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31-Jan-85 10:13:54-MST,3611;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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From: Chuck McManis <cem%intelca.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Newsgroups: net.micro.cpm
Subject: Turbo Design Flaw
Message-ID: <504@intelca.UUCP>
Date: 29 Jan 85 17:17:18 GMT
Xref: seismo net.micro.cpm:3877
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
As some of you probably already know there is a major design flaw in
For those of you have tried to use the CP/M command tail with the
VAR CmdLine : String[127] absolute $80;
Will probably notice that if your command line is more often than
not completely munged when you try to read it. I have found that
if the VERY FIRST thing your program does is copy the command line
into a string variable with the loop
FOR I := 1 to Mem[$80] do Cmdline[I] := Chr(Mem[$80+I]);
CmdLine[0] := Mem[$80];
The most you can get seems to be around 37 characters of the original
command tail. The rest is corrupted(sp?) by Turbo's init procedure.
There is a solution however, or rather a hack, that will allow one
the full use of the command tail. The procedure is as follows :
o Put the following code in the program at or before the point where
you will use the command line :
Start_Address = $1FC9; { Declare the value from your system }
I : Integer;
CmdLine : String[127]
For I := 1 to Mem[Start_Address] Do
Cmdline[I] := Chr(Mem[Start_Address+I]);
CmdLine[0] := Chr(Mem[Start_Address]);
o Go into the Options menu, and set the mode to Com file. (Doesn't
make sense to have command line recognition when you are running
the code from memory.)
o Then set the start address from what it currently is to start_
address + 80h bytes. In my system the start address went from
1FC9h to 2049h.
o "Q"uit the options menu and compile the program. When completed
the list of memory used should come up with 128 bytes free at the
beginning of your program.
o Now use DDT or SID or ZSID on the resultant .COM file. Note the
length of the file (so you can save it again later) and dump
at address 100H. There will be a jump at 100 to the start address
you adjusted above. After that will be a copyright message from
Borland, and some zeros until about address 170h. Do the following
commands in the debugger :
ZSID .........
xxyy HHHH HHHH <- The hex number xx is the number of pages you
#a100 need to save.
100 jp 130
130 ld hl,80
133 ld de,1fc9
136 ld bc,80
139 ldir
13B jp "start_Address" ; use the address that the jump at 100 originally
13E ; pointed to.
A>Save zz FOO.COM <- convert xx to decimal and use in place of zz.
You now have a .COM file, that will first save the command tail before
Turbo has a chance to Stomp on it. Argh! Why couldn't they design it
correctly in the first place!
- - - D I S C L A I M E R - - -
{ihnp4,fortune}!dual\ All opinions expressed herein are my
{qantel,idi}-> !intelca!cem own and not those of my employer, my
{ucbvax,hao}!hplabs/ friends, or my avocado plant. :-}
31-Jan-85 10:14:36-MST,711;000000000000
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Received: by rand-unix.ARPA; Thu, 31 Jan 85 08:08:54 pst
From: Henry Sowizral <henry@Rand-Unix.ARPA>
Message-Id: <8501311608.AA14595@rand-unix.ARPA>
Date: 31 Jan 85 08:08:51 PST (Thu)
To: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@simtel20.ARPA>
Cc: Info-Cpm@Amsaa.ARPA, Info-Micro@Brl-Vgr.ARPA, henry@Rand-Unix.ARPA
Subject: Re: ITS-binary files on SIMTEL20 - pro and con
In-Reply-To: Your message of 31 Jan 1985 07:22 MST (Thu).
I second the motion.
--- Henry
31-Jan-85 11:48:47-MST,1110;000000000000
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Date: 31 Jan 1985 12:23:26 EST (Thursday)
From: Robert Bloom AMSTE-TOI 3775 <rbloom@Apg-1.ARPA>
Subject: Attn NorthStar Horizon users
To: info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA
Well, I did it.
With surprisingly little effort I've replaced the one of the SSDD drives on my
horizon with two DSDD 96-tpi TEAC FD55F's - from 163k per drive to 784k per
drive in one evening. Total cost $283.70. (2 x $135 for the drives + $8.70
shipping + $5.00 for one 34-pin edge connector from Radio Shack.) I even
managed to add in the archive BDOS patch, ZCPR2 with BIOS inits, and Plouffe's
2k block mods for the octal drives.
I've written up exactly what I did in a message to NorthStar-Users and will
forward a copy to any that ask (it's some 24k long). If response is good
enough (<4 requests) I'll also post directly to INFO-CPM. It should end up in
the <cpm.nstar> directory at simtel20 eventually.
bob bloom
31-Jan-85 16:39:14-MST,818;000000000000
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From: Alan Rovner <alanr%tekigm.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Newsgroups: net.micro.cpm
Subject: Help with installing ZCPR2 on Xerox 820-I
Message-ID: <269@tekigm.UUCP>
Date: 30 Jan 85 17:20:31 GMT
Xref: seismo net.micro.cpm:3879
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
I have been having trouble installing ZCPR2 on my Xerox, specifically
with modifying the BIOS the take care of the various buffers, etc.
Does anyone have ZCPR2 running on the Xerox, and if so could I get a
copy of your BIOS or suggestions on buffer assignment.
Al Rovner
31-Jan-85 17:11:35-MST,642;000000000000
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Date: Thu 31 Jan 85 18:34:03-EST
From: Mark Becker <Cent.Mbeck%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA>
Subject: Wanted: "p" - C preprocessor
Hello Netland -
In Dr. Dobb's Journal of July '84, there was an article about and
listing of a preprocessor written for Small C.
Before I go and type it in, does anyone already have it on-line?
Your help is appreciated.
Mark Becker
31-Jan-85 17:13:45-MST,2011;000000000000
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From: haddock%waltz.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA
Newsgroups: net.micro.cpm
Subject: Re: Any Libraries for AY3-8910?
Message-ID: <31600001@waltz.UUCP>
Date: 28 Jan 85 21:31:00 GMT
Nf-ID: #R:brl-tgr:-766000:waltz:31600001:000:1377
Nf-From: waltz!haddock Jan 28 15:31:00 1985
Xref: seismo net.micro.cpm:3880
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
/**** waltz:net.micro.cpm / brl-tgr!MNeary.es / 2:36 pm Jan 23, 1985 ****/
>Is there a library of stimuli that I can feed to the General Instruments
>AY3-8910 chip to create special sound effects and/or music? I just
>acquired some old game boards using this chip, and I figured that I
>should endeavor to avoid re-inventing the wheel while I try to justify
>this purchase.
You may want to try and get some old issues of the 99'er
magazine. You ask WHY? Because the TI 99/4a used TI's 76498a
sound chip which worked *similarly* to the GI AY3-8910/2. Obviously
the values will be different but it's the general scheme (timings and
frequencies) of how the sounds are produced that will allow you to
re-create them on the different sound chip and maybe learn how to
create your own. Also, several years ago Steve Ciarcia had a column
(in BYTE, naturally) devoted to the GI sound maker and you may be able
to use some of his examples. Nonetheless, please let me know of any
libraries or further examples you may come across. Thanks,
-Rusty- |\/ o \ o
| ( -< O o Where's the fish?
ARPA: Haddock%Waltz%TI-CSL@CSNet-Relay
Rusty@Maryland (forwarded to CSNet address)
CSNet: Haddock@TI-CSL
USENET: {convex!smu, ut-sally, texsun, rice} ! waltz ! haddock
31-Jan-85 17:37:52-MST,680;000000000000
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From: Donald Graft <dag%tellab2.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Newsgroups: net.micro.cpm
Subject: Re: Need HELP with SUBMIT
Message-ID: <213@tellab2.UUCP>
Date: 30 Jan 85 00:11:31 GMT
Xref: seismo net.micro.cpm:3881
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Please note that the currently shipped version of MicroShell supports
shell programming through variables, conditionals, and user input. It is
vastly superior to clip.
31-Jan-85 18:11:01-MST,1410;000000000000
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From: Ruben Ramirez-Mitchell <ruben%ut-ngp.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Newsgroups: net.micro.cpm
Subject: Microshell
Message-ID: <1261@ut-ngp.UUCP>
Date: 31 Jan 85 20:54:40 GMT
Xref: seismo net.micro.cpm:3882
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
You can get Microshell from
New Generation Systems, INC
1800 MIchael Faraday Drive, Suite 206
Reston, Virginia, 22090
(703) 471-5598
I would also check Microtools, and MicroTree. I just bought MicroTree from
them (ls, cd, pwd, tree, mv, cp, rm, mkdir, rmdir) and it works very well
(it maps user areas to dnamed directories). I run all three programs under
MPM-816, but I have also used Microshell and Microtools under CP/M-80, and
Note that they do not support Microshell under MPM , some things do not work
well in this environment ( no line editor for example, and script files
which cross user and drive boundaries don't work well).
Ruben Mitchell
Cell Research Inst.
University of Texas
Austin, Texas, 78712
31-Jan-85 19:49:14-MST,780;000000000000
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Date: 31 Jan 1985 1821-PST
Subject: Z150 and 8" drives ??
To: info-ibmpc@Usc-Isib.ARPA
cc: info-micro@Brl.ARPA, info-cpm@Amsaa.ARPA, lhill@Usc-Eclb.ARPA
I have taken the big step from 8 to 16 bits with my recent order of
a Z-150. What I don't want to do is give up my dual DDDS 8" drives. The
local Heath folks don't admit to being able to interface 8" drives, which
I take as simple nonsense. Can someone point me to a solution. With all
those IBM systems out there, shurly someone has an 8" controller.
Lem (lhill at eclb)
31-Jan-85 21:21:31-MST,2753;000000000000
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From: Tim Maroney <tim@CMU-CS-K.ARPA>
Newsgroups: net.micro,net.micro.cpm
Subject: SuperBrain External Bus Info Wanted
Message-ID: <236@cmu-cs-k.ARPA>
Date: 1 Feb 85 01:52:36 GMT
Xref: seismo net.micro:9739 net.micro.cpm:3885
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Last year, I bought a military surplus Intertec SuperBrain for use as an
intelligent terminal. However, it is far more versatile than that, which
has led me to want to attach some outher devices to it. There used to exist
a beast known as a SuperBrain S-100 bus adaptor. This fits onto the
internal 40-pin Z-80 bus connector, and provides an S-100 bus interface.
My question: Does anyone know where I could pick up the S-100 bus adaptor?
Alternately, how hard would it be to interface devices directly to the
40-pin connector?
Please keep in mind that I am a hardware cretin who writes device drivers
for a living (strange but true). This would be essentially a "first
project" as far as the hardware is concerned, but supporting software is not
a problem.
The pin connections to the internal Z/80 bus are shown below:
2 SYSRES* System Reset Output, Low during Power Up Initialize or
Reset Depressed
4 A10 Address Output
5 A12 Address Output
6 A13 Address Output
7 A15 Address Output
8 GND Signal Ground
9 A11 Address Output
10 A14 Address Output
11 A8 Address Output
12 OUT* Peripheral Write Strobe Output
13 WR* Memory Write Strobe Output
15 RD* Memory Read Strobe Output
17 A9 Address Output
18 D4 Bidirectional Data Bus
19 IN* Peripheral Read Strobe Output
20 D7 Bidirectional Data Bus
22 D1 Bidirectional Data Bus
24 D6 Bidirectional Data Bus
25 A0 Address Output
26 D3 Bidirectional Data Bus
27 A1 Address Output
28 D5 Bidirectional Data Bus
29 GND Signal Ground
30 D0 Bidirectional Data Bus
31 A4 Address Output
32 D2 Bidirectional Data Bus
34 A3 Address Output
35 A5 Address Output
36 A7 Address Output
37 GND Signal Ground
38 A6 Address Output
39 +5V 5 Volt Output
40 A2 Address Output
Tim Maroney, Carnegie-Mellon University Computation Center
ARPA: Tim.Maroney@CMU-CS-K uucp: seismo!cmu-cs-k!tim
CompuServe: 74176,1360 audio: shout "Hey, Tim!"
"Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are
but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains."
Liber AL, II:9.