home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Press-up game...
- pressup <options>
- where <options> may include
- -f Machine goes first
- -d n Search depth is n moves (default 3)
- (greater search depths take longer...but
- play better!!)
- -b Print machine's evaluation of its moves.
- LOWER CASE CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This excellent program was written by:
- Prof. Steve Ward
- Director, Real-Time Systems Group
- MIT Lab for Computer Science
- Cambridge, Massachussetts, 02139
- (slightly modified by Leor Zolman)
- The game of Press-Ups is played as follows:
- The board is a n by n array of pegs, each of
- which is standing up at the start of the game. Pegs
- come in 3 colors: Red (yours), Blue (the machine's),
- and white (periods, actually; they're neutral.)
- The first player to move must"push down" a neutral
- peg. Thereafter, players take turns pushing down pegs,
- where each peg pushed must be adjacent to the last one
- pushed.
- Pegs are named by giving a letter and a number, for the
- row and column of the desired peg.
- As soon as a player gets all of his pegs down, he wins.
- When there are no more legal moves to play,
- the player with the most of his own colored pegs down
- is the winner.
- Watch out...at search depths of 6 or more, this program
- plays a mean game!!!
- */
- #define SIDE 7 /* Dimension of board */
- #define HISFIRST (SIDE*2+1) /* His best first move */
- #define MYFIRST (SIDE+SIDE/2-1) /* My best first move */
- #define BELL 0x07
- #define BACKSP 0x08
- char toupper();
- int Depth; /* Search depth (default = 3) */
- int Helpflag;
- char FFlag, /* -f option: machine goes first */
- BFlag; /* Debugging flag */
- char Startflag; /* True on first move only */
- char *image;
- int Adj[16];
- int BestMove; /* Returned by search */
- #define BBOARD struct bord
- struct bord
- { char board[SIDE*SIDE];
- int star;
- char red;
- char blue;
- };
- BBOARD initb;
- BBOARD master, savebd;
- char string[20];
- CheckWin(bp)
- BBOARD *bp;
- { int i;
- i = search(bp,1,1,-32000,-32000);
- if (BestMove >= 0) return 0;
- if (i>0) printf("I win!\n");
- if (i<0) printf("You win!\n");
- if (i==0) printf("Tie game!\n");
- return 1;
- }
- asknew()
- {
- printf("\nAnother game? ");
- if (toupper(getchar()) != 'Y') exit();
- printf("\n");
- }
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- { int i,j; char *arg;
- FFlag = BFlag = 0;
- image = ".rbXRB";
- initw(Adj,"-1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,0,-1,0,1,1,-1,1,0,1,1");
- Depth = 3;
- for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
- {if (*(arg = argv[i])=='-') switch (toupper(*++arg)) {
- case 'D': Depth = atoi(argv[++i]); continue;
- case 'F': FFlag++; continue;
- case 'B': BFlag++; continue;
- default: printf("Illegal argument: '%1s'\n",argv[i]);
- exit(); }
- else {printf("Illegal argument: '%1s'\n",arg); exit(); }}
- ngame:
- Startflag = 1;
- Helpflag = 0;
- for (i=0; i<(SIDE*SIDE); i++) initb.board[i] = 0;
- for (j=1; j<(SIDE-1); j++)
- { initb.board[j] = 1;
- initb.board[(SIDE*SIDE-1)-j] = 1;
- initb.board[SIDE*j] = 2;
- initb.board[SIDE*j + SIDE-1] = 2; };
- initb.star = -1; initb.red = 0; initb.blue = 0;
- bcopy(&initb,&master);
- pboard(&master); bcopy(&master,&savebd);
- for(;;)
- { if (FFlag) { FFlag = 0; goto Mine; }
- if (CheckWin(&master)) {
- asknew();
- goto ngame;
- }
- i = getmove();
- if (i == 'Q') {
- asknew();
- goto ngame;
- }
- dmove(i);
- if (CheckWin(&master)) {
- asknew();
- goto ngame;
- }
- Mine: printf("I'm thinking...\n");
- i = search(&master,Depth,1,-32000,-32000);
- if (BFlag) printf("Eval = %d\n",i);
- dmove(BestMove);
- if (i > 500) printf("I've got you!\n");
- if (i < -500) printf("You've got me!\n");
- }
- }
- pboard(bp)
- BBOARD *bp;
- { int i, j, n;
- char letter;
- letter = 'A';
- printf("\n\n ");
- for (i=0; i<SIDE; i++) printf("%-3d",i+1); printf("\n");
- printf(" "); for (i=0; i<(2+3*SIDE); i++) printf("-"); printf("\n");
- for (i = 0; i < SIDE; i++)
- { printf(" %c |",letter);
- for (j = 0; j < SIDE; j++)
- { if ((n = i*SIDE + j) == bp -> star) printf(" * ");
- else printf(" %c ",image[bp->board[n]]); }
- printf("| %c",letter++);
- if (i==0) printf("\tSearch Depth: %1d moves",
- Depth);
- if (i==2) printf("\tScore:\tBlue(me) Red(you)");
- if (i==3) printf("\t\t %1d %1d",
- master.blue, master.red);
- if (i==5) {
- if (Helpflag)
- printf("\tYou've had help!");
- if (Startflag)
- printf(FFlag?"\tI go first"
- :"\tYou go first");
- Startflag = 0;
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf(" "); for (i=0; i<(2+3*SIDE); i++) printf("-"); printf("\n");
- printf(" ");
- for (i=0; i<SIDE; i++) printf("%-3d",i+1); printf("\n");
- printf("\n");
- }
- bcopy(p1,p2)
- BBOARD *p1, *p2;
- { int i;
- i = (SIDE*SIDE)-1;
- do p2->board[i] = p1->board[i];
- while(i--);
- p2->star = p1->star;
- p2->red = p1->red;
- p2->blue = p1->blue;
- }
- /* display move #n */
- dmove(n)
- {
- move(&master,n);
- pboard(&master);
- bcopy(&master,&savebd);
- }
- move(bp,n)
- BBOARD *bp;
- { int type;
- type = bp->board[n] += 3;
- if (type == 4) bp->red++;
- else if (type == 5) bp->blue++;
- bp->star = n;
- }
- search (bp,ddepth,who,alpha,beta)
- BBOARD *bp;
- { BBOARD new;
- int i,j,k;
- int myalpha,hisalpha,result,status;
- int best;
- int num;
- int bestmove, ii, jj, n;
- int SavStar;
- int SavBlue;
- int SavRed;
- int Save;
- char moves[9];
- status = -1;
- best = -32000;
- num = 0;
- SavStar = bp -> star;
- SavBlue = bp -> blue;
- SavRed = bp -> red;
- BestMove = -1; /* No best move yet... */
- if (SavStar == -1) /* special case opening moves */
- { BestMove = HISFIRST;
- if (who > 0) BestMove = MYFIRST;
- return 0; };
- if (!ddepth--)
- return(who * (bp->blue - bp->red));
- if (bp->blue == (SIDE*2-4) || bp->red == (SIDE*2-4))
- return(who*(bp->blue - bp->red)*1000);
- /* alpha-beta pruning */
- if (who>0) { myalpha = bp->blue; hisalpha = bp->red; }
- else { myalpha = bp->red; hisalpha = bp->blue; }
- myalpha += ddepth; /* Most optimistic estimate. */
- if (myalpha > (SIDE*2-4)) myalpha = (SIDE*2-4);
- if (myalpha == (SIDE*2-4)) myalpha = 1000*(myalpha-hisalpha);
- else myalpha -= hisalpha;
- if (myalpha <= alpha) return best;
- k = bp->star;
- i = k%SIDE;
- j = k/SIDE;
- for (n=0; n<8; n++)
- {
- if ((ii = i+Adj[n+n]) < 0 || ii >= SIDE) continue;
- if ((jj = j+Adj[n+n+1]) < 0 || jj >= SIDE) continue;
- if (bp->board[moves[num] = jj*SIDE + ii] < 3) num++; }
- if (num == 0) return(who*(bp->blue - bp->red)*1000);
- bestmove = moves[0];
- for (i=0; i<num; i++)
- { Save = bp->board[moves[i]]; move(bp,moves[i]);
- k = -search(bp,ddepth,-who,beta,alpha);
- bp->board[moves[i]] = Save;
- bp->blue = SavBlue; bp->red = SavRed; bp->star = SavStar;
- if (k > alpha) alpha = k;
- if (k > best) { best = k; bestmove = moves[i]; }
- if (k>100) break; }
- BestMove = bestmove;
- return best; }
- Help()
- { printf("I'm thinking for you...\n");
- Helpflag = 1;
- search(&master,Depth,-1,-32000,-32000);
- return BestMove; }
- getmove()
- { int row, col, n;
- int dc, dr;
- int star2;
- star2 = master.star;
- loop: printf("\nYour move (z for help; p for board): ");
- getrow: for (;;) {
- if ((row = toupper(getchar()) ) == 'Z') {
- printf("\n");
- return Help();
- }
- if (row == 'Q') return row;
- if (row == 'P') {
- pboard(&master);
- goto loop;
- }
- if (row == 0177 || row == '\n') goto err;
- if (row<'A' || row> ('A'+SIDE-1))
- putchar(BACKSP);
- else break;
- }
- row -= 'A';
- for (;;) {
- col = toupper(getchar());
- if (col == 0177) {
- putchar(BACKSP);
- goto getrow;
- }
- if (col == '\n' || col == '\b') goto err;
- if (col < '1' || col > ('0'+SIDE))
- putchar(BACKSP);
- else break;
- }
- col -= '1';
- n = row*SIDE + col;
- dr = abs(row - star2/SIDE);
- dc = abs(col - star2%SIDE);
- if ((star2 < 0 && master.board[n] == 0) ||
- (dr < 2 && dc < 2 && master.board[n] < 3))
- return(n);
- err: putchar(BELL);
- printf(" Illegal! ");
- goto loop;
- }