compatible.
On putting the Zenith hard-disk upgrade into non-Heath (Zenith) systems,
the problem I'm aware of (like on my home system) is that the controller
card is not powered from the bus, but gets its juice directly from the
power supply. On the Zenith systems, the power supply doesn't have the
output for the disk controller...on the Heathkit, it does. Upgrading the
Zenith requires a new power supply. I checking now for the brave souls to see
if you could tap your own connections out of the existing supply.
26-Sep-84 20:27:21-MDT,1127;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 26 Sep 84 20:27:14-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 Sep 84 20:40 EDT
Received: from simtel20.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id aa10131; 26 Sep 84 20:33 EDT
Date: 26 Sep 1984 18:31 MDT (Wed)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12050765435.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
To: Jim Forrest <JFORREST@simtel20.ARPA>
Cc: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA, Info-CPM@brl.ARPA
Subject: Questions on CP/M Plus
In-reply-to: Msg of 25 Sep 1984 16:32-MDT from Jim Forrest <JFORREST at SIMTEL20.ARPA>
I have heard that the Radio Shack implementation of CP/M Plus is a
real nightmare. It seems that Radio Shack contracted with DRI to write
Plus for the Mod 4, and that we are now seeing the old finger pointing
game - DRI says Radio Shack screwed up on the specs., and Radio Shack
says DRI blew the implementation!
Check out Montezuma Micro's Plus for the Mod 4 - I have heard it works
much better.
(Note the above is heresay garnered from listening into the
conversations of many Model 4 owners on CP-MIG on Compuserve.)
26-Sep-84 22:10:33-MDT,1264;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 26 Sep 84 22:10:26-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 26 Sep 84 23:17 EDT
Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a010433; 26 Sep 84 23:22 EDT
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 1984 23:19 EDT
Message-ID: <RG.JMTURN.12050795922.BABYL@MIT-OZ>
Cc: Eric Stork <STORK@mit-mc.ARPA>, INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
Subject: TELEX Codes
In-reply-to: Msg of 24 Sep 1984 20:29-EDT from CSTROM at SIMTEL20
You are probably slightly out of date with reference to monthly
charges on Western Union Telex. Their Easy-Link service has no monthly
charges whatsoever and is much more flexible both in terms of types of
messages and structure of the system than is MCI Mail. There is no
application fee and they supply two thick volumes of Telex numbers.
MCI Mail has no application fee, or a montly fee, or even a fee to read
mail. The only charges are for sending mail out.
I suppose the directory would be useful, but they can be bought. Easylink
(and I've done *lots* of work with it) is quite user-hostile as far as
protocol and such. I prefer MCI Mail.
27-Sep-84 04:58:29-MDT,952;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 27 Sep 84 04:58:23-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 27 Sep 84 2:47-PDT
Date: 19 Sep 84 1:52:16-PDT (Wed)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!intelca!qantel!dual!ptsfa!politik!paul@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: CP/M system for sale (San Francisco)
Article-I.D.: politik.15
For Sale: Digital Microsystems DMS-3
Z80, 64K, 4Mhz, CP/M 2.241G
(4) serial ports
(2) parallel(sp?) ports
(2) 8-inch, DSDD floppies
like an Altos ACS8000-2 only Bigger, Better, Faster, Heavier
Asking: $1000.00
Reason for
Selling: does not have an S100 bus
Contact: me: Paul Vixie
uucp: {sun!texsun ucbvax!mtxinu dual!ptsfa} !politik!paul
arpa: someday
bell: (415) 697-0566
27-Sep-84 07:50:12-MDT,896;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 27 Sep 84 07:50:06-MDT
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 84 9:06:23 EDT
From: David Towson (SECAD) <towson@Amsaa.ARPA>
To: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
cc: Jim Forrest <JFORREST@simtel20.arpa>, info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Re: Questions on CP/M Plus
Charlie - Something sounds fishy about that TRS/DRI finger-pointing story.
If Tandy contracted with DRI to write CP/M+ for the Model 4, and didn't
provide DRI with a bunch of Model 4's to try it out on (with a contractual
obligation to do so), it's truly amazing. But then, Radio Shack has certainly
done some spectacularly stupid things - like trying to make the Model-I a
closed system while Apple was doing just the opposite with their Apple-II.
I doubt whether RS will ever recover from that blunder.
27-Sep-84 09:24:49-MDT,1078;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 27 Sep 84 09:24:43-MDT
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Received: from Muscat.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 27 SEP 84 07:46:00 PDT
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 84 08:18 EDT
From: lowans.henr@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: Re: dBase II query...
In-reply-to: "LIN@MIT-MC.ARPA's message of 22 Sep 84 18:34 EDT"
To: Herb Lin <LIN@MIT-MC.ARPA>
cc: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Look in your dBASE manual for information on the "$ substring logical
operator", I think this will help you. A search through the entire
database is nessessary because this is the way a dabase management
system works, it searches through the entire database record by record
till the information is found. If it finds it in record #1, it doesn't
know if record #50 also containes the correct information. If you can,
input the data ranking it in ASCII collating sequence within each
record. INDEXing the database will then put records with the same
keywords together.
27-Sep-84 12:14:07-MDT,708;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 27 Sep 84 12:14:02-MDT
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Received: by sri-tsc at Thu, 27 Sep 84 10:04:39 pdt
From: edl <edl@sri-tsc.ARPA>
Message-Id: <8409271704.AA15394@sri-tsc>
Date: 27 Sep 1984 1004-PDT (Thursday)
To: info-cpm@mit-mc.ARPA
Subject: termcap for Morrow MD2
Does anyone have a termcap entry (on a UNIX system) that they
could send me for the standard Morrow MD2 terminal. Its a
Lears-Seigler (looks like an ADM-33?)
Thanks in advance.
Jan (edl@sri-tsc)
27-Sep-84 14:19:49-MDT,746;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 27 Sep 84 14:19:42-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a019013; 27 Sep 84 15:31 EDT
Date: 27 Sep 1984 15:17:31-EDT
From: kay@mitre-bedford.ARPA
To: info-cpm@MIT-MC.ARPA
I'm veryinterested in zcpr3. Is there anywhere I can learn how to
install it on my machine ( Morrow Micro-Decision 2 ). To get
the software from simtel20 to my machine I need to ftp it and then
use kermit. But, and this seems to be the problem, I have no DRI
MAC assembler. Can I still do It?
Where are the installation documents anyway?
Thanks for your help. Kris Younger.
27-Sep-84 14:39:21-MDT,627;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 27 Sep 84 14:39:15-MDT
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Date: 27 Sep 1984 13:39 MDT (Thu)
Message-ID: <RCONN.12050974318.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Richard Conn <RCONN@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: ZCPR3 Phase 2
Phase 2 is now on its way to SIMTEL20, XEROX, and SIG/M. The
last shipment from SIMTEL20 took 2 days to get here, so I guess that
it will not be long before you see it on SIMTEL20.
You will be notified when SIMTEL20 has the software.
27-Sep-84 15:11:44-MDT,1748;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 27 Sep 84 15:11:35-MDT
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Received: from ibm-sj by csnet-relay.csnet id ah09201; 27 Sep 84 16:08 EDT
Date: 27 Sep 1984 09:32:19-PDT (Thursday)
From: Jim moore <MOORE.LOSANGEL%ibm-sj.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
To: info-cpm%amsaa.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa
Subject: Kaypro-10/Diablo 630 interface troubles
CC: moore.losangel%ibm-sj.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa
I have a PERSISTENT problem using my 630 at 1200 baud (serial) on my
K-10. The symptom is that when the K-10 sends more than a buffer-full
to the 630, the handshake is fumbled and EVERY TIME a single character
is dropped. What is particularly strange, is that the same 630 works
fine with my K-2 and K-4, as well as Osborne and even Northstar (on the
same test file)!
My local dealer and even Kaypro themselves seem to be at a loss to explain
or fix this problem. Kaypro seems to believe that I am the only person
who is having this problem. Am I? To their credit, they seem to be
really trying to fix the problem -- they replaced the main boards free
in both my K-10s -- unfortunately, the issue remains.
Is there anyone out there who has both a Kaypro-10 and a Diablo 630? Do
they interface properly at 1200 baud and more than one 630-buffer load?
If so, what version ROM (the first number you see when it cold boots) and
CP/M do you have? If not, what have you tried to fix it and did it work?
Note, this problem is NOT related to any particular piece of software; it
is evidenced by "type testfile.630 <ctl-P><CR>".
Thanks for anything ...
Jim Moore
27-Sep-84 20:55:39-MDT,498;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 27 Sep 84 20:55:35-MDT
Received: From utexas-20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 27 Sep 84 22:25 EDT
Date: Thu 27 Sep 84 21:30:14-CDT
From: Douglas Good <CMP.DOUG@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>
Subject: Xmodem97
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
When I tried to assemble XMODEM97 using ASM it gave me some errors. There
were a lot of unidentified procedures. Anyone know what the problem is?
--Doug Good
27-Sep-84 21:59:46-MDT,1311;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 27 Sep 84 21:59:36-MDT
Received: From mit-mc.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 27 Sep 84 23:24 EDT
Date: 27 September 1984 23:26-EDT
From: Herb Lin <LIN@Mit-Mc.ARPA>
Subject: dBase II query...
To: lowans.henr@Xerox.ARPA
cc: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
In-reply-to: Msg of Thu 27 Sep 84 08:18 EDT from lowans.henr at XEROX.ARPA
From: lowans.henr at XEROX.ARPA
Look in your dBASE manual for information on the "$ substring logical
operator" ... A search through the entire
database is nessessary because this is the way a dabase management
system works, it searches through the entire database record by record
till the information is found. If it finds it in record #1, it doesn't
know if record #50 also containes the correct information. If you can,
input the data ranking it in ASCII collating sequence within each
record. INDEXing the database will then put records with the same
keywords together.
Thanks, but I think this won't work. What you are describing is
certainly correct, but it will be too slow. I want something that I
can use the INDEXing part on. Essentially, I want to INDEX on
substrings, and I can't think of an easy way to do it.
28-Sep-84 08:02:45-MDT,1494;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 28 Sep 84 08:02:38-MDT
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Received: from ardc.arpa by csnet-relay.arpa id a013877; 28 Sep 84 9:10 EDT
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 84 9:05:44 EDT
From: "J. Richard Hall" (LCWSL) <rhall%ardc.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa>
To: Jim moore <MOORE.LOSANGEL%ibm-sj.csnet%csnet-relay.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa>
cc: info-cpm%amsaa.arpa%csnet-relay.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa,
Subject: Re: Kaypro-10/Diablo 630 interface troubles
We have a Kaypro II and a Diablo 620; the combination works fine with WordStar,
Perfect Writer, etc., but we experience a somewhat similar problem in printing
Perfect Filer. Again, the problem seems to be with the handshaking; we overrun
the buffer in the printer, causing strange & variable misprints - usually only
a few characters here and there. Our dealer has spoken to Kaypro & concluded that the problem
is in the cable - two connections need to be interchanged to correct the glitch.
It does seem to work if the baud rate is reduced from 1200 to about 120. I don't
know if our problem is related to yours.
We have yet to really put Perfect Filer to the test, so I am not sure what
will happen if we try to print a large formatted output.
.....Richard Hall
28-Sep-84 08:25:19-MDT,669;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 28 Sep 84 08:25:15-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a001201; 28 Sep 84 7:25 EDT
Date: 28 September 1984 07:22-EDT
From: "R. P. Miller" <ARPEE@mit-mc.ARPA>
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
cc: ARPEE@mit-mc.ARPA
I am in dire need of a scheduling/calendar program. If anyone knows of such
an animal, either in the public domain or commercial, that is reliable and will
handle a fairly large data base, please leave me a message on INFO-CPM. All
responses appreciated. Thanks....
28-Sep-84 09:10:25-MDT,2399;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 28 Sep 84 09:10:15-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 28 Sep 84 9:57 EDT
Date: 28 Sep 1984 08:02 MDT (Fri)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12051175109.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Public-Key encryption programs available
The following Public-Key encryption program packages are now available
from SIMTEL20. The files are in ITS-binary format only because many
of them are stored in binary format inside the .LBRs. If you need
these programs and cannot FTP ITS-binary files from SIMTEL20, call
RCPM Royal Oak (MI) 313-759-6569. You'll find them on the D: drive
there as PKS10/M.LBR and RSA11/T.LBR.
Filename Type Bytes CRC
PKS10-M.LBR.1 COM 9728 6C07H
RSA11-T.LBR.1 COM 69760 DEE4H
Here's a short description of these programs:
PKS Version 1.0
Public Key System routines are derived from the article;
'Public Key Cryptography: An Introduction to a powerful crypto-
graphic system for use on microcomputers" by John Smith found in
BYTE magazine Volume 8, Number 1, January, 1983.
The routines here are MBASIC compatible and differ from the
published routines only in handling of the BASIC function RND.
MBASIC RND with an argument of zero simply returns whatever
number was last generated. The MBASIC command RANDOMIZE is used
to seed the random number generator with a number from 0 to 32767
by computing; N mod 32768. This change appears in both
RSA Version 1.1
The programs RSASetUp, RSACrypt, and RSAClear implement a
version of the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (1) approach to public key
cryptography using TURBO Pascal 2.0 (tm) and intended to run in
CP/M 2.2 (tm) environments. The following discussion and the
subroutines in these programs depend on Knuth (2). Another intro-
duction to this subject is found in Smith (3) with BASIC routines
presented there available in the PKS10/M.LBR library on some
bulletin board systems.
The object files were produced in a configuration such that
the utility EX or microShell (tm) may be used to facilitate
28-Sep-84 09:19:34-MDT,1179;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 28 Sep 84 09:19:12-MDT
Received: From simtel20.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 28 Sep 84 10:01 EDT
Date: Wednesday, 26 September 1984 11:24-MDT
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12051175848.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: Wiedemann@Radc-Multics.ARPA
From: Wiedemann@Radc-Multics.ARPA
To: info-micro@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Z-100/IBM-PC Retrofit!
ReSent-From: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
ReSent-To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
ReSent-Date: Fri 28 Sep 1984 08:06-MDT
********** HEATH/ZENITH "Z-100" USERS **********
D.E.L. Professional Systems Inc. of Richmond, British Columbia
((604) 274-0434), has just announced a retrofit for the H/Z-100 series
computers that makes them FULLY IBM COMPATIBLE! The board mounts
between the mother board and the video board and mode of operation is
selected via software call to the adapter.
I have no further details, other than it will retail for $399.95 and
be sold only through mail order ftom D.E.L. or through Heath stores.
(NOT from the Heathkit catalog!) It is currently being tested by
Heath for compatibility.
Wolf Wiedemann RADC-MULTICS
28-Sep-84 12:36:42-MDT,1169;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 28 Sep 84 12:36:35-MDT
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Received: from washington.arpa by csnet-relay.arpa id a014784;
28 Sep 84 13:49 EDT
Date: Fri 28 Sep 84 10:47:48-PDT
From: Ronald Blanford <CONTEXT%washington.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa>
Subject: Re: Kaypro-10/Diablo 630 interface troubles
To: rhall%ardc.arpa%csnet-relay.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa
cc: MOORE.LOSANGEL%ibm-sj.csnet%csnet-relay.arpa%csnet-relay.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa,
In-Reply-To: Message from ""J. Richard Hall" (LCWSL) <rhall%ardc.arpa@csnet-relay.arpa>" of Fri 28 Sep 84 07:15:05-PDT
There was a similar problem (well, not too similar) with the NEC Advanced
Personal Computer and its parallel connection with the printer that turned
out to be an incorrectly connected ground on the processor circuit board.
It was only evidenced with certain makes of printer. -- Ron
28-Sep-84 16:42:48-MDT,797;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 28 Sep 84 16:42:43-MDT
Received: From brl.arpa.ARPA by AMSAA via smtp; 28 Sep 84 18:06 EDT
Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a008564; 28 Sep 84 18:00 EDT
Date: Fri 28 Sep 84 12:14:07-PDT
From: Sam Hahn <Samuel@SU-SCORE.ARPA>
In-Reply-To: Message from ""R. P. Miller" <ARPEE@mit-mc.ARPA>" of Fri 28 Sep 84 04:22:00-PDT
Haven't used it, but I hear Datebook, from Organic Software (?? in Walnut
Creek, CA) may be a useful calendar program. I've used Milestone, from the
same company, and I can't really recommend it, since it's too simple,
but their calendar program may be all right. Lists for $265 or $295, though.
28-Sep-84 19:57:17-MDT,608;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 28 Sep 84 19:57:09-MDT
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Received: from mit-mc.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a009353; 28 Sep 84 21:33 EDT
Date: Fri 28 Sep 84 21:33:33-EDT
From: "Andrew M. Moore" <T.MOORE%MIT-EECS@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: 8080 Subroutines Book?
To: INFO-CPM@mit-mc.ARPA
Could someone please refer me to a book with miscellaneous 8080
subroutines, if there is such a thing? Please mail directly --
not via INFO-CPM. Thanks,
Andrew Moore
29-Sep-84 07:11:36-MDT,675;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat 29 Sep 84 07:11:31-MDT
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Received: from simtel20.arpa by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a010327; 29 Sep 84 8:41 EDT
Date: 29 Sep 1984 06:40 MDT (Sat)
Message-ID: <CSTROM.12051422452.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA
Subject: Morrow to speak
George Morrow will make a guest appearance on Compuserve's CP/M
special Interest Group (CP-MIG) in Friday, 10/5 at 7pm pdt (10pm edt).
We will have an on-line real time conference, and all are cordially
30-Sep-84 00:58:42-MDT,1307;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 30 Sep 84 00:58:36-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 28 Sep 84 23:29-PDT
Date: 22 Sep 84 16:03:27-PDT (Sat)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!sdcc6!ir320@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Could someone please explain CRC protocal
Article-I.D.: sdcc6.1745
Need some help with CRC protocal
Need some help with CRC protocal
Hi there. I'm trying to design a modem program for a variety of
micros and it's come down to the file transfer part. I have already
begun to implement the XMODEM checksum protocal, but could someone out
there please explain how to implement the CRC protocal in both send
and receive modes. Better yet, does someone out there have source for
those routines (public of course) in pascal or C?
Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated. The resulting
program will be placed in the public domain and I will post it on the
John Antypas
UC San Diego
uucp: ...!sdcsvax!sdcc6!{ix255,ir320}
arpa: sdcsvax!sdcc6!{ix255,ir320}@{nosc,Berkeley}
30-Sep-84 01:25:40-MDT,1525;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 30 Sep 84 01:25:34-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 28 Sep 84 23:50-PDT
Date: 23 Sep 84 19:55:43-PDT (Sun)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!rochester!jay@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: Re: Looking for VI or NROFF clones
Article-I.D.: rocheste.848
In-Reply-To: Article <12238@sri-arpa.UUCP> <1200@cwruecmp.UUCP>
> A CP/M program called NRO was posted to the net a long time ago. I
> believe it is public domain. It is an nroff clone, written in C (I
> think Aztec, but I don't remember). Does anyone have the sources of
> this? Does anyone remember who wrote it? I think it may be due for
> reposting.
I have the sources for NRO, the program you mentioned. The title comments
* Word Processor
* similar to Unix NROFF or RSX-11M RNO -
* adaptation of text processor given in
* "Software Tools", Kernighan and Plauger.
* Stephen L. Browning
* 5723 North Parker Avenue
* Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
It's pretty nice, especially if you like nroff. I have made a few
changes/additions to make nro look even more like it. I will send
it along to INFO-IBMPC, so look there in a little while . . .
Jay Weber
30-Sep-84 02:06:32-MDT,721;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 30 Sep 84 02:06:27-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 29 Sep 84 4:04-PDT
Date: 15 Sep 84 20:52:00-PDT (Sat)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!acf4!greenber@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: Orphaned Response
Article-I.D.: acf4.10000010
In-Reply-To: Article <-80400@sri-arpa.UUCP>
I too am interested in beta-testing it. Could you repost the base note?
Ross M. Greenberg @ NYU ----> allegra!cmcl2!acf4!greenber <----
30-Sep-84 02:36:05-MDT,1018;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 30 Sep 84 02:35:59-MDT
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Date: 23 Sep 84 1:46:44-PDT (Sun)
To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
From: decvax!cwruecmp!diamant@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: Looking for VI or NROFF clones
Article-I.D.: cwruecmp.1200
In-Reply-To: Article <12238@sri-arpa.UUCP>
A CP/M program called NRO was posted to the net a long time ago. I
believe it is public domain. It is an nroff clone, written in C (I
think Aztec, but I don't remember). Does anyone have the sources of
this? Does anyone remember who wrote it? I think it may be due for
John Diamant Usenet: ...decvax!cwruecmp!diamant
Case Western Reserve University CSNet: diamant@Case
Cleveland, Ohio ARPA: diamant.Case@CSNet-Relay
30-Sep-84 11:26:26-MDT,2493;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 30 Sep 84 11:26:17-MDT
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Date: 30 Sep 1984 10:47 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <WANCHO.12051729578.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: [WESTINE: RFC 914 Now Available]
The RFC announced below discusses several approaches to reducing the
overhead required by character-at-a-time transmissions through the
Internet by taking advantage of the intelligence available in personal
computers. It also proposes yet another low level protocol which may
be of interest to the readers of these lists. --Frank
Date: Sunday, 30 September 1984 02:03-MDT
To: Request-for-Comments-List: at USC-ISIF.ARPA
Re: RFC 914 Now Available
A new Request for Comments is now available from the Network Information
Center in the <RFC> directory at SRI-NIC.ARPA.
RFC 914:
Title: A Thinwire Protocol
Author: D. Farber, G. Delp, and T. Conte
Mailbox: Delp@UDEL-EE.ARPA
Pages: 22
Characters: 58586
pathname: <RFC>RFC914.TXT
This RFC focuses discussion on the particular problems in the
ARPA-Internet of low speed network interconnection with personal
computers, and possible methods of solution. None of the proposed
solutions in this document are intended as standards for the
ARPA-Internet. Rather, it is hoped that a general consensus will
emerge as to the appropriate solution to the problems, leading
eventually to the adoption of standards. Distribution of this memo
is unlimited.
Public access files may be copied from the <RFC> directory at
SRI-NIC.ARPA via FTP with username ANONYMOUS and password GUEST.
The normal method for distribution of RFCs is for interested parties
to copy the documents from the NIC online library using FTP.
Requests for special distribution should be addressed to either the
author of the RFC in question or to NIC@SRI-NIC.ARPA. Unless
specifically noted otherwise on the RFC itself, all RFCs are for
unlimited distribution.
Submissions for Requests for Comments should be sent to
Requests to be added to or deleted from this distribution list should be
30-Sep-84 11:48:30-MDT,1781;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 30 Sep 84 11:48:24-MDT
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Date: 30 Sep 1984 11:05 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12051732878.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: Bugs in SD directory program
The following file is forwarded from the RCPM circuit.
To: All Bug Hunters From: Paul Foote Date: Sept. 17,1984
I have discovered two subtle bugs in SD-xx.COM where -xx is at least
from -78 to -92 (I suspect they've always been there). Both bugs
involve the "magic number" *** 255 ***.
If you have a file EXACTLY 255 records long AND that file is a member
of a .LBR library, SD $L tells you that file is "0k", rather than 32k
in size. Abel Iwaz found this one in MEX11.LBR in which SD $L told
him MEX.HQP was 0k in size. After some puzzling around I noticed it
was 255 records in length. To confirm my guess I created a library
called SDTEST.LBR containing 3 garbage files, one of which was 255
records long. Bingo ! SD $L said the file (SDTEST.BUG) was 0k.
When you execute SD on a hard disk containing EXACTLY 255 files, only
the first column of files is displayed -- the other three columns are
blanked out. Also, as you add or subtract files one at a time 0, 1,
2, or 3 files are blanked out in one row of the display in columns 2
through 4.
I am not yet too crafty with assembly language, but I know lots of you
out there are. So I hope I'll see SD-93 or SD-94 on this board soon
-- with these bugs fixed.
Regards, Paul
30-Sep-84 20:56:52-MDT,3703;000000000000
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Date: 30 Sep 1984 20:26 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12051834860.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
Sender: KPETERSEN@Simtel20.ARPA
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Subject: NSWP207 now available
In-reply-to: Msg of 22 May 1984 09:26-MDT from ruben at ut-ngp.ARPA
The latest version of NSWP is now available from SIMTEL20. Here's a
list of files available, followed by a short description of what's
been fixed/updated.
Filename Type Bytes CRC
NSWP2.DOC.1 ASCII 29713 300AH
NSWP2.DQC.1 COM 17792 059EH
NSWP2.HLP.1 ASCII 11181 2E66H
NSWP2.WQ.1 COM 19456 1502H
NSWP204.INF.1 ASCII 3506 374DH
NSWP205.UPD.1 ASCII 1430 427AH
NSWP207.COM.1 COM 11776 4788H
NSWP207.HEX.1 ASCII 28674 44A6H
...and for those who want the whole package and can FTP ITS-binary files:
NSWP207.LBR.1 COM 44160 736AH
Dave Rand
10232 - 160 St.
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
T5P 3E9
(403) 484-4114
Notes on NSWP 204
NSWP 204 has a few new features! First, limited CPM 3 has been established,
in that if you have BDOS version over 3.0 (which may include MPM), you may
now run with ALV banked. NSWP will use the BDOS call to obtain the ALV
information. This also applies to the 16 bit version.
Before 204, if you attempted to delete a file that was currently tagged,
it was not removed from the tagged file size. It is correctly handled in all
cases now.
NSWP now saves the SP, rather than (SP), in order to support totally non-
standard implementations of BDOS and CCP.
When using the '?' function, the current disk information, along with the
tagged file size.
The copy file speed has been further optimized by elimination of a redundant
BDOS call (deleting a file, when we know it ain't there!).
NSWP has been modified to better support MPM and MPM86 by doing a rename
after a copy operation. This will drop the copy speed slightly, nullifying
the effect of the above change.
If you find anything else, please drop me a line...
Notes on NSWP 205
NSWP 204 introduced a bug that would not allow you to copy a file if
that file was set to R/O, unless you had a destination that was ALSO
Notes on NSWP 206
NSWP 206 has further CPM 3 features, such as using the display-and-return
error mode. As well, NSWP now fully implements the $$$ copy file techinque,
for both regular and SQ/USQ file copy operations. This will permit the use
of 'PUBLIC' BDOS patches, and full use under MPM, as well as concurrent CPM
86. You may now log directly to a drive/user from the CCP, by using
the syntax NSWP A4:*.*, or more simply NSWP A4 . NSWP now uses the same
routine for CCP logon, as it does for the LOG command within NSWP. If you
have selected a group of files (*.QQZ, for example), this information is
displayed at logon.
NSWP 207
NSWP 207 has the last of the CPM 3 features, and concurrent as well, this
being the multisector IO feature. This speeds file transfers under these
operating systems by at LEAST 1.5 times, and it even handles physical IO
errors whilst doing this. Also, the copy command has been alterted so that
if you copy to a DIFFERENT drive, the disk system is reset. This will permit
fast copies to the same diskette, and the ability to freely change the
destination disk!
30-Sep-84 22:57:12-MDT,715;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sun 30 Sep 84 22:57:08-MDT
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Received: from Usenet.uucp by Sri-Unix.uucp with rs232; 30 Sep 84 21:13-PDT
Date: 24 Sep 84 12:52:00-PDT (Mon)
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.arpa
From: hplabs!hao!seismo!cmcl2!csd1!landy@Ucb-Vax.arpa
Subject: Re: Looking for VI or NROFF clones
Article-I.D.: csd1.54300007
In-Reply-To: Article <12109@UTEXAS-20.UUCP>
John Diamant's suggestion about NRO is misplaced, alas. NRO is not an
nroff clone but a roff clone, and is much less complicated (and useful)
than nroff. It is available on many public-access BBS systems.
30-Sep-84 23:23:11-MDT,618;000000000000
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Date: 30 Sep 1984 22:22 MDT (Sun)
Message-ID: <RCONN.12051856077.BABYL@SIMTEL20>
From: Richard Conn <RCONN@Simtel20.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA, info-unix@Brl.ARPA
Subject: UNSOFT.C
MICRO:<UNIX.CPM> now contains a new version of UNSOFT.C,
modified by Richard McGee at BRL. This program runs under UNIX and
converts Wordstar files (document files) into conventional ASCII for
normal processing under UNIX.