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- PPC Users Manual
- How to use the compiler
- =======================
- If you have a file named dog.pas and you want to compile it, you'd
- just type
- submit pc dog
- The compiler will ask "LISTING?". You reply with a single character;
- carriage return means no listing, any other character means yes listing.
- The listing will be sent to the console as the compilation proceeds.
- Any errors detected in the compilation are flagged in this listing.
- At some point (hopefully reasonably near to the point of infraction)
- the error number will be inserted into the listing, enclosed in ">>"
- and "<<". The line following an error will start with "********"
- and otherwise be blank to call attention to the error. The compiler
- will also wait for a single character from the console before
- compilation continues. This is so people with crt's can see the
- error. Error numbers should be looked up in Jensen and Wirth (see
- below). Error number 99 is pound sign ("#") expected.
- The compiler should work with a 32k CP/M and might work in 24k, but
- there are no memory overflow checks. If it hangs or something, you
- probably don't have enough memory.
- On good sized programs, the compiler manages to get about 300-400
- lines of Pascal translated to object per minute. These figures were
- taken on my system with 2mHz Z-80, 8" disk, running under SPEED.
- Compilation speed will fall to less than half this rate without SPEED,
- thus SPEED is strongly recommended. This is particularly true if
- you use the submit file to do the compilation. The run time package
- does only single sector disk buffering and this too makes SPEED
- very important.
- How it all works
- ================
- The program PPC.COM takes your Pascal source and makes a single pass
- over it translating it to a sort of p-code as it goes. This p-code is
- written to disk. PFET.COM reads the p-code file on its first pass,
- assigning 8080 addresses to all p-code labels and storing the p-code
- in memory for the second pass. On its second pass, PFET reads the
- p-code from memory and generates the actual 8080 object code. This
- code is written to a disk file. The last step in compilation is to
- link the generated object code to the run time package. This is done
- by simply using PIP to concatenate the run time package and the object
- file from PFET to produce an executable .COM file. The compiler (PPC)
- is written in Pascal, as is the p-code translator (PFET). The run time
- package is written in assembler.
- Differences from "standard" Pascal
- ==================================
- This section will detail the ways in which ppc deviates from standard
- Pascal as defined in "Pascal User Manual and Report", second ed., K.
- Jensen and N. Wirth.
- Two additional reserved words have been defined: get and put.
- The following words are not now considered reserved, but are
- in standard Pascal, so they should be avoided: file, goto, in, label,
- nil, packed, set, and with.
- The ASCII tab character is an acceptable white space character.
- Comments are begun with the sequence "(*" and ended with "*)".
- Identifiers may be very long, but only the first 8 are significant.
- The data type Boolean is not supported. Relational and logical
- operators may be used only in if statements. The boolean constant
- identifiers true and false are not defined. The not operator is
- not implemented. These are the legal relational and logical
- operators: =, <>, <, <=, >=, >, and, and or.
- The data type integer is available. Values must be in the range -32768 to
- 32767. There are no standard functions such as abs, sqr, trunc, etc.
- The constant maxint is not defined by the compiler. The type integer is
- identical to type word. The following operations are defined on integers:
- * multiply
- / divide and truncate (why use div? int's are all you've got!)
- + add
- - subtract
- Multiplication and division are presently implemented with repeated
- addition and subtraction (gag!). This makes the order of the operands
- critical. If one operand is likely to be less than the other, put the
- lesser operand on the left of the multiplication symbol for best speed.
- Dividing a large number by one takes a long time -- dividing it by zero
- takes forever! (It's not that I'm not aware of the shiftng methods
- of division and multiplication, it's just that I wanted something quick
- and didn't feel like looking up the good routines. I've never felt
- the need to replace these routines with the good ones.)
- Also note that there is no integer negation. If you want negative one,
- write it as 0-1.
- The type real is not supported.
- The type char is not supported, but see type alfa below.
- The type alfa can hold eight characterers. Alfas can be assigned and
- compared just like integers (just don't try to do math on them!).
- All relational operators are defined using the ASCII collating sequence.
- Length can't enter into the compariosn because alfas are always eight
- characters long (it's up to you to supply padding). Alfas may be passed
- as parameters.
- Since files are not supported, the program heading is not needed, and
- in fact, is not allowed. The first thing the compiler expects to see
- are the global constant declarations.
- Goto statements are not supported, therefore label declarations are not
- needed and not permitted.
- Constant declarations are pretty much the same as in regular Pascal,
- except that leading signs are not allowed and character constants
- can be only one character in length. A minor extension is that I put
- in limited compile time constant expressions to make coding the
- translator easier. See the syntax graphs to see where these can be
- used.
- Variable declarations have the restriction that the type must be
- a type identifier and may not be a complex type. Thus
- var months : array [ 1 .. 12 ] of integer;
- is illegal, while
- type mtharray = array [ 1 .. 12 ] of integer;
- var months : mtharray;
- is legal.
- In this implementation, functions can return only integer values.
- This makes it unnecessary (and illegal) to give a function return type
- in the function declaration.
- The case statement is limited in that it cannot accept multiple case
- labels on the same statement. On the other hand, it has been extended
- to allow an else statement which is executed when none of the case
- labels match the expression value. See the syntax graphs for the syntax.
- Single dimensional arrays of integers and alfas (the two "built-in" types)
- are allowed. You can also declare arrays of subrange or enumerated types,
- but these are treated as arrays of integers and take the same amount of
- storage. Of course, arrays of arrays are not allowed, as that would
- be more than one dimension.
- If a simple alfa variable appears with a subscript after it, it is
- treated as though it were an array of integers. This fact can be used
- to get at the individual characters of an alfa variable. For example,
- if "a" is a simple (not an array) alfa variable, then a[0] refers to
- the first two characters. The least significant eight bits would
- contain the first character and the most significant eight bits would
- contain the second character.
- Record types are not allowed. Therefore, there is no need for a with
- statement.
- There is no set type. (However, it shouldn't be too hard to implement
- a 64-bit set type using the p-instructions already around for alfa
- variables . . . ).
- There are no pointer types, and consequently, no new function.
- There are no files and no read or write statements. All input and
- output is done with the put and get statements. These are only vaguely
- similar to the standard Pascal put and get. GET#0 gets one character
- from the input file. PUT#0 sends its output to the output file. PUT#1
- sends its output unconditionally to the console. The arguments to the
- put statements consist of a series of expressions separated by commas.
- If an expression evaluates to an alfa, all eight characters of the alfa
- are printed. Integer expressions followed by a pound sign ('#') will
- print the decimal value of the expression. If no pound sign follows
- the expression, the low eight bits of the expression are sent as one
- character. The input and output files mentioned above can be either
- disk files or console input and output. Which is used depends on what
- is typed on the command line following the compiled .com file when it
- is executed. If the first filename following the .com file name is
- blank or '*', then input characters are taken from the console. If
- it is the name of a disk file, then input comes from that disk file.
- A similar rule applies to the second filename following the command
- and the destiny of the output characters.
- Var parameters are different in that if one parameter to a procedure
- is to be var, then all parameters must be var parameters. This is
- a silly restriction that should be easily removed by any talented
- compiler hacker. There is a also a small kludge to make the compiler's
- job easier; the word var must appear in the call to all procedures
- with var parameters, as well as in the declaration. This is very
- easy to forget an a real nuisance at times. Somebody please fix.
- It is possible to forward declare procedures an functions, but as
- with var parameters, there is a minor syntactic kludge to make the
- compiler's life easier. The forward part is handled in the normal
- way except that you D-O-N-'-T give the parameter list (the compiler
- never checks procedure calls against their declarations anyway!).
- When you actually want to declare the procedure, use the form
- procedure foo(<real parameter list>); backward;
- This gives the compiler a hint it can't miss that this procedure
- was forward declared earlier!