home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @{ps|lctouc 10/13/77|}
- ` LCTOUC is an ACT program which will convert a standard ACT program
- to the upper case conventions. See the introduction section of the
- ACT writeup.
- To run this program, type
- where the file INPUT contains lower case letters and the standard
- special characters.
- (Note: The indenting in this file is done with tab characters.)
- `
- @{ns|buffer size|20}
- ` buffer size is the number of 128 character disk records which can
- be processed at a time. The processing time for 20 records is
- about 1.5 minutes, so be patient.
- `
- @{ns|lc-to-uc|{
- @{read}
- @{ss|text|
- a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z|
- @|@@{pk|7b}|@@{pk|7c}|@@{pk|7d}|@@{pk|60}|@@{pk|7e}
- }
- @{ns|text|@@{text|
- A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z|
- ^|[|,|]|'|!
- }}
- @{write}
- @{eq|@@{done}|yes|
- {@{st}}|
- {@{lc-to-uc}}
- }
- }}
- @{ns|read|{
- @{of|@@{input}|@@{in record #}||{
- @{ps|File "@@{input}" does not exist.|}@{st}
- }}
- @{rf|text|@@{buffer size}||{
- @{ns|done|yes}
- }}
- @{ns|in record #|@@{rn}}
- }}
- @{ns|write|{
- @{of|@@{output}|@@{out record #}||{
- @{ps|Can not open output file.|}
- }}
- @{wf|text|||{
- @{ps|Full diskette.|}@{st}
- }}
- @{ns|text|}
- @{ns|out record #|@@{rn}}
- @{cf||{
- @{ps|Close error.|}@{st}
- }}
- }}
- @{ns|files|@@{@in}}` rest of input line after "act "`
- @{|@@{in|files| }}` skip over "lctouc "`
- @{ns|input|@@{in|files| }}
- @{ns|output|@@{in|files}}
- @{nt|input|{
- @{ns|input|@@{rs|Input file: }}
- }}
- @{nt|output|{
- @{ns|output|@@{rs|Output file: }}
- }}
- @{of|@@{output}||{@{df}}}` destroy existing output file`
- @{mf|@@{output}||{@{ps|No directory space.|}@{st}}}
- @{lc-to-uc}