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- subroutine jayday(ny,nm,nd,jnl)
- integer ny,nm,nd,my,mm
- real jnl
- my=ny
- mm=nm
- if (mm .gt. 2 ) go to 12
- mm=mm + 9
- my=my -1
- go to 13
- 12 mm=mm-3
- 13 jnl =15078.0 + aint(1461.0*float(my)/4)
- jnl = jnl + aint((153.0*float(mm)+ 2.0)/5.0) + float(nd)
- return
- end
- subroutine calday(jnl,ny,nm,nd)
- real jnl
- if ( jnl .lt. 15384.0 ) go to 10
- if (jnl .lt. 88067.0) go to 11
- 10 nm=0
- nd=0
- ny=0
- goto 13
- 11 nseq=jnl-15078
- ny=(4*nseq-1)/1461
- nd=(4*nseq + 3 -1461*ny)/4
- nm= (5*nd-3)/153
- nd=(5*nd+2-153*nm)/5
- if ( nm .ge. 10) goto 12
- nm=nm +3
- goto 13
- 12 nm=nm-9
- ny=ny+1
- 13 return
- end
- function sidtim(jday,fday)
- double precision const0,const1,dthdt,a
- real jday
- dthdt=1.00273790929
- twopi=6.283185308
- const0=.277987616
- const1 = .27379092965e-2
- a= const0 + const1*dble(jday -33282.0)
- a =a + dthdt*dble(fday)
- sidtim= amod(sngl(a),1.0)*twopi
- return
- end
- subroutine eapos(x,y,z,t)
- real w,p,ec
- real *8 mdt,m,twopi,dtu
- C
- C ------Co-ordinates of earth in Ecliptic reference frame of date
- C ------ only approximate ( i.e. longitude accuracy +/- 1 minute of Arc
- C ------ Reference Almanac for computers -1980
- data mdt,twopi/6.283019465D+2,6.28318531D+0/
- dtu = dble(t-15019.5)/3.6525D+4
- m= dble(-.026601727) + dtu*mdt
- m = dmod(m,twopi)
- w = sngl(m)
- w = w +.0334409*sin(w) + 3.4907E-4*sin(2.0*w)
- ec =.01675104 -.418E-4*sngl(dtu)
- p= 1.0 -ec*ec
- om = 1.766636813 + .030005*sngl(dtu)
- xw =p*cos(w)/(1.0 + ec*cos(w))
- yw = p*sin(w)/(1.0 + ec*cos(w))
- co = cos(om)
- so = sin(om)
- x = xw*co -yw*so
- y = xw*so + yw*co
- z = 0
- return
- end
- function dot(v1,v2)
- dimension v1(3),v2(3)
- C ----- Vector dot product
- dot = 0.0
- do 1 i =1,3
- 1 dot = dot + v1(i)*v2(i)
- return
- end
- subroutine cross(v1,v2,v3)
- C
- C ----- Cross product of two vectors
- dimension v1(3),v2(3),v3(3)
- v3(1) = v1(2)*v2(3) -v1(3)*v2(2)
- v3(2) =v1(3)*v2(1) - v1(1)*v2(3)
- v3(3) = v1(1)*v2(2) -v1(2)*v2(1)
- return
- end
- function decml(ch,n)
- C DECML .. function for BCD to floating point binary conversion
- C Nicole Simon
- C
- C Revised for FORTRAN-80 by Anthony BERESFORD 30 DEC 1979
- logical*1 ch(1),bcd(13)
- data bcd/1h1,1h2,1h3,1h4,1h5,1h6,1h7,1h8,1h9,1h-,1h.,1he/
- data bcd(13)/1hE/
- C
- L=lstrng(ch,n)
- 6 in=n
- 7 kexpon = 0
- 8 kpoint = 0
- C convert bcd to fixed point number
- 10 decml= 0
- 20 fmlplr = 10.**l
- 25 last = n+l -1
- 30 do 110 k= in,last
- 50 do 90 intger= 1,9
- 60 IF (ch(k) .ne. bcd(intger))goto 90
- fmlplr = fmlplr/10.
- decml= decml + float(intger)*fmlplr
- goto 110
- 90 continue
- if (ch(k) .eq. bcd(10))goto 100
- if (ch(k) .eq. bcd(11))goto 105
- if(ch(k) .eq. bcd(12) .or. ch(k) .eq. bcd(13))goto 115
- goto 101
- 100 fmlplr = -fmlplr
- 101 fmlplr = fmlplr/10.
- goto 110
- 105 kpoint = k
- 110 continue
- C
- 111 goto 120
- C
- 115 kexpon = k
- in = k + 1
- il = last -kexpon
- 120 if ( kpoint .ne. 0 ) goto 140
- if (kpoint .eq. 0 .and. kexpon .eq. 0)goto 210
- kpoint =kexpon
- 140 dvisor = 10.**(last-kpoint+1)
- decml =decml/dvisor
- C
- if ( kexpon .eq. 0)goto 210
- C convert to floating point number,shifting for exponent
- kpoint = kdecml(ch,in,il)
- decml =decml*10.**kpoint
- C
- 210 n = n + l
- 220 return
- end
- function idecml(ch,n)
- logical*1 ch(1)
- C IDECML .... function for bcd to fixed point binary conversion
- C Nicole Simon
- data limit/6/
- C limit = maximum no. of digits allowed for integers
- 5 l =lstrng(ch,n)
- if (l .lt. limit )goto 10
- idecml =kdecml(ch,n,limit)
- goto 220
- 10 idecml = kdecml(ch,n,l)
- 220 n= n + l
- return
- end
- function kdecml(ch,n,l)
- logical*1 ch(1),bcd(10)
- real mulplr
- data bcd/1h1,1h2,1h3,1h4,1h5,1h6,1h7,1h8,1h9,1h-/
- C
- kdecml = 0
- mulplr = 10.**l
- last = n+ l -1
- do 110 k =n,last
- mulplr =mulplr/10.
- do 90 intger = 1,9
- if (ch(k) .ne. bcd(intger))goto 90
- kdecml = kdecml + ifix(float(intger)*mulplr)
- goto 110
- 90 continue
- if (ch(k) .ne. bcd(10) ) goto 110
- mulplr = - mulplr
- 110 continue
- return
- end
- function lstrng(ch,n)
- C LSTRNG ... function to search for length of input string
- C starting in column N
- logical *1 ch(1),blank
- data last,label,blank/80,81,1h /
- do 50 k = n,last
- if ( ch(k) .ne. blank )goto 50
- lstrng = k -n
- if( lstrng .ne. 0) goto 70
- n = n +1
- 50 continue
- lstrng = label -n
- 70 return
- end
- subroutine eaxyz(x,y,z,t,day)
- C * * * to give Earths's co-ordinates in Cartesian form
- C * * * for the reference frame 1950.0
- real*4 w,ec,lam,l1950,kep,ld1950
- real*8 mdt,m,twopi,dtu
- data mdt,twopi/6.28301945717D+2,6.2831853071795864D+0/
- data t1950,prec/33282.0,2.435637E-4/
- data obli0,obli1,ecrot/.4093197,-2.27111E-4,2.28105E-6/
- dtu =(dble(t-15019.) +dble(day-0.5))/3.6525D+4
- ec = .01675104 -.418E-4*sngl(dtu)
- m= dble(-.026601727) + dtu*mdt
- m=dmod(m,twopi)
- w = sngl(m)
- ecan = kep(w,ec)
- se = sin(ecan)
- ce = cos(ecan)
- r= 1.0 -ec*ce
- upsil = atan2(sqrt(1.-ec*ec)*se,ce-ec)
- om = 1.766636813 + .030005*sngl(dtu)
- dy = (t-t1950)/365.25
- lam = om + upsil
- l1950 = lam - prec*dy
- beta =-ecrot*dy*sin(lam +.091367)
- xe = r*cos(l1950)*cos(beta)
- ye =r*sin(l1950)*cos(beta)
- ze =r*sin(beta)
- obli =obli0 +obli1*sngl(dtu)
- x= xe
- y =ye*cos(obli) -ze*sin(obli)
- z= ye*sin(obli) +ze*cos(obli)
- return
- end
- real function Kep(am,ecc)
- data eps/1.0E-8/
- eni = am + ecc*sin(am)
- 10 de =(eni -ecc*sin(eni)-am)/(1.0 -ecc*cos(eni))
- eni = eni -de
- if (abs(de) .gt. eps)goto 10
- kep = eni
- return
- end