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- ;
- ; TITLE .UTL file linkage macro
- ; AUTHOR Robert A. Van Valzah 11/25/79
- ; LAST REVISED R. A. V. 11/25/79
- ; REASON removed comments following endm's
- ;
- ;
- ; macro to define a string in memory backwards, followed
- ; by its lenght
- ;
- backwrd macro parm
- if not nul parm
- ?last set 0ffh
- rept 0ffh ;;do forever
- if ?last=0 ;;well, at least until ?last=0
- exitm
- endif
- cnt set 0
- irpc arg,parm
- if cnt=?last
- exitm
- endif
- chr set '&ARG'
- cnt set cnt+1
- endm
- ?last set cnt-1
- db chr
- endm
- cnt set 0 ;;count lenght of arg
- irpc arg,parm
- cnt set cnt+1
- endm
- db cnt
- endm
- ;
- ; macro to produce sid interface for a .UTL file
- ;
- utl macro parm1,parm2,parm3
- local ep1,ep2,ep3
- base:
- jmp entry
- symtbl:
- backwrd parm1
- dw ep1
- backwrd parm2
- dw ep2
- backwrd parm3
- dw ep3
- symlen equ $-symtbl
- ep1: jmp parm1
- ep2: jmp parm2
- ep3: jmp parm3
- ;
- ; parameter passed to relhdr
- ;
- dw codelen ;length of code to be relocated
- db '(C) Copyright 1979, Robert A. Van Valzah'
- getline: ;;get a line to sid buffer
- lxi b,3
- jmp sidlink
- getchar: ;;get a character from buffer to reg a
- lxi b,6 ;;converting to upper case
- jmp sidlink
- crlf:
- mvi a,13
- call conout
- mvi a,10
- conout: ;;send charcter from reg a to console
- lxi b,9
- jmp sidlink
- hexode:
- push d ;;save low byte
- mov a,d ;;print high byte
- call hexo
- pop d ;;get low byte
- mov a,e ;;fall thru to print it
- ;
- hexo: ;;print reg a as two hex digits
- lxi b,0ch
- jmp sidlink
- parseline: ;;parse line in input buffer, returning
- lxi b,12h ;;reg a = number of args, and carry set
- jmp sidlink ;;if error
- getarg: ;;get argument from input buffer to
- lxi b,15h ;;reg hl
- jmp sidlink
- brktest: ;;call bdos break function
- lxi b,18h
- sidlink:
- lhld 39h ;;address field of jmp @ rst 7
- dad b ;;add displacement into sid jmp table
- pchl ;;and vector to desired routine
- ;
- ; print message pointed to by reg de unitl 0h is found
- ;
- prmsg:
- ldax d ;;get a character of message
- ora a ;;end of message?
- rz ;;yes - all done
- inx d ;;no - print character
- push d
- call conout
- pop d
- jmp prmsg ;;print more
- ;
- entry:
- lhld bdos+1 ;;get current sid base
- shld base+1 ;;store it into utl base
- lxi h,base ;;make loc 5 jmp to utl base
- shld bdos+1
- lxi d,p1msg ;;print entry point addresses
- call prmsg
- lxi d,ep1
- call hexode
- lxi d,p2msg
- call prmsg
- lxi d,ep2
- call hexode
- lxi d,p3msg
- call prmsg
- lxi d,ep3
- call hexode
- call init ;;if additional init required
- lxi d,symlen ;;pass symbol table lenght back to sid
- ret
- p1msg:
- db 13, 10, '.&PARM1 = ', 0
- p2msg:
- db 13, 10, '.&PARM2 = ', 0
- p3msg:
- db 13, 10, '.&PARM3 = ', 0
- endm