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- /*
- "LIFE"
- The game invented by John Conway
- This version written by Leor Zolman to exemplify
- PROPER use of"goto" statements in C programs!
- Note that the Universe is a toroid; i.e,
- the left extreme is adjacent to the right extreme,
- the top is adjacent to the bottom, and each corner
- is adjacent to each other corner.
- In other words, there ARE NO EXTREMES !!
- Or, in a more physical illustration: If I could
- take a peek straight ahead through the magical
- eyepiece of an infinitely powerful telescope,
- I'd be able to see the back of my brain-damaged
- head....that is, of course, assuming no galaxies
- or cats get in the way.
- */
- #define CLEARS "\033E" /* string to clear the screen on
- your terminal (Escape E does it
- on mine. I strongly feel the
- Heathkit/Zenith H19 terminal is
- the best buy in the market for
- serial console terminals.
- Gratuitous plug ends.)
- */
- #define TWIDTH 80 /* # of columns on your terminal */
- #define XSIZE 60 /* length of cell array (max # of lines)*/
- #define YSIZE 79 /* width of cell (terminal width - 1) */
- /* To see how the toroid works,
- try reducing XSIZE and YSIZE to
- around 10 or 20. */
- #define BOREDOM_THRESHOLD 5 /* This is how many generations
- are allowed to pass without a
- population change before Divine
- intervention is called for. */
- char *gets(); /* routine to accept a line of input */
- char cell[XSIZE][YSIZE]; /* the universe matrix */
- int minx, maxx, miny, maxy, pop, gen; /* misc. variables */
- char doneflag; /* This goes true when we want to stop */
- int boring; /* keeps count of how many generations
- go by without a population change */
- char center; /* 1 = center display; 0 = left
- justify */
- /*
- The main driving routine, to accept random initial
- and population configurations, and display their
- evolution according to a proximity-based formula.
- */
- main()
- {
- char c;
- printf("%s\n\t *** BDS Life ***\n",CLEARS);
- printf("\nDo you wish to have the display centered\n");
- printf(" (and thereby slowed down a bit) (y/n) ?");
- center = toupper(getchar()) == 'Y';
- putchar('\n');
- for (;;) {
- clear();
- setup();
- if (!pop) break;
- adjust();
- display();
- while (pop) {
- adjust();
- dogen();
- if (kbhit()) {
- getchar();
- printf("\nThe Wrath Of God Strikes!!!!! KA-BEEP!\7\n");
- break;
- }
- display();
- if (boring == BOREDOM_THRESHOLD) {
- boring++;
- printf("\nNo change in population for");
- printf(" %d ",BOREDOM_THRESHOLD);
- printf("generations. Abort (y/n) ");
- c = toupper(getchar());
- putchar('\n');
- if (c == 'Y') break;
- }
- if (doneflag) break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Initialize the cell matrix to all dead */
- clear()
- {
- setmem(cell,(XSIZE*YSIZE),0);
- }
- /* Get initial set-up from user */
- setup()
- {
- char c;
- int y;
- char string[YSIZE], *ptr;
- y = pop = gen = minx = maxx = miny= maxy = 0;
- boring = 0;
- printf("\nEnter initial configuration (single period to end):\n");
- while (*gets(string) != '.') {
- ptr = string;
- while (*ptr) {
- if ( *ptr++ != ' ') {
- cell[maxx][y] = 10;
- ++pop;
- }
- ++y;
- if (y==YSIZE) {
- printf("Truncated to %d chars\n",
- YSIZE); break;
- }
- }
- --y;
- ++maxx;
- if (y>maxy) maxy = y;
- if (maxx==XSIZE) break;
- y = 0;
- }
- --maxx;
- }
- /* Display the current generation */
- display()
- {
- int i,j,k,l,j9;
- char c;
- if (!pop) {
- printf("\nLife ends at %d\n",gen);
- return;
- }
- if(minx && prow(minx-1)) minx--;
- if(miny && pcol(miny-1)) miny--;
- if ((maxx < (XSIZE-1)) && prow(maxx+1)) maxx++;
- if((maxy<(YSIZE-1)) && pcol(maxy+1))maxy++;
- while (!prow(minx)) minx++;
- while (!prow(maxx)) maxx--;
- while (!pcol(miny)) miny++;
- while (!pcol(maxy)) maxy--;
- puts(CLEARS);
- if (center) {
- i = (TWIDTH-33)/2;
- for (j = 0; j<i; j++) putchar(' ');
- }
- printf("generation = %1d population = %1d\n",
- gen,pop);
- ++gen;
- j9 = maxy - miny + 1;
- for (i = minx; i<=maxx; i++) {
- if (center && j9<TWIDTH) {
- l = (TWIDTH-j9)/2;
- for (k = 0; k<l; k++) putchar(' ');
- }
- for (j=miny; j<=maxy; j++)
- putchar(cell[i][j] ? '*' : ' ');
- if (i != maxx) putchar('\n');
- }
- }
- /* Test if given column is populated */
- pcol(n)
- {
- int i,hi;
- hi = (maxx == (XSIZE-1)) ? maxx : maxx+1;
- for (i = minx ? minx-1 : minx; i<=hi; ++i)
- if (cell[i][n]) return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Test if given row is populated */
- prow(n)
- {
- int i,hi;
- hi = (maxy == (YSIZE-1)) ? maxy : maxy+1;
- for (i = miny ? miny-1 : miny; i<=hi; ++i)
- if (cell[n][i]) return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- Compute next generation. Algorithm used is a two-pass
- cuteness suggested to me by Ward Christensen (he uses
- it on a machine-language version on a 1024 character
- display, and it cranks out 20 generations a second at
- 2 MHz.)
- The algorithm uses the low order 3 bits of each 1-byte
- cell as a neighbor count. The first pass finds all live
- cells and increments the count of each of the 8 neighbors
- of such live cells. For the first pass, dead cells are
- totally ignored. The second pass then comes along and
- checks the counts off all cells within the active square
- to determine who lives and who dies. Note that this is a
- significant improvement over the "obvious" method of
- examining all 8 neighbors of each and every cell, dead
- or alive, in the array.
- */
- dogen()
- {
- int i,j,i2,j2;
- int bigflag;
- int k,l;
- int oldpop;
- char c;
- int pass;
- doneflag = 1;
- oldpop = pop;
- bigflag = (minx<2 || maxx>(XSIZE-3) ||
- miny<2 || maxy>(YSIZE-3)) ;
- i2 = (maxx==(XSIZE-1)) ? maxx : maxx+1;
- j2 = (maxy==(YSIZE-1)) ? maxy : maxy+1;
- for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
- for (i=minx ? minx-1 : minx; i<=i2; ++i)
- for (j=miny ? miny-1 : miny; j<=j2; ++j) {
- c = cell[i][j];
- if (!pass) {
- if (c >= 10)
- if (bigflag)
- for (k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
- for (l = -1; l <= 1; l++)
- cell[mod(i+k,XSIZE)][mod(j+l,YSIZE)]++;
- else
- for (k = -1; k<=1; k++)
- for (l = -1; l <= 1; l++)
- cell[i+k][j+l]++;
- }
- else
- if (c > 10)
- if (c < 13 || c > 14) {
- cell[i][j] = 0;
- pop--;
- doneflag = 0;
- }
- else cell[i][j] = 10;
- else
- if (c == 3) {
- cell[i][j] = 10;
- pop++;
- doneflag = 0;
- }
- else cell[i][j] = 0;
- }
- if (pop == oldpop) boring++;
- else boring = 0;
- }
- int mod(a,b)
- {
- if (a<0) return b+a;
- if (a<b) return a;
- return a-b;
- }
- /* If we're about to run off the matrix, adjust accordingly (if possible) */
- adjust()
- {
- adjx(); /* for overflow in x direction */
- adjy(); /* and also in y direction */
- }
- /* Adjust vertical position */
- adjx()
- {
- int delta, i,j;
- int savdelta;
- if (maxx - minx + 1 > XSIZE-2) return;
- if (minx==0) {
- delta = (XSIZE-maxx)/2+maxx;
- savdelta = delta;
- for (i=maxx; i >= 0; --i) {
- for (j=miny; j<=maxy; ++j) {
- cell[delta][j] = cell[i][j];
- cell[i][j] = 0;
- }
- --delta;
- }
- minx = delta+1;
- maxx = savdelta;
- }
- if (maxx == (XSIZE-1)) {
- delta = minx/2;
- savdelta = delta;
- for (i=minx; i<XSIZE; ++i) {
- for (j=miny; j<=maxy; ++j) {
- cell[delta][j] = cell[i][j];
- cell[i][j] = 0;
- }
- ++delta;
- }
- maxx = delta-1;
- minx = savdelta;
- }
- }
- /* Adjust horizontal position */
- adjy()
- {
- int delta, i, j;
- int savdelta;
- if (maxy - miny + 1 > YSIZE -2) return;
- if (miny == 0) {
- delta = (YSIZE-maxy)/2+maxy;
- savdelta = delta;
- for (i=maxy; i>=0; --i) {
- for (j=minx; j<=maxx; ++j) {
- cell[j][delta] = cell[j][i];
- cell[j][i] = 0;
- }
- --delta;
- }
- miny = delta+1;
- maxy = savdelta;
- }
- if (maxy == (YSIZE-1)) {
- delta = miny/2;
- savdelta = delta;
- for (i=miny; i<YSIZE; ++i) {
- for (j=minx; j<=maxx; ++j) {
- cell[j][delta] = cell[j][i];
- cell[j][i] = 0;
- }
- ++delta;
- }
- maxy = delta -1;
- miny = savdelta;
- }
- }
- /*
- This is done so that the Wrath Of God doesn't mess up the
- display:
- */
- putchar(c)
- char c;
- {
- putch(c);
- }