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- /*
- Polish Pong game for H19/H89, RHH (Robert H. Halstead) August 1980:
- Object is to guide the little ball around the screen by setting up
- and removing blockade sections. All control is via the keypad; "4"
- and "6" cause blockades to be formed at the current position of the
- roving ball, while pressing "5" at the exact moment the ball hits a
- blockade should make that blockade disappear. Oh yes, and the POINT
- of all this is to make the ball hit the little square target--once
- this is done, the square will disappear and reappear somewhere else,
- to be hit again. Go for hitting the target the specified number of
- times AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. Your score is how many seconds you
- took; the lower the better.
- Keys "8" and "2" speed up and slow down the ball; as you get better,
- try it at a faster speed!
- */
- #include "bdscio.h"
- #define MAXX 78 /* horizontal size of board */
- #define MAXY 23 /* vertical size */
- #define MAXTARG 20 /* # of targets per game */
- #define ISPEED 400 /* initial ball speed */
- #define SPEEDINC 100 /* increments/decrements in ball speed */
- #define TIMX 50 /* locations of status strings */
- #define TIMY 23
- #define TARGX 30
- #define TARGY 23
- #define SPEEDX 10
- #define SPEEDY 23
- #define BESTX 70
- #define BESTY 23
- #define CONINF 1 /* console input FDOS function */
- #define MSPS 960 /* "millisecs" per second */
- #define QUITCH 3 /* ^C quits the program */
- #define DELETE 0177 /* DELETE restarts the game */
- #define XOFF ('S'&037) /* flow control chars */
- #define XON ('Q'&037)
- #define EGRAPH "\033F" /* H19 escape sequences */
- #define XGRAPH "\033G"
- #define REGKPM "\033u\033>"
- #define VBAR '`' /* H19 alternate graphic chars */
- #define HBAR 'a'
- #define SLASH 'x'
- #define BSLASH 'y'
- #define BALL '^'
- #define TARGET 'i'
- char board[MAXX][MAXY]; /* board with current layout */
- int ballx,bally,ballxv,ballyv; /* state of ball */
- int Speed,Dist; /* speed of ball */
- int TargLeft; /* number of targets left */
- int MSecs,Secs; /* bookkeeping for time elapsed */
- int NewTime; /* nonzero if time has changed */
- int Best; /* best score so far */
- int InChar; /* character read from input */
- putchx(c)
- int c;
- { if (++MSecs >= MSPS)
- { MSecs = 0; Secs++;
- NewTime = 1;
- }
- Dist += Speed;
- if (bios(2))
- { InChar = bios(3) & 0177;
- if (InChar == QUITCH)
- { InChar = -1;
- outs(0,MAXY-1,XGRAPH);
- prints(CURSORON);
- exit(0);
- }
- if (InChar == XOFF)
- { while (InChar != XON)
- { while (!bios(2));
- InChar = bios(3) & 0177;
- }
- InChar = -1;
- }
- }
- bios(4,c);
- if (c == '\n') putchx('\r');
- }
- /*
- int getch() /* get a char from console, no echo */
- { int c;
- c = inp(CDATA);
- return(c);
- }
- */
- prints(s) /* put out a string */
- char *s;
- { int c;
- while (c = *s++) putchx(c);
- }
- puts(s) /* same as prints, but "srand1" needs it */
- char *s;
- {
- prints(s);
- }
- ouch(ch,x,y) /* put character at position */
- int ch,x,y;
- {
- putchx(ESC); putchx('Y'); putchx(y+32); putchx(x+32); putchx(ch);
- }
- outs(x,y,s) /* put string at position (x,y) */
- int x,y;
- char *s;
- {
- putchx(ESC); putchx('Y'); putchx(y+32); putchx(x+32);
- prints(s);
- }
- puttarg()
- { char buff[100];
- sprintf(buff,"\033p%2d\033q",TargLeft);
- outs(TARGX,TARGY,buff);
- }
- puttime()
- { char buff[100];
- sprintf(buff,"\033p%3d\033q",Secs);
- outs(TIMX,TIMY,buff);
- }
- putspeed()
- { char buff[100];
- sprintf(buff,"\033p%3d\033q",Speed/10);
- outs(SPEEDX,SPEEDY,buff);
- }
- int moveball()
- { int i,nx,ny;
- Dist = 0;
- i = InChar;
- if (i > 0)
- { InChar = -1;
- switch (i)
- { case '4': /* lay down backslash */
- if (board[ballx][bally] == ' ')
- board[ballx][bally] = BSLASH;
- else putchx(7);
- break;
- case '6': /* lay down slash */
- if (board[ballx][bally] == ' ')
- board[ballx][bally] = SLASH;
- else putchx(7);
- break;
- case '5': /* delete current char */
- i = board[ballx][bally];
- if (i == SLASH || i == BSLASH) board[ballx][bally] = ' ';
- else putchx(7);
- break;
- case '8': /* go faster */
- if (Speed < 1000) { Speed += SPEEDINC; putspeed(); }
- break;
- case '2': /* go slower */
- if (Speed > SPEEDINC+50) { Speed -= SPEEDINC; putspeed(); }
- break;
- case DELETE: /* start a new game */
- return(0);
- default:
- putchx(7); break;
- }
- }
- switch (board[ballx][bally])
- { case ' ': break;
- case VBAR: ballxv = -ballxv; break;
- case HBAR: ballyv = -ballyv; break;
- case BSLASH: i = ballxv; ballxv = ballyv; ballyv = i; break;
- case SLASH: i = ballxv; ballxv = -ballyv; ballyv = -i; break;
- case TARGET:
- if (--TargLeft <= 0) return(0);
- puttarg();
- board[ballx][bally] = ' ';
- do { nx = rand()%(MAXX-2) + 1;
- ny = rand()%(MAXY-2) + 1;
- } while (board[nx][ny] != ' ');
- board[nx][ny] = TARGET;
- ouch(TARGET,nx,ny);
- break;
- }
- nx = ballx + ballxv;
- ny = bally + ballyv;
- ouch(BALL,nx,ny);
- ouch(board[ballx][bally],ballx,bally);
- if (NewTime) { puttime(); NewTime = 0; }
- ballx = nx; bally = ny;
- while (Dist < (ballyv?22000:10000)) putchx(1);
- /* further delay to slow ball down */
- return(1);
- }
- main()
- { puts("Welcome to Polish Pong!\n"); sleep(10);
- Best = 32767;
- Speed = ISPEED; /* governs how fast ball moves */
- while (playgame());
- }
- int playgame()
- { int i,j;
- char buff[100]; /* temp */
- InChar = -1; /* initially, no char typed in */
- srand1("\033H\033GType any key to start game: \033K");
- if (bdos(1) == QUITCH) /* clear the input character */
- exit(); /* and quit on control-C */
- InChar = -1; /* clear space out of input buffer */
- ballx = rand()%(MAXX-2) + 1;
- bally = rand()%(MAXY-2) + 1;
- ballxv = ballyv = 0;
- i = (rand()&2) - 1;
- if (rand()&1) ballxv = i; else ballyv = i;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXX; i++) for (j = 0; j < MAXY; j++) board[i][j] = ' ';
- for (i = 0; i < MAXX; i++) board[i][0] = board[i][MAXY-1] = HBAR;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXY; i++) board[0][i] = board[MAXX-1][i] = VBAR;
- board[0][0] = 'f'; /* special corner pieces */
- board[0][MAXY-1] = 'e';
- board[MAXX-1][0] = 'c';
- board[MAXX-1][MAXY-1] = 'd';
- board[rand()%(MAXX-2)+1][rand()%(MAXY-2)+1] = TARGET;
- /* place initial target */
- TargLeft = MAXTARG; /* start with full complement of targets */
- prints(REGKPM); prints(CLEARS); prints(EGRAPH); prints(CURSOROFF);
- for (j = 0; j < MAXY; j++)
- { for (i = 0; i < MAXX; i++) putchx(board[i][j]);
- putchx('\n');
- }
- outs(TIMX-11,TIMY,"\033G\033pTime Used: ");
- outs(TARGX-14,TARGY,"Targets Left: ");
- if (Best < 32767)
- { sprintf(buff,"Best Time: %3d",Best);
- outs(BESTX-11,BESTY,buff);
- }
- outs(SPEEDX-7,SPEEDY,"Speed: \033F\033q");
- putspeed();
- puttarg();
- MSecs = Secs = 0; puttime();
- ouch(BALL,ballx,bally);
- while (moveball());
- if (TargLeft == 0 && Secs < Best) Best = Secs;
- return(1);
- }