home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @{ps||Format Destruction List 3/8/77|}
- @{ns|/|@@{pk|0d0a}}` set the string "/" to RETURN LINE-FEED`
- @{ns|NFL|{` Next File List`
- @{ns|files|@@{rs|@@{/}FILES: }}
- @{ss|files| | }@{ns|files|@@{files|,|,},}` file list can be blank or comma delimited`
- @{NF}
- }}
- @{ns|NF|{` Next File`
- @{in|files|,|
- {
- @{ns|source|@@{@in}}
- @{ps|||Source: @@{source} }
- @{of|@@{source}||` open the current input file`
- {
- @{ns|b|}` b holds one record of the input file`
- @{rf|b|1}
- @{ns|sourcern|@@{rn}}
- @{ns|sink|@@{source}f}` NOTE: file sequence number must be less than 10`
- @{of|@@{sink}||{@{df}}}` destroy a pre-existing output file`
- @{mf|@@{sink}||{@{ps|FULL DISKETTE.|}@{ex}}}
- @{ns|sinkrn|0}` preset the next output record number`
- @{ps|Sink: @@{sink}||}
- @{ns|f|}` f is formatted output`
- @{GD}
- }|
- {@{ps|No such file.|}@{NF}}
- }
- }|
- {@{NFL}}
- }
- }}
- @{ns|GD|{` Get Date of destruction from first line of file`
- @{in|b|@@{/}|
- {
- @{ns|d-date|@@{@in}}
- @{NL}
- }|
- {@{ps|The input file is empty.|}@{NF}}
- }
- }}
- @{ns|NL|{` Next Line. format:`
- @{in|b|@@{/}|` <prefix>_<number><revision>;<copy><series>`
- {` where <prefix> may be "." or "._"`
- @{ns|l|@@{@in}}` and <revision> may be null or "_rv_<integer>`
- @{ns|d|@@{in|l|;}}` ("_" is a space)`
- @{eq|@@{d}|/|` test for new page - "/" in a line`
- {
- @{ps||||@@{pk|0c}|||@@{sink}||}
- }|
- {
- @{ND}
- @{NCL}
- }
- }
- }|
- {@{READ}}` no more full lines in b`
- }
- @{NL}
- }}
- @{ns|READ|{` Read the next record. (More output than input.)`
- @{ns|b|@@{@in}}` save the number of the next record to be written`
- @{cf}` and close the output file`
- @{of|@@{source}|@@{sourcern}}` open the source and set the next input record number`
- @{rf|b|1||{@{ps|READ ERROR.|}@{ex}}}` read the next record`
- @{ns|sourcern|@@{rn}}` save the number of the next input record`
- @{cf}` and close the input file`
- @{of|@@{sink}|@@{sinkrn}}` reopen the output file where it was`
- }}
- @{ns|ND|{` Next Document (or end)`
- @{eq|@@{gc|d|5}|\end\|
- {@{end}}|
- {
- @{cr|d}
- @{eq|@@{gc|d|1}|.|
- {@{ns|d|@@{p} @@{in|d}}}|
- {@{cr|d}}
- }
- @{ns|p|@@{in|d| }}@{ss|p|-|/}
- @{ns|n|@@{in|d| }}@{ss|n|-|/|^|=|.}
- @{ns|x|@@{in|d}}@{eq|@@{x}|||{@{RF}}}` construct the reference field`
- @{eq|@@{gc|p|3}|aaa|{@{AAA}}}
- @{ns|p..|@@{p} }` document prefix will be left justified in columns 1-14`
- @{ns|n..|@@{n} }` document number will be left justified in 15-28`
- @{ns|d|@@{gc|p..|14}@@{gc|n..|14}}` assemble prefix, number`
- }
- }
- }}
- @{ns|RF|{` reference field`
- @{ss|x|draft|rev|vol|i|ii|iii|iv}
- @{ns|x| @@{x|dr|rv|vl|1|2|3|4}}
- }}
- @{ns|AAA|{` special checks for prints`
- @{ns|n|@@{in|p}@@{n}}@{ns|p|@@{@gc}}` handle, for example. aaa75 123456`
- @{ns|n1|@@{gc|n|8}}
- @{ns|q1|@@{gc|n|1}|q2|@@{gc|n|1}}
- @{eq|@@{in|n}|||{@{ps|The following print number has been truncated.|}}}
- @{eq|@@{q1}|o|
- {
- @{ns|q1|0}
- @{eq|@@{q2}|o|{@{ns|q2|0}}}` change revision "oo" to "00" and "oa" to "0a"`
- }|
- {
- @{eq|@@{q2}|0|{@{ns|q2|0}}}` also change "a0" to "ao"`
- }
- }
- @{ns|n|@@{n1}@@{q1}@@{q2}}` reassemble the print number`
- }}
- @{ns|p1| |p2| |p3| |p4| |p5| |p6| |p7| |p8|}` pad for eight column field`
- @{ns|NCL|{` Next Lopy Loop`
- @{ns|c|@@{in|l|;}}
- @{eq|@@{c}|||{
- @{NC}@{NCL}
- }}
- }}
- @{ns|NC|{` Next Copy`
- @{ge|@@{gc|c}|5|` assume no series or foreign number if > 5 chars.`
- {@{ns|c|@@{c}@@{p@@{gc|c}}}}|` left justify in one eight column field`
- {
- @{ns|c-n|@@{c}}@{ss|c-n|/|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z}` copy number: remove letters`
- @{ns|c-s|@@{c}}@{ss|c-s|/|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}` copy series: remove digits`
- @{ns|c|@@{c-n}@@{c@@{gc|c-n}}@@{c-s}@@{c@@{gc|c-s}}}` left justify in two four column fields`
- }
- }
- @{ns|r|@@{d} s@@{c}copd @@{d-date}@@{x}}` assemble the document`
- @{ps|@@{r}||}
- @{ns|f|@@{in|f}@@{r}@@{/}}` append to the unwritten part of the string f`
- @{wf|f|||{@{ps|WRITE ERROR.|}@{end}}}` write it to the output file buffer`
- @{ns|sinkrn|@@{rn}}` and save the next output record number`
- @{ns|#d|@@{ad|@@{#d}|1}}
- }}
- @{ns|c0| |c1| |c2| |c3| |c4|}` pad for four column fields`
- @{ns|end|{
- @{ns|f|@@{in|f}end of file. @@{#d} documents in @@{sink}@@{/}}
- @{wf|f|@@{pk|1a}||{@{ps|WRITE ERROR!|}}}
- @{cf||{@{ps|CLOSE ERROR!|}}}
- @{ns|#df|@@{in|d|,}}
- @{ps||End of file. @@{#df} documents in @@{in|d}|}
- @{eq|@@{#d}|@@{#df}||{@{ps|ERROR: found @@{#d} documents.|}}}
- @{NF}
- }}
- @{dd|#d}
- @{eq|@@{fn}||` see if this program was loaded by "cdl"`
- {@{NFL}}|
- {@{ns|files|@@{fn},}@{NF}}
- }