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- RM80 V2.0 User's Guide
- RM80 is a PROM-resident monitor for an 8080 (or Z80) system. It
- supports one console, one modem, and two cassette decks interfaced
- with a Tarbell Tape Interface, with relays. There are four main
- groups of commands:
- 1) The hex monitor (edit memory in hex or ASCII)
- 2) Standard Tarbell driver (read/write standard tapes)
- 3) SDC Format tape driver (read/write RM80 tapes)
- 4) Communications executive (allow link to remote CPU)
- All data entered from the console has the following editing
- facilities available before hitting the CR key:
- 1) CTRL-U will abort the current line
- 2) DEL (RUBOUT) will discard the previous character,
- and echo it to the console.
- Memory is allocated as follows (in the 24K version):
- 0000-57FF User program and buffer area
- 5800-5BFF Default system tape buffer
- 5900-590A Default system filename buffer
- 590B-590B Tape unit number buffer
- 590C-590C Physical record number buffer
- 590E-5C8D System input buffer
- 5C8E-5CCD System stack
- C000-CBFF 3K PROM containing RM80
- Once a program has been loaded in, and execution begun, assuming
- the stack pointer has the same value as when execution began, a
- simple RET will return you to RM80. At any point, a jump to location
- C000 will restart RM80.
- The commands are all in the same format:
- <KEYWORD> - is an up to 5 character word in the list of commands
- <BLANKS> - is a string of one or more blanks
- <PARAM> - is an up to 4 digit hex number
- Some commands will require further data before execution. These
- will prompt the user for that data. The MOVE command requires a
- destination address, so a valid response to the 'TO?' prompt is a
- <PARAM> as above. Anytime the prompt 'FILENAME?' occurs, any legal
- CP/M filename may be typed. A CP/M filename is of the form
- <name> or <name>.<type>
- <name> is any group of up to 8 ASCII characters
- <type> is any string of up to 3 ASCII characters
- Standard CP/M file types are as follows:
- ASM - Assembler source file
- HEX - Intel hex object file
- COM - Memory image object file (loads at 100H)
- BAS - BASIC source file
- FOR - FORTRAN source file
- ************************************************************************
- RM80 Hex Monitor Commands
- DUMP fwa lwa
- Dump memory in hex and ASCII starting at fwa, ending at lwa.
- Control characters are printed as periods. Dumping may be
- aborted at any time by typing any character.
- TYPE fwa lwa
- Type memory in ASCII starting at fwa ending at lwa. All
- control characters print as themselves (exercise caution).
- ENTER fwa
- Allow user to enter memory contents in Hex. A four digit
- prompt 'xxxx?' will be printed at the start of each input
- line, to show the user where the first byte typed on that
- line will be loaded into memory. The user may return to RM80
- by typing an empty line (CR right after prompt).
- MOVE fwa lwa
- Move block of memory starting at fwa ending at lwa to the
- area starting at the destination address (supplied in response
- to the TO? prompt. Blocks may overlap either way.
- FILL fwa lwa
- Fill memory with constant supplied in response to 'WITH?'
- prompt, starting at fwa ending at lwa.
- GO fwa
- Jump to address fwa. Default is 100H.
- ************************************************************************
- Standard Tarbell Tape Handler Commands
- STORE fwa lwa
- Store memory starting at fwa ending at lwa to tape in Tarbell
- standard format (data bytes then checksum).
- FETCH fwa lwa
- Fetch standard Tarbell file into memory starting at fwa, and
- ending at lwa. Note that the file size (lwa-fwa+1) must be
- the same as the file size used in creating the file with
- STORE (or equivalent). The message 'CHECKSUM ERROR' indicates
- that data was lost (or user specified fwa and lwa wrong for
- this file).
- CHECK fwa lwa
- Same as FETCH, but data is not loaded into memory . Good
- for checking quality of files written with STORE.
- UNIT n
- Sets unit number for above commands (default = 1)
- Notes on using cassette tapes with RM80:
- Before writing data to tape, the user should put the recorder
- into RECORD and allow a reasonable leader (count to 10). The
- REMOTE cable (motor control) may be re-inserted and the WRITE
- command issued. Further files may be written without additional
- leader. When reading tapes, the cassette may be positioned
- any length of leader (and/or blank tape) before the actual data.
- Port FF lights will display data being written to or read from
- cassette tape.
- ************************************************************************
- SDC Tape Handler commands
- Writes n pages (256 bytes each) starting at 100H, to tape
- in SDC format. A filename will be requested with the 'FILENAME?'
- prompt. When the entire file is written, RM80 will respond with
- 'xxxx BYTES WRITTEN' and then provide a command prompt.
- WRITE fwa lwa
- As above, but the user nay specify any addresses.
- READ fwa
- Read next SDC format file into memory starting at fwa.
- Reading may be aborted at any time by typing any character.
- Default fwa is 100H. Header info is printed as each
- record is read into memory.
- Load Intel Hex Object Format file in SDC Format into memory
- at addresses specified in object file. Loading may be aborted
- at any point by typing any character.
- Dump next SDC format file to console in Hex and ASCII.
- Header info is printed as each record is read. Conventions are
- the same as the memory dump command. Dumping may be aborted
- as usual.
- Type next SDC format file to console in ASCII. Conventions are
- the same as the memory TYPE command. Typing may be aborted
- as usual.
- Read SDC tape and print header info until interrupted by any
- character from the console.
- UNIT n
- Select tape unit for all tape commands until respecified.
- Header info when printed, is in the following form:
- NAME = aaaaaaaa TYPE = aaa SIZE = dddd PRN = dd CRC = ssss
- aa...aa is an ASCII character string
- dd...dd is a Hex number
- ss...ss is the string 'GOOD' or 'BAD'
- The SDC physical record format is as follows:
- 00 01 SOH ASCII Start Of Header
- 01 08 FN ASCII file name
- 09 03 FT ASCII file type
- 12 01 PRN Integer Physical record number
- 13 02 PRS Integer Physical record size (HI/LO)
- 14 01 STX ASCII Start Of Text
- 15 prs DATA Data Bytes (normally 1024 of them)
- 15+prs 01 ETX ASCII End Of Text
- 16+prs 02 CRC Integer Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (HI/LO)
- ************************************************************************
- Communications Link Executive
- Establish communications link with remote computer. Characters from
- console are sent to the modem. Characters from the modem are
- typed on the console. Various control characters allow tape files
- to be sent or received, or downloaded. To return to RM80 at any
- time, type CTRL-X. This will not break the link, which may be
- re-entered by typing LINK again from RM80.
- CTRL-O Enable Object File Loader
- CTRL-N Disable Object File Loader
- CTRL-R Enable Text File Loader
- CTRL-Q Disable Text File Loader and write to tape
- CTRL-X Return to monitor
- ************************************************************************