A Z as the middle letter of the file extension indicates a LZV crunched file. Look for crnch24.{.arc,.ark,.lbr} for source and uncrunch.com -
ARKP04 is the latest version of a SEA arcfile creator that runs under CP/M - UNARC16 is the latest version of a SEA arc member extracter/list.
Latest project is to have an UNZIP that runs under CP/M which extracts and list directory of a 'ZIP' archive - saw a note predicting within two months it'll be ready for release. A couple of us in Toronto are thinking of writing a 'zip' archive creation program that would run under CP/M (it's a slow hot summer and we've gotta do SOMETHING to keep the juices going :-) ).
Lots happening in a supposedly dead operating system.
(David Goodenough) harvard!cfisun!lakart!pallio!dg wrote a VT100 emulator
that runs under CP/M - the QTERM41.LBR has an overlay for the Kaypro, prewritten with some assembly required. I've used it, with my Morrow MD, calling a Xenix 6.0 system ( termcap term = vt100) and it worked. Didn't use emacs, just vi
C compilers - since you have an IBM PC I'd suggest getting the HiTech C package from Workman & Associates ... a Z80 CP/M ANSI C compiler that runs very well under a MSDOS CP/M emulator (or with a V20). Produces good fast CP/M .com files ... you might be able to run it directly under CP/M 2.2 but it likes a LARGE TPA and doesn't seem to like CP/M+ (Morrow HD), and ran poorly on a borrowed Xerox 820-II CP/M 2.2. Might be OK on a Telewidget?^
For use directly under CP/M, nothing I've found beats Manx Aztec C - overlays, roms, DRI or MicroSoft compatable assembly output;
runs stabily. Missing a few of the ANSI extensions and also the bit field but otherwise quite fine.