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- ACT version 31
- 1 10/17/77
- Summary of Actor (ACT) functions
- I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n_
- ACT is a macro text interpreter which runs under a CP/M system
- with more than 16K bytes of RAM. ACT uses the same algorithm as
- TRAC ("TRAC" is a registered trademark of Rockford Research
- Institute) and a set of primitive functions which are similar to
- those in the TRIX interpreter. ACT also uses the special
- characters @{|} in place of TRAC's #(,). ACT has been used to
- control jobs on a large time sharing system and to format
- diskette files; it is generally too slow for efficient human
- interaction.
- Logically (but not necessarly psychologically), the syntax is
- very simple. Program and data are character strings which are
- handled by the same rules. There are three structures:
- {...}
- @{op|arg1|arg2|...|argn}
- @@{op|arg1|arg2|...|argn}
- The first is a literal quote; the contents are passed on as the
- value. The second performs the indicated operation on the
- argument strings and immediately rescannes the resulting value.
- The last form performs the operation and passes the value to the
- next higher level function. Any op or argument may have any of
- the three forms. For more information on the scanning algorithm
- see any of the published descriptions of TRAC.
- There is a version of ACT which uses upper case letters for the
- command names and the special characters ^[,]' instead of @{|}`.
- Also, the meta-character is the exclaim (!).
- R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s_
- 1. Moll, H; TRIX - An interactive, interpretive language for
- manipulating strings of characters. Lawrence Livermore Lab
- report UCID-30100.
- 2. Moors, C. N.; TRAC, a Procedure describing Language for the
- Reactive Typewriter. Comm. ACM 9, 3 (March, 1966)
- 3. Moors, C. N.; TRAC, A Text Handling Language. Proc. ACM 20th
- Nat. Conf., Cleveland, August, 1965.
- 4. Wegner, Peter; Programming Languages, Information Structures,
- and Machine Organization. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1968.
- ACT version 31
- 2 10/17/77
- Summary of Actor (ACT) functions
- E_x_e_c_u_t_e_ _l_i_n_e_
- act
- act <file-name>
- act <file-name> <options>
- If a file name is given, then the ACT macros in the file are read
- first; <file-name> has the general form "d:x.y". The string @in
- is initialized to the characters between "act " and the return.
- As a special case, <options> may be the three characters ^hh,
- where ^ is the caret (or up arrow), and hh is a hex page number.
- Free storage is allocated from the end of the interpreter up to,
- but not including, page hh or FBASE if ^hh is not given.
- N_o_n_-_d_i_s_k_ _I_/_O_ _a_n_d_ _d_e_b_u_g_
- @{rs|prompt} "read string"
- Value is a line of input from the console (via CP/M call #10),
- or the next string from the input file. Line-feed, return,
- and tab characters from the input file are ignored; a string
- is terminated by the meta-character (~) or by the end-of-file.
- Comments on the input file are enclosed within matching left
- quotes (`). Input files generally do not end with the
- meta-character.
- @{ps|a|a|...} "print string"
- Each argument (after the "ps") is printed on a separate line;
- but there is no CR-LF after the last argument.
- @{so|message} "send to Octopus"
- The message is sent over the selected Octopus channel.
- Usually the message does not end with an Octopus end-message
- character. The echo is lost. (Note: "Octopus" is the name
- of the LLL time sharing system. The so and ro functions talk
- to Octopus over a serial interface as an ordinary terminal.
- Separate documentation illustrates how this hardware dependent
- function can be patched for different i/o ports.)
- @{ro|x|s|f|eom} "read Octopus"
- If the Octopus time-out is greater than zero, then a message
- terminator is sent. This terminator either causes a previous
- "so" message to be delivered or a log-out in case there was no
- previous "so" and the terminator is a control-D. Octopus
- output is then collected in the string @ro until the string x
- is encountered or until the time-out interval passes since the
- last character. The value is s if x was found, otherwise f.
- If s and f are omitted, the value is null. (Note this
- ACT version 31
- 3 10/17/77
- Summary of Actor (ACT) functions
- inconsistency with the functions gc and in.) A null x will
- always fail to match.
- A non-null last argument (eom) will change the Octopus message
- terminator. The argument eom must be the two hex characters
- which correspond to the terminator. The terminator is
- initially a control-D.
- @{io|x|x|...} "input-output parameters"
- Each argument x is a letter (o,t,m) followed by an associated
- parameter:
- oa selects Octopus channel a. (initial value)
- ob selects Octopus channel b.
- tn sets the Octopus time-out to n seconds. E.g. t120.
- mc redefines the meta-character to be the character c.
- p print: terminal output is thru CP/M, "fw" applies.
- d display: direct output, "fw" does not apply.
- Note: this option is hardware dependent.
- @{fw|n} "form width"
- The "print string" function will start a new line after n
- characters. The initial form width is 80. However, this does
- not apply if an @{io|p} is in effect.
- @{tn} "trace on"
- Turn the trace mode on and save the previous mode. Note: An
- @{io|d} is implicitly given so that the output will wrap
- around; see the fw function above.
- @{tf} "trace off"
- Restore the previous trace mode, up to eight levels.
- @{nb} "number of blocks"
- Value is the number of sixteen word free storage blocks.
- @{fs|n|m} "free storage"
- Free storage is augmented by the memory locations n up to but
- not including m; n and m are decimal and must be multiples of
- 16.
- @{vn} "version number"
- Value is the ACT version number.
- ACT version 31
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- Summary of Actor (ACT) functions
- D_i_s_k_ _I_/_O_
- @{of|file-name|n|s|f} "open file"
- The file name has the general form "d:x.y". If d is omitted,
- the system drive is selected; lower case characters in the
- name are mapped to upper case. The number of the next record
- to read or write is set to n. (Records are numbered
- sequentially starting at zero; each record consists of 128
- characters.) If the open fails the value is f; otherwise the
- value is s.
- Since only one file can be open at a time, the record number
- of the crrrent file may need to be saved by @{rn}. Also, a
- currently opened output file must be closed before another
- open.
- @{mf|file-name|s|f} "make file"
- If the named file can be created, the value is s; otherwise
- the value is f. The current record number is set to zero.
- @{cf|s|f} "close file"
- The currently opened file is closed. The value is f if there
- is a close error, otherwise s.
- @{df} "destroy file"
- The current file is destroyed.
- @{rn} "record number"
- The value is the record number of the next record to read or
- write. This number applies to the currently opened file.
- @{wf|string-name|x|s|f} "write file"
- Characters from the named string, starting with the first, are
- written to the currently opened file. If x is null, then the
- last partial record is not written; instead, the form pointer
- of the named string is left positioned at the remainder. For
- example, the output for the next write could be constructed by
- @{ns|name|@@{in|name}<more output>}.
- If x is non-null, then the first character of x is used to pad
- out the remainder of the record and the record is written. An
- entire record of pad characters is written if the previous
- output ended on a record boundary.
- The value is f if there is a write error, otherwise s.
- @{rf|string-name|m|s|f} "read file"
- The next m records are read from the currently opened file and
- appended to the named string. The value is f if the physical
- end of file is reached, otherwise s.
- ACT version 31
- 5 10/17/77
- Summary of Actor (ACT) functions
- @{rd} "read dialect"
- The value is the text from the currently open file. The file
- is read starting with the record set by the open file. The
- input is processed in the same manner as described for the rs
- function. Thus, one program can load another in the same way
- as is done when a file name is put on the execute line after
- "act". Warning: No of or mf commands can be executed until
- the file has been read.
- C_o_n_t_r_o_l_ _a_n_d_ _d_e_l_a_y_
- @{eq|a|b|s|b|s|...|b|s} or @{eq|a|b|s|b|s|...|f} "equal"
- The value is the first s for which the preceeding b is equal
- to a, where "equal" means string equality. If the last
- argument is not one of a "b-s" pair, then it provides an
- "else" value.
- @{ge|n|m|s|f} "greater than or equal to"
- The value is s if n is numericallly greater than or equal to
- m, otherwise the value is f.
- @{nt|name|s|f} "null test"
- The value is s if the named string is null, otherwise the
- value is f.
- @{ex|x} "exit"
- Clear the active and neutral strings; then set the active
- string to x.
- @{st} "stop"
- Return to CP/M.
- @{zz|n} "sleep"
- Sleep for n/10 seconds.
- S_t_r_i_n_g_ _o_p_s_ _a_n_d_ _h_e_x_-_t_o_-_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s_
- @{ns|name|value|name|value|...} "name string"
- Create one or more strings with the given values.
- @{as|name|x|name|x|...} "append string"
- Append the string x to the named string.
- ACT version 31
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- Summary of Actor (ACT) functions
- @{ss|name|arg|arg|...} "segment string"
- Create arguments in the named string.
- @{cl|name|arg|arg|...} or @{name|arg|arg|...} "call"
- Return the named string, starting at the first character, with
- the actual arguments substituted for those corresponding
- substrings which were matched by a previous "segment string".
- @{gc|name|n|s|f} "get characters" (4 or more arguments)
- Move the form pointer over n characters, or to the end of the
- form if there are fewer than n characters remaining. The
- characters passed over are put into the string "@gc". Return
- s if there are n characters after the form pointer in the
- named string, otherwise return f.
- @{gc|name|n} "get characters" (3 arguments)
- Like gc with 4 or more arguments except that the value of @gc
- is also the value of this function.
- @{gc|name}
- Return the total number of characters in the named form.
- @{in|name|p|s|f} "initial" (4 or more arguments)
- Starting at the form pointer, search for the substring p. The
- characters which are passed over in the search, up to but not
- including p, are put into the string "@in". If p is found
- return s, otherwise return f. The form pointer is left
- positioned after s, or at the end of the form. Null p always
- fails.
- @{in|name|p} "initial" (3 arguments)
- Like in with 4 or more arguments except that the value of @in
- is also the value of this function.
- @{in|name} "initial" (2 arguments)
- Return the characters from the form pointer to the end of the
- form; also set @in to this value. The form pointer is left
- past the end of the form.
- @{cr|name} "call restore"
- Move the form pointer of the named string to the beginning of
- the string.
- @{dd|name|name|...} "delete definitions"
- Delete the named strings.
- @{pk|hex} "pack"
- Return the characters whose hex values are given.
- ACT version 31
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- Summary of Actor (ACT) functions
- @{uk|x} "unpack"
- Return the hex form of the string x.
- A_r_i_t_h_m_e_t_i_c_
- @{ad|n|n|...} "add"
- Return the sum of the arguments. Numbers are represented by
- signed decimal integers whose magnitude is less than 32768.
- @{su|n|m} "subtract"
- Return n-m.
- @{ml|n|n|...} "multiply"
- Return the product of the arguments.
- @{dv|n|m} "divide"
- Return n/m.
- @{md|n|m} "mod"
- Return n mod m.
- S_p_e_c_i_a_l_ _s_t_r_i_n_g_s_
- @cb "console break"
- The value of this string is the last console break character.
- @im "idle macro"
- This macro is loaded whenever the active string is empty. The
- initial value of @im is @{ps|@{rs|.}}, but @im may be changed
- at any time.
- ACT version 31
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- Summary of Actor (ACT) functions
- C_o_n_s_o_l_e_ _"_b_r_e_a_k_"_
- The last character of any console imput, other than
- for the @{rs} function, is saved in the string @cb.
- Moreover, if the input character is an ESC, then you
- will be prompted to type one of the letters t, n, or i
- which will turn the trace on (t), turn the trace off (n),
- or reload the idle macro (i).
- Console input will stop output, or cause an immediate
- return from the zz or ro functions.
- G_e_n_e_r_a_t_i_n_g_ _a_ _C_O_M_ _f_i_l_e_ _w_i_t_h_ _a_ _p_r_e_l_o_a_d_e_d_ _A_C_T_ _p_r_o_g_r_a_m_
- A COM file containing the ACT interpreter and a preloaded macro
- file may be created as follows, assuming a 32K system.
- 1. Append something like the following to your macro file
- @{ns|@im|{
- @{fs|26368|29184}
- @{ns|@im|{@{ps|@{rs|.}}}}
- @{start}
- }}
- @{st}
- where "start" is the name of your top level macro. Note that
- the fs function adds 6700 hex up to 7200 hex to the free
- storage list after the program is started (step 4). Free
- storage normally extends to FBASE which is 7200 hex in a 32K
- system.
- 2. Load your program by typing
- act macro-file ^67
- where "^" is the caret, or up arrow. Free storage will extend
- up to 6700 hex; if your program needs more space, then you
- need more than 32K to make a COM file. The st function at the
- end of your file will return control to CP/M.
- 3. Make a COM file with the SAVE command
- save 103 code.com
- 4. Run the code by typing either of the following
- code
- ACT version 31
- 9 10/17/77
- Summary of Actor (ACT) functions
- code options
- The options will be in the string @in.
- E_r_r_o_r_ _m_e_s_s_a_g_e_s_
- DISK EOF: The rs function is trying to read beyond the end of
- file.
- FREE STORAGE IS EMPTY: The combined storage required for named
- strings, string names, and active and neutral strings has
- exceeded the allocated memory. At this point, the active and
- neutral strings are cleared and control given to the @im
- macro. The second time this happens, control returns to CP/M.
- NS STACK OVERFLOW: The number of unprocessed arguments exceeds
- 250. The level of nesting or the number of arguments is
- excessive. For example, the number of arguments for a ns
- should not get much over 200.