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2-Jan-88 06:06:05-MST,718;000000000000
Received: from E.ISI.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat, 2 Jan 88 06:06:03 MST
Date: 2 Jan 1988 07:05-CST
Subject: Kermit for Kaypro
From: John A. Wright <SAC.HQSAC-DOCT@E.ISI.EDU>
To: info-cpm@SIMTEL20.ARPA
Cc: sac.hqsac-doct@E.ISI.EDU
Message-ID: <[E.ISI.EDU] 2-Jan-88 07:05:55.SAC.HQSAC-DOCT>
In his message, Steven P. Seaney asks:
>I desperately need kermit for a kaypro 4/84. Any help would be greatly
There is a version for the Kaypro on the Columbia System. I have it in
a special use directory. Don't know if it will run on your particular
Kaypro, but will provide it to you if you want it.
2-Jan-88 08:14:33-MST,16581;000000000000
Return-Path: <marwood@dmc-crc.arpa>
Received: from dmc-crc.arpa by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat, 2 Jan 88 08:13:46 MST
Received: by dmc-crc.arpa; (4.12/4.7)
id AA14201; Sat, 2 Jan 88 10:13:57 est
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 88 10:13:57 est
From: marwood@dmc-crc.arpa (G. J. Marwood)
Message-Id: <8801021513.AA14201@dmc-crc.arpa>
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
Subject: PCPI Applicard character loss with MEX
Thanks to everyone who replied to my message regarding character
loss with MEX1.65 capture files, viz:
>> The CP/M system that I use is an Apple ][+ and PCPI
>> Applicard. While developing a new overlay and PCPI driver
>> using interrupts, to avoid the usual character loss at high
>> baud rates, I have come across a problem which seems to
>> afflict the Apple/Applicard even without interrupts and at
>> 1200 baud. At this baud rate, I experience no character loss
>> on screen during normal operation. However, if I invoke a
>> capture file, I do experience character loss at the place
>> where the capture buffer is being written to disk (in this
>> case it is the Applicard add-on Ramdisk). This loss occurs
>> both on screen and in the captured file and, typically may
>> be half a dozen or so characters. It seems that this bug has
>> always been present in the MEX software that I have used,
>> though I had not noticed it because I don't usually capture
>> files as large as the capture buffer (16-17K). Another local
>> user has done a similar test with MEX1.65B and a non-Apple
>> CP/M machine and the loss does not occur. It does not,
>> therefore, seem to be a basic problem with MEX. If any
>> Apple/Applicard user has noticed this before and has any
>> clues about solving the problem, I would be interested to
>> know.
This original message was obviously not totally clear, particularly
to those not familiar with the Apple/Applicard.
I should, therefore, make it clear that the Applicard is running
as a Z80 co-processor in the Apple. The modem is connected into
the Apple part of the system and a Driver in the Apple directly
handles the interface with the modem (a Super Serial Card). In
this Driver, which is entered following an Apple IRQ interrupt
when a modem character arrives, there is a 4K buffer. This
buffer is of a sufficient size (by a long way) that it should be
unnecessary to use x-on/x-off protocol.
The Ramdisk, which I use for the capture file, is the PCPI (2 in
fact) Ramdisk which plugs directly onto the Applicard. It,
therefore, has nothing to do with the Apple bus and is not
controlled in the same way as drives which are on the Apple bus.
I am aware that Apple interrupts are a problem when Apple 5 1/4
drives and standard drive controller are used, but they are not
involved in this problem.
The lost character problem, when the capture buffer is flushed to
the disk file, occurs at 1200 baud, not just at the higher baud
rates that I am really interested in.
The following are some of the responses that I have received and
some of my comments relating to them:
> From: gatech!killer!bdav@hao.UCAR.EDU (Bob Davenport)
> Gordon, I have the same problem. But not with the same
> hardware. The problem seems to be that an xoff is not sent
> while the buffer is being written to disk. My OS(TurboDOS)
> performs a read after write to verify all data being written.
> With a large capture buffer, this takes about 1.5 seconds, long
> enough to lose 10 to 15 characters. I have tried decreasing
> the capture buffer size, but this does not seem to help. The
> only method I have found that works, is to manually send an
> xoff (^S) to stop the transmission, go to command mode, write
> the buffer, re-open the buffer and then continue with the
> capture. Not elegant, or problem solving, but it works.
> bob Davenport
Bob - What system are you using ? Regarding
the use of x-on/x-off, perhaps this is
necessary with your system, though another
MEX user local to me has done a test with a
PMC 101 Micromate and hard disk, with STAT
XON and STAT XOFF both OFF and has observed
no character loss. I had thought that
setting STAT QUEUE ON would ensure that there
was no character loss during the disk write,
but tests that I have done do not confirm
this. I am not sure how often the modem
status is being checked during the disk write
operation. In the Driver which I have on the
Apple side of the system, I do detect when
the (4K) buffer is filling up and
automatically send out a ^S. When MEX has
reduced the backlog in the buffer a ^Q is
automatically sent to restart the remote.
However, this only seems to be necessary for
my system at 9600 baud. At 1200 baud the
buffer never seems to be filled. Despite
this, I do lose 2 characters during the disk
> From: "Richard_F_Koehler.WBST128"@Xerox.COM
> Gordon,
> I use an Apple II+ with a PCPI card also. I believe the reason
> for the character loss is that Apple controls and writes to the
> disk drive under software control rather than by using a
> hardware disk controller. Since the timing is very critical,
> all interrupts must be disabled while data is being written (or
> read) to the disk drive. I also run MEX on my system but I have
> not had occasion to exceed the capture buffer and I run at 1200
> baud or less, so I have not experienced the problem you
> described.
> Rick Koehler
Rick - As I have noted above the disk I am
using for the capture file is the PCPI add-on
Ramdisk. This has no connection with the
Apple interrupts. Also, as noted, I am
seeing this character loss at 1200 baud
during the disk write. The original
character loss problem, which started all
this off for me was the loss that occurs at
the begining of each line (this is nothing to
do with capture buffers) at 1200 or 2400 baud
and higher (depending on whether you are
using a ][+ or ][e and which 80-col card).
This loss is a result of the time taken by
the 80-col card to scroll, which required re-
writing the whole screen, whenever there is
a CR and you are at the bottom of the screen.
I think that it is also a result of the
Apple/Applicard interface protocol, though I
have not totally sorted this out yet. I am
speculating that even with the modem port
QUEUE ON, character loss occurs because the
burst of characters which comes out of the
queue once the disk write is complete is also
too fast (faster than the normal 1200 baud
character arrival rate) for the 80-col system
to handle. In some way this may be linked to
getting the characters into the capture file.
This explanation may be nonsense, but it is
the best that I can come up with at the
moment. My lack of understanding of what the
modem port queue is doing, and when it does
it, is a limitation here. The above comments
on character loss apply to MEX running with
Apple interrupts off and, therefore, no
buffering in the Apple Driver.
> From: "Richard_F_Koehler.WBST128"@Xerox.COM
> I suspect that even though you are writing to the RAMdisk, the
> disk driver software still goes away completely from listening
> to incoming characters for a while. You might want to check
> there.
> Rick
Rick - You are right, but I am not sure with
STAT QUEUE ON, how often the modem is checked
for new characters. In any case, in my
arrangement the buffer in the Apple should
cope with any wait while the disk is written.
In fact my MEX overlay does not actually
check the modem status (for new characters),
it check for a difference in the 4K buffer
input and output pointers.
> From: Michael Neary <MNeary.es@Xerox.COM>
> Gordon,
> I don't use MEX, but some general comments may help you:
> Your MEX has to be set so that it sends flow control characters
> (usually X-ON/X-OFF) when writing to 'disk'. And the other end
> of your conversation has to be willing to pause when it
> receives flow control characters.
> If either of these is not true, then you will lose characters
> when you go to disk, no matter what communications program you
> are using. One possible exception is if your system can go to
> 'disk' without disabling interrupts (rare).
> I would troubleshoot in this order:
> 1) Is your MEX set to enable flow control?
> 2) Are you using the same host as your friend is using? Does
> that host support flow control? Is it the same flow
> control as you have enabled on your MEX?
> 3) Does your friend's RAM-Disk leave interrupts enabled in
> RAM-Disk Writes?
> Cheers,
> ~ Mike
Mike - As noted above, I think that my
comments regarding the buffer in the Apple
answer your item 1. Item 2 - All the hosts
involved support flow control. Item 3 - My
friend is not using a RAM disk and he is not
using interrupt driven MEX I/O.
> From MEDIN-T@SHARK.NOSC.MIL Wed Dec 30 12:27:09 1987
> Well its not a bug its the design of the diskette driver. Apple
> must have complete control of the cpu while they write the
> diskette so they turn off interupts while they write the
> diskette and vola! you lose characters coming down the line. I
> suspect the ram disk tho quicker still locks out interupts. The
> only solution we could come up with on kermit-65 was flow
> control. So we stop flow before we write the diskette. If you
> cant do flow control then i think you are stuck.
Ted - As noted above the Apple disks are not
involved. The PCPI Ramdisk has no influence
on the Apple interrupts.
> From: Bridger Mitchell <bridger%rcc@rand-unix.ARPA>
> If mex is "smart", it should be polling the modem input status
> between each sector-write call in the flushing routine, and
> buffering any received characters for "catch-up" processing
> when the buffer-flushing is completed. [Ron Fowler: does mex do
> this?] But if not, it's likely that characters are arriving at
> the modem port before the buffer-flushing operation completes.
> Unless the arriving bytes are buffered before they reach mex,
> the first ones will be overwritten by the later ones, creating
> a gap in the input stream received by the mex software.
Bridger - As you will have noted above, the
arriving bytes are buffered before they reach
MEX and this buffer does exercise automatic
flow control. However, despite this, I am
losing characters when the disk is written.
> The real time required to flush a buffer is system-dependent,
> probably dominated by the drive's step rate and the track
> number of the capture file, and also affected by the CPU clock
> rate. Another system with faster disks, a faster cpu, or even a
> differently located file, could have no lossage. On your
> system, if you capture to a ram disk, for example, there may be
> no lossage.
As noted, I am using a Ramdisk, operating
directly in the Z80 environment. The CPU
clock rate is 6 MHz at the moment (it can be
increased to 10MHz).
> Many systems have 1-3 byte buffering in the UART chip that
> receives the bytes from the modem; different systems use
> different UARTS. More buffering can be obtained by writing an
> interrupt-service routine for the modem ports; only a few
> bioses have such support, but it may be possible to write the
> mex overlay that way.
> --bridger
I have implemented interrupts for both
receive and transmit (on a 6551 ACIA) in the
Apple modem-port Driver. In fact I know that
the characters are coming from the modem into
the 4K Apple buffer as I separately send them
to the 80-col display directly from the
Apple (the display characters do not pass
through MEX). There is no character loss on
the screen under this arrangement, only from
the capture file. (In case there is some
confusion here, there are two interrupt
modes. In one, characters do not go via MEX
to the screen in the other they do. The
first scheme will work at 9600 baud, the
second will not. I have included the latter
to allow operation at lower baud rates and to
retain the possibility of using the MEX
terminal emulation modules).
> From: jimd%slacbbs.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU
> I may be telling you something you already know, but MEX is
> supposed to send an XOFF, save the disk buffer, then send an
> XON. Possibly whatever system your calling either doesn't
> respond to XON/XOFF or the modem may have a buffer that suspends
> the result of the XOFF (so you lose stuff). I do not have an
> Apple computer, but I use MEX (version 1.14). If you have the
> source, check the area that saves the buffer, and make sure it
> sends the XON/XOFF. Oh, and another thing I just thought of: MEX
> is supposed to have a 'backup buffer' where stuff can go after
> an XOFF is sent. Check this out too; it may be disabled or very
> small on your version. BTW, is MEX1.65 the commercial version?
> Or is the version number higher because of the port to Apple?
> Jim Dumser
Jim - I think that I have covered most of
your points above. I suspect that the 'back-
up' buffer that you are referrring to is the
modem port queue (defined by PQSIZE in
MEXPAT). With no interrupts on (in the
Apple) the character loss occurs with STAT
QUEUE ON or OFF. MEX1.65 is also known as
MEXPLUS of which it is the latest major
revision. It has many features which do not
exist in the PD MEX1.14. The features are
described in the file MEX16SUM.WQ which is
available by FTP from SIMTEL20 in
PD1:<CPM.MEX>. There is also a file on GEnie
called MEX16.AZN which provides a
Well, I have found this exchange of information quite useful and
thought provoking. I am now beginning to draw some tentative
conclusions. I think that I have been observing two different
loss mechanisms here. With recent 1200 baud tests that I have
done with the earlier MXH-AP55.ASM overlay and RINGBUF.A65 Apple
Driver, I have found that I get character loss with and without
STAT QUEUE ON and OFF (Note: this Driver will not run at 9600
baud, this is why I have been developing a new one!). I am not
sure why the QUEUE is not preventing this loss, but I think it is
to do with the Apple/Applicard interface and the time taken to
write characters to the screen. With interrupts ON, this earlier
version with its 256 byte buffer, does prevent character loss in
the capture file. With my revised Driver I always lose 2
characters at the time the capture buffer is written to disk (the
loss in the non-interrupt mode referred to above is always
several more characters than this). I think, therefore, that I
still have a bug to sort out in the Driver. (I should also point
out that I cannot in the end use the modem port QUEUE as, at 9600
baud, the capture process gets so far behind that the queue is
eventually overwritten).
Thank you again for all of the responses. I still have some work
to do!
3-Jan-88 17:16:24-MST,9125;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 3-Jan-88 17:16:21
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1988 17:16 MST
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12363762591.BABYL@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@SIMTEL20.ARPA
Subject: New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 during December
The following is a complete list of CP/M-oriented files uploaded to
SIMTEL20 during the month of December. The column labeled "T" (Type)
is the file format. (7) means ASCII, (8) means binary.
Also available:
A list of all CP/M files (updated daily):
PD1:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST - List with CRC values
PD1:<CPM>CPM.ARC - The above, ARChived (much smaller), binary(8).
PD1:<CPM>FILES.IDX - Similar to below, no descriptions, comma delimited
A list of many of the CP/M files, with descriptions, (updated monthly):
PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.IDX - Comma delimited list
PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.ARK - Same, ARChived (includes next two files)
PD1:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.INF - Description of data fields in SIMCPM.IDX
Note: to save space in the following listing, the device name PD1: which
normally appears ahead of the directory name has been omitted.
CP/M September Report
Directory Name Size T Description
================= ============ ====== = ======================================
<CPM.APPLE> PCPI-UG.1Z3 5760 8 Applicard UG Newsletter #103
<CPM.APPLE> PCPI-UG.1Z4 1920 8 Applicard UG Newsletter #104
<CPM.APPLE> PCPIXFER.LBR 5248 8 Transfer between PCPI CP/M & DOS3.3
<CPM.ARC-LBR> NULU152A.LBR 56192 8 Library maintenance utility
<CPM.ASMUTL> FRESET.AZM 2048 8 Fast reset of CP/M drives (FUNC 37)
<CPM.ASMUTL> GEN180.LBR 14464 8 Adds HD64180 instructions to M80
<CPM.ASMUTL> MEYERTUT.ARK 88318 8 CP/M 8080 assembly language tutorial
<CPM.BASIC> BIRTHDAY.BZS 3200 8 Tells facts about your birthday
<CPM.BBS> DBBS41.LBR 37632 8 dBASEII mail/msg/conference BBS pgm.
<CPM.BBSLISTS> RCPM0188.BZF 10880 8 Brief RCP/M phone number list, Jan
<CPM.BBSLISTS> RCPM0188.LZT 38912 8 List of Remote CP/M systems, Jan '88
<CPM.BDOS> NOSLTDOS.LBR 20480 8 No-slot clock for file date stamping
<CPM.BYE5> B5-DSSW.IZS 2688 8 SMARTWATCH insert for BYE510
<CPM.C128> SPZAP128.ARK 55185 8 C-128 full-screen disk editor
<CPM.CALCULATOR> UNIT.LBR 28800 8 Units conversion program
<CPM.CATLOG> ORGANIZR.LBR 61056 8 'The Organizer' disk file cataloguer
<CPM.CBIOS> CNKYOS22.LBR 75392 8 BIOS for Columbia M64
<CPM.DBASEII> DB2SHL30.ARK 30636 8 Multi-purpose shell for dBASEII
<CPM.DBASEII> DBAR-12.LBR 21504 8 dBASE and GRAPH bargraph maker
<CPM.DBASEII> TDAS.ARK 47143 8 Teacher/Doctor dBASEII account syst.
<CPM.DBASEII> TOLOG.LBR 13312 8 Flexible database utility for dBase
<CPM.DBASEII> UNIQUE24.ARK 14186 8 Purges duplicate records for dBASEII
<CPM.DIRUTL> CHDIR.LBR 30976 8 Name disk user areas - like MSDOS
<CPM.DIRUTL> EDIR.LBR 25600 8 Recover files accidentally erased
<CPM.DIRUTL> ERAZ10.LBR 17536 8 Z80 file erasing utility
<CPM.DIRUTL> RENAMZ14.LBR 20992 8 Z80 Rename utility
<CPM.DIRUTL> SD127.BUG 861 7 Problem with SD127
<CPM.DIRUTL> SD128.LBR 65792 8 Directory lister, also LBRs, ARKs
<CPM.DIRUTL> UNERAZ10.LBR 19968 8 Z80 file recovery utility
<CPM.DSKUTL> CPYFSTU.LBR 62336 8 Universal fast diskette copy program
<CPM.DSKUTL> FBAD60B.LBR 27392 8 Find and lock out bad spots on disk
<CPM.EDUCATION> K-CHING.LBR 82048 8 Book of Changes in Modula2/Pascal
<CPM.EPSON> VPRINT.LBR 8576 8 Vertical Printing Program
<CPM.FILCPY> ACOPY17.LBR 21248 8 Z80 file copy utility
<CPM.FILCPY> CCF.LBR 9984 8 Combine, copy, move, reverse files
<CPM.FILEDOCS> CPMJAN01.LST 145731 7 CP/M files as of December 31, 1987
<CPM.FILEDOCS> CPMJAN01.LZT 80896 8 CP/M files as of December 31, 1987
<CPM.FILEDOCS> ROYALOAK.DZR 23040 8 RCP/M Royak Oak directories
<CPM.FORTRAN> CPMLIB.ARK 41334 8 FORTRAN-80 BDOS call enhancement
<CPM.GENDOC> CCINK.TXT 5399 7 Info- Steve Ciarcia's new newsletter
<CPM.GENDOC> UCPM.ARK 3403 8 'Universal' CP/M survey form
<CPM.GENDOC> ZORKNOTE.TZT 1920 8 Modifying Infocom CP/M game tcap's
<CPM.IMP> I2CT-1.AZM 6400 8 IMP Overlay - Cromemco TUART
<CPM.KAYPRO> FLTKP100.LBR 4480 8 Kaypro transfer to/from TRS mod 100
<CPM.KAYPRO> KPBUMPER.ARK 13409 8 Line 25 'Bumper Stickers' for Kaypro
<CPM.KAYPRO> KPRAMDSK.LBR 13696 8 Add 256K RAM disk to Kaypro '84
<CPM.KAYPRO> SHAFT.LBR 2944 8 Demonstration of graphics on Kaypro
<CPM.LIST> BRAD-GRK.LBR 3328 8 Greek font for Bradford
<CPM.LIST> CITOH.LBR 6912 8 Preset C-ITOH M-1550 options.
<CPM.MISC> STAGE2.LBR 94464 8 STAGE2 -- A programming language
<CPM.MODEM> NSD.ARK 8000 8 Terminal program in Zbasic
<CPM.PASCAL> AUTOC23A.LBR 26752 8 Auto compile control - .PAS or .MAC
<CPM.RCPM> LUX8080.ARK 51530 8 8080 version of LUX v4.3
<CPM.RCPM> NEWBYE.MSG 3427 7 Suggestion for improvements to BYE
<CPM.RCPM> QWIK4V1.LBR 90624 8 Replacement for RCP/M FOR database
<CPM.SB180> ETS180IO.DZC 1792 8 Info on the ETS I/O board for SB180
<CPM.SB180> XBIOS.IZF 1536 8 Info on the new XBIOS for SB180
<CPM.SYSUTL> NSZTIME.LBR 13824 8 Add Ztime clock to NorthStar
<CPM.SYSUTL> YKEY21.LBR 38272 8 Set function keys in specific pgms.
<CPM.TERM> QKSHOW.LBR 4352 8 Examine values of QwikKey file
<CPM.TURBOPAS> CROSSREF.ARK 17411 8 Pascal identifiers cross-reference
<CPM.TXTUTL> ALPHAT20.LBR 53376 8 Embedded command txt print formatter
<CPM.TXTUTL> FIXTEXT.LBR 10752 8 Fix text files of orphan CR or LF
<CPM.TXTUTL> HRM-CUTL.LBR 81024 8 Sort/merge/split/uniq text tools
<CPM.TXTUTL> QL22.LBR 71424 8 Quick look type for compressed files
<CPM.WSTAR> SIMPLE.ARK 19914 8 Printer driver for WordStar 4.0
<CPM.WSTAR> TBL20.LBR 24192 8 Table of contents for WordStar
<CPM.ZCPR33> BUSHBETB.LBR 146432 8 ZCPR3 Harddisk Backup utility
<CPM.ZCPR33> BUSHFIX1.LBR 6912 8 Correct COM file for BUSHBETB
<CPM.ZCPR33> CENTRAL.MZG 896 8 Znode Central new phone number info
<CPM.ZCPR33> EASE13.LBR 41728 8 ZCPR 3.3 Command Line Editor
<CPM.ZCPR33> ERASE51.LBR 12032 8 Enhanced ERA command for ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33> LAP.LBR 4608 8 ZCPR path/LDR utility
<CPM.ZCPR33> LUSH10.LBR 22016 8 Library Utility SHell
<CPM.ZCPR33> LX18.LBR 18688 8 ZCPR3 Library eXecute tool
<CPM.ZCPR33> NZCOM.MSG 4810 7 Info on progress of new Z-COM
<CPM.ZCPR33> RENAME33.LBR 19200 8 Rename files in the ZCPR environment
<CPM.ZCPR33> SD125ARK.LBR 43904 8 Super Directory setup for ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33> SD125KAY.LBR 5632 8 SD125 configured for Kaypro w/ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33> STATPAT.ZZ0 1152 8 Patch for STAT.COM under ZCPR 3.3
<CPM.ZCPR33> VLU-CMD.LBR 768 8 VFILER.CMD interface to VLU 1.01
<CPM.ZCPR33> VLU10.BU2 1373 7 More bug reports on VLU10
<CPM.ZCPR33> VLU10.BUG 705 7 Serious problem with VLU10
<CPM.ZCPR33> VLU101.LBR 38400 8 Video-Oriented Library Util / ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33> WS4PAT.LBR 9856 8 Patch to WS4 for ZCPR terminals
<CPM.ZCPR33> Z3TURKP2.LBR 34048 8 ZCPR3 Install - Kaypro with TurboROM
<CPM.ZCPR33> ZLT10.LBR 25344 8 ZCPR compressed/library file typer
<MISC.BBS> EDN-FCC.TXT 2739 7 EDN magazine editorial on modem fees
<MISC.BBS> WHITEHSE.PHN 833 7 Phone number to call the White House
<MISC.BBSLISTS> 9600-87U.LST 25337 7 9600 bps BBS phone number list
<MISC.CIS> POLICY.CIS 9768 7 CompuServe's copyright policy
<MISC.EPROM> EPROM-TYPES.INFO 11872 7 Specifications for various EPROMs
<MISC.PCPURSUIT> MNEMONIC.TXT 3519 7 PC Pursuit command changes
<MISC.PCPURSUIT> PCP-DEC.TXT 6052 7 PC Pursuit December '86 newsletter
<MISC.TELEPHONE> TOLLFREE.NUM 11064 7 Toll-free phone number list
<MISC.TOPS-20> TMODEM.MAC 129095 7 Improved MODEM/XMODEM for Tops-20
<MISC.TOPS-20> UUENCO.C 3208 7 UUENCODE for Tops-20
TOTALS: Size 2,640,422 bytes
Printed 98 records.
These files are available via standard anonymous FTP. They are also
available on my RCP/M and on GEnie's CP/M RoundTable.
--Keith Petersen
Uucp: {decwrl,harvard,lll-crg,ucbvax,uunet,uw-beaver}!simtel20.arpa!w8sdz
GEnie: W8SDZ
RCP/M Royal Oak: 313-759-6569 - 300, 1200, 2400 (V.22bis) or 9600 (USR HST)
4-Jan-88 04:06:33-MST,937;000000000000
Received: from CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon, 4 Jan 88 04:06:29 MST
Received: from BANUIA51.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ; Mon, 04 Jan 88 06:07:24 EST
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 88 11:43 N
Subject: Question
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
X-Original-To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa, DHAESE
I'm a Apple CP/M 2.2 user, my configuration consists of an
Apple ][+ with a Z80 Softcard, and I'm a fan of Turbo Pascal 2.0 .
My problem is how eliminating the "include error message (Y/N)"
when Turbo Pascal is being executed and second how preventing Turbo
Pascal making a BAK (backup) file ? Can this be done with some patches
with DDT ?
I've got the same problem with Wordstar 3.01P (eliminating BAK).
Electronic mail address is DHAESE@BANUIA51.BITNET
Kindly regards from D'haese Gratien.
4-Jan-88 04:06:42-MST,1163;000000000000
Received: from CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon, 4 Jan 88 04:06:38 MST
Received: from BANUIA51.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ; Mon, 04 Jan 88 06:07:31 EST
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 88 11:38 N
Subject: Question
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
X-Original-To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa, DHAESE
I'm a Apple CP/M 2.2 user, my configuration consists of a 64K
Apple ][+ with a Z80 softcard. I can run Apple CP/M 56K and Apple CP/M 60K
without difficulties.
I would like to install ZCPR2 on my Apple but therefor I need a
SYSGEN program, which I don't have. On my CP/M system disk I have two
programs called CPM56.COM and CPM60.COM which write the CP/M image to
the system tracks of a disk. The problem is, I think, that those programs
don't take the memory image, but a disk base image ?
Who has already installed ZCPR2 on an Apple and how did he/she
solved the SYSGEN problem ? All kind of information is welcome, my
electronic mail address is DHAESE@BANUIA51.BITNET
Kindly regards from D'haese Gratien.
4-Jan-88 04:06:52-MST,1165;000000000000
Received: from CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon, 4 Jan 88 04:06:48 MST
Received: from BANUIA51.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ; Mon, 04 Jan 88 06:07:33 EST
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 88 11:44 N
Subject: question 2
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
X-Original-To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa, DHAESE
I'm a Apple CP/M 2.2 user, my configuration consists of a 64K
Apple ][+ with a Z80 softcard. I can run Apple CP/M 56K and Apple CP/M 60K
without difficulties.
I would like to install ZCPR2 on my Apple but therefor I need a
SYSGEN program, which I don't have. On my CP/M system disk I have two
programs called CPM56.COM and CPM60.COM which write the CP/M image to
the system tracks of a disk. The problem is, I think, that those programs
don't take the memory image, but a disk base image ?
Who has already installed ZCPR2 on an Apple and how did he/she
solved the SYSGEN problem ? All kind of information is welcome, my
electronic mail address is DHAESE@BANUIA51.BITNET
Kindly regards from D'haese Gratien.
4-Jan-88 17:50:52-MST,1467;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
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Date: 4 Jan 88 21:08:55 GMT
From: navajo!marria@labrea.stanford.edu (Michael Marria)
Organization: Stanford University
Subject: Re: Kermit for Kaypro
Message-Id: <2036@navajo.UUCP>
References: <[E.ISI.EDU].2-Jan-88.07:05:55.SAC.HQSAC-DOCT>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
In article <[E.ISI.EDU].2-Jan-88.07:05:55.SAC.HQSAC-DOCT> SAC.HQSAC-DOCT@E.ISI.EDU (John A. Wright) writes:
>In his message, Steven P. Seaney asks:
>>I desperately need kermit for a kaypro 4/84. Any help would be greatly
I sent out a previous query, maybe it didn't make it.
My sis has a Visual 1050 which is supposed to be somewhat compatible
to the Kaypro II and DEC Rainbo.
I downloaded a HEX KERMIT file which runs until the connect
command is called which crashes the machine.
Is this an incompatiblity due to port assignment, or is the
file I got corrupted?
I haven't even figured out what processor (8080 I think)
this machine runs.
Any help out there for this machine?
4-Jan-88 21:17:12-MST,1068;000000000000
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Date: 4 Jan 88 16:35:58 GMT
From: steinmetz!davidsen@itsgw.rpi.edu (William E. Davidsen Jr)
Organization: General Electric CRD, Schenectady, NY
Subject: Re: Z80 Assembler source needed
Message-Id: <8347@steinmetz.steinmetz.UUCP>
References: <2559@killer.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
I have the Z80 xassembler. I have not tested it, but I have it. If I get
any reasonable number of requests I'll mail it, otherwise post it.
Hopefully no one will want it at all...
bill davidsen (wedu@ge-crd.arpa)
{uunet | philabs | seismo}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me
5-Jan-88 07:19:25-MST,2237;000000000000
Return-Path: <binder%fizbin.DEC@decwrl.dec.com>
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id AA29452; Tue, 5 Jan 88 05:57:45 PST
Message-Id: <8801051357.AA29452@decwrl.dec.com>
From: binder%fizbin.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (That's not just *any* racket, it's Brahms' Third Racket.)
Date: 5 Jan 88 08:41
To: infocpm%fizbin.DEC@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: RE: Question
> My problem is how eliminating the "include error message (Y/N)"
> when Turbo Pascal is being executed and second how preventing Turbo
> Pascal making a BAK (backup) file ? Can this be done with some patches
> with DDT ?
> I've got the same problem with Wordstar 3.01P (eliminating BAK).
There was a patch sent around years ago to eliminate the "Include error
messages" prompt. Sorry, I didn't save it.
Turbo and WordStar do not create .BAK files, so it's *really* tough to get
them not to do so. In both of these products, the .BAK file is the
previous version of the file you're working on. When you edit a file with
Turbo, the entire file is pulled into memory. When you write it out Turbo
renames the old .PAS file to be .BAK. WordStar does things a little
differently: As you edit a file, pieces of it are shuffled between the
workspace in memory and a temporary file named <filename>.$$$. When you
finishe editing, WordStar writes everything out to a new file, deletes the
temporary file, and renames the old file to be .BAK.
I'd guess that you must never have had a system crash while editing with
either Turbo or WordStar, or made a really *bad* mistake in editing that
you wish you could fix back easily. If you had, you'd be *glad* to have
the backup files around! I had an Apple ][+ with a SoftCard for a couple
of years, and I have an Apple //e with a PCPI Applicard now; and even with
the tiny 128Kbyte capacity of Apple floppies, it's worth the safety.
Dick Binder (The Stainless Steel Rat)
uucp: { decvax, allegra, ucbvax... }!decwrl!fizbin.dec.com!binder
Internet: binder%fizbin.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM
5-Jan-88 11:04:24-MST,1798;000000000000
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 5 Jan 88 02:04:58 GMT
From: hp-pcd!uoregon!omepd!psu-cs!reed!nscpdc!cvedc!markh@hplabs.hp.com (Mark Holm)
Organization: Computervision, Beaverton, OR
Subject: Help with a Bigboard I
Message-Id: <520@cvedc.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
I am attempting to resurect my Bigboard I which has been setting in my back room
for the last two years. It was running when I put it away, but it has a problem
now. All of my power supplys are up and correct and all options are installed.
When the board is powered on the screen clears, then fills with an
alternating pattern of :'s and 0's, which then blinks at the refresh rate. This
shows me that my video section is working but seems to indicate that PFM is not
being loaded. I checked (with a logic probe, I don't have access to a scope)
and I have all clock signals. I have removed and reinstalled all the chips in
an attempt to check for oxidation, but no go. It worked when I put it away.
Anybody have any suggestions??
Mark Holm ..tektronix!ogcvax!cvedc!mholm
Computervision ..sun!cvbnet!cvedc!mholm
14952 NW Greenbrier Parkway Phone (503)645-2410
Beaverton, Oregon 97006 FAX (503)645-4734
5-Jan-88 11:35:31-MST,3035;000000000000
Return-Path: <secrist%msdoa1.DEC@decwrl.dec.com>
Received: from decwrl.dec.com by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue, 5 Jan 88 11:35:01 MST
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id AA03632; Tue, 5 Jan 88 09:02:12 PST
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 88 09:02:12 PST
Message-Id: <8801051702.AA03632@decwrl.dec.com>
From: secrist%msdoa1.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (Richard C. Secrist, KXO SWS)
To: cpm%msdoa1.DEC@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: PCPI softcard/MEX character loss
I forget all my sources but when I "switched to MEX" I set out to
resolve your same problem myself. Without reviewing all of my tests, my
results were as follows. I talked to people at PCPI and Laing
Electronics (who sell and repair PCPI stuff) who both said it was tied
to the video card in use; checking other sources the consensus was that
the Ultraterm card worked best and solved it through like 9600 bps. I
only half bought this story, becuase the same serial card and video
hardware under "native" 6502 modes like Apple DOS or PASCAL seemed to
work pretty well - better than on the PCPI anyway. I wrote a little
FORTH dumb terminal program in 1K in native mode and it didn't but a
couple here and there. ASCII Express under DOS 3.3 never dropped
anything - but it does interrupt I/O to RAM and displays it later. So I
decided the key on the Apple was buffering the characters as they come
in BEFORE displaying them, since the display is so miserably slow. Then
Apple came out with the "enhanced //e" with completely re-written
80-column firmware, and lo and behold my little 1K FORTH glass TTY
worked fine. I later got a VT-100 emulator called DCOM v3.3 that works
fine doing ANSI escape sequences at 2400 baud using the buffered
technique WITHOUT interrupts. So on my "to do" list is a task to write a
6502-resident driver that buffers character I/O that the PCPI side can
get characters from over the comparatively slow parallel CPU port that
uses Apple's 6502 to do all I/O anyway. By the same token, the Ultraterm
card is supposed to fix this too.
So here was my solution: since I wanted VT-100 or at least VT-52
emulation and MEX didn't fit that bill I really only needed a usable
glass TTY to fire up XMODEM and do directories and so forth. My
workaround was to tell the host operating system to add a bunch of fill
characters and that works fine for what I wanted out of it. Under
VAX/VMS I did a "$ SET TERM/LA36/CRFILL=9/LFFILL=9" ...note that since
v4.0 of VMS "=9" is "class nine" and not "nine characters". Previously
(v3.n) I think I used (3) CR fills and (7) LF fills or vice-versa. If
you use VMS and think you're having flow control problems VAXen don't
normally have flow-control on in both directions - do a "$ SET
TERM/HOSTSYNC/TTSYNC" to fix that. When I need real terminal emulation,
I go back to native Apple modes, and that wins through 2400 baud on an
"enhanced //e."
Hope that helps...
Has anybody 1) seen KERMIT for the PCPI, 2) seen a MEX overlay for a DEC
"Scholar" or DF03 modem ?
5-Jan-88 12:45:30-MST,1057;000000000000
Return-Path: <SAGE@LL.ARPA>
Received: from LL.ARPA by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue, 5 Jan 88 12:45:21 MST
Date: Tue 05 Jan 1988 14:44:47 EDT
Subject: BITNET Gateway Info
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
Message-ID: <SAGE.00553027@LL.ARPA>
Thanks to all who replied to my request for information on the new
gateway to BITNET. It is amazing how many responses I got, probably because
the question was easy to answer. I know that I usually answer easy
questions immediately. The hard ones tend to sit around in my REQUESTS file
while I cogitate on the appropriate answer.
I had seen the warnings that WISCVM was going away, but I never saw a
message about a replacement gateway. With nothing else to substitute, I
continued to use WISCVM until it refused to accept the messages. Apparently
there were a number of people at MIT Lincoln Lab who had been asking the
local administrator for the gateway address. All of you who answered have
made several people happy!
--- Jay
5-Jan-88 22:54:51-MST,1418;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue, 5 Jan 88 22:54:46 MST
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id AA10040; Tue, 5 Jan 88 21:21:17 PST
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 6 Jan 88 03:16:59 GMT
From: ecsvax!tcamp@mcnc.org (Ted A. Campbell)
Organization: UNC Educational Computing Service
Subject: CP/M Software Market--an interesting note from Micropro
Message-Id: <4393@ecsvax.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
I spoke to folks at Micropro just before Christmas and asked them
if they had any estimate of the size of the CP/M market. They said
they didn't, but I received a letter this past week from a Marketing
Communications Manager at Micropro, and she stated that between August and
November 1986 Micropro sold 17,000 upgrades to CP/M Wordstar.
Estimates of the number of CP/M machines varies from one and a half to
two million. Some of these are out of service, but others have been
passed on. Any one out there have a suggestion as to how we might
characterize the size of the CP/M software market?
Ted A. Campbell |
Duke Divinity School |
Durham, NC 27706 |
email: tcamp@ecsvax |
6-Jan-88 03:55:34-MST,1343;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed, 6 Jan 88 03:55:30 MST
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 6 Jan 88 00:59:23 GMT
From: hpda!hpcupt1!dclaar@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Doug Claar)
Organization: Hewlett Packard, Cupertino
Subject: Info wanted on AMSTRAD PCW 8256
Message-Id: <7530001@hpcupt1.HP.COM>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
A friend recently purchased a AMSTRAD PCW 8256 "word processor." Upon
investigation, I discovered that this is a CPM + system which
automatically starts up the word processor, but also comes with
"Mallard" BASIC, "DR LOGO" and various utilities, including a macro
assembler. Of course there is no documentation for most of this...
Can anyone point me in the direction of documentation, or other goodies
which might be available? Also, a pinout of the expansion port would be
Doug Claar
HP Information Technology Group
UUCP: { ihnp4 | mcvax!decvax }!hplabs!hpda!dclaar -or- ucbvax!hpda!dclaar
ARPA: hpda!dclaar@hplabs.HP.COM
6-Jan-88 11:27:50-MST,1230;000000000000
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id AA21922; Wed, 6 Jan 88 09:49:23 PST
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 6 Jan 88 14:54:26 GMT
From: ecsvax!mjg@mcnc.org (Michael Gingell)
Organization: UNC Educational Computing Service
Subject: Re: CP/M Software Market--an interesting note from Micropro
Message-Id: <4395@ecsvax.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
In article <4393@ecsvax.UUCP>, tcamp@ecsvax.UUCP (Ted A. Campbell) writes:
> Any one out there have a suggestion as to how we might
> characterize the size of the CP/M software market?
Yes - Declining. Seriously though - I would have thought the total
number of machines was much greater. Especiallly if you include all
those that can run CP/M as a sideline - TRS80's for example - over
2 million of those alone. Apple softcards and I suppose someone
somewhere is running CP/M on a PC.
Mike Gingell ecsvax!mjg
6-Jan-88 19:28:31-MST,1311;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed, 6 Jan 88 19:28:26 MST
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id AA02192; Wed, 6 Jan 88 17:48:04 PST
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 6 Jan 88 20:22:10 GMT
From: amdahl!drivax!riddle@ames.arpa (Riddle)
Organization: Digital Research Inc
Subject: Messages to Ithaca InterSystems Requests
Message-Id: <2895@drivax.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
This message is really Mail to the person (amdahl!meccts!kksys!deg) that
Needed Ithaca InterSystems I/O card info.
EMail doesn't seem to reach you. I have a copy of my VIO manual ready for
you, but I did not give a mailing address.
And to the person who wanted an Ithaca InterSystems Front Panel schematic
and the power supply and motherboard schematics. I've lost your address,
please contact me again. I can't find either the power supply nor the
motherboard doc.
Thanx to the net for allowing me to send personnel mail this way.
[replace with your own cute .signature] amdahl!drivax!riddle
7-Jan-88 07:33:35-MST,551;000000000000
Return-Path: <secrist%msdoa2.DEC@decwrl.dec.com>
Received: from decwrl.dec.com by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu, 7 Jan 88 07:33:29 MST
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id AA27413; Thu, 7 Jan 88 06:31:02 PST
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 88 06:31:02 PST
Message-Id: <8801071431.AA27413@decwrl.dec.com>
From: secrist%msdoa2.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (Richard C. Secrist, KXO SWS)
To: cpm%msdoa2.DEC@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: Size of CP/M List-p
Speaking of the CP/M user community... how many members are in
the distribution for this list ?
7-Jan-88 08:58:33-MST,992;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 6 Jan 88 05:29:46 GMT
From: cbosgd!clyde!watmath!watdragon!violet!rthurley@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Richard T. Hurley)
Subject: Altos 580 MP/M
Message-Id: <4495@watdragon.waterloo.edu>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
I would like to know and hear from people who own an Altos 580 MP/M
system. I am told that this beast has a single 720k 5 1/4 inch floppy drive.
And what is the major difference between mpm and cpm.. Are they compatible.
Will have any problems hooking a modem up to this beast....
Thanks in advance
7-Jan-88 19:47:10-MST,1680;000000000000
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id AA28299; Thu, 7 Jan 88 18:10:27 PST
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 7 Jan 88 18:40:05 GMT
From: dross@ub.d.umn.edu (David Ross)
Organization: U. of Minnesota, Duluth - Computing Services
Subject: Re: Info wanted on AMSTRAD PCW 8256
Message-Id: <163@umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU>
References: <7530001@hpcupt1.HP.COM>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
In article <7530001@hpcupt1.HP.COM> dclaar@hpcupt1.HP.COM (Doug Claar) writes:
>A friend recently purchased a AMSTRAD PCW 8256 "word processor." Upon
This CPM box was introduced in England about two years ago, and is one of
the most common machines in use over there, especially by writers and
other computerphobes. It is a great value, achieving low cost by using the
nowadays dirt-cheap Z80, together with remaindered 3" (sic) disk drives and
a bundled printer which uses the very same Z80 for processing. I may buy one
In England there are several magazines and scads of books devoted to this
machine; your friend's best bet is to go there :-), or to find a large
bookstore here that carries English computer magazines (not impossible; the
major chains' large Chicago stores do, for example).
Because of this machine, CPM is flourishing in Europe.
David Ross
DISCLAIMER: There is no disclaimer.
7-Jan-88 19:53:33-MST,1299;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
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id AA23849; Thu, 7 Jan 88 13:29:24 PST
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 7 Jan 88 00:23:09 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!Mike_W_Ryan@uunet.uu.net
Organization: The Portal System (TM)
Subject: Mex files: PCP?
Message-Id: <2327@cup.portal.com>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
Does anyone know where I can get some files (overlays, read files)
for adapting MEX114 for PC Pursuit? I know the files may have
to be tweaked to reflect the new dial syntax, but I think I can handle that.
I have heard of the files: PCPMEX10.LBR, PCPFAST.MZX
These files are supposedly on Royal Oak BBS, which is the biggest and only
CPM board I really know of. However Royal Oak seems to be down and has for
literally several weeks now. The number I have for it is 313-759-6569.
Can anyone shed some light on Royal Oak and/or tell me where I can get these
files (or better ones) for PCP and MEX?
7-Jan-88 20:08:38-MST,1042;000000000000
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id AA22684; Thu, 7 Jan 88 12:31:55 PST
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for info-cpm-ddn@simtel20.arpa (info-cpm@simtel20.arpa)
(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 7 Jan 88 16:49:18 GMT
From: abp@j.cc.purdue.edu (Jeffrey J Wieland)
Organization: Purdue University Computing Center
Subject: Turbo Modula-2
Message-Id: <6112@j.cc.purdue.edu>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
I called Echelon yesterday (1/6/88) to inquire about my order for Turbo
Modula-2. They said they were holding back shipments until February because
Borland had agreed to take it back and FIX THE BUGS!! Echelon had been trying
to either get the source from Borland or to Borland to fix it itself. There
are apparently eight bugs.
Jeff Wieland
7-Jan-88 20:45:41-MST,1053;000000000000
Return-Path: <MBECK@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu, 7 Jan 88 20:45:28 MST
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 88 22:39:25 EST
From: "Mark E. Becker" <MBECK@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
Subject: Debugging an RSX (call for help)
Message-ID: <308435.880107.MBECK@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
Hello All -
I figure hundreds of people have already run into this little
problem.. and it has already been solved.
I am trying to mate BYE339 (yes, I know it's been superseded..
but 502 wasn't out when I started this) with RBBS 4.102 . And things
aren't going well. There is some interaction between the two which is
corrupting memory and making my life miserable.
Surely this has been done before.. how to debug an RSX after it's
been installed? Is there some way to get SID or Z8E to accept an
offset to a symbolic label so I can reach in and see which program is
guilty of memory bashing?
I'm using BDS-C v 1.50a for the RBBS compile.
Mark Becker
7-Jan-88 21:45:05-MST,674;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 7-Jan-88 21:45:03
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1988 21:45 MST
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12364860082.BABYL@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Cc: Info-Cpm@SIMTEL20.ARPA
Subject: Debugging an RSX (call for help)
In-reply-to: Msg of 7 Jan 1988 20:39-MST from Mark E. Becker <MBECK at AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
The latest version of BYE is BYE510. It is available from SIMTEL20
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory PD1:<CPM.BYE5>
BYE510.LBR.1 BINARY 174208 2DA0H
The RSX bugs have been fixed in this version.
8-Jan-88 10:28:20-MST,995;000000000000
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Date: 8 Jan 88 14:05:00 GMT
From: ecsvax!tcamp@mcnc.org (Ted A. Campbell)
Organization: UNC Educational Computing Service
Subject: Z3 TERMCAP -- Where is the info?
Message-Id: <4399@ecsvax.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
I'd like to know more about the ZCPR3 TERMCAP facility. I have
access to the ZCPR3 on-line documentation. Where would I find
information for a prorammer wanting to develop applications using
this facility?
Ted A. Campbell |
Duke Divinity School |
Durham, NC 27706 |
email: tcamp@ecsvax |
8-Jan-88 12:28:44-MST,1567;000000000000
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To: "Mark E. Becker" <MBECK@ai.ai.mit.edu>, info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
Cc: bridger%rcc@rand-unix.ARPA
Subject: Debugging an RSX
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 88 11:06:51 PST
From: Bridger Mitchell <bridger%rcc@rand-unix.ARPA>
Most debuggers use the bdos (rather than the bios) for terminal
input/output, so the first thing you have to do is avoid re-entering
the bdos when you are tracing/trapping.
You might try this approach under the debugger:
5: jmp rsx_entry
xx: call 5 ;bdos call at routine causing trouble
Change the 'call 5' to 'call rsx_entry'.
Set breakpoints at 0000, the program's exit routine, and xx.
Set up command line and execute from 100. When you hit
the xx trap, set other breakpoints in the rsx at important
spots, then single-step into the rsx to watch things.
You can get symbols for the rsx by assembling it once with origin ==
rsx_entry and loading that symbol file under the debugger. Some
debuggers will cummulate symbols from several files, so you can also
load symbols from the transient program if you have them.
If you do much debugging, you may want to patch the debugger to
use bios i/o.
8-Jan-88 16:01:35-MST,2511;000000000000
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Date: 8 Jan 88 17:27:52 GMT
From: tikal!sigma!bill@beaver.cs.washington.edu (William Swan)
Organization: Summation Inc, Kirkland WA
Subject: Re: CP/M Software Market--an interesting note from Micropro
Message-Id: <1450@sigma.UUCP>
References: <4393@ecsvax.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
In article <4393@ecsvax.UUCP> tcamp@ecsvax.UUCP (Ted A. Campbell) writes:
>I spoke to folks at Micropro just before Christmas and asked them if they
>had any estimate of the size of the CP/M market. [...] between August and
>November 1986 Micropro sold 17,000 upgrades to CP/M Wordstar.
>Estimates of the number of CP/M machines varies from one and a half to
>two million. Some of these are out of service, but others have been
>passed on. Any one out there have a suggestion as to how we might
>characterize the size of the CP/M software market?
I think, Ted, that this is your best bet (at least until sombody comes out
with a package that *every* CP/M user will want :-). It's clear that the
CP/M market is larger then 17000, but by how much I wouldn't know.
One can't even assume there are only 17k WordStar users out there. There are
many who, like me, never mailed in the licenses for their old WordStars and
thus wouldn't have learned about 4.0 (I registered only to get the upgrade).
I know 6 CP/M systems (mine, my mother's, father's, two friends', and my
boss's [for sale]), but only two of us (my father and I) have bought W*4.0.
One friend doesn't use (or like, Jon?) WordStar, and the other doesn't know
(yet) about the upgrade. Based on my experience we could say there are about
50000 systems active. I don't think that's a very accurate estimate, maybe not
even to order of magnitude.
I'm not sure we'd do much better if we each listed all the systems we know
(checking to avoid overlaps), and all the upgrades we know. (I would list
only 5 known machines, because one friend is also on the net, but I would
list two upgrades.)
William Swan {ihnp4,decvax,allegra,...}!uw-beaver!tikal!sigma!bill
8-Jan-88 21:01:18-MST,995;000000000000
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Date: 8 Jan 88 08:50:59 GMT
From: ut-emx!cc.rob@sally.utexas.edu
Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
Message-Id: <458@ut-emx.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
A friend recently purchased a Televideo 802 that has no boot disk, since
the previous owner reformatted the hard disk and thus removed all the
software it had.
If someone has access to a boot disk and utilities, please reply via
comp.os.cpm. Renumeration will be made for your efforts.
Pat Price
9-Jan-88 00:34:04-MST,2732;000000000000
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 7 Jan 88 22:25:16 GMT
From: codas!burl!clyde!watmath!watdragon!vaxtrain!mdapoz@bikini.cis.ufl.edu (Mark Dapoz)
Subject: Z80DOS Bug Report
Message-Id: <4516@watdragon.waterloo.edu>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
The distributed versions of Z80DOS (both version 1.0 and 1.1) have a slight
problem when a read or write error occurs. When a disk error occurs, your
machine will most likely crash (if you're lucky) but in some instances it
will continue to run, but with unpredictable results. An examination of the
code within Z80DOS reveals a rather serious bug within the error recovery/
reporting routine. As can be seen from the code in example 1 (taken from the
Z80DDISK.Z80 file), the HL register pair is loaded with the contents of the
address specified by the RDERR (or WRTERR) label. Later, in the error recovery
routine, execution is passed to the address contained in the HL register
pair. This clearly does not work as it has the result of performing a double
indirect jump whereas what was really intended was a single indirect jump.
To fix the problem, you must modify the code to read as in example 2. It
would be appreciated if this information could be passed on to the author so
that it may be included in any future releases.
Example 1 - Original code with bug present
; Read sector from drive
; readr and writer modified to give separate error message--b.h.
READR: CALL READ ; BIOS call read sector
JR WRITE0 ; Test exit code
; Write sector on drive
WRITER: CALL WRITE ; BIOS call write sector
WRITE0: OR A ; Test exit code
RET Z ; Exit if ok
LD (RETFLG),A ; Allow retry for read/write errors
JP (HL) ; DOS error on d: write error
Example 2 - New code with bug fixed
; Read sector from drive
; readr and writer modified to give separate error message--b.h.
readr: call read ; BIOS call read sector
ld hl,rderr ; Fix indirect load - MD
jr write0 ; Test exit code
; Write sector on drive
writer: call write ; BIOS call write sector
ld hl,wrterr ; Fix indirect load - MD
write0: or a ; Test exit code
ret z ; Exit if ok
ld (retflg),a ; Allow retry for read/write errors
jp (hl) ; DOS error on d: write error
9-Jan-88 11:50:42-MST,1059;000000000000
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id AA00354; Sat, 9 Jan 88 10:48:14 PST
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 88 10:48:14 PST
Message-Id: <8801091848.AA00354@decwrl.dec.com>
From: secrist%msdoa1.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (Richard C. Secrist, KXO SWS)
To: cpm%msdoa1.DEC@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: Use of WordStar Upgrades to Size CP/M Market
Some have called WordStar "everybody's second favorite editor"
because it's one of those so-called de facto standards. But
most of the die-hard CP/Mers I know say they wouldn't give up
good money for any version of it (at a local users group it's
known as "TurdStar") but would be eager for a "vi" or "Emacs",
or just about anything you can get the sources to - especially
in C.
When the Simtel20 CP/M archives were created it'd be interesting
to know what they estimated the government usage at - perhaps
it was in their justification documents or whatever...
9-Jan-88 17:29:51-MST,1554;000000000000
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 8 Jan 88 21:48:45 GMT
From: mcvax!enea!liuida!obelix!pekka-r@uunet.uu.net (Pekka Akselin [The Mad Midnight Hacker])
Organization: University of Linkoping, Sweden
Subject: info about performance of different datatransfering programs
Message-Id: <1396@obelix.liu.se>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
Does anybody out there, in the netland, have any kind of
information how well different data transfering programs
does its job. I want to know how many bytes per second
each program transfers, in either direction, and what
buadrate gave the numbers. This should be counted for raw,
8-bit binary data. Some possible programs are KERMIT,
XMODEM, UUCP, SAFT and so on.
Thanks in advance.
[The Mad Midnight Hacker Strikes Again]
Inet: pekka-r@obelix.liu.se
ARPA: pekka-r%obelix.liu.se@uunet.uu.net
UUCP: pekka-r@obelix.UUCP | {mcvax,munnari,uunet}!enea!liuida!obelix!pekka-r
Pekka Akselin, Univ Linkoping, Sweden (The Land Of The Mad Midnight Hacker 8-)
9-Jan-88 22:29:37-MST,1698;000000000000
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Date: 9 Jan 88 05:38:54 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!ruel@uunet.uu.net
Organization: The Portal System (TM)
Subject: Re: Mex files: PCP?
Message-Id: <2351@cup.portal.com>
References: <2327@cup.portal.com>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
Mike_W_Ryan@cup.portal.com writes:
>Does anyone know where I can get some files (overlays, read files)
>for adapting MEX114 for PC Pursuit? I know the files may have
>to be tweaked to reflect the new dial syntax, but I think I can handle that.
>I have heard of the files: PCPMEX10.LBR, PCPFAST.MZX
>These files are supposedly on Royal Oak BBS, which is the biggest and only
>CPM board I really know of. However Royal Oak seems to be down and has for
>literally several weeks now. The number I have for it is 313-759-6569.
>Can anyone shed some light on Royal Oak and/or tell me where I can get these
>files (or better ones) for PCP and MEX?
Royal Oak is still up. But there seems to be a system change over there.
I'm wondering if there is going to be a new PCPIMPxx.COM program since PC
Pursuit has a new set of mneumonics (sp?) codes. I'm just about lost
without a good pcp dialer.
11-Jan-88 09:38:57-MST,2327;000000000000
Received: from CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon, 11 Jan 88 09:38:22 MST
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Date: Mon, 11 Jan 88 14:57:49 GMT
To: info-cpm@SIMTEL20.ARPA
Subject: Infocom Games
Customising and Buying Infocom(tm) games
Recently Gar Nelson contributed a note (ZORKNOTE.TZT) which contained the
details of how to customise the screen display for ZORK etc. I can confirm that
he was correct in every detail. My confirmation comes from Infocom itself. In
days gone by Infocom used to ship CP/M games wtih the source of a program to
patch the COM file with the terminal control codes. I have used this successfull
on all their games - even the ones shipped without such files.
He also notes that Infocom have dropped their CP/M support. I don't know if that
is also true in the U.K. BUT I can purchase Infocom games over here that don't
exist in CP/M form according to the Infocom sales literature which comes with
their games. e.g. Leather Goddesses, Suspect, Stationfall, etc. This appears to
be due to the success of Amstrad Z80 computers in the UK. I have to buy the
games on 3" disks (yes three.zero) inch disks. It is then necessary to have the
media converted - either commercially or buy hooking up an Amstrad and my
machine and using good old Kermit!
I believe almost all Infocom games are available in the UK for the Amstrad. The
exception which I know of are: the two IBM PC specific games, and possibly
Plundered Hearts and Bureaucracy. Trinity and A Mind Forever ... are supposed
to be available, but I have not tried to get them, so I cannot comment. Two of
their newest releases (over here) - Lurking Horror and Stationfall are definitel
available. The prices are higher than the $14.95 mentioned by Gar however -
we have prices of some 26 pounds = $47 (approx).
-- Tony Addyman
11-Jan-88 11:45:26-MST,1299;000000000000
Return-Path: <rzh@freedom.llnl.gov>
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id AA15835; Mon, 11 Jan 88 09:05:23 PST
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 88 09:05:23 PST
From: rzh@freedom.llnl.gov (Roger H. Hanscom (415) 423-0441)
Message-Id: <8801111705.AA15835@freedom.llnl.gov>
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
Subject: Versafloppy II Question
Can anyone out there help me with a question about a Versafloppy II FDC
made by S.D. Systems, Dallas, Tx.??? I'm running an old S-100 system
with this controller, and a generic CP/M (not S.D.'s version). It was
OK running 8" SSSD, but got very slow when I switched over to 5 1/4".
I think that the problem is the sector slew. No slew was slow, a slew
of 5 is worse!! Does anybody know the magic number for this hardware??
I'm using a PD version of a DD cbios. S.D. originally supplied Versa-
floppy II software (in ROM) that used a 128 b sector. They later went
to 256 b sectors. Did the slew used in the S.D. version of CP/M change
with the change in sector size?? ANY help/comments will be appreciated
Roger Hanscom
11-Jan-88 22:33:18-MST,6586;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 11-Jan-88 22:33:14
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1988 22:33 MST
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12365917430.BABYL@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
To: Info-Cpm@SIMTEL20.ARPA
Subject: Run CP/M on IBM-PC or clone at up to 10 MHz!
RUNNING 8080/Z80 CP/M programs on MSDOS or PCDOS computers
The following two messages are relayed from the DKUG RBBS, Detroit.
They are presented here "as-is" for informational value only.
From: Bill Duerr
To: Jim Petersen
Re: Upgrading IBM-AT to CP/M
The info following is from the October, 1986 Profiles Magazine.
Run CP/M
The Blue Thunder is a low-priced ($199.50) model. The Blue
Thunder runs with a 5-MHz clock speed. It will blow away the V20
and some competitors' cards with higher clock speeds.
The Blue Lightnin' is the premium model. It runs at an
ultra-high clock speed of approximately 9-MHz. It comes with a
complete suite of development software. You get SLR systems
superfast assembler and linker. You get the DSD80 debugger,
including an exclusive remote version for microprocessor develpment.
The Blue Lightnin' sells for $595.00.
2065 Martin Ave. Suite 110
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 980-1670
1897 Garden Ave.
Eugene, OR 97403
I remember Profiles doing a review of products that allow you to
upgrade your IBM AT to a CP/M Kaypro. But don't know what issue it
was in. Wednesday is DKUG's monthly meeting. I'll ask around.
Date: 01-10-88 11:49:59 EST
From: Barney Nagel
To: Jim Petersen
Re: CP/M on IBM
First, the information that you wanted is:
Company: Micro Interfaces
16359 N.W. 57th Ave.
Hialeah, FL 33014
Phone: (305) 623-9262
Telex 510600480 MICRO INTER CO
Cost: $199 (single unit)
$175 (group buy - 3 or more)
The RUN/CPM coprocessor is contained on a single board that is
mounted in one of your available slots .... I mounted it in a
IBM AT close compatible (CompuADD STANDARD 286). I'm running my
system completely populated with 1-meg ram on the motherboard,
4-megs of Intel expanded memory (Above Board 286 with piggyback),
2400 baud internal modem, Vega Deluxe EGA with a NEC Multisysnc,
MicroSoft Bus Mouse... when you throw in a multi-purpose I/O card,
I have all of the slots populated. I also have a Miniscribe 42
meg (28ms) harddrive and the whole system is tied together with a
Phoenix BIOS. My system runs at 8mHz with 0 wait state. It yields
a Norton SI of 9.0.
The only reason I took the trouble to mention all of this detail
was to validate the complexity of the hardware when I say that
I've had no trouble with the RUN/CPM board in this environment.
The coprocessor contains 64K of it's own RAM and runs on a Zilog
Z80B at 4 mHz. The board was simple to install and setup.
Simply run the Install program and this will put the interface
file into you Config.sys file. When invoked, a program is loaded
that contains a modified CPM 2.2 that will permit extensive
interaction between DOS and CPM. The board runs most application
type software and at times will surprise you by running some
MSDOS versions also. In order to differentiate between the CPM
and COM files, when RUN/CPM is loaded ... you have to rename the
'COM' extent to "CPM', these permits the CPM and MSDOS to
gracefully reside on the same harddisk. It will support named
directories (only one partition), and uses the DOS command
structure for I/O (ie, PIP, D (sorted directory), etc will not
work). However, Dave Rand's NSWEEP for MSDOS works great, and
any command that is supported by the DOS I/O. For example,
SDIR/P <CR> is a DOS program for obtaining a 'Paused' sorted
directory .,.. works great. Use COPY instead of PIP.
We've been using it about a year now, with our main applications
supporting our small mail order business ... originally begun
with the Kaypro II. We use it for all of our accounting
(Starr - Accounting Partner), MicroSoft's CPM version of
Multiplan, and Wordstar 3.3, I can use many of the utilities
from the CPM world also, including NULU, LU, CUNCH.UNCRUNCH, etc.
Our Club treasurer, Bob Sage, has also used one very successfully
with MicroSoft's Starr database. He is using an IBM AT. I
presume that it would operate equally well with a PC/XT 8088.
There is also a nifty RAM resident program that will allow you to
configure on the fly. First of all, you can set either (or both)
disk drive to format, read, and write CPM (115 disk formats are
supported) .... It supports the 96TPI 1.2 meg hi-capacity drives
as well as the standard 360K, 48 TPI drives.
Here's a list of the things you can do on the fly...
o Setup CP/M terminal emulation .... 96 terminals
o Setup CP/M disk emulation ... 115 formats supported.
o Permits to you to assign logical drives - supports,
A - P.
o Permits the use of ramdisks.
o Supports assigned (by you) I/O redirection.
o Set colors (if you have color monitor.)
o Sets Hot Key selection.
o Key-board input translation (permits macros on function
o Supports video mode selection (columns and rows, etc)
We have had no trouble reading our Kaypro II or Kaypro 484 disks.
However to be on the safe side, we will only write to disks that
have been formated on the Kaypros. We have, however, successfully
formatted a disk from the 1.2 meg and 360K drives and transferred
the data.
Additional notes from Keith Petersen:
On Monday, January 11, 1987, Micro Interfaces was contacted by telephone
for updated information. Several improvements have been made since
Barney purchased his board. The Z80 board has not been sold since October
1987. They now use a HD64180 (Z80 upward-compatible) chip in two versions
of the board: 6 MHz $275, and 10 MHz $499. Group discounts are available.
Decmation makes the Micro Interfaces board.
The list of local users of the RUN/CPM board is not limited to IBM AT
owners. There is at least one user who has an IBM XT. He gave a
demonstration and talk on it at the CP/M club about six months ago.
12-Jan-88 08:49:09-MST,1071;000000000000
Return-Path: <l_christophe%use.uio.uninett@TOR.nta.no>
Received: from tor.nta.no by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Tue, 12 Jan 88 08:48:57 MST
Posted-Date: 12 Jan 88 15:12 +0100
Received: by tor.nta.no (5.54/3.21)
id AA04960; Tue, 12 Jan 88 15:15:38 +0100
Date: 12 Jan 88 15:12 +0100
From: ALF CHRISTOPHERSEN <l_christophe%use.uio.uninett@TOR.nta.no>
To: INFO-CPM <info-cpm@simtel20.arpa>
Message-Id: <36*l_christophe@use.uio.uninett>
Subject: First time UPLOAD of KERMIT on Commodore 64 with only tape
A friend of me want to get KERMIT on his Commodore 64 with CP/M, but he
has only a tape station. How do we upload first time, e.g. from a
Olivetti M24 with direct connection over RS232? I remember there was
a procedure when I loaded first time with our Altos 8000/7, but has
forgotten the procedure. Do any have some idea? Is there any tape?
Alf Christophersen
Dep. of Nutrition Research
PO. Box 1046 BLindern
N-0316 Oslo 3
Many thanks in advance!
13-Jan-88 08:48:57-MST,527;000000000000
Received: from CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed, 13 Jan 88 08:48:45 MST
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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 88 09:39:20 MEZ
To: info-cpm@simtel20.ARPA
Comment: CROSSNET mail via SMTP@CUNYVM
Subject: directory of cpm archive
Date: 13 January 1988, 09:38:11 MEZ
From: A50D at DKAUNI11
get pd:<cpm>cpm.crclst
13-Jan-88 10:38:44-MST,2467;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
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id AA18453; Wed, 13 Jan 88 04:30:22 PST
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for info-cpm-ddn@simtel20.arpa (info-cpm@simtel20.arpa)
(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 12 Jan 88 12:44:40 GMT
From: ems!rosevax!kksys!bird@umn-cs.arpa (0000-Mike Bird)
Organization: K and K Systems, Minneapolis
Subject: Re: info about performance of different datatransfering programs
Message-Id: <531@kksys.UUCP>
References: <1396@obelix.liu.se>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
In article <1396@obelix.liu.se> pekka-r@obelix.liu.se (Pekka Akselin [The Mad Midnight Hacker]) writes:
>Does anybody out there, in the netland, have any kind of
>information how well different data transfering programs
>does its job. I want to know how many bytes per second
>each program transfers, in either direction, and what
>buadrate gave the numbers.
Unfortunately, Bytes/Second would only be applicable for the specific
hardware/firmware combination being tested. There is such a
difference between disk controllers (DMA vs CPU, clock speeds, etc.)
disk drives, the BDOS and BIOS being run, etc. That two machines of
supposedly the same configuration can be quite different. So, what
your looking for is the comparisons for the different programs done on
the SAME MACHINE, preferably near in time. This can best be expressed
as in index number, with perhaps PIP being arbitrarily set to the
index of 100. Then, each program would have to be tested against PIP
on the same hardware/software configuration. Tests done on two
different machines would almost be worthless. Also, the same program
may behave differently depending upon the hardware, so if your
particular setup has, for example, a DMA disk controller, you may be
better off with a program that takes advantage of the controller, even
if the index number is higher than a different program that doesn't.
In other words, this is a VERY subjective test.
Mike Bird (These opinions are mine, dammit!) Mail paths: bird@kksys.UUCP -or-
Void where prohibited by law. ...rutgers!meccts!kksys!bird
13-Jan-88 15:37:48-MST,1223;000000000000
Received: from CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed, 13 Jan 88 15:37:38 MST
Received: from BKNLVMS.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ; Wed, 13 Jan 88 17:36:01 EST
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1988 16:20:42.98 EST
Subject: Xerox 820-I system for sale
To: <info-cpm@simtel20.arpa>
I have a Xerox 820-I system to sell. It includes:
820-I CPU board + non-functional spare
3 8-inch floppy drives
power supplies
documentation for the above
CP/M 2.2 + many utilities
100 or so 8-inch floppy diskettes
The system has been cobbled together from separate components, and does
not include any sort of housing or chassis. Two of the floppy drives
were scavenged from an old Intel development system; I still have the
chassis and power supply. The system works fine - I just don't need
it now that I have a Mac SE.
I'd like to get $250+shipping for all of the above, but am willing to
negotiate. If you're interested, please contact me at droms@bknlvms.bitnet
as I no longer subscribe to info-cpm
- Ralph Droms
Bucknell University
13-Jan-88 22:51:34-MST,5363;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed, 13 Jan 88 22:51:10 MST
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id AA11506; Wed, 13 Jan 88 21:31:56 PST
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for info-cpm-ddn@simtel20.arpa (info-cpm@simtel20.arpa)
(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 13 Jan 88 17:58:32 GMT
From: sdcrdcf!shaprkg@burdvax.prc.unisys.com (Bob Shapiro)
Organization: Unisys - System Development Group, Santa Monica
Subject: Re: info about performance of different datatransfering programs
Message-Id: <5063@sdcrdcf.UUCP>
References: <1396@obelix.liu.se>, <531@kksys.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
In article <531@kksys.UUCP> bird@kksys.UUCP (0000-Mike Bird) writes:
<In article <1396@obelix.liu.se> pekka-r@obelix.liu.se (Pekka Akselin [The Mad Midnight Hacker]) writes:
<<Does anybody out there, in the netland, have any kind of
<<information how well different data transfering programs
<<does its job. I want to know how many bytes per second
<<each program transfers, in either direction, and what
<<buadrate gave the numbers.
<Unfortunately, Bytes/Second would only be applicable for the specific
<hardware/firmware combination being tested. There is such a
<difference between disk controllers (DMA vs CPU, clock speeds, etc.)
<disk drives, the BDOS and BIOS being run, etc. That two machines of
<supposedly the same configuration can be quite different. So, what
<your looking for is the comparisons for the different programs done on
<the SAME MACHINE, preferably near in time. This can best be expressed
<as in index number, with perhaps PIP being arbitrarily set to the
<index of 100. Then, each program would have to be tested against PIP
<on the same hardware/software configuration. Tests done on two
<different machines would almost be worthless. Also, the same program
<may behave differently depending upon the hardware, so if your
<particular setup has, for example, a DMA disk controller, you may be
<better off with a program that takes advantage of the controller, even
<if the index number is higher than a different program that doesn't.
<In other words, this is a VERY subjective test.
<Mike Bird (These opinions are mine, dammit!) Mail paths: bird@kksys.UUCP -or-
<Void where prohibited by law. ...rutgers!meccts!kksys!bird
I beg to differ with you. At 9600 baud you send at a rate of about 10
bits per character or a character about once a millisecond. Almost any
computer on the market can send at that rate so I suspect the clock rate on
the computer would have little to do with it.
The following things affect performance in my opinion:
1. The amount of overhead in the protocol.
2. In certain protocols the distance between the sending and receiving
computers. If the protocol has a "send-ahead" feature then this is not a
consideration but if each message has to be "ACKED" before the next is sent
then the turn-around time if you are going through a satellite link is quite
a large delay.
3. The error rate on the line may affect you. There are three types of
protocols. Those with large messages (which have a low overhead but are very
susceptible to line noise), those with small messages (which have a high
overhead but are not as susceptible to line noise) and a few protocols which
adapt their message size according to the number of retransmissions which
are required. Obviously the latter is the most efficient but it is also the
most complex.
4. How much overhead is spent in the disk logic. At one extreme you can
have the disks on both ends reading or writing single CPM sectors of 128
bytes in a non-DMA world. Thus you must delay on both the sending and
receiving end for the disk. This delay is significant and may result in
the overall time doubling or tripling. On the other extreme is a hard disk
with DMA and very large buffers so any disk activity is rare. There may be
literally no overhead at all in this type of environment.
The bottom line is that the software is responsible for most of the delays
in the transmission. I have written transmission programs which buffer 16K
inputs from a floppy disk (without a DMA) and write 16K outputs to the floppy
disk. They use very large messages and have few overhead characters in the
message. When running "back-to-back" to transfer data from one computer to
another I have run at 19200 and can move the data at better than a 95 per
cent efficiency. Mind you because of the "back-to-back" situation there were
very few "hits" on the line and the protocol was not very clever when "hits"
occurred but the nature of a "back-to-back" situation is that the line tends
to be error-free. Also since many of my files were less than 16K in length
the transmission tended to be "memory-to-memory" with only the original read
and the final write taking up any disk time.
It would be my educated guess that the same transmission program would
run at about the same speed on almost any computer on the market.
Bob Shapiro
13-Jan-88 23:17:29-MST,1022;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Wed, 13 Jan 88 23:17:23 MST
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id AA12263; Wed, 13 Jan 88 22:14:47 PST
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(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 12 Jan 88 01:58:30 GMT
From: codas!burl!clyde!watmath!watdragon!violet!rthurley@bikini.cis.ufl.edu (Roger Hurley)
Subject: Altos series 5 and MPM II
Message-Id: <4573@watdragon.waterloo.edu>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
I need some help with an Altos 580-10 running MPM II.
The problem I have is that my ADX disk died. You know
the disk with all of the memtest, bootcopy, mformat etc
diagnostics programs. I need a copy of this disk , and
a terminal program.
14-Jan-88 00:33:36-MST,843;000000000000
Return-Path: <@RELAY.CS.NET:rthurley@violet.waterloo.edu>
Received: from RELAY.CS.NET by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu, 14 Jan 88 00:33:32 MST
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Received: from violet.uucp (violet) by watmath; Thu, 14 Jan 88 01:05:10 EST
Received: by violet; Thu, 14 Jan 88 01:05:05 EST
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 88 01:05:05 EST
From: Roger Hurley <rthurley%violet.waterloo.edu@RELAY.CS.NET>
Message-Id: <8801140605.AA08836@violet.uucp>
To: info-cpm@SIMTEL20.ARPA
Hi I would like to enquire about getting programs through to my account.
I dont think I have access to the arpa net from here in Canada. This is
from bitnet. Is there anyway I can send a request and get a reply..
14-Jan-88 07:58:34-MST,2712;000000000000
Received: from CICGE.RPI.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu, 14 Jan 88 07:58:05 MST
Received: from (TCPMAINT)RPICICGE.BITNET by CICGE.RPI.EDU on 01/14/88
at 09:58:40 EDT
Received: by RPICICGE (Mailer X1.25) id 0407; Thu, 14 Jan 88 09:48:27
Resent-Date: Thu, 14 Jan 88 09:47:21 EDT
Resent-From: "John S. Fisher" <FISHER@CICGE.RPI.EDU>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 88 16:58 CDT
Subject: Kermit for Visual 1050
To: fisher@CICGE.RPI.EDU
First, some background on the V1050. It contains a Z80 uP
running CPM3.0 (banked). It will *NOT* run software that does
not follow the CPM BDOS calls or uses non-ASCII screen/console
codes. This means the Kaypro and the DEC as they use system
dependent AUX: (that is, RS232C port) accesses. The V1050 is
touted as being VT-52 compatible; I have had problems with it.
The best rule of thumb is to use programs that only make 'legal'
BDOS calls. This is not very limiting, except in communications
software or in graphics software. Otherwise, one is asking for
To address your question about Kermit, Columbia University
has just about every Kermit implementation ever written. They
are available over BITNET from KERMSRV@CUVMA.BITNET. You want
the generic CPM3 version. I think it is called CP4CP3.HEX
and then you can assemble it. (By the way, since it only
uses legal BDOS calls, it is only reliable up to 1200 baud)
Alternatively, if you will tell me how and where, I will be
happy to send you my copy of CPM3 kermit, either via
email or USnail, or probably both channels
would be better. My track record with internet file
transfers isn't so hot. Oh, also, KERMSRV has both
'C' source code and assembler source for most of the
Kermit implementations listed, if one wanted to adapt
or improve on the generic version. All they ask is that
you upload the new, improved version to them. (Lots of
V1050 owners would be grateful for accelerated baud rates.
Hint, hint..)
Mention should be made that versions of YAM and MEX that are adapted
for the V1050 are available for a nominal charge ($5 I think,
but don't quote me)from the V1050 users group. If you're
interested, I will look up the address, or it may be available
over GEnie's V1050 conference.
Good luck. Let me know if you get this, because, as I said,
my internet communications skills are less than perfect.
Unless I hear from you in a couple of weeks, I will post
this to CPM-INFO.
Lee Thomison
landline: (713) 749-3127
*usual disclaimers*
14-Jan-88 10:00:43-MST,1450;000000000000
Return-Path: <elsaesser%mwcamis@mitre.arpa>
Received: from mitre.arpa by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu, 14 Jan 88 10:00:38 MST
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 88 11:41:23 EST
From: elsaesser%mwcamis@mitre.arpa
Message-Id: <8801141641.AA06709@mitre.arpa>
Organization: The MITRE Corp., Washington, D.C.
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
Subject: Help for a new Osborne user
I just donated my Osborne Executive to:
Washington Bach Consort
1609 36th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20007
They intend (would like?) to use it for correspondence, mailing lists,
and membership record keeping. Course it has the usual stuff: WordStar,
SuperCalc, Personal Peral, BASIC. These people do not strike me as
hackers, and I was hopeing that someone in the area could lend a hand.
1. Would anybody keeping US mailing lists of Osbo owners please
add them to your list.
2. Would someone from any Washington area Osbo users groups either
write or call them with info on how to use your services.
3. Would anybody send them any hints, books, etc. that you think
might help. For example, I believe they want to hook an NEC
Spinwriter to the machine. Anybody got any hints??
I just don't want my gift to end up being more trouble than its worth
(about $200 as a tax deduction, in my case). Thanks in advance.
chris elsaesser@mitre.arpa
14-Jan-88 10:15:59-MST,1406;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Thu, 14 Jan 88 10:15:49 MST
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id AA22561; Thu, 14 Jan 88 08:51:40 PST
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for info-cpm-ddn@simtel20.arpa (info-cpm@simtel20.arpa)
(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 12 Jan 88 04:18:31 GMT
From: imagen!atari!portal!cup.portal.com!Mike_W_Ryan@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU
Organization: The Portal System (TM)
Subject: MEX114 problem
Message-Id: <2403@cup.portal.com>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
I wonder if any of you folks can help me out.....
I am using MEX114 with the MDM740 overlay for the HP125. It transfers files
fine, and works in terminal mode fine. The prblem is that whenever I try
a SENDOUT command, the computer freezes. I have tried setting WECHO off
and TRIGGER "" to no avail. It doesn't even seem to send the chars to
the modem. I hope to get a line monitor soon to confirm that. I assume
that the same routines for sending chars to the modem in terminal mode
are used as during a SENDOUT? Does anyone have any ideas or hints? I have to
do a hard reset on the system to recover from this nasty, and unfortunately
it limits my use of the powerful READ file feature.
15-Jan-88 20:59:10-MST,1152;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Fri, 15 Jan 88 20:59:03 MST
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id AA01957; Fri, 15 Jan 88 19:43:51 PST
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for info-cpm-ddn@simtel20.arpa (info-cpm@simtel20.arpa)
(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 15 Jan 88 17:00:24 GMT
From: tektronix!orca!tekecs!frip!andrew@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Andrew Klossner)
Organization: Tektronix, Wilsonville, Oregon
Subject: Re: Infocom Games
Message-Id: <9620@tekecs.TEK.COM>
References: <8801111639.AA14899@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
To Tony Addyman (MA18@SYSE.SALFORD.AC.UK)
I think I speak for a lot of us when I ask:
Could you find a way for people in the US to mail-order CP/M Z80 infocom
games? Perhaps you could give us the address of a store that's willing
to ship internationally?
-=- Andrew Klossner (decvax!tektronix!tekecs!andrew) [UUCP]
(andrew%tekecs.tek.com@relay.cs.net) [ARPA]
16-Jan-88 13:32:33-MST,2081;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Sat, 16 Jan 88 13:32:17 MST
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id AA15138; Sat, 16 Jan 88 11:37:57 PST
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for info-cpm-ddn@simtel20.arpa (info-cpm@simtel20.arpa)
(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 16 Jan 88 17:34:55 GMT
From: uhccux!lee@humu.nosc.mil (Greg Lee)
Organization: U. of Hawaii, Manoa (Honolulu)
Subject: printing program offer
Message-Id: <1446@uhccux.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
I have a run-off type print formatting program that I could distribute,
if it would be of use to anyone. It's designed to print on the Epson
MX-80 or FX-80, and possibly more recent models (for all I know). It
runs under cpm 2.2, and a friend of mine runs it with an Apple cpm+
card. I don't know how portable it is in general. It has 175 formatting
commands, and comes with 70 proportional fonts and 168K of user documents.
The .com file for the program is only 18K, but with documents, fonts,
and sources it comes to over a megabyte, so I guess it's too large to
post to this group. And I don't think my uucp neighbors would be happy
if I mailed many copies. So, is anybody interested in the thing, and
if so, where can I email it to make it available (I'd rather not mail
disks)? Is there a way to get it into the Simtel20 archive? It would
be nice if some interested person would try making the source, to check
that I didn't slip up in putting together the distribution. It's in
8080 assembly language written for the Microsoft m80 assembler, and
some ancillary programs are in C of the BDS variety.
I await expressions of interest and advice about how to distribute.
--Greg Lee
U.S.mail: 562 Moore Hall, Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Hawaii, HONO, HI 96822
INTERNET: lee@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu
UUCP: {ihnp4,dcdwest,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!nosc!uhccux!lee
BITNET: lee@uhccux
18-Jan-88 12:28:20-MST,2447;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon, 18 Jan 88 12:28:14 MST
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id AA18602; Mon, 18 Jan 88 11:20:58 PST
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for info-cpm-ddn@simtel20.arpa (info-cpm@simtel20.arpa)
(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 18 Jan 88 16:48:50 GMT
From: fluke!doctor@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Doug Klopfenstein)
Subject: Downloading PD CP/M programs
Message-Id: <2685@fluke.COM>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
Does anyone out there have a list of current bulletin boards that allow you
to download public domain CP/M programs? The SIMTEL archives are not
available at this site. I also tried to send mail to LISTSERV@CICGE.RPI.EDU,
but never received any response (I assume my mailer's From: line has an
unacceptable format). Next I tried a few bulletin boards on my CP/M computer
at home. The list of CP/M bulletin boards that I have is about 2 years old,
and the numbers I called this weekend (about 10 different places around the
country) are no longer in service.
Attn. Keith Peterson
I called your Royal Oak board this weekend; unfortunately the
telephone lines between here (Seattle) and there are so bad the
modem couldn't handle the garbage on the lines. This is the fourth
time I have called your board over the last year. The telephone
lines seem to be getting worse. Any suggestions?
Someone will probably tell me that I should just send floppy disks to some
place that has programs available on disk. Since I have a CP/M machine with
a unique format (ever seen a Datavue 353 with a 1M floppy drive -- actually
776k?), I can't get any programs on disk (or buy a copy of WordStar v4.0 -
sigh). The only way to get programs is over a modem. I also have a Northstar
Horizon, but it requires hard sectored floppy disks, so it too probably
can't be used (besides, the floppy drive on the Horizon is flakey).
So, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where I could contact a
bulletin board that has CP/M programs to download.
(doctor) Doug
Doug Klopfenstein uw-beaver!fluke!doctor
John Fluke Mfg. allegra!fluke!doctor
Everett, WA doctor@fluke.com
(206)356-5232 > work
(206)784-3574 > home
18-Jan-88 14:03:44-MST,36392;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon, 18 Jan 88 14:02:45 MST
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id AA20308; Mon, 18 Jan 88 12:47:30 PST
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for info-cpm-ddn@simtel20.arpa (info-cpm@simtel20.arpa)
(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 18 Jan 88 03:22:20 GMT
From: oliveb!intelca!mipos3!omepd!psu-cs!qiclab!miked@AMES.ARC.NASA.GOV (Mike Day)
Organization: QIC Laboratories, Portland, Oregon
Subject: CPeMulator (shareware archive)
Message-Id: <896@qiclab.UUCP>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
64K V2080 CPeMulator Version 3.21 as of 8 January, 1988
Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 Michael Day
OPERATION: To run a program, type "V2080 FILENAME" at the MS-DOS prompt (CP/M
programs are assumed to have a filename extent of .CPM). Use of this program
requires that a NEC V20 chip be installed in the computer in place of the 8088
mpu (or V30 for 80186 machines). This will allow you to run 8080 based CP/M-80
programs on your MS-DOS machine (within hardware and software limitations).
If you wish to receive documented source code, 8086/286/386 versions, and other
good stuff please send $40 (American), or for more information write:
Michael Day, C/O Day Research, P.O. Box 22902, Milwaukie, OR 97222
This archive contains two versions of CPeMulator, one with ADM3A emulation,
and one without (use your own DOS device driver). The archive also contains
documentation on the use of the V2080 CPeMulator.
begin 644 v2080.arc
M` *@99\P``)W3R<@\`,Z`%90\`,[`%`-`)`#`#L#\,3[I3[,X`?$]HL-`%%
M@G@<V(9C -GT9-\\9-505(DDRA\D1*%A=$G@P!`>+FT3)-RIX%`7+.V3Q_/
Mike Day UUCP:...!tektronix!reed!qiclab!bakwatr!mikeday
Chief Bit Washer, Day Research, P.O. Box 22902, Milwaukie, OR 97222
Plans?...We don't need no stinkin' plans!
18-Jan-88 21:27:47-MST,1446;000000000000
Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa>
Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SIMTEL20.ARPA with TCP; Mon, 18 Jan 88 21:27:41 MST
Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.58/1.26)
id AA28175; Mon, 18 Jan 88 20:03:04 PST
Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews
for info-cpm-ddn@simtel20.arpa (info-cpm@simtel20.arpa)
(contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions)
Date: 19 Jan 88 03:37:46 GMT
From: mit-vax!spectre@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Joseph D. Morrison)
Organization: MIT LCS, Cambridge, MA
Subject: wanted: CP/M 2.2 software
Message-Id: <3422@mit-vax.LCS.MIT.EDU>
Sender: info-cpm-request@simtel20.arpa
To: info-cpm@simtel20.arpa
Hello! I am posting this for a friend of mine who has a Xerox 820 II
computer, running CP/M 2.2.
The computer was (practically) given to him, and of course, they
aren't really selling much CP/M software these days. :-)
Does anyone have any CP/M public domain software (compilers,
spreadsheets, ANYTHING!) or software that they would be willing to
sell cheaply? In particular, my friend would *really* like a Fortran
Any help would be *greatly* appreciated!
Joe Morrison
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science UUCP: ...!mit-eddie!vx!spectre
545 Technology Square, NE43-425 ARPA: spectre@vx.lcs.mit.edu
Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 253-5881
"That's no answer. That's not even science!"
18-Jan-88 21:46:29-MST,1699;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 18-Jan-88 21:46:26
Date: Sunday, 17 January 1988 20:22-MST
Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12367743920.BABYL@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Sender: Mike Day <tektronix!reed!qiclab!bakwatr!mikeday@BEAVER.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU>
From: Mike Day <tektronix!reed!qiclab!bakwatr!mikeday@BEAVER.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU>
To: info-cpm-request@SIMTEL20.ARPA
Subject: V2080 MSDOS CPeMulator (shareware archive)
ReSent-To: Info-Cpm-Ddn
ReSent-Date: Mon 18 Jan 1988 21:46-MST
Now available via standard anonymous FTP from SIMTEL20...
Filename Type Bytes CRC
V2080J88.ARC BINARY 24267 643BH
64K V2080 CPeMulator Version 3.21 as of 8 January, 1988
OPERATION: To run a program, type "V2080 FILENAME" at the MS-DOS
prompt (CP/M programs are assumed to have a filename extent of .CPM).
Use of this program requires that a NEC V20 chip be installed in the
computer in place of the 8088 mpu (or V30 for 80186 machines). This
will allow you to run 8080 based CP/M-80 programs on your MS-DOS
machine (within hardware and software limitations).
If you wish to receive documented source code, 8086/286/386 versions,
and other good stuff please see information in the ARC, or for more
information write: Michael Day, C/O Day Research, P.O. Box 22902,
Milwaukie, OR 97222
This archive contains two versions of CPeMulator, one with ADM3A
emulation, and one without (use your own DOS device driver). The
archive also contains documentation on the use of the V2080
Mike Day UUCP:...!tektronix!reed!qiclab!bakwatr!mikeday
Chief Bit Washer, Day Research, P.O. Box 22902, Milwaukie, OR 97222
19-Jan-88 01:32:53-MST,4910;000000000000
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 88 01:30:09 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #16
INFO-CPM Digest Tue, 19 Jan 88 Volume 88 : Issue 16
Today's Topics:
Downloading PD CP/M programs
V2080 MSDOS CPeMulator (shareware archive)
wanted: CP/M 2.2 software
Date: 18 Jan 88 16:48:50 GMT
From: fluke!doctor@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Doug Klopfenstein)
Subject: Downloading PD CP/M programs
Does anyone out there have a list of current bulletin boards that allow you
to download public domain CP/M programs? The SIMTEL archives are not
available at this site. I also tried to send mail to LISTSERV@CICGE.RPI.EDU,
but never received any response (I assume my mailer's From: line has an
unacceptable format). Next I tried a few bulletin boards on my CP/M computer
at home. The list of CP/M bulletin boards that I have is about 2 years old,
and the numbers I called this weekend (about 10 different places around the
country) are no longer in service.
Attn. Keith Peterson
I called your Royal Oak board this weekend; unfortunately the
telephone lines between here (Seattle) and there are so bad the
modem couldn't handle the garbage on the lines. This is the fourth
time I have called your board over the last year. The telephone
lines seem to be getting worse. Any suggestions?
Someone will probably tell me that I should just send floppy disks to some
place that has programs available on disk. Since I have a CP/M machine with
a unique format (ever seen a Datavue 353 with a 1M floppy drive -- actually
776k?), I can't get any programs on disk (or buy a copy of WordStar v4.0 -
sigh). The only way to get programs is over a modem. I also have a Northstar
Horizon, but it requires hard sectored floppy disks, so it too probably
can't be used (besides, the floppy drive on the Horizon is flakey).
So, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where I could contact a
bulletin board that has CP/M programs to download.
(doctor) Doug
Doug Klopfenstein uw-beaver!fluke!doctor
John Fluke Mfg. allegra!fluke!doctor
Everett, WA doctor@fluke.com
(206)356-5232 > work
(206)784-3574 > home
Date: Sunday, 17 January 1988 20:22-MST
From: Mike Day <tektronix!reed!qiclab!bakwatr!mikeday@BEAVER.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject: V2080 MSDOS CPeMulator (shareware archive)
Now available via standard anonymous FTP from SIMTEL20...
Filename Type Bytes CRC
V2080J88.ARC BINARY 24267 643BH
64K V2080 CPeMulator Version 3.21 as of 8 January, 1988
OPERATION: To run a program, type "V2080 FILENAME" at the MS-DOS
prompt (CP/M programs are assumed to have a filename extent of .CPM).
Use of this program requires that a NEC V20 chip be installed in the
computer in place of the 8088 mpu (or V30 for 80186 machines). This
will allow you to run 8080 based CP/M-80 programs on your MS-DOS
machine (within hardware and software limitations).
If you wish to receive documented source code, 8086/286/386 versions,
and other good stuff please see information in the ARC, or for more
information write: Michael Day, C/O Day Research, P.O. Box 22902,
Milwaukie, OR 97222
This archive contains two versions of CPeMulator, one with ADM3A
emulation, and one without (use your own DOS device driver). The
archive also contains documentation on the use of the V2080
Mike Day UUCP:...!tektronix!reed!qiclab!bakwatr!mikeday
Chief Bit Washer, Day Research, P.O. Box 22902, Milwaukie, OR 97222
Date: 19 Jan 88 03:37:46 GMT
From: mit-vax!spectre@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Joseph D. Morrison)
Subject: wanted: CP/M 2.2 software
Hello! I am posting this for a friend of mine who has a Xerox 820 II
computer, running CP/M 2.2.
The computer was (practically) given to him, and of course, they
aren't really selling much CP/M software these days. :-)
Does anyone have any CP/M public domain software (compilers,
spreadsheets, ANYTHING!) or software that they would be willing to
sell cheaply? In particular, my friend would *really* like a Fortran
Any help would be *greatly* appreciated!
Joe Morrison
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science UUCP: ...!mit-eddie!vx!spectre
545 Technology Square, NE43-425 ARPA: spectre@vx.lcs.mit.edu
Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 253-5881
"That's no answer. That's not even science!"
End of INFO-CPM Digest
22-Jan-88 01:32:15-MST,5584;000000000000
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 88 01:30:42 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #17
INFO-CPM Digest Fri, 22 Jan 88 Volume 88 : Issue 17
Today's Topics:
Datestamper with ZCOM
More on Datestamper and ZCOM
Need help with floppy drive powerdown problem
Wanted: C source for CP/M uncrunch utility
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 88 12:39:45 GMT
Subject: Datestamper with ZCOM
I have recently completed the installation of Datestamper (tm) on my system
which runs Z-COM. Like many Z-users I am TPA conscious, so I didn't want to
leave Datestamper running under the command processor. The normal course of
action in that case is to move down CP/M and install Datestamper above the BIOS.
Unfortunately, this was not possible in my case as I have three different BIOSs
from the manufacturer, but only one copy of MOVCPM! I found the answer in Jay
Sage's article in TCJ number 29. Not only can you patch ZCLD to create a version
of Z to run higher in memory than it would normally, but you can do the reverse
and leave a gap ABOVE zcpr3.3, zrdos and the buffers but BELOW the BIOS. All
that I needed to do in addition was to use DDT to patch the addresses in the
IOP and the VBIOS to point to the real BIOS which had not moved. This also has
the effect of removing Datestamper from memory when switching to CP/M. For me
this is an advantage as I only switch to increase my TPA and this maximises it.
My only concern now is that this trick may not work under NZCOM!
I hope this may be of help to someone.
-- Tony Addyman
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 88 07:59:22 MDT
Subject: Encryption/Decryption
(I hope this is not inappropiate for this list...)
I have played a couple of INFOCOM's CPM games and noticed their use of data
files ('.DAT' extensions) that evidently make use of some sort of encryption.
This arouses my curiosity. Using DDT (and another dis-assembler whose name I
forget) I am unable to tell just what they did. I am curious for the sake of
being curious and also because it sounds like something I'd like to use myself.
I've looked at a couple of sources on encryption but they don't exactly tell
things from a CPM viewpoint. So - If someone has the time, is there a source
reference, a dis-assembler (best of all), a piece of code, etc., on this
topic that one could clue me in on? (I sure hope this is nothing propietary!)
Bear in mind that modern ages have overtaken me - I use an MSDOS machine at
work and I fear I don't know my Kaypro II and Z80 assembler as well as I used
to. Thanks in advance.
Rich Travsky
P.S. I am not on this list so please send to me directly.
P.P.S Note I'm on BITNET and can't (*sigh*) FTP anything.
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 88 12:45:04 GMT
Subject: More on Datestamper and ZCOM
Further to my note on tricking ZCOM into leaving a space for Datestamper. I
should also have pointed out that any IOPs which you want to use will also
need similar attention. At least, the three I have from Echelon (NUKEY,
RECORDER and BPRINT) all contain jumps to the BIOS which are not correctly
calculated by the IOP installation program when ZCLD has been patched as I
described. This is not a real problem as I don't install (as opposed to LOAD)
IOPs very often.
-- Tony Addyman
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 88 00:19:14 EST
From: "Mark E. Becker" <MBECK@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
Subject: Need help with floppy drive powerdown problem
Hello All -
I'm sure someone out there has solved this problem.. it has
bitten me enough so that I'm now out searching for a solution.
The configuration:
2 Shugart 851 8" DS/DD drives.
2 NEC FD-1036A 3.5" DS/DD drives.
The problem -
Turning off power to these drives causes the on-board electronics
to "spasm" and write random magnetic garbage on whatever diskette in
installed. Of course, the doors are closed. In the case of the
851's, the heads briefly load then unload... the 3.5's spin for a
second or two until the power supply drops below some critical
The garbage only appears on a cylinder segment; the cylinder
being where the two heads are at when the power drops.
I can usually "fix" the 8" disks by re-formatting just the
affected cylinder and reloading the damaged files from backup.
However, the 3.5" disks resist this and I had to degauss and then
Hardware hacks to solve this problem would be appreciated.
Mark Becker
Date: 21 Jan 88 04:37:30 GMT
From: umnstat!kb@umn-cs.arpa (Christopher Bingham)
Subject: Wanted: C source for CP/M uncrunch utility
I would like to obtain a C (or other language compilable under Unix) source
for uncrunching CPM crunched files (*.?z? files). Please E-mail if you know
of a source or would be able to supply.
C. Bingham
kb@umnstat.stat.umn.edu (
End of INFO-CPM Digest
23-Jan-88 01:33:09-MST,1000;000000000000
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 88 01:30:57 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #18
INFO-CPM Digest Sat, 23 Jan 88 Volume 88 : Issue 18
Today's Topics:
what happened to the archive server?
Date: 22 Jan 88 16:38:13 GMT
From: tikal!amc!jon@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Jon Mandrell)
Subject: what happened to the archive server?
Does anyone know what happened to the archive server at the
address 'LISTSERV@CICGE.RPI.EDU'? I managed to get through several
requests, and actually got 2 files back, but now I get 'host unknown'
from my arpa-net gateway? Did it shut down?
Jon Mandrell, Applied Microsystems Corp., (ihnp4!uw-beaver!tikal!amc!jon)
End of INFO-CPM Digest
24-Jan-88 01:33:38-MST,3513;000000000000
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 88 01:30:42 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #19
INFO-CPM Digest Sun, 24 Jan 88 Volume 88 : Issue 19
Today's Topics:
CP/M 3.0 + on the C-128
printing program
Small-C Source Code
Date: 21 Jan 88 23:43:54 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!-Pete-@uunet.uu.net
Subject: CP/M 3.0 + on the C-128
Hi...I've gradually become interested in the CP/M disk that came with my 128,
but the card that you can mail to get documentation & additional disks that
was in the System Guide was accidentally thrown away, so I am, right now, just
playing around with it. I am interested in going into more depth with the
system, though.
I would appreciate anyone's assistance on where to find CP/M software comp-
atible with 3.0+ or uploads, possible sources for documentation or tutorials
on programming in the CP/M environand some hints & tips concerning it.
Peter Cook
Date: 23 Jan 88 21:28:59 GMT
From: uhccux!lee@humu.nosc.mil (Greg Lee)
Subject: printing program
I mentioned a few days ago distributing a printing program for Epson
printers. It's called "ep", by the way. I think that the complete
distribution will wind up on simtel20, but it will take a while.
My thanks to Bill Swan, who is going to check out the distribution
for stuff like missing files, and to Keith Peterson, who offered to
help get it onto simtel20.
In the meantime, I made up a mini-distribution, so folks could give the
program a try and see whether it would be any use to them. I will send
this out over the next couple weeks to those who have expressed interest.
I have tried to reply to all email, but it's not always been clear
that mail paths I used would work. If you wrote me and got no reply,
please try again, with maybe a suggestion about what path I should
use. I have received inquiries from: Bob Calbridge, Paul Neubauer,
Pekka Akselin, Mark W. Eichin, Jim Dumser, Jeffrey May, and
Dag Henrik Braatane.
--Greg Lee
INTERNET: lee@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu
UUCP: {ihnp4,dcdwest,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!nosc!uhccux!lee
BITNET: lee@uhccux
Date: 19 Jan 88 15:43:41 GMT
From: eecae!upba!qetzal!telesci!tlxprs!jep@super.upenn.edu (Jo Poplawski)
Subject: Small-C Source Code
I am not sure if any of you have seen this message posted by me before but we
have had problems posting and receiving from the net for the last few weeks
so I thought I would post it again. I apologize if you have seen this already.
Anyway, to the point, if any one is interested in getting a copy of the Small-C
source code for Z-80 machines, including the C=128, let me know via mail and I
will make arrangements for you to get it. It is 2 whole disks and has documents
and source. The source code is very well commented and creates it own assembly
while compiling.
If you are interested, send mail to jep@tlxprs.UUCP
Jo Poplawski
Systems Support
Telexpress Inc
End of INFO-CPM Digest
26-Jan-88 01:31:53-MST,3367;000000000000
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 88 01:31:01 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #20
INFO-CPM Digest Tue, 26 Jan 88 Volume 88 : Issue 20
Today's Topics:
archives and ftp
Floppy powerdown
Followup: Disk Drive Powerdown Problem
Need help with floppy drive powerdo
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 88 08:22:31 PST
From: rzh@freedom.llnl.gov (Roger H. Hanscom (415) 423-0441)
Subject: archives and ftp
Can somebody help me??? I've been trying to use ftp to "get" files
from Simtel20. It works fine with small files, both ascii and
binary. But large files appear to hang-up. I get "Auto logout -
job idle too long" after about 10-15 minutes. In these cases the
file left in my directory has a length of 65,535 bytes. Very
suspicious, that's 2^16 - 1! I'm running ftp on a SUN system
(UNIX) using TENEX mode. I tried binary with identical results.
The files I'm trying to pick up are things like suprdos2.lbr,1
or zcpr33.lbr,3 or z80dos10.lbr,1 .... the good stuff! What am
I doing wrong??? Thanks.
Date: 25 Jan 88 14:36 PST
From: Alan Bomberger <ACB.COR@OFFICE-1.ARPA>
Subject: Floppy powerdown
I started having this problem after I added "a few boards" to my aging
NorthStar computer. I believe that it relates to the order of power supply
drop out. I suspect that you need to insure that the 12 volts goes away before
the 5 volt (logic). But of course it could be the other way around. So why
did I answer your query , you say, If I don't know? Well, I am pretty sure
that it is power supply related and you can experiment to find out which
voltage must drop first to insure safety. Peace
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 88 21:29:41 EST
From: "Mark E. Becker" <MBECK@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
Subject: Followup: Disk Drive Powerdown Problem
Hello -
My thanks to those that responded to my help request regarding
turning off floppy drives with the doors closed.
The Fix (at least the one I implemented): Installed some relays
in series with the power feed to the disk drives. These relays were
some generic DPST types from a local surplus outfit.. with 110 VAC
The coils are bridged across the power supply transformer
primary. Now, if the AC power drops, power to the drives is cut
before the supply has time to fall to the "critical" voltage level.
My thanks again to the respondents.
Date: 24 Jan 88 22:25:00 GMT
From: clio!berger@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
Subject: Need help with floppy drive powerdo
Are you sure this is an artifact of the Shugart 851 and not your
controller? I have never had any problems with disks when shutting
off power to the 851, even with the heads engaged.
Mike Berger
Center for Advanced Study
University of Illinois
{ihnp4 | convex | pur-ee}!uiucuxc!clio!berger
End of INFO-CPM Digest
27-Jan-88 01:32:26-MST,4219;000000000000
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 88 01:30:32 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #21
INFO-CPM Digest Wed, 27 Jan 88 Volume 88 : Issue 21
Today's Topics:
Debugging a new BIOS
Undigestify program for Unix now available from SIMTEL20
Date: 26 Jan 88 11:13 -0600
From: Ken Wallewein <kenw%noah.arc.cdn%ubc.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Debugging a new BIOS
I trying to upgrade the BIOS of my brother's California Computer Systems
S100 system, and I've run into a bit of a snag.
The system has two eight-inch single sided Shugart 801s (I _think_ they're
801s). It can use physical sector sizes from 128 to 1024 bytes. It has a 4 Mhz
Z80, a 64k dynamic RAM board, a 4-port serial board, and a 4-drive disk
controller using a WD 1793. All boards from CCS. It started out as plain-
vanilla CPM 2.2 with the BIOS from CCS.
The new BIOS is written and installed; I even added ZCPR2 (I know, it's old,
but it's simple, and all I want is command search paths; my brother is not
very "computer literate").
However, there is a rather serious bug. Whenever the system does a warm boot
while logged into B: drive (there are only A: and B:), when it goes to relog
B: it sends the heads on B: on a colision course for the spindle. Needless to
say, this is noisy, nerve-wracking, and rather hard on head alignments! :-(.
This happens consistently when using a SSSD disk on B:; I think it happens on
others formats, but not so consistently.
Rebuilding the system without ZCPR2 doesn't help. In fact, I think this
problem actually existed _before_ I made the changes, and that I just made it
more obvious.
Now we get to the _real_ problem: how do I debug it?!?!? I've tried DDT,
ZSID, Z8E, ZDEBUG17, and something known as ZBUG (does anybody have any
documentation on it? It's nice!). The problems it that all of these debuggers
appear to use the BDOS to do their I/O, and this problem involves BDOS calls
to the BIOS. Needless to say, this does bad things to the BDOS's internal
stack. ZDEBUG17 might work, but I can't get it to ride through a warm boot
Another complication is that, in this case, the CCP (or it's replacement)
must be intact to handle the warm boot. I've whipped up a little assembler
routine to fudge address 0005, etc., to keep the debuggers from overwriting
it, so at least that's not a problem.
I doubt if anyone could diagnose this problem from the description, unless
it's common to CCS disk controllers. However, I'd really like to know how I'm
going to track it down! If anyone knows of a debugger that uses BIOS calls
only, I'd appreciate the information. And what the heck could be happening
while relogging B: drive on a warm boot, that doesn't happen on A: drive, or
on initial logging of B: drive?
If you think this is tough, I've got a VAX problem... :-)
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1988 21:38 MST
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Undigestify program for Unix now available from SIMTEL20
The new digest format has brought on some complaints from readers
whose mailers don't include an "undigestify" feature.
Those with Unix can now undigestify using:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory PD2:<UNIX.MAIL>
which is available via standard anonymous FTP from SIMTEL20.
It turns out that this program has been here for some time, buried in
the <MSDOS.TXTUTL> directory (no it's not an MSDOS program, it's for
Unix). It was submitted to Info-IBMPC for their "lending library" so
readers of their digest could undigestify it. It can probably be used,
with minor modifications, on any operating system that has a C compiler.
--Keith Petersen
Uucp: {decwrl,harvard,lll-crg,ucbvax,uunet,uw-beaver}!simtel20.arpa!w8sdz
End of INFO-CPM Digest
28-Jan-88 01:33:57-MST,2539;000000000000
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 88 01:30:50 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #22
INFO-CPM Digest Thu, 28 Jan 88 Volume 88 : Issue 22
Today's Topics:
Need help with floppy drive powerdo
Date: 26 Jan 88 15:36:00 GMT
From: ssc-vax!shuksan!mikey@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Mike Fields)
Subject: Need help with floppy drive powerdo
In article <18700011@clio>, berger@clio.las.uiuc.edu writes:
> Are you sure this is an artifact of the Shugart 851 and not your
> controller? I have never had any problems with disks when shutting
> off power to the 851, even with the heads engaged.
> Mike Berger
The actual problem is a matter of timing - If the 5 volt logic supply
drops before the 24 volts for the stepping motor/head load solenoid
falls, you can get garbage. Exactly what signals (head load etc) you
will get from TTL logic when the supply falls to less than 5 volts is
very hard to predict. If it generates a head load signal and there
is still 24 volts available to the head load solenoid, you can get
a momentary load (and garbage gets written etc). Some drives are
jumpered so that the stepping motor is always on when the drive is
selected - this usually (but it depends on the filter caps) causes the
24volts to drop quickly. The correct solution is to set up the supply so
that the 24volts is cut off as soon as a power-fail condition is detected.
This would eliminate any chance of a stray write occuring. Temporary
measures could consist of increasing the filtering on the 5 volt buss to
keep the 5 volt logic alive longer, decreasing the filtering on the
24 volt buss to allow it to drop faster and/or increasing the load
on the 24 volt buss with a load resistor to get it to drop when the
power is turned off (if there is no bleader resistor and no drain on
the 24 volts, it could stay up for minutes!). This problem can occur
with all the drives I am familiar with - its just a matter of timing!
Mikey (yes "he likes it!")
============================================== Mike Fields
ssc-vax!shuksan!mikey (206) 251-4638 [work] 12022 NE 138th Pl.
(alt) ssc-vax!mikey (206) 821-3492 [home] Kirkland, Wa. 98034
End of INFO-CPM Digest
29-Jan-88 01:32:06-MST,1080;000000000000
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 88 01:30:13 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #23
INFO-CPM Digest Fri, 29 Jan 88 Volume 88 : Issue 23
Today's Topics:
Modified 'undigestify.c' available if wanted
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 88 09:17:10 CST
From: jdb@ncsc.ARPA (Brown)
Subject: Modified 'undigestify.c' available if wanted
I have modified the undigestify.c program mentioned in a previous
message to correctly figure out the VOL and NUM of the Info-CPM digest.
(also tested with Info-IBM and Info-Kermit digests). The default
output file name was also changed to <digest-name>.VOL.NUM rather than
just VOL.NUM.
If anyone is interested, I could send it to them or re-upload it
back to Simtel20 if told how.
David Brown
End of INFO-CPM Digest
30-Jan-88 01:33:10-MST,5026;000000000000
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 88 01:30:16 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #24
INFO-CPM Digest Sat, 30 Jan 88 Volume 88 : Issue 24
Today's Topics:
Anybody heard of a company called High Tech Research? (Also Z280)
Modified 'undigestify.c' available from SIMTEL20
VT-52 Emulator for Osborn Exec
Date: 26 Jan 88 19:23:51 GMT
From: oliveb!intelca!mipos3!cadev4!dbraun@AMES.ARC.NASA.GOV (Doug Braun ~)
Subject: Anybody heard of a company called High Tech Research? (Also Z280)
About 10 months ago someone in this newsgroup mentioned a product
called the "Ultraboard" that was being developed for Kaypro computers.
It was being worked on by a company called "High Tech Research",
which announced it at last year's West Coast Computer Faire.
It is a replacement for the Kaypro main board that uses the Zilog
Z280 CPU.
I just read in Ted Silveira's CP/M column, in the latest issue
of Bay Area Computer Currents, that the company encountered some
"bugs in the Z280" and still hasn't finished the product.
Since I am working on my own Z280 board, I would be very interested
in talking to someone at High Tech about their experiences
with the Z280. Does anyone have any more information about them
(address, phone, etc.)? Zilog hasn't issued any application
notes, etc. on the Z280, so it would be really useful for me
to talk to someone who has some experience with the part.
Actually, my Z280 board is coming along very well.
It will run my floppy version of CP/M, but I have
to modify my hard disk BIOS to use the Z280's on-chip
DMA controller. Also, my floppy BIOS needs a timing
problem fixed before it will work with the cache turned on.
The board has the following parts:
Z280 CPU
2 2732 EPROMS
2 32Kx8 static RAM chips
2 Address latches
2 16L8 PALs
2 TTL glue chips
1 6850 ACIA serial chip (included for software compatibility)
The disk controllers and many other things are on seperate boards.
Sometime I plan to add 512k of memory in the form of 4 256Kx4
dynamic RAM chips, which will let it run in burst mode with a 10 MHz
bus clock.
Some preliminary benchmarks:
The classic Sieve program, compiled with the Software Toolworks C
compiler (I think):
Original 4 MHz Z80: 34 sec.
9.8 MHz Z280, no cache: 45 sec. (!!!)
Z280, instructions cached, no burst mode: 16 sec. (whew!)
Z280, data and instructions cached: 13 sec.
Basically, we get a 2.5x speedup on the same .COM files.
Having burst mode memory would not affect this benchmark much since
its inner loops probably fit entirely in the cache, and few external
memory accesses are needed.
An off the cuff analysis tells me that a simple modification of
the compiler to substitute new Z280 instructions for subroutine
calls would speed it up another 50%, and a fancier compiler would
give another 25% speedup, giving an ultimate time of about 5 sec.
for the Sieve benchmark. (BTW, the sieve runs in 3 seconds
on a 8 MHz V-30 with Turbo C 1.5).
If you can tell me something about High Tech Research,
or are curious about my project, send me mail.
Doug Braun Intel Corp CAD
408 496-5939
/ decwrl \
| hplabs |
-| oliveb |- !intelca!mipos3!cadev4!dbraun
| amd |
\ qantel /
Date: Friday, 29 January 1988 08:42-MST
From: jdb@NCSC.ARPA (Brown)
Subject: Modified 'undigestify.c' available from SIMTEL20
I have modified the undigestify.c program mentioned in a previous
message to correctly figure out the VOL and NUM of the Info-CPM
digest. (also tested with Info-IBM and Info-Kermit digests).
The new version of undigestify.c is now available via standard
anonymous FTP from SIMTEL20 as:
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory PD2:<UNIX.MAIL>
If compiled as is, the default output file names will be vv.nn. If
LONGNAME is defined, (on Unix, at least 4.3BSD, this can be done as
cc -DLONGNAME undigestify.c), the default name will be of the form
I don't think it does anything special that would prevent it from
compiling with any reasonable 'c' compiler. The mods didn't add any
new constructs that weren't already in the original except a #ifndef
directive. The original had a #ifdef. Too bad there are so many
flavors of unix/c/etc.
Date: 29 Jan 1988 06:18-CST
From: John A. Wright <SAC.HQSAC-DOCT@E.ISI.EDU>
Subject: VT-52 Emulator for Osborn Exec
Does anyone know of a Kermit pgm with a VT-52 emulator for the
Osborne Executive.
If one does not exist, does anyone know of a VT-52 emulator for
the same?
End of INFO-CPM Digest
31-Jan-88 01:33:44-MST,3664;000000000000
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 88 01:30:16 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #25
INFO-CPM Digest Sun, 31 Jan 88 Volume 88 : Issue 25
Today's Topics:
Anybody heard of a company called High Tech Research? (Also Z280)
Apple //e CP/M Mouse Driver?
Need an email address for Richard Conn....
Sieve benchmark for Z280
Date: 28 Jan 88 15:04:30 GMT
From: abp@j.cc.purdue.edu (Jeffrey J Wieland)
Subject: Anybody heard of a company called High Tech Research? (Also Z280)
According to the Jan/Feb Micro-Cornucopia:
HTR has been experiencing some"problems with the NCR video chips". These
problems are reported as being solved, but HTR may switch to Hitachi chips
instead, which might add $50 to the price.
The Advanced Concepts Engineering hard disk controller will be available as
a $99 option.
The bug-free Z280 is supposed to available in quantity by Jan. 1. If HTR
stayed with the NCR chips, they were hoping to start production in Nov.;
if they switched to the Hitachi chips, production will be delayed until
the first of the year. If any boards are produced before the bug-free Z280,
HTR will upgrade them for $40.
Their address & phone is: High Tech Research
1135 Pine Street #107
Redding, CA 96001
1-800-446-3223 (CA only)
Jeff Wieland
Date: 30 Jan 88 15:14
From: binder%fizbin.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (A glotoun of wordes)
Subject: Apple //e CP/M Mouse Driver?
Does anyone know of a driver for the Apple mouse that can be used with the
PCPI Applicard in an enhanced Apple //e ?
Dick Binder (The Stainless Steel Rat)
uucp: { decvax, allegra, ucbvax... }!decwrl!fizbin.dec.com!binder
Internet: binder%fizbin.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM
Date: 30 Jan 88 11:46:30 GMT
From: ecsvax!tcamp@mcnc.org (Ted A. Campbell)
Subject: Need an email address for Richard Conn....
I need to get in touch with Richard Conn (of ZCPR3 fame) to ask
about permission to use some material with his name attached. Am
I mistaken in thinking that he has a bitnet or uucp address? If
anyone knows it, please give me a note. Thanks.
Ted A. Campbell |
Duke Divinity School |
Durham, NC 27706 |
email: tcamp@ecsvax |
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 88 10:50:52 PST
From: Bridger Mitchell <bridger%rcc@rand-unix.ARPA>
Subject: Sieve benchmark for Z280
A year ago, curious about the speed of compilers vs. hand-optimized
Z80 code, I wrote JETPRIME. It proved about 140% faster that
Turbo-Modula 2, which itself was much faster than Turbo Pascal, BDS-C,
and a number of 8088 compiled versions. JETPRIME, on 4Mhz Ampro
Littleboard, was 4.1 sec for 10 iterations; TM2 was about 10.
JETPRIME.LBR or JPRIME.LBR is available on ZNode-Central,
408-432-0821. It may also be on other boards, and simtel20.
I'd be curious to hear how it holds up on the 280.
My third-hand understanding is that the current z280 mask doesn't
correctly handle code (and data?) changes that occur in the
associative cache memory. Self-modifying code is therefore
unreliable, and possibly there are problems with data values also.
End of INFO-CPM Digest