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- (*
- title message decoding by optimal binary search tree building
- using the hu-tucker algorithm
- cs 321 homework 5
- author robert a. van valzah 03/31/80
- this program will build an optimal binary search tree given
- a set of characters and frequencies of occurance. the tree
- is constructed using the hu-tucker algorithm (see knuth, the
- art of computer programming, volume 3/sorting and searching,
- pp. 439-446). an input sequence of 1's and 0's is then de-
- coded into a sequence of characters using this tree. the
- resulting message is printed.
- *)
- const
- nmax = 30; (* max number of characters *)
- rl = 9; (* record length in words *)
- dim = 810;(* nmax * rl * 3 *)
- char = 0; (* character value offset *)
- freq = 1; (* character frequence offset *)
- lst = 2; (* pointer to left subtree offset *)
- rst = 3; (* pointer to right subtree offset *)
- lforst = 4; (* pointer to left brother offset *)
- rforst = 5; (* pointer to right brother offset *)
- lev = 6; (* node level number *)
- lexp = 7; (* pointer to lexicographic predecessor *)
- lexs = 8; (* pointer to lexicographic successor *)
- nil = 0; (* zeroth element never used *)
- sent = '$';(* sentinal character *)
- maxint = 32767; (* kludge cause not defined by compiler *)
- type
- ary = array[0..dim] of word;
- boolean = (false, true); (* kludge till compiler is done *)
- var (* global variables *)
- h : ary; (* the heap *)
- hp : word; (* the heap pointer *)
- lmost,
- rmost : word; (* left and right most ends of the list *)
- lexfirst : word; (* pointer to first node in lex order *)
- procedure new(var p:word);
- begin
- hp:=hp+1;
- p:=hp*rl;
- if (p>dim-rl)
- then put#1('heapover')
- end; (* procedure new *)
- (*
- read a sequence of characters and weights from the standard
- input file and create a node for each pair. the nodes are
- linked into a doubly linked list to form a forest as they are
- read.
- *)
- procedure readtree;
- var
- ch : word; (* node value *)
- frq : word; (* frequency *)
- p : word; (* pointer to new node *)
- prev: word; (* pointer to previous node read (for linking) *)
- procedure readnode;
- var
- c : word;
- begin
- get#0(ch); (* get node value character *)
- if (ch<>sent)
- then begin
- get#0(c);
- while (c=' ') do get#0(c);
- frq:=0;
- while (c>='0') and (c<='9') do begin
- frq:=frq*10+c-'0';
- get#0(c)
- end (* while *)
- end;
- repeat get#0(c) until (c=10) (* ignore till lf found *)
- end; (* readnode *)
- begin
- readnode; (* readln(ch, frq); *)
- prev:=nil; (* no left forest for first node *)
- repeat
- new(var p);
- if (prev=nil) then lmost:=p; (* record pointer to first node *)
- h[p+char ]:=ch;
- h[p+freq ]:=frq;
- h[p+lst ]:=nil; (* leaves have no subtrees *)
- h[p+rst ]:=nil;
- h[p+lforst]:=prev; (* link to last node read created *)
- h[p+lexp ]:=prev; (* predecessor is also last node created *)
- if (prev<>nil) then begin (* on all but first node . . . *)
- h[prev+rforst ]:=p; (* make previous right forest pointer and *)
- h[prev+lexs ]:=p (* lexicographic successor point to the new node *)
- end;
- prev:=p;
- readnode
- until (ch=sent);
- (* done reading nodes *)
- rmost:=p; (* record pointer to right most node *)
- h[p+rforst]:=nil; (* right most node has no right brother *)
- h[p+lexs ]:=nil (* right most node has no lexicographic successor *)
- end; (* procedure readtree *)
- (*
- given a forest of trees (all leaves when we start), build them
- into a single tree using phase 1 of the hu-tucker algorithm.
- the root of the resultant tree will be in lmost on exit.
- the algorithm is implemented using two internal procedures.the
- first (picklr) chooses two trees for combination, and the
- second (combinelr) combines the two chosen trees to form new
- internal node in the final tree. this process is repeated
- unitl the forest contains only one tree.
- *)
- procedure build1tree;
- var left, rite : word; (* pointers to nodes to be combined *)
- (*
- pick two trees from the forest which satisfy the following
- rules:
- let i and j be pointers to the left and right trees
- i) no external nodes occur between i and j.
- ii) the sum of the weights of i and j is minimal for all i
- and j satisfying rule (i).
- iii) the index i is minimal for all i satisfying rules (i),
- (ii).
- iv) the index j is minimal for all j satisfying rules (i),
- (ii), (iii).
- pointers to the two trees chosen will be left in left and
- rite (respectivly).
- one internal procedure is used to compare the minimum sum
- found so far against the sum of the frequencies of the trees
- under consideration.
- *)
- procedure picklr;
- var i,j : word; (* pointers to left and right nodes which
- are mininimum pair candidates *)
- minsum : word; (* mininimum sum found so far *)
- (*
- compare the sum of the frequencies of nodes i and j. if
- their sum is less than the minimum found so far, then
- record the new minimum (in minsum) and the position of
- i and j as the two best candidates for combining.
- *)
- procedure takemin;
- begin
- if (h[i+freq]+h[j+freq]<minsum) then begin
- minsum:=h[i+freq]+h[j+freq];
- rite:=j; left:=i
- end
- end; (* procedure takemin *)
- begin (* procedure picklr *)
- i:=lmost; (* start with leftmost tree in forest *)
- minsum:=maxint;
- while (h[i+rforst]<>nil) do begin (* more i's to test *)
- j:= h[i+rforst];
- (* compare to internal nodes till exeternal is found *)
- while (h[j+char]=sent) do begin
- takemin;
- j:=h[j+rforst] (* on to the next tree *)
- end;
- (* j now points to only external node candidate *)
- takemin;
- i:=h[i+rforst ] (* move to next tree in forest *)
- end (* while not out of i's *)
- end; (* procedure picklr *)
- (*
- combine the two trees pointed to by left and rite to form a
- new internal node in the final tree. link this new node
- into the existing forest in place of the left tree. the
- rite tree is deleted from the forest. pointers to the
- leftmost and rightmost (lmost and rmost, respectivly) are
- updated in the process. the frequency of the new new node
- becomes the sum of the frequencies of its offspring.
- *)
- procedure combinelr;
- var newn : word; (* pointer to new node created *)
- begin
- new(var newn); (* get pointer to new node on heap *)
- h[newn+char]:=sent; (* init all internal nodes to sent char *)
- h[newn+freq]:=h[left+freq]+h[rite+freq];
- (* link to left and right subtrees (offspring) *)
- h[newn+lst]:=left;
- h[newn+rst]:=rite;
- (* link new node into the forest in place of old left *)
- (* first, make new node to point to its neighbors in the forest *)
- h[newn+lforst ]:=h[left+lforst];
- h[newn+rforst ]:=h[left+rforst];
- (* second, make neighbors point to new node *)
- if (h[left+lforst]<>nil)
- then h[h[left+lforst ]+rforst ]:=newn;
- h[h[left+rforst ]+lforst ]:=newn;
- (* delete rite node *)
- h[h[rite+lforst ]+rforst ]:=h[rite+rforst];
- if (h[rite+rforst]<>nil) (* rite has a right neighbor *)
- then h[h[rite+rforst ]+lforst ]:=h[rite+lforst];
- (* update leftmost and rightmost pointers *)
- if (lmost=left) then lmost:=newn;
- if (rmost=rite) then rmost:=h[rite+lforst]
- end; (* procedure combinelr *)
- begin (* procedure build1tree *)
- repeat
- picklr;
- combinelr;
- put#1('.'); (* show progress on screen . . . *)
- until (lmost=rmost) (* only one node left *)
- end; (* procedure build1tree *)
- (*
- given the tree built in phase 1, traverse it (in order will do)
- and assign a level to each node. then return to the original
- forest of trees (all leaves when we start), build them into a
- single tree using phase 3 of the hu-tucker algorithm. the root
- of the resultant tree will be in lexfirst on exit.
- the algorithm is implemented using two internal procedures.
- the first (picklr) chooses two trees for combination, and the
- second (combinelr) combines the two chosen trees to form a new
- internal node in the final tree. this process is repeated
- unitl the forest contains only one tree.
- the procedure used is very similar to that used to build the
- tree in phase 1.
- *)
- procedure build3tree;
- var maxlev : word; (* largest level in tree *)
- picklev: word; (* level of node now being picked *)
- left : word; (* left most node to be replaced *)
- (*
- setlev will traverse the tree generated in phase 1 and
- assign levels to each of the nodes. also, the deepest
- level reached will be recorded in maxlev on exit.
- *)
- procedure setlev;
- (*
- traverse a node of a tree pointed to by the first
- argument, assigning it the level passed in the second
- argument.
- *)
- procedure travinord(p : word ; curlev : word);
- begin
- if (p<>nil) then begin
- if (curlev>maxlev) then maxlev:=curlev;
- travinord(h[p+lst], curlev+1);
- h[p+lev]:=curlev;
- travinord(h[p+rst], curlev+1)
- end
- end; (* procedure travinord *)
- begin (* procedure setlev *)
- maxlev:=0;
- travinord(lmost, 0) (* root is leftmost node *)
- end; (* procedure setlev *)
- (*
- pick two trees from the forest which satisfy the following
- rules:
- let i and j be pointers to the left and right trees:
- i') the trees i and j must be adjacent in the working
- sequence.
- ii') the levels of trees i and j must be maximal among
- all remaining levels.
- iii') the index i is minimal for all i and j satisfying
- rules (i'), (ii').
- a pointer to the left most chosen will be left in left. the
- right tree chosen is its lexicographic successor.
- *)
- procedure picklr;
- var picked : boolean; (* true if one picked on this lev el *)
- begin
- picked:=false;
- while (picked=false) do begin
- left:=lexfirst; (* start with first node in lexicographic order *)
- while (left<>nil) and (picked<>true) do
- if (h[left+lev]=picklev)
- then picked:=true
- else left:=h[left+lexs];
- if (picked=false) then picklev:=picklev-1
- end (* while *)
- end; (* procedure picklr *)
- (*
- combine the tree pointed to by left and its lexicographic
- successor to form a new internal node in the final tree.
- link this new node into the existing lexicographic sequence
- in place of the left tree and its successor. the pointer to
- the first node in the sequence (lexfirst), is updated in the
- process.
- *)
- procedure combinelr;
- var newn : word; (* pointer to new node created *)
- rite : word; (* pointer to right node being combined *)
- begin
- new(var newn);
- rite:=h[left+lexs]; (* right node is allways next in lex order *)
- h[newn+char]:=sent; (* init all internal nodes to sent char *)
- (* link left and right subtrees to new node *)
- h[newn+lst]:=left;
- h[newn+rst]:=rite;
- (* level of new node is one less than level of its offspring *)
- h[newn+lev]:=h[left+lev]-1;
- h[newn+lexs]:=h[rite+lexs];
- h[newn+lexp]:=h[left+lexp];
- (* link new node in place of left node from left *)
- if (h[left+lexp]<>nil) then (* left has a lex predecessor *)
- h[h[left+lexp]+lexs]:=newn;
- if (h[rite+lexs]<>nil) then (* right has a lex successor *)
- h[h[rite+lexs]+lexp]:=newn;
- if (left=lexfirst) then (* new node becomes lex first *)
- lexfirst:=newn
- end; (* procedure combinelr *)
- begin (* procedure build3tree *)
- setlev; (* compute node levels *)
- put#1(13,10);
- put#1('maxlev =',maxlev#,13,10);
- picklev:=maxlev;
- repeat
- picklr;
- combinelr;
- put#1('.') (* show progress on screen . . . *)
- until (picklev<=1) (* true when all nodes have been picked *)
- end; (* procedure build3tree *)
- (*
- decode a sequence of 1's an 0's read from the standard input
- file into a sequence of characters written to standard output.
- this is done by starting at the root and taking a left when a
- zero is read, a right when a one is read. this is continued
- unitl a leaf is reached, when the character in that leaf is
- printed. this process is repeated until end-of-file is found.
- *)
- procedure decode;
- var eof : boolean;
- ch : word; (* last one or zero read from input *)
- p : word; (* pointer used to traverse tree *)
- procedure getoz;
- begin
- get#0(ch);
- while (ch=13) or (ch=10) or (ch=' ') do
- get#0(ch);
- if (ch=26) then eof:=true
- end; (* procedure getoz *)
- begin (* prodecure decode *)
- put#1(13,10);
- put#1('decoded ', 'message ',13,10);
- eof:=false;
- getoz;
- while (eof=false) do begin
- p:=lexfirst; (* start at root of phase 3 tree *)
- while (h[p+char]=sent) do begin (* while at internal node *)
- if (ch='0')
- then p:=h[p+lst] (* left turn *)
- else p:=h[p+rst]; (* right turn *)
- getoz
- end; (* while at internal node *)
- put#1(h[p+char])
- end (* while not eof *)
- end; (* procedure decode *)
- begin (* main line *)
- hp:=0; (* initialize heap pointer *)
- readtree;
- lexfirst:=lmost; (* first node in lex order is leftmost *)
- build1tree;
- build3tree;
- decode
- end.