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- rem---------------------------------------------------
- rem s t o r y
- rem---------------------------------------------------
- rem june 16, 1977
- print
- print tab(15);"S t o r y"
- print:print:print
- print
- dim a$(11),b$(5),c$(10)
- print "First, we will need to know your name ";
- input name$
- print "thanx, ";name$
- randomize
- print chr$(7);tab(12);"O.K. -- We're going to print some stories"
- print tab(12);"together. You supply the words, I supply the plot."
- 125 rem
- print tab(12);"First I need eleven adjectives. Adjectives modify"
- print tab(12);"a noun, like: Red, Dirty, Large, etc."
- for x=1 to 11
- print tab(15);"Adjective #";x;" ";
- input a$(x)
- next x
- print
- print
- print tab(12);"Thanks"
- print tab(12);"Now I need five adverbs. They modify verbs and end"
- print tab(12);"in 'ly', like: Slowly, Greedily."
- for x=1 to 5
- print tab(15);"Adverb #";x;" ";
- input b$(x)
- next x
- print
- print tab(12);"Thank you, ";name$
- print
- print tab(12);"Next I'll need 10 nouns! These are names of things, such"
- print tab(12);"as: Insect, Box, Tree, Banana"
- for x=1 to 10
- print tab(15);"Noun #";x;" ";
- input c$(x)
- next x
- print
- print tab(12);"You're doing great, ";name$;", there's not much more."
- print
- print tab(12);"How about two first names of men."
- print tab(15);"The first man's name ";
- input d$
- print tab(15);"And now the second's ";
- input e$
- print
- print tab(12);"The first name of a woman ";
- input f$
- print
- print tab(12);"And someone's last name ";
- input g$
- print
- print tab(12);"A geographical location ";
- input h$
- print
- print tab(12);"A kind of liquid ";
- input i$
- print
- print tab(12);"And finally, an exclamatory word or two ";
- input j$
- print
- print tab(12);"Well done, ";name$;", now. . ."
- 140 rem
- print
- print tab(12);"Would you like a newspaper ad (1),"
- print tab(12);" a western (2),"
- print tab(12);" a story about the army (3),"
- print tab(12);" or a waterbed (4)."
- 100 print tab(12);"Type the number of the one you would like ";
- input n
- 270 rem
- on n gosub 400,500,600,700
- print tab(15);"Want another story ";name$;" ";
- input qq$
- if left$(qq$,1)<>"Y" and left$(qq$,1)<>"y" then \
- print:print:print:print tab(15);"goodbye "; name$:stop
- print tab(15);"Want to use the same words ";
- input qq$
- if left$(qq$,1)<>"Y" and left$(qq$,1)<>"y" then \
- goto 125
- goto 140
- 400 rem
- print
- print
- print
- print
- print "FOR SALE: 1957 Sedan. This ";a$(1);" car is in a ";a$(2)
- print "condition. It was formerly owned by a ";a$(3);" school teacher"
- print "who always drove it ";b$(1);". There is a ";a$(4);" ";c$(1);" in"
- print "the back seat. It has a chrome ";c$(2);" on the hood, a ";a$(5)
- print "paint job, ";a$(6);" tires and the back opens into a ";a$(7)
- print c$(3);". Will consider taking a slightly used ";c$(4);" in trade."
- print
- print
- print "LOST: In the vicinity of ";h$;", a ";a$(8);" french poodle with"
- print a$(9);" hair and a ";a$(10);" tail. It answers to the name of"
- print f$;". When last seen it was carrying a ";c$(5);" in its mouth."
- print "A ";a$(11);" reward is offered."
- print
- print
- print
- return
- 500 rem
- print
- print
- print
- print
- print tab(12);"AN ADULT WESTERN"
- print
- print "Tex ";g$;", the Marshall of ";d$;" City rode into town. He sat"
- print b$(2);" in the saddle, ready for trouble. He knew that his ";a$(1)
- print "enemy, ";e$;" the Kid was in town. The Kid was in love with Tex's"
- print "horse, ";f$;". Suddenly, the Kid came out of the ";a$(7);" Nugget"
- print "Saloon. "
- print
- print "'DRAW TEX', he yelled ";b$(3)
- print
- print "Tex reached for his ";c$(4);", but before he could get it out of"
- print "his ";c$(5);" the Kid fired, hitting Tex in the ";c$(6);" and"
- print "the ";c$(7);"."
- print
- print "As Tex fell he pulled out his own ";c$(8);" and shot the Kid ";
- print int(50*rnd+3)
- print "times in the ";c$(9);". The Kid dropped in a pool of ";i$
- print
- print "'";j$;"', Tex said. 'I hated to do it, but he was on the wrong"
- print "side of the ";c$(10);"."
- print
- print
- print
- return
- 600 rem
- print
- print
- print
- print
- print "If you plan on joining the army, here are some ";a$(11);" hints"
- print "that will help you become a ";a$(10);" soldier."
- print
- print "The army is made up of Officers, Non-coms, and ";c$(1);"s."
- print "You can recognize an Officer by the ";c$(2);"s on his shoulders"
- print "and the funny-looking ";c$(3);"s on his cap. When you address"
- print "an Officer, always say ";c$(4);" and say it ";b$(5);". If you get"
- print "a ";a$(9);" haircut, keep your ";c$(5);"s shined, and see that"
- print "your ";c$(6);" is clean at all times, you will be a credit to the "
- print "slogan:"
- print
- print " The Army Builds Better ";c$(7);"s!"
- print
- print "At roll call, when the ";a$(8);" sergeant calls your name, shout"
- print "'";j$;"' loud and clear."
- print
- print "You will become familiar with weapons like the .30 calibre ";c$(8)
- print "and the automatic ";c$(9);"."
- print
- print "Follow this advice and you may win the. . ."
- print
- print "******** ";a$(7);" Conduct ";c$(10);" ********"
- print
- print
- return
- 700 rem
- print
- print "Bust-a-Button and Duck Dept. Store"
- print "Dix Hills, New York"
- print
- print
- print "Dear Sirs,"
- print
- print " Last week I purchased a ";a$(2);" contour water bed in your"
- print "store. I got it especially for my ";a$(4);" husband who sleeps"
- print "very ";b$(1);" and says that ";a$(6);" water beds that have"
- print c$(1);"s in them make his ";c$(3);" ache. When the bed arrived "
- print "my husband tested it ";b$(2);" and said the ";a$(8);" ";c$(5)
- print "was bent and kept pressing into his ";c$(6);". He says this"
- print "could lead to a ";a$(10);" condition of the ";c$(8);"."
- print
- print " I would like to exchange this ";a$(9);" bed for one that"
- print "will allow my husband to sleep ";b$(4);" and won't make his"
- print c$(10);" sore."
- print
- print
- print tab(25);"Yours ";b$(5);","
- print tab(25);f$;" ";g$
- print
- print
- return