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- **********************************************************
- * *
- * The BD Software C Compiler v1.41 10/9/80 *
- * *
- * written by: Leor Zolman *
- * BD Software *
- * 173 Hampshire st. #2 *
- * Cambridge, Mass. 02139 *
- * (617) 492-3038 evenings *
- * *
- **********************************************************
- This flier represents most of the BDS C Handbook that comes with each copy of
- the compiler (in addition to the User's Guide). The BDS C package is available
- only from:
- Lifeboat Associates Price: $145 on 8" CP/M disks;
- 1651 Third Ave. Contact Lifeboat for the
- New York, NY 10028 prices on other formats.
- (212) 860-0300
- There is NO restriction on use of COM files generated by the BDS C Compiler;
- Users are free to place such items on the market without paying any royalty for
- use of run-time routines provided with the compiler package.
- The main components of the BDS C package are: four executable COM files
- (CC1.COM, CC2.COM, CLINK.COM and CLIB.COM), two standard library files
- (DEFF.CRL and DEFF2.CRL), and a run-time package module (C.CCC). For
- customization purposes, sources are provided for C.CCC (CCC.ASM) and all
- library functions written in assembler (DEFF2.ASM and DEFF2A.ASM). There are
- also various sample source programs and utility packages included.
- A description of each follows:
- CC1: The first phase of the compiler: accepts a C source file with any
- filename and extension (say, "foo.c") and produces a temporary file
- containing a symbol table and an encoded form of the source code. By
- default, CC1 leaves the temporary file in ram and attempts to load in
- the next phase of the compiler (CC2) from the currently logged in
- disk (unless errors occur); see the"-a" option below for control
- details.
- The file extension".C" is NOT assumed for the source file name, so
- saying"foo" when you mean "foo.c" would not work.
- If the source file name is preceded by a disk designation, then the
- input is taken from the specified disk, and the output (if no errors)
- is written to that disk.
- Following the name of the source file on the command line, you may
- specify a list of options, each"optionally" preceded by a dash.
- The recognized options are:
- -o causes speed-optimization to be performed instead of
- space-optimization. I.e., causes the final generated code to
- be longer but faster. Will ONLY work if CC2 is auto-loaded
- by CC1.
- -p causes the result of the preprocessor phase of compilation
- (i.e., the result of #define and #include text substitutions)
- to be written to the CP/M console output, with lines numbers
- generated. If you type a control-P before hitting return on
- the command line, output will also go to the list device.
- -e xxxx Specifies an explicit, absolute address for the external data
- area, letting the compiler generate direct loads and stores
- (using"lhld" and "shld") for external variables. Will ONLY
- work if CC2 is auto-loaded by CC1.
- -m xxxx Specifies the starting address of C.CCC package at run-time.
- Normally (under CP/M) this defaults to the base of the TPA;
- use -m when generating code for a customized environment. See
- the"CRL Format" section of the User's Guide for details on
- customization. Will ONLY work if CC2 is auto-loaded by CC1.
- -r n Reserves nK bytes for the symbol table. Default value for n
- is 8 (6 for 4200h-based versions.) Minimum symbol table size
- is 5K.
- -a x Causes CC2.COM to be auto-loaded from disk x, where x may be
- "a", "b", "c", etc...or "z" to force a .CCI file to be
- written to disk (under control of the "-d" option below.)
- You'd use this option when the disk on which your BDS C
- commands reside is NOT the currently logged disk; In the
- absence of this option, CC1 will auto- load CC2 from the
- currently logged disk.
- -d x Specifies to which disk the .CRL file output of the compiler
- is to be written. The default is the disk from which the
- source was taken. Again, x can be"a", "b", "c", etc.
- If auto-loading of CC2 is not performed (i.e., if the"-a z"
- option is used), then this option controls which disk the
- .CCI file output is to be written to.
- -c Disables the comment-nesting feature; When this is used, then
- the first"*/" after any "/*" is encountered closes the
- comment. If"-c" is NOT used, then each occurence of "/*"
- requires a matching "*/" before a comment is considered
- terminated.
- On a 2 MHz 8080, processing speed (not counting disk waiting) is
- about 15 lines of source/second. On a 4 MHz Z80, speed is about 35
- lines/sec.
- CC2: This is the second phase of the compiler. CC2 accepts a".CCI" file
- as input, and writes out a".CRL" file if no errors are detected.
- (CRL is mnemonic for 'C ReLocatable'.) Normally CC2.COM is
- automatically loaded in (by CC1) and operates on the CCI file left in
- memory by CC1; If invoked explicitly, then the .CCI file is loaded
- from disk.
- If all goes well, writing out of the CRL file is followed by deletion
- of the"CCI" file (if it exits), and compilation is complete.
- On an 8080, execution speed = about 35 lines/sec. On a 4 MHz Z80,
- speed is about 90 lines/sec.
- CLINK: This program links a"main" function from a given CRL file in with
- C.CCC (for common system subroutines) and any subordinate functions
- which "main" may require (from perhaps many CRL files). Alternately,
- CLINK may be used to prepare a code segment which can be swapped in
- at run time by the root module.
- A successful linkage causes a".COM" file to be generated, at which
- point the 8080 absolute machine code file is ready to be executed
- (for better or worse) as a transient command by CP/M (or swapped in
- by another COM file.)
- The first argument on the command line must be the name of a CRL file
- containing a"main" function; it may be preceded by a disk
- designation, to state where all .CRL files (except DEFF*.CRL) are to
- be searched for if further disk designators are omitted.
- Any other CRL files to search may also be specified on the command
- line (WITHOUT their".CRL" extensions), causing them to be searched
- in the order specified. The default disk to search will be the same
- disk from which the original CRL file was taken; this default can be
- overridden by specifying an explicit disk designation for any
- appropriate CRL file name needing it. For example,
- A>clink c:foo bar a:zot fraz
- causes disk C to be searched for the files FOO.CRL, BAR.CRL and
- FRAZ.CRL, and disk A to be searched to find ZOT.CRL. Note that C.CCC,
- DEFF.CRL and DEFF2.CRL are expected to reside on the currently-logged
- disk, unless the -c option is used (see below.)
- After all given CRL files have been searched once, CLINK will
- automatically search DEFF.CRL and then DEFF2.CRL.
- If there are still some unresolved references, then CLINK will ask
- for input from the keyboard to try resolving them. This situation is
- likely to arise in the case where a function becomes "needed" AFTER
- the CRL file containing it has already been searched. When yanking
- functions out of a CRL file, CLINK will only take those which are
- already known to be needed (due to a prior reference.) Thus, it will
- save you some pain to order the CRL filenames on the command line in
- such a way as to minimize undefined backward references. This ONLY
- applies to multiple CRL files; the order of functions within a single
- CRL file makes no difference.
- There are several options which may be specified on the CLINK command
- line. Each option must be preceded by a dash (-); the space between
- options and their argument (if needed) is optional.
- The presently supported options are:
- -s Prints out load statistics.
- -d ["args"] Use this to run the code immediately after linking,
- for debugging purposes, instead of writing a COM
- file out to disk. If a quoted string is given,
- then that string is treated as a list of command
- line arguments and is passed to the executing
- program as if via the CCP.
- -t nnnn Reserves location nnnn (hex) and above for user;
- default is to reserve no space. What this really
- does is to cause the first op in the object file to
- become
- lxi sp,nnnn
- instead of the usual
- lhld BASE+6
- sphl
- -o name Causes the .COM file generated to
- (or) -o name. be called"name.COM", "name" or
- (or) -o name.ext"name.ext" respectively. If omitted, the name of
- the "main" .CRL file is used by default, with the
- extension".COM".
- The name may also have a disk designator to direct
- the output to any disk (in lieu of the special
- extension code on the"main" CRL filename). If a
- disk designator ALONE is given (e.g.,"-o b:") then
- the output is directed to the specified disk
- without affecting the filename.
- -e xxxx Sets start of data area to address xxxx, to
- maintain consistency between several separate .COM
- files when chaining (via the library function
- "exec") is used and external data need to be
- shared. If the program will be swapping in
- segments, then the value given MUST BE GREATER THAN
- SWAPPED-IN CODE. Note that the "Stack space"
- statistic, printed upon completion of linkage if
- "-s" is given, may be incorrect when this option is
- used.
- -c x Tells CLINK to obtain the files C.CCC, DEFF.CRL and
- DEFF2.CRL from disk "x". By default, these files
- are assumed to reside on the currently logged disk.
- -y name Yanks in the symbol table file"name.SYM" from
- disk, and defines all the symbols found therein.
- This is used when linking an overlay segment, to
- pre-define the function addresses resident in the
- root node and accessible by the segment. See the -w
- option below.
- -w Causes a SID-compatible symbol table file to be
- written to disk for use either by SID or by CLINK
- later on when linking overlay segments (see the -y
- option above.)
- -v Specifies that the resultant COM file is to be
- swapped in as an overlay segment by another command
- at run time, so the run-time package (C.CCC) is not
- linked into the code. The"-l" (letter ell) option
- should always be used with"-v". Note that this
- option replaces the awkward"foo.aaS" scheme of
- previous versions.
- -l xxxx (letter ell) Sets the starting (load) address of
- the generated code. Normally, this defaults to the
- base of the TPA; If used with the"-v" option, this
- generates an overlay segment to load in at address
- xxxx. If the"-v" option is not given, then the
- run-time package (C.CCC) must have been previously
- re-assembled to run at location xxxx (since the
- run-time package always resides at the base of the
- root segment.) For detailed info on generating code
- to run at an arbitrary starting address and/or to
- be ROMable, see the"CRL Format" section of the
- User's Guide.
- -r xxxx Reserve xxxx bytes (in HEX) for the internal CLINK
- forward function reference table. This table's not
- being big enough (and my faulty tests for table
- overflow) were responsible for CLINK's previous
- tendency to crash on big linkages. While CLINK
- won't crash anymore, it may give you a"Ref table
- overflow" message and quit; if this happens, use
- this option with an argument larger than the 600h
- default for regular CP/M, or the 400h default for
- 4200h-based CP/M systems, to enlarge the table
- area. Of course, this reduces the space available
- for linked code...if CLINK gives you an"Out of
- memory" message, use the "-r" option to reduce the
- reserved table space and provide more code space.
- Chances are, though, that you won't be able to
- reduce the table space by much before running out
- of it. Time for overlays...
- CLIB: This program maintains .CRL files, allows transfer of functions from
- one CRL file to another, etc. To invoke CLIB, just type
- A>clib
- CLIB will print a line such as
- Function buffer size = nnnnn
- specifying the largest function size that can be handled. Attempting
- to"transfer" or "extract" a function larger than this size could be
- destructive.
- Next CLIB will prompt with a "*". Typing "h" at this point will give
- you a command summary.
- Basically, you work CLIB by opening one to six CRL files (which then
- become associated with"file numbers"), diddling the files to your
- hearts content, closing all files which you altered, and typing
- control-C.
- The old version of any CRL file you change with CLIB is renamed to
- name.BRL (for Backup ReLative).
- A sample session of CLIB to, say, transfer the functions named"FOO",
- "BAR", and "ZOT" from a CRL file named "DSSR" on disk B: to one named
- "RTS" on disk A: would go as follows:
- A>clib
- BD Sofware C Librarian v1.4
- Function buffer size = xxxxx bytes
- * open 0 b:dssr
- * open 1 rts
- * t 0 1 foo
- * t 0 1 bar
- * t 0 1 zot
- * c 1
- * ^C
- A> ...
- The"open" commands prepare to do work on a .CRL file, and associate
- each .CRL file opened with a digit (0-9). The"transfer" commands
- tell CLIB to transfer the named function from the first file (named
- by file #) to the second file (also named by number). The "close"
- command need only be given for files which have been altered; since
- DSSR wasn't written to in the above example, it didn't need to be
- closed, but RTS did need to be closed.
- DEFF.CRL: Contains all compiled functions from STDLIB1.C and STDLIB2.C. See
- the BDS C User's Guide, STDLIB1.C and STDLIB2.C for documentation on
- these functions.
- DEFF2.CRL: Contains all library functions coded in assembly language; the
- sources to all of these functions (except"fp") are in DEFF2.ASM and
- C.CCC: The run-time package, containing code for processing the command line
- (generating argc and argv, for you Unix [1] lovers), room for file
- I/O buffers, some math subroutines, etc. This run-time package is
- always linked in at the beginning of root segment COM files generated
- by CLINK. The source to C.CCC is CCC.ASM.
- STDLIB1.C Source for library functions which are written in C and
- present, in compiled form, within DEFF.CRL.
- STDLIB2.C More DEFF.CRL library function sources.
- OTHELLO.C Game program. Serves as a good example of modular coding,
- passing arrays as arguments to functions, and the "qsort"
- library function.
- RALLY.C Arcade game, for H19 terminal only (uses files RALLY.MAP and
- R2.MAP).
- PPONG.C Polish Pong, for the H19. Very interesting little hack.
- TELNET.C Program to let a system be used as a terminal, optionally
- routing stuff from modem to disk and vice- versa. Nice
- hanshaking and check- summing features. Hairy but useful.
- CONVERT.C Converts unprintable characters (for systems having upper-case
- only and/or incomplete special symbol set) into special
- 2-character sequences beginning with the character '#'. See
- also CC0T.C
- CC0T.C Converts C source files containing the special sequences
- generated by the CONVERT program back into a form that can be
- compiled.
- FLOAT.DOC, Bob Mathias's contributed floating
- FLOAT.C point package (uses the"fp" function which resides in
- FLOATSUM.C Sample program using the floating point package.
- CMAC.LIB, Macro package for use with Digital Research's"mac" macro
- assembler to create CRL files painlessly from assembly
- programs.
- CCC.ASM Source to the C.CCC run-time package.
- DEFF2.ASM Source to the machine-language library functions. Uses the
- CMAC.LIB macro package, requiring Digital Research's MAC for
- assembly.
- DEFF2A.ASM More of the above
- BDS.LIB Global header file for FNS.ASM.