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- /* ADVENT.H revised header for BDS c vers 1.43 */
- #define MAXLOC 150
- #define MAXOBJ 100
- #define WORDSIZE 20
- #define EOF 0x1a
- #define MAXTRAV 20
- #define DWARFMAX 7
- #define MAXDIE 3
- #define MAXTRS 79
- #define MAXVFAST 1800
- #define MAXVVAL 300
- /*
- Object definitions
- */
- #define KEYS 1
- #define LAMP 2
- #define GRATE 3
- #define CAGE 4
- #define ROD 5
- #define ROD2 6
- #define STEPS 7
- #define BIRD 8
- #define DOOR 9
- #define PILLOW 10
- #define SNAKE 11
- #define FISSURE 12
- #define TABLET 13
- #define CLAM 14
- #define OYSTER 15
- #define MAGAZINE 16
- #define DWARF 17
- #define KNIFE 18
- #define FOOD 19
- #define BOTTLE 20
- #define WATER 21
- #define OIL 22
- #define MIRROR 23
- #define PLANT 24
- #define PLANT2 25
- #define AXE 28
- #define DRAGON 31
- #define CHASM 32
- #define TROLL 33
- #define TROLL2 34
- #define BEAR 35
- #define MESSAGE 36
- #define VEND 38
- #define BATTERIES 39
- #define NUGGET 50
- #define COINS 54
- #define CHEST 55
- #define EGGS 56
- #define TRIDENT 57
- #define VASE 58
- #define EMERALD 59
- #define PYRAMID 60
- #define PEARL 61
- #define RUG 62
- #define SPICES 63
- #define CHAIN 64
- /*
- Verb definitions
- */
- #define NULLX 21
- #define BACK 8
- #define LOOK 57
- #define CAVE 67
- #define ENTRANCE 64
- #define DEPRESSION 63
- /*
- Action verb definitions
- */
- #define TAKE 1
- #define DROP 2
- #define SAY 3
- #define OPEN 4
- #define NOTHING 5
- #define LOCK 6
- #define ON 7
- #define OFF 8
- #define WAVE 9
- #define CALM 10
- #define WALK 11
- #define KILL 12
- #define POUR 13
- #define EAT 14
- #define DRINK 15
- #define RUB 16
- #define THROW 17
- #define QUIT 18
- #define FIND 19
- #define INVENTORY 20
- #define FEED 21
- #define FILL 22
- #define BLAST 23
- #define SCORE 24
- #define FOO 25
- #define BRIEF 26
- #define READ 27
- #define BREAK 28
- #define WAKE 29
- #define SUSPEND 30
- #define HOURS 31
- #define LOG 32
- /*
- Bits of array cond
- indicating location status
- */
- #define LIGHT 1
- #define WATOIL 2
- #define LIQUID 4
- #define NOPIRAT 8
- #define HINTC 16
- #define HINTB 32
- #define HINTS 64
- #define HINTM 128
- #define HINT 240
- #define SECSIZ 128 /* Sector size for CP/M read/write calls */
- /*
- The NSECTS symbol controls the compilation of the buffered
- I/O routines within STDLIB2.C, allowing each user to set the
- buffer size most convenient for his system, while keeping
- the numbers totally invisible to the C source programs using
- buffered I/O (via the BUFSIZ defined symbol.) For larger
- NSECTS, the disk I/O is faster...but more ram is taken up.
- Note that pre-1.4 versions of the library functions
- were not set up to support this customizable buffer size,
- and always compiled as if NSECTS were 1 in this version. To
- change the buffer size allocation, follow these steps:
- 1) Alter NSECTS to the desired value here in bdscio.h
- 2) Re-compile STDLIB1.C and STDLIB2.C
- 3) Use CLIB to combine STDLIB1.CRL and STDLIB2.CRL to make
- a new DEFF.CRL.
- Make sure you use declare all your I/O buffers with the a
- statement such as:
- char buf_name[BUFSIZ];
- instead of the older and now obsolete:
- char buf_name[134];
- (and always #include "bdscio.h" in your programs!)
- */
- #define NSECTS 8 /* Number of sectors to buffer up in ram */
- #define BUFSIZ (NSECTS * SECSIZ + 6 ) /* Don't touch this */
- struct _buf { /* Or this... */
- int _fd;
- int _nleft;
- char *_nextp;
- char _buff[NSECTS * SECSIZ];
- };
- /*
- Adventure global variables
- */
- /*
- Database variables
- */
- char dbuff[BUFSIZ];
- int fd[7];
- struct trav {
- int tdest;
- int tverb;
- int tcond;
- } travel[MAXTRAV];
- int idx1[MAXLOC/10];
- int idx2[MAXLOC/10];
- int idx3[MAXLOC/10];
- int idx6[30];
- char actmsg[32]; /* action messages */
- char fastverb[MAXVFAST];
- int fastvval[MAXVVAL];
- int fastvseek;
- /*
- English variables
- */
- char verb,object,motion;
- char word1[WORDSIZE],word2[WORDSIZE];
- /*
- Play variables
- */
- int turns;
- char loc,oldloc,oldloc2,newloc; /* location variables */
- char cond[MAXLOC]; /* location status */
- int place[MAXOBJ]; /* object location */
- int fixed[MAXOBJ]; /* second object loc */
- char visited[MAXLOC]; /* >0 if has been here*/
- int prop[MAXOBJ]; /* status of object */
- int tally,tally2; /* item counts */
- int limit; /* time limit */
- int lmwarn; /* lamp warning flag */
- char wzdark,closing,closed; /* game state flags */
- char holding; /* count of held items*/
- char detail; /* LOOK count */
- int knfloc; /* knife location */
- int clock,clock2,panic; /* timing variables */
- int dloc[DWARFMAX]; /* dwarf locations */
- char dflag; /* dwarf flag */
- char dseen[DWARFMAX]; /* dwarf seen flag */
- int odloc[DWARFMAX]; /* dwarf old locations */
- int daltloc; /* alternate appearance */
- char dkill; /* dwarves killed */
- int chloc,chloc2; /* chest locations */
- char bonus; /* to pass to end */
- char numdie; /* number of deaths */
- char object1; /* to help intrans. */
- char gaveup; /* 1 if he quit early */
- int foobar; /* fie fie foe foo... */
- char saveflg; /* if game being saved */
- char dbgflg; /* if game is in restart */
- char lastglob; /* to get space req. */
- /*endglobal*/