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- The BDS C Sampler Disk For the CPMUG November 29, 1980
- ---------------------- ------------------------------------
- Compiled by Leor Zolman, BD Software
- This disk contains a collection of programs written in BDS C, both in source
- and compiled forms, along with a short document describing the BDS C package
- for those who've never seen it. Some of the programs have been distributed
- with the BDS C package in the past, but currently there are so many assembler
- sources provided with the package that there isn't much room for games; thus,
- if you have purchased v1.4 or a later version of the compiler, many of these
- programs will be new to you.
- Since H19 terminals and H89 computers are pretty popular among the company I
- keep, there are a lot of game programs here that require the H19 hardware. If
- you don't have either an H19 or access to one, non-H19 versions of some of
- the games are also provided for use on any kind of terminal.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Here are descriptions of the programs on this disk:
- TABIFY.C: utility to turn sequences of spaces into tabs where possible
- PRESSUP.C: "Pressups" board game, uses alpha-beta searching
- STONE.C: "Awari" board game (pits and stones); [HSTONE.C for H19/H89]
- LIFE.C: What can one say about this? [HLIFE.C for H19/H89]
- MM.C: Single-player mastermind, you guess and computer kibitzes.
- TTT.C: Invincible tic-tac-toe game.
- OTHELLO.C: The game of dramatic reversals.
- RALLY.C: Arcade game, for H19/H89 only. NOTE: this program uses the
- console serial port parameters defined in BDSCIO.H, and so
- will probably NOT run on your system until those parameters
- are customized and the program recompiled (this is necessary
- because the program must be able to poll the console OUTPUT,
- to see if it is ready to send, and there is no way to do this
- using CP/M bdos or bios calls...thus the bit numbers must be
- built right into the program...)
- BUGS.C: Make bizzare thingies crawl around on your H19/H89 screen.
- PPONG.C: Polish Pong for H19/H89 only.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------