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- Documentation for LEH Diskette
- ADE - Absolute Disk Editor
- Allows user to view contents of absolute sectors or tracks, either
- in absolute sector order, or CP/M 6:1 interlace order. Very useful
- when debugging disk i/o programs. Also useful for exploring an
- unknown diskette. For details on ADE commands, see source file.
- COPY - Absolute Disk Copy Utility
- Yet another disk to disk copy program. This one runs in about 1.5 min.
- It uses a 5:1 interlace. It also entertains the user while running.
- SCOPY - Absolute Disk Copy Utility for single drive systems
- Version of COPY which runs on a single drive CP/M system. On a
- 32K system, 9 passes are required, for a total of 18 diskette
- swaps. Not terribly cool, but if all you got is one drive.....
- LINK - Communications Link Executive (for D C Hayes Modem Board)
- Allows user to link into remote processor via D C Hayes 80-103A
- modem board. Much more elaborate versions of this little jewel
- are in the works. All god's chillun ought to have a modem board.
- This program allows transfer of text files to and from disk. It
- appears to the remote system as a rather bright teletype. To use:
- LINK xxx-xxxx Dial and await answer, then link
- LINK Jump to link immediately if carrier present
- For further details on operation of LINK, see source file.
- LINK73 - Communications Link Executive (for outboard modem)
- Older version of LINK for you folks without Hayes modem boards,
- who do have outboard modems (or direct lines) to remote computers.
- RM80 - Resident Monitor for an 8080 or Z80 System
- 3K PROM monitor for a tape system. Currently set up for a Tarbell
- tape interface with motor control relays. Allows user to dump or
- enter memory in HEX or ASCII, read or write standard tarbell tapes,
- read, write, or scan its very own physical record format tapes (as
- used by TREAD and TSAVE). It also has a communications link facility
- with on-line loaders for object files or text files. Currently set
- up for outboard modem - version for D C Hayes board is planned.
- Lots of other goodies are detailed in the file RM80.DOC. This is a
- good way to help bring up your less fortunate friends who haven't
- yet figured out that disk is the only way to live. Also useful if
- you are responsible for other 8080 systems which don't have disks.
- SAP - Sort And Pack CP/M Directory
- Sorts CP/M directory, discards zero length files, and performs a
- pack on seperated chunks of a multi-extent file (see XFER).
- TREAD - Read RM80 Physical record format tapes to disk
- Useful for backing up disk files on (cheaper) cassettes. Also very
- useful for transferring files to a standalone tape system which is
- running RM80.
- TSAVE - Write CP/M disk files onto RM80 physical record format tapes
- Complementary program to TREAD. My first CP/M code - don't laugh.
- XFER - Diskette to Diskette File Transfer Utility
- Allows user to transfer any size file from one diskette to another
- with a minimum of hassle. A copy of this should be kept on every
- diskette (if you have a single drive system), as it comes in quite
- useful is case of diskette crash. This little gem makes a single
- drive CP/M system livable. Multi-extent files may be transferred
- one extent at a time and rejoined at the other end via SAP.
- *** I M P O R T A N T ***
- Please note that many of these programs require a more intimate
- interaction with the hardware than CP/M provides, hence must be
- edited and re-assembled for different memory and i/o configurations
- All versions supplied are for a 32K system with a PTC 3P+S at 0.
- When possible, CP/M standard I/O (via BDOS) was used. All other
- I/O is described fairly well in the internal documentation.
- I welcome helpful comments on any of the above code, but make no
- claims as to its perfection or applicability. (That means I will
- NOT fix or change things for free). All of the above code is
- hereby released into the public domain, for use in personal 8080
- or Z80 computer systems. If you wish to obtain rights to use any
- of it for commercial purposes, please contact me. If you make
- lots of money from it without sending me a cut, your ears just
- might rot off (old family curse). Fairly elaborate extensions
- to CP/M are in the works, and will be announced via this club,
- and/or Dr. Dobbs. For further information, please contact me at
- Lawrence E. Hughes
- 8080 Software Development Center
- 1506 Myrick Road
- Tallahassee, Florida 32303
- Phone (904) 385-4573 or (904) 576-7866
- 77/12/20
- A.R.G. - Note that Larry's sytem has his BIOS jump table 300H
- below the nominal MEMSIZE, not normal 200H. These references
- should be changed before assembly if you decide to run with
- the fixed memory size versions offered here. Also notice in
- ADE some fancy (and non-standard) footwork with the IOBYTE
- in order to get a listing and console output from the same
- subroutine. Suggest a revision here.