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3-Jul-88 01:31:26-MDT,4143;000000000000
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 88 01:30:15 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #165
INFO-CPM Digest Sun, 3 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 165
Today's Topics:
COMPAS/Turbo/recursion program
First CP/M Fido node!
MEX Overlay for DEC Rainbow
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 88 08:08:02 edt
From: binder@decvax.dec.com (A complicated and secret quotidian existence)
Subject: COMPAS/Turbo/recursion program
Recursion program discussed earlier in INFO-CPM Digest - implemented
for Turbo Pascal.
The program as originally submitted will not work in *any* correctly
implemented Pascal, because it allows only one byte for the variable
"nextchar". Declaring the variable inside a procedure doesn't mean
that the variable will have a new space created for it on every call
to the procedure; it only means that the variable is not global.
Furthermore, it is necessary to make your Pascal's I/O routines take
characters as they are typed, instead of waiting for a <CR>. Turbo
does this by using a file read from predeclared file "Kbd". Then it
is necessary to write the character because file reads do not echo.
The above compiler directive enables recursion in the CP/M-80 incar-
nation of Turbo.
index: INTEGER;
nextchar: ARRAY [1..100] OF CHAR; { Allow 100 chars }
PROCEDURE Readwrite;
index := index+1;
READ (Kbd, nextchar [index]);
WRITE (nextchar [index]);
IF (nextchar [index] <> ' ') THEN Readwrite;
WRITE (nextchar [index]);
index := index-1
index := 0;
WRITE ('Enter a word, end with a space: ');
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 1988 21:14 MDT
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: First CP/M Fido node!
Pulled from Jack Winslade's DRBBS:
> Public message to: JOAN RENNE
> Date sent: 23-JUN-88
> Subject: Congratulations !!
> Let me be the first to congratulate you on being, from what I can
> tell, the operator of the first fully-operational Fido-Compatible
> CP/M-80 BBS on the original Fidonet.
> I've heard rumblings of a couple of attempts at getting Tom
> Jenning's 'PUP' up on CP/M, but I know of no other CP/M-80 systems
> that are fully operational, let alone handle hundreds of echomail
> messages.
> I believe that you have exclusive claim to this 'first'.
> Good Day! JSW
> P.S. For those interested, the new node number for FBBS is 14/662.
> ---
> Public message to: JACK WINSLADE
> From: JOAN RENNE, SYSOP FBBS (Fido 14/662)
> Date sent: 26-JUN-88
> Subject: Node 14/662
> "They" said it couldn't be done. And you, my friend, proved that
> CP/M-80 machines could handle all the Fidonet and Echomail very
> simply. Without your help and encouragement, FBBS would still be
> just a local bbs.
> Kudo's for Mr. Winslade!
> (kudo, kudo, kudo!)
> ---
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 88 22:37:43 edt
From: marwood@dmc-crc.arpa (G. J. Marwood)
Subject: MEX Overlay for DEC Rainbow
I am looking for an overlay which will allow MEXplus to be run on a DEC Rainbow
in 8-bit (Z80) mode. An overlay (MXH-DEC.ASM) is listed in the most recent
overlay list, but I cannot locate this file (It is not on GEnie, SIMTEL20,
Royal Oak or my local RCP/M). If anyone can help me to find this file, or any
other suitable MEX overlay for the Rainbow, I would appreciate it. I have the
VT180 overlay MXH-VT36.ASM, which I am bout to try, but I am not sure about
its suitability.
thank you in advance
Gordon Marwood
End of INFO-CPM Digest
4-Jul-88 01:31:51-MDT,3383;000000000000
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 88 01:30:20 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #166
INFO-CPM Digest Mon, 4 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 166
Today's Topics:
COMPAS/Turbo/recursion program
My request for a lead to Polydata COMPAS (Z-80)
Date: 3 Jul 88 04:38:13 GMT
From: rochester!ken@cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu (Ken Yap)
Subject: COMPAS/Turbo/recursion program
|The program as originally submitted will not work in *any* correctly
|implemented Pascal, because it allows only one byte for the variable
|"nextchar". Declaring the variable inside a procedure doesn't mean
|that the variable will have a new space created for it on every call
|to the procedure; it only means that the variable is not global.
I beg your pardon? Distinct instances of called procedures should have
their own instances of local variables, otherwise recursion is
handicapped. Any Pascal compiler that doesn't implement this correctly
is brain-damaged. (I know there are some micro compilers out there that
require recursive procedures to be identified as such, so that they can
get away with allocating static storage for local variables instead of
stack storage, because stack manipulation is expensive on itty-bitty
micros.) The relevant reference is J&W 3rd edition, paragraph 10.3.
The reason why the program posted won't work as such is because of line
buffering on most systems.
Date: 2 Jul 88 21:44:57 GMT
From: cadnetix.COM!cadnetix!rusty@uunet.uu.net (Rusty)
Subject: My request for a lead to Polydata COMPAS (Z-80)
In article <8807011652.AA25089@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> PHR00JG@TECHNION.BITNET ("Jacques J. Goldberg") writes:
->Try this with your Pascal system
->program tryit(input,output);
->procedure readwrite;
->var nextchar:char;
-> read(nextchar); if nextchar <> ' ' then readwrite; write(nextchar);
->writeln('Type in a sweet word, end with one space');
->What does it do?
->The intention is, store the word typed until a space is met, then write
->it reversed, preceded by a space.
->In fact, it does not work on any of the machines I tried.
Well, as you noted, unless you set input mode to binary (or immediate),
the observation that this program requires a line terminator is not surprising.
However, the reason that the msdos and cpm versions only print the last character
is because they did not correctly handle recursion. The return address and
the variable 'nextchar' both got overwritten on the recursion.
So, it only proves that both pascals dont do windo... I mean recursion.
Sorry about that.
Oh, yes, it prints the word backward fine on a Sun 3/50, but since I did not set
'binary' input mode, I needed a carriage return.
Rusty Carruth \ Cadnetix \ 5775 Flatiron Pkwy. \ Boulder CO 80301 \ (303) 444-8075
'HOME': P.O. Box 461 \ Lafayette, CO 80026 RADIO: N7IKQ
UUCP:cadnetix!rusty DOMAIN:rusty@cadnetix.com PATH?:{uunet,boulder}!cadnetix!rusty
End of INFO-CPM Digest
5-Jul-88 01:32:54-MDT,3345;000000000000
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 88 01:30:22 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #167
INFO-CPM Digest Tue, 5 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 167
Today's Topics:
Otrona Attache repairs needed.
Date: 3 Jul 88 04:18:44 GMT
From: mailrus!eecae!upba!unocss!tucker@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Greg Tucker)
Subject: Otrona Attache repairs needed.
I doubt Jerry Pournelle is out there in "UsenetLand", but perhaps there
is someone else who can help me. Just recently a friend gave me her
Otrona Attache to fix and return. When I told her that the problem was
probably the power supply and I couldn't fix it, she told me that I could
keep the machine if I could get it to work. Ah ha! This is my problem.
For those of you who are not familiar with the machine, Otrona is a company
that went under several years ago. However, the Attache, a CPM
transportable with dual disk drives and 5 inch monitor, is a darn nice
little machine.
When I turn on the machine I get nothing. Zilch. It is completely dead.
She said her daughter killed it when she went to Europe, and it hasn't
worked since. The power supply is built to work with varying voltage
standards, however, you have to reverse a card in the back to keep it from
blowing. This I doubt she did. I opened up the machine, for all the
good it did me. The switch is okay, and there is NO power to the fan
(which works fine). With my limited electronics experience I would say
the power supply is probably the culprit, no?
Now, for the questions...
1. Is anyone aware of a power supply I could buy for it? Unfortunately,
Attaches don't use the nice little modular boxed supplies found in
todays PCs, but rather an open one that runs across two pc boards.
I assume they did this to make it compatible with other standards.
2. Does anyone know if these machines are still serviced?
3. I am aware that the Attache has an input on the back for a DC power
supply, namely a battery pack. However, they don't define the
configuration for the pins in the manual. Does anyone know this
pin configuration? Would it be possible to use another external
power supply using this DC input?
4. Am I wasting my time? I hope not. All I have is a crummy little
Apple //e with NO good terminal emulation software, and no good
Kermit driver. In addition, the Attache sure would be nice in the
5. Could anyone give me any additional info they might think would be
Thanks in advance...
"Out there in the desert I see dreams on every wall.
Nothing's ever solved.
He said the sky's the limit on this chartered trip away.
Guess I'd better stay away..." -Husker Du
Gregory A. Tucker- Consultant | Internet: conslt05%zeus.dnet@fergvax.unl.edu
Campus Computing | Bitnet: CONSLT05@UNOMA1
Univ. of Nebraska at Omaha | UUCP: uunet!btni!unocss!tucker
End of INFO-CPM Digest
6-Jul-88 01:33:05-MDT,3454;000000000000
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 88 01:30:36 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #168
INFO-CPM Digest Wed, 6 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 168
Today's Topics:
MEXplus implementation on DEC Rainbow
Otrona info, parts, etc.
Z80 Pascal Compilers and recursion.
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 88 12:27:03 edt
From: marwood@dmc-crc.arpa (G. J. Marwood)
Subject: MEXplus implementation on DEC Rainbow
I am attempting to use the MXH-VT36.ASM MEX overlay to set up MEXplus on a
DEC Rainbow. All appears to be well at the command (local) mode level, but
no form of terminal mode will work. The MEXplus INSTALL indicates that an
initialization file, DEC.INI should be used, but this was not included in
the MEXplus package. If anyone has had any experience with this installation
or knows anything about DEC.INI, I would appreciate some help.
Gordon Marwood
(P.S. I have copied this to info-dec-micro, but as I do not subscribe to
that list, I would appreciate direct replies to me. Thank you!
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 88 11:18:39 PDT
From: secrist%msdsws.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (Richard Secrist, Digital Equip. Corp. USA)
Subject: Otrona info, parts, etc.
I thought I saw an Otrona parts and info place in the last issue
or so of Computer Shopper. If I run across it again I'll post the
info here.
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 88 08:42:53 IST
Subject: Z80 Pascal Compilers and recursion.
Some confusing, misleading, notes have been posted about the simple recursive
example which I quoted only to show that Turbo-Pascal and Polydata Pascal were
behaving in the SAME incorrect way.
1. Pascal IS recursive and the example works perfectly, I repeat, with UNIX
on a VAX, with VAX-VMS, with the IBM and the Waterloo compiler on IBM-VM
systems, with Microsoft Pascal under MS-DOS, and with JRT Pascal on my Z80
system. It does NOT work correctly with Turbo-Pascal and Polydata Pascal under
MS-DOS but this has nothing to do with the language implementation, only with
its I/O interface when the unit is the keyboard.
2. Turbo Pascal and Polydata Pascal DO correctly implement recursion, with the
DEFAULT {A-} compiler option . The alternate option {A+}, under CP/M-80 ONLY,
contrarily to what Erik Seielstad writes, makes the code NOT recursive. Again,
the DEFAULT obeys Pascal RULES, while EXPLICITLY requesting {A+} ( A for
ABSOLUTE code) will assume you don't want recursion and thus save speed and
memory (so says the guide, at least...)
3. Then I will repeat my request: WHO CAN GIVE ME AN ADDRESS WHERE TO BUY
PREFERABLY Z80_Polydata_Pascal ,OR STILL ACCEPTABLE Z80_Turbo_Pascal?
Jacques J. Goldberg
End of INFO-CPM Digest
7-Jul-88 01:31:37-MDT,7725;000000000000
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 88 01:30:56 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #169
INFO-CPM Digest Thu, 7 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 169
Today's Topics:
Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
KAYPRO screen and C128
Pascal, recursion, and buffered input
TRYIT pascal example...again.
Turbo Pascal for the Z-80
Z80 Pascal Compilers and recursion.
Date: Wed 6 Jul 88 13:23:48-PDT
Subject: Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
I received no reply on this before and i still need help. I have a friend
with a Kaypro 4 and an NEC 7710 Spinwriter. They don't seem to talk to
each other. I've tried simple things like PIPing a text file to various
ports, e.g. LST:, PRN:, PUN:, AUX: in every case the system hangs, as
though waiting for a DTR. The printer self tests OK and both units are set
to run at 1200 baud, 8 bits, no parity. I don't even get garbage. The NEC
has a DB25 connector; that with the baud and parity switches makes me believe it
uses a serial interface. Is there something else i need to know to get
the Kaypro to dump a character stream? It also has a parallel port, but
the software didn't have any procedures to reassign any logical devices.
H E L P !
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 88 11:00:14 EDT
Subject: KAYPRO screen and C128
I have inhereted a bunch of kaypro software. When running these programs
on my C128 the programs work but the menu screens dont work properly. I
have been told that the Kaypro screen ESC sequences etal arent directly
compatable with the C128. I have a copy of the Kaypro screen info file
from simtel20. What can I do to allow my C128 to read the ESC sequences
Thanks in advance
Date: 4 Jul 88 16:32:26 GMT
From: ted@sbcs.sunysb.edu (Dr. Ted Carnevale)
Subject: Pascal, recursion, and buffered input
There seems to be some confusion about these topics and the capabilities of
at least one Pascal compiler for "itty bitty micros," as some wag put it.
The difficulties arose about a program like this, which ought to
accept keyboard input until a space is encountered,
and then echo the entire input string backwards.
PROGRAM tryit(input,output);
PROCEDURE readwrite;
VAR nextchar:char;
read(nextchar); if nextchar <> ' ' then readwrite; write(nextchar);
writeln('Type in a word that ends with a space');
There are two reasons this program doesn't work properly with Turbo Pascal:
Turbo buffers keyboard input, and recursion is NOT enabled as a default.
It really isn't necessary to resort to arrays for temporary storage of
keyboard input. Simply enabling recursion with the {$A-} option and
turning off input buffering takes care of most of the problem:
PROGRAM tryitr(input,output);
(* With Turbo Pascal this program works like so:
print message
accept keyboard input until CR is encountered
UNTIL input stream contains a blank
starting with the blank and working backward, print out the input stream
Thus this input stream:
onetwothree four five<CR>
produces this output:
and this input stream:
three four five<CR>
produces this output:
(* enable recursion *)
(* use standard Pascal I/O rather than buffered keyboard input *)
PROCEDURE readwrite;
VAR nextchar:char;
read(nextchar); if nextchar <> ' ' then readwrite; write(nextchar);
writeln('Type in a word that ends with a space');
Still, the program doesn't quite work properly. It should produce its
output as soon as a blank occurs in the input stream, instead of waiting
for a carriage return to tell it to process an input line. Reading from
the "keyboard" input device instead of standard input takes care of this
last problem. Note that the {$B-} switch is no longer needed--"keyboard"
input is not buffered.
PROGRAM trykbd(input,output);
(* With Turbo Pascal this program works like so:
print message
accept input stream
UNTIL blank is encountered
starting with the blank and working backward, print out the input stream
Thus this input stream:
produces this output:
where B is a blank
(* enable recursion *)
PROCEDURE readwrite;
VAR nextchar:char;
read(Kbd,nextchar); write(nextchar);
if nextchar <> ' ' then readwrite; write(nextchar);
writeln('Type in a word that ends with a space');
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 88 16:31:54 EDT
Subject: TRYIT pascal example...again.
In a recent issue of the cpm digest, I saw the following:
>Recursion program discussed earlier in INFO-CPM Digest - implemented
>for Turbo Pascal.
>The program as originally submitted will not work in *any* correctly
>implemented Pascal, because it allows only one byte for the variable
>"nextchar". Declaring the variable inside a procedure doesn't mean
>that the variable will have a new space created for it on every call
>to the procedure; it only means that the variable is not global.
I am forced to disagree. The definition of Pascal sets up a
stack frame at runtime for each invocation of a subroutine. This is
the reason ANY recursion is possible in pascal. The program TRYIT
was a simple example of recursion, and *should* work on all pascal
compilers. I tried it here on our mainframe, and it worked fine as
The reasson it does not work on Turbo Pascal, is Borland
allocates static storage for all variables at compile time, unless
the special compiler directive {A+} is used.
-Erik @ Brock1p
/* the views expressed are brought to you as a public service */
/* by me. (and nobody else but me) */
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 88 08:48:42 PDT
From: secrist%msdsws.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (Richard Secrist, Digital Equip. Corp. USA)
Subject: Turbo Pascal for the Z-80
...should still be available directly from Borland Int'l in a number
for formats.
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 88 08:46:07 edt
From: binder@decvax.dec.com (A complicated and secret quotidian existence)
Subject: Z80 Pascal Compilers and recursion.
In Turbo V3.0, {$A+} is the default - not {$A-} as Jacques Goldberg
says. This was done to provide the fastest possible compilation and
execution in the general case. Be that as it may...
Jacques, you can buy Z80 Turbo in any one of zillions of disk formats
directly from Borland:
Borland International
4585 Scotts Valley Drive
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Specify CP/M-80 and your disk format. The price for V3.0 is $69.95.
Do not buy V4.0, which is for MS-DOS only, specifically PCs and PC
Dick Binder (The Stainless Steel Rat)
DEC Easynet: FLUME::"binder@caliph.dec.com"
uucp: { Most major hubs }!decwrl!caliph.dec.com!binder
Internet: binder%caliph.dec.com@decwrl.dec.com
End of INFO-CPM Digest
8-Jul-88 07:56:42-MDT,3555;000000000000
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 88 07:54:00 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #170
INFO-CPM Digest Fri, 8 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 170
Today's Topics:
Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
Looking for GOOD Fortran manual
Solid State Music PB-1
Date: 7 Jul 88 16:07:30 GMT
From: ea.ecn.purdue.edu!wieland@ee.ecn.purdue.edu (Jeffrey J Wieland)
Subject: Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
In article <12412216898.11.D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA> D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA writes:
>I received no reply on this before and i still need help. I have a friend
>with a Kaypro 4 and an NEC 7710 Spinwriter. They don't seem to talk to
>the Kaypro to dump a character stream? It also has a parallel port, but
>the software didn't have any procedures to reassign any logical devices.
>H E L P !
> [dale]
There should be a program on your system disk called "CONFIG.COM". This
program permits you to change many of system's parameters, including the
assignment of the LST: device, baud rates, numeric keypad and cursor key
character generation, etc. You may also reassign logical devices with
"STAT.COM" (also on your system disk). It is documented in your CP/M
manual. For example:
A0>stat dev:
will produce a listing of the logical device assignments.
The actual pin assignments on your Kaypro should be in your Owner's Manual.
Interfacing the Kaypro to a serial printer is discussed at some length in
"The RS-232 Solution", available from Sybex Computer Books. Kaypro
apparently did some strange things to the RS-232 interface (but then who
Jeff Wieland
Date: 7 Jul 88 21:24:16 GMT
From: timelord@eos.arc.nasa.gov (G. Murdock Helms)
Subject: Looking for GOOD Fortran manual
I have a copy of Microsoft Fortran 77 for a C/PM operating system that I'd
really like to get running in the next month and a half.
There's just one little problem...the Microsoft Fortran manual is ka-ka.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a more readable/understandable Fortran
manual that can be used with this version of Microsoft and that will help
me to do my programming? Alternatively, I am also accepting suggestions
for other C/PM Fortran packages that have good documentation and user
Thanks muchly!
{e-mail responses to timelord@eos.arc.nasa.gov}
Date: Wednesday, 6 July 1988 13:51-MDT
From: Phil Lapsley <phil@EAST.BERKELEY.EDU>
Subject: Solid State Music PB-1
(Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to send this to; not
surprisingly, I couldn't find a mailing list devoted just to S-100 stuff).
Yesterday I received a Solid State Music PB-1 prom burner S-100 board.
Naturally, it came without manuals or schematics, and the person doubts
that it works.
Does anybody know if (a) SSM is still around, and if so, what their
address/phone number is, and (b) if not, does anybody have a PB-1 manual
or schematic that I could photocopy?
Please reply directly to me, as I'm not on info-micro. Thanks.
Phil Lapsley ucbvax!phil phil@ucbarpa.berkeley.edu
End of INFO-CPM Digest
9-Jul-88 01:32:32-MDT,1957;000000000000
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 88 01:30:43 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #171
INFO-CPM Digest Sat, 9 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 171
Today's Topics:
CBIOS & format for Xerox 820-1 w/double dens mod
CPM on Datapoint 1550
Date: 8 Jul 88 20:59:39 GMT
From: young@ee.ecn.purdue.edu (Mike Young)
Subject: CBIOS & format for Xerox 820-1 w/double dens mod
I have a Xerox 820-1 I'm trying to upgrade to double
density, using the WD 2793 controller (yes, and the Emerald Microware
upgrade kit). It runs CP/M 2.2, and does it very nicely. It occurs
to me that I will need a format program to handle
double density. I could write one, but if someone else has invented this
particular wheel, why should I? :-)
In addition, the CBIOS will also need to know how to select the
proper density, keep track of who's double and who's single at any given
moment, etc. (this particular system will have 2 to 4 5 1/4" DSDD drives
on it, and I need to do a LOT of single -> double copying)
I suspect someone's already addressed this task, and again I don't see
the need to dig into the beast if it's already been done, so....
Any comments?
-Mike Young
Date: 8 Jul 88 02:20:37 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!Orion@uunet.uu.net
Subject: CPM on Datapoint 1550
Is there anybody out there using CPM 2.2 on their Datapoint 1550?
Is Datapoint still sell that OS for the 1550?
Is Digital Research sell that OS for the 1550?
End of INFO-CPM Digest
10-Jul-88 01:32:41-MDT,2902;000000000000
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 88 01:30:15 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #172
INFO-CPM Digest Sun, 10 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 172
Today's Topics:
CBIOS & format for Xerox 820-1 w/double dens mod
S-100 manuals
Date: 9 Jul 88 19:52:29 GMT
From: eve.usc.edu!mlinar@oberon.usc.edu (Mitch Mlinar)
Subject: CBIOS & format for Xerox 820-1 w/double dens mod
In article <8480@pur-ee.UUCP> young@pur-ee.UUCP (Mike Young) writes:
> I have a Xerox 820-1 I'm trying to upgrade to double
>density, using the WD 2793 controller (yes, and the Emerald Microware
>upgrade kit). It runs CP/M 2.2, and does it very nicely. It occurs
>to me that I will need a format program to handle
>double density. I could write one, but if someone else has invented this
>particular wheel, why should I? :-)
> In addition, the CBIOS will also need to know how to select the
>proper density, keep track of who's double and who's single at any given
>moment, etc. (this particular system will have 2 to 4 5 1/4" DSDD drives
There are a couple of ROMs sold for the 820-I which have a number of
utilities associated with them. One is the Xpro MicroCornucopia ROM and the
other is the MicroCode Plus2 ROM. The Xpro is super-cheap since it has few
features in it. Plus2 is about $40(?) but has about 11 formats built-in, a
way to define user-definable formats, and can read/write MS-DOS disks through
Bridger Mitchell's DosDisk program. There are a bunch of other features
Plus2 has that Xpro does not; Xpro only comes with ROM, BIOS, FORMAT, and
I will have to warn you that I am a tad biased, though, since I wrote the ROM
and all utilities for it.
Date: 9 Jul 88 21:17:24 GMT
From: hp-sdd!ncr-sd!crash!mwilson@hplabs.hp.com (Marc Wilson)
Subject: S-100 manuals
Ok, all you out there...
I recently acquired two cards:
1) IMSAI SIO-2 serial I/O baord
2) Vector Graphics Flashwriter II video card
Can anyone provide me with programming information, MANUALS, horror
stories, your own experiences, etc.?
Any and all information will be appreciated!
Marc Wilson
ARPA: ...!crash!mwilson@nosc.mil
UUCP: [ cbosgd | hp-sdd!hplabs | sdcsvax | nosc ]!crash!mwilson
INET: mwilson@crash.CTS.COM
End of INFO-CPM Digest
11-Jul-88 01:34:15-MDT,3456;000000000000
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 88 01:30:12 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #173
INFO-CPM Digest Mon, 11 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 173
Today's Topics:
Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
Date: 9 Jul 88 22:03:22 GMT
From: necntc!ima!cfisun!lakart!dg@husc6.harvard.edu (David Goodenough)
Subject: Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
From article <12412216898.11.D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA>, by D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA:
> I received no reply on this before and i still need help. I have a friend
> with a Kaypro 4 and an NEC 7710 Spinwriter. They don't seem to talk to
> each other. I've tried simple things like PIPing a text file to various
> ports, e.g. LST:, PRN:, PUN:, AUX: in every case the system hangs, as
> though waiting for a DTR. The printer self tests OK and both units are set
> to run at 1200 baud, 8 bits, no parity. I don't even get garbage. The NEC
> has a DB25 connector; that with the baud and parity switches makes me believe it
> uses a serial interface. Is there something else i need to know to get
> the Kaypro to dump a character stream? It also has a parallel port, but
> the software didn't have any procedures to reassign any logical devices.
> H E L P !
> [dale]
> -------
I'm no Kaypro Guru, but reading between the lines from above I interpret it
to mean that your friend's Kaypro has a serial port for a modem and a parallel
port for a centronix style printer. The problem with the "DB25" RS232
connectors is that there are two ways of wiring them: DTE (Data terminal
equipment) and DCE (Data carrier equipment). DCE refers to modems, which
transmit data on pin 3, DSR (Data Set Ready) on pin 6, DCD (Data carrier
detect) on pin 8 and CTS (Clear to send) on pin 5. DTE refers to just about
everything else: terminals, the PUN: RDR: port on the back of a Kaypro, and
printers: these devices transmit data on pin 2, DTR (Data terminal ready)
on pin 20, and RTS (Request to send) on pin 4. Now if you've been following
all the above, you will have noticed that BOTH the printer AND the Kaypro
are transmitting on the same pins (2,4,20) and listening to the same
pins (3,5,6,8). What you need to do is to make up a crossover cable
(sometimes called a null modem) which does the following: on both ends
pin 2 at one end goes to pin 3 at the other end, pin 20 at one end
goes to pins 6 and 8 at the other, and pin 4 at one end goes to pin
5 at the same end:
4---+ +---4
5---+ +---5
6-----+ +-------6
with pin 7 (ground) wired straight through. What this does is to trick
each end into thinking the other end is a modem, and everyone is happy.
I can't guarantee that this is the solution, but if you've been using
the same cable to talk to the printer as you talk to a modem with then
I'll take even's money bets that's why it wasn't working.
dg@lakart.UUCP - David Goodenough +---+
| +-+-+
....... !harvard!cca!lakart!dg +-+-+ |
End of INFO-CPM Digest
12-Jul-88 01:34:46-MDT,1104;000000000000
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 88 01:30:15 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #174
INFO-CPM Digest Tue, 12 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 174
Today's Topics:
Looking for compress
Date: 10 Jul 88 17:28:33 GMT
From: necntc!ima!cfisun!lakart!dg@ames.arc.nasa.gov (David Goodenough)
Subject: Looking for compress
Some time ago in (I think) comp.os.cpm (hence the X-post, please
accept my apologies if wrong), someone mentioned an uncompress that
ran on a CP/M (?) machine. To whoever it was: if you read this and
are prepared to send me the sources (if they're copyright I understand)
I'd be very glad to get them.
dg@lakart.UUCP - David Goodenough +---+
| +-+-+
....... !harvard!cca!lakart!dg +-+-+ |
End of INFO-CPM Digest
13-Jul-88 01:35:54-MDT,6863;000000000000
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 88 01:31:04 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #175
INFO-CPM Digest Wed, 13 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 175
Today's Topics:
CPM for IMSAI (2 msgs)
Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
MAC assembler...
Need help with brain-damaged bdos.
Date: 13 Jul 88 02:04:28 GMT
From: dartvax!eleazar.dartmouth.edu!joeh@bu-cs.bu.edu (Joseph L. Hill)
Subject: CP/M
I just came upon a Morrow (Micro Decision) z80 machine
that runs ... CPM! Whats out there? Anything? It comes with
a few programs but I would like to find a terminal emulation
program, compilers? Anyone own, heard of these? It seems to
be a 64 k machine running version 2.2 cp/m.
Any and all help, info, reply will be appreciated with
ultimate blessing!
joeh at cms1
vmoper at cms1
Joseph L Hill joeh@dartvax.UUCP
USNET: {linus|decvax|cornell|astrovax}!dartvax!joeh
ARPA: joeh%dartmouth@csnet-relay
Date: 12 Jul 88 18:33:53 GMT
From: bgsuvax!wente@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Ellsworth Wente)
Subject: CPM for IMSAI
I have recently obtained an IMSAI computer for fun, and I am having
trouble getting it to boot anything. It has three 5 1/4" disk drives, and
I have aligned one of them, but I still can't get it to boot. I received
about 40 disks with the system, but I think they may all be bad since they
haven't been used for around eight years. Everything else seems to be ok
(computer accesses drive 0), so I have concluded that the disks have to
be bad. Does anyone out there in net-land still have an S100 computer
with a Northstar controller??? I would appreciate any help I can get.
I would be willing to buy a copy of Northstar CPM if anyone still has
it. Thanks in advance!
* Ellsworth A. Wente IV Bowling Green State University Computer Services *
* N8DTT Faculty/Staff/Graduate Consultant *
* The opinions stated above are MINE, ALL MINE! wente@andy.bgsu.edu *
Date: 12 Jul 88 22:00:30 GMT
From: bionet!lear@presto.ig.com (Eliot Lear)
Subject: CPM for IMSAI
If worst comes to worst, you could toggle in a program...
Eliot Lear
Date: 11 Jul 88 17:39:33 GMT
From: amdahl!dlb!ardent!rap@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Rob Peck)
Subject: Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
In article <177@lakart.UUCP>, dg@lakart.UUCP (David Goodenough) writes:
> From article <12412216898.11.D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA>, by D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA:
> > I received no reply on this before and i still need help. I have a friend
> > with a Kaypro 4 and an NEC 7710 Spinwriter. They don't seem to talk to
> > each other. I've tried simple things like PIPing a text file to various
I agree with Dave Goodenough's solution, that most likely a null modem
is needed with the cable that is currently being used. I found that one
can often get by with just a 4-wire cable, with 1-1, 2-3, 3-2, and 7-7 in
the cable, and pins 8-20 wired independently at each end. Seems to keep
the devices happy. By the way, this is a standard cable assembly available
from INMAC among other places.
Rob Peck
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 88 13:31 N
Subject: MAC assembler...
Is the MAC assembler a public domain program ? If not, are there com-
patible assemblers available out there ? Why I am asking this ?
Simply, to assemble the ZCPR3 system... Or can I assemble this also
with the M80 assembler?
Enough questions for today, see you in swing time --) Gratien: -<:>-
Date: 12 Jul 88 13:33:18 GMT
From: simon@g.ms.uky.edu (George Simon)
Subject: Need help with brain-damaged bdos.
I have a z80 cpm box at work that has problems, and I'm looking
for ideas to improve it a little. If it were up to me, I'd
replace it with a Pc, but for several reasons, we need to continue
to use it.
The version of cpm that it is running seems to be < 2.2, and
the bdos seem to be brain-damaged.
(1) There is no escape code to position the cursor, however
calling the bios CONOUT routine to print a 0x18 with the
row/col in HL does the job. (don't even ask how I found
this out!)
(2) Bdos function 6 (direct console i/o) does not exist, but
the corresponding bios calls work ok. Other bdos calls
may be ok, but I trust the bios much more. The bdos also
refuses to return the version#.
The computer itself is a Videoplan form Kontron Electronics
(in Munich & California), has 1 Z80-sio, 1 ctc, 2 pio's (keyboard
& printer) and a WD1771-B01 floppy controller (single density).
The motherboard is a (4mhz?) KDT rev. IV. If anyone from Kontron
is reading this, and has any docs on this board, please send me
Even its disks are strange - single density, 35 tracks x 2 sides,
and 16 sectors/track yielding about 138K per disk.
I've been thinking about getting Z-cpr to replace the bdos/ccp,
but I'm not sure if it would even install in such a brain damaged
system. I have no hardware or software docs on this machine, but
I have found all of the port#s for the sio/ctc/pio's, and can
probably find the floppy controller and video (Motorola 6845L) if
Anyone got any other ideas? I'd love to be able to do double-density,
but I don't know if the WD1771 can do this. I have heard that
Z-Cpr 3.4 is self-installing, but it may have problems here...
I have managed to get kermit running, but I'd like to get turbo
pascal or a c-compiler working. Respond via e-mail, or post it
if you think others would be interested.
Thanks in advance,
<--- Simon Gales@University of Ky (606) 257-3597/254-9387 --->
<--- [ simon@ms.uky.edu ] | [ simon@UKMA.BITNET ] --->
End of INFO-CPM Digest
14-Jul-88 01:35:13-MDT,4089;000000000000
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 88 01:30:40 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #176
INFO-CPM Digest Thu, 14 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 176
Today's Topics:
Need help with brain-damaged bdos.
Date: 13 Jul 88 23:29:54 GMT
From: tetra!budden@nosc.mil (Rex A. Buddenberg)
Subject: CP/M
the Morrow Micro-Decision computers are pretty fine machines.
We bought one for my Dad several years ago and he still uses it
regularly. Dad's desires are pretty modest; he's quite
happy with WordStar and I've made up a couple utilities
for him. TurboPascal works just fine for the dinking around.
I keep a few things like spreadsheets in Dad's portfolio so I
can do some work while visiting and out of reach of my CPM
The MD2s and kin are pretty much middle of the road CPM so they
don't quibble much about any middle of the road CPM software.
Unfortunately, support is a bit hard to find. George Morrow himself
is alive and well, but the company didn't make it (they were having
too much fun).
Rex Buddenberg
Date: 13 Jul 88 16:12:45 GMT
From: ucsdhub!jack!crash!mwilson@ucsd.edu (Marc Wilson)
Subject: Need help with brain-damaged bdos.
In article <9936@e.ms.uky.edu> simon@ms.uky.edu (Simon Gales) writes:
> I have a z80 cpm box at work that has problems, and I'm looking
> for ideas to improve it a lit
> The version of cpm that it is running seems to be < 2.2, and
> the bdos seem to be brain-damaged.
> (1) There is no escape code to position the cursor, however
> calling the bios CONOUT routine to print a 0x18 with the
> row/col in HL does the job. (don't even ask how I found
> this out!)
> (2) Bdos function 6 (direct console i/o) does not exist, but
> the corresponding bios calls work ok. Other bdos calls
> may be ok, but I trust the bios much more. The bdos also
> refuses to return the version#.
What you are describing sounds very much like CP/M 1.4. It implemented
neither the BDOS 6 call, nor the BDOS 12 call ( well, it *did* do BDOS 12,
but it used it for something else ).
As for trusting the BIOS, watch out. There are differences between the
2.2 BIOS and a 1.4 BIOS.
> The computer itself is a Videoplan form Kontron Electronics
> (in Munich & California), has 1 Z80-sio, 1 ctc, 2 pio's (keyboard
> & printer) and a WD1771-B01 floppy controller (single density).
> The motherboard is a (4mhz?) KDT rev. IV. If anyone from Kontron
> is reading this, and has any docs on this board, please send me
> e-mail.
> I've been thinking about getting Z-cpr to replace the bdos/ccp,
> but I'm not sure if it would even install in such a brain damaged
> system.
I can almost guarantee that you won't be able to install the Z-System
on this machine. You need a 2.2 system for that. NZCOM will probably
blow up if you try to use it. Save your money.
> Anyone got any other ideas? I'd love to be able to do double-density,
> but I don't know if the WD1771 can do this.
I know that the 1770 can, but it needs external help. How do I know
this? This computer right here ( Ampro LB/Z80 ) uses the 1770. Pick
up the data sheets on the chip from Western Digital. They've always been
most helpful when I've spoken to them.
Good luck!
Marc Wilson
ARPA: ...!crash!mwilson@nosc.mil
UUCP: [ cbosgd | hp-sdd!hplabs | sdcsvax | nosc ]!crash!mwilson
INET: mwilson@crash.CTS.COM
End of INFO-CPM Digest
15-Jul-88 01:31:12-MDT,2699;000000000000
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 88 01:30:21 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #177
INFO-CPM Digest Fri, 15 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 177
Today's Topics:
C for CP/M
Need ascii encoded keyboard
ZCPR3.4 for Apple CP/M.
Date: Thu 14 Jul 88 23:11:50-EDT
Subject: C for CP/M
I would like to have C for my Apple CP/M system ... could anyone out
there tell me if there is Turbo C for such a configuration. If not Turbo C,
then is BSD C still available, and if it is, how could I get it? I guess
BSD C would be ok since simtel20 has several directories of stuff for it.
Any information about C for CP/M would be welcome, and can be sent to
the addresses following this message.
Rodney Ferryman
ferryman-r@osu-20.ircc.ohio-state.edu (try here first)
ts6828@ohstvma (BITNET)
Date: 15 Jul 88 00:36:53 GMT
From: simon@g.ms.uky.edu (Simon Gales)
Subject: Need ascii encoded keyboard
I am in need of a cheap ascii encoded keyboard for my cp/m box.
The original one has an 8-bit ascii parallel interface with strobe
line. If anyone has a used one they would like to sell, or know of
where I can get one (in a case), please reply via e-mail.
<--- Simon Gales@University of Ky 254-9387/257-3597 --->
<--- [ simon@ms.uky.edu ] | [ simon@UKMA.BITNET ] --->
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 88 09:53 N
Subject: ZCPR3.4 for Apple CP/M.
I've read about the new auto-installing ZCPR system, some weeks ago in
this very INFO-CPM bulletin. But If I remember it well they concluded
that auto-installing would NOT work for Aplle CP/M. So, will first of
all ZCPR3.4 be supported for Apple (probably yes) and when will the
patching program be available (something like the file in the following
subdirectory <cpm.apple>ap60zcpr.lbr )?
I cann't remember whether NZCOM or ZCPR3.4 wasn't PD?
Thanks in advance )(bye)(
End of INFO-CPM Digest
16-Jul-88 01:32:09-MDT,12925;000000000000
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 88 01:30:28 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #178
INFO-CPM Digest Sat, 16 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 178
Today's Topics:
Apple and CPM / AE Z80plus
C Compiler
New CP/M files uploaded to SIMTEL20 during May, June & July to date
Date: 15 Jul 88 19:28:10 GMT
From: ccasths@pyr.gatech.edu (Scott Hinckley)
Subject: Apple and CPM / AE Z80plus
I have a Laser128 with an AE Z80plus card in it running CP/AM 5.1.
I just purchased Borland's Turbo Pascal V3.0 which seems to run just fine.
The problem is that is all I have for the card, I would like to find a
communications program that works with it as this would allow me to get
more software.
I called one public domain company and they sent me one that is communicating
with something other than my modem and therefore is just generating garbage.
Also, is there a way to read disks formatted for other CP/M formats?
Any help would be appreciated.
|Scott Hinckley - OCS User Assistant AKA - Galaxy's End |
|Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 |
|uucp: ...!gatech!pyr!ccasths |
|ARPA: ccasths@pyr.gatech.edu |
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 88 18:55:47 IST
Subject: C Compiler
Request for a C Compiler:
I am EXCEEDINGLY happy with the very cheap MIX-C compiler.
I use it on the Z80/CP/M Lobo Max-80 to develop software at home, which has
always been ported without a flaw to my MS-DOS machine, and to our IBM=VM
(Waterloo C compiler), VAX-VMS and Unix machines.
The book only that comes with it would cost more than the package, if you would
go to a store to purchase similar material.
I may have been happy, but I never had any problem in 2 years.
MIX-Software used to carry many formats, and their phone is
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 1988 00:15 MDT
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: New CP/M files uploaded to SIMTEL20 during May, June & July to date
The following is a complete list of CP/M-oriented files uploaded to
SIMTEL20 during the months of May, June, and July to date. The column
labeled "T" (Type) is the file format. (7) means ASCII, (8) means
Also available:
A list of all CP/M files (updated daily):
PD2:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST - List with CRC values
PD2:<CPM>CPM.ARC - The above, ARChived (much smaller), binary(8).
PD2:<CPM>FILES.IDX - Similar to below, no descriptions, comma delimited
A list of many of the CP/M files, with descriptions, (updated monthly):
PD2:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.IDX - Comma delimited list
PD2:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.ARK - Same, ARChived (includes next two files)
PD2:<CPM.FILEDOCS>SIMCPM.INF - Description of data fields in SIMCPM.IDX
Note: to save space in the following listing, the device name PD2: which
normally appears ahead of the directory name has been omitted.
Directory Name Size T Description
================= ============ ====== = =====================================
<CPM.APPLE> PCPICLK2.LBR 13312 8 DateStamper support w/ PCPI card
<CPM.ARC-LBR> ARK02.ARK 15559 8 Version 0.2 of ARK for CP/M
<CPM.ARC-LBR> LDIR-H1.LBR 12416 8 List the directory of a library
<CPM.ARC-LBR> LDIRB13.LBR 25088 8 Display LBR directory with dates
<CPM.ARC-LBR> LT28.ARK 47478 8 File typer/extractor/decompressor
<CPM.BASIC> PBS.LBR 31360 8 Pre-processor for BASIC programs
<CPM.BASIC> TXT2HLP.LBR 20608 8 Create help files for BASIC
<CPM.BBS> BBS-SUIT.ARK 6144 8 BBS user sues SysOp - suit details
<CPM.BBS> PRIVACY.ARK 7936 8 Electronic Communication Privacy Act
<CPM.BBSLISTS> HSTBBS.DZR 28160 8 Bulletin boards using USR HST modem
<CPM.BBSLISTS> RCPM0788.BZF 10368 8 Brief RCP/M phone number list, July
<CPM.BBSLISTS> RCPM0788.LZT 38016 8 North American Remote CP/M list, July
<CPM.BBSLISTS> RCPMSCAN.LBR 2432 8 Scan for strings in monthy RCPM list
<CPM.BBSLISTS> RNET0588.LZT 17664 8 Listing of ROSNET systems
<CPM.BDSC-2> L2-225.ARK 66141 8 Improved L2 linker for BDS-C compiler
<CPM.BYE5> B5C-DS.LBR 6144 8 BYE5 clock insert for DateStamper
<CPM.CATLOG> CATLA10.LBR 56704 8 Catalog library and archive files
<CPM.DATABASE> FT-CPM.ARK 148717 8 Family Ties Genealogy program
<CPM.DATABASE> KWIKLIST.LBR 21120 8 Menu-driven utility for printing
<CPM.DATESTAMP> PPIP17DS.LBR 4736 8 PPIP173 non-ZCPR DateStamper version
<CPM.DBASEII> DBLIBRAY.LBR 23168 8 Database for articles and books
<CPM.DEBUG> DDTZ27.ARK 77208 8 Z80/V20/8080/64180 debugger
<CPM.DEBUG> PATDDTZ.SZB 768 8 Patch DDTZ to use CP/M DDT commands
<CPM.DEBUG> WADE.LBR 77824 8 Interactive symbolic Z80 debugger
<CPM.DEBUG> WADESRC.LBR 99584 8 Source code for WADE Z80 debugger
<CPM.DIRUTL> ERAZ11.LBR 19968 8 Z80 Erase utility
<CPM.DIRUTL> RENAMZ15.LBR 23296 8 Z80 rename utility
<CPM.DIRUTL> UNERAZ11.LBR 21888 8 Z80 file recovery utility
<CPM.FILCPY> ACOPY18.LBR 25216 8 Z80 file copy utility
<CPM.FILCPY> PPIP173.ARK 67160 8 File copy utility (PIP replacement)
<CPM.FILEDOCS> CPMJUL01.LZT 92928 8 List of files in CP/M libraries
<CPM.FILEDOCS> ROYALOAK.DZR 25216 8 RCP/M Royal Oak directory file list
<CPM.FILEDOCS> ROYALOAK.MAP 508 7 Map of RCP/M Royal Oak file areas
<CPM.GENDOC> CPMSRC-B.LQT 8960 8 Software sources for CP/M
<CPM.GENDOC> S100BOOK.INF 848 7 Interfacing to S-100 microcomputers
<CPM.GENDOC> SUNRISE.RZV 6144 8 Review of Xerox 1815 laptop
<CPM.GENIE> GENIELST.BQS 1458 8 Makes weekly/monthly GEnie file list
<CPM.HEATH> HMODEM20.LBR 54272 8 X/Y/ZMODEM for Heath/Zenith 89
<CPM.HEATH> HMSRC20.LBR 77952 8 X/Y/ZMODEM for HZ89 source code
<CPM.KAYPRO> HOTKEY11.LBR 18048 8 Arrow/keypad redefinition for Kaypro
<CPM.KAYPRO> K4SKETCH.LBR 21632 8 Draw lines and pixels on Kaypro '84
<CPM.KAYPRO> KP-ARROW.LBR 2304 8 Change values of Kaypro's arrow keys
<CPM.KAYPRO> KPARKPAT.ARK 14495 8 Patch ARK02.COM for '84 Kaypro RTC
<CPM.KAYPRO> KPEDFONT.LBR 14592 8 Editor for Bradford font files
<CPM.KERMIT> CP409DOC.ARK 68131 8 Kermit-80 version 4.09 documentation
<CPM.KERMIT> CP409HEX.ARK 131563 8 Kermit-80 version 4.09 HEX files
<CPM.KERMIT> CP409MSS.ARK 51604 8 Kermit-80 version 4.09 doc in MSS format
<CPM.KERMIT> CP409SRC.ARK 416077 8 Kermit-80 ver. 4.09 ASM source code
<CPM.KERMIT> CPKHEX.BAS 2770 7 Kermit-80 bootstrap HEX loader in MBASIC
<CPM.LIST> BFUPDAT1.LBR 57984 8 Bradford 2.02 - uses less memory
<CPM.LIST> EP-ADDS.ARK 6011 8 Additional fonts for Epson Print pgm
<CPM.LIST> EP-COMS.ARK 28692 8 Epson Print formatter executables
<CPM.LIST> EP-DOCS.ARK 77649 8 Documentation for Epson Print
<CPM.LIST> EP-ECHED.ARK 28914 8 Font editor for Epson Print
<CPM.LIST> EP-FONTS.ARK 210117 8 Fonts used with Epson Print
<CPM.LIST> EP-INFO.ARK 6117 8 Info file of Epson Printer formatter
<CPM.LIST> EP-MISC.ARK 18675 8 Files needed to compile Epson Print
<CPM.LIST> EP-SRC.ARK 138938 8 BDS-C source for Epson Print
<CPM.MISC> MOUSE.LBR 65024 8 Programming language of Mouse
<CPM.MISC> SMC203.ARK 115741 8 Small-C Compiler version 2.03
<CPM.MODEM> ZMODEM7.DZC 49920 8 ZMODEM file transfer protocol specs
<CPM.OSBORN> EXTIME89.LBR 5760 8 Osborne Executive clock setting util
<CPM.PBBS> HP-FIX01.ARK 5536 8 Fix to HBBS/PBBS bulletin board
<CPM.PCPURSUIT> PCPD0788.LBR 6528 8 PC-Pursuit accessable RCP/Ms.
<CPM.RCPM> LUX101.LBR 50304 8 Library/archive Utility eXtension
<CPM.RCPM> ZCMDREN.FZX 2048 8 Fix to REN problem of ZCMD
<CPM.SQUSQ> CRN24PAT.AZM 1408 8 Patch to CRUNCH 2.4 for AZM files
<CPM.SYSUTL> EGUTIL53.LBR 142720 8 Eric Gans great CP/M utilities
<CPM.SYSUTL> GO108.LBR 14976 8 Move easily around drives/user areas
<CPM.TURBOM2> M2TRMFIX.LBR 2432 8 ANSI Terminal Patch for TurboModula
<CPM.TURBOPAS> WINDOW11.LBR 6656 8 ASCII windows for Turbo Pascal programs
<CPM.TXTUTL> CHOP-APP.LBR 13184 8 Divide and put ASCII text back again
<CPM.TXTUTL> FIG14.LBR 29824 8 Analyzes readability of text files
<CPM.TXTUTL> FINREP28.LBR 11136 8 Find and replace text utility
<CPM.TXTUTL> PGPRINT.LBR 11904 8 Pascal program prints documentation
<CPM.TXTUTL> QL31.LBR 100992 8 Memory-based file viewing utility
<CPM.TXTUTL> SEARCH21.LBR 20608 8 Search text files for a keyword
<CPM.TXTUTL> TITLES2.LBR 3712 8 Create an index of first lines
<CPM.VDOEDIT> VDE265SP.LBR 26880 8 VDE265 modification for film script
<CPM.VDOEDIT> VDE266.LBR 83968 8 Small, powerful, text editor
<CPM.VDOEDIT> VDKCOM12.LBR 15488 8 Convert VDE file to/from VDK file
<CPM.WSTAR> MERGETUT.LBR 18688 8 Tutorial for WordStar's MailMerge
<CPM.WSTAR> WSNOT134.ARK 28674 8 Produce footnotes with WordStar
<CPM.WSTAR> WSNOTE.QZF 1152 8 Quick reference list for wsNOTE
<CPM.ZCPR33> -NZCOM.DZC 7168 8 News about NZCOM... ready to ship
<CPM.ZCPR33> ARUNZ09N.LBR 41728 8 Z-System Alias Processor v0.9n
<CPM.ZCPR33> BCOMP11.LBR 36096 8 Screen oriented binary comparison
<CPM.ZCPR33> DD17.LBR 20224 8 Z80 disk directory utility
<CPM.ZCPR33> DOSVER03.LBR 1792 8 DOS version utility for ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33> EASE20.LBR 51712 8 ZCPR 3.3 command line editor
<CPM.ZCPR33> EASE20.QZF 1152 8 Quick reference card for EASE
<CPM.ZCPR33> FINRP28Z.LBR 3968 8 Find/Replace utility for ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33> MCOPY47B.BUG 356 7 Bug in Mcopy version 4.7b with RSX.
<CPM.ZCPR33> MKDIR32.LBR 13312 8 Edit named directory files
<CPM.ZCPR33> MU313.LBR 20352 8 Memory utility for ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33> NZCOM.DZC 7168 8 NZ-COM 2.0 is now available - info
<CPM.ZCPR33> PAGE20.LBR 16768 8 File screen print utility for ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33> SLRLIB.LBR 22144 8 Z3 .REL files in SLR format
<CPM.ZCPR33> SYSENV2.LBR 4992 8 Enhanced System Environment for Z34
<CPM.ZCPR33> TCJ32.MZG 23552 8 Sage ZSIG Column, TCJ Issue #32
<CPM.ZCPR33> TRIM.LBR 5760 8 Z-Tool to truncate object files
<CPM.ZCPR33> W22.LBR 26624 8 Helps other programs use wild cards
<CPM.ZCPR33> WORDDEMO.LBR 6400 8 Word Processing under ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33> Z34RCP10.LBR 79232 8 ZCPR34 Resident Command Package
<CPM.ZCPR33> ZF10J.LBR 65408 8 SWEEP-like utility for ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33> ZFILES03.LZT 4864 8 Information on Z-System Utilities
<CPM.ZCPR33> ZPATCH13.LBR 38912 8 Screen-oriented ZCPR3 file patcher
<CPM.ZCPR33> ZUTILBUG.0Z2 2304 8 Latest bug report for ZCPR programs.
TOTALS: Bytes 3,962,913
Files 109
For those unable to access SIMTEL20 because of network restrictions,
please remember that MOST of the new files announced to Info-Cpm are
also available on my RCP/M Royal Oak (MI) which may be accessed at
300 bps (Bell 103a), 1200 bps (Bell 212a), 2400 bps (V.22 bis), or
9600 bps (HST). The telephone number is (313) 759-6569 (now reachable
on PC Pursuit at 2400 bps). They are also available from the National
CP/M RoundTable on General Electric Information Services' GEnie.
--Keith Petersen
Maintainer of the CP/M and MSDOS archives at SIMTEL20.ARPA []
Uucp: {decwrl,harvard,lll-crg,ucbvax,uunet,uw-beaver}!simtel20.arpa!w8sdz
GEnie: W8SDZ
RCP/M Royal Oak: 313-759-6569 - 300, 1200, 2400 (V.22bis) or 9600 (USR HST)
End of INFO-CPM Digest
17-Jul-88 01:32:14-MDT,991;000000000000
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 88 01:30:46 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #179
INFO-CPM Digest Sun, 17 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 179
Today's Topics:
MAC assembler...
Date: 14 Jul 88 19:02:00 GMT
From: clio!berger@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
Subject: MAC assembler...
The MAC assembler was a commercial product. I don't think it's supported
anymore. Last year, a lot of new, sealed copies were available from a
variety of sources on close-out.
Mike Berger
Department of Statistics
Science, Technology, and Society
University of Illinois
{ihnp4 | convex | pur-ee}!uiucuxc!clio!berger
End of INFO-CPM Digest
19-Jul-88 01:33:44-MDT,3616;000000000000
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 88 01:30:29 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #180
INFO-CPM Digest Tue, 19 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 180
Today's Topics:
NZCOM and Echelon IOPs - A Problem.
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 88 11:44:39 GMT
Subject: NZCOM and Echelon IOPs - A Problem.
Subject: Problems with Echelon supplied IOPs and NZCOM.
I have experienced a problem with all three of the IOPs that Echelon used to
supply (Nukey, Bprinter, and recorder) when trying to use them with my system
running NZCOM, when everything was OK under ZCOM. I have identified the
problem with NUKEY, but have not had the time nor the inclination to check the
other two. I suspect the problem is generic. The cause f thof the problem is th
the coding of Nukey assumes that ENV address is a multiple of 256. So when it
tries to find the address of the IOP from the ENVironment it *REPLACES* the
lower byte of the address (in L) rather than adding it in. With NZCOM on my
new system the ENV address has a lower byte of 80H (it is E280H). It used to
be a multiple of 256. I am not sure whose "fault" this problem is but it may
not matter too much as there is a simple solution.
I could have simply altered the existing code to set the top bit when the
lower byte of the address was replaced. This is simple. It will work BUT it
may recur with some other memory configuration of NZCOM. My preferred solution
is to use an ARUNZ alias to do the following:
load nukey into memory
set a register to the value loc 109 (using an alias - to ensure memory is loaded
test the register using IF (type 3 or 4) and conditionally patch the
offending constant
finally we simply GO!
I intended to include the source of the two aliases - but I left them at home
on my Z machine. This is coming to you from a PC (no comment). If this idea
is not enough I can post the sources later in the week.
I hope this is of some help.
BTW NZCOM is a really nice system. I can now use ProPascal and Turbo M2
without needing to go to CPM, and I can very easily re-load my RCP and IOP
after using BGii.
Date: 18 Jul 88 21:21:16 GMT
From: dartvax!eleazar.dartmouth.edu!joeh@bu-cs.bu.edu (Joseph L. Hill)
Subject: pipmodem.asm
I grabbed pipmodem.asm from simtel20 and typed it in by hand
on my micro decision running cpm 2.2, it compiles exactly
as the specified in the pipmodem.doc instructions but when
i run it and hit return the program exits and i go back
to the A> prompt. I've checked the source code against
the listing i produced until my eyes turned red, any ideas?
im having an awful time trying to get this thing to see
my modem, anyone familiar with how the jumpers should be set?
im "winging it", also, i made a male to male cable so i could
plug it into my modem, using only pin 2,3 and 8, trans, receve,
ground, any one know if that is correct for this machine?
-forever confused and destined to never get any software -joe
Joseph L Hill joeh@dartvax.UUCP
USNET: {linus|decvax|cornell|astrovax}!dartvax!joeh
ARPA: joeh%dartmouth@csnet-relay
End of INFO-CPM Digest
20-Jul-88 01:31:11-MDT,4276;000000000000
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 88 01:30:29 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #181
INFO-CPM Digest Wed, 20 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 181
Today's Topics:
Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
KERMIT for CP/M needed, bds-c source preferred
Media Master and Uniform
Printer mystery...
Date: 15 Jul 88 09:33:56 GMT
From: mandrill!hal!ncoast!mikes@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Mike Squires)
Subject: Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
In article <12412216898.11.D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA> D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA writes:
>I received no reply on this before and i still need help. I have a friend
The 7710 uses hardware handshaking, if I remember correctly. I'll be at
a site next week that drives a NEC with a Kaypro and will try to get the cable
info; it was written up in one of those books on intrfacing serial devices
available at larger Daltons, etc.
Mike Squires Allegheny College Meadville, PA 16335 814 724 3360
uucp: ..!mandrill!ncoast!{mikes,peng!sir-alan!mikes} or ..!pitt!sir-alan!mikes
still fondly using an IMSAI which uses my UNIX box as a terminal
Date: 19 Jul 88 12:42:12 GMT
From: ukecc!beech@g.ms.uky.edu (Wayne Beech)
Subject: KERMIT for CP/M needed, bds-c source preferred
I am looking for a version of kermit that will run under CP/M. I am
currently in the process of downloading the ASM source from columbia
but would much rather have a version that is written in BDS-C. Does
anyone have a copy written in BDS-C or know where i can obtain one?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also please send any responses
directly to my account.
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 88 16:11:09 GMT
Subject: Media Master and Uniform
Subject: Media Master and Uniform
Does anyone know if either of these two products is still available for Z80
machines? I have so far only found PC versions available.
Thanks -- Tony Addyman.
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 88 08:50 CDT
From: RICHARD KERSHENBAUM <RICHARD@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu>
Subject: Printer mystery...
I bought a used printer last weekend to use with my Kaypro 1. It's a Radio
Shack LP VIII. (Don't laugh -- it was cheap and apparently in great shape.)
Plugged into the parallel port on the Kaypro, it prints nearly every character
twice in ssuucceessiioonn -- not a pretty sight! Except....when using the
K-1 screen dump program (from simtel20), it prints perfectly. Printing
from WordStar, PIP and anything else I've tried results in doubled characters.
I connected the printer to a friend's PC-clone, and it prints perfectly there.
Suspecting a problem with my centronics port, I connected the same friend's
Okidata 182 to the Kaypro. Perfect results again. So, all the *pieces* work
independently, but the combination of the Kaypro and the LP VIII fails --
except using the screen dump program.
Has anyone seen this sort of problem? Is there any cure, or are these devices
just flat incompatible??
I'd sure appreciate any help....
| )
| Richard M. Kershenbaum (
| \ "Nobody does more
| Manager, Technical Services * | harm than folks
| The University of Kansas | who feel bad
| Computer Center | about doing it."
| Lawrence, Kansas 66045 (913)864-0445 |
| | -- William Burroughs
| Bitnet: richard@ukanvax |
| Internet: richard@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu |
End of INFO-CPM Digest
21-Jul-88 01:31:58-MDT,6587;000000000000
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 01:30:18 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #182
INFO-CPM Digest Thu, 21 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 182
Today's Topics:
Hard disk question - Intertec CP/M
Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710 (2 msgs)
Media Master
SIMTEL20->CMS->DOS Success
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 88 9:00:07 EDT
From: "Paul V. Pullen" <pvpullen@CRDEC-VAX2.ARPA>
Subject: Hard disk question - Intertec CP/M
I have an Intertec VPU-30 linked with an Intertec DSS-10 10 Meg hard disk that
was working completely for years. Recently, i took the DSS-10 to an Intertec
Maintance shop to try to pick up a "new" (read liquidating) unit to talk to the
unit. We got the unit to be able to read files on the DSS-10 but not copy
between floppy and hard drive. (This is not the problem, but background info).
Now I have the hard drive back on my own systems here, and find I cannot copy
anything to the hard disk. I can access all files on the hard drive, but if
I try to create a new one with WordStar(tm), or PIP, it locks up the system.
Any ideas what has happened out there in CP/M land?
Contact me at pvpullen@crdec-vax2.arpa with e-mail or at (301) 671 3544 by
land line.
Paul Pullen
Edgewood Arsenal, MD 21010-5423
Date: 20 Jul 88 22:03:19 GMT
From: uhccux!julian@humu.nosc.mil (Julian Cowley)
Subject: Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
In article <8246@ncoast.UUCP> mikes@ncoast.UUCP (Mike Squires) writes:
>In article <12412216898.11.D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA> D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA writes:
>>I received no reply on this before and i still need help. I have a friend
>The 7710 uses hardware handshaking, if I remember correctly. I'll be at
>a site next week that drives a NEC with a Kaypro and will try to get the cable
>info; it was written up in one of those books on intrfacing serial devices
>available at larger Daltons, etc.
I can save you a some time, I think. The Spinwriter 7700 family
hardware handshakes on pin 19 (Secondary Request To Send). To set up
a cable, you should connect pins 5 and 6 on the computer side to pin
19 on the printer side. A diagram for it looks like this:
Computer Printer
TD 2 <-----> 2 TD (straight through)
RD 3 <-----> 3 RD
SG 7 <-----> 7 SG
CTS 5 <--,
DSR 6 <--|--> 19 SRTS
Sorry for not noticing this the first time :-). By the way, I found
this out the hard way (I'm not really a hardware hacker), even though
I had the Spinwriter manual right in front of me. What a drag!
>Mike Squires Allegheny College Meadville, PA 16335 814 724 3360
>uucp: ..!mandrill!ncoast!{mikes,peng!sir-alan!mikes} or ..!pitt!sir-alan!mikes
>still fondly using an IMSAI which uses my UNIX box as a terminal
Julian Cowley, U. of Hawaii at Manoa
Date: 20 Jul 88 14:52:34 GMT
From: tektronix!orca!tekecs!frip!andrew@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Andrew Klossner)
Subject: Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
"The 7710 uses hardware handshaking, if I remember correctly."
The 7710 will do just about anything ... it will do hardware handshake,
XON/XOFF, or ETX/ACK. This is all selected by dip switches. But the
pinouts are nonstandard, so if you want hardware handshake you'll have
to make a special cable.
I've had a 7710 for six years, hooked to my TRS-80 model II running P&T
CP/M. (I never dreamed this system would keep working for so long!) I
use hardware handshake at 1200 baud.
-=- Andrew Klossner (decvax!tektronix!tekecs!andrew) [UUCP]
(andrew%tekecs.tek.com@relay.cs.net) [ARPA]
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 88 16:14:22 EST
Subject: Media Master
The most recent Intersecting Concepts we have indicates that
the CP/M version is still alive and well. Order from
Intersecting Concepts, 80 Long Court, Suite 1A, Thousand Oaks,
CA 91360, USA. Telephone +1 805 373 3900.
Date: Monday, 4 July 1988 06:15-MDT
From: "Robert E. Zaret" <ZARET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU>
Subject: SIMTEL20->CMS->DOS Success
I recently requested help transferring files from SIMTEL20 to my micro via
an IBM mainframe. After reading several replies (thanks :-) and
experimenting a bit, I have succeeded. The trick is to issue the FTP
command TYPE I followed by TYPE 8 before transferring a file (actually,
TYPE 8, TYPE 32, and QUOTE TYPE seem to have the same effect).
A few details: I am using MS-Kermit 2.30 and a modem to connect my micro
to an IBM 4381 via a Series/1 protocol converter. The 4381 is running
CMS. I use FTP on the 4381 to connect to SIMTEL20. The following
"recipe" successfully transferred the file from FTP to my micro:
1) start up FTP on the 4381 and connect to SIMTEL20
2) issue the FTP command TYPE I
3) issue the FTP command TYPE L 8
(or TYPE L 32 or QUOTE TYPE L 8)
4) use the FTP command CWD to get to the right SIMTEL20 directory
5) use the FTP command GET to transfer the file to the 4381
6) use the FTP command QUIT to log off SIMTEL20 and shut down FTP
7) start up CMS-Kermit on the 4381
8) issue the CMS-Kermit command SET FILE-TYPE BINARY (MS-Kermit doesn't
need to be "told" that the file type is binary, but other communications
packages, such as ProComm, do need to be "told")
9) use the two Kermits to transfer the file from the 4381 to my micro
10) "unarc" the file if it is an ARC file (I use ARCE30F).
The FTP commands TYPE L 8, TYPE L 32, and QUOTE TYPE L 32 seemed to have
identical effects. The copies of the file were the same length according
to both CMS and DOS, and ARCE30F was able to "unarc" all three.
The FTP command TYPE L 8 was inadequate unless preceded by TYPE I The FTP
command TYPE I was inadequate unless followed by TYPE L 8, TYPE L 32, or
QUOTE TYPE L 8. The version of FTP I use does not recognize the TENEX
End of INFO-CPM Digest
22-Jul-88 01:32:31-MDT,2990;000000000000
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 01:30:15 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #183
INFO-CPM Digest Fri, 22 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 183
Today's Topics:
MediaMaster (2 msgs)
Media Master (and Uniform, etc.)
Date: 21 Jul 88 16:31:50 GMT
From: rzh@lll-lcc.llnl.gov (Roger Hanscom)
Subject: MediaMaster
= Subject: Media Master
= The most recent Intersecting Concepts we have indicates that
= the CP/M version is still alive and well. Order from
= Intersecting Concepts, 80 Long Court, Suite 1A, Thousand Oaks,
= CA 91360, USA. Telephone +1 805 373 3900.
I've said this before (and got roundly roasted for it), BUT be
careful of MediaMaster!! They advertise that it works for lots
of CP/M formats, when in fact, of the five that I tried, only
1 (Kaypro) worked. This was the PC version. That was bad enough,
but the people at Intersecting Concepts were NO help at all with
pleas for help.
You might try to use a copy of the program on your particular
CP/M format BEFORE you throw your $$'s at them.
(The above is MY opinion, derived from personal experience. I
don't want to hear about ALL the formats that MM works with. It
didn't work with the ones that I needed it for, and I felt/feel
ripped off. Your mileage may vary!)
ARPA: rzh%freedom.llnl.gov@lll-lcc.llnl.gov
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 15:31:17 PDT
From: Bridger Mitchell <bridger%rcc@rand-unix.ARPA>
Subject: Media Master
Coincidentally with today's info-cpm message, I had a chance to drop
in on Mark Grabill at Intersecting Concepts, publisher of Media
Master. They have a slightly changed address:
68 Long Court, Suite 1B, Thousand Oaks,
CA 91360, USA. Telephone +1 805 373 3900.
There are different Media Master versions that run on the following CP/M
machines, and the set of formats supported differs somewhat by machine:
Osborne Vixen
Kaypro 2x,4,10
Kaypro II/2
Osborne 1/Exec
DEC Rainbow
-- bridger
Date: 21 Jul 88 13:52:52 GMT
From: swillett@violet.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Media Master (and Uniform, etc.)
Check out:
Central Computer Products
330 Central Ave.
Fillmore , CA 93015
(805) 524-4189
Order lines:
(800) 533-8049
(800) 624-5628 (California)
Uniform is $59, Media Master is $37
These folks claim to be the largest supplier of CPM software in the country
and I believe it . They have a catalog which they will send you regularly
if you get on their list.
Usual disclaimer applies - no connection except satisfied customer.
End of INFO-CPM Digest
27-Jul-88 01:34:21-MDT,2139;000000000000
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 88 01:30:55 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #184
INFO-CPM Digest Wed, 27 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 184
Today's Topics:
Programs that print to LST:
simple network for CP/M <=> MSDOS
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 88 15:02:48 PDT
From: secrist%msdsws.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (Richard Secrist, Digital Equip. Corp. USA)
Subject: Programs that print to LST:
Being lazy I'm looking for recommendations on a PD program that pages
text files to LST: but also allows for a built-in delay on how fast the
characters get sent (a la ASR-33 mode).
I'm feeding a 600 baud thermal printer that can't take the characters
at a rate of more than like 10 cps without losing it's mind. I'm not
a masochist or anything mind you, this is just a palm-sized printer
I use on the road from a CP/M laptop that just can't keep up with PIP.
Date: 26 Jul 88 14:30:07 GMT
From: nic.MR.NET!gonzo.eta.com!chrise@csd1.milw.wisc.edu (Chris Elmquist)
Subject: simple network for CP/M <=> MSDOS
I'm looking for a piece of software (which I think I remember
seeing advertised once) that will allow an MSDOS machine
such as a PC-AT to serve as a fileserver for several CP/M and
MSDOS machines hooked in on a serial port. I was thinking
that this server code on the AT would run in the background
so that a user could be on the console while the remotes were
transfering files in the background. I don't need full OS
capability across the network, just simple file transfers and
maybe a way to change directories and get a directory listing.
A KERMIT server that ran in the background would be ideal!
Has anyone seen / come across anything like this? I'd
appreciate any info. Posting OK, Direct E-Mail BEST. TNX
End of INFO-CPM Digest
28-Jul-88 01:34:40-MDT,1831;000000000000
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 88 01:30:18 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #185
INFO-CPM Digest Thu, 28 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 185
Today's Topics:
Need help with brain-damaged bdos.
Date: 27 Jul 88 16:12:50 GMT
From: necntc!ima!cfisun!lakart!dg@ames.arc.nasa.gov (David Goodenough)
Subject: Need help with brain-damaged bdos.
From article <9936@e.ms.uky.edu>, by simon@ms.uky.edu (George Simon):
> Help!!!
> The version of cpm that it is running seems to be < 2.2, and
> the bdos seem to be brain-damaged.
> (2) Bdos function 6 (direct console i/o) does not exist, but
> the corresponding bios calls work ok. Other bdos calls
> may be ok, but I trust the bios much more. The bdos also
> refuses to return the version#.
This may be part of your problem: function 12 (0xc) in V2.0 and higher
gives back the version number - V1.X does not: it appears that you have
a very early version. To verify this try some tests of the random access
routines: if they fail you almost certainly have a pre 2.0 bdos.
> Anyone got any other ideas? I'd love to be able to do double-density,
> but I don't know if the WD1771 can do this. I have heard that
Sadly the 1771 only talks single density, and I don't know if the 1791 /
1793 would be a dropin replacement.
dg@lakart.UUCP - David Goodenough +---+
| +-+-+
....... !harvard!cca!lakart!dg +-+-+ |
End of INFO-CPM Digest
29-Jul-88 01:35:36-MDT,3188;000000000000
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 88 01:30:37 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #186
INFO-CPM Digest Fri, 29 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 186
Today's Topics:
CP/M-80 2.2 for Lanier LT-100?
Osborne Boot Diskette
WordStar 5.0 for CP/M-80
Date: 28 Jul 88 19:35:03 GMT
From: ea.ecn.purdue.edu!wieland@ee.ecn.purdue.edu (Jeffrey J Wieland)
Subject: CP/M-80 2.2 for Lanier LT-100?
I need CP/M-80 for a Lanier word processor (we already have the manual, but
we can't find the software). The model is either an LT-100 or LT-1000.
Jeff Wieland
Date: 28 Jul 88 19:16:02 GMT
From: attcan!brian@uunet.uu.net (Brian Musker)
Subject: Osborne Boot Diskette
Hi folks - anyone out there know where i can locate single density
boot diskettes for the osborne i computer? i recently acquired such
a beast and foolishly purchased a double density diskette set to go
with it.
I suppose an alternate question would be - does anyone know how i can
get my hands on whatever hardware/firmware will upgrade the box to support
double density diskettes?
thanks in advance!
Brian Musker
Date: 28 Jul 88 19:42:24 GMT
From: ea.ecn.purdue.edu!wieland@ee.ecn.purdue.edu (Jeffrey J Wieland)
Subject: WordStar 5.0 for CP/M-80
I quote from the August '88 issue of Profiles, page 5:
"Rumor has it that MicroPro will consider releasing a CP/M version of WordStar
5.0 if there is enough demand in the CP/M community. It wouldn't hurt to let
them know what you do and do not like about version 4.0."
MicroPro's address is: MicroPro International Corporation
33 San Pablo Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94903
Just thought I'd get the word out...
Jeff Wieland
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 88 23:15:47 -0900
Is there anyone else out there looking for a mainframe archiver? I
am referring to the archiver programs which take files on a floppy
disk, crunch, squeeze, pack, store, etc., them into a single file
called an archive, which is a very popular space saving mechanism in
the microcomputer world. There was a request for one in Florida and
now there is a request for one here in Alaska, two states which are
about as far apart as one can get and still be in the same country,
etc., and all that jazz. Please! Help! We need a mainframe archiver!
Gary A. Fowler
P.O. Box 902117
Fairbanks, Ak. 99775
(907) 474-7788
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 88 23:17:41 -0900
Oops, sorry folks, I didn't mention what KIND of mainframe. We are
operating a VAX/VMS v4.6 . . .gf
End of INFO-CPM Digest
30-Jul-88 01:31:36-MDT,4740;000000000000
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 88 01:30:13 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V88 #187
INFO-CPM Digest Sat, 30 Jul 88 Volume 88 : Issue 187
Today's Topics:
help with zcom and zcpr1
Need help with brain-damaged bdos.
Date: 29 Jul 88 04:56:54 GMT
From: nsc!woolsey@decwrl.dec.com (Jeff Woolsey)
Subject: (none)
Kids these days..... It's not a mainframe if it has wheels.
And Leon's getting LARGER!
Jeff Woolsey woolsey@nsc.NSC.COM -or- woolsey@umn-cs.cs.umn.EDU
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 88 12:08 EDT
Subject: C64 CPM
I would like to get CPM for the Commodore 64 and I understand Commodore
does not market it anymore. Does anyone know how I could get it?
Terry Lewis
University of Tennessee at Martin
Date: 25 Jul 88 16:06:00 GMT
From: killer!tness7!ninja!sys1!techsup!kenb@ames.arc.nasa.gov
Subject: help with zcom and zcpr1
perhaps someone can help shed some light on a problem i'm having. i
run pickles and trout cp/m 2.2mh on a radio shack model ii/16 with a
15 meg hard drive.
for some time i've been successfully running zcom on the system, but
this eats up quite a bit of my tpa and so i have memory problems with
programs that are tpa hungry... compilers, ark02, ...
i located a copy of zcpr1, assembled it for cb00h, where my stock ccp
loads, inserted it in the appropriate p&t hard drive file
(bioscp/m.pnt), fixed the relocation bitmap for it and ran it. no
problems so far.
i figured i'd use zcpr1 when i had to do memory hungry stuff, and load
zcom when not. with the zcpr1 loaded, i typed in the command to bring
up zcom (with zrdos and zcpr33 installed) as normal. the first
indication i got that things weren't loading well was when hsh errored
and told me it needed zcpr33 to run. things whirred and clicked a
moment longer and then settled out to the prompt ">". not much
functionality was left at this time... although zcx worked.
so... the question is, since the zcpr1 ccp fit exactly where the stock
ccp resided, why didn't zcom sign on correctly? i even tried doing
the zcld again... but things didn't change.
i figure i'm missing something obvious.... if you have any ideas,
please let me know. thanks...
ken brookner
uucp: ...sys1!techsup!kenb
GEnie: kbrookner
Date: 29 Jul 88 01:24:32 GMT
From: eve.usc.edu!mlinar@oberon.usc.edu (Mitch Mlinar)
Subject: Need help with brain-damaged bdos.
In article <187@lakart.UUCP> dg@lakart.UUCP (David Goodenough) writes:
#From article <9936@e.ms.uky.edu#, by simon@ms.uky.edu (George Simon):
## The version of cpm that it is running seems to be < 2.2, and
## the bdos seem to be brain-damaged.
## (2) Bdos function 6 (direct console i/o) does not exist, but
## the corresponding bios calls work ok. Other bdos calls
## may be ok, but I trust the bios much more. The bdos also
## refuses to return the version#.
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#This may be part of your problem: function 12 (0xc) in V2.0 and higher
#gives back the version number - V1.X does not: it appears that you have
True, but still usable as is. In CP/M 1.3 and 1.4, it was not *intended* to
return the version number, but rather some obscure disk function like "unload
heads" or something like that. The function *is* supposed to return A=00,
which lets you know it is earlier than CP/M 2.x or MP/M.
# ## Anyone got any other ideas? I'd love to be able to do double-density,
# ## but I don't know if the WD1771 can do this. I have heard that
#Sadly the 1771 only talks single density, and Idon't know if the 1791 /
#1793 would be a dropin replacement.
David is correct about the single-density 1771; also, the 1791/1793 is NOT a
drop in replacement. You need a bit of external clock/data separation
circuitry to run double density as well as a higher clock rate to the chip
itself (2 MHz instead of 1 MHz). Potentially some major board work here...
I missed out on the earlier conversation, so don't know what system you have
and if there is some adapter kit sold for your machine.
End of INFO-CPM Digest