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- The system of programming error detection and reporting
- in TARBELL BASIC is a compromise between the need for
- clear error reporting, and the memory required for error
- detection and messages. Some systems use error code numbers,
- or 1 or 2 code letters. These usually have to be looked up
- in the reference manual, so they waste time. Some use long
- english explanations, which are nice, but take up a lot of
- memory space. TARBELL BASIC uses abbreviated messages, which
- are hopefully easy to remember after they're looked up the first
- time.
- No. Mnemonic Description
- 1 OVRFLW Arithmetic Overflow (too large a number).
- 2 UNDRFLW Arithmetic Underflow (too small a number).
- 3 /0 A division by zero was attempted.
- 4 EX>> Exponent was too large (EXP function).
- 5 BIN CON >> Number too large to convert to binary.
- 6 -LOG Attempted to take log of a minus number.
- 7 STATE NM Illegal statement name.
- 8 COMM Illegal command.
- 9 VRBL AS STATE Variable name used as statement name.
- 10 SYNTAX The statement was not properly formed.
- 11 VRBL NM Illegal variable name.
- 12 >>) Too many right parenthesis.
- 13 >>( Too many left parenthesis.
- 14 2 OPERS Two operators in a row.
- 15 2 OPANDS Two operands in a row.
- 16 ILGL FUNC Illegal user defined function.
- 17 STATE AS VRBL Statement name used as variable.
- 18 NEW SYMB New symbol when in command mode.
- 19 NO TO No "TO" in "FOR" statement.
- 20 DUPL STATE Statement name used twice (duplicate).
- 21 DUPL DEF A function was defined twice.
- 22 CAN'T CONT Can't continue 'cause program was modified.
- 23 TAPE An error was detected on a tape read.
- 24 STRING Illegal string usage.
- 25 COMMA Illegal comma or semicolon.
- 26 OPRND Illegal Operand.
- 27 <*mem*> Out of memory.
- 28 UNDIM Undimensioned array referenced.
- 29 SUBSCPT>> An array subscript was too large.
- 30 SUBSCPT OVFLW Subscript overflow.
- 31 ASSIGN An assignment to a non-variable (4=4).
- 32 STR AS NUM A string is used where a number is needed.
- 33 NUM AS STR A number is used where a string is needed.
- 34 CNTRL STCK Control Stack error.
- 35 ON GOTO ON...GOTO, GOSUB index out of limits.
- 36 <<DATA Out of Data.
- 37 RCV DATA Receive data error.
- 39 -SQR The square root of a minus number is illegal.
- 40 LOGICAL A true (-1) or false (0) was expected.
- The message BASIC IS CRASHED indicates that the BASIC interpreter
- has be written into, thus making the interpreter unreliable. This
- message may be inhibited by making a slight change in BASIC.
- A