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- This is documentation of ML80 extracted from L. R. B. Pedroso's thesis,
- "ML80: A structured machine-oriented microcomputer programming language."
- The thesis is available from the National Technical Information Service as
- order number AD/A-020 055 for $7.75 (on the last price list I saw). It
- includes complete PL/M source code listings as well as the formal grammars
- and fairly complete discussion and examples. The source code is available
- from the Intel Users' Library for $70. What follows is on the order
- of a quick reference guide to ML80.
- ML80 is actually two language processors, M80 and L80. M80 is a
- general macro processor which can be used independently of L80 for any
- macro processing. L80 is a structured assembly language for the 8080
- microprocessor, and almost all of the operations allowed directly
- reflect one or two 8080 instructions.
- [INT id1 id2 ...] Declare integer macros, initial value zero
- [id := expr] Assign new value to integer macro
- [DEC expr] Substitute decimal value of expr in text
- [OCT expr] Substitute octal value
- [HEX expr] Substitute hexidecimal value
- [CHAR expr] Substitute ASCII character, 0=NUL,
- 32 = SPACE, 65= A, etc. Note that this is
- the only way to get [, ], and ' in the result.
- [id] Substitute the (decimal) value of id
- Note on all of the above that no characters
- bracket the final substitution. Thus the
- string 'XX[DEC 23H]YY' becomes 'XX35YY'
- [MACRO mname fp1 fp2 ... fpn 'string'] Define new macro with name mname and
- formal parameters fp1 ... fpn and body string
- [mname 'str1' 'str2' ... 'strn'] Replace by result of substituting str1
- ... strn for the formal parameters of mname in
- the macro body. The quotes ARE needed.
- [IF expr THEN 'string'] Replace by string if the least significant
- bit of expr (in binary) is 1.
- [IF expr THEN 'str1' ELSE 'str2'] Replace by one of the strings
- depending on expr.
- Of the above, INT, assignment, MACRO and a false THEN-only IF are replaced
- by the empty string.
- Comments may be embedded in macro bodies by /* comment */ device.
- Expressions are composed of (in order of increasing priority):
- \ for OR \\ for XOR
- & for AND
- ! for NOT
- = < > <= >= <> for comparisons
- + -
- * / % for MOD
- integer-id number -number (expr) (id := expr)
- The value of expressions are limited to integers +/- 32767
- Numbers may be written in hex, decimal, octal or binary by using the suffix
- H, D, Q and B respectively. Hex numbers must start with a decimal digit.
- Identifiers within an expression are NOT bracketed.
- In strings, use two consecutive quotes '' to represent a single quote.
- Macro calls are recognized even within strings.
- M81 processor errors:
- M81 writes all error messages embedded in the output text being processed.
- These messages may be found by searching for
- *** LINE nnnn: ERROR nn
- in column 1. From ED, use F^L*** LINE^Z0TT to find and
- print the next message.
- Error Meaning
- 1 Unexpected EOF. Probably mismatched ' or [.
- 2 Mispelled number
- 3 Number too large, -32768 to 32767 only
- 7 Syntax error
- 11 Undefined macro, probably misspelled or wrong number of parms
- 12 Numeric macro has parms
- 13 More actual parms than formal parms
- 14 Nonnumeric assignment
- 15 Nonnumeric expression
- The following errors abort processing
- F1 Too many macros
- F2 Too much nesting of macro calls
- F3 Strings too long
- F5 M81 error
- F7 unrecoverable syntax error
- L80.
- L80 is implemented as three modules, L81 -- the parser, L82 -- code generator,
- and L83 -- linker. Note that if you write a program without macros
- you don't need M81.
- L81 and L82 each process a single program file, but L83 can combine several
- if it is given a file which declares external procedures.
- For each external procedure, it will also load the file of the same name.
- Capsule summary of L80 syntax
- Program ::= stmt; stmt; ... EOF
- Stmt ::= ident:stmt defines ordinary label here
- number:stmt puts stmt at absolute location
- IF cond THEN stmt {ELSE stmt} note else optional
- DECLARE id {(length)}BYTE variables
- (id1, id2,..) LABEL for forward GOTOs
- EXTERNAL external proc
- COMMON external data
- DATA(const, const, ...) a constant variable
- BYTE may be followed by
- INITIAL(const, const, ...) initialize ONCE
- DO; stmts; END ident grouping for IF etc.
- DO assign {BY assign} WHILE cond; stmts; END
- Note that you must be sure to set flags for while
- DO CASE HL; c0stmt; c1stmt; ...; END do one alternative
- Note that this changes HL, uses array of labels(fast)
- ident:PROCEDURE{(id, id,...)}; stmts; END
- IF simple-cond RETURN Note no THEN, generates RC etc
- CALL ident{(const, const,...)} Note parms are constants
- CALL number No parms, CALL 0 gives RST 0, etc
- IF simple-cond CALL id/number No parms, uses CC, etc
- GOTO ident/number
- IF simple-cond GOTO id/number Uses JZ etc
- REPEAT; stmts...; UNTIL cond Always done at least once.
- DISABLE Interrupts of course
- ENABLE Ditto
- A::expr CMP or CPI
- HL==reg-exp XCHG or XTHL
- var=reg-exp Watch possible registers
- reg=expr
- The following are builtin, reserved variables:
- M(BC) M(HL) M(DE) M(const) IN(number) OUT(number)
- A, B, C, D, E, H, L, BC, DE, HL, PSW, SP, STACK (meaning top), CY.
- All assignments and expressions must have an 8080 op code (except
- that HL=BC (etc) work). Thus BC=BC+5 is illegal.
- simple-cond ::= {(stmts)} flag Optional stmts can be used to set
- PSW for flag test
- flag ::= ZERO | ! ZERO | CY | ! CY | PY EVEN | PY ODD | PLUS | MINUS
- COND ::= simple-cond & simple-cond & ... Several anded tests
- simple-cond \ simple-cond \ ... or several ored tests.
- And and or can't be mixed in one cond.
- CONSTANT ::= .'string' | 'string' | number | -number
- .ident | .ident(number)
- . denotes address of, gives a two byte constant.
- Expressions are evaluated left to right, except a parenthesized register
- expression within an axpression is done just before needed. E.g.
- A=M(7)+(B=8),-2; compiles as LDA 7! MVI B,8! ADD B! SUI 2
- Unary operations always follow an assignment =, but nested
- expressions to the right are still possible. All operators are equal
- priority and ldft to right. Operators are:
- + add - sub
- ++ adc -- sbb
- & and \ or \\ xor
- < ral << rlc
- > rar >> rrc
- ! cma/cmc # daa
- !, #, >, >>, <, << are unary operations.
- Following the first operator in an expression, all subsequent operators are
- delimited with a comma. +/- 1 is recognized as incr/decr-ement.
- Beacause of 8080 instruction limitations, most occurances of non-register
- variables are limited to assignment to and from A and HL. Generally,
- most places a variable or register may occur on the right side of an
- operation, a parenthsized assignment to that variable is allowed (as the
- (B=8) in the example above.
- L81 prints all its error messages to the console in plain text (giving
- line number and error message). If you use no CR/LF sequences inside
- macros, these line numbers will be the same as the M80 macro source.
- CR/LF in a macro body will put extra lines in while CR/LF inside macro
- calls will remove a line.
- L82 errors. Also given in terms of line number.
- Error Meaning
- 00 INITIAL data too long, truncated on left.
- 01 Identifier redeclared in same block.
- 02 Identifier redeclared (ignored).
- 03 Invalid procedure name.
- 04 Reference to undeclared identifier. Usually either mispelled,
- lost in some earlier error or forgot to declare label for forward
- branch.
- 05 Wrong number of parms in procedure call.
- 06 Invalid call (not a procedure or undefined)
- 07 Not a machine operation (no 8080 instruction does this)
- This often follows 04 as 04 is fixed up by substituting M(0).
- 08 Feature not implemented. (E.g. CASE DE in DO)
- 0A Invalid constant
- 0B Invalid GOTO destination, not a label or number
- 0E Reference to undefined address
- F1 Too many nested statements
- F2 Too many symbols in one block
- F3 Too many nested blocks
- F4 Too many unresolved cases
- F5 Parser actions file (.80P) contains error
- F6 Symbol list overflow, too many symbols and strings
- L83 errors (all terminal)
- 1 Too many modules (file groups)
- 2 Memory overflow (segment too big)
- 3 Bad relocation record (in .80R)
- Files used in ML80
- x.M80 macro source input
- x.L80 macro expansion output, L81 input source
- x.80S Symbol table, out from L81, into L82 and L83
- x.80P Parser actions, from L81 to L82
- x.80C L82 output of code and constants, to L83
- x.80D L82 output of initializing data for variables, to L83
- x.80R L82 output of relocation information, to L83
- x.COM CP/M command file after linking
- L83 doesn't do it, but all material from x.80C could by put in PROM,
- with material from 80D loaded to initialize the program (after relocation).