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- ;
- ; AUTHOR Robert A. Van Valzah 8/30/79
- ; LAST REVISED 12/10/79 R.A.V.
- ; REASON changed entry of spalod for hl=lsbyte of alfa
- ;
- ;
- vhu equ 0 ;verision number hundreds
- vtn equ 0 ;version number tens
- vun equ 8 ;version number units
- devrel equ 'R' ;development or release version
- ;
- bdos equ 5
- open equ 15
- close equ 16
- delete equ 19
- readrec equ 20
- writerec equ 21
- make equ 22
- setdma equ 26
- ;
- romorg equ 100h
- org romorg
- jmp startup
- jmp base
- jmp cmpr
- jmp csp0
- jmp csp1
- jmp $
- jmp csp3
- jmp $
- jmp $
- jmp $
- jmp $
- jmp csp8
- jmp csp9
- jmp spalit
- jmp spalod
- jmp spasto
- jmp acmpr
- jmp opr3
- jmp opr4
- jmp opr5
- jmp $
- jmp $
- jmp spcal0
- jmp spcal
- jmp spret
- br ds 2
- ;
- ; insert version number in object
- ;
- db 'RTP REV '
- db vhu+'0', vtn+'0', '.', vun+'0', devrel
- ;
- ; startup sets up the i/o and stacks before transfering to
- ; the object code for execution
- ;
- startup:
- lhld 6 ;set stack under bdos
- mvi l,0
- sphl
- shld br ;inti base reg
- call setio ;set ciflag and coflag
- call openf ;open files if needed
- jmp ocode ;vector to generated object code
- ;
- ; setio sets ciflag to 0ffh (true) if input is to come from
- ; the console (as opposed to 0h if it is to come from disk)
- ; and likewise for coflag for console output
- ;
- setio:
- lda 5dh ;first name byte of fcb1
- mvi b,0ffh ;prepare ciflag value
- cpi ' ' ;blank means console in
- jz set1
- cpi '?' ;? means console in too
- jz set1
- inr b ;reg b = 0
- set1:
- mov a,b ;get ciflag value
- sta ciflag ;store it
- lxi h,ifcb ;copy first name into input fcb
- lxi d,5ch
- call copynam
- lda 6dh ;get first name byte of fcb2
- mvi b,0ffh ;same as above
- cpi ' '
- jz set2
- cpi '?'
- jz set2
- inr b
- set2:
- mov a,b
- sta coflag
- lxi h,ofcb ;copy second name into output fcb
- lxi d,6ch
- call copynam
- ret
- ;
- ; copynam moves a file name from de to hl.
- ; clobbers reg hl, de, b, a.
- ;
- copynam:
- mvi b,12 ;filename length
- cn1:
- ldax d ;get from source
- mov m,a ;put to dest
- inx d
- inx h
- dcr b
- jnz cn1
- ret
- ;
- ; openf opens the file name in fcb1 for input if ciflag is
- ; false and opens the name in fcb2 for output if coflag is
- ; false
- ;
- openf:
- lda ciflag ;get ciflag
- ora a
- jnz op1 ;skip open if true
- xra a ;zap fcbnr
- sta ifcb+32
- lxi d,ifcb
- mvi c,open
- call bdos
- inr a
- jz diskerr ;not found
- lxi h,ibuf+80h ;init input buffer pointer
- shld iptr
- op1:
- lda coflag ;get coflag
- ora a
- rnz ;skip open if true
- lxi d,ofcb
- mvi c,delete
- call bdos
- lxi d,ofcb
- mvi c,make
- call bdos
- inr a
- jz diskerr ;no idrectory space
- xra a ;zap fcbnr
- sta ofcb+32
- lxi h,obuf ;init output buffer pointer
- shld optr
- ret
- ;
- ; base follow static links back reg a levels, return base
- ; in reg hl
- ;
- base:
- lhld br ;start with current base
- follow:
- mov e,m ;get a link to reg de
- inx h
- mov d,m
- xchg ;link to reg hl
- dcr a ;enough links followed?
- jnz follow ;no
- ret ;yes
- ;
- ; cmpr is called to set flags like (top)-(top-1) before
- ; the call to cmpr
- ; returns reg a non zero if zero flag is reset
- ;
- cmpr:
- pop h ;cmpr return address to reg hl
- pop d ;(top) to reg de
- xthl ;(top-1) to reg hl, return address to stack
- mov a,d ;compare signs
- xra h
- jp samsin ;same sign - unsigned compare ok
- mov a,d ;opposite sign
- ral
- mvi a,0ffh ;return nonzero value
- ret
- samsin:
- mov a,d ;compre msb's
- sub h
- rnz
- mov a,e
- sub l
- ret
- ;
- ; gets gets a character from the pasacl input file. it
- ; comes from the console if ciflag is true, else from disk.
- ; char returned in reg a.
- ;
- gets:
- lda ciflag
- ora a
- jnz ci ;in from console
- lda idev
- ora a
- jnz ci
- call idiskch ;intput disk character
- ret
- ci:
- mvi c,1
- call bdos
- ret
- ;
- ; idiskch gets a character from the input disk file to reg a
- ;
- idiskch:
- lhld iptr
- mov a,l
- cpi (ibuf+80h) and 0ffh
- jnz noread ;dont have to read record
- lxi d,ibuf
- mvi c,setdma
- call bdos
- mvi c,readrec
- lxi d,ifcb
- call bdos
- ora a
- jnz diskerr
- lxi d,80h ;restore dma address
- mvi c,setdma
- call bdos
- lxi h,ibuf
- noread:
- mov a,m ;get character
- inx h
- shld iptr ;update pointer
- ret
- ;
- ; putd puts a character to the pascal output file. it goes
- ; to the console if coflag is true, else to the disk.
- ; char is passed in reg a.
- ;
- putd:
- mov c,a ;save char while testing coflag
- lda coflag
- ora a
- jnz co ;out to console
- lda odev ;get output device
- ora a
- jnz co ;only device zero can go to disk
- mov a,c ;get character back
- call odiskch ;out to disk
- ret
- co:
- mov e,c ;get character back
- mvi c,2
- call bdos
- ret
- ;
- ; odiskch sends the character in reg to the disk output file
- ;
- odiskch:
- push psw
- lhld optr ;see if past end of out buffer
- mov a,l
- cpi (obuf+80h) and 0ffh
- jnz nowrite ;nope
- lxi d,obuf
- mvi c,setdma
- call bdos
- lxi d,ofcb
- mvi c,writerec
- call bdos
- ora a
- jnz diskerr
- lxi d,80h ;restore dma address
- mvi c,setdma
- call bdos
- lxi h,obuf
- nowrite:
- pop psw
- mov m,a ;store in buffer
- inx h
- shld optr ;save new pointer
- ret
- ;
- ; csp0 read a character and push it to stack
- ;
- csp0:
- sta idev ;save input device
- call gets
- mov l,a
- mvi h,0
- xthl
- pchl
- ;
- ; csp1 pop stack and write it as a character
- ;
- csp1:
- sta odev ;save output device for putd
- pop h ;csp1 return address to reg hl
- xthl ;return adr to stack, (top) to reg hl
- mov a,l ;char to reg a for putd
- call putd
- ret
- ;
- ; prthl prints the contents of reg hl as a decimal number
- ; on the pascal output file
- ;
- prthl:
- lxi b,-10 ;divisor
- setup:
- lxi d,-1 ;quotient
- sub10:
- dad b ;divide by continued subtraction
- inx d ;update quotient
- jc sub10 ;keep dividing till under draft
- mvi a,10 ;get remainder to reg a
- add l
- push psw ;save on stack
- xchg ;quotient to reg hl
- mov a,h ;any digits left?
- ora l
- cnz setup ;yes - recurse to print next digit
- pop psw ;no - get digits to print from
- adi '0' ;stack in reverse order & convert
- jmp putd ;to ascii and print 'em
- ;
- ; csp3 pops the stack and writes it as a decimal number to
- ; the pascal output file
- ;
- csp3:
- sta odev ;save output device for putd
- pop h ;get return address to reg hl
- xthl ;(top) to reg hl, return address back to stack
- call prthl ;print
- ret
- ;
- ; csp8 prints the alfa variable on the stack
- ;
- csp8:
- sta odev ;save output device for putd
- mvi d,4 ;number of words to pop
- csp81:
- pop h ;top word from stack to hl
- xthl
- push d ;save word count
- push h ;save ms char of word
- mov a,l ;print ls char of word
- call putd
- pop h ;get word again
- mov a,h ;print ms char of word
- call putd
- pop d ;get word count
- dcr d ;doen all 4 words?
- jnz csp81 ;nope
- ret
- ;
- ; csp9 returns control to the operating system (boots)
- ;
- csp9:
- lda coflag ;was output to console?
- ora a
- jnz 0 ;yes - just return to cp/m
- seof:
- mvi a,1ah ;send eof character
- call odiskch
- lda optr
- cpi (obuf+1) and 0ffh
- jnz seof ;until last record has been written
- lxi d,ofcb
- mvi c,close
- call bdos ;close output file
- inr a
- jz diskerr
- jmp 0
- diskerr:
- lxi d,errmsg
- mvi c,9
- call bdos
- jmp 0
- errmsg: db 'disk error$'
- ;
- ; spalit takes the eight bytes following the call to it
- ; and pushes them into the stack
- ;
- spalit:
- pop h ;return address to reg hl
- mvi a,4 ;eight bytes is four words
- moralit:
- mov d,m ;get a word from code and . . .
- inx h
- mov e,m
- inx h
- push d ;push it into the stack
- dcr a ;done all words?
- jnz moralit ;no
- pchl ;return to byte following dw's
- ;
- ; spalod enter with a pointer to lsbyte (first character)
- ; of alfa variable and it
- ; pushes the variable into the stack
- ;
- spalod:
- lxi b,7 ;bias hl to point to msbyte
- dad b
- pop b ;get return address to reg b
- mvi a,4 ;four words per alfa
- moralod:
- mov d,m ;get a word from the alfa
- dcx h
- mov e,m
- dcx h
- push d ;and push it into the stack
- dcr a ;done all words yet?
- jnz moralod ;no
- mov h,b ;pchl to return address
- mov l,c
- pchl
- ;
- ; spasto enter with reg hl pointing to lsbyte (first character)
- ; of an alfa variable,
- ; an alfa is popped from the stack and stored at reg hl
- ;
- spasto:
- pop b ;get return address
- mvi a,4 ;four words per alfa
- morasto:
- pop d ;get a word from the stack
- mov m,e ;and store it into alfa
- inx h
- mov m,d
- inx h
- dcr a ;done all words yet
- jnz morasto ;no
- mov h,b ;pchl to return address
- mov l,c
- pchl
- ;
- ; acmpr compares two alfa variables on the stack, sets flags
- ; like (top)-(top-1)
- ;
- acmpr:
- lxi h,18 ;compute stack pointer after
- dad sp ;compare is done
- push h ;save it
- lxi d,-8 ;compute address of top-1
- dad d
- xchg ;top-1 ptr to reg de
- dad d ;top ptr to reg hl
- xchg ;top ptr to reg de, top-1 to hl
- mvi c,8 ;chars per alfa
- moracmp:
- ldax d
- cmp m
- jnz exitacm ;miscompare - return with flags
- inx h
- inx d
- dcr c
- jnz moracmp ;not done comparing
- exitacm:
- pop h ;new stack pointer to reg hl
- pop d ;return address to reg de
- sphl
- xchg
- pchl
- ;
- ; opr3 subtracts (top) from (top-1)
- ;
- opr3:
- pop h ;return address to reg hl
- pop d ;(top) to reg de
- xthl ;put back return address, (top-1) to hl
- xra a ;negate reg de, holding (top)
- sub e
- mov e,a
- sbb d
- sub e
- mov d,a
- dad d ;add -(top) to (top-1)
- xthl ;leave restult on stack and return
- pchl ;address in reg hl
- ;
- ; opr4 multiply (top) by (top-1)
- ;
- opr4:
- pop h
- pop d
- xthl
- push b
- mov b,h
- mov c,l
- lxi h,0
- mulmor:
- mov a,c
- ora b
- jz muldone
- dcx b
- dad d
- jmp mulmor
- muldone:
- pop b
- xthl
- pchl
- ;
- ; opr5 divides (top-1) by (top)
- ;
- opr5:
- pop h
- pop d
- xthl
- push b
- xra a ;negate reg de
- sub e
- mov e,a
- sbb d
- sub e
- mov d,a
- lxi b,-1
- mordiv:
- inx b
- dad d
- jc mordiv
- mov h,b
- mov l,c
- pop b
- xthl
- pchl
- ;
- ; call here with adr to call in reg de
- ;
- spcal0:
- lhld br
- push h ;static link
- push h ;dynamic link
- lxi h,0
- dad sp
- shld br
- xchg ;pchl to address to call
- pchl
- ;
- ; call here with level difference in reg a and
- ; address to call in reg de
- ;
- spcal:
- lhld br ;dynamic link
- push h
- push d ;save call address
- call follow ;get static link
- xthl ;static link to stack, call addresss to hl
- xchg ;call address to reg de
- lxi h,0
- dad sp
- shld br
- xchg ;pchl to call address
- pchl
- ;
- ; jump here to return from a procedure
- ;
- spret:
- lhld br ;get old sp back
- sphl
- pop psw ;pop and ignore static link
- pop h ;dynamic link
- shld br ;restore base register
- ret
- ;
- ifcb db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;a few too many
- ofcb db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ciflag db 0
- coflag db 0
- odev db 0
- idev db 0
- ;
- iptr ds 2
- optr ds 2
- ibuf ds 128
- obuf ds 128
- ;
- org (($-1) and 0ff00h) + 100h
- ocode: ;start of compiled code
- ;
- end romorg