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10-Feb-92 11:26:32-MST,7096;000000000000
Mail-From: W8SDZ created at 10-Feb-92 11:22:26
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 92 11:22:26 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V92 #11
Message-ID: <920210112226.V92N11@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Mon, 10 Feb 92 Volume 92 : Issue 11
Today's Topics:
Need TCP/IP software for CP/M
Re: Any replaced Z80 by Z280? (2 msgs)
Re: SIMTEL CP/M archives listing
Vector CP/M Computer
Xerox 820-II
Date: 4 Feb 92 15:46:03 GMT
From: csusac!csus.edu!wupost!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!hamblin.math.byu.edu!news@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu (Sean Eckton)
Subject: Need TCP/IP software for CP/M
Message-ID: <1992Feb4.154603.1085@hamblin.math.byu.edu>
I have an Apple//c with a Z-80 installed inside to run CP/M. I heard
that there was TCP/IP software written for CP/M some time ago, but I don't
know where I can get it. I would like to use it to run TCP/IP on packet
radio. Does anyone know where I can find such a creature?
Sean Eckton
Internet: ecktons@sirius.byu.edu Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
Packet Radio: kd6bik @ wb7esh.#orem.ut.usa.na
Date: 26 Jan 92 20:44:26 GMT
From: cis.ohio-state.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!ira.uka.de!smurf.sub.org!altger!doitcr!jungkunz@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Helmut Jungkunz)
Subject: Re: Any replaced Z80 by Z280?
Message-ID: <1732@doitcr.doit.sub.org>
Hi, I highly recommend reading the latest issue of TCJ the Computer Journal,
it deals with a new ECB-based computer developed in Germany(!) by Tilmann Reh
In der Grossenbach 46 5900 Siegen. It contains a 12 MHz Z280 with 6 MHz
bus to accomodate standard 8.bit externals.
Tilmann.Reh@hrz.uni-siegen.dbp.de is his internet address.
Have a close look, it's a great machine, IDE bus 120 MB fixed disk is ready
and in test at the time beeing. Superfast output is possible through a rapid
HERCULES graphic terminal card also available. Standard IBM keyboards and
TTL monitors can be used.
Check it out, Z3PLUS, the Z-system for CP/M Plus is running too, since it
uses a modified standard CP/M 3.1.
Ciao, regards and cu (-: ,
-> Helmut Jungkunz <-
Date: 1 Feb 92 06:04:53 GMT
From: mintaka.lcs.mit.edu!ogicse!intelhf!ichips!inews!cadev5!dbraun@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Doug Braun ~)
Subject: Re: Any replaced Z80 by Z280?
Message-ID: <8799@inews.intel.com>
In article <1732@doitcr.doit.sub.org> jungkunz@doitcr.doit.sub.org (Helmut Jungkunz) writes:
>Hi, I highly recommend reading the latest issue of TCJ the Computer Journal,
>it deals with a new ECB-based computer developed in Germany(!) by Tilmann Reh
>In der Grossenbach 46 5900 Siegen. It contains a 12 MHz Z280 with 6 MHz
>bus to accomodate standard 8.bit externals.
>Tilmann.Reh@hrz.uni-siegen.dbp.de is his internet address.
Don't forget, this is the type of machine that can run the grand
and glorious UZI-280 Unix-clone operating system!!!
The Z280 is the ultimate 8-bit CPU. People who buy Z-180 boards
are making a big mistake.
Doug Braun Intel Design Technology
408 765-4279
or maybe:
/ decwrl \
| hplabs |
-| oliveb |- !intelca!mipos3!cadev6!dbraun
| amd |
\ qantel /
Date: 4 Feb 92 08:23:04 GMT
From: snorkelwacker.mit.edu!ira.uka.de!sun.rhrk.uni-kl.de!schmuck@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Karl Schmuck [Bib])
Subject: Re: SIMTEL CP/M archives listing
Message-ID: <1992Feb4.082304.29522@rhrk.uni-kl.de>
From article <miLiFB1w164w@gnat.rent.com>, by cmcewen@gnat.rent.com (Chris McEwen):
> todd@toolz.uucp (Todd Merriman) writes:
>> Does anyone have the SIMTEL CP/M archive listing
>> in a DOS format archive (like ZOO or ZIP). I don't have a
>> (working) CP/M machine, so I can't use the .ARK listing that
>> comes from SIMTEL.
> Todd, there isn't a reason you can't use an ARK file. Change the file
> extension to .ARC and use PKARC or equivalent. You might have more of a
> problem with .LBR files. For those, you want LAR4LBR.ZIP to break the
> files out of the library file and then UNCR233.ARC and/or UNLZHCPM.ZIP to
> decompress the files (extracting from libraries does not decompress in
> the same step).
> The tools I mention are for use on your MSDOS machine.
Yes, the PKARC or PKUNPAK works fine for renamed .ARK-files. For .LBR-files
I use the DELBR11.EXE form the directory <MSDOS.STARTER>.
My problem are the .?Z? files in the SIMTEL CP/M archives. I couldn't find
a un-crunch-routine running in MSDOS environment. In the file-docs about
CP/M archives is a UNCR232.ARC mentioned, which should do the un-crunch.
But I couldn't find it yet.
Any ideas ??????
Greetings Karl
Karl H. Schmuck | ~~()/~~
schmuck@rhrk.uni-kl.de | /// ====|
-----------------------------+ /~ \ ) )) \\
Tausche Mercedes gegen Vespa | ~( ) ~~~~~ ( )~
Date: 2 Feb 92 08:57:37 GMT
From: coyote!bbs@noao.edu (harry kight)
Subject: Vector CP/M Computer
Message-ID: <LqeiFB2w163w@coyote.datalog.com>
Has anyone ever heard of one of these? We have a chance to pick up three of
these for *cheap*, but they have no system disk--- so we're looking for one.
If you have such an animal, are you willing to part with it?
Any info on the Vector would also be great, such as what terminal emulation
it uses, etc. Thanks in advance!
Date: 2 Feb 92 08:52:11 GMT
From: coyote!bbs@noao.edu (harry kight)
Subject: Xerox 820-II
Message-ID: <iHeiFB1w163w@coyote.datalog.com>
I, along with a friend, am running a PICS 1.6 RCP/M in Tucson on a Xerox
820-II with a 10 meg stock hard disk. The HD box also has a DS/DD 8" floppy,
and we also have another drive box with DS/DD 8" floppies daisy-chained to
the HD.
The system only recognizes these additional floppies as SS/DD. Does anyone
know how to get it to use the full capacity of these drives? Also, is there
a way to keep the drive motors from continuously running? We're going "24
hrs" on feb 5, so the wear & tear on the floppy drives will be considerable!
Any help will be very much appreciated!
End of INFO-CPM Digest V92 Issue #11
14-Feb-92 08:20:55-MST,11834;000000000000
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 92 08:15:36 MST
Subject: INFO-CPM Digest V92 #12
Message-ID: <920214081538.V92N12@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
INFO-CPM Digest Fri, 14 Feb 92 Volume 92 : Issue 12
Today's Topics:
MSDOS Utilities
News Reader/Mailer for CP/M?
pd emacs clone for cpm?
Re: 8-inch disk format? (was: The Original True Blue IBM PC)
Re: SIMTEL CP/M archives listing (2 msgs)
Z Fest at the Trenton Computer Festival
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 92 15:04:43 EST
From: Mike Freeman <freeman@watsun.cc.columbia.edu>
Subject: MSDOS Utilities
Message-ID: <CMM.>
In a recent digest, UNLZHCPM.ZIP and LAR4LBR.ZIP were mentioned. Where
can one find these? Have looked onSimtel20 and haven't found 'em.
BTW, UNCR233.ARC is in pd2::<msdos.compress>.
Mike Freeman, K7UIJ | Internet: freeman@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
301 N.E. 107th Street | GEnie: M.FREEMAN11
Vancouver, WA 98685 USA | Drink Canada Dry! You might not succeed,
Telephone (206)574-8221 | but it *is* fun trying.
Date: 3 Feb 92 21:02:07 GMT
From: hubcap!trev@gatech.edu (Trevor Bauknight)
Subject: News Reader/Mailer for CP/M?
Message-ID: <1992Feb3.210207.10701@hubcap.clemson.edu>
Anybody have either a news reader or mailer (or both) running under CP/M
that they wouldn't mind e-mailing me? I'd appreciate any help. Eventually
I may get set up to use these things from my system. An elm/nn compatible
folder manager is all I really need at the moment. I'd like to download
some rather large folders and access them just as I do now with elm and nn.
Thanks for any help!
Trevor Bauknight trev@hubcap.clemson.edu ...gatech!hubcap!trev
| _> ### |
Eggwater | | |
Date: 5 Feb 92 18:15:40 GMT
From: mailer.cc.fsu.edu!uflorida!thedog.cis.ufl.edu!bhm@gatech.edu (Bruce H. McIntosh)
Subject: pd emacs clone for cpm?
Message-ID: <34045@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU>
Does anyone know of a readily available emacs clone that'll run on
cp/m? It'd be ideal if it were on simtel20 or its mirrors.
Barring that, does anyone have suggestions for a pd or cheap(<$20)
text editor that'll edit files larger than tpa WITHOUT having to
be TOLD to swap text or read more of the file? I have Express 2.2,
which is a nice editor except for that one nuisance. I don't want
to have to keep track of where in the file I am. I want the editor
to do that for me! :-)
Date: 2 Feb 92 11:42:23 GMT
From: bobsbox.rent.com!gnat!cmcewen@rutgers.edu (Chris McEwen)
Subject: Re: 8-inch disk format? (was: The Original True Blue IBM PC)
Message-ID: <cDmiFB2w164w@gnat.rent.com>
dmckeon@hydra.unm.edu (Denis McKeon) writes:
[a plea for help in transferring from a dedicated word processor with
8 inch floppy disks].
> > A little arithmetic thus suggests that the disks have 77 tracks, and 4
> > Kb per track. There are no hints that suggest a specific sector size,
> > although 16*256, 8*512, and 4*1024 (sectors*sector_size) are reasonable
> > possibilities.
> One respondent supplied explanations for most of the above:
(other deductions are good)
> 315,392 / 77 unclear - respondent expected 26*128 = 3328 bytes/track
> = 4096
Figure 32 sectors of 128 bytes per track. Possible for 16 sectors
at 256, 8 at 512 and 4 at 1024, but these were uncommon.
> > This would help clarify my options for recovering the data, which
> > currently look like:
Options 0 through 2 are unnecessary since you can usually find a machine
free for the asking if you will spend the time and gas to pick it up and
then a bit of effort to learn. How deep are your pockets? ;-) This leaves:
> > 3) find an old TRS-80 or other old PC with 8-inch drives that can read
> > the disks, and do a byte-by-byte read of every sector, modem the
> > text to another system (Unix or DOS) and piece together the text
> > (which might mean 8*77 pieces of:
> > 400_bytes_of_text\0111_bytes_of_extra_garbage :-( )
Except for the stuff about sector-by-sector reads. Just PIP it out the
COM port. The machine will know how to read its disks and has no more
interest in transmitting synch headers and other "garbage" than you have
in reading it.
Chris McEwen Internet: cmcewen@gnat.rent.com | The Computer Journal
Editor, TCJ uucp: ..!att!nsscmail!gnat!cmcewen | PO Box 12
GEnie: c.mcewen -or- TCJ$ | S Plainfield NJ 07080
The Spirit of the Individual Made This Industry | (800) 424-8825
Date: 2 Feb 92 11:23:57 GMT
From: bobsbox.rent.com!gnat!cmcewen@rutgers.edu (Chris McEwen)
Subject: Re: SIMTEL CP/M archives listing
Message-ID: <miLiFB1w164w@gnat.rent.com>
todd@toolz.uucp (Todd Merriman) writes:
> Does anyone have the SIMTEL CP/M archive listing
> in a DOS format archive (like ZOO or ZIP). I don't have a
> (working) CP/M machine, so I can't use the .ARK listing that
> comes from SIMTEL.
Todd, there isn't a reason you can't use an ARK file. Change the file
extension to .ARC and use PKARC or equivalent. You might have more of a
problem with .LBR files. For those, you want LAR4LBR.ZIP to break the
files out of the library file and then UNCR233.ARC and/or UNLZHCPM.ZIP to
decompress the files (extracting from libraries does not decompress in
the same step).
The tools I mention are for use on your MSDOS machine.
Chris McEwen Internet: cmcewen@gnat.rent.com | The Computer Journal
Editor, TCJ uucp: ..!att!nsscmail!gnat!cmcewen | PO Box 12
GEnie: c.mcewen -or- TCJ$ | S Plainfield NJ 07080
The Spirit of the Individual Made This Industry | (800) 424-8825
Date: 3 Feb 92 19:25:07 GMT
From: baron!baron!pnet07!donm@nosc.mil (Don Maslin)
Subject: Re: SIMTEL CP/M archives listing
Message-ID: <1992Feb3.192507.25224@baron.uucp>
todd@toolz.uucp (Todd Merriman) writes:
>I am trying to find some CP/M comm programs for a friend with
>a CP/M system. Does anyone have the SIMTEL CP/M archive listing
>in a DOS format archive (like ZOO or ZIP). I don't have a
>(working) CP/M machine, so I can't use the .ARK listing that
>comes from SIMTEL.
Sure you can! Just use PAK, or whatever your favorite .ARC tool is. It will
work fine.
- don
Keeper of the CP/M System Disk | UUCP: {nosc ucsd crash ncr-sd}!pnet07!donm
Archives for the Dino(saur)SIG | ARPA: baron!pnet07!donm@nosc.mil
- San Diego Computer Society - | INET: donm@pnet07.cts.com
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 92 09:52:36 -0500
From: Jay Sage <sage@ll.mit.edu>
Subject: Z Fest at the Trenton Computer Festival
Message-ID: <9202140952.AA14215@LL.MIT.EDU>
Trenton 1992 and the CP/M Conference / Banquet
Lee Bradley
(slightly revised by Jay Sage)
We're going to try something different this year at the 1992
Trenton Computer Festival (TCF). We will hold our regular CP/M and
Z-System Conference on Saturday, April 11, at the Mercer County
Community College campus along with the other TCF events. Jay Sage
reports that he signed up to give a talk on ZEX ("I'm going to give it
a try."). Coming from Sage, you *know* ZEX must be a challenge!
Terry Hazen (ZP, ZDB, IOPCLK/LDR) and Paul Chidley (YASBEC) are new
faces we will see this year. Don't know of any other scheduled talks
at the Conference, but if you think you'll make it and have something
you'd like to talk about, give Jay a call at 617-965-3552, and he'll
tell you how to get your talk on the agenda.
The thing that will be different this year is that we're going to
have our own banquet and evening session! We've talked about it for
years; now we are going to do it! We contacted two Red Roof Inns, the
Princeton Hyatt, and a place Dan Mareck recommended called the Stage
Depot Motel in Pennington, NJ. The Stage Depot Motel had the best
deal on room prices and banquet facilities. We are therefore
recommending to all who make it to the Trenton Computer Festival this
year that they book their room at the Stage Depot Motel and join us
for our own Saturday evening "Z Fest" activities.
The Stage Depot Motel is on Route 31 about 25 minutes away from
the Mercer Campus in Pennington, NJ (see the ASCII map below). Their
telephone number is 609-466-2000. When you call them (Joe Perry or
Steve Freidman will take your reservation) tell them you're with the
"Z Fest" party. Room prices, including the tax, are:
Single Double Bed / One person 39.59
Single Double Bed / Two people: 47.08
Two Double Beds / One person: 47.08
Two Double Beds / Two people: 50.29
We envision the following approximate schedule. The TCF session
will run until about 4 or 5 PM on Saturday. Then we will adjourn to
the Stage Depot Motel. The Dinner/Banquet (which quite likely will be
an informal affair) will start at 7 PM (so don't dilly dally too long
at TCF!). We will continue with a technical session in the banquet
room as long as there is interest. On Sunday morning the Stage Depot
will serve danish and coffee in the conference room, and we can
continue with informal discussions. Those who wish to can go back to
the TCF Flea Market for the remainder of the day.
For further information you may contact Lee Bradley at
Here is an attempt at a map showing where the Stage Depot Motel
is located relative to other landmarks for the TCF.
\ RT31
\ (609)466-2000 / PRINCETON
\ /
\ / RT206
\ /
\ /
I295 \ /
/ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
/ \ / \
/ \ RT31 | I295
\ |
TRENTON \ | [---TCF SITE---]
COLLEGE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
End of INFO-CPM Digest V92 Issue #12