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- -------------------- VOLUME 36 ABSTRACTS ----------------------
- COMBINE.ASM and COMBINE.COM are source and object of a utility
- to concatenate assembler source files and remove comments.
- This becomes necessary when trying to assemble very large
- source files which have been broken down into modules for
- ease of editing. Could also be used to strip comments from
- a single file. Requires MAC for assembly. Command line
- format is:
- COMBINE dest.asm=source1,source2,...,sourceN
- Originaly written by Ward Christensen, revised by Steve Ness
- and Robert A. Van Valzah.
- PEN-CPM.ASM is the source code for a transient which will
- convert files in Electric Pencil format to normal CP/M ASCII
- file format. CPM-PEN.ASM is the inverse operation. Author
- written documentation is provided in PEN-CPM.DOC. The source
- code is well written and commented. Both files require MAC
- and SEQIO.LIB for assembly. These utilities would be useful
- to anyone owning the Electric Pencil or anyone wishing to
- exchange files with an Electric Pencil user. Reviewed by
- Robert A. Van Valzah.
- LINKASM.COM is an assembler which is upward compatible with
- ASM.COM supplied by Digital Research with CP/M. It has the
- additional feature that it can produce one object file from the
- sequential assembly of several 'linked' source files. This is
- most useful when maintaining very large application programs
- written in assembler. It is much easier to edit several 10K
- source files than a 100K one! LINKASM is a bit faster that
- the CP/M assembler too. It also has provision to write a
- symbol file compatible with SID. Several utilities are
- provided to facilitate the maintaince of linked source files.
- They are: LINES, LIST, and FIND. See appropriate docs for
- details. Source for LINKASM cannot be provided at this time.
- Reviewed by Robert A. Van Valzah.
- MAC6.AZM contains source for patches to the paper tape TDL
- Z-80 assembler to make it work from CP/M disk files. This
- is a revision of MAC4.ASM from volume 18. It is written
- in TDL mnemonics so MAC6.COM is included so that you can
- get around the chicken-egg problem. MAC6.DOC contains the
- installation instructions. TOP.AZM is a similar patch to
- CP/Mifiy a paper tape version TDL Text Output Processor.
- TOP.TOP is a sample input file to the processor and TOP.PRN
- is the resulting output. Reviewed by Robert A. Van Valzah.
- ML80 is structured assembler programming language for the
- 8080. It allows you to increment the accumulator by writing
- A=A+1. Control constructs are provide for conditional
- branching and iteration. A powerful macro pre-processor is
- provided to allow the equivalent of EQU's and other neat stuff.
- The original code appeared in volume 4 but was flawed by some
- nasty bugs. The files M81.COM and L82.COM are patched versions
- of those from volume 4. ML80.REF is a quick reference for
- ML80 syntax, semantics, and errors. ML80.DOC describes the
- changes made to the original .COM files. Reviewed by
- Robert A. Van Valzah.
- MFACCESS.LIB is an assembler subroutine. It provides routines
- to read multiple files with wildcard names. For instance, it
- would enable you to write a transient which would print all
- .ASM files on a disk simply by typing PRINT *.ASM. One
- restriction is that files can only be read, they cannot be
- renamed or erased using MFACCESS.LIB. This file would be most
- useful to those who know how to write transients and wish to
- allow them to work with wildcard filenames. Reviewed by
- Robert A. Van Valzah.
- POW.ASM is the source for a text processor (Processor Of Words)
- transient. The original source appeared in Dr. Dobbs Journal,
- number 29. It has been CP/Mified and had one minor bug fixed.
- It has ability to define margins, justify, center, space,
- paragraph and title a document. Requires an editor for
- preperation of the input text (ED will do) and a printer on
- your LST device for operation. The source is fairly well
- written and doucmented, making it fairly easy to modify.
- Some documentation is provided in POW.DOC and pieces of the
- DDJ article appear in POWCMDS.POW and POWTEXT.POW. Reviewed
- by Robert A. Van Valzah.
- SCRAMBLE.ASM is a utility to encode and decode the contents
- of a CP/M file. The primary use for it is to maintain data
- security. This is necessary if you want to leave protected
- information on a public access system (such as yours might
- be when running a remote console program). The author makes
- no guarantees of the throughness of this program, but he does
- not think that he could unscramble a file without knowing
- the password, even if given the first 256 byte of the plain
- text. Files are scrambled 'in place' (as opposed to reading
- a plain text file and writing a cypher text file) and as a
- consequence there is a chance that a disk error may destroy
- the file. Reviewed by Robert A. Van Valzah.
- TED.COM is a text editor transient. TED.DOC contains
- documentaion. This is a line oriented editor which should
- make a good alternative to ED.COM for those who prefer a line
- oriented editor over a character oriented editor. Commands
- are proviede to search for a string, substitute strings, type
- line, move and copy lines from place to place, delete lines,
- and give help on commands. This self help mode could be very
- useful to beginners or to those who have not used an editor
- before. TED seems to have farily good error detection and
- recovery facilities. The source code has not been provided.
- TED was written at the Naval Post-graduate School (which has
- brought us BASIC-E and ML80). TED requires at least a 24K
- CP/M system size in order to run.
- Reviewed by Robert A. Van Valzah.
- XREF.ASM is source for cross reference generator utility which
- accepts as input standard INTEL format assembler source code.
- Modified version of NYCPMUG 8.27. Now accepts lower case,
- ignores PAGE and ELSE psuedo-ops, has improved error messages,
- and has equates to changes things like lines per page and so
- on. Modified by Steve Ness of the Mark Williams Company.
- Reviewed by Robert A. Van Valzah.