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28-Oct-86 05:58:19-MST,748;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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at 02:42:17 CST
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 86 08:58 N
MMDF-Warning: Parse error in preceding line at AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: Where is VMSSWEEP.FOR ?
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
X-Original-To: info-cpm@amsaa.arpa, INFOEARN
Resent-Date: Tue, 28 Oct 86 6:31:10 EST
Resent-From: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Resent-To: info-cpm-relay@AMSAA.ARPA
I can't find VMSSWEEP.FOR in directory PD:<CPM.VAXVMS> on SIMTEL20.
Where is it??
28-Oct-86 06:32:06-MST,2623;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 28 Oct 86 06:31:47-MST
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From: Simon Kenyon <simon%einode.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Newsgroups: net.micro.cpm
Subject: Re: Re: NOTE from UZ32112
Message-ID: <199@einode.UUCP>
Date: 24 Oct 86 15:42:21 GMT
Posted: Fri Oct 24 16:42:21 1986
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
> Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
> Redistributed: XeroxInfo-CPM^.x@xerox.ARPA
> Received: from AMSAA (AMSAA.ARPA) by Xerox.COM ; 14 OCT 86 20:03:15 PDT
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> Original-Date: 14 Oct 86 11:05:12 PDT (Tuesday)
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> Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
> Redistributed: XeroxInfo-CPM^.x@xerox.ARPA
> Received: from AMSAA (AMSAA.ARPA) by Xerox.COM ; 08 OCT 86 19:02:05 PDT
> Received: from mitre.arpa by AMSAA.ARPA id a008953; 8 Oct 86 13:31 EDT
> Full-Name: Jeff Edelheit
> Organization: The MITRE Corp., Washington, D.C.
> Return-Path: <edelheit>
> Received: from localhost by ernie.mitre.org (2.2/SMI-2.2) id AA09208;
> Wed, 8 Oct 86 08:26:49 edt
> Message-Id: <8610081226.AA09208@ernie.mitre.org>
> Original-Date: Wed, 08 Oct 86 08:26:19 -0500
> Andre - Here is a 144kb listing of all the interest groups. Your
> guess about isib and b.isi is correct. The new domain naming convention
> is the b.isi. The difference between info-ibmpc and info-ibmpc-request
> is that request is the address used to get on the list. Your return
> address of UZ32112%BLIULG12.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU is correct.
> All I can suggest is that you can try sending a request to the request
> address and ask for confirmation of your request to be added to the
> list.
> I'll send the two most recent info-ibmpc digests as separate notes.
> Jeff Edelheit (edelheit@mitre.arpa)
> The MITRE Corporation, 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.
> McLean, VA 22102 (703) 883-7586
what is all this doing here
thank christ it got truncated after 30k
the article you posted was claimed to be over 4000 lines long
what the hell do you think you're doing
it's not even in the right goddam group
wise up you guys
Simon Kenyon
EUnet: simon@einode.UUCP
Smail: The National Software Centre, Dublin, IRELAND
Phone: +353-1-716255
EUnet is a registered trademark of the EUUG
28-Oct-86 12:45:32-MST,1136;000000000000
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Date: Tue, 28 Oct 86 9:18:12 PST
From: pencin.pa@xerox.ARPA
Subj: turbodos/lu function 11 bug
To: bridger@RAND-UNIX.ARPA
cc: David Towson (SECAD) <towson@AMSAA.ARPA>, info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Message-ID: <861028-091823-4113@Xerox>
Resent-Date: Tue, 28 Oct 86 13:32:32 EST
Resent-From: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Resent-To: info-cpm-relay@xerox.ARPA
I am the author of PBBS, and have had an ongoing problem with the one
character look-ahead buffer in BDOS. All of my attempts to flush the
"extra" character have failed. I am currently using the bdos function
6, for portability, but even this call doesn't completely flush the
buffer. Can you think of a way to force BDOS to flush this character?
Do you know of any programs that do it ? Any pointers or help would be
greatly appreciated.
Russ Pencin
Dallas Connection PBBS
(415) 964-4356
28-Oct-86 14:53:31-MST,3299;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
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From: Chris Gordon <cagordon%watnot.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Newsgroups: net.micro.cpm
Subject: Re: IMP for the C-128
Message-ID: <12116@watnot.UUCP>
Date: 26 Oct 86 07:29:58 GMT
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
I think this is useful enough to enough people to make it worth posting.
In article <2835@garfield.UUCP> jay@garfield.UUCP (Jay Kumarasingam) writes:
>I just started using the IMP terminal program on the commodore 128. I set
>the term to be adm31 and everything works fine except......
> i) whenever there is a reverse video line (like when you more filename),
> all I get is graphic characters.
Don't use adm31, the code for reverse video (or standout) is different for the
C128 - use oadm31 (old adm31) if you have it on your system. If you don't, you
could always make your own termcap entry and change the :so=\EG1: to :so=\EG4:
> ii) within vi when I insert into a line, it seems to overwrite the line.
> escape after insert does seem to change matters. does not seem to
> work either.
This is because the insert start/end codes given in the termcap entry do NOT
work on the 128. I think you're best bet would be to make up your own
termcap entry. If you would like some help, here's a termcap entry I use
(although until I get my NEWSYS installed, I can't really test it out but I
*know* the codes work on CP/M 3.0 on the 128 - I have tried them.) :
setterm adm31
setenv TERMCAP "l1|adm31|31:is=\Eu\E0:cr=^M:do=^J:nl=^J:bl=^G:al=\EE:am:le=^H:bs:ce=\ET:cm=\E=%+\040%+\040:cl=\E*:cd=\EY:co#80:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:ho=^^:kd=^J:kl=^H:kr=^L:ku=^K:li#24:mi:nd=^L:se=\EG0:so=\EG4:up=^K:"
(I just set up a file and 'source' it (from csh))
>That is all I found so far. Am I using the most suited termcap entry? Has
>anyone else had the same problems and/or fixed them? Please post. Also if
>anyone has the description (with escape sequence codes) for the adm31, I
>would appreciate it if you would post it or mail it to me.
Here are some I know (taken and modified from the termcap entry) :
Escape codes for C128's CP/M emulating ADM31. '#' represents a number. 'ESC' is
the ESCAPE code (ASCII 27). SPC is ASCII 32.
ESC E insert line
ESC R delete line
ESC W delete character
ESC * clear entire display (same as ^Z)
ESC Y clear to end of display (same as ESC y)
ESC T clear to end of line (same as ESC t)
ESC G 4 start standout
ESC G 0 end standout
ESC = # # move cursor to (#-32, #-32)
^^ home cursor (how to type this from the keyboard I don't know -
could always use "ESC = SPC SPC")
^K up one line
^L right one charactrer
^H left
^J down
I hope this helps.
Chris Gordon UUCP: {abunchasystems}!watmath!watnot!cagordon
U of Waterloo, Ont CompuServe: Don't know yet
"...Life...in the fast lane... (AND bits of egg!)"
28-Oct-86 15:47:43-MST,1422;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue 28 Oct 86 15:47:21-MST
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From: jay%garfield.uucp@BRL.ARPA
Newsgroups: net.micro.cpm
Subject: IMP for the C-128
Message-ID: <2835@garfield.UUCP>
Date: 20 Oct 86 18:44:03 GMT
Sender: perry%garfield.uucp@BRL.ARPA
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
<Be-ware the Line Mangler>
I just started using the IMP terminal program on the commodore 128. I set
the term to be adm31 and everything works fine except......
i) whenever there is a reverse video line (like when you more filename),
all I get is graphic characters.
ii) within vi when I insert into a line, it seems to overwrite the line.
escape after insert does seem to change matters. does not seem to
work either.
That is all I found so far. Am I using the most suited termcap entry? Has
anyone else had the same problems and/or fixed them? Please post. Also if
anyone has the description (with escape sequence codes) for the adm31, I
would appreciate it if you would post it or mail it to me.
Thank you.
J.(Jay) Kumarasingam
UUCP: {akgua,allegra,cbosgd,ihnp4,seismo,utcsri}!garfield!jay
CDNNET: jay@garfield.mun.cdn
The opinions expressed here shall be voided in the morning.
29-Oct-86 04:47:23-MST,1094;000000000000
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From: Chris Gordon <cagordon%watnot.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm,net.micro.cpm
Subject: C128 CP/M
Message-ID: <12122@watnot.UUCP>
Date: 28 Oct 86 21:45:44 GMT
Keywords: colour
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Does anyone know if there is a way to set the colours in CP/M mode on the
Commodore 128? I am currently using 80 columns on a TV set and find the colours
already set up nearly impossible to read.
Chris Gordon UUCP: {abunchasystems}!watmath!watnot!cagordon
U of Waterloo, Ont CompuServe: Don't know yet
CSNET: cagordon%watnot@Waterloo.CSNET
"...Life...in the fast lane... (AND bits of egg!)"
29-Oct-86 06:42:08-MST,1444;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 29 Oct 86 06:41:48-MST
Received: from nadc.arpa by AMSAA.ARPA id a012886; 28 Oct 86 16:52 EST
Date: 28 Oct 1986 16:48:34-EST
From: prindle@nadc.ARPA
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA, perry@garfield.uucp, brl@nadc.ARPA
MMDF-Warning: Parse error in preceding line at AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: IMP on C-128
Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Oct 86 8:05:02 EST
Resent-From: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Resent-To: info-cpm-relay@nadc.ARPA
The C-128 screen is just enough shy of an adm-31 to cause trouble with the
standard termcap for adm-31. Use the following termcap:
#This entry is for the Commodore 128 in 80 column CP/M mode running any terminal
#package which passes all keys and screen characters directly (e.g. IMP)
qe|c128|C128|Commodore 128 CP/M 80 Col X 24 Lin:co#80:li#24:\
:al=\EE:am:bs:ce=\ET:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
I made this up and have been hapily using it for 6 months or so without a
problem (4.1BSD mind you).
You'll find that insert-character on the 128 screen is slow enough to drive you
crazy. Solution - use the "vi" command R on an empty line and it will not
send insert-character - much faster text entry. For real inserts, you'll just
have to get used to the slow inserts.
Frank Prindle
29-Oct-86 07:04:44-MST,894;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 29 Oct 86 07:04:33-MST
Received: from simtel20.arpa by AMSAA.ARPA id a013184; 28 Oct 86 17:18 EST
Date: Tue 28 Oct 86 15:20:41-MST
From: Rick Conn <RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Re: ZCPR3 command line recall
cc: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
In-Reply-To: Message from "David Wild <WILD%FREMBL51.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA>" of Tue 28 Oct 86 05:44:44-MST
Message-ID: <12250495329.11.RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Oct 86 8:05:09 EST
Resent-From: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Resent-To: info-cpm-relay@SIMTEL20.ARPA
There is a history shell for ZCPR3 called HSH. It allows you to recall the
last several commands (up to 100, I think). It is in the PD and can be found
in the PD:<ZSYS> archive on SIMTEL20 and on Z-Nodes.
Rick Conn
29-Oct-86 07:45:50-MST,1808;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 29 Oct 86 07:45:06-MST
Received: from nadc.arpa by AMSAA.ARPA id a022426; 29 Oct 86 8:17 EST
Date: 29 Oct 1986 08:14:44-EST
From: prindle@nadc.ARPA
To: cagordon@watnot.uucp, brl@nadc.ARPA
MMDF-Warning: Parse error in preceding line at AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: setting screen colors from CP/M on C-128
Cc: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA, microcomputer.cbm@red.ARPA
Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Oct 86 8:21:43 EST
Resent-From: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Resent-To: info-cpm-relay@nadc.ARPA
There are three ways to set the screen colors from CP/M:
1. Manually, any of the first 8 colors for text can be chosen by typing CTRL-0
thru CTRL-7 on the main keyboard. Any of the first 8 colors for background can
be chosen by typing CTRL-0 thru CTRL-7 on the auxilliary keypad. The second
set of 8 colors are not accessible this way.
2. The program "conf" (AKA config) can be used as follows:
conf char=<character color code>,back=<character color code>
where the color codes include all 0-15 for each.
3. Any CP/M program can change screen or text colors by outputting to the
console the sequence <ESC><ESC><ESC><color-select-byte> where the color select
byte uses the low bits for the color code and higher bits to specify background
or character color. This, in effect, can be used by a program to display text
in assorted colors on the screen. The exact interpretation of the color-select-
byte is given in the CP/M section of the guide that comes with the 128.
Hint: try yellow on black or green on black, perennial favorites. 80 columns
on a TV set (unless it's an XBR) is going to be real squinty at best, but more
contrast will definitely help.
Frank Prindle
29-Oct-86 13:07:15-MST,1503;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 29 Oct 86 13:07:06-MST
Received: from nadc.arpa by AMSAA.ARPA id a006815; 29 Oct 86 13:50 EST
Date: 29 Oct 1986 13:53:00-EST
From: prindle@nadc.ARPA
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: Query on CP/M disk formats
Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Oct 86 14:10:25 EST
Resent-From: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Resent-To: info-cpm-relay@nadc.ARPA
The Digital Research documentation on CP/M would seem to indicate that these
are the variables (the BDOS cares about) among different 5.25" MFM diskette
. physical sector size
. number of physical sectors per track
. number of tracks on diskette
. allocation unit size
. number of directory entries
. number of reserved system tracks
. number of checksummed directory entries
Furthermore, the BIOS will undoubtedly need these facts:
. origin of physical sector numbering on each track (0 or 1)
. track numbering philosophy of physical sectors on a double sided disk:
- both sides considered one track
- even tracks on side 0, odd tracks on side 1
- first half of tracks on side 0, second half on side 1
- something even more bizarre
Are there any other parameters which are necessary to describe diskette formats?
For example, are there variations within the format of a physical sector
itself (number of syncs between header and data, checksumming technique, etc)?
Thanks in advance,
Frank Prindle
29-Oct-86 14:26:08-MST,620;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 29 Oct 86 14:25:57-MST
Received: from wpafb-info2.arpa by AMSAA.ARPA id a022370; 28 Oct 86 8:23 EST
Date: 28 Oct 86 08:08:00 EST
From: INFOCEN - Greg Elder <elder@WPAFB-INFO2.ARPA>
Subject: RE: Where is VMSSWEEP.FOR ?
To: info-cpm-request <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Reply-To: INFOCEN - Greg Elder <elder@WPAFB-INFO2.ARPA>
Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Oct 86 14:55:19 EST
Resent-From: cpmlist@AMSAA.ARPA
Resent-To: info-cpm-relay@WPAFB-INFO2.ARPA
I had the same problem but found it in PD:<MISC.VAXVMS>.
29-Oct-86 20:26:22-MST,652;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 29 Oct 86 20:26:14-MST
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Received: from USENET by SMOKE.BRL.ARPA id a003665; 29 Oct 86 17:30 EST
From: Da-Hai Li <dhl%doc.ic.ac.uk@BRL.ARPA>
Newsgroups: net.micro.cpm
Subject: z-system
Message-ID: <368@ivax.doc.ic.ac.uk>
Date: 24 Oct 86 14:01:10 GMT
Posted: Fri Oct 24 15:01:10 1986
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Can anybody out there tell me what is that so good about
the Z-system? How is it different from the CCP?
Thanks in advance,
29-Oct-86 20:28:07-MST,7205;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed 29 Oct 86 20:27:37-MST
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 86 17:54:08 EST
From: Dave Towson (info-cpm-request) <cpmlist@AMSAA.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: Posting of "for sale" messages - quarterly reminder:
Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Oct 86 17:54:49 EST
Resent-From: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Resent-To: info-cpm-relay@AMSAA.ARPA
Fellow CP/Mers - Thanks to all of you for your splendid cooperation in not
posting personal "for sale" messages, and for sending announcements of new
commercial products in which you have a financial interest to me for distri-
bution. For the benefit of new readers, I try to post at quarterly intervals
the INFO-CPM policy regarding such matters. It is now time for another such
posting. Therefore, this message states my interpretation of the Defense
Data Network (DDN) regulations, and presents a resulting policy to which I, as
INFO-CPM list maintainer, ask all DDN subscribers to adhere. I also ask that
contributors to "NET.MICRO.CPM" on USENET voluntarily cooperate so that the
mutually beneficial news gateway between INFO-CPM and NET.MICRO.CPM is not
The June 1984 issue of the "DDN Directory" gives on page 12 the following
statement concerning use of the network:
"The DDN is an operational DoD network and is not intended
to compete with comparable commercial service. It is intended
to be used solely for the conduct of or in support of official
U.S. Government business."
It is the vagueness of the term "official U.S. Government business" that forces
a local interpretation to be made, and that is the reason for this message.
Briefly stated, my policy is this:
1. I offer to act as a clearinghouse for all new product announcements
posted by persons having remunerative interests in the products.
Persons wishing to post such announcements are asked to send them to
INFO-CPM-REQUEST@AMSAA.ARPA for forwarding to the list. Please note
that this applies ONLY to "remunerative interest postings". Readers
having no such interests are always welcome to send comments about
products, new or old, directly to INFO-CPM.
2. Messages offering personal items for sale must not be posted.
This policy is explained in more detail below.
PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENTS: I feel that the information value of a product
announcement must be weighed against possible personal rewards when making a
decision about use of the network. There are many government-owned computers
running CP/M, and on which serious government work is being done. Several
years ago, the DARCOM (now AMC) Microcomputer Software Support System (DMSSS)
project was instituted, with one of its aspects being to provide a repository
of public domain software on the net. INFO-CPM was sponsored as the official
vehicle for announcements of the status of the collections, and to promote the
interchange of user information on the use of CP/M and the programs which
run under it. This is why INFO-CPM is "in support of official U.S. Government
business". New products that provide improvements to the CP/M operating
system, to associated utility programs or to the machines on which these
programs run offer productivity increases to government users. Therefore, it
is in the government interest to distribute factual information concerning
such products. Still, when an individual having a personal monetary interest
in a product posts an announcement concerning that product, it raises
questions about "commercial use of the network".
Therefore, as I have no involvement with any provider of CP/M-related
products or services, I offer to act as a "clearinghouse" for all new product
announcements being submitted by persons having remunerative interests in
these products. I ask that all individuals wishing to post such announcements
via INFO-CPM send them to INFO-CPM-REQUEST@AMSAA.ARPA. My requirements for
relaying such messages to the list are:
1. They must be of general interest to the "CP/M community". Products
that address specific subsets of this community, such as those
which operate with or on an "XYZ machine running CP/M 2.2" meet
this requirement.
2. They must be brief and factual, listing the salient features of
the products, and giving brief explanations of the techniques used
to achieve improved performance (if applicable). In short, they
3. They must be free of advertising hype - no superlatives. Compar-
ative words such as "better" and "improved" are OK provided brief
explanations are given as stated above.
4. They should include the name and netmail address of a person to whom
requests for additional informaton can be directed, or a statement
that no additional information is available if that is the case.
I will not attempt to present here an all-inclusive, "iron-clad" set of rules,
as I do not believe it can be done; and if it can, I don't know how. Please
send any questions regarding this matter to INFO-CPM-REQUEST@AMSAA.ARPA, and
NOT to the entire list. If further clarifications seem necessary, I will
update and resend this message.
PERSONAL "FOR SALE" MESSAGES: I think there is a very significant
difference between product announcements and personal "for sale" messages.
Products that are offered to the public which provide new capabilities, or
which improve the performance of existing systems offer these same benefits to
government users. But personal deals are "one-on-one", and unless the buyer is
a government user (which I consider an extremely remote possibility considering
the "red-tape" associated with procurement), no benefit can accrue to the
government. Therefore, personal small-volume offerings violate the intent
of the rules and should not be posted.
REPLIES TO POSTINGS: Please make intelligent decisions regarding replies
to product announcements. If such a reply is of general interest, then feel
free to send it to INFO-CPM@AMSAA.ARPA (i.e., to the entire list). I will
include with each posting the address of a person to contact for additional
information (or a statement that no further information is available, if that
is the case). Please send non-general-interest replies PRIVATELY to the person
listed, and NOT to the entire list.
If a personal "for sale" message does appear in INFO-CPM and you wish to
respond to it, please do so PRIVATELY and not to the entire list. If your
mailer can't send private replies, then DO NOT REPLY at all.
The above policy has been coordinated with the Army Ballistic Research
Laboratory personnel responsible for monitoring BRL's network access, through
which INFO-CPM is delivered to the DDN. This message will be repeated period-
ically for the information of new readers, and to refresh the memories of
others. Your cooperation will help to insure the continued existence of the
INFO-CPM newsgroup.
Dave Towson <info-cpm-request@amsaa.arpa>
INFO-CPM list maintainer
30-Oct-86 06:35:18-MST,649;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 30 Oct 86 06:35:04-MST
Received: from simtel20.arpa by AMSAA.ARPA id a019711; 30 Oct 86 7:43 EST
Date: Thu 30 Oct 86 05:38:24-MST
From: Rick Conn <RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Z System
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Message-ID: <12250913613.9.RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Further information on the Z System is contained in the file
ZWORD3.TXT in PD:<ZSYS.DOC> on SIMTEL20. It compares the Z System to cp/m
and discusses the tradeoffs. This is response to a query posted to INFO-CPM
(the return address of which was rejected).
Rick Conn
30-Oct-86 06:55:23-MST,1498;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 30 Oct 86 06:55:07-MST
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at 10:52:50 CST
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Date: Wed, 29 Oct 86 11:31:03 EAS
From: "John S. Fisher" <FISHER%RPICICGE.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: Archive utility available for IBM VM/SP systems
I have produced a utility program like VMSSWEEP but for the IBM VM/SP
environment. It is called ARCUTIL and provides the following functions:
o UUDECODEing of files received from ARCHIVE-REQUEST.
o Fracturing of ARC and LBR library files. (DLE-packing, Huffman and
LZW variant decompression supported.)
o ASCII to EBCDIC translation. Carriage returns, line-feeds and
form-feeds are rendered as ASA carriage control; tabs are expanded
to the equivalent number of spaces.
I consider the present version of ARCUTIL to be in a sort of pre-release
state and not quite ready for submission to the SIMTEL20 archives.
**However** any brave individual out there with a VM/SP system on BITNET
who would like to play with my pre-release version (and help me shoot
any remaining bugs) should send a request directly to me.
I expect ARCUTIL will be ready for full public dissemination by Christmas.
30-Oct-86 10:42:03-MST,1173;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 30 Oct 86 10:41:53-MST
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Date: 30-Oct-1986 1052
From: NOW willya gimme some fightin' room? <binder%asd.DEC@decwrl.dec.com>
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA, infocpm%asd.DEC@decwrl.dec.com,
Subject: PCPI RAM card for Applicard
Does anyone out there know if PCPI still makes the piggyback RAM card for the
Applicard (same as MicroPro StarCard)? I'd like to look into setting up a
CP/M RAMdisk for WordStar in my Apple //e. Is the PCPI RAM card the best
hardware for this application? Alternatively, I could use the Jameco Bigboard
with Jameco's driver. Any opinions on this application would be most helpful.
Dick Binder (The Stainless Steel Rat)
UUCP: { decvax, allegra, ucbvax... }!decwrl!asd.dec.com!binder
ARPA: binder%asd.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
30-Oct-86 14:38:55-MST,1572;000000000000
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Date: Thu, 30 Oct 86 09:33 ???
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: VMSWEEP
X-VMS-To: RCVAX::NET%"info-cpm@amsaa.arpa",HAAR
I have gotten the VMSSWEEP FORTRAN source from the SIMTEL20 Archives,
but am having trouble compiling it.
VMSSWEEP is described as a utility for handling .LBR and .ARC type
library files on VAX VMS. However, I have been unable to compile it
in a standard VAX/VMS environment.
We are running VMS version 4.4 with the VAX FORTRAN 4.4 compiler. When
I issue the command 'FOR VMSSWEEP', I get 131 error messages. Some of
these seem to be caused by comment and continuation mark being in the
wrong column. I don't know if the spacing in the file was corrupted or
if this code was developed for a compiler that is more lenient. Also,
I get erros for every SUBROUTINE, RETURN, and END statement with error
messages like "stattement out of order" or "statement not valid in
this program unit" !!!
Can anyone shed some light on this problem?
I apoligize if this seems trivial, but I intentionally purge all memory
of FORTRAN ten years ago and have avoided all contact with VAX FORTRAN
in favor of C and LISP.
Bob Haar
30-Oct-86 15:55:23-MST,1149;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 30 Oct 86 15:55:15-MST
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Date: Thu 30 Oct 1986 16:39:02 EST
MMDF-Warning: Parse error in preceding line at AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: ZCPR3 Command-Line History
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Message-ID: <SAGE.30359939@LL.ARPA>
David Wild asked about a ZCPR3 utility to recall and edit past command
lines. There are two such utilities available: HSH and VCED. I use HSH
and can say more about it. Having had some recent experience with the
UNIX history feature, HSH is much better. The cursor keys let you scroll
forward and backward through the history, and there is also a search function
that will look for command lines starting with specific character strings.
Since these programs use a disk file to keep the command history, a RAM disk
or hard disk is very nice. It can be used on a floppy system also (I do it),
especially if you follow some tricks. More on that if anyone is interested
Jay Sage
30-Oct-86 16:38:18-MST,1301;000000000000
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Date: Thu, 30 Oct 86 10:59 ???
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
X-VMS-To: RCVAX::NET%"info-cpm@amsaa.arpa",HAAR
Ignore my earlier plea for help with VMSSWEEP. I solved the problem
with compiling the code, but don't understand why it happened.
For others who may encounter the same difficulties, I was getting
many error messages from the VAX/VMS FORTRAN compiler on the
VMSSWEEP.FOR file from the archives at SIMTEL20. As it turned out,
all the errors were caused by lines with a form-feed character in
column 1. I was not seeing these characters because the particular
combination of editor/terminal didn't show control characters. I
tried a different editor, saw (and removed) the FF's, and compilation
went smoothly from there.
What I don't understand is whether other VAX FORTRAN compilers can
handle source with form-feeds or if they form-feeds were inserted
somewhere in the distribution process.
Bob Haar
30-Oct-86 20:03:25-MST,932;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 30 Oct 86 20:03:17-MST
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Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1986 19:29 MST
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12251064957.BABYL@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
To: Russ Pencin <pencin.pa@xerox.ARPA>
Subject: Flushing the one-character BDOS console input buffer
Russ, this works for my programs that use function 6 for portability.
This will flush the BDOS buffer if there are any characters waiting.
MVI C,CONSTAT ;BDOS console status function
ORA A ;check for character pending
JZ SKIPIT ;zero means nothing there
MVI C,CONIN ;BDOS console input function
CALL BDOS ;go get it
SKIPIT: (do your next task here, ignoring any character gathered above)
31-Oct-86 06:14:24-MST,1221;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 31 Oct 86 06:14:11-MST
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at 06:30:43 CST
Date: 31 OCT 86 13:05-N
Subj: HELP !!
I am trying to run the Z80 CP/M emulator, called Z80MU, on an Olivetti M24
using MS-DOS 2.11. According to the documentation after the emulator
(Z80MU.COM) is loaded it looks for a file called "AUTOEXEC.Z80". If it
does not find this file the documentation says that it just issues an
error message and waits for commands from the keyboard. When I run it on
the system above, it seems to load OK but after the emulator does not find
"autoexec.z80" it drops back into MS-DOS and does not stay in the
emulator.Can anyone tell me what is wrong here. Is it that the emulator
will *only* run on IBM machines (with PC-DOS) and not on compatables
with MS-DOS or
what? Anyhelp would be appreciated. P.S. I have tried running it with an
empty file called "autoexec.z80" on the boot disk, but it makes no difference!
31-Oct-86 13:05:11-MST,886;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 31 Oct 86 13:04:19-MST
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Received: from Semillon.ms by ArpaGateway.ms ; 31 OCT 86 10:36:10 PST
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 86 10:36:01 PST
From: pencin.pa@xerox.ARPA
Subject: Re: Flushing the one-character BDOS console input buffer
In-Reply-To: <KPETERSEN.12251064957.BABYL@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
To: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
cc: Info-Cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Message-ID: <861031-103610-2666@Xerox>
Your solution is the one I am in the process of trying, however it has
the unsightly side effect of displaying the character if one was
waiting... not good for the type of single character input I'm doing.
My thoughts are to get the character and print a BS,space,BS immediately
to cover it up.
Any thoughts?
31-Oct-86 13:48:59-MST,875;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 31 Oct 86 13:48:21-MST
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Received: from USENET by SMOKE.BRL.ARPA id a006982; 31 Oct 86 14:10 EST
From: Dennis Seipel <dennis%inuxh.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Newsgroups: net.micro.cpm
Subject: Unsqueeze and unlbr wanted
Message-ID: <507@inuxh.UUCP>
Date: 30 Oct 86 13:00:47 GMT
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
I am new to the world of CP/M so forgive me if this request
has been made before. I need the source in 'C' to extract
files from .LBR's and to unsqueeze them. If the source is
only in assembly language, I would like to know the format
for these files so I can write my own.
If this info has been posted before please send replys directly
to me.
31-Oct-86 13:57:09-MST,887;000000000000
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Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 31 Oct 86 13:56:48-MST
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 86 15:05:01 EST
From: Dave Towson (info-cpm-request) <cpmlist@AMSAA.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: Note to overseas readers:
Overseas readers - In the past when I received requests for the SIMTEL20
archive users guide (the archive blurb), I sent instead a note prepared by
Jeff Edelheit describing alternate sources of public domain software, since
at the time only readers with hosts in the Defense Data Network (DDN) could
access the archives. Now, with Frank Wancho's mail server in operation you
CAN obtain files from these archives. Therefore, I will be pleased to send
the archive blurb (23K characters) to anyone who wants it.
Dave Towson <info-cpm-request@amsaa.arpa>
info-cpm list maintainer
31-Oct-86 17:43:19-MST,708;000000000000
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Received: from mitre-bedford.arpa by AMSAA.ARPA id a000435; 31 Oct 86 19:09 EST
Full-Name: McCarthy
Message-Id: <8610312203.AA00572@mitre-bedford.ARPA>
Organization: The MITRE Corp., Bedford, MA
To: Dave Towson (info-cpm-request) <cpmlist@AMSAA.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Note to overseas readers:
In-Reply-To: Your message of Fri, 31 Oct 86 15:05:01 -0500.
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 86 17:03:47 EST
I'd appreciate having the Public Domain blurb you've got.
Thanks much,
Trevor O. McCarthy
31-Oct-86 19:18:38-MST,863;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 31 Oct 86 19:18:22-MST
Received: from mit-xx.arpa by AMSAA.ARPA id a000224; 31 Oct 86 20:40 EST
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1986 16:14 EST
Message-ID: <LIN.12251269635.BABYL@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
From: LIN@mit-xx.ARPA
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: help needed for NSWEEP208
If anyone out there uses this fellow, I am having trouble using it on
my system (running under MPM 8-16). For example, when I call it up,
sometimes it drops into command mode, and sometimes it does not. It
seems to go into command mode as it should only when the directory
from which it is being called is small, but not always. When it does
not go into command mode, the machine becomes dead. No other programs
will run, no other terminal is active.
Any ideas?
31-Oct-86 23:07:44-MST,660;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA.ARPA>
Received: from AMSAA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri 31 Oct 86 23:07:37-MST
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Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1986 22:05 MST
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12251355404.BABYL@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
To: LIN@mit-xx.ARPA
Subject: help needed for NSWEEP208
In-reply-to: Msg of 31 Oct 1986 14:14-MST from LIN at mit-xx.ARPA
According to the author of NEWSWEEP, NSWP208 is a bogus release and he
will not support it. The last official version was 207.