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3-Jun-90 00:49:44-MDT,4926;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 3-Jun-90 00:39:30
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 90 00:39:29 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #95
Message-ID: <900603003930.V90N95@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Sun, 3 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 95
Today's Topics:
CP/M Emulator on UNIX
floppy drive hardware
Kaypro II boot disk needed
Xerox 820... upgrade to DS/DD
Z-System for DEC Rainbow
Date: 1 Jun 90 06:52:18 GMT
From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!usc!snorkelwacker!spdcc!merk!alliant!linus!nixbur!nixpbe!peun33!kebsch@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Kebsch)
Subject: CP/M Emulator on UNIX
Message-ID: <kebsch.644223138@peun33>
Hi folks,
ther was an anouncement about a new CP/M Emulator running on UNIX some
weeks ago. Is it available now?
PS: For a reply, please use one of the next addresses. Thanks!
[ Waldemar Kebsch, Nixdorf Computer AG, Dep.: PSD-C-61, Pontanusstrasse 55, ]
[ 4790 Paderborn, Federal Republic of Germany, Tel.: [nat]-5251-14-6129 ]
[ Usenet: (USA) kebsch.pad@nixbur.uucp, kebsch.pad@nixntc.uucp ]
[ Eunet: kebsch.pad@nixpbe.uucp, X.400: kebsch@pad.nixdorf.dbp.de ]
Date: 29 May 90 20:50:10 GMT
From: pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sdd.hp.com!cs.utexas.edu!hellgate.utah.edu!cc.utah.edu!cc.usu.edu!slsw2@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Roger Ivie)
Subject: floppy drive hardware
Message-ID: <25083@cc.usu.edu>
In article <5715@balu.UUCP>, tilmann@cosmo.UUCP (Tilmann Reh) writes:
> Independent of the previous: please show me a member of the x79x family
> with the whole floppy interface (as mentioned earlier) on a SINGLE CHIP !
> Just fits in the gap between CPU and FDD. No glue logic, no clocks, no PLL,
> even no drivers!
Of course, the only reason you can get 765s like that is because IBM used
the 765. Noone wants to build new x79x chips anymore, since they would be
incompatible with the IBM market.
Roger Ivie
35 S 300 W
Logan, Ut. 84321
(801) 752-8633
Date: 2 Jun 90 17:12:03 GMT
From: fernwood!portal!cup.portal.com!Azog-Thoth@uunet.uu.net (William Thomas Daugustine)
Subject: Kaypro II boot disk needed
Message-ID: <30457@cup.portal.com>
Im in need of a boot disk for a Kaypro II. This is the II, not the 2
model, with SSDD drives.
Billy D'Augustine
Date: 30 May 90 14:48:44 GMT
From: sdd.hp.com!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!samsung!cs.utexas.edu!texbell!ficc!peter@ucsd.edu (Peter da Silva)
Subject: Xerox 820... upgrade to DS/DD
Message-ID: <F0T3Q+E@xds13.ferranti.com>
In article <9005251653.AA11312@lll-lcc.llnl.gov> rzh@LLL-LCC.LLNL.GOV (Roger Hanscom) writes:
> Unfortunately, Peter, the 820 is based on the WD 1771 controller which is
> SD *only*.
Funny. I'm already running DD/SS. This is an 820-II.
`-_-' Peter da Silva. +1 713 274 5180. <peter@ficc.ferranti.com>
'U` Have you hugged your wolf today? <peter@sugar.hackercorp.com>
@FIN Dirty words: Zhghnyyl erphefvir vayvar shapgvbaf.
Date: Wed, 30 May 90 07:55 EDT
From: GOODWIN%SMCVAX.BITNET@mitvma.mit.edu
Subject: Z-System for DEC Rainbow
Does anyone know if the Z-system can be run on a DEC Rainbow? It's a
CP/M capable machine, but I'd like to hear if anyone has already done
this, since the machine is rather nonstandard in lots of ways!
Thanx for any info...
Dave Goodwin |
Coordinator, PC Support/User Services | To err is human.
VAX System Manager | To really foul things up,
----------------------------------------------| You need a computer.
BitNet/CREN : Goodwin@Smcvax |
Ma Bell : (802)655-2000 X2220 |
Pony Express: Saint Michael's College | -Who Knows?
Department of Computer Services |
Winooski Park |
Colchester, VT 05439 |
Ham Radio : KA1VLJ/AG |
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #95
7-Jun-90 05:44:07-MDT,4153;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 7-Jun-90 05:36:20
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 90 05:36:20 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #96
Message-ID: <900607053620.V90N96@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Thu, 7 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 96
Today's Topics:
Daisy Chaining XEROX 820-2 Drives
More about Televideo 803
timestamps updating
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 90 12:42:57 CST
From: Steve Westlund <C08920SW@wuvmd.bitnet>
Subject: Daisy Chaining XEROX 820-2 Drives
Message-ID: <9006041822.AA15335@wugate.wustl.edu>
I would like to daisy chain an 8-inch floppy drive unit to the 8-inch rigid
drive connected to my XEROX 820-2. I know where the floppy drive cable has
to be plugged into the back of the rigid drive unit. However, my XEROX
manuals indicate that both the floppy drive and rigid drive units must be
internally modified in order for this to work.
Can anyone out there please explain to me what I have to do internally to
both disk drive units in order to daisy chain them?
As long as I am at it, there is one more question. A XEROX 820-2 with two
floppy drives comes with a baby board which serves as the floppy disk
controller. An 820-2 with a rigid drive unit has a different baby board
used to interface with the floppy and rigid disk controller located inside
the rigid drive assembly. Can I modify a XEROX 820-2 to work with another
type of drive by simply swapping the baby boards, or is there more to it?
Thanks for any information you can provide,
Steve Westlund
Information Systems
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
Date: 4 Jun 90 21:26:39 GMT
From: sk1v+@andrew.cmu.edu (Susan Alane Keim)
Subject: More about Televideo 803
Message-ID: <MaOh8Dq00W0NI8b3gl@andrew.cmu.edu>
Huge thanks to all of you who are willing to help me and my Dad get this
darmblasted machine to actually be of some use(no offense to all of you
CP/Mers, but I am used to Macs and Unix -- this is evil!). I have gotten
back to some of you and will still be calling on the help of others.
I was home again this weekend and the printing (which worked last weekend)
has suddenly decided that it doesn't want to work. The "test" function still
works off-line, so it isn't the printer (which is a little mannesman thingy).
I tried to print using TeleWrite and TWP with many different text files on
several different disks. It always goes about half way through the print
cysle and then it freezes. Only a reboot seems to help here.
Can someone give me an idea of what to check for (the physical connections
seem to be fine)? I really don't know anything about this and my Dad knows
a lot less.
He and I would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me what kind
of problem this sounds like.
Thanks in advance!
-Susie Keim
Date: 5 Jun 90 23:35:00 GMT
From: news-server.csri.toronto.edu!helios.physics.utoronto.ca!ists!yunexus!geac!torsqnt!tmsoft!masnet!canremote!larry.moore@rutgers.edu (LARRY MOORE)
Subject: timestamps updating
Message-ID: <48aeef553d78266c5dc4@canremote.uucp>
I've run across something puzzling and perhaps someone could explain it
to me? I'm using David Goodenough's UUCP21 under CP/M Plus (a Morrow
Decision's 11) - the collected messages (the .MAI files) are added to
when new uucp packets come in, no problem; the problem is that somehow
the access timestamp isn't changed even though the file is altered.
Are CP/M+ timestamps not changed for random read/write BDOS calls, just
for sequential read/write BDOS calls or it there another explanation?
Thanks, larry moore
* Via ProDoor 3.1R
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #96
9-Jun-90 09:40:50-MDT,4094;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 9-Jun-90 09:24:21
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 90 09:24:21 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #97
Message-ID: <900609092421.V90N97@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Sat, 9 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 97
Today's Topics:
Apple II CP/M Programs
C/NIX under CP/M
Daisy Chaining XEROX 820-2 Drives
UZI Unix for CP/M
Date: 7 Jun 90 22:12:23 GMT
From: sdd.hp.com!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!dali.cs.montana.edu!milton!blake!scalawag@ucsd.edu (Keith Frederick)
Subject: Apple II CP/M Programs
Message-ID: <7260@blake.acs.washington.edu>
Does anyone have a list of sites that have CP/M programs that are known
to run under an Apple II running CP/M ? OR maybe a BBS that supports
CP/M for the Apple II ?
Keith R. Frederick / scalawag@blake.acs.washington.edu / CIS:73760,3521
Date: 7 Jun 90 08:52:26 GMT
From: eru!luth!sunic!mcsun!hp4nl!tnosoes!joep@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Joep Mathijssen)
Subject: C/NIX under CP/M
Message-ID: <1186@tnosoes.izf.tno.nl>
I just read an article (4 years old) about C/NIX (Unix for CP/M80). I
wonder if somebody has experiences with this package and knows where
to get it (preferred within Europe). Maybe anybody uses some other
type of UNIX-emulator under CP/M. Let me know!!
PS: still looking for PD-communication software!!
Joep Mathijssen
TNO Institute for Perception Phone : +31 34 63 562 11
P.O. Box 23 Fax : +31 34 63 539 77
3769 ZG Soesterberg E-mail: tnosoes!joep@hp4nl.nluug.nl
The Netherlands or: uunet!hp4nl.nluug.nl!tnosoes!joep
Date: 8 Jun 90 10:06:09 PDT (Friday)
From: Sprague.WBST311@Xerox.COM
Subject: Daisy Chaining XEROX 820-2 Drives
Message-ID: <900608-100733-3304@Xerox>
For some reason, I could not send directly to Steve Westlund, so I am
sending this reply to the whole group.
> I would like to daisy chain an 8-inch floppy drive unit to the
> 8-inch rigid drive connected to my XEROX 820-2.
I too have wondered how to do that, but do not know how to do it (yet). It
is not addressed in the Xerox 820 Technical Reference manual at all. I
will forward your message on to the 820 Users Group dl here at Xerox.
There are some new members, and maybe one of them knows. Send me your
Email address.
> Can I modify a XEROX 820-2 to work with another type of drive by simply
> swapping the baby boards, or is there more to it?
As to the 820-II daughter boards, I am not sure what your getting at, but
there is one daughter for the rigid drive, and one for 8"/5" floppy disk
drives. Swapping back in forth is as simple as plugging them in and
attaching the correct drive. Just *DON'T* get them mixed up (Drive and
card). You *WILL* blow the hard drive controller board inside the drive
cabenet if you attach it to the Floppy controller daughter board, and they
are damn near impossible to replace.
If you need a floppy controller daughter board, let me know.
~ Mike
Date: 8 Jun 90 09:06:12 GMT
From: amelia!prandtl.nas.nasa.gov!slayden@eos.arc.nasa.gov (James B. Slayden)
Subject: UZI Unix for CP/M
Message-ID: <6612@amelia.nas.nasa.gov>
Is it possible that someone out there has UZI- the unix environment
for the CP/M? Or do you have any information where I can get the specs, etc..
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #97
11-Jun-90 14:22:24-MDT,9062;000000000000
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 90 14:15:41 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #98
Message-ID: <900611141542.V90N98@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Mon, 11 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 98
Today's Topics:
0xF800 version of Disk Jockey II wanted
Chess Game Wanted
CP/M software source / some FDC notes
CP/M text editors (2 msgs)
Fast Z80?
Kaypro II
subscribing directly
Date: 10 Jun 90 20:14:30 GMT
From: zephyr.ens.tek.com!orca.wv.tek.com!pogo!dont@uunet.uu.net (Dont Taylor)
Subject: 0xF800 version of Disk Jockey II wanted
Message-ID: <9206@pogo.WV.TEK.COM>
I got an old S100 box running, just to let it blink the lights and run MuMath.
It has a Disk Jockey 2D/B Rev 4 controller with eprom at 0xE000.
MuMath is just crippled with this little ram.
Can anyone supply the address decoding prom, labelled 3D or DJ2-3D, the eprom,
labelled B/V2 E000 D987, or the modified cbios, all to run at 0xF800 instead?
I can't justify paying much, I am embarrassed to admit what I paid for parts
of the system over the years. I can promise the parts a good home and will
keep it running.
I would also consider "intersting" S100 boards with documentation/software
and try get them running again.
please reply by email
(de facto president of the CPM Users' Group NW)
Don Taylor
Date: 11 Jun 90 04:36:46 GMT
From: hub.ucsb.edu!ucsbuxa!6600raft@ucsd.edu (Michael Wise)
Subject: Chess Game Wanted
Message-ID: <5767@hub.ucsb.edu>
Does anybody know if there is a public domain chess game out there? I'm
not a very good player (rated at about 1200) so I don't need anything too
killer. I've got Aztec 'C' and Microsoft BASIC installed on my system
if it needs to be compiled. (I'm running CP/M 2.2 if it matters.)
Thanks for the info!
| Internet: 6600raft@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu | All opinions stated are mine.|
| BITNET: 6600raft@UCSBUXA.BITNET | **Save The Earth** |
Date: 11 Jun 90 15:28:28 GMT
From: zephyr.ens.tek.com!wrgate!dadla!donk@uunet.uu.net (Donald C. Kirkpatrick)
Subject: CP/M software source / some FDC notes
Message-ID: <2710@wrgate.WR.TEK.COM>
Lately there have been a few requests for "where can I get ....."
There is at least one company that still proudly proclaims
"World's #1 CP/M Products Supplier."
Central Computer Products
330 Central Avenue
Fillmore, CA 93015
They still sell C/NIX, C/80, GRAMMATIK, spreadsheet programs, games,
and much more. For $3 they will send you a catalog. I have no
connection with them (except as a very satisfied customer.)
Now to change the subject. I though I'd chip in my two cents worth on
the Western Digital disk controllers are better/worse that the 765 FDC
discussion. Some people may have already discovered that a disk
formatted via a Western controller sometimes cannot be read by a 765.
This is because the Western disk controllers format 10 bytes of FF and
6 bytes of 00 in gap 2 while the 765 formats 11 bytes of FF and 6 bytes
of 00 (as per the standard.) This difference can cause the 765 to miss
the data address mark. Whether or not this happens depends on how good
the PLL is. The Western controllers, having shorted the gap, enable the
PLL earlier. The 765 does not know the gap is substandard short and so
does not enable the PLL in time.
My 765 also can have trouble reading the first sector on a track when
the disk is formatted on a foreign system. The 765 is sensitive to the
location of the index pulse w.r.t. that first sector. My fix to this
problem is: when I find such a disk, I enable a Flip-Flop on my
controller card to divide-by-two the incoming index pulses. This causes
two revolutions per index pulse and on the second pass, where there is
no index pulse, the 765 reads the first sector just fine.
-Don Kirkpatrick (donk@dadla.LA.TEK.COM)
UUCP: {ihnp4 | decvax | ucbvax}!tektronix!dadla!donk
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 90 13:07 CDT
From: Doctor WHO <99626176@UWPLATT.EDU>
Subject: CP/M text editors
Message-ID: <80EE21132EDF205FAE@uwplatt.edu>
I was just wondering what your favorite text editors for CP/M were (perferrably
public domain). I am very new to CP/M (I have it on a C128) and there is so
much public domain software out there. I have VDE 2.61 (or close to that
version, can't remember off hand), VDO and TVX. Which do you suggest (or
suggest one of your own) and why. I would especially appreciate responses from
other C128 owners. Thanks.
Cory Hug
Date: 11 Jun 90 05:13:15 GMT
From: pacbell.com!pacbell!sactoh0!ianj@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Ian R. Justman)
Subject: CP/M text editors
Message-ID: <3251@sactoh0.UUCP>
In article <80EE21132EDF205FAE@uwplatt.edu>, 99626176@UWPLATT.EDU (Doctor WHO) writes:
> I was just wondering what your favorite text editors for CP/M were (perferrably
> public domain).
<< Bits left out >>
> I have VDE 2.61 (or close to that
> version, can't remember off hand), VDO and TVX. Which do you suggest (or
> suggest one of your own) and why.
My favorite editor is ZDE 1.3. I like it because it interfaces
well with ZCPR3.x. But it will (or at least should) work fine
under vanilla CP/M. I also like it because it's a quick editor
because everything is RAM-resident, but that will limit the length
of your edit file to something like 40K, but there are special chop
utilities that will allow you to break a large file down into
smaller chunks. But I also find it easy to use. As for programs
that edit larger files, I haven't had any luck yet finding a file
that will fit that bill nicely. But VDE and ZDE are good starters
until you can find a more suitable editor. Have fun, and happy
Home: Ian Justman |UUCP: ...!uunet!mmsac or |"One of the few
6612 Whitsett Drive | ...!ucbvax!ucdavis!csusac or |die-hard CP/M
North Highlands, CA | ...{ames, att, sun}!pacbell |addicts left on this
(916) 344-5360 95660| !sactoh0!ijsys!ianj |planet"
Date: 11 Jun 90 08:43:10 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!praxis!clldomps@uunet.uu.net (Louis van Dompselaar)
Subject: Fast Z80?
Message-ID: <3428@ruuinf.cs.ruu.nl>
Can anyone tell me if there are any speedy versions
of the Z80? I do not mean the famous B and H types,
but more the 16 bit compatible types.
And if they are compatible, can they be fitted
instead of the Z80.
(Wasn't there a 280 or something?)
Thanks for any help here
Louis van Dompselaar
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 90 09:19:40 PDT
From: rzh@lll-lcc.llnl.gov (Roger Hanscom)
Subject: Kaypro II
Message-ID: <9006111619.AA04690@lll-lcc.llnl.gov>
Hello All --
A friend brought a Kaypro II by the house for repair. It would not boot.
I got it going, but was surprised to discover that it has single-sided
drives (something around 190 K per drive). This is the first time I've
ever touched a "real-live" Kaypro. Can this be upgraded to DSDD?? A
DSDD Kaypro is not a bad machine, but this thing would seem to have limited
usefullness. Anybody know if the ROM upgrades sold by MicroC/Emerald (were
they MicroCode??) will work on a machine like this?? I have applied their
upgrade to a Xerox 820-1, and really like it. Is it worth thinking about
for this machine???
roger rzh@lll-lcc.llnl.gov
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 90 14:38 CDT
From: Doctor WHO <99626176@UWPLATT.EDU>
Subject: subscribing directly
Message-ID: <801829855FBFA000DF@uwplatt.edu>
Is there a way to subscribe to this list directly rather than to a distribution
list to get digests? I would like to get the messages as soon as they arrive
rather than getting a digest every now and then. I thought it was strange when
I see replys to messages that are in the same digest. That must mean that
there is a way to subscribe directly. I am currently subscribed to DIST-CPM
through LISTSERV@RPIECS on Bitnet. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
Cory Hug
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #98
12-Jun-90 00:42:47-MDT,9449;000000000000
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 00:25:11 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #99
Message-ID: <900612002514.V90N99@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Tue, 12 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 99
Today's Topics:
Compupro Selector Channel
CP/M text editors (2 msgs)
Fast Z80?
Reply to INFO-CPM Digest V90 #94
WordStar CP/M Release 4 printer driver problems
Date: 11 Jun 90 19:41:29 GMT
From: fernwood!portal!cup.portal.com!John_A_Pham@apple.com
Subject: Compupro Selector Channel
Message-ID: <30688@cup.portal.com>
I bought this card over the weekends, so now I'm trying to look for
some documentation. The on board rom has a marking "boot 8080 or 8086",
does this mean that this board can be use to boot up either CPM-80 or CPM-86
Does anyone know if Compupro is still in business?
Date: 11 Jun 90 16:53:59 GMT
From: mtxinu!shore@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Melinda Shore)
Subject: CP/M text editors
Message-ID: <1253@mtxinu.UUCP>
In article <3251@sactoh0.UUCP> ianj@sactoh0.UUCP (Ian R. Justman) writes:
>As for programs
>that edit larger files, I haven't had any luck yet finding a file
>that will fit that bill nicely.
I like Vedit+ for this and other reasons. I've edited files 200K
in length, and while it could get sluggish during reads/writes to
floppies, it worked very nicely. It's also very configurable, and
has a TECO-like macro language (some may not consider this to be
a feature).
Melinda Shore shore@mtxinu.com
mt Xinu ..!uunet!mtxinu.com!shore
Date: 12 Jun 90 02:45:25 GMT
From: cs.utexas.edu!asuvax!anasaz!chad@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Chad R. Larson)
Subject: CP/M text editors
Message-ID: <2426@anasaz.UUCP>
In article <80EE21132EDF205FAE@uwplatt.edu> 99626176@UWPLATT.EDU (Doctor WHO)
| I was just wondering what your favorite text editors for CP/M were
| (perferrably public domain).
I've used VEDIT from CompuView for about 10 years. They are mostly
concentrating on their MS-DOS version now, but still sell the CP/M one
(at least they did about a year ago). It allows multiple files to be
edited at one time, multiple windows on screen, files can be any size
that will fit on your disk, works with almost any terminal, etc. It
also has an incredibly powerful command language (very much like TECO).
It is not free, but considering the fact that the most time you spend
at your computer is in the editor (unless you are playing games), and
that I believe good tools are important, it seems worth the price to
Note: as usual, no link between CompuView and me. Just a satisfied
customer (with a little pride that the editor I picked so long ago
when Ted Green was still working in his basement turned out so well).
Cory Hug
Chad R. Larson ...{mcdphx,asuvax}!anasaz!chad or chad@anasaz.UUCP
Anasazi, Inc. - 7500 North Dreamy Draw Drive, Suite 120, Phoenix, Az 85020
(602) 870-3330 "I read the news today, oh boy!" -- John Lennon
Date: 11 Jun 90 20:16:52 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!balu!tilmann%cosmo.UUCP@uunet.uu.net (Tilmann Reh)
Subject: Fast Z80?
Message-ID: <5777@balu.UUCP>
clldomps@praxis.cs.ruu.nl (Louis van Dompselaar) writes:
> Can anyone tell me if there are any speedy versions of the Z80?
> (Wasn't there a 280 or something?)
Yes, there was. But I will try to keep order.
There is a CMOS-Z80 available with 10 MHz for some time now, and this spring
they offered a 20 MHz version. As the Z80 peripherals (also CMOS) only speed
up to 10 MHz, this is only of interest if someone uses TTL-only peripherals
(think of embedded control).
The Z180 (or the identical HD 64180) is an upward compatible MPU with at this
time max. 10 MHz clock. However, it is about 25% faster than a 10 MHz Z80,
cause the M1 cycle lasts only 3 clocks (instead of 4). The MPU contains two
UARTs, two 16-bit-Timer/Counters, two DMA controllers, and a simple banked
MMU for 1 MB addressing space. Bus size still 8 bits. Adds a few instructions
to the Z80 command set (non-destructive AND, and 8x8 bit unsigned multiply).
Z280 is the latest offspring of Zilog's 8-Bit crew. It is also Z80 compatible
but not Z180 compatible. Clock frequency 10 MHz (standard), will go in
quantities with 12.5 MHz in 3Q90. It has a pipelined CPU so speed comparison
depends on the application. With standard CP/M programs, it is a little bit
faster than the Z180 at the same clock (using 16-bit bus). This MPU contains
only one UART, three 16-bit-T/C's, four DMA-controllers, a 256-byte cache,
and a complex paged MMU for 16 MB. It can be configured for 8-bit-Z80-Bus mode,
or for 16-bit-Z-Bus mode (the Z8000 bus). Instruction set is about twice as
big as that of Z80, the new instructions include signed & unsigned multiply
& divide for bytes & words, and very powerful new addressing modes (base index,
register index, for example). It also supports System and User Modes, with
different MMU pages and different privileges.
Both Z180 and Z280 have programmable bus timing (wait state generators), but
the Z280 is the more flexible one.
As a plug-in replacement for the Z80, neither of them is useable. But, you
could adapt them both via some little PCB. Both MPU's are housed in PLCC-68
cases, the Z180 is also available in 64-pin shrink dip. Of course if you do
that, the Z280 cannot be driven in Z-Bus mode.
Perhaps you simply contact Zilog and let them send you some data sheets.
However, if you are interested in a new computer system with the Z280,
please contact me (as I just finished design of my single-board Z280 computer).
Tilmann Reh
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 90 19:25:13 -0400
Subject: Reply to INFO-CPM Digest V90 #94
Message-ID: <5A060B130A1B01E4-SCTNVE*EUDOH@sctnve>
> I got my $20 package from CBM quite a few years ago. Included was a single
> manual that consisted of three or four Digital Research CP/M 3.0 manuals.
> Nothing in the manuals was C128 specific. On the disks were all the utilities
> mentioned in the Digital Research documentation, including the HEXCOM that you
> mention as well as MAC, RMAC, LIB, LINK, XREF, SID, the source code to the
> BIOS, standard (Z80) and specific (8502) macro libraries for the assemblers.
> When DR went from 2.X -> 3.0 some of the utilities were replaced with "new
> and improved versions", Including LOAD(HEXCOM) and DDT(SID). The disks totale
> 3 - C128, 1541 compatible single sided disks (one of the disks was a flippy).
> Bottom line, I felt I got my moneys worth. Your mileage may vary.
How do you go about ordering CPM for the C128, more specifically through
who and what is the address ??
Also, I recall that the C128 in earlier CPM versions was supposed to be able
to read other CPM formats (haven't tried it yet), but has this changed ??
Finally, does anyone have a working version of kermit and/or Xmodem for the
C128 under CPM, or any other modem program for that matter ??
thanks in advance...
A 2.....
( -->> Eudoh@sctnve.bitnet <<-- Cyber Lab Consultant )
( Computer Operations )
( //!\\ \\\\\\\\ Southern College of Technology )
( // \\ !! Marietta, Georgia )
( //!!!!!\\ //////// \\ Etop Udoh \\ )
( // \\ !! \\ - A2 - \\ )
( // \\ \\\\\\\\ )
( Sometimes you just gotta say "what the ...." )
Date: 11 Jun 90 17:49:18 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!balu!tilmann%cosmo.UUCP@uunet.uu.net (Tilmann Reh)
Subject: WordStar CP/M Release 4 printer driver problems
Message-ID: <5776@balu.UUCP>
Hello everybody!
Lately, I bought a copy of WordStar, CP/M Edition, Release 4. As the delivered
printer drivers (incl. CUSTOM and SIMPLE) do not fit my needs, I would like to
write a new one which does.
The WSCHANGE program offers a function 'add new driver', which expects some
driver file of the type '.DRV'.
However, there is *NO* documentation about format and software interface of
these '.DRV' files, nor about file format and spec's of the drivers itself,
nor about the complete WSPRINT.OVR file.
I wrote to the MicroPro Customer Service in San Rafael, but I got no answer
at all. The german MicroPro office didn't even know of WS 4 for CP/M.
Can anybody help with detailed information?
(or even supply e-mail contact address of MicroPro)
Thanks in advance.
Tilmann Reh
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #99
13-Jun-90 08:23:49-MDT,10838;000000000000
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 90 08:15:08 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #100
Message-ID: <900613081510.V90N100@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Wed, 13 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 100
Today's Topics:
CP/M text editors (2 msgs)
Daisy Chaining XEROX 820-2 Drives
HP 125 series 100 Computer
INFO-CPM Digest V90 #98
INFO-CPM Digest V90 #99
looking for CP/M for Macintosh
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 09:57 N
From: DHAESE%phs.uia.ac.be@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
Subject: CP/M text editors
I like the text editor of Borland's Turbo Pascal v2 for CP/M, which
can only be used within Turbo Pascal. Under Turbo Pascal V3 and higher
it does exist as a separately editor, for the PC anyway, but does it
also exist for plain CP/M ? Furthermore, I believe it is
called the "microstar editor", but I am not sure of it.
I wonder ...
Gratien D'haese
e-mail: dhaese@phs.uia.ac.be
Date: 12 Jun 90 17:01:18 GMT
From: wa3wbu!compnect!dave@uunet.uu.net (Dave Ratcliffe)
Subject: CP/M text editors
Message-ID: <619@compnect.UUCP>
In article <80EE21132EDF205FAE@uwplatt.edu>, 99626176@UWPLATT.EDU (Doctor WHO) writes:
> I was just wondering what your favorite text editors for CP/M were (perferrably
> public domain). I am very new to CP/M (I have it on a C128) and there is so
> much public domain software out there. I have VDE 2.61 (or close to that
> version, can't remember off hand), VDO and TVX. Which do you suggest (or
> suggest one of your own) and why. I would especially appreciate responses from
> other C128 owners. Thanks.
I know you said 'preferrably public domain' but I had to install my $.02
American in here. It's old and it's been upgraded a LOT since 1983 but I
am using WordStar 3.3 on my Molecular Mod. 9. I've used it for
everything from letter writing to writing code for the basic compiler to
chew on and have found it easy to get along with and awful hard to
break. Add to that that it's installable for a wide selection of
printers and terminals and it fills the need nicely. If you ever find a
set of disks for it with the manuals at a reasonable price, I think it
would be worth the $$$ to buy it. BTW, I haven't run into any problems
with files to large for it either.
Here's hoping I don't start a WP war here (my WP is better than YOUR
WP!) :-)
*>> Dave <<*
[------: Dave Ratcliffe :--------:-: 2832 Croyden Rd. Harrisburg Pa. 17104 :-]
: dave@compnect.uucp -or- : The Data Factory BBS :
: uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave -or-: Data: (717)657-4997 - (717)657-4992 :
: compnect!dave@uunet.UU.NET :...........................................]
[........use what works..........]
Date: 12 Jun 90 11:18:16 GMT
From: zephyr.ens.tek.com!tektronix!sequent!upba!dsndata!unocss!mlewis@beaver.cs.washington.edu (mlewis)
Subject: Daisy Chaining XEROX 820-2 Drives
Message-ID: <2995@unocss.unomaha.edu>
From article <900608-100733-3304@Xerox>, by Sprague.WBST311@XEROX.COM:
>> I would like to daisy chain an 8-inch floppy drive unit to the
>> 8-inch rigid drive connected to my XEROX 820-2.
> I too have wondered how to do that, but do not know how to do it (yet). It
> is not addressed in the Xerox 820 Technical Reference manual at all. I
> will forward your message on to the 820 Users Group dl here at Xerox.
< Just *DON'T* get them mixed up (Drive and
< card). You *WILL* blow the hard drive controller board inside the drive
< cabenet if you attach it to the Floppy controller daughter board, and they
< are damn near impossible to replace.
> If you need a floppy controller daughter board, let me know.
Where were you guys when I needed info on the Xerox rigid drive? And
the controller? I have a BRAND NEW drive and SA1400 controller in my
basement that I can't use, since I have no data on either, except for
the Shugart glossy on the controller, and the Shugart foldout on their
8" products. The shipping blocks are still in place on the drive. I just
removed the cables as the box was new. The box holds a pair of 8" drives
now, although that took some surgery, and I'm willing to part with the
SA1004, the SA1400 and the SA850 that came in the box for cheep. Any takers?
My wife will love you for it!
Na khuya mne ehto gavno? | Internet: cs057@zeus.unomaha.edu
preferred machine->| UUCP: uunet!mcmi!unocss!mlewis
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 9:06:51 EDT
From: "Paul V. Pullen" <pvpullen@CRDEC2.APGEA.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: HP 125 series 100 Computer
Message-ID: <9006120906.aa09923@CRDEC2.APGEA.ARMY.MIL>
Does anyone out in CP/M land have any knowledge about an HP 125 series 100
computer? My wife's school has just been given an HP 'terminal' (i.e. it looks
like a standard HP Terminal). It has markings on the front that it is a 125
Series 100. It comes with a standard HP9121D disk drive, has on the rear
panel several interface plugs, HPIB, RS-232, what looks like a centronics
interface connector and the standard HP terminal connector.
Central Computer's catalog says the HP125 is a CP/M system, but I am not sure
what this is. If anyone has one of these systems, and a boot disk that I could
get to try, I would greatly appreciate the assistance.
Please contact me at the electronic address below.
Thanks for your assistance.
Paul Pullen
Paul Pullen
United States Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center
(301) 671-2519 /(301) 671-4174
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 11:21 EDT
From: "Bill Weinel" <WWH%NCCIBM1.BITNET@ncsuvm.ncsu.edu>
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #98
> A friend brought a Kaypro II by the house for repair. It would not boot.
> I got it going, but was surprised to discover that it has single-sided
> drives (something around 190 K per drive). This is the first time I've
> ever touched a "real-live" Kaypro. Can this be upgraded to DSDD?? A
> DSDD Kaypro is not a bad machine, but this thing would seem to have limited
> usefullness. Anybody know if the ROM upgrades sold by MicroC/Emerald (were
> they MicroCode??) will work on a machine like this?? I have applied their
> upgrade to a Xerox 820-1, and really like it. Is it worth thinking about
> for this machine???
I recently finished upgrading an old Kaypro II to a Kaypro 8 by
doing the same type of thing which your refering. Micro-Cornucopia has
ROM upgrades available to upgrade a II to a 4 or 8 at a very reasonable
price. The bad news is that they're going out of business.. so if you
want one you'd better order it now. I assume that Dave Thompson will
probably still have them available through his brothers company (Micro-
Sphere in Bend,OR) even after Micro-C goes under. By ording a PRO8 ROM
from them and doing a few hardware mods you can add up to 4 DSDD
40 trk 48tpi (360k) drives to the machine and give it the ability to run
at 5 Mhz clock rate. I put 4 half height Teac FD55s in mine and love it.
BTW: When you call them be sure and use the
standard number as the 800 number has been disconnected. I beleive they
are in the office from 10am til 2pm PDT M-F unless they've shut down
As for a comparison to the 820-1.. yes, it is worth it. The 820-1 and
the Kaypro II are almost identical machines at the motherboard level.
Only a few minor differences in the disk controller area seperate them.
As far as this goes, the Kaypro is a superior machine since it already
has a WD 1593 for a disk controller chip (and is thus able to do DD
with only minor hardware modification). The Xerox requires replacement
of the controller chip and some mods to the data seperator circuit in-
order to do double density as well as a clock rate speed change.
To sum up.. I'd recommend the conversion process. It requires some work
on your part, and you have to be handy with a soldering iron, but it's
cheap and yields a superior machine. TWYL Bill
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 11:27 EDT
From: "Bill Weinel" <WWH%NCCIBM1.BITNET@ncsuvm.ncsu.edu>
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #99
> I bought this card over the weekends, so now I'm trying to look for
> some documentation. The on board rom has a marking "boot 8080 or 8086",
> does this mean that this board can be use to boot up either CPM-80 or CPM-86
> disk?
> Does anyone know if Compupro is still in business?
The DISK2 (which is what you have) will boot either Compupro CP/M-80
or CP/M-86. The boot sequence was somewhat specific to Compupro hardware
though, since it used a call to the the dual processor cpu board (bring-
ing the 8088/86 alive to do block moves in memory). Consequently, unless
you have a Compupro dual processor cpu board.. you may have to re-write
some of the ROM boot code.
Compupro is still around.. They are called Viasyn Corp. and are located
in Hayward CA.
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 07:26:29 CDT
From: buchs@Mayo.edu
Subject: looking for CP/M for Macintosh
Message-ID: <9006121226.AA09894@fermat.Mayo.edu>
I have a 128K Macintosh which is virtually useless now running the Mac
OS. Anybody have any clues on a CP/M or similar OS for this system?
I'd like something that does not use much memory and would allow me to
play with some programming. Please reply to me and I will summarize to
those who request it.
Kevin Buchs Internet: buchs@mayo.edu
Mayo Foundation Is this my life or is it just an
Rochester, MN 55905 incredible, high-speed, simulation?
(507) 284-0009 -S. R. Cleaves
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #100
14-Jun-90 21:40:12-MDT,8199;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 14-Jun-90 21:26:41
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 90 21:26:41 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #101
Message-ID: <900614212641.V90N101@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Thu, 14 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 101
Today's Topics:
Chess Game Wanted (2 msgs)
CP/M on CBM 8032?
CP/M TextEditors
Daisy Chaining XEROX 8
favourite editors
is there a difininite compendium of Word Star 4.0 bugs
PD Coleco ADAM disk software announcement
Date: 13 Jun 90 06:18:24 GMT
From: snorkelwacker!spdcc!merk!alliant!linus!nixbur!nixpbe!peun11!josef@apple.com (Moellers)
Subject: Chess Game Wanted
Message-ID: <josef.645257904@peun11>
In <5767@hub.ucsb.edu> 6600raft@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Michael Wise) writes:
>Does anybody know if there is a public domain chess game out there? I'm
>not a very good player (rated at about 1200) so I don't need anything too
>killer. I've got Aztec 'C' and Microsoft BASIC installed on my system
>if it needs to be compiled. (I'm running CP/M 2.2 if it matters.)
Sounds interesting, may I say "me too"?
| Josef Moellers | c/o Nixdorf Computer AG |
| USA: mollers.pad@nixbur.uucp | Abt. PXD-S14 |
| !USA: mollers.pad@nixpbe.uucp | Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring |
| Phone: (+49) 5251 104662 | D-4790 Paderborn |
Date: 14 Jun 90 16:02:10 GMT
From: ogicse!zephyr.ens.tek.com!wrgate!dadla!donk@ucsd.edu (Donald C. Kirkpatrick)
Subject: Chess Game Wanted
Message-ID: <2754@wrgate.WR.TEK.COM>
In article <josef.645257904@peun11> josef@nixpbe.UUCP (Moellers) writes:
>In <5767@hub.ucsb.edu> 6600raft@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Michael Wise) writes:
>>Does anybody know if there is a public domain chess game out there?
>Sounds interesting, may I say "me too"?
While it's not public domain, Central Computer Products does sell
MYCHESS for $31. It is rated at approximately 1550 (I forgot the exact
rating.) Their address is:
330 Central Avenue
Fillmore, CA 93015
Their catalog costs $3; It's clear form their low prices that it would
be difficult to make money and give it away. I have no connection with
them other than a satisfied customer.
-Don Kirkpatrick (donk@dadla.LA.TEK.COM)
UUCP: {ihnp4 | decvax | ucbvax}!tektronix!dadla!donk
Date: 14 Jun 90 15:37:33 GMT
From: sdd.hp.com!cs.utexas.edu!helios!mcguire@ucsd.edu (Tim McGuire)
Subject: CP/M on CBM 8032?
Message-ID: <5865@helios.TAMU.EDU>
A friend of mine has acquired a couple CBM 8032 computers and restored
them to operating condition. (The 8032 is a glorified PET w/ 80 column
display.) He recently acquired a board which is apparently a CP/M board
for this machine. It was manufactured by Madison [WI] Computer around 1981
and is called a ZRAM board. It has two Z80a chips in it, and an MC6812
chip, as well as several small chips that appear to be RAM chips. He
has the board installed but with no documentation, can't get the 6502
to go to sleep and allow the Z80 to run. (In addition, he has no software
for it.) My question: Is there someone out there who is familiar with
this board and can point us in the right direction to acquire some
(I posted a similar request in comp.sys.cbm but got no response. Any
lead, no matter how minute, would be greatly appreciated.)
Tim McGuire
Date: 13 Jun 90 22:21:13 GMT
From: pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!ohstpy!miavx1!dastrout@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Dave)
Subject: CP/M TextEditors
Message-ID: <1558.2676760a@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu>
Manx software makes a wonderful wordstar-like split screen text editor.
It is not pd, but it is fairly cheap. Look for advertised with their
C compiler (also a good product.)
Dave Strout
Date: 14 Jun 90 01:54:00 GMT
From: mips!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!torsqnt!tmsoft!masnet!canremote!scott.gregory@apple.com (SCOTT GREGORY)
Subject: Daisy Chaining XEROX 8
Message-ID: <db34e4c9ccb026770a58@canremote.uucp>
SM>Subj: Daisy Chaining XEROX 820-2 Drives
SM>Orga: The Internet
SM>For some reason, I could not send directly to Steve Westlund, so I am
SM>sending this reply to the whole group.
SM> ~ Mike
SM> (Sprague.Wbst311@8erox.Com)
I hope the mailing problem persists :-) because I am interested also in
any/all information on Xerox 820-II's. (I am now the proud owner of
two.) So please post all found info to the net or please e-mail to me
too. THANKS!
Scott G.
Date: 13 Jun 90 23:36:50 GMT
From: cs.utexas.edu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!utgpu!utzoo!dciem!lfergus!larry@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Larry Moore)
Subject: favourite editors
Message-ID: <XX0000000e@lfergus.UUCP>
Has anyone got a copy of the Zmate (Pmate for Z-systems) yet? I'd be
interested in your evaluation of it.
Date: 13 Jun 90 21:48:13 GMT
From: van-bc!ubc-cs!alberta!atha!tech@uunet.uu.net (Richard Loken)
Subject: is there a difininite compendium of Word Star 4.0 bugs
Message-ID: <1938@aurora.cs.athabascau.ca>
I am using Word Star 4.0 with a Diablo 1650 word processing printer which I
use with the WS Diablo print driver.
All goes well most of the time but every once in a while a document will not
print without errors: the errors are always identical and in the same place,
stopping the flow of data (to ensure that the buffer is not overflowing) does
not change the symptoms, and errors are more likely to appear in large files
but they can be as easily at the beginning as the end.
I have three possible suspects: an inappropriate printer driver, a
defective printer, and hardshelled insects.
I am presently examining the entymological angle.
What are the known WS4.0 bugs and their solutions?
Richard Loken VE6BSV : "If it doesn't copy Campy
Athabasca University : then its just a marketing
Athabasca, Alberta Canada : gimmick." - M. S. Lueke
tech@cs.AthabascaU.CA {alberta|decwrl}!atha!tech :
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 21:22:54 PDT
From: johnlee@pnet01.cts.com (John Wiley)
Subject: PD Coleco ADAM disk software announcement
Message-ID: <009381BC27FD1A80.00000899@dcs.simpact.com>
Some time ago, there was an item in this digest from someone seeking software
for the Coleco ADAM computer (out of production). I have written a program
which enables file and sector level communication between the ADAM and IBM
compatibles via 5 1/4" floppy.
The program is now available in ADAMDISK.ARC on the San Diego Computer Society
BBS. This file includes the Turbo Pascal source code, .COM file, and a .DOC
file describing the software and general info on the ADAM. The program runs
on IBM compatibles, and includes a disk edit function similar to Norton
Utilities. The entire .ARC file is offered for public use at no charge.
The SDCS BBS operates 24 hours at (619) 549-3788 (2400 N81).
Views expressed are my own.
UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!pnet01!johnlee
ARPA: crash!pnet01!johnlee@nosc.mil (John Wiley - San Diego, CA.)
INET: johnlee@pnet01.CTS.COM
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #101
16-Jun-90 09:06:55-MDT,7778;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 16-Jun-90 08:52:44
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 90 08:52:44 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #102
Message-ID: <900616085244.V90N102@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Sat, 16 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 102
Today's Topics:
Compupro Selector Channel
CP/M text editors (3 msgs)
Daisy Chaining XEROX 820
Design Analysis Associates DE-100 System...
Help !!
Date: 15 Jun 90 19:42:04 GMT
From: crash!mwilson@nosc.mil (Marc Wilson)
Subject: Compupro Selector Channel
Message-ID: <3175@crash.cts.com>
In article <30688@cup.portal.com> John_A_Pham@cup.portal.com writes:
> I bought this card over the weekends, so now I'm trying to look for
>some documentation. The on board rom has a marking "boot 8080 or 8086",
>does this mean that this board can be use to boot up either CPM-80 or CPM-86
> Does anyone know if Compupro is still in business?
What you have here is half of a Compupro Disk 2 HD controller. Their
first one was a two-board set, the DISK 2 and the SELECTOR CHANNEL.
I'm a bit hazy about the function of ech board of the pair, but the
DISK 2 board carries the connectors for the hard drive(s).
The ROM on the SELECTOR CHANNEL will appear at your processor reset
address, wherever that happens to be.
You do NOT need the CPU 85/88, contrary to what someone else has said.
The board has a jumper contolling which half of the ROM is enabled. Set it
one way, and the boot routine is 8-bit ( i.e. 8080 ). Set it the other way
and you have a 16-bit boot.
The SELECTOR CHANNEL board was the smarts for the board set. It's a
channel controller, like the IBM mainframes. You leave it commands in
memory, then bump its attention port. This caused it to come out, get the
IOPB ( I/O parameter Block ), and tell the controller what to do.
It's an IEEE DMA device, capable of transferring 64k of data at a time,
across 64k boundaries. Supposedly pretty fast, too.
Oh, this beast was a SA-1000 ( 8" ) controller, not ST-506 compatible
( although you supposedly could get CompuPro to fix you up one that was
ST-506 ).
Compupro is Viasyn now. No buyout, or anything like that... they just
changed their name. They can be reached at 415-782-2481.
Note that they no longer manufacture the board, and that their current
operating systems no longer support it ( except for CP/M-80 ).
I have no connection with Compupro/Viasyn other than being a very
satisfied customer. My S-100 is all Compupro.
Marc Wilson
ARPA: ...!crash!mwilson@nosc.mil
UUCP: [ cbosgd | hp-sdd!hplabs | sdcsvax | nosc ]!crash!mwilson
INET: mwilson@crash.CTS.COM
Date: 14 Jun 90 23:31:08 GMT
From: sci34hub!cdthq!gary@uunet.uu.net (gary)
Subject: CP/M text editors
Message-ID: <Li5Rk1w161w@cdthq>
dave@compnect.UUCP (Dave Ratcliffe) writes:
> [ Dave recommends WordStar 3.3 ]
> [ ... ] BTW, I haven't run into any problems
> with files to large for it either.
I understand that it is limited to 512K. This from a friend who
had to edit a 1.5MB database, of which 1MB vanished upon exiting
WS. Apparently, the convention for handling files over 512K
involved a different section of the directory entry, and WS
didn't (and probably still doesn't) know about it.
I used to use Vedit; it was supposed to handle a file half the
size of the drive (had to create the temp file....).
Gary Heston, at home....
Date: 15 Jun 90 19:31:12 GMT
From: decvax.dec.com!zinn!mem@mcnc.org (Mark E. Mallett)
Subject: CP/M text editors
Message-ID: <762@zinn.MV.COM>
I still use TED, the TECO clone that I wrote for the Z80. But then,
I'm biased. :-)
Mark E. Mallett Zinn Computer Co/ PO Box 4188/ Manchester NH/ 03103
Bus. Phone: 603 645 5069 Home: 603 424 8129 BIX: mmallett
uucp: mem@zinn.MV.COM ( ...{decvax|elrond|harvard}!zinn!mem )
Northern MA and Southern NH consultants: Ask (in mail!) about MV.COM
Date: 16 Jun 90 08:26:49 GMT
From: eru!luth!sunic!mcsun!cernvax!chx400!ethz!ethz-inf!wyle@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU (Mitchell Wyle)
Subject: CP/M text editors
Message-ID: <26552@ethz-inf.UUCP>
I hate wordstar 3.3 (which I use all the time and am using now).
I use vi at work but would switch to micro-emacs if it has
macros. Does it? Can I write complicated macros in it?
I know about vedit and don't like it that much.
Date: 15 Jun 90 16:39:53 PDT (Friday)
From: Sprague.WBST311@Xerox.COM
Subject: Daisy Chaining XEROX 820
Message-ID: <900615-170123-1158@Xerox>
I have not been active on this group for that long. I know quite a bit
about Xerox 820 computers (820, 820-II, and 16/8).
When I reply to a question, should I copy in the whole group or just send a
reply to the person asking the question?
Scott, I am sending you the info on Daisy Chaining additional 8" drives
onto the 8" rigid drive.
~ Mike
Date: 15 Jun 90 12:49:12 GMT
From: mentor.cc.purdue.edu!mace.cc.purdue.edu!trice@purdue.edu (Phil Trice)
Subject: Design Analysis Associates DE-100 System...
Message-ID: <4933@mace.cc.purdue.edu>
A short time ago, Billy D'Augustine posted a query about the
Design Analysis Associates DE-100 disk emulator system. Someone
then responded who knew about the beast. Unfortunately, neither Billy
nor I have the messages, or the name of the responder. And, as I would
like to talk to the person in the know about this system (which
doubles as a nice CPM machine), here goes some redundancy.
Would the person who works/worked for the company who
manufactured this system please email me? I have a bunch of questions
for you. For the rest of you, my apologies for the net.clutter.
Thanks in advance,
-Phil Trice
Purdue University Computing Center
Microcomputer Repair Group
West Lafayette, IN 47907
(317) 494-1787 ahp@mace.cc.purdue.edu
Date: 15 Jun 90 19:58:22 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!warwick!nott-cs!clan.nott.ac.uk!cczdvh@uunet.uu.net (David Valentine-Hagart)
Subject: Help !!
Message-ID: <51067@robin.cs.nott.ac.uk>
Hi.. this is my first post to comp.os.cpm and so inevitably it's a query. I
have just given a good home to an ICL model 36 PC. This runs CCP/M-86, has an
8088 proccessor, 720k floppy drive & 10Mb internal hard drive. It came with all
the manuals (luckily) and some useful software. the Big Question is... can I
get any more software for this machine, does anybody know WHERE particularly in
the UK, are there any PD sources that I can reasonably access etc.etc
Somebody please point me in the right direction.. I have a whole 7Meg on my
hard disk just waiting to be used up :->>
....................Thanx in advance..... Dave V-H...........
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #102
18-Jun-90 17:49:17-MDT,3448;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 18-Jun-90 17:38:46
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 90 17:38:46 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #103
Message-ID: <900618173846.V90N103@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Mon, 18 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 103
Today's Topics:
PD Chess game for CP/M
text editors (2 msgs)
UZI Unix for CP/M
Date: 16 Jun 90 18:59:53 GMT
From: bu.edu!mirror!pallio!dg@uunet.uu.net (David Goodenough)
Subject: PD Chess game for CP/M
Message-ID: <XX00011736@pallio.UUCP>
Someone was asking about a PD chess program for CP/M. I don't have that
posting available to me any more, but I came across a copy of Z80CHESS
recently. If you still want it please drop me a line here, and I'll send
it out to you.
dg@pallio.UUCP - David Goodenough +---+
IHS | +-+-+
..... !harvard!xait!pallio!dg +-+-+ |
AKA: dg%pallio.uucp@xait.xerox.com +---+
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 90 21:27 CDT
From: Doctor WHO <99626176@UWPLATT.EDU>
Subject: text editors
Message-ID: <7B280F1A19DF8005D4@uwplatt.edu>
Thank you for all your responses to the text editors question. I have found
VDE to be my favorite out of the three that I have. Does anyone know if the
ZDE program mentioned by a few of you can be found anywhere on the network (I'm
on Bitnet with an interface to Internet)? I got VDE off of SIMTEL-20 but I
understand that that is no longer in operation for our purposes
(unfortunately). I never saw ZDE there though.
Cory Hug
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 1990 22:01 MDT
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: text editors
I got VDE off of SIMTEL-20 but I understand that that is no longer
in operation for our purposes (unfortunately).
Cory, you misunderstood. We're still here. Funding prematurely ran
out for the full-time maintenance of the CP/M and MSDOS collections
for the rest of this FY - i.e., until the end of September. The
collections remain where they are, and BITNET access through RPIECS
and NDSUVM1, and other continue on as they were. We expect at least
a minimum level of funding to resume the tasks, beginning in October.
There are no guarantees, and TANSTAAFL.
Date: 16 Jun 90 21:04:34 GMT
From: bu.edu!mirror!pallio!dg@uunet.uu.net (David Goodenough)
Subject: UZI Unix for CP/M
Message-ID: <XX0001173c@pallio.UUCP>
In article <6612@amelia.nas.nasa.gov> slayden@prandtl.nas.nasa.gov
(James B. Slayden) asks:
> Is it possible that someone out there has UZI- the unix environment for
> the CP/M? Or do you have any information where I can get the specs, etc..
I believe that UZI is available from SIMTEL20. Look in PD2:<CPM.UZI>.
dg@pallio.UUCP - David Goodenough +---+
IHS | +-+-+
..... !harvard!xait!pallio!dg +-+-+ |
AKA: dg%pallio.uucp@xait.xerox.com +---+
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #103
21-Jun-90 05:25:29-MDT,8862;000000000000
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 90 05:15:58 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #104
Message-ID: <900621051559.V90N104@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Thu, 21 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 104
Today's Topics:
4 phase computer system
Access to archive-server by mail?
CP/M text editors
Editors, Microcornucopia (2 msgs)
Looking for CPM PIP.COM on 8" disk
Madison Computer and CP/M for CBM 8032
Xerox 820 CP/M System Disk Needed.
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 15:38 CDT
Subject: 4 phase computer system
Message-ID: <78341C2F091F800119@uwplatt.edu>
A friend has a 4 Phase computer that he needs some information on. He has
several boards while look as though they will fit in an S100 backplane. He
was also told that this was a Motorola system, but has not been able to
confirm this. Any info would be appreciated.
Lance Tagliapietra ucslct@uwplatt.edu
Date: 21 Jun 90 09:04:23 GMT
From: eru!luth!sunic!mcsun!hp4nl!tnosoes!joep@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Joep Mathijssen)
Subject: Access to archive-server by mail?
Message-ID: <1204@tnosoes.izf.tno.nl>
Who can mail me an address from a archive-server with
CPM-binaries and sources that can be reached by
E-mail (we don`t have FTP yet).
Joep Mathijssen
TNO Institute for Perception Phone : +31 34 63 562 11
P.O. Box 23 Fax : +31 34 63 539 77
3769 ZG Soesterberg E-mail: uunet!hp4nl.nluug.nl!tnosoes!joep
The Netherlands or: joep@izf.tno.nl
Date: 18 Jun 90 19:55:31 GMT
From: wa3wbu!compnect!dave@uunet.uu.net (Dave Ratcliffe)
Subject: CP/M text editors
Message-ID: <634@compnect.UUCP>
In article <Li5Rk1w161w@cdthq>, gary@cdthq (gary) writes:
> dave@compnect.UUCP (Dave Ratcliffe) writes:
> > [ Dave recommends WordStar 3.3 ]
> > [ ... ] BTW, I haven't run into any problems
> > with files to large for it either.
> I understand that it is limited to 512K. This from a friend who
> had to edit a 1.5MB database, of which 1MB vanished upon exiting
> WS.
Hmmmmm.. Thanks for the warning Gary. I doubt I'll be working with files that
size since I use it mostly for writing code and the modules never get quite
THAT big but it's still nice to know....
I'm reading mentions of FW and PD editors myself. Always interested in
what else is available even though WS has become second nature. Presents
problems in my Unix environment though. uEmacs doesn't know what to make
of ^KS^QP :-)
*>> Dave <<*
[------: Dave Ratcliffe :--------:-: 2832 Croyden Rd. Harrisburg Pa. 17104 :-]
: dave@compnect.uucp -or- : The Data Factory BBS :
: uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave -or-: Data: (717)657-4997 - (717)657-4992 :
: compnect!dave@uunet.UU.NET :...........................................]
[........use what works..........]
Date: 20 Jun 90 12:57:17 GMT
From: mcsun!cernvax!chx400!ethz!ethz-inf!wyle@uunet.uu.net (Mitchell Wyle)
Subject: Editors
Message-ID: <26898@ethz-inf.UUCP>
In <3331@sactoh0.UUCP> ianj@sactoh0.UUCP (Ian R. Justman) writes:
>I tried VDE 2.66, but I had problems using it. I prefer ZDE 1.3
>mainly because it works with my ZCPR33 system. Plus, like I said
>in earlier posts, I can also use it with vanilla CP/M. And I have,
Are there any CP/M editors with MACROS? A simple map mechanism as
in vi (even without the @ apply operator) would be good enough.
Thanks in advance, -Mitch
Date: 15 Jun 90 19:34:00 GMT
From: astroatc!nicmad!madnix!deety!rat@speedy.wisc.edu (David Douthitt)
Subject: Editors, Microcornucopia
Message-ID: <XX00000074@deety.UUCP>
I was using the MicroCornucopia Editor for a while. I have Wordstar 3.3,
but that's overkill for my use.
Once I started using VDE 2.66, I havent gone back to the MicroCornucopia
Editor. Its kind of a shame, because its such a nice editor. I wont
get rid of it, thats for sure.
Is MicroCornucopia still around? What are they like?
====== David Douthitt ======== aka "The Stainless Steel Rat" ====
UUCP: uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!deety!rat
InterNet: madnix!deety!rat@spool.cs.wisc.edu
Home of Mad Apple Forth and the Tiger Toolbox -- Apple II Forever!
Have you hugged your CP/M today?
Date: 20 Jun 90 04:36:07 GMT
From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!mips!pacbell.com!pacbell!sactoh0!ianj@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Ian R. Justman)
Subject: Editors, Microcornucopia
Message-ID: <3331@sactoh0.UUCP>
In article <XX00000074@deety.UUCP>, rat@deety.UUCP (David Douthitt) writes:
> I was using the MicroCornucopia Editor for a while. I have Wordstar 3.3,
> but that's overkill for my use.
I don't know what the Micro-C editor is like, but I have used WS
3.3, and 4.0. I prefer 4.0 because of its extended printer
> Once I started using VDE 2.66, I havent gone back to the MicroCornucopia
> Editor. Its kind of a shame, because its such a nice editor. I wont
> get rid of it, thats for sure.
I tried VDE 2.66, but I had problems using it. I prefer ZDE 1.3
mainly because it works with my ZCPR33 system. Plus, like I said
in earlier posts, I can also use it with vanilla CP/M. And I have,
> Is MicroCornucopia still around? What are they like?
I don't know what they are like (rather were). As for their being
in business or not, Micro-C just met its demise.
Home: Ian Justman |UUCP: ...!uunet!mmsac or |"One of the few
6612 Whitsett Drive | ...!ucbvax!ucdavis!csusac or |die-hard CP/M
North Highlands, CA | ...{ames, att, sun}!pacbell |addicts left on this
(916) 344-5360 95660| !sactoh0!ijsys!ianj |planet"
Date: 20 Jun 90 15:43:50 GMT
From: mentor.cc.purdue.edu!mace.cc.purdue.edu!du4@purdue.edu (Ted Goldstein)
Subject: Looking for CPM PIP.COM on 8" disk
Message-ID: <4951@mace.cc.purdue.edu>
The subject just about covers it. A collegue of mine is in search of
of copy of the CPM utililty program PIP.COM on an 8 inch disk, or failing
that someone who can copy it from his 5 1/4" disk to an 8" disk.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please reply through E-mail to
the address below rather than posting, since I rather doubt everyone else
is interested.
Ted Goldstein E-mail: du4@mace.cc.purdue.edu
Network and Systems Admninistrator Phone : (317) 494-9070
Purdue University School of Technology Office: Knoy Hall, Rm G009
-Life is like a merry-go-round . . . they both have horses.
Date: 16 Jun 90 14:58:00 GMT
From: astroatc!nicmad!madnix!deety!rat@speedy.wisc.edu (David Douthitt)
Subject: Madison Computer and CP/M for CBM 8032
Message-ID: <XX0000007b@deety.UUCP>
Unless I'm mistaken, Madison Computer is out of business.
I'll check around up here for you - SOMEONE must have knowledge
of this CP/M board.
...david (from Madison, Wisconsin -- an alternative to reality)
====== David Douthitt ======== aka "The Stainless Steel Rat" ====
UUCP: uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!deety!rat
InterNet: madnix!deety!rat@spool.cs.wisc.edu
Home of Mad Apple Forth and the Tiger Toolbox -- Apple II Forever!
Have you hugged your CP/M today?
Date: 20 Jun 90 10:15:10 PDT (Wednesday)
From: Sprague.WBST311@Xerox.COM
Subject: Xerox 820 CP/M System Disk Needed.
Message-ID: <900620-103502-5267@Xerox>
Does anyone have a copy of the original Xerox 820 System Disk?
I am attempting to help Ms. Dibrell set up an old 820 System, but she does
not have a CP/M System disk for it ... and for that matter, neither do I.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Does anyone know if the utilities on the Xerox 820-II CP/M System Disk will
cause problems if run on a Xerox 820?
~ Mike
ARPA: Sprague.Wbst311@Xerox.Com
MsgTool: 2455.25220356560.0
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #104
22-Jun-90 16:57:58-MDT,4723;000000000000
Mail-From: KPETERSEN created at 22-Jun-90 16:48:04
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 90 16:48:03 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #105
Message-ID: <900622164804.V90N105@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Fri, 22 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 105
Today's Topics:
Help !!
INFO-CPM Digest V90 #104 - Coleco ADAM PD software
Looking or CPM to DOS conversion...
WordStar 3.3 and HP LaserJet
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 90 11:49
From: "The green Frosch" <UK22%DKAUNI2.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
Subject: Help !!
Message-ID: <"90-06-18-11:49:29.19*UK22"@DKAUNI2.BITNET>
> Hi.. this is my first post to comp.os.cpm and so inevitably it's a query. I
> have just given a good home to an ICL model 36 PC. This runs CCP/M-86, has an
> 8088 proccessor, 720k floppy drive & 10Mb internal hard drive. It came with al
> the manuals (luckily) and some useful software. the Big Question is... can I
> get any more software for this machine, does anybody know WHERE particularly i
> the UK, are there any PD sources that I can reasonably access etc.etc
> Somebody please point me in the right direction.. I have a whole 7Meg on m
> hard disk just waiting to be used up :->>
I am using a SIEMENS PC 16-11 that runs also under CCP/M-86. It has
two 720 K Drives and a 32 MB Harddisk (:-) ). There is not very much
of PD-Software, but i have a few compilers , which came from Digital-
Research. I phoned to DR to get newer Versions, but DR doesn't sell
these Compilers or any other Software for CCPM-86 anymore...
So I think they are PD, or not? The software i wrote for this machine
uses features of the Siemens, so i think, it will not run on your
But if you want to look for it...
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 90 19:30:07 PDT
From: johnlee@pnet01.cts.com (John Wiley)
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #104 - Coleco ADAM PD software
Message-ID: <009388BFE57EF420.00000111@dcs.simpact.com>
If you would be interested, I could email you an EEencoded .ARC file of the
ADAMDISK program I recently announced. I have no idea how to get it to SIMTEL
from here, but thought that might be a good place for it to end up. If you
have any comments or ideas, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
At present, I have 3 files for ADAMDISK: .COM, .PAS, .DOC - and in addition I
wrote another program last nite: ADAMAKER.COM in debug. It will take a PC or
MS-DOS single sided 8 sector/track disk, and make it into a bootable ADAM
"DOS" Disk Manager disk. I made this one in response to local requests from
people who have ADAMs, and who damaged or lost their ADAM disks. The program
would be of no real use to anyone who doesn't own an ADAM with disk drive.
Please let me know if you'd like me to email any of these files to you in UUE
format. Thanks for your help.
Views expressed are my own.
UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!pnet01!johnlee
ARPA: crash!pnet01!johnlee@nosc.mil (John Wiley - San Diego, CA.)
INET: johnlee@pnet01.CTS.COM
Date: 22 Jun 90 15:37:00 GMT
From: swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!brutus.cs.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!uxa.cso.uiuc.edu!rkg11213@ucsd.edu
Subject: Looking or CPM to DOS conversion...
Message-ID: <49600003@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
I am looking for software packages to convert from CPM to MS-DOS.
Any suggestions?o
Date: 18 Jun 90 11:59:35 GMT
From: usc!samsung!munnari.oz.au!metro!ipso!stcns3!dave@ucsd.edu (Dave Horsfall)
Subject: WordStar 3.3 and HP LaserJet
Message-ID: <2985@stcns3.stc.oz.AU>
Since my current laser printer has packed it in (Diablo 630 compatible),
I am about to take delivery of a 2nd-hand HP LaserJet. It then occurred
to me that perhaps WordStar 3.3 is not familiar with this beast... It
certainly is not in the WINSTALL menu!
Advice please? Can I simply use the Custom Printer menu and hack it in?
Note that I don't know the HP protocol at all... I need to know, like,
yesterday, if I'm taking the printer...
Dave Horsfall (VK2KFU) Alcatel STC Australia dave@stcns3.stc.oz.AU
dave%stcns3.stc.oz.AU@uunet.UU.NET ...munnari!stcns3.stc.oz.AU!dave
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #105
23-Jun-90 23:22:13-MDT,8154;000000000000
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 90 23:15:12 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #106
Message-ID: <900623231513.V90N106@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Sat, 23 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 106
Today's Topics:
CP/M 80 v.3.0 O.S.
Editors, Microcornucopia
Help !!
Looking or CPM to DOS conversion... (2 msgs)
SIMTEL-20 (2 msgs)
WordStar 3.3 and HP LaserJet
Date: 23 Jun 90 10:02:57 GMT
From: ncrlnk!ncrarg!ncrlasa!gvelasco@uunet.uu.net (Guillermo.Velasco@BuenosAires.NCR.AR)
Subject: CP/M 80 v.3.0 O.S.
Message-ID: <282@ncrlasa.BuenosAires.NCR.AR>
I am looking for a list of tools and applications available for CP/M 80
O.S. (Commodore 128 Version). I actually have WordStar, dBase III, Turbo
Pascal v.3.0 and an unknown version of COBOL.
I 'm also looking for a tool that can let me transfer files between
PC DOS and CP/M O.S. as the files that the applications listed above have
the same format in both operating systems and is my intention to transfer them
between two machines.
Please answer to my individual addresse because sometimes I have problems
to receive news.
Thank you in advance.
Guillermo Velaco | MAILplus: Guillermo.Velasco@BuenosAires
Financial Analyst | PHONE: (54 1) 790-1015/1017
NCR - LASA | FAX: (54 1) 795-6345 (CEMS: LASA)
Buenos Aires, Argentina | UUCP: ...!uunet!ncrlnk!ncrarg!ncrlasa!gvelasco
Date: 20 Jun 90 03:23:28 GMT
From: unmvax!ariel.unm.edu!carina.unm.edu!wranum@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Falcon)
Subject: Editors, Microcornucopia
Message-ID: <1990Jun20.032328.20112@ariel.unm.edu>
...I've never heard of Microcornucopia - could you please tell us uninformed
(I say "us"; I *hope* I'm not the only one) what it is? Is the editor better/
worse than VDE 2.66, for example? Is it PD, shareware, or commercial, or what?
Tnx... Always looking for something better. Somebody needs to port Emacs and
vi over to 2.2.
/ Falcon (wranum@carina.unm.edu) M ============ \
| "If it moves, shoot it; if it keeps | / \ |
| moving, RUN." | /-------> |
+------------------------------------------+ / \ nK1e bYt0rZ |<luB |
| DISCLAIMER: These opinions are mine | ============ |
\ alone, unless they're not. W Albuquerque, New Mexico /
Date: 23 Jun 90 15:37:14 GMT
From: sci34hub!cdthq!gary@uunet.uu.net (gary)
Subject: Help !!
Message-ID: <Rk78k1w161w@cdthq>
UK22@DKAUNI2.BITNET ("The green Frosch") writes:
> Research. I phoned to DR to get newer Versions, but DR doesn't sell
> these Compilers or any other Software for CCPM-86 anymore...
> So I think they are PD, or not? The software i wrote for this machine
They are not. Copyright (not to mention the insane license agreement)
does not expire when something is no longer sold. When a publisher
quits printing a book, does it's copyright expire? You might call
DR and ask if they'll permit you to make copies on a no-profit
basis, or if they'll release it (hahaha....) into public domain.
(Remember, these people wanted $350 for CP/M-86, which is why
everyone wrote for the $60 PC-DOS.)
> uses features of the Siemens, so i think, it will not run on your
> machine...
Probably true, but the source code would be a great starting
point for someone else....
Gary Heston, at home....
Date: 23 Jun 90 01:06:17 GMT
From: hub.ucsb.edu!crmeyer@ucsd.edu
Subject: Looking or CPM to DOS conversion...
Message-ID: <5859@hub.ucsb.edu>
In article <49600003@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>, rkg11213@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu writes...
>I am looking for software packages to convert from CPM to MS-DOS.
>Any suggestions?
22DISK by Sydex is a great shareware product that converts, formats,
and copies CP/M <-> DOS for a huge number of CP/M machines. The
software works very well and is simple to use. Their adress is:
153 N. Murphy Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Date: 23 Jun 90 16:51:37 GMT
From: eru!luth!sunic!mcsun!ukc!axion!tharr!pm111@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU (Paul Martin)
Subject: Looking or CPM to DOS conversion...
Message-ID: <795@tharr.UUCP>
In article <49600003@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> rkg11213@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
>I am looking for software packages to convert from CPM to MS-DOS.
>Any suggestions?
You could try 22DISK from Sydex -- it's shareware, and can be downloaded
from most bulletin boards.
If life is just a bowl of cherries, you'd better watch out for the stones.
Paul Martin. pm111@tharr.uucp INTERNET: pm111%tharr.uucp@ukc.ac.uk
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 90 01:06 CDT
From: Doctor WHO <99626176@UWPLATT.EDU>
Subject: SIMTEL-20
Message-ID: <76528DAF619FE0015B@uwplatt.edu>
Thanks for clearing up the fact that SIMTEL-20 is not gone for our purposes.
But I'm still somewhat confused about it. Do you just mean that because of the
budget cut that it is not long maintained full time but that it is once in a
while and that we can still get the stuff from it that was already there? You
mentioned still being able to get to it via RPIECS, etc. but can we still FTP
to it?
Cory Hug
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 1990 09:37 MDT
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: SIMTEL-20
Do you just mean that because of the budget cut that it is not
long maintained full time but that it is once in a while and that
we can still get the stuff from it that was already there?
You mentioned still being able to get to it via RPIECS, etc. but
can we still FTP to it?
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 90 23:20:55 PDT
From: cwr@pnet01.cts.com (Will Rose)
Subject: UZI
Message-ID: <009389A132590060.00000111@dcs.simpact.com>
Sorry for the broadband, but email bounced. If James Slayden still needs
UZI, I have a copy.
Good luck - Will
"If heaven too had passions | Will Rose
even heaven would | UUCP: {nosc ucsd hplabs!hp-sdd}!crash!pnet01!cw
grow old." - Li Ho. | ARPA: crash!pnet01!cwr@nosc.mil
| INET: cwr@pnet01.cts.com
UUCP: {nosc ucsd hplabs!hp-sdd}!crash!pnet01!cwr
ARPA: crash!pnet01!cwr@nosc.mil
INET: cwr@pnet01.cts.com
Date: 23 Jun 90 01:31:37 GMT
From: sci34hub!cdthq!gary@uunet.uu.net (gary)
Subject: WordStar 3.3 and HP LaserJet
Message-ID: <eF47k5w161w@cdthq>
dave@stcns3.stc.oz.AU (Dave Horsfall) writes:
> Since my current laser printer has packed it in (Diablo 630 compatible),
> I am about to take delivery of a 2nd-hand HP LaserJet. It then occurred
> to me that perhaps WordStar 3.3 is not familiar with this beast... It
> certainly is not in the WINSTALL menu!
> Advice please? Can I simply use the Custom Printer menu and hack it in?
> Note that I don't know the HP protocol at all... I need to know, like,
> yesterday, if I'm taking the printer...
The LaserJet should have several emulation modes that WS can recognize
one of. Almost certainly, it'll have a Epson clone and may even have
a 630 clone...
Gary Heston, at home....
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #106
24-Jun-90 22:25:02-MDT,8485;000000000000
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 90 22:15:09 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #107
Message-ID: <900624221511.V90N107@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Sun, 24 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 107
Today's Topics:
Anyone still remember the Seagate ST-506 hard drive?
Editors, Microcornucopia
INFO-CPM DIGEST whereabouts? (2 msgs)
Looking or CPM to DOS conversion...
UZI (I didn't recieve it yet)
WordStar 3.3 and HP LaserJet
Date: 25 Jun 90 02:20:36 GMT
From: tindle@g.ms.uky.edu (Ken Tindle)
Subject: Anyone still remember the Seagate ST-506 hard drive?
Message-ID: <15505@s.ms.uky.edu>
I took a Seagate ST-506 hard drive out of a DEC Rainbow 100 with a dead
A-B floppy drive set- my intention was to try it out with a WD XT-GEN
controller in an IBM XT. I thought it was ten Meg- looks like it isn't.
I wouldn't post this, except that I had a problem while trying to low-
level format that I never saw before, and would like to understand. I
doubt this old drive is big enough by today's standards to be much force.
Anyway, what I got was this: there is a lever on the side of the drive
connected to the head stepper, so one can "see" the heads move. At the
start of formatting, I put my finger lightly on this lever, hearing and
feeling the step, step, as I expected; except the lever did not move for
128 steps. Then it would move forward.
It seemed to be trying to move backward past track zero for the first
128 times, in other words. The gold-plated question is: why? In case
I bump up against this again, I'd like to know.
And, I suppose if I really expect to use the drive, I need to know the
total number of cylinders, heads, starting reduced write current and
write precomp cylinder. Anyone have a chart of Seagate drive specs, or
know where I could call or write to get this data?
It's amazing how much power these old drives eat! This one's more quiet
than I remember these old full-height drives as being, though.
--------------------------\ /-----------------------------------------------
INTERNET:tindle@ms.uky.edu | "Could you please continue the petty bickering?
BITNET: tindle@ukma.bitnet | I find it most intriguing." --- Data,
Ken Tindle - Lexington, KY | Star Trek, The Next Generation, "Haven"
--------------------------/ \-----------------------------------------------
Date: 25 Jun 90 00:50:32 GMT
From: mcdchg!chinet!chaz@rutgers.edu (Charlie Kestner)
Subject: Editors, Microcornucopia
Message-ID: <1990Jun25.005032.10544@chinet.chi.il.us>
In article <1990Jun20.032328.20112@ariel.unm.edu> wranum@carina.unm.edu (Falcon) writes:
.stuff deleted...
>Tnx... Always looking for something better. Somebody needs to port Emacs and
>vi over to 2.2.
Someone already HAS orted EMacs (kinda) over to 2.2 - it's available
(I should say "KIND of available"!) as either Mince (you can get it from)
C Users Group in Kansas - needs BDS-C to compile), Perfect Writer (can't
buy it legally anymore, but...), or Pmate (ditto on the buy it business).
Mince is emacs-LIKE. You get the identical command structure, but
the macro facility is limited. There is no toggling between command mode,
and text entry, it's basically text entry, and you can make a one-line
macro (but you can't SAVE your macros).
Perfect Writer is the same as Scribble. All Perfect did was to combine
SMince and Scribble (a formatter) along with a menu and a spell-checker, and
call the whole ting Perfect{ Writer.
OTOH, Pmate DOES let you toggle between command and text-entry mode.
I understand it's not being sold anymore, but have seen some traffic
about it being made available as Zmate (Pmate that understands Z3).
Date: 23 Jun 90 02:08:01 GMT
From: mcdchg!chinet!chaz@rutgers.edu (Charlie Kestner)
Subject: INFO-CPM DIGEST whereabouts?
Message-ID: <1990Jun23.020801.4457@chinet.chi.il.us>
I keep seeing referrals to an INFO-CPM DIGEST, but I cannnot
find this critter on the 'net. (I CAN find the IBM-PC version in
it's own newsgroup, but not the CP/M one.)
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 1990 18:23 MDT
From: "Frank J. Wancho" <WANCHO@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: INFO-CPM DIGEST whereabouts?
INFO-CPM Digest gets its feed from comp.os.cpm and directly sent
messages. It is distributed only to the Internet. The individual
messages sent to INFO-CPM not originating from comp.os.cpm are sent to
INFO-IBMPC is an original feed from the Internet, exists only in
digest form, and appears as a moderated newsgroup on the usenet side.
Date: 24 Jun 90 17:07:20 GMT
From: idunno!njsmu!mccc!ajh@louie.udel.edu (Alan J. Holsberg)
Subject: Looking or CPM to DOS conversion...
Message-ID: <1990Jun24.170720.625@mccc.uucp>
Would this work with the kaypro10? I have been trying to
find a way to be able to use MS-DOS on this machine. Please
e-mail me any info that could be helpfull. Thank you.
Signed Me!! Alan
Alan Holsberg E-MAIL- UUCP {...!rutgers!}princeton!mccc!ajh
I have no intention of telling you my real name!
Disclaimer: MCCC has no knowledge of me, so they don't care what I say!!
Date: 24 Jun 90 04:47:15 GMT
From: cs.utexas.edu!usc!samsung!crackers!m2c!wpi!ggray@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Gary P Gray)
Subject: Micro-emacs?
Message-ID: <13637@wpi.wpi.edu>
I was just wondering (with all of this talk about editors) Has anyone tried
to compile a version of micro-emacs for CP/M? Just how "micro" is micro-emacs
-- WARNING!!! The above opinions may be HAZARDOUS or FATAL if swallowed!!! --
"Way back in 68 every thing was so >> Gary Gray -- ggray@wpi.wpi.edu<<
great no way wrong date keep up the trade balance charade close circuit
truth used to remove keep the camera alive"
Date: 24 Jun 90 07:59:23 GMT
From: fernwood!portal!cup.portal.com!Lance_W_Rund@decwrl.dec.com
Subject: SOL-20
Message-ID: <31112@cup.portal.com>
I just found a pristine-condition SOL-20 (the machine I first learned on...
those were the days), and I am looking for a few things to make it run:
Northstar disk drive
System documentation
System software (Northstar DOS, and Northstar BASIC would be ideal)
ANY other software
I have a Northstar MicroDisk Controller MDC-A4... am looking for any info
on my system, the drives, etc. I don't need the original documentation,
copies will do nicely...
--lance rund
| insert your own trailer here |
Date: 24 Jun 90 13:33:42 GMT
From: amelia!prandtl.nas.nasa.gov!slayden@ames.arc.nasa.gov (James B. Slayden)
Subject: UZI (I didn't recieve it yet)
Message-ID: <6921@amelia.nas.nasa.gov>
I got some garbled mail that had the title of UZI. I haven't
recieved a copy form anyone yet. I tried to find it at SIMTEL20 with no
luck. I would appreciate it if someone could send me all need for implementation
Thanks again.
James B. SLayden
Date: 22 Jun 90 06:27:32 GMT
From: mcdchg!chinet!chaz@rutgers.edu (Charlie Kestner)
Subject: WordStar 3.3 and HP LaserJet
Message-ID: <1990Jun22.062732.9587@chinet.chi.il.us>
You can hand patch WS, but you'll need a sector editor (PATCH or
something similar), and the listing of WordStar patch-points (last
file I saw was named WSBIBLE2.DOC).
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #107
25-Jun-90 15:28:22-MDT,9250;000000000000
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 90 15:15:34 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #108
Message-ID: <900625151536.V90N108@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Mon, 25 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 108
Today's Topics:
22DSK by Sydex
Anyone still remember the Seagate ST-506 hard drive?
DEC Rainbow users?
Looking or CPM to DOS conversion...
More ST-506 drive woes...
Needed: ADAPTEC 4000A disk controller !
ST-506 data
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 90 08:45 EDT
Subject: 22DSK by Sydex
An non-licensed/PD version of 22DSK is available in Simtel directory
<MSDOS.DSKUTL>. I think it is now 22DSK133.ZIP.
Of course, it is just a disk format converter (transferification), and not
an objet code translator... :-)
Date: 25 Jun 90 06:43:26 GMT
From: hub.ucsb.edu!crmeyer@ucsd.edu
Subject: Anyone still remember the Seagate ST-506 hard drive?
Message-ID: <5864@hub.ucsb.edu>
In article <15505@s.ms.uky.edu>, tindle@ms.uky.edu (Ken Tindle) writes...
>I took a Seagate ST-506 hard drive out of a DEC Rainbow 100
>..... I need to know the
>total number of cylinders, heads, starting reduced write current and
>write precomp cylinder.
Segate St-506
5 MByte Capacity
153 Cylinders
4 Heads
128 Reduced write current
128 write precomp cylinder
17 sectors per track
| Charles R. Meyer |
| |
| Internet: crmeyer@voodoo.ucsb.edu |
| Bitnet: crmeyer@voodoo |
| HEPnet: voodoo::crmeyer |
Date: 25 Jun 90 19:59:11 GMT
From: md33+@andrew.cmu.edu (Marek J. Druzdzel)
Subject: DEC Rainbow users?
Message-ID: <QaVaoDC00Uzx83JV9g@andrew.cmu.edu>
I just bought a DEC Rainbow for a bargain price and would
like to use it as an intelligent terminal from my home.
Rainbow has a terminal mode, but it does not seem to be
intelligent (i.e. up and downloading files from the host,
using the programming features of the modem, etc.). What
I need is a good terminal program. I have no technical
documentation necessary for writing one. Does anybody
have a terminal program for Rainbow?
Another question is: Does anybody have software for
reading/writing PC 360K floppies on Rainbow? Rainbow
has MS-DOS and 400K floppies - it must be technically
Any other tips for a beginning owner?
Thanks for your responses,
Date: 25 Jun 90 20:52:30 GMT
From: cgdra.cgd.ucar.edu!steele@handies.ucar.edu (Alfred Steele)
Subject: Looking or CPM to DOS conversion...
Message-ID: <7782@ncar.ucar.edu>
In article <49600003@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> rkg11213@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
>I am looking for software packages to convert from CPM to MS-DOS.
>Any suggestions?o
Yes I would also like info if anyone has solved this problem. Please e-mail
to save net resources.
Thanks in advance:
Alfred Steele
Date: 25 Jun 90 16:42:29 GMT
From: tindle@g.ms.uky.edu (Ken Tindle)
Subject: More ST-506 drive woes...
Message-ID: <15514@s.ms.uky.edu>
I'd like to start off by thanking these kind folks for their help:
Brian Kantor <brian@ucsd.edu>
Alex Nghiem <nghiem@emx.utexas.edu>
Ed Grey <ac959@cleveland.freenet.edu>
Larry Jones <scjones@sdrc.uu.net>
Dave Goodman <daveg@usource.sarasota.fl.us>
Kevin Strietzel <kevin@cs.arizona.edu>
Seems there *are* still people who remember old hard disk drives :-)!
I not only have complete specs on the ST-506 now, but a WD BBS that
has other drive type info too.
OK, Brian informs me that an XT-GEN controller is able to handle drives
with buffered seeks only, and the ST-506 is too stupid to be able to do
this (makes sense, you ought to see the old stuff on this thing's servo
So, I have an IBM XT controller that *will* work, BUT...
There's no way to start a low-level format! Does anyone have, or know
where to get, a formatter for these original IBM controllers?
Please don't tell me to call IBM; trust me, they could not possibly care
less about this old stuff! I know, because I have dealt with them in the
past. If I can't find a real live person with some hacker blood, I'll be
out of luck on this one.
In article <10984@netcom.UUCP> onymouse@netcom.UUCP (John Debert) writes:
>I had to attach a second power supply to one of the drive units where
>I changed one SA-604 to a ST-506 cos it kept going shutting down.
>At least it is quieter than the SA-604 - except for the vibration.
Yes, it vibrates a PClone keyboard through the table enough to make the
plastic case rattle like mad! Go, baby, go!
--------------------------\ /-----------------------------------------------
INTERNET:tindle@ms.uky.edu | "Could you please continue the petty bickering?
BITNET: tindle@ukma.bitnet | I find it most intriguing." --- Data,
Ken Tindle - Lexington, KY | Star Trek, The Next Generation, "Haven"
--------------------------/ \-----------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 90 23:31:18 IST
Subject: Needed: ADAPTEC 4000A disk controller !
Anybody out there with such a SCSI disk controller in working condition,
willing to get rid of it for a reasonable price?
Jacques Goldberg
||__ 2 zeroes !!
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 90 04:18:30 -0400
From: ac959@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
Subject: ST-506 data
Message-ID: <9006250818.AA09557@cwns10.INS.CWRU.Edu>
>Date: 25 Jun 90 02:20:36 GMT
>From: tindle@g.ms.uky.edu (Ken Tindle)
>Subject: Anyone still remember the Seagate ST-506 hard drive?
>Message-ID: <15505@s.ms.uky.edu>
>And, I suppose if I really expect to use the drive, I need to know the
>total number of cylinders, heads, starting reduced write current and
>write precomp cylinder. Anyone have a chart of Seagate drive specs, or
>know where I could call or write to get this data?
The following is an excerpt from ALLSPEX.LBR which list the
specs of many of the Seagate line of hard drives. It is
available on my RCP/M. I hope that this is what you need. Take
ST - 506
UNFORMATTED CAPACITY (MB) ________________6.38
ACTUATOR TYPE ____________________________STEPPER
TRACKS ___________________________________612
CYLINDERS ________________________________153
HEADS ____________________________________4
DISCS ____________________________________2
MEDIA TYPE _______________________________OXIDE
RECORDING METHOD _________________________MFM
TRANSFER RATE (mbits/sec) ________________5.0
INTERFACE ________________________________ST506
TPI (TRACKS PER INCH) ____________________255
BPI (BITS PER INCH) ______________________7,690
AVERAGE ACCESS (ms) ______________________85
SINGLE TRACK SEEK (ms) ___________________3
MTBF (power-on hours) ____________________11,000
+12V TYPICAL (amps) __1.6
+5V TYPICAL (amps) ___0.7
TYPICAL (watts) ______22.7
MAXIMUM (watts) ______47
BUFFERED STEP PULSE RATE (micro sec) _____3 ms ONLY
WRITE PRECOMP (cyl) ______________________128
REDUCED WRITE CURRENT (cyl) ______________128
LANDING ZONE (cyl)________________________157
IBM AT DRIVE TYPE ________________________N/A
Ed Grey (ac959), Sysop of The Grey Matter BBS & RCP/M 213-9716260
Internet: ac959@cleveland.freenet.edu
Bitnet: ac959%cleveland.freenet.edu@cunyvm
Fidonet: 1:102/752 or 1:102/743
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #108
26-Jun-90 15:35:09-MDT,10675;000000000000
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 90 15:15:25 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #109
Message-ID: <900626151526.V90N109@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Tue, 26 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 109
Today's Topics:
BD Systems C compiler
CP/M 80 v.3.0. O.S.
DEC Rainbow
Looking or CPM to DOS conversion...
Modem: MNP (level 4) to MNP (level 5)
simple question, I think
Where to call for hard disk specs
Date: 24 Jun 90 22:59:30 GMT
From: unmvax!ariel.unm.edu!carina.unm.edu!wranum@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Falcon)
Subject: BD Systems C compiler
Message-ID: <1990Jun24.225930.1924@ariel.unm.edu>
...Does anybody know where I could upgrade BDS-C 1.31 to whatever the newest
revision is? I've ftp'd everything out of the BDS-C directories and while it
appears to contain lots of revisions to the libraries and things, I havn't been
able to compile much of anything due to the very old and bug-laden version of
the compiler that I have... Does anybody know where I can upgrade the actual
executable compiler (CC.COM and CC2.COM) to version 1.51 or whatever the newest
version is, and how much it's going to cost me? Tnx...
/ Falcon (wranum@carina.unm.edu) M ============ \
| "If it moves, shoot it; if it keeps | / \ |
| moving, RUN." | /-------> |
+------------------------------------------+ / \ nK1e bYt0rZ |<luB |
| DISCLAIMER: These opinions are mine | ============ |
\ alone, unless they're not. W Albuquerque, New Mexico /
Date: 26 Jun 90 12:35:07 GMT
From: ncrlnk!ncrarg!ncrlasa!gvelasco@uunet.uu.net (Guillermo.Velasco@BuenosAires.NCR.AR)
Subject: CP/M 80 v.3.0. O.S.
Message-ID: <289@ncrlasa.BuenosAires.NCR.AR>
I am looking for a list of tools and applications available for CP/M 80
O.S. (Commodore 128 Version). I actually have WordStar, dBase III, Turbo
Pascal v.3.0 and an unknown version of COBOL.
I 'm also looking for a tool that can let me transfer files between
PC DOS and CP/M O.S. as the files that the applications listed above have
the same format in both operating systems and is my intention to transfer them
between two machines.
Please answer to my individual addresse because sometimes I have problems
to receive news.
Thank you in advance.
Guillermo Velasco | MAILplus: Guillermo.Velasco@BuenosAires
Financial Analyst | PHONE: (54 1) 790-1015/1017
NCR - LASA | FAX: (54 1) 795-6345 (CEMS: LASA)
Buenos Aires, Argentina | UUCP: ...!uunet!ncrlnk!ncrarg!ncrlasa!gvelasco
Date: Mon 25 Jun 90 18:53:16-EST
Subject: DEC Rainbow
Message-ID: <646354396.810000.KLENSIN@INFOODS.MIT.EDU>
Marek (md33+@andrew.cmu.edu) writes:
>Rainbow has a terminal mode, but it does not seem to be
>intelligent (i.e. up and downloading files from the host,
>using the programming features of the modem, etc.).
In terminal mode, it is a VT102 with a funny keyboard. Period.
> What I need is a good terminal program. I have no technical
>documentation necessary for writing one. Does anybody
>have a terminal program for Rainbow?
There are good versions of kermit and all the usual other things
available for this machine. Most of them provide VT10x emulation, with
some ability to use the bigger keyboard, and whatever file transfer things
come with them. These should be in the archives.
>Another question is: Does anybody have software for
>reading/writing PC 360K floppies on Rainbow? Rainbow
>has MS-DOS and 400K floppies - it must be technically
Not a chance. That cute little diskette drive you are looking at--into
which both diskettes go "write side out", has only one motor and one set of
heads *per diskette*. So, it is 400Kb single-sided, in its own unique
format. There is software around that will run on AT-class MessDOS
machines that use 1.2Mb floppies that will write and read the Rainbow 80
track single sided format (we've had pretty good success with MediaMaster
(tm)). And you should note that the Rainbow has special firmware that
permits it to read *single-sided* standard PC diskettes (180K), which can
be recorded on any PC. It can sort of write them, too, subject to the
restrictions about writing on a narrow-headed machine for a wide-headed
machine (e.g., the diskette should be *very* blank before you start, but
formatted on the wide-headed machine). Reading doesn't take anything
special, just format the disks single sided in the IBM environment, write
on them, put the diskette into the Rainbow, and read or copy as usual.
But there is no way to read or write an IBM 360K diskette on the
Rainbow--not enough heads in the right places. And no way to write or read
Rainbow diskettes on an IBM 360K drive--not enough tracks.
Various third-party vendors make, or used to make, IBM-compatible 360Kb
drives that could be attached to the Rainbow, but they are--or used to be--
sufficiently expensive that parking an IBM clone next to the Rainbow as a
diskette device and running a serial wire between them was often a more
cost-effective solution.
--john klensin
Date: 24 Jun 90 23:05:03 GMT
From: unmvax!ariel.unm.edu!carina.unm.edu!wranum@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Falcon)
Subject: Looking or CPM to DOS conversion...
Message-ID: <1990Jun24.230503.2068@ariel.unm.edu>
In article <795@tharr.UUCP> pm111@tharr.UUCP (Paul Martin) writes:
>You could try 22DISK from Sydex -- it's shareware, and can be downloaded
>from most bulletin boards.
...If this program is indeed shareware, could somebody either post it to a
public-access FTP site or mail it to me? There aren't any CP/M BBSs in/around
Albuquerque for many miles; it would be most appreciated...
/ Falcon (wranum@carina.unm.edu) M ============ \
| "If it moves, shoot it; if it keeps | / \ |
| moving, RUN." | /-------> |
+------------------------------------------+ / \ nK1e bYt0rZ |<luB |
| DISCLAIMER: These opinions are mine | ============ |
\ alone, unless they're not. W Albuquerque, New Mexico /
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 90 06:37:07 -0400
From: ac959@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
Subject: Modem: MNP (level 4) to MNP (level 5)
Message-ID: <9006261037.AA05289@cwns9.INS.CWRU.Edu>
Subject: MNP level 4 to MNP level 5
I am using an EMEX 2400EC modem which supports MNP level 4.
Whenever I call to an HST modem with MNP level 5 I cannot
connect with error correction (MNP). It is my belief that when
2 modems that support MNP are attempting to connect, they should
step down until they reach a level of MNP that is supported by
both modems.
I can connect to PC-Pursuit with MNP error correction and they
only support up to level 3. I can also cause PC-P's outdial
modems connect to an HST (MNP level 5) modem. I just cannot
make my modem connect directly with an HST (level 5). Any
MNP, up to level 4, is supposed to useful in using modems over
dirty phone lines. Sometimes my line get quite noisy and it
would be useful to be able to use this feature. Thanks in
NOTE: The modem is manufactured by INCOMM DATA SYSTEMS, INC. and
I'm using it on a TeleVideo TS803H CP/M system.
Ed Grey (ac959), Sysop of The Grey Matter BBS & RCP/M 213-9716260
Internet: ac959@cleveland.freenet.edu
Bitnet: ac959%cleveland.freenet.edu@cunyvm
Fidonet: 1:102/752 or 1:102/743
Date: 26 Jun 90 19:22:38 GMT
From: sk1v+@andrew.cmu.edu (Susan Alane Keim)
Subject: simple question, I think
Message-ID: <AaVvLym00W0NJ1=29Q@andrew.cmu.edu>
Hello all --
I posted a problem before where my father suddenly couldn't print anything
on his Televideo (CP/M 2.2) and line printer. I was told to try PIP to
see where the problem was. First, the machine says there is not enough
memory for this, although PIP is on the system software disk that came with
the machine. Anyway, all of the sudden, the danm thing prints. Is this
possibly dependent on the order that the two machines are turned on (printer
and computer)? A friend suggested that one may need to be on in order to
init the other to it's existance. This makes sense, but I am not sure it
is true in this case. Does anyone know if this could actually have been the
problem and, if so, which needs to be turned on first?
Thank you very much.
Please e-mail to me; don't post.
Susie Keim
Date: 26 Jun 90 12:44:53 GMT
From: tindle@g.ms.uky.edu (Ken Tindle)
Subject: Where to call for hard disk specs
Message-ID: <15524@s.ms.uky.edu>
It occurs to me, while I was looking for specs this week on an old hard
disk drive, that maybe others would like to have this:
From: Alex Nghiem <nghiem@emx.utexas.edu>
Call up Western Digital. Look them up in 1 800 555 1212 information.
They have a BBS with all the specs you need.
From: Dave Goodman <daveg@usource.sarasota.fl.us>
You might also want to know that Seagate has a BBS with all their
drive specs posted... 408-438-8771.
This might be of enough general interest to post; I hope so, since
that's what I've done! Cheers,
--------------------------\ /-----------------------------------------------
INTERNET:tindle@ms.uky.edu | "Could you please continue the petty bickering?
BITNET: tindle@ukma.bitnet | I find it most intriguing." --- Data,
Ken Tindle - Lexington, KY | Star Trek, The Next Generation, "Haven"
--------------------------/ \-----------------------------------------------
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #109
29-Jun-90 10:32:03-MDT,8871;000000000000
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 10:15:44 MDT
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V90 #110
Message-ID: <900629101546.V90N110@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Fri, 29 Jun 90 Volume 90 : Issue 110
Today's Topics:
ADAPTEC 4000A Disk Controller
dBaseII Does Still Exist!
Kaypro stuff
Startup screens, edit macros
terminal programs for DEC Rainbow
Turbo Dos
Uploads to Simtel20
UZI for Z80
Wordstar to Ascii.
Xerox 820
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 90 10:43 EDT
From: "Bill Weinel" <WWH%NCCIBM1.BITNET@ncsuvm.ncsu.edu>
Subject: ADAPTEC 4000A Disk Controller
> Anybody out there with such a SCSI disk controller in working condition,
> willing to get rid of it for a reasonable price?
> Jacques Goldberg
Have you tried Computer Surplus Store? They have the 4000A in
stock for a quite reasonable price. Call them at 1-408-434-0377 for
the latest pricing info.. but I think they were around $90. (BTW: I
am not affiliated with CSS or making any advertising claim on this other
than my personal experience in previously purchasing one from them.)
I hope this information is useful..
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 11:58:36 EDT
From: "Paul V. Pullen" <pvpullen@CRDEC2.APGEA.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: dBaseII Does Still Exist!
Message-ID: <9006291158.aa26365@CRDEC2.APGEA.ARMY.MIL>
dBaseII does still exist. Ashton-Tate has a stock of version 2.43* that is
only in need of a dealer to handle it for us to be able to get it for our
CP/M machines. I have, by hook and crook, obtained a new copy of version
2.43*. I hope we can come out with a sales organization to enable CP/Mers
to continue using this fine product.
I have been in contact with a supplier who will supply to US Government related
users, and have been informed that they will supply it as long as Ashton-Tate
has it in stock. Stephanie Wright of A-T says it is in stock, and has, as I
said, supplied me with a copy. If you are interested, and are in any way
connected with Uncle Sam (including some University or Educational
organizations), contact GTSI at (703) 631-3333. GTSI will supply even small
quantities to Government related organizations while they can get it.
If your use is non-government, contact Ashton-Tate's Customer Relations
Department at (213)329-9989. If we can get a CP/M related organization to
handle the sales, we may be able to reopen the supply.
My lunches have been used up trying to open this channel of other CP/Mers.
I think it is a well that is worth trying to tap.
Paul Pullen
Paul Pullen
United States Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center
(301) 671-2519 /(301) 671-4174
Date: 28 Jun 90 21:08:53 GMT
From: apctrc!drd!mike@uunet.uu.net (Mike Rovak)
Subject: Kaypro stuff
Message-ID: <1990Jun28.210853.24142@DRD.Com>
Will the person who inquired about the Kaypro hardware mods please give
me some help by specifying a sig I can access successfully to reply by
I think you are local but I'm not sure.
The value of my entire system is not great enough to split it up. Make
me an offer for the whole enchilada. I may take it, especially if you're
Disclaimer: My opinions do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.
mike@DRD.Com DRD Corporation
uunet!apctrc!drd!mike (918) 743-3013
Date: 29 Jun 90 06:50:14 GMT
From: mcsun!cernvax!chx400!ethz!ethz-inf!lavi.uucp!wyle@uunet.uu.net (Mitchell Wyle)
Subject: Startup screens, edit macros
Message-ID: <27958@ethz-inf.UUCP>
1) Is there some way to tell wordstar to shut up when it starts? I get
three screens and two delays before I'm allowed to type anything. I
*hate* that. Same thing with my modem program (bw111). It gives
screens-full of startup messages and wants to interact with me all the
time. I want to tell *it* what to do, not be prompted by long-winded,
*slow* delays and screen-fulls of prompts!
2) What wordstar or other edit macros do you use most?
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 90 19:10:23 GMT
From: Christopher Currie (IHR) <THRA004@mvs.ulcc.ac.uk>
Subject: terminal programs for DEC Rainbow
Message-ID: <A24FC653C15D2E80@UK.AC.ULCC.MVS>
>I just bought a DEC Rainbow for a bargain price and would
>like to use it as an intelligent terminal from my home.
>Rainbow has a terminal mode, but it does not seem to be
>intelligent (i.e. up and downloading files from the host,
>using the programming features of the modem, etc.). What
>I need is a good terminal program. I have no technical
>documentation necessary for writing one. Does anybody
>have a terminal program for Rainbow?
MS-DOS terminal programs for the Rainbow can be obtained by Anonymous
Don't try getting them by Email; it doesn't work.
CP/M Kermit is also available for the Rainbow; other CP/M terminal
programs held on Simtel20 should also be configurable for it.
The CPM Users' Group years ago had a whole disk of Rainbow
communications software which might be somewhere in PD2:<CPM.CUG> on
Date: 28 Jun 90 10:52 -0500
From: <umlecla3@ccu.umanitoba.ca>
Subject: Turbo Dos
Message-ID: <753*umlecla3@ccu.umanitoba.ca>
If anyone is familiar with Turbo Dos, could you please drop me a line?
Preferably direct to UMLECLA3@CCU.UMANITOBA.CA
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 90 13:44:13 GMT
From: Christopher Currie (IHR) <THRA004@MVS.ULCC.AC.UK>
Subject: Uploads to Simtel20
Message-ID: <A251FE8AFBDB1000@UK.AC.ULCC.MVS>
I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:
SMPSQZPR.ARK CP/M version of Simple Squeeze Print for Epson-compatible
dot-matrix printers. Prints 4 80-column blocks per 11",12", or A4
page. Form feed at end of page. Will print up to 10
files in one run.
Date: 29 Jun 90 10:08:28 GMT
From: amelia!prandtl.nas.nasa.gov!slayden@ames.arc.nasa.gov (James B. Slayden)
Subject: UZI for Z80
Message-ID: <7044@amelia.nas.nasa.gov>
Is there anyone out there that has tried to implement UZI on the
Cambridge Z88 portable? For that matter does anyone know of a C compiler for
the same? The Z88 runs off the Z80 processor with their own OS called OZ.
All info will be much appreciated.
James B. Slayden
Date: 28 Jun 90 20:56:24 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!warwick!nott-cs!clan.nott.ac.uk!cczdvh@uunet.uu.net (David Valentine-Hagart)
Subject: Wordstar to Ascii.
Message-ID: <51482@robin.cs.nott.ac.uk>
I am new to Wordstar 3.3 and just wondered if there was anything in Wordstar
itself to save files as plain ascii text without the control codes.
........Thanx David V-H........
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 90 09:40:01 PDT
From: donm@pnet01.cts.com (Don Maslin)
Subject: Xerox 820
Message-ID: <00938C5352E85B00.00000111@dcs.simpact.com>
In an earlier e-mail, Sprague.WBST311@Xerox.COM questions whether to
'broadband' his answers to questions on the 820. Such dialog is exactly what
makes the CP/M thread so valuable. I would encourage him to respond
Publically and Frequently.
In a related vein, is documentation for the 820 currently available from Xerox
or others?
UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!donm
ARPA: crash!pnet01!donm@nosc.mil
INET: donm@pnet01.cts.com
End of INFO-CPM Digest V90 Issue #110