Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu 2 Apr 87 07:49:25-MST
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Date: 2 Apr 87 12:15:24 GMT
From: ucsdhub!jack!man!crash! (Kevin J. Belles)
Organization: Avalon One
Subject: UNIFORM-like programs for C/M 2.2
Message-Id: <966@crash.CTS.COM>
I'm looking for a program, like UNIFORM, that will enable me to read and write on various disk formats. I have contacted both Uniform and Media Master, and
neither seem to version for either of my machines, a CCS System 200 and a
Compupro Z-80 based system. I will be checking out Compat by Mycroft Labs
tomorrow, but from what I hear not much chance. Did anybody ever make a more
or less "generic" or user-configureable format program? I can provide the DPBs
for the disktypes I want to read, but although I can think of a good, effectiveway to make such a program, I don't understand how bitmaps and the DPB math workwell enough to write it myself. Any ideas? I will summarize to the net as it
becomes necessary.
Kevin J. Belles - UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd, akgua, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!kevinb
I have used the ADC modem on an Apple //e for about 15 months. The unit is actually made by Prometheus. There have been no problems. A friend uses one on a 512k Mac and is satixfied
Henry Dowst KA6KNJ
4-Apr-87 01:24:03-MST,1794;000000000000
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Date: 14 Apr 87 1:07 -0800
From: Ken Wallewein <kenw%noah.arc.cdn%ubc.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Message-Id: <26*kenw@noah.arc.cdn>
Subject: deleted file?
The only thing I can think of is that if there is a directory entry ahead of
the one for you file, which contains all E5's, the standard software will think it marks the end of the directory and ignore the rest. You could modify the name field of such an entry (put in 20's or such) to override that. I would strongly suggest making
an IMAGE copy of the disk before doing much of that stuff (NOT
a PIP copy). Another thing you could try would be the SAP program (PD), which
does a sort-and-pack on the directory. Definitely have a backup before you do
that. Probably the best solution would be to enlist the help of someone who is
experienced with DU. Good luck. Oh, by the way... where was your backup copy?
14-Apr-87 12:17:06-MDT,1069;000000000000
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Date: Tue, 14 Apr 87 13:16:31 CST
From: jdb@ncsc.ARPA (Brown)
Message-Id: <8704141916.AA05940@ncsc.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@simtel20.ARPA
Subject: MEX batch transfer mode
Does anyone know what MEX is expecting when using the batch xmodem
transfer modes (ie sb and rb). I have been trying to use it with the
Unix commands sb and rb which came from simtel20 in
MEX and sb/rb can't seem to agree on the exchange of file names. When
send/receiving a single file, they seem to work ok in crc/checksum
and 128/1024 combinations. The unix version is 4.3BSD on a Vax 750.
rb and sb were compiled with cc -O -DV7 xx.c -o xx as per the
comments in the files for unix v7, 2.8 and 4.x.
Any descriprion of the file name exchange expected by MEX or
pointers to docs for it or y-modem (yam?) protocols would be
david brown
14-Apr-87 13:16:19-MDT,555;000000000000
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Date: 14 Apr 1987 14:07:43-EST
From: prindle@NADC
To: hc!beta!dzzr@ames
Subject: re: patching wordstar
Cc: info-cpm@simtel20
Many documents which more than adequately cover the subject of patching
wordstar 3.0 (and others) can be found in the SIMTEL20 archives in directory
PD:<CPM.WSTAR>. Everything you always wanted to know...... even more than