In article <2145@abcom.ATT.COM>, rgssxr@abcom.ATT.COM (2249 Scott Russell ) writes:
> I have an Amstrad PCW82whatever which a bought several years ago mostly to be
> used as a word processor. It is a CP/M based system but uses the strangest
> little 3" diskette cartridges (NOT 3 1/2"!).
> If anyone has one of these, do you know how I could adapt a 5 1/4" floppy disk to this machine? Is there a conversion routine to input/output DOS format disks?
Yes, there are 3 companies offering conversion kits now. See a recent issue of
PCW world for info on these. An article on that was in one not too long ago,
but they probably advretise as well. I can get the exact issue if you like.
> Also, the word processor that it uses is called Locascript. It is great for me!
> Do you know if it comes in a MS-DOS version?
Same issue of said mag had an article on that as well. As I recall, there is
an MS-dos version it said.
> I really would like to know if anyone is still using this machine.
A friend of mine here has one and my previous girlfriend did too. . .
While knee deep in a cold Montana stream, minding my own vacation oriented business, back home in Pittsburgh my Molecular 32 took a nasty brownout in the neck. Everything's OK mechanically. Turns out the operating system was scrambled. Alas, it also turns out the disks that came with the mnachine held the wrong operating system. They were/are for the Mole 36 - supporting 5.25 technology.
So... anyone out there running a Mole - the 8" tech. machine? I need the genstar programs to reload. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The machine has been running as a 5 user system at my church.