From:!!samsung!umich!sharkey!cfctech!teemc!ka3ovk!ki4pv!cdin-1!dsinc!!cps3xx!cpsvax! (J. Daniel Smith)
Subject: Reading CPM disks from DOS
Message-ID: <6516@cps3xx.UUCP>
Does anyone have a program that allows one to read CP/M disks from a
DOS machine (PC/XT). I have heard there is such a beast at simtel20,
but that seems to be a very busy site and I can't ever get
through with anonymous FTP.
If someone has such a beast could you send it to me (UUENCODE or
Subject: Prices for used Kaypros and other CP/M computers.
Message-ID: <38.25EBB462@insight.FIDONET.ORG>
> From: a577@mindlink.UUCP (Curt Sampson)
> Date: 24 Feb 90 05:10:08 GMT
> Over the last few months we've had a recent plummet in
> the prices of used CP/M
> Kaypros. I recently bought a Kaypro 4 '84 with the
> internal modem in very good
> condition for $200 (which is about the price of two
> new DSDD drives up here).
> Is this typical of prices for CP/M boxes all over? Or
> is it just around here.
I just arranged to purchase a Molecular 32 (CP/M) with 60 mg HD, tape backup, 4 terminals with enough internal boards for 12 users for $400.00. I'm also buying, from the same fellow, an Altos with 40 mg HD and tape backup 4 user system for $100.00. I think CP/M machines have hit rock bottom. For simple word processing and modeming, they seem to be the best deal in town.