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- <numeral>
- Any of the following: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- <letter>
- Any of the following: A B C D E F G H I J K L M
- N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- <character> or <alphanumeric character>
- A <numeral>, a <letter>, a space, or any of the following:
- ! # $ % & ' ( ) = - ^ ~|~^| \ @ { } [ ] + ; * : < > , . ? /
- <numeric constant>
- A number, represented by a series of numerals, preceeded by
- an optional plus (+) or minus (-) sign, including an optional decimal
- point (.), and ending with an optional "E" followed by a power of ten.
- The range of a floating point number (one with a decimal point) is
- from 9.9999999E99 to 9.9999999E-99, plus and minus. The range of
- a integer number is from 0 to 9999999999, plus and minus. Expressions
- evaluate to integers if and only if every element of the expression
- evaluates to an integer.
- <string constant>
- A string constant is a sequence of any characters, enclosed by quotes (").
- There is no limit to the length of any string constant (literal), variable,
- or array element. Any alphanumeric character is legal. The second quote
- enclosing the string constant is optional at the end of a line.
- Examples: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 !" "#$%&'()"
- <constant>
- A value which is named as such explicity in the program. May be
- either a <string constant> or a <numeric constant>.
- Examples: "DON TARBELL" 3.14159 2 "ABCDEFG"
- <expression>
- A sequence of constants and/or variables, separated by operators
- according to certain rules (see pages 14&15) and optionally grouped
- by parenthesis.
- Examples: 1 X "ABC"+REST$ 3*(X/Y) SQR(B^2-4*A*C)
- <numeric expression>
- An expression which evaluates to a number.
- Examples: 1+1 2*(3+5) N/2 4*LEN(STRING$) SIN(X)
- <string expression>
- An expression which evaluates to a string.
- Examples: LEFT$("ABCDEFG",3) "123"+"ABC"+A$ CHR$(N+64)
- <expression list>
- A sequence of expressions normally separated by commas or semicolons.
- <variable>
- An entity which can assume different values, either string or numeric.
- <variable name>
- A sequence of numerals or letters, beginning with a letter,
- which is used to identify a particular variable. If a variable
- name ends with a dollar sign ($), it is forced to a string.
- B-1